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HCA 240 Week 6 CheckPoint

Mrs. Jones: 1. Mrs. Jones acute renal failure is caused by decreased blood flow to her kidneys resulting from her surgery. 2. Other symptoms that may occur include headaches, gastroentistinal distress, and breath smelling like amonia. 3. Cause decreased blood flow to kidneys due to surgery 4. Treatment restoration of the blood volume to normal, restricted fluid intake, and dialysis.

Mr. Hodges: 1. Metabolic wastes accumulation in the blood with adverse effect on all sydtems. example: urea builds up to toxic levels, and some is converted to ammonia, which acts as an irritant in the gastroentistinal tract. 2. Digestive nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, and ammonia taste in mouth 3. Nervous drowsiness, dim vision, mental cloudiness, convulsions, or coma 4. Urinary pyuria hematuria, albuminuria, and casts All of the above symptoms come from accumulation of waste products, urea, uric acid, and creatinine in the blood. Treatment Dialysis, but this may not be enough in advanced chronic renal failure, kidney transplant is the best solution. cases such as these are often considered end stage kidney disease, therefore making a transplant the best treatment.

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