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Just a couple of months, is all it takes to make a huge difference in our government, and our world.

In just a couple of months many conflicts can occur, may decisions can be made, and many problems can occur. Such is the way that the two last months have been in our world, and government, with many financial decisions occurring, many worldwide conflicts happening, and many new laws being passed. One of said new laws that were passed, which was perhaps one of the most significant governmental stories of these past few months, was the law passed in the state of new York to allow same sex couples to marry. On Friday June 24th, lawmakers in the senate chamber voted to approve same sex marriage in the state of New York, making the sixth and by far the largest state to approve of gay and lesbian couples to marry and allow more rights to same sex couples. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed the measure at 11:55pm and the new law would go into effect in 30 days, allowing gay couples to marry in New York in late July. This was a major victory for same sex rights advocates who just two years ago had experienced a major defeat in allowing same sex marriage in New York while senate was controlled by democrats; this time around it was republicans who controlled it and made the odd of having the law passed seemed long. Mr. Cuomo appears to be the champion of the victory of this new law, the democrat who pleaded for the past year for more rights towards same sex couples, and made the issue one of his top priorities. As is expected from discussion of same sex rights, there is a strong opposition from various stand points such as morality and religion. Mostly by senate republicans who opposed same-sex marriage on moral grounds, although that was not their only source of opposition. Many of them feared that allowing same sex marriage would embitter conservative voters and cost the Republicans their oneseat majority in the Senate. Republican law makers also spent much of the week prior to the law being passed, negotiated changes to defend religious institutions that oppose same sex marriage. The changes were approved, but were not enough to satisfy the opposition of religious groups. But many still believed that like heterosexuals, homo sexual deserve the basic right to legally join in marriage, saying that opposing and rejecting the idea due to a moral stand based on religion is a biased stand excluding the politics of separation of religion and state. The passing of this law is a clear victory for civil rights and liberties, allowing a growing number of the population to practice in a basic right that has been wrongfully denied to them for time. In public opinion most either support the idea or reject it. This was also seen as a larger victory for democrats than for republicans seeing as how they are the major political party that rejects the idea. The approving of this law also demonstrates that as a nation we are embracing the idea of freedom of homosexuality, with the victory in new York bringing up questions of whether other states should allow it or not, so far the gay movement has been gaining some victories, not only in the fact that new York became the sixth and largest state to allow same sex marriage, but also other victories like civil recognition like the teaching of gay history in California. It is important for America to become a fair nation to all of its citizens and to more to a more progressive are where we can think rationally about the civil rights other deserve whether we agree or disagree with them. Homosexuality exists in hundreds of species, including humanity, however, homophobia only exists in one.

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