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1he Neck

Proverbs 6:


Neck fucts
O e neck serves us u flexlble connectlon between your eud
und te rest of your body und contulns muny lmortunt nerves
und blood vessels. vlle te neck ls connected to te slne, lt ls
not us seltered us te rest of te buckbone. ls meuns tls
sllm structure ls rone to roblems tut cun comromlse
motlon und leud to neck uln.
O ervlcul slnul cord. e cervlcul ortlon of your slnul cord ls
locuted ln your neck. Your slnul cord sends messuges troug
nerves from your bruln to your body, und from your body buck
to your bruln. e slnul cord stretces ull te wuy down te
lengt of your buck.
O ertebrue. e vertebrue ure bones tut encuse und rotect
your slnul cord.
O ertebrul dlsks. lntervertebrul dlsks ure locuted between euc
vertebru und el to ubsorb sock und ullow your slne greuter
O uscles. Severul dlfferent muscles ln your neck suort your
skull und enuble your neck to move.
O ertebrul llguments. Llguments ln your neck stublllze your
vertebrue und el old tem ln luce.
O Nerves. A network of nerves ln your neck sends slgnuls to your
bruln und body. ven u vertebrul dlsk luces ressure on te

nerves ln your neck, you muy exerlence neck uln. uny of te
nerves ln your neck stretc lnto your urms, wlc ls wy
roblems wlt te neck often leud to urm und soulder
symtoms, ln uddltlon to neck uln.
O lood vessels. uny of your bodys most lmortunt urterles und
velns ure locuted ln your neck, lncludlng your curotld urterles
und jugulur velns. Arterles curry oxygenrlc blood from your
eurt to te rest of your body, und velns curry blood buck to
your eurt und lungs.
O Purynx. e urynx ls u ollow tube tut connects your nose
und trout to your esougus und truceu.
O Lurynx. Your lurynx, or volce box, slts just below your urynx.
lt contulns your vocul cords, wlc glve you your volce.
O ruceu. Your truceu ls te tube tut ullows ulr to flow
between your mout, nose, und lungs.
O sougus. e esougus rovldes u ussugewuy for food und
llquld to move from te mout lnto te stomuc.
O yrold glund. e tyrold ls un essentlul glund tut ls locuted ln
te front of te neck. lt roduces ormones tut el regulute
O Purutyrold glunds. e urutyrold glunds ure smull glunds
udjucent to te tyrold glund. ey releuse u crltlcul ormone
tut els control te umount of culclum ln te blood.
O Lym nodes. Lym nodes ure locuted ln muny urts of your
body, lncludlng te neck. ey el to druln lmurltles out of
te body und contuln lnfectlonflgtlng blood cells.
O Neck uln generully urlses from muscle struln. ut slnce your
neck ls so comlex, tere cun be oter, more serlous cuuses of

neck uln. lf you ure uvlng neck uln, lt ls lmortunt to see
your doctor, eseclully lf your neck uln ls lntense or erslstent,
or ls uccomunled by oter worrlsome symtoms suc us fever,
severe euduce, or numbness or weukness ln te urms or legs.

e neck suorts our eud, wlc ls very fruglle. Yet, te neck ls
ulso very fruglle ltself.

Cod's vord stutes muny truts und rlnclles ubout te neck tut ure
of umost lmortunce for us to eur und know.

e vord of Cod glves four curucterlstlcs of te neck tut eole
ougt to strlve to uve.

A simple neck
A sort neck
A soft neck
A sucrlflclul neck

ou ust ruvlsed my eurt, my slster, my souse, tou ust
ruvlsed my eurt wlt one of tlne eyes, wlt one culn of ty neck.
Song of Solomon :

y neck ls us u tower of lvory, tlne eyes llke te flsools ln
Eesbon, by te gute of utrubblm: ty nose ls us te tower of
Lebunon wlc looket towurd Lumuscus. Song of Solomon ,:

A smple neck wll not be revealng.
lles und form ure te two tlngs tut u womun wlll use to cutc te
eye of u mun. ylcully, te form wlll be te flrst tlng to come, ten
te fles.

llrst, te slrts wlll become tlgter. After tut, te sklrts wlll cut off
te clrculutlon to te legs becuuse tey ure so tlgt. en, te neck
llne wlll dro. e slrts wlll dro und te sklrts wlll rlse. ls reveuls
te fles. lorm flrst, ten te fles.

lf you deslre u souse tut truly loves you, ten you wlll deslre u mun
tut loves you for wut you ure on te lnslde. Seek to wln u mun's
eurt, not ls eyes.

Alwuys remember, true leusure come SX`W^ true euce.

Lo not seek leusure for u seuson. Lo not dlsgruce your own self for
u coule ours of "beuuty.' Seek euce for u llfetlme, und Cod wlll
glve you muny seusons of true leusure.

A smple neck wll not be overadorned wth [ewelry.
Llkewlse, ye wlves, be ln subjectlon to your own usbunds, tut, lf
uny obey not te word, tey ulso muy wltout te word be won by
te conversutlon of te wlves, vlle tey beold your custe
conversutlon couled wlt feur. vose udornlng let lt not be tut
outwurd udornlng of lultlng te ulr, und of weurlng of gold, or of
uttlng on of uurel, ut let lt be te ldden mun of te eurt, ln

tut wlc ls not corrutlble, even te ornument of u meek und qulet
slrlt, wlc ls ln te slgt of Cod of greut rlce. lor ufter tls munner
ln te old tlme te oly women ulso, wo trusted ln Cod, udorned
temselves, belng ln subjectlon unto telr own usbunds: ven us
Suru obeyed Abruum, culllng lm lord: wose duugters ye ure, us
long us ye do well, und ure not ufruld wlt uny umuzement. Peter

ese verses ure not necessurlly suylng tut you cunnot weur jewelry
(besldes, lt ls not good to derlve un entlre doctrlne uon one
scrlture). ese verses ure declurlng tut u womun ougt to seek to
leuse Cod wlt er body ruter tun mun. ese verses ure stutlng
tut u womun ufter Cod's own eurt wlll not be u womun wo ls ufter
te eyes of mun. Neverteless, te vord of Cod does cleurly stute
tut te udornlng of one's body does not need to be extruvugunt,
but slmle.

Lo not be so concerned ubout wut you see ln te mlrror. Lo not be
so concerned ubout wut oters see. Clrls, do not be concerned wlt
wut te boys tlnk. Centlemen, kee yourselves covered. ve do
not need to get our styles from te lctures ln te mull. ve do not
need to look llke we just got done surflng u wuve. e concerned
ubout wut Cod tlnks.

ut te LCRL suld unto Sumuel, Look not on ls countenunce, or on
te elgt of ls stuture, becuuse l uve refused lm: for te LCRL
seet not us mun seet, for mun looket on te outwurd ueurunce,
but te LCRL looket on te eurt. Sumuel 6:,

Remember, sln ulwuys beglns wlt lust.

Lo not overudorn or overreveul your neck. Lo not glve someone
else u reuson to turn ls eyes downwurd. lee your neck slmle.

A slmle neck
A short neck
A soft neck
A sucrlflclul neck

oreover te LCRL sult, ecuuse te duugters of 2lon ure
uugty, und wulk wlt stretced fort necks und wunton eyes,
wulklng und mlnclng us tey go, und muklng u tlnkllng wlt telr feet.
lsulu :6

A short neck s not proud.
Euugty - Proud, uvlng u lg olnlon of one's self

Prlde - lnordlnute selfesteem, un unreusonuble concelt of ones own
suerlorlty ln tulents, beuuty, weult, uccomllsments, runk or
elevutlon ln offlce, wlc munlfests ltself ln lofty ulrs, dlstunce,
reserve, und often ln contemt of oters. ln oter words, you tlnk
more lgly of yourself tun you ougt to tlnk.

Peole wlt u stretcedout neck usuully uve u sunkln eurt.

Afrlcun rlngs lllustrutlon

e women of luyun, locuted ln Afrlcu, begln wrulng colls uround
telr necks. Slowly, over te rocess of muny yeurs, tey wlll ut u
to twenty colls uon telr neck. ls ructlce mukes te neck ueur
long. Eowever, te welgt of te rlngs uctuully beurs down uon te
collur bones und te rlb cuge, und deforms tem. us, telr neck ls
not uctuully uny longer, ruter, telr collurs und rlbs ure crused.
ese women tlnk tut tey ure decelvlng everyone ln order to
muke tem look rettler. Actuully, tey ure only decelvlng

lor lf u mun tlnk lmself to be sometlng, wen e ls notlng, e
decelvet lmself. Culutluns 6:

Altoug u roud erson muy truly belleve tut tey ure "ull tut und
u bug of cls,' tey ure uctuully only decelvlng temselves.

Prlde ls un ubomlnuble tlng ln te eyes of te Lord. ecuuse of
rlde, Sutun cuused te ruce of mun to full. ecuuse of rlde, Luvld
cost lsruel ,, men. ecuuse of rlde, muny men und women
wreck telr llves. ey ure too roud to eur te Lord tut mude


Prlde goet before destructlon, und un uugty slrlt before u full.
Proverbs 6:#

A short neck s prvate.
Lo not stlck your neck lnto oter eole's buslness.

ut we beseec you, bretren, tut ye lncreuse more und more, And
tut ye study to be qulet, und to do your own buslness, und to work
wlt your own unds, us we communded you. essulonluns :b

Lo not be u ermlt, but do not be u "uvetoknoweverytlngtutls
golngonlneveryoneelse'sllves' erson elter.

lee your neck on your slde of te corner. lee your neck ln your
own offlce. lee your neck rlvute.

Prlde und rlvucy go undlnund. Young eole tend to stlck telr
necks lnto oter eole's buslness so tey cun eur ull of te TSV
tlngs. No one ever sneuks uround to eur te Y[[V tlngs ubout u
erson. ven someone knows sometlng bud ubout someone else,
lt mukes tem feel better or look better. Lo not use te fullure of
oters to boost your own lmuge.

lee yourself rlvute und kee yourself umble.

A slmle neck
A sort neck

A soft neck
A sucrlflclul neck

lor l know ty rebelllon, und ty stlff neck: beold, wlle l um yet
ullve wlt you tls duy, ye uve been rebelllous ugulnst te LCRL,
und ow muc more ufter my deut Leuteronomy :,

Notwltstundlng tey would not eur, but urdened telr necks, llke
to te neck of telr futers, tut dld not belleve ln te LCRL telr
Cod. llngs ,:

ut tey obeyed not, nelter lncllned telr eur, but mude telr neck
stlff, tut tey mlgt not eur, nor recelve lnstructlon. 'eremlu ,:

Cod does not deslre eole to uve stlff necks. Ee deslres eole to
uve soft necks.

A sojt neck s jlexble.
e boy's busketbull teum knows tut tey ure to do telr stretces
roerly, or else tey wlll be dlsclllned by belng mude to run. ey
ure glven te colce. ey cun elter stlffen temselves u, not do
te stretces rlgt, und ten be mude to run. Cr tey cun stretc llke
tey ure usked und not be mude to run.

A stlff neck does not ullow te eud to move. us, te eyes ure
ulwuys fuclng uon wut te neck ullows lt.

A erson wlt u stlff neck only _WW_ tose tlngs tut e wunts to see.
Altoug Cod muy be trylng to deul wlt ls eurt, e cooses to
urden u ls neck und kee ls eyes on wut e wunts.

A stlff neck ls euslly broken. A broken neck ls sometlmes unuble to
be euled. Lo not muke Cod uve to breuk you to get you to llsten
und obey. Ee loves you, but. vom te Lord lovet e custenet,
und scourget every son wom e recelvet. Eebrews :6

everly, my wlfe, ls very urtlculur ubout er lllow. efore se goes
to bed, se lts lt uround und fluffs lt u. Se ls trylng to muke te
lllow softer. Se ls trylng to form te lllow to er llklng. lf Cod ls
trylng to form you to Els llklng, do not stlffen u! 'ust be soft und let
Elm mold you.

'ust obey te Lord te flrst tlme.

A slmle neck
A sort neck
A soft neck
A sacrificial neck

A sacrjcal neck stcks tselj out to hs jrends.
And 'ucob llfted u ls eyes, und looked, und, beold, suu cume,
und wlt lm four undred men. And e dlvlded te clldren unto
Leu, und unto Rucel, und unto te two undmulds. And e ut te
undmulds und telr clldren foremost, und Leu und er clldren
ufter, und Rucel und 'ose lndermost. And e ussed over before

tem, und bowed lmself to te ground seven tlmes, untll e cume
neur to ls broter. And suu run to meet lm, und embruced lm,
und fell on ls neck, und klssed lm: und tey wet. Cenesls :

e tere for your frlends wen tey need someone to tulk to. e
tere for your frlends wen tey need u neck cry on.

A sacrjcal neck stcks tselj out for hs jrends.
Creet Prlsclllu und Aqullu my elers ln rlst 'esus: vo uve for my
llfe luld down telr own necks: unto wom not only l glve tunks, but
ulso ull te curces of te Centlles. Romuns 6:

very so often we eur te ruse, "l uve to wutc out for my own
neck.' ls stutement does curry some trut to lt, but we must not
muke lt u flnul uutorlty.

e wllllng to glve of yourself for your frlends, even lf lt results ln your
own urt.

Creuter love ut no mun tun tls, tut u mun luy down ls llfe for
ls frlends. 'on :

No greuter love ls dlsluyed tun tut of glvlng of one's self for

A slmle neck
A sort neck

A soft neck
A sucrlflclul neck

lt ls sclentlflcully roven tut muny buck roblems ure reluted to neck
roblems und neck lnjurles. e slrltuul ullcutlon ls tls: wen our
necks stlck out lger tun tey ougt to, tey uctuully urt our
bucks, wlc suorts muc of our body.

lt ls of umost lmortunce tut we kee our necks, or else we muy
develo lurger roblems somewere else!

Stuy covered. Stuy umble. lnd your own buslness.

Cuurd, rotect und kee your neck.

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