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United Nations Human Rights Committee


The issues before the republic of Indonesia are:

1. Indonesia’s role in the use of torture and degrading treatment to war prisoners
2. Indonesia’s role in the violation of rights of refugees

1. Indonesia’s role in the use of torture and degrading treatment to war prisoners
Having signed the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
or Punishment on 23 October 1985 (CAT), and having it ratified on 28 October 1998, Indonesia
has ensured that all acts of torture are offences under its criminal law. Considering torture as an
offence, Indonesia is perfectly aware of the need of interstate co-operation to face this problem.
Indonesia will continue to do its utmost to ensure the effective promotion and protection of human
rights at the international level through genuine dialogue and cooperation, based on the principles
of non-selectivity and impartiality, as well as on the universality, indivisibility, and inter-
relatedness of all human rights.

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia declares however, that the provisions of paragraphs
1, 2, and 3 of article 20 of the Convention against Torture will have to be implemented in strict
compliance with the principles of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States.
Additional, The Government of the Republic of Indonesia does not consider itself bound by the
provision of article 30, paragraph 1, and takes the position that disputes relating to the
interpretation and application of the Convention which cannot be settled through the channel
provided for in paragraph 1 of the said article, may be referred to the International Court of Justice
only with the consent of all parties to the disputes

The Republic of Indonesia observes with concern the attempts of other powers to influence the
anti-torture policy of the government of the republic of Indonesia, and therefore emphasizes on the
sovereign equality and territorial integrity of all countries, and their faith in the purposes and
principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

Therefore, the Republic of Indonesia

1. Emphasizes the sovereign equality and territorial integrity of all countries
2. Reaffirms Indonesia’s particular responsibility in the national anti-torture policy
2.Indonesia’s role in the violation of rights of refugees

Indonesia has not signed the Convention relating to the status of refugees, the Protocol relating to the
status of refugees, the convention relating to the status of stateless persons, or the convention on the
reduction of statelessness.

Indonesia has however ratified key international human rights instruments, including in particular the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), Convention against discrimination of all forms against women
(CEDAW), Convention on the elimination of racial discrimination (CERD), Convention against
torture (CAT) and Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC). Indonesia promotes and encourages
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all.

Indonesia welcomes international cooperation in the promotion and protection of refugee rights all
over the world and in every country, including itself. Such international cooperation, however, should
be based on the principles and objectives of the Charter of the United Nations as stipulated in its
articles 1 (3), 55, and 56. International cooperation in the field of human rights should also be based
on principles of mutual respect, equality and coexistence among nations and prevailing international

Therefore, the Republic of Indonesia

1. reaffirms its willingness to further strengthen bilateral and multilateral agreements with its partners

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