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Roman Jewish Christian

Monumental Galilean synagogues
late 3rd/4th centuries CE Beginning of monastic movement
Diocletian, 284-305 CE late 3rd century CE
Empire divided into East and
West Empirewide persecution of
Christians, 305-311 CE
Constantine, 306-337 CE
Battle at Milvian bridge, 312 CE Eusebius of Caesarea, 260-340 CE
Ecclesiastical History, 303-324 CE

"Edict of Milan," 313 CE

Religious freedom for Christians

Christianity declared official religion

324 CE

Council of Nicaea, 325 CE

Nicene Creed
Constants, 337-361 CE Gallus revolt, 351 CE Arian controversy, 318-381 CE

Julian the Apostate, 361-363 CE Council of Constantinople, 381 CE

Establishment of permanent Doctrine of Trinity
Jewish calendar—Patriarch
Hillel II (c.359 CE) John Chrysostom, 354-407 CE

Julian's abortive attempt to St. Augustine, 354-430 CE

rebuild the Temple, 363 CE The City of God

Theodosius 1,379-395 CE Christianity became official religion

Jerusalem Talmud, c.400 CE of empire, 392 CE

Sack of Rome by Visigoths, 410 CE

Disappearance of patriarchate Council of Carthage, 419 CE

c.425 Adopted New Testament canon

Justinian, 527-565 CE Council of Chalcedon, 451 CE

Babylonian Talmud, c.500/600 CE Nicene Creed acknowledged
Definition of Faith

U S L I M C O N Q U E S T 6 3 4 - 6 4 0 C E

* Dates given for political figures are for years of their reign, others cover lifetime,
unless otherwise specified.
** Flourished, dates of major activity.
Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism


Roman Jewish Christian

Augustus (Octavian) Herod, 37-4 BCE
31 BCE-14 CE* Jesus, c.6/4 BCE-30/33 CE

Tiberius, 14-37 CE Paul, d. c. 62/64 CE

Philo c.15 BCE-c.50 CE Vision of Jesus, C.34CE
Mission to Gentiles, c.50 CE
Caiigula, 37-41 CE Agrippa J, 37-44 CE
King of Judea, 41-44 CE
Claudius, 41-54 CE
Agrippa II, 53-mid-90s CE
Nero, 54-68 CE Pauline epistles, 50-58 CE
First Jewish Revolt Against Rome
66-70 CE Gospel of Mark, c.68 CE
Destruction of Temple, 70 CE
Fall of Masada, 73/74 CE
Vespasian, 69-79 CE
Yohanan b. Zakkai
Academy at Yavneh c.70 CE
Beginnings of Rabbinic Judaism

Josephus, 37-c.lOOCE Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John

Titus, 79-81 CE Jewish War, 75-81 CE c.70-100 CE

Gamaliel II
Domitian, 81-96 CE Emergence of patriarchate
c.90 CE
Trajan, 98417 CE
Diaspora revolt, 115-117 CE

Hadrian, 117-138 CE Second Jewish Revolt against

Rome, 132-135 CE Didache, c.2nd century CE
Simon Bar-Kokhba, d. 135 CE
R.Akiva, c.50-135 CE
Jerusalem rebuift as Aelia
Capitolina, C.135CE
Judea became Syria Palaestina

Academy moved to Galilee

c.140 CE Justin Martyr, c.140-170 CE

Judah ha-Nasi, ft.** 175-220 CE Irenaeus, fl. 175-C.195 CE

Growth of patriarchate
Severan Dynasty, 193-235 CE Origen, c.185-253 CE
Completion of Mishnah
200-220 CE
Decius, 249-251 CE
Emergence of rabbinic academies
in Babylonia
Rav and Samuel, c.220-250 CE

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