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The big-bang of a bored God - Chapter 1

by Ron Capri 2011

all realities are perceptual realities. there is no other kind. the myth of solid reality via electrons that repel one another is merely the illusion, maya. consciousness then, when persistent, is a prison too, though infinite. the only freedom from consciousness, the timeless burden of existing without end would be non-consciousness, which is to say non existence. therefore the creator of all awareness must be asking itself every moment, To be or not to be, that is the question. and what consciousness would ever choose non consciousness, non existence ? even if it did, the decision would not hold because in total unconsciousness the energy of existence would not have been destroyed. if that were possible then it would never have emerged in the first place. where would it come from and where would it go? it only ever was a polarity in contrast to non existence. the reality of it is perceptual, as is the reality of non existence the absence of perception. thus, the conundrum persists. if we scale the hierarchy of conscious beings through angelic realms, all the way to the office of the ceo even, then we too would be standing there at the nexus of the very question - whether to know all that is, experience all that is and be fait accompli in every moment with nothing more to do such that infinity and eternity are all one in every instant... or to remain splintered, in pursuit, en route to an ever enlarging perceptual reality ? to be the source of all is to be done, finished, at all moments complete with all that might ever be. that is the same then as to not exist at all. there is nothing outside. there is nothing beyond. nothing not revealed or experienced. all is all at all times. that in and of itself is non existence by virtue of being complete existence in total simultaneity. to have all the light and dark and matter and non matter is to have the whole of what is and what is not, all of perceptual possibility and therefore none of it at once. imagine a mirror that exists in total isolation. nothing to reflect. period. that is the totality of existence just prior to a second mirror, a polarity. at the moment a second mirror exists aiming back at the first then infinity is experientially possible. it is a little more than non existence because it is a little less than oneness in totality. so here we are. there is no absolute truth in it. it will always be a myth. a perception. an infinity of realities and infinity of truths, and all lies just the same. the second mirror

The big-bang of a bored God - Chapter 1

by Ron Capri 2011

is an agreed upon pretense for the purpose of purpose rather than the absence of purpose. totality has that as its only challenge. gods boredom so to speak was the unbearable experience of totality wherein nothing needed to be done for all was done, all was realized, all roads traversed, all possibilities exploited in an ever-present now of all consciousness and none at the same time. For there to be anything more than that would require a big-bang, the second mirror, a return to the beginning of all roads, all paths, all particles so as to ploddingly re-trace them, re-experience all parts, all levels, all possibilities so as to re-introduce awe and wonder, surprise and exploration in a new spread of random options within an immutable order. do we ever arrive ? possibly no. that would put us back in the same boat. there is no arrival, no end to the trek, no experience that will do away with the second mirror for that would be non existence and totality all at once, again, if in fact it ever were and if in fact it makes any sense at all to think of it as a when or a where. the universe is a material place-holder for thought itself. even though we can make ships and launch them out into that vastness, it still remains a visible, tangible infinity representing what we yet do not touch within consciousness itself. all those other pieces ! all those other possibilities, experiences, perceptions, realities ! far, far away in time and space because the journey must be that long, never ending actually. not for you or me, but for it, of which we are but a very tiny holographic part, essential and tiny as all parts are, but a tiny part nonetheless. ( to be continued)

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