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INTERNATIONAL KIERKEGAARD NEWSLETTER: l Autumn 1979 Copenhagen Kierkegaard Report - Seren Kierkegaard Biblioteket: Space and time problem; One of the problems of the S. K. Bibliotek is that sometimes too many researchers come in one period and too few in another with the result that there can be shorta^e of either space or contact with fellow researchers should one particularly be hoping for the latter. We hope to try and help ease this problem a little by making it known through these reports how many are using the Bibliotek. We have only 4 desks in the Bibliotek itself. Use of these can be booked (if they are free) when writing to the secretary/ Professor Thulstrup about the proposed research trip. There are of course several other libraries in the building and it is always possible to use the S. K. Bibliotek desks, but it is not possible to leave books and papers etc. on them. In the main S. K. Bibliotek, we have at the moment 2 researchers staying until summer 198C, and one staying pcssibly until 1982, (from Japan, the U.S. and Germany), while Danish students often use the Bibliotek for short periods. Of the two desks in the extra room, one of these is still free at present, but this room may not be available in future s a private one. Seren Kierkegaard Bibliotek books; For prospective researchers wanting to know which books not to bring with them, a list of the books in the S. K. Bibliotek is in preparation (a very rough list already available). When finished, the list will be sent to key Kierkegaard research places in the U. S. and elsewhere (or can be obtained through the address at the end of this report). Typing facilities; These have at last been improved so that we now have one fast corner in the tea-kitchen where researchers can type. The machine is a lars manual Adler, and we have a proper typing desk, chair and lamp, with a little side-table if one has a lot of papers. Corning to the Bibliotek; New visitors to the S. K. Bibliotek should note that the entrance is no. 46 Kebmagergade, under the arch immediately to the right of a dress/clothes' shop called Nicolai, then in at the door on the right in the yard. For those who have been unlucky enough not to have secured accommodation before coming to Copenhagen, make for the S. K. Bibliotek on the Jrd floor (best time between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.). Here you can get a Bibliotek key from the secretary, and in the Bibliotek itself on the table is an Information File which can help you solve your accommodation problems by telling you of places where you can start looking. (Accommodation is one of our major problems). Information File;; Our new Information File tries to cover the problems met by every new S. K. researcher here. There is Information about accommodation, cheap eating places and stores, how to find your way about the building, Copenhagen, Gilleleje, etc. Wednesdays; If you want to meet current S. K. researchers and be sure of personal guidance through the building1s intricacies, come on a Wednesday morning when we usually gather in the tea-kitchen for a chat over tea/coffee. Other; For those who have researched at the S. K. Bibliotek and had any particular problems not mentioned here, or have any suggestions they would like taken up, please write to: Julia Watkin, Stenagervej 15, 29CC Copenhagen Hellerup, Denmark, and I'll do my best to see what we can do.



2 Autumn 1980

Last year s a trial run I sent out the Autumn 1979 Newsletter to several places to see if there was a demand for a Kierkegaard Newsletter that would keep Kierkegaard scholars informed about the Kierkegaard scene at an international level. As my starting point I began with Information about the S0ren Kierkegaard Sibliotek in Copenhagen, the idea being that recipients of the Newsletter would collect up the yearly ccpies in a file, no Information being unnecessarily repeated. The Newsletter went down very well indeed and will continue this year on the same basis, except that you will all be compiling it, i.e. this Newsletter will be your open communication channel when you want to inform other scholars about Kierkegaard societies, books and Conferences, share probleins, etc. I will faithfully do my best to see that everything srets included, bearing in mind available space, and if I have not/do not mention any particular Kierkegaard society, Conference or problem, this will be through ignorance. So please keep me informed. The Seren Kierkegaard Bibliotek Copenhagen; (See also Newsletter l). We have at present researching here until Christmas a_Creek Scholar from Germany and Professor Howard and Edna Hong from the Kierkegaarc Library, Northfield, Minnesota. Seren Kierkegaard Libraries; The Copenhagen Seren Kierkegaard Bibliotek in practice is not limited to the library on the 3rd floor of the University theology department. Apart from its own collection of 19th Century and modern Kierkegaard literature, the Bibliotek borrows books for researchers directly from the Royal Library, while there are several theological libraries in the rest of the theology block (all books listed in the fslleskartotek, 4th floor). The University philosophy department is at Kebmagergade 50, and the University Library in nearby Fiolstrsede is a valuable source of 19th Century material. The new University campus with other departinents is situated on Amager. Further details about the Royal Library, which houses original Kierkegaard Mss., are to be found in the S0ren Kierkegaard Bibliotek Information File and in brochures in the Bibliotek. The Howard and Sdna Hong 3grenKierkegaard Library. St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, U.S.A., contains a partial reconstitution of the personal library of Saren Kierkegaard, has about 6,500 vols. and a complete microfilm set of the Mss. of Kierkegaard's Works and Papers.

McGill University Montreal; has recently acquired a collection of books owned by the later Gree-or Malantschuk. This collection, a partial reconstitution of the
personal library of Seren Kierkegaard and other related Kierkegaard material,

is housed s the Kierkegaard-Malantschuk Collection in McGill University's Redpath

Library. The University Library of course also possesses secondary Kierkegaard literature. McGill's speciality is Computer research (Prof. Alastair McKinnon, Dept. of Philosophy). Other Libraries; Details about the facilities of other libraries welcomed for the next issue. Saren Kierkegaard Societies; Seren Kierkegaard Selskabet Copenhagen; Membership at present costs 5C kroner a year. For this members receive free current copies of the series S0ren Kierkegaard Selskabets Populre Skrifter and a reduction on the Society's Journal Kierkegaardiana, plus Information about new books and lectures. Lectures are held in Copenhagen from Autumn to Spring. Note change of locale; The Society has changed its lecture locale to the KPDM/ Soldaterhjem in Gothersgade and there is now a tea/coffee break between the lecture and subsequent questions/discussion. Subscription/further Information from; The Secretary, Emanuel Skjoldager, Hanevanff-en 7 2730 Herlev, Denmark.

Kierkegaard Akademiet; Recently founded by Professor Niels and Marie M. Thulstrup, meets every November in Hellerup. Membership by invitation only. The Academy's publication is available from C. A. Reitzels Boghandel, see under Recent Books. American Kierkegaard Society; For details of the recently established American Kierkegaard Society, please see Perkins' Personal Kierkegaard Newsletter. The Newsletter is fll of all kinds of news, notes, publication projects, especially concerning American Kierkegaard life. Write to: Prof. Robert L. Perkins, Dept. of Philosophy, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688, U.S.A. Kierkegaard Societies in Italy; I am hoping to provide Information about Italian Seren Kierkegaard Society membership in the next issue. Kierkegaard Societies in Japan; Like Italy, Japan now has a, long-standing tradition of S0ren Kierkegaard Society membership, and I hope to be able to give more concrete Information in the next issue of this Newsletter. The S0ren Kierkegaard Society in Osaka Japan publishes under the editorship of Prof. Masaru Otani, Kierkegaard-Studiet. Other Societies; If you know of/have founded any other S0ren Kierkegaard Societies, please let me know. Conferences; Also please let me know in good time about any proposed and definite Kierkegaard Conferences. Conferences that have taken place recently are: Aarhus Symposium - Kierkegaard and Dialectics. September 1978, arranged by the late J0rgen K. Bukdahl, Aarhus University. Kierkegaard und die deutsche Philosophie, Copenhagen, November 1979 arranged by the University's Philosophy and German Philology Institutes and the Seren Kierkegaard Selskab. Kierkegaard; Resources and Results. McGill University, Montreal, June 1980, arranged by Prof. Alastair McKinnon, Philosophy Dept. McGill. Recent Books (from 1978): This list s far s possible includes all recent books, good, bad, indifferent. Please write to me if you are interested in more Information about a particular Scandinavian book s we do our best to collect all Danish newspaper reviews. Kierkegaardiana of course also provides reviews. If I have omitted a book in this year's list, please teil me so I can include it next year. Prices are deliberately not mentioned because of price fluctuation. Danish books generally are expensive, but tax-free if ordered from/sent abroad. Theodor W. Adorno; Kierkegaard. Konstruktion af det asstetiske. Oversat og med forord af Rolf Reitan efter Kierkegaard (1933, 1962 og 1966) Rhodos, Copenhagen 1980. Jergen K. Bukdahl ed.; Aarhus Symposium 1978, Kierkegaard and Dialectics; papers: Hermann Deuser, Karsten Priis Johansen, Christa Knhold, Johannes Slek, Salvatore Spera, Mark C. Taylor. University of Aarhus, 1979. Write: Mrs. Karin Begely, det teologiske fakultet, 800C Aarhus C. Note; This may be sold out - limited number of copies. Niels-Jergen Cappelern; vol. XVI of the 2nd (Niels Thulstrup) edition of Seren Kierkegaard's Papirer; Index R-0 and Bibel Index. Gyldendal, Copenhagen, 1978. Hermann Deuser; Dialektische Theologie. Studien zu Adornos Metaphysik und zum Sptwerk Kierkegaards,(Fundamentaltheologische Studien l), Mnchen-Mainz, Kaiser-Grnewald 1980. Sditions De L'Orante; Des Oeuvres Completes de Kierkegaard - Sditions De L'Orante, 23 rue Oudinot, Paris "Jde: viennent de paraitre torae 15 Discours Sdifiants A Divers Points De Vue (1847); tome 18 Quatre Discours - ?our Un Examen De Conscience - Jugez Vous-Me"mes (1849-1852). A para^tre prochainement; toine 2 Le Concept D 1 Ironie Confession Publique - Johannes Climacus ou De Omnibus Dubitandum Est. Documentation de'taille'e sur demande. Conditions spe*ciales pour les souscripteurs aux vingt vols.

C. Stephen Evans; Subjectivity and Religious Belief. An historical, critical study (Kant, Kierkegaard, V/m. James), 1978.Christian University Press, subsidiary of Christian College Consortium, U.S.A. Write: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 255 Jefferson Ave., S. E. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49503, U.S.A. Goldschmidt; Gorsaren; genudgivet ved Uffe Andreasen. Det danske sprog og litteraturselskab og C. A. Reitzels Boghandel, Bd. 1-6, Copenhagen 1977-9. Por details of other reprints (e.g. Kjebenhavns Flyvende Post, Perseus, Intelligensblade) from the 19th Century, write to C. A. Reitzels Boghandel, Narregade 20, 1165 Copenhagen K. Tel. 01-12 24 00. Hong, Howard & Edna, assisted by Gregor Malantschuk: Seren Kierkegaards Journals and Papers. vols. 5 6 & 7 Indiana University Press, Bloomington & London, 1978. Hong. Howard V., General Editor: Kierkegaard's Vritings; a definitive scholarly English translation of the Works of Seren Kierkegaard. Princeton University Press U.S.A. Published to date: vol. XIV Two Ages, vol. XXV Letters and Documents. vol. VIII The Concept of Anxiety, vol. XIX The Sickness unto Death. 1978-80. Steen Johansen; Srindringer om S0ren Kierkegaard, C. A. Reitzels Boghandel, Copenhagen I960. Vincent A. McCarthy; The Phenomenology of Moods in Kierkegaard. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1978. Alastair McKinnon; The Kierkegaard Indices to Kierkegaard's Saalede Vaerker, vols. I-IV, E. J. Brill of Leiden, 1970-5 now also available from Princeton University Press U.S.A. I960, to the U.S.A., Canada & South America. Gregor Malantschuk; Fra Individ til Den Enkelte, Problemer omkring Friheden og det Etiske hos Seren Kierkegaard, C. A. Reitzels Boghandel, Copenha^en 1978. Indf0relse i Seren Kierkegaards Forfatterskab, C. A. Reitzels Boghandel, (reprint) 1979. Frihed og Eksistens - Studier i Saren Kierkegaards taenkning; udgivet af Niels-Jargen Cappelarn og Paul Mller, C. A. Reitzels Boghandel, Copenhagen, I960. Seren Kierkegaards Frygt og Bsyen - Indledning og Gennemgang; C. A. Reitzels Boghandel, Copenhagen 1980 (2 vols.). Den kontroversielle Kierkegaard is now translated and at publication point s The Controversial Kierkegaard (Howard and Edna Hong), The Kierkegaard Monograph Series, Wilfrid Laurier University Press I960. Paul Mller; Meddelselsesdialektikken i Seren Kierkegaard's Philosophiske Sinuler, (with English summary), udgivet af Kabenhavn niversitets Institut for Religionshistorie, C. A. Reitzels Boghandel, Copenhagen 1979. Kresten Nordentoft; Kierkegaards Psykologi is now translated s Kierkegaard's Psychology by Bruce Kirmmse, Duquesne University Press, c/o Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, N. J. 07716, U.S.A. Thomas C. Oden, ed., Parables of Kierkegaard, Princeton University Press, 1979. Ib Ostenfeld; S0ren Kierkegaards Psykologi now translated and edited by Alastair McKinnon s Seren Kierkegaardts Psychology. The Kierkegaard Monography Series, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1978. Wim R. Scholtens; Alle Gekheid op Sen - Kierkegaard als Psycholoog, Ten Have/Baarn, Netherlands, 1979. Schotschriften Tegen Gevestigde Kerkelijkheid - Het Ogenblik o.a Ten Have/Baarn, Netherlands, 1980. Emanuel Sk.loldager; At traenge til Gud, indfarelse i Saren Kierkegaards Opbygs-elige taler 1843-44, C. A. Reitzels Boghandel, I960. Johannes Slgk; Kierkegaard - humanismens taenker. En Studiebog; Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen, 1978.

Da Kierkegaard tav - Pr forfatterskab til kirkestorm; Hans Reitzel, Copenhagen 1980. S0ren Kierkegaard Selskabet; Kierkegaardiana XI, C. A. Reitzels Boghandel, Copenhagen 1980. Peter Thielst; S0ren og Regine. Kierkegaard, ksrlighed og k0nspolitik. Gyldendal, Copenhagen 1980g0ren Kierkegaard; "Skyldig?" "Ikke Skyldig?". Foreword by Peter Thielst, G-yldendals Uglebager, Copenhagen 1980. Niels Thulstrup og Marie M. Thulstrup; Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana, a series of books temporarily planned in 16 vols. on major Kierkegaardian topics, articles are in major languages, chiefly English, by different scholars. vols. already published, 1-4, 1978f. Kierkegaard's View of Christianity, The Sources and Denths of Faith in Kierkegaard, Concepts and Alternatives in Kierkegaard, Kierkegaard and Speculative Idealism. B Kierkegaard Akademiets Arbog; Liber Academis Kierkegaardiensis Annuarius. Tomus I 1977-8, red. af Alessandro Cortese, C. A. Reitzels Boghandel & Vita E. Pensiero Milano, Italy, 1980, 4 lectures, 2 written respectively in German & Italian, & 2 in English: Anton Hgli, Niels Thulstrup, J. Heywood Thomas, Alastair McKinnon. Niels Thulstrup; Kierkegaards Forhold til Hegel is now translated s Kierkegaard*s Relation to Hegel by George Stengren, Princeton University Press U.S.A. I960. Also available in Gennan &. Japanese. Nelly Viallaneix; Scoute. Kierkegaard. Essai sur la communication de la Parole; (2 tomes), Les Editions du Cerf, 29, rue Latour-Maubourg, Paris, 1979. New Dissertations; Please let me know of any new dissertations so that these can be listed in the next issue. Information about other new Kierkegaard and related books, dissertations, periodicals, articlea, welcomed. Higher Research on Kierkegaard; Please will you let me know if your University/ College Dept. provides opportunities for doctoral research etc. I am trying to build up an Information bank so s to be able to reply to enquiry in this direction. Microfiche; Kierkegaard research in many places has reached the stage where there is a demand for access to original Mss. and 19th c. literature. McGill University (Alastair McKinnon) is investigating the possibility of making microfiche copies of first editions and important works. I am investigating the possibility of a microfiche of the Mss. of Kierkegaard's Works and Papers. Please let me know if you or your Dept. would be interested in buying a set plus reading apparatus, or just a set without reading apparatus, s it is possible that a large joint order might reduce the price. I'm still investigating this latter matter and hope to provide more (price) details fairly soon. Cost of this Newsletter; At present this Newsletter is free and it is hoped to keep it that way. A lot depends of course on the demand for copies and the availability of money to cover costs. You can help in this direction by your copy and regularly sending a copy/copies further. You are welcome to translate/reproduce the whole or parts of this letter. Pagination; Please note the pagination of this Newsletter. This is to enable you to collect the Newsletters in a ring-file and eventually write up a rough index. (To cut costs Information will not normally be repeated). I enclose with this issue an appropriate poster for College departments, etc., but of course you are welcome to make your own. Pleasg do let me hear from you before Oct. 1981, the date of the next issue. Please let me know a. whether you wish me to send you the Newsletter next year. b. whether you can send a photo-copy/copies of the Newsletter further, and (in order to avoid duplication of efforts) if so, where you will be sending it. Our very best wishes from Copenhagen, u UX\aJy^XKM*. stenagervej if^l^OO Hellerup,

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