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Standing Shoulder To Shoulder Together As We Fight the Good Fight of Faith A personal letter of encouragement to You, written solely

to "lift up hands that hang down".

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"If the Church's agenda is not The Kingdom agenda, it's the wrong agenda, no matter how good it looks or how successful it appears." ---- T. Allen Robburts +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Shoulder To Shoulder #591 ---- 4/6/09 Title: "Revival ---- Part Six (Historical Indicators -- Yesterday and Today)" My Dear Friend and Fellow Kingdom Builder: We are in the throes of a typical ongoing war between Winter and Spring with battles raging between sunshine and storms, blue skies and clouds, breezes and freezes. Such is life in southwestern Missouri. Saturday was warm and sunny with temperatures in the low 70's . . . teasing the blossoms to emerge and then trying to blow them off with gusts up to 60 mph. Temps dropped into the 20's that night, and Sunday's daybreak revealed a cloudy overcast sky with temperatures remaining below the mid 40's as the winds continued. Such weather patterns seem to continually remind us that, no matter how much we think we have it together, there are some things that we simply cannot control . . . God continues having the last word in all things.

This 'N That: + David Martin, Executive Vice President of Media Research Center recently tried to summarize the continuing trend he has charted in our current American arena. Some are calling it the "spiraling road to extinction", and they may not be too far off base. Martin listed the following things that are happening as we speak, and sees them all as very dangerous signs of impending catastrophe: > Socialized healthcare > A new UN Global Warming Carbon regime > Endless Corporate bailouts in the TRILLIONS of dollars > Key Government Appointees devaluing our dollar . . . and pushing for the adoption of a European currency.. > At least a doubling of our National Debt . . . more than Two Trillion dollars in new taxes - thrust on to the already sagging shoulders of American taxpayers. Others have identified the following as well: > Hyper-promotion of and the "glorification" of the current American presidency as someone who can and will "fix" everything. > Progressively diminishing America's support of Israel and embracing the political Palestinian cause. > Increasing "big brother" shadow created by bigger governmental bureaucracy. > Growing presumption among Christians that God won't judge America because she supports Israel. > Continuing disregard for America's Judeo-Christian roots and history. > Increasing attempts to silence the voice of conservative thought and morality. > Growing disrespect for human life and family values. > Intensifying opposition to, respect for, and freedom of religion. > Continued silence and toleration of Christians toward such developments -- the salt has become tasteless, the light has dimmed to a flicker.

+ BBC recently reported that Sweden will offer marriage licenses to same-sex couples starting May 1. The new law also enables couples to marry in religious ceremonies, but gives pastors and churches the right to refrain from performing ceremonies. The Lutheran Church, which is the largest denomination in Sweden, reportedly supports the new law, though individual clergy may opt out. Parliament overwhelmingly approved the measure on April 1. "Unfortunately this is not an April Fool's Day joke, this is reality," Yvonne Andersson, member of the Swedish parliament for the Christian Democrats, wrote on the party's Web site following the vote. Sweden is the fifth European country to approve same-sex marriages; Canada and South Africa have also approved them. + Recently I've spent considerable time trying to locate some of my "long lost friends" with whom I lost contact over the past six years living in Ukraine. I can say without exaggeration that I've looked at well over 1,000 church websites in the process . . . and what I've frequently seen has brought on a deep and dark grief to my heart. If you want to get a sense of a church's true spirit, perusing its website often gives helpful insight. Ranging from crude amateurism to Hollywoodized gaudiness, these websites tell the story of the vision, the heart, the priorities, and the motives of the church's leadership. While many websites inspired me and made me want to join that church, others caused me to shudder in shock and disappointing disbelief. Some of the evidences I saw were not new ---- things such as . . . . Identifying the pastor as a paid staff member or "hired gun". Elevating menial tasks and diminishing priority tasks. Presenting the church as a business rather than the Body of Christ. Portraying the church as an institution rather than a fellowship of caring people. Attempts to recover New Testament zeal by varying polity or structure. Self-promotion as "the" church. Focus on beliefs instead of kingdom work. Sense of exclusivism and isolationism. Style and form of preaching and/or worship. Arrogant and prideful presentation as superior to others. And, the list could go on. As you probably remember, I've battled for many years over just how a church should identify itself and present itself in its community. I am gravely concerned that spiritual discernment and alertness to Satan's subtle tactics to side-track churches and denominations has been highly successful in far too many instances. It is clear that many minor things have become the major thing, and the major thing has become hidden by the bevy of minor things. It's no wonder that many churches can be satisfied with mediocre success to the exclusion of major victories that Christ has in mind.

Revival -- Necessary: In my last letter I posed the question as to whether or not revival, as we understand it, is necessary or unnecessary. My answer was, "Yes". + Not Necessary: I noted that revival in the Church is not necessary . . . > The very person of Christ has His rightful place of sovereignty in your life. > The absolute purpose of Christ has become yours without limits or restrictions. > The unlimited life and power of Christ is unrestrained and free from your grip. > The very ministry of Jesus Christ has become yours and is consistently expressed through you. > Christ's agenda of His Kingdom has become your sole agenda that drives you in every respect. These, among other things, should be the norm for every Christian, and subsequently for every church. While it may sound idealistic, it actually is realistic . . . IF we submit ourselves to Christ. We have allowed flimsy excuses stirred up by the enemy in our hearts to become insurmountable barriers robbing us of being everything that God created us to be, and accomplishing all that He purposed for our lives. As a result, we settle for less, chained to the failures of the past, our idealism clouded by logic and fatalistic thinking. By and large, Christians don't really believe the salt will season and save the culture, and don't really believe the light will overcome the darkness of Satan's netherworld. Our beliefs about Jesus Christ and His limitless provision and victorious sovereignty are progressively becoming more theory and less truth. We are allowing logic and reason to overpower biblical authority and reality.

So, as a result, we now find ourselves, much like all the empires before us, in such a state of decay that it causes even the most ardent follower of Christ to find a hitch in his gait, a trip in his step, and a stammer on his tongue. Therefore, in circumstances such as these, we must confess that yes, . . . we need revival. Reality reveals it, . . . and history mirrors it.

Revival Needed -- Historical Indicators: From time to time there is the need for someone to paint with broad brush strokes . . . paint a panorama of the past . . . in order to get a clearer picture of the present and the future. We remember some of the great empires ---- Ancient Babylon was filled with riches, but she fell. Persia was vast, but she fell. Greece was full of intelligence and philosophy, but she fell. Rome was educated and a military juggernaut, but she also fell. In later centuries all the European empires . . . even Tsarist Russia . . . collapsed. No matter their power, their prowess, or their possessions, all the past kingdoms of this world have fallen . . . and those today and tomorrow will do the same. Why is this true? Because when God is not given His rightful place in any society, internal decay will eventually so weaken it that its inner core will die, and its external structures will fail to withstand the external circumstances. Therefore, the only hope for a society is God. Because America was birthed in the cradle of a strong Christian faith, this nation has had an advantage that few others in history have ever had. Rome probably had the greatest chance of any empire, and it failed because of its spiritual and moral decay. She had some great things going for it . . . strong families, home-based education, prosperity, national achievements, strong military. Yet, in the end, Rome fell. To illustrate, . . . + Strong Families and Morality: Sometimes we forget that in her earliest days, Rome was founded on high moral standards fueled by a solid family unit. The father was respected as the head (leader, guide, teacher, and authority) of the family, with actual legal authority to discipline and correct disobedient and rebellious family members. That generated a spirit of respect, reverence, and obedience toward authority. + Home-based Quality Education: The education of the children in a Roman home was the responsibility of the parents, and not the Roman government. While the government provided resources and places for education, the task of both teaching and mentoring as a lifestyle fell to the parents. This fact strengthened even more the honor and respect children had for parents. Such respect automatically left the doors for communication and understanding wide open between parents and children. It was in the home that children not only learned history, the arts, the crafts, grammar, and mathematics, but also integrity, character, honesty, and so forth. + Prosperity, Stewardship, and Ecological Responsibility: Strong Roman families produced strong ethical children, and that produced a strong nation. Ethics generated wisdom, and wisdom produced wise use of resources and a respect for the environment. Extravagant squandering of resources was rare, and wise use of resources was practiced. It was strong men from such a background that made Rome's armies strong, and those armies were victorious in war, bringing back with them the wealth of conquered nations, further increasing their prosperity and prestige. + National Achievements and Progress: Because of strong work ethics, honesty, and wealth, Rome accomplished more in the form of great buildings, communications systems, utility services, and road networks that just about any empire before them. The empire was united by an enormous highway network stretching from one end to the other. Palaces, public buildings, and sports arenas were constructed even in the farthest reaches of the empire. With all of that, Rome's reputation increased all the more. + A Strong Defense: While one may debate the morality of any empire's attempts at military expansion, there is certainly merit to being prepared to successfully stand against any attack from outside. And, as has been said so powerfully in the past, "the best defense is a strong offense". Whatever the case may be, as Rom grew in prestige, prosperity, and territory, it was the Roman army that keep its people safe from attack.

The Infiltration: George Sweeting, former president of Moody Bible Institute wrote in the April, 1972, issue of The Moody Monthly Magazine, "Citizens of ancient Rome laughed when Seneca, the Roman philosopher and teacher warned of the weaknesses of their empire. To those living in the glitter of success, inspired by their magnificent buildings, their tree-lined avenues, their gushing fountains and triumphant arches, Rome was unbeatable. Rome was the Eternal City. It seemed absurd to think that war, taxation, crime, race riots, subversion and apathy would prevail. But Rome fell. The

impossible happened and there were specific, definable reasons for the death of that great empire." You'd have thought Sweeting wrote those statements yesterday instead of thirty-seven years earlier. When Rome conquered Greece, she became the great world power. The empire appeared to be unstoppable and unconquerable . . . except for one grave mistake. As Roman families prospered, their desire for more learning increased. The fashionable thing for a prosperous Roman family to do was to hire the educated Greeks to care for and tutor the children. However, with them the Greeks brought the practice of sodomy, homosexuality, a Hellenistic and humanistic philosophy, polytheism, and mythology. These strange and godless yet frequently appealing ideologies were passed on to the Roman families, and in a matter of a few generations were assimilated into the Roman culture. A seemingly innocent desire for betterment became a destructive obsession. By the First Century C.E. fathers began losing their legal rights, now delegated to the village, then to the city, then to the state, and finally to the empire. As women demanded more rights, new marriage contacts were designed including "open marriages", same-sex marriages were accepted, and living together outside of marriage became more and more common. Housing shortages, increasing rent costs, polluted air, high cost of living, street crimes, congested traffic, and unemployment became ongoing problems. To solve unemployment, the government created civil service jobs and labor-creating projects. Non-essential special appointment government positions were formed, and filled by the wealthy and politically powerful. Into this mix came a new and strange religious movement . . . Christianity. With its emphasis on the wrongfulness of sin, the need for a Savior, and the importance of morality and holiness, it soon came under great persecution as the citizenry in general and the political system in particular took issue with the stark contrast between the message of the Gospel and the immoral lifestyle that had enveloped Rome. Interestingly, Rome was tolerant of all religious . . . except Christianity. It was banned, Christians were persecuted, burned, and thrown to the lions . . . the price of being intolerant of something that is the basis of all other religions, namely, self-satisfaction, self-advancement, and self-accomplishment. No civilization is defeated or destroyed quickly; it doesn't just up and die. There is a slow, deceptive, and cancerous process . . . they are deceived, they are begin to decay, they fall into debauchery, and they are ultimately destroyed. "And then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. And for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness" (II Thes 2:8-12). Any nation that listens to "what is false" dethrones God, deifies man's works, exalts human reason, trust education and science to solve its problems, believes that man is evolving into perfection, replaces God's moral standards with situational ethics, promotes sensual pleasure and instant gratification, strives for a world utopia of prosperity and peace, and makes the State the sovereign dictator over everyone.

The Remaining Hedge: Sadly, such a state of affairs is not the fault of society in general, but that of the failure of the Church to be the salt and light in society. Civilizations are not destroyed by the wickedness of unbelievers, but because of the slackness of God's people. II Chron 7:14 remains the remedy for any sick and corrupt society . . . it begins with the Christians. "If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (II Chron 7:13-14). The sole element that stands between a society and destruction is an anointed, cleansed, courageous, revived Church. Tragically, the salt in general has lost its saltiness and is on the brink of being thrown onto the dung heap. The light has become so dimmed by smoke-stained chimneys that it is in danger of being snuffed out. I believe, however, that God's grace will not allow that to happen entirely, though some congregations and denominations by suffer those ends. The message of the Gospel, will in the end prevail. The Church in America has been given numerous opportunities for revival . . . more than in most nations . . . and in every case such revival resulted in societal rescue. There have been several major awakenings in America's history, and all were preceded by a significant preparatory move of God in the hearts of Christians. Sometimes it was a massive movement, but it seems to have generally begun in the heart of a single individual or a handful of hungry believers.

+ The first move of God in the Church came in the 1730's and 1740's at a time when drunkenness and debauchery were the order of the day, even among ministers. God brought into this scene of spiritual corruption men such as George Whitfield and Jonathan Edwards at a time when the colonies were fighting against Britain's heavy handed taxation and rule. As the Christians listened to Whitfield's enthusiastic sermons and Edwards' fiery word pictures of sinners hanging like a spider on a tiny thread over the flames of hell, congregations were broken before God, bathed in tears. Transformed, they would embrace each other, reconcile, pray for each other, lost in the wonder and amazement of a merciful God. As the Church experienced reconciliation and regenerative fire, the society was impacted . . . and it was out of this fiery revival that the United States of America was born. It's no wonder that almost all of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were professing Christians. James Madison, who had often defended young preachers of the day, is responsible for the principles of religious freedom being included in the Constitution because of that awakening. + During the second move of God, resulting in the Second Great Awakening from around 1790 to 1840, was fueled by men such as Lyman Beecher, Peter Cartwright, Charles Finney, and Timothy Dwight. Also called the Camp Meeting Revivals, this move was characterized by crowds as large as 20,000 and the use of multiple preachers. Churches grew, new ones were planted, and tens of thousands were saved. Dramatic transformation took place on my university campuses such as Hampden Sydney, Washington College, Amherst, Dartmouth, Williams, and others. In society, temperance movements, women's rights, abolitionism, the formation of the American Bible Society, and prison reform are just a few of the benefits of that awakening. + A third move of God which is often incorporated into the Second Great Awakening took place following the War of 1812 when Charles Finney was used of God in dramatic ways to see revival in the Church and also awakening in the souls of unregenerate sinners. His preaching was so anointed that often times people would clamor to seek the grace and mercy of God. + The "Prayer Meeting Revival", also known as the "Fulton Street Revival" began in 1857 as a movement of prayer when a local New York businessman, Jeremiah Lanphier, initiated a noontime prayer meeting in the Financial District of Manhattan. The first meeting drew six people, all of them a half hour late. They decided to meet the next week, and this time fourteen came. The following week there were 23 and the next there were 40. Within weeks there were thousands of business leaders meeting daily. God moved so powerfully that the prayer meeting spread across the nation. It is estimated that nearly 1 million people were converted out of a national population of 35 million, including 10,000 weekly conversions in New York City for a season. Between 1860 and 1920, as answers to the prayer, the Evangelical Social Movement was birthed including the Bowery Mission, the McCauley Street Mission, Salvation Army (begun in London), and the Student Volunteer Movement. Between 1865 and 1900 more African Americans came to Christ than any other ethnic group in North American history. + Other great revivals that changed society in some form include the rise of Pentecostalism that has its American roots on the Bethel Bible College campus in Topeka, KS where God met a group of believers in a life-changing way in January 1, 1901. Fueled by the preaching of the one-eyed African-American preacher William J. Seymour, and the preaching of Charles Parham, it erupted in 1906 during the great Azusa Street Revival. Then you have the "Healing Revivals" of the 1930's and 1940's, the Charismatic Movement of the 1950's and 1960's, the "Teaching Revival" of the 1960's, and so forth. In every situation, these movements of God began in the humble hearts of a few hungry believers, sometimes smoldered for years, then erupted in unexpected places through unexpected ways, and resulted in significant societal impacts, not the least of which was the salvation of thousands of lost people and a new awareness of morality. I venture to say that today America is in as great a need for such an awakening as anytime in her history.

Finally: One pastor wrote it like this back in the 1970's ---"What our church and all of us as individual Christians need most is a heaven-born, God-sent revival. Revival means a quickening -- being made alive. A spiritual revival is a gift of God. It cannot be had by education, organization, or training. "God keeps the human family alive by causing man and woman to fall in love with each other. When they love each other so devotedly that they give themselves wholly to each other in marriage 'until death do us part', then children are born. Children are born into the family of God when God's people fall so deeply in love with Him that they give themselves

wholly and unreservedly to Him. "The kind of revival we need is one which makes every Christian love Christ more than any other person in the world; makes him love the Bible and enjoy reading it more than any other literature; makes him love God's house and the service of worship more than any other place; makes him love fellowship with God's people more than any other; and makes him love God's way and God's work more than any other thing. When we experience this kind of revival, then sons and daughters will be born unto the Lord." Years ago, my father included this "Spiritual Evaluation Check List" in his church's newsletter, encouraging people to use it as an opportunity for self-examination to help one discern whether or not he was in need of a fresh touch from God . . . whether or not he needed revival. + Have I forgiven everyone? + Do I bear grudges? + Am I jealous of someone? + Am I easily offended? + Am I impatient and irritable? + Have I pride in my heart? + Am I dishonest with God and/or others? + Have I gossiped and criticized? + Am I guilty of the sin of unbelief? + Am I prayerless? + Am I neglecting God's Word? + Do I have a burden for lost souls? + Do I witness of Jesus to others? + Am I unconcerned with the world and its needs? + Have I made right my wrongs? + Do I worry? + Is my mind clean and honest? + Do I love my Lord enough to love my church? + Am I burdened for revival? Regardless of what you and I do with these questions, they certainly give credence to the need for revival. May it be so in our day. Dr. Sweeting went on to say in his aforementioned article, "The greatest obstacle to the conversion of Nineveh was not the sin and corruption of the Ninevites, although that was great. It was not the graft-ridden police force or the corrupt politicians. It was not the false cults and religions. The biggest obstacle to the salvation of Nineveh was in the heart of a pious, prejudiced man named Jonah. There was no deceitfulness in all of Nineveh like the deceitfulness in Jonah's heart. "Jonah was the key to the salvation of the people in Nineveh. When he repented of his prejudice, his rebellion, his indifference, and obeyed the simple Word of God, the people of Nineveh turned and repented and believed, and God

spared Nineveh. "Jonah was the key, and God's people are the key. There is not a problem in our society that cannot be solved if 'my people who are called by My name' will do what God has asked us to do. God's people are the key that opens the floodgates of God." The historical record reveals the need for revival. The patterns we see in history tend to stare us in the face as surely history seems to repeat itself. . . . and history begins just a minute ago. In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom, Bob Tolliver -- Romans 1:11 Copyright April, 2009 Life Unlimited Ministries If this letter has blessed you, feel free to forward it, with proper credits, to any and all you wish. Please do NOT hit reply to this letter. This is an automated unmanned system. If you want to write Bob, send directly to Replying to "Shoulder To Shoulder" mailer gets you nowhere.

REMEMBER ---- "Service before the Cross is what man can do for God; service after the Cross is what God can do through a man" ---- T. Allen Robburts It's our desire to provide you links to helpful resources. However, the contents of these sites do not necessarily represent the views we personally hold. These are sites we have found helpful in the past for various topics, and want you to know about them. Use at your own discretion. Websites Crucial For Today:
Consider these special websites that are particularly important in light of world conditions.

Resources and News from balanced and Family Friendly Perspectives: -- an excellent news website giving you more thorough news reporting. for daily world news without a liberal, godless bias. -- an outstanding resource for anyone wanting to become or help raise up a great leader. -- excellent on-line encyclopedia on almost every topic, usually unbiased. -- to pray for troops in Iraq. -- Tools for understanding and responding to America's moral decay.

Resources on Middle East, Israel, Bible Prophecy: -- one of the most COMPREHENSIVE HISTORIES of Israel I've ever seen, written from a Jewish Perspective. A Profound resource for those interested. -- excellent website on Israel -- excellent website on Israel -- excellent website on Israel, especially evidences of God's supernatural intervention -- current events as relating to Bible prophecy -- excellent source of articles on Israel and Bible prophecy and other topics -- strategic newsletter, reports, resources, particularly on Bible Prophecy excellent Jewish sources on Hebrew language, Jewish history, beliefs, practices. -- an excellent site on Christian relationship to Israel. American Jewish historical society. Israel today news and resources. Jerusalem Post newspaper. Jonathan Burness ministry with excellent info and resources good Jewish culture/beliefs source good source for those supporting Israel exceptional sour of information on Israel, ancient and modern comprehensive site on Jewish history including famed "Crash Course In Jewish History" hundreds of excellent photos, old and new, of Israel and her people. another great source of pictures. a sobering source of anti-Semitic photos. martyrs and heroes of the Holocaust excellent historic and contemporary information on Israel

Helpful General Resources -- EXCELLENT Bible study tools and resources. -- EXCELLENT pastoral training global opportunity source. -- AMAZING Bible training materials via PDF downloads and radio programs in several languages. -- Great source for information on Christian apologetics. for access to over 3900 downloadable audio sermons. Exceptional site. an excellent general source for quality Bible study tools and other things. Links to other great sites. a great site for video on creation and evolution. a super source for Christian extreme sports witness to youth an excellent source for dealing with evolution and creation a great site for video on creation, evolution, and apologetics a good site with links for many resources. for great Bible resources and downloads. Exceptional site. ---- one of the best free download Bible study sites I've ever seen! for new and fresh evangelism & discipleship materials. -- a great source for resources for language ministries. ---- one of the best Creation websites I've ever seen. ---- for excellent brief words of encouragement from one of America's premier evangelical writers/thinkers. ---- A world-wide network for praying together. ---- excellent resources on revival, prayer, missions. ---- resources on prayer, evangelism, etc. ---- resources on prayer & missions ---- resources on world-wide prayer ---- "National Pastors' Prayer Network" newsletter. ~ email: Register your PPG: . ---- "Life Action Outreach".

Valuable Resources on Islam: filled with testimonies and resources. ---- fantastic website on ISLAM (amazing testimonies and excellent resources) ---- excellent resources of facts, testimonies, and tools ---- source of testimonies and resources ---- resources ---- resources ---- Bibles

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