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European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306

Project scheduling under uncertainty: Survey

and research potentials
Willy Herroelen *, Roel Leus
Operations Management Group, Department of Applied Economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Naamsestraat 69, B-3000 Leuven,
Received 1 May 2002; accepted 1 June 2003
Available online 1 June 2004


The vast majority of the research efforts in project scheduling assume complete information about the scheduling
problem to be solved and a static deterministic environment within which the pre-computed baseline schedule will be
executed. However, in the real world, project activities are subject to considerable uncertainty, which is gradually re-
solved during project execution. In this survey we review the fundamental approaches for scheduling under uncertainty:
reactive scheduling, stochastic project scheduling, fuzzy project scheduling, robust (proactive) scheduling and sensitivity
analysis. We discuss the potentials of these approaches for scheduling under uncertainty projects with deterministic
network evolution structure.
Ó 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Project management and scheduling; Scheduling under uncertainty; Robustness; Schedule stability

1. Introduction schedule (also called a predictive schedule or pre-

schedule) serves very important functions (Aytug
The project scheduling literature largely con- et al., in press; Mehta and Uzsoy, 1998). The first
centrates on the generation of a precedence and is to allocate resources to the different activities to
resource feasible schedule that ‘‘optimizes’’ the optimize some measure of performance. The sec-
scheduling objective(s) (most often the project ond, as also pointed out by Wu et al. (1993), is to
duration) and that should serve as a baseline serve as a basis for planning external activities
schedule for executing the project. Such a baseline such as material procurement, preventive mainte-
nance and delivery of orders to external or internal
customers. Baseline schedules serve as a basis for
Corresponding author. Tel.: +32-16-326970; fax: +32-16- communication and coordination with external
326732. entities in the company’s inbound and outbound
E-mail address: (W. supply chain. Based on the baseline schedule,
The work was performed while the second author was
commitments are made to subcontractors to de-
Research Assistant of the Fund for Scientific Research, liver materials, support activities are planned (set-
Flanders (Belgium) (F.W.O.). ups, supporting personnel), and due dates are set

0377-2217/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
290 W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306

for the delivery of project results. Moreover, from classification scheme for schedule construction
a modelling viewpoint, many real-life scheduling techniques under uncertainty. Stochastic project
problems such as course scheduling, sports time- scheduling is discussed in Section 4. Section 5 is
tabling, railway and airline scheduling, can be devoted to fuzzy project scheduling. In Section 6
modelled as variations of resource-constrained we characterize robust baseline schedules and re-
project scheduling problems. In these environ- view various robustness/stability measures as well
ments executing activities according to the pre- as methods for generating robust and stable
schedule is a must that is imposed by the customer: schedules that may have potential application for
although ‘‘technically’’ possible, activities are not scheduling projects under uncertainty. Sensitivity
started prior to their scheduled starting time. analysis is discussed in Section 7. A summary
During project execution, however, project and suggestions for further research conclude the
activities are subject to considerable uncertainty paper.
that may lead to numerous schedule disruptions.
This uncertainty may stem from a number of pos-
sible sources: activities may take more or less time 2. Reactive scheduling
than originally estimated, resources may become
unavailable, material may arrive behind schedule, Reactive scheduling does not try to cope with
ready times and due dates may have to be changed, uncertainty in creating the baseline schedule but
new activities may have to be incorporated or revises or re-optimizes the baseline schedule when
activities may have to be dropped due to changes in an unexpected event occurs. Basically most efforts
the project scope, weather conditions may cause concentrate on ‘‘repairing’’ the baseline schedule
severe delays, etc. A disrupted schedule incurs (predictive-reactive scheduling) to take into account
higher costs due to missed due dates and deadlines, the unexpected events that have come up. For a
resource idleness, higher work-in-process inventory review of the extensive literature in manufacturing
and increased system nervousness due to frequent environments we refer to Sabuncuoglu and Bayiz
rescheduling. As a result, the validity of static (2000), Szelke and Kerr (1994) and Vieira et al.
deterministic scheduling has been questioned and/ (2003).
or heavily criticised (Goldratt, 1997). The reactive scheduling action may be based on
In general, we can distinguish between five ap- various underlying strategies. At one extreme, the
proaches to dealing with uncertainty in a sched- reactive effort may rely on very simple techniques
uling environment where the evolution structure aimed at a quick schedule consistency restoration.
of the precedence network is deterministic: reac- We shall refer to these approaches as schedule re-
tive scheduling, stochastic scheduling, scheduling pair actions. A typical example of such a sim-
under fuzziness, proactive (robust) scheduling, and ple control rule is the well-known right shift rule
sensitivity analysis. In this paper we will discuss (Sadeh et al., 1993; Smith, 1994). This rule will
these approaches mainly from a project scheduling move forward in time all the activities that are
viewpoint. In those situations where the ap- affected by the schedule breakdown because they
proaches were clearly conceived in a machine were executing on the resource(s) causing the
scheduling context, our aim is to reveal their breakage or because of the precedence relations. It
potentials for scheduling projects under uncer- should be clear that this strategy may lead to poor
tainty. Stochastic project networks that have a results as it does not re-sequence activities.
stochastic evolution structure and feedback At the other extreme, the reactive scheduling
(GERT networks) are not the subject of this paper. approach may involve a full scheduling pass of
A state-of-the-art survey of GERT network that part of the project that remains to be executed
scheduling can be found in Neumann (1999). at the time the reaction is initiated. Such an ap-
The paper is organised as follows. In the next proach will be referred to as (full) rescheduling and
section, we survey the research efforts in the field may use any deterministic performance measure,
of reactive scheduling. In Section 3 we present a such as the new project makespan. In a sense,
W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306 291

schedule repair is a heuristic rescheduling pass. If Table 1

our objective were to generate a new schedule that Different methods for schedule generation under uncertainty
deviates from the original schedule as little as Baseline schedule During project execu-
possible, we would be in the particular reschedul-
ing case where we want to induce ex post stability (i) No baseline schedule (i) Dynamic scheduling
(scheduling policies)
(the ex ante case will be discussed in the next sec-
(ii) Baseline scheduling with no (ii) Reactive scheduling
tion). Such a minimum perturbation strategy may anticipation of variability
rely on the use of exact and suboptimal algorithms (iii) Proactive (robust) scheduling (iii) Management
using as objective function the minimization of the Quality robustness decisions
sum of the (weighted) absolute differences between Solution robustness (iv) Sensitivity analysis
the start time of each activity in the repaired
schedule and the original start time of that activity
(El Sakkout and Wallace, 2000). Alag€ oz and Azi-
zoglu (2003) study the case in which the stability baseline schedule is generated. In the second
measure is the number of jobs processed on dif- scheme, a baseline schedule is developed using a
ferent machines in the initial and the new schedule. deterministic scheduling method without any
Calhoun et al. (2002) use goal programming to anticipation of variability in the input parameters
revise project schedules with the initial objectives that may occur during project execution. Single
and the objective of minimizing the number of point estimates are used for parameters such as
changed activities. Match-up scheduling matches activity durations. The third approach is to de-
up with the pre-schedule at a certain time in the velop a baseline schedule that incorporates a degree
future, whenever a deviation from the initial of anticipation of variability during project execu-
parameter values (mainly deviations from the tion. This setting will be referred to as proactive or
activity duration projections) arises (Bean et al., robust scheduling. This approach may use infor-
1991; Wu et al., 1993; Akturk and Gorgulu, 1999; mation about the particular variability character-
Alag€oz and Azizoglu, 2003). istics (for example probability distributions for
Artigues and Roubellat (2000) study the case activity durations) and/or information about the
where, in a multi-project, multi-mode setting with reactive scheduling approach that will be adhered
ready times and due dates, it is desired to insert a to during project execution (mostly very simple
new unexpected activity into a given baseline sche- repair operations). The special case where the
dule such that the resulting impact on maximum baseline objective is to minimize a function of the
lateness is minimized. The authors perform a cle- deviation between the baseline and the final sche-
ver rescheduling pass in which they restrict the dule, focuses on ex ante stability. Often the term
solution to those schedules in which the resource quality robustness is used when referring to the
allocation remains unchanged. Using a resource sensitivity of the schedule performance in terms of
flow network representation they develop a step- the objective value, while the term stability or
wise procedure for generating a set of dominant solution robustness is used to refer to the insensi-
‘insertion cuts’ for the network. From each dom- tivity of the activity start times to changes in the
inant insertion cut, they then derive the best exe- input data. Robustness is closely related to flexi-
cution mode and valid insertion arc subset for the bility (Sevaux and S€ orensen, 2002b). A schedule is
new activity. called flexible if it can be easily repaired, i.e.
changed into a new high quality schedule. The
informal French association of researchers in
3. Generating a baseline schedule scheduling GOThA (Groupe de recherche en Or-
donnancement Theorique et Applique––http://
The first column of Table 1 distinguishes be- has established
tween three basic approaches for the development a ‘‘Flexibility working group’’ that regularly
of a baseline schedule. In the first approach, no reflects on how to define, measure and use
292 W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306

flexibility and also maintains a web page listing minimize the expected project duration subject to
recent references ( zero-lag finish-start precedence constraints and
pages/biblio_gotha.html). renewable resource constraints. The project is
A second distinction can be made with regard represented by an activity-on-the-node network
to the way in which decisions will be taken during G ¼ ðV ; EÞ, where the set V ¼ f1; 2; . . . ; ng denotes
project execution on how to react to disruptions the set of activities. Activity 1 and n are dummy
and when to start new activities. Three possibilities activities, representing the start and end of the
are listed in the second column of Table 1: (i) no project. The durations of the other activities are
baseline schedule is generated, but before the start given by a random vector d ¼ ðd 2 ; d 3 ; . . . ; d n1 Þ,
of the project, a scheduling policy is chosen that where d i denotes the random duration of activity i.
will determine how to act during schedule execu- We denote a particular realization or sample of d
tion; (ii) when a baseline exists, we reschedule, as d ¼ ðd2 ; d3 ; . . . ; dn1 Þ 2 Rnþ . The arcs of set E
using any of the options that were discussed in the define the zero-lag finish-start precedence relations
previous section (predictive-reactive scheduling); among the activities. The renewable resources
and (iii) instead of using preset scheduling policies, ðk ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; K q Þ are available in constant integer
project management makes decisions as the project amounts aqk . The non-dummy activities require an
develops. amount of rikq 6 aqk units of renewable resource type
Apart from these methods for construction of k. Given the presence of both resource constraints
the final schedule, techniques have also been de- and random activity durations, schedules are
vised to provide the project manager with infor- generated through the application of so-called
mation about allowable deviations in project scheduling policies or scheduling strategies, and no
parameters, which will aid the manager in deter- baseline schedule is used.
mining which parts of the project require the most According to the definitions given in Igelmund
attention (the inherent assumption is that the and Radermacher (1983a,b) and M€ ohring et al.
sources of uncertainty are more or less manage- (1984, 1985), a scheduling policy P makes decisions
able). Sensitivity analysis, to be discussed in Sec- at the decision points t ¼ 0 (the start of the project)
tion 7, is a clear example of such an approach. and the completion times of activities. A decision at
time t is to start at time t a precedence and resource
feasible set of activities SðtÞ, exploiting only
4. Stochastic project scheduling information that has become available up to time
t. As soon as the activities have been finished, the
The literature on stochastic project scheduling activity durations are known yielding a realization
is rather sparse (for a detailed discussion, see d of activity durations. The application of policy P
Chapter 9 in Demeulemeester and Herroelen, leads to the creation of a schedule PðdÞ ¼ ðs1 ;
2002). Most efforts concentrate on the so-called s2 ; . . . ; sn Þ of activity starting times and a resulting
stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling schedule makespan Cmax ðPðdÞÞ. The common
problem which will be discussed in Section 4.1. The objective considered in the literature is to create a
related special case of stochastic activity interrup- policy that minimizes the expected project dura-
tions, time/cost trade-off problems and stochastic tion EðCmax ðPðdÞÞÞ over a class of policies. Fer-
multi-mode problems are the subject of Sections nandez (1995), Fernandez et al. (1996, 1998) and
4.2, 4.3 and 4.4, respectively. Pet-Edwards et al. (1998) show how to write the
corresponding optimization problem in its general
4.1. Stochastic resource-constrained project form as a multi-stage stochastic programming
scheduling problem.

The stochastic resource-constrained project 4.1.1. Scheduling policies

scheduling problem aims at scheduling project A complete characterization of policies and
activities with uncertain durations in order to corresponding subclasses can be found in M€
W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306 293

et al. (1984, 1985). Radermacher (1985) describes This inspired M€ ohring and Stork (2000) to define
early start (ES) policies using the concept of min- linear pre-selective policies. Linear pre-selective
imal forbidden sets. Minimal forbidden sets are policies (LIN) are a subclass of the class of pre-
inclusion minimal sets of pair-wise not precedence selective policies. The authors define a selection by
related activities that cannot be scheduled simul- a priority ordering L of the activities (respecting
taneously because they share limited resources. the original precedence constraints) in such a way
‘Inclusion minimal’ means that each proper subset that the preselected waiting activity of the minimal
of a forbidden set can be executed simultaneously forbidden set F is the activity with the smallest
without violating any resource constraints. The priority, i.e., the last activity in the list L.
number of forbidden sets may grow exponentially A policy is job based (JBP) if it is linear pre-
in the number of activities. A policy P is an ES- selective (according to some ordering L of the
policy if for each minimal forbidden set F there activities) and if si 6 sj for each sample d and for
exists a pair ði; jÞ, i, j 2 F , i 6¼ j, such that for each i L j. For a given sample d, the earliest activity
sample d of activity durations, j cannot be started start times can be computed by starting each
before i has finished. ES-policies can easily be activity in the order imposed by L as early as
implemented by adding the pairs (i; j) to the ori- possible, but not earlier than the start time of its
ginal set of precedence relations and computing predecessors in L. Clearly, the job-based policies
the earliest activity start times as s1 ¼ 0 (starting use an ‘‘activity based’’ point of view and not a
dummy) and sj ¼ maxði;jÞ2E ðsi þ di Þ, j 2 V n f1g. ‘‘resource based’’ view. As a result, job-based
Igelmund and Radermacher (1983a,b) intro- policies do not require the use of the forbidden
duced pre-selective (PRS) policies. A policy P is sets. This is a very efficiency gaining characteristic
pre-selective if for each minimal forbidden set F since activity based policies can easily be applied
there exists an activity j 2 F (the pre-selected or to very large projects, for which the number of
waiting activity), such that for each sample d of forbidden sets may be exorbitant.
activity durations, j is not started before at least
one activity i 2 F n fjg has finished. A selection is a
4.1.2. Branch-and-bound
sequence of waiting activities for all minimal for-
Stork (2000, 2001) has implemented branch-
bidden sets. M€ ohring and Stork (2000) have
and-bound algorithms to compute optimal ES-,
introduced a very useful representation of pre-
PRS-, LIN- and JBP-policies, using two branching
selective policies using so-called waiting conditions.
schemes, lower bound calculation and various
Waiting conditions can be modelled as AND/OR
dominance rules. He validates the algorithms on
precedence constraints (Gillies and Liu, 1995;
test instances generated using the problem gener-
M€ ohring et al., 2000). A waiting condition is given
ator ProGen (Kolisch and Sprecher, 1996). Pre-
by a pair ðX ; jÞ, X  V , j 2 V n X , where activity j
selective policies yielded the smallest expected
cannot be started before at least one activity i 2 X
makespan among all considered classes of policies,
has finished. Each restriction imposed by a mini-
which is logical because the set of PRS-policies
mal forbidden set F and its pre-selected activity j
embraces all LIN- and JBP-policies, and clearly
can be represented by the waiting condition
dominates the ES-policies.
ðF n fjg; jÞ. Obviously, each given precedence
constraint ði; jÞ 2 E can be represented by the
waiting condition ðfig; jÞ. A set W of waiting 4.1.3. Heuristic procedures
conditions induces a digraph D that contains a Research on heuristic procedures for solving the
node for each activity as well as for each waiting stochastic RCPSP is just emerging (Pet-Edwards,
condition ðX ; jÞ, directed arcs ði; wÞ are included 1996; Golenko-Ginzburg and Gonik, 1997; Tsai
for each i 2 X , with w the node representing ðX ; jÞ, and Gemmil, 1996, 1998). As an illustration, we
along with an extra arc ðw; jÞ (Stork, 2000). briefly discuss the procedures of Golenko-Ginz-
We alert the reader to the fact that pre-selective burg and Gonik (1997) and the tabu search pro-
policies do have severe computational limitations. cedure of Tsai and Gemmil (1998).
294 W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306

Golenko-Ginzburg and Gonik (1997) consider Rather, information will normally become avail-
PERT type activity-on-the-arc networks where the able only gradually as time progresses, making
duration of an activity is a random variable with the use of scheduling policies, as described above,
given density function (beta, uniform and normal more appropriate.
distributions are used) and where a pre-given
lower and upper bound on the activity duration is 4.2. Stochastic activity interruptions
available. The activities require a constant amount
of renewable resources during their execution. The Valls et al. (1999) have studied the problem of
renewable resources are available in constant scheduling resource-constrained project activities
amounts throughout time. The objective is to that are either deterministic (i.e. have a known
minimize the expected project duration. At each duration and cannot be interrupted) or stochastic
decision point, when at least one activity is ready (i.e. may be interrupted for an uncertain amount
to be scheduled, resource contention is resolved by of time and resumed later). The initial processing
solving a zero–one integer programming problem time di1 of an activity i that may be interrupted is
to maximize the total contribution of the accepted assumed to be known with certainty, however, the
activities to the expected project duration. For length of the interruption wi and the remaining
each activity, this contribution is computed as the processing time after the interruption d i2 are
product of its average duration and the probability uncertain. An example of such a situation may be
(determined by simulation) of it lying on the crit- a project in which some activities are submitted to
ical path. The procedure is illustrated on a an approval process before they can be completed.
numerical example. The time to review and approve the work per-
Tsai and Gemmil (1998) report computational formed during the initial processing determines the
results for the well-known 110 Patterson test length of the interruption, while the outcome of
problems (Patterson, 1984) using a tabu search the approval process may determine the length of
algorithm. They assume a beta distribution to the final processing. Each activity has a due date di
model activity durations and use an optimistic, and a tardiness penalty ci . Each activity requires a
most likely and pessimistic time estimate to cal- constant per period amount of a renewable re-
culate the parameters of the beta distribution. source during its execution. The renewable re-
Using the expected activity durations, they source types are available in a constant per-period
compute an initial feasible solution using the amount. The two parts of an interrupted activity
minimum slack rule. The expected project dura- require the same number of units from each re-
tion of a feasible solution is computed as follows: source. The processing time of the second part d i2
(a) a duration for each activity is drawn from the of an interrupted activity i is independent of the
beta distribution with the parameters calculated length of the interruption wi . The objective is to
using the three time estimates, (b) given the fea- schedule the activities subject to the zero-lag finish-
sible sequence and the randomly generated activ- start precedence constraints and the resource
ity durations, the project duration is computed, constraints in order to minimize the expected total
(c) the calculation of the project duration is re- weighted tardiness.
peated 100 times and then the average project The authors have developed a scenario-based
duration for the particular feasible sequence is approach. The scenarios are generated by speci-
reported as the expected project duration. It fying three time estimates both for the interruption
should be noted that this approach to estimate the and for the second part of each stochastic activity.
expected project duration violates the so-called The solution algorithm is a hybrid algorithm based
non-anticipativity constraint (Fernandez et al., on the scatter search methodology. The authors
1996). The approach implicitly assumes that all report on promising computational results ob-
uncertainty with regard to activity durations is tained on a set of randomly generated test prob-
resolved before the start of project execution lems. They have extended the approach to the
(‘anticipative’), which will only rarely be the case. problem of minimizing the weighted tardiness of
W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306 295

jobs with stochastic interruptions in a parallel been chosen (in their experiments, the authors as-
machine environment (Laguna et al., 2000). sign each measure randomly to an activity). Each
measure m incurs an additional cost of cm currency
4.3. The stochastic discrete time/cost trade-off units. For each x, the project duration Cmax ðdðxÞÞ
problem can be computed on the basis of the values of
d ij ðxÞ using standard critical path calculations.
The literature on the stochastic version of the Since Cmax ðdðxÞÞ depends on the stochastic dura-
discrete time/cost trade-off problem is virtually tions dðxÞ, it is also a random variable.
void. Wollmer (1985) discusses a stochastic version It is assumed that penalty costs occur if the
of the deterministic linear time/cost trade-off project is completed after its pre-specified due
problem for activity-on-the-arc networks in which date. These costs are described by a loss function
the duration of an activity can be described as K, where KðtÞ is the loss occurring if the project
yij þ nij , where the decision variable yij is bounded finishes at time t. The authors assume that K is a
from below by the activity crash duration lij and is step function that implies that no penalty occurs if
bounded from above by the normal duration of the project is completed on time. The loss
the activity uij . nij is a bounded discrete random KðCmax ðdðxÞÞÞ is also a random variable. The
variable, independent of yij , with an expected value objective is to minimize the expected overall loss,
of 0. Each activity (except dummies) has an asso- which is equal to the crashing costs and the ex-
ciated non-negative cost cij , which is the cost per pected penalty costs. The authors report on
unit decrease in yij within the range of lij and uij . promising computational results obtained on 33
The objective then is to determine activity dura- random problem instances with 25, 50 and 100
tions yij and event realization times that minimize nodes, beta distributed activity durations and 10,
the expected project completion time subject to a 15 or 20 crashing measures.
budget constraint, or achieve a feasible fixed ex- Scholl (2001) uses a scenario-based approach to
pected project completion time at minimum cost. formulate mathematical programming models for
Gutjahr et al. (2000) describe a stochastic the stochastic linear time/cost trade-off problem.
branch-and-bound procedure for solving a specific Using the 110 Patterson networks (Patterson,
version of the stochastic discrete time/cost trade- 1984) in activity-on-the-arc format as a test set, he
off problem where so-called measures (e.g. the use reaches the conclusion that the so-called compen-
of manpower, the assignment of highly-skilled la- sation models yield the best results for several
bour or the substitution of equipment) may be solution robustness measures. These models as-
used to increase the probability of meeting the sume that, given the scenario-dependent normal
project due date and thus avoid penalty costs. The activity durations with corresponding crashing
authors assume that the duration of an activity rates and associated crashing costs, the planned
ði; jÞ in an activity-on-the-arc network is modelled event realization times may suffer from a scenario-
by a beta distributed random variable d ij . The based delay penalized by scenario-dependent event
distribution of each d ij can be measured and the delay costs. The objective is then to minimize the
random variables d ij are assumed to be indepen- expected indirect and direct costs subject to the
dent. It is assumed that the distributions of the d ij precedence and budget constraints.
can be changed by certain crashing measures
m ¼ 1; . . . ; M. Typically, measure m reduces the 4.4. Multi-mode trade-off problems in stochastic
expected time required for one or several activities networks
by a certain amount. As such, the duration of
activity ði; jÞ becomes dependent on the vector At the time of writing, the literature on the
x ¼ ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xM Þ, where xm ¼ 1 if measure m is stochastic multi-mode problem was virtually void.
chosen and xm ¼ 0 otherwise. d ij ðxÞ will denote the Jørgenson (1999) and Elmaghraby (2000) focus on
duration of activity ði; jÞ on the condition that a a dynamic stochastic resource allocation problem
measure combination described by the vector x has in activity-on-the-arc networks where an activity a
296 W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306

requires total work content W a ðkÞ, a random on the renewable resource amounts assigned to it
variable, of resource k ¼ 1; . . . ; K specified as at its random start time. They illustrate an exten-
renewable or nonrenewable over the entire plan- sion of their heuristic procedure for the fixed
ning horizon. An allocation of xa ðk; tÞ units of re- resource capacity case discussed above (Golenko-
source k to activity a at time t costs ck ðxa ðk; Ginzburg and Gonik, 1997) on a numerical
tÞ; W a ðxa ÞÞ per unit of time, also a random vari- problem example. Laslo (2003) describes four
able. The resulting activity duration is denoted by stochastic models for computing time/cost trade-
the random variable yk ðxa Þ ¼ gk ðW a ðxa ÞÞ. The offs of a single activity using activity duration
total activity cost is then the random variable fractiles. The author illustrates on a small example
C k ðxa Þ ¼ ck ðxa ðk; tÞ; W a ðxa ÞÞ:gk ðW a ðxa ÞÞ. The pro- how to determine the performance speed of a
ject is assumed to have a fixed due date dn and a single activity, i.e. how to allocate the required
penalty function pðtn  dn Þ, where tn is the random budget in order to obtain the desired activity
variable denoting the time of realization of node n. duration under both cost chance constraints and
The penalty function is assumed to be linear with time chance constraints.
proportionality constant pL ; i.e. pðtn  dn Þ ¼
pL  maxf0; tn  dn g. The objective then is to
determine the resource allocation vector Xa to all 5. Fuzzy project scheduling
the project activities such that the total expected
cost is minimized. In the case of nonrenewable The advocates of the fuzzy activity duration
resources, the objective is taken to be the mini- approach argue that probability distributions for
mization of the project duration. the activity durations are unknown due to the
Elmaghraby (2000) describes two dynamic lack of historical data. As activity durations have
programming models for solving the problem and to be estimated by human experts, often in a
illustrates them on a problem example. A new non-repetitive or even unique setting, project
state space is introduced based on the concept of management is often confronted with judgmental
uniformly directed cutsets. For details, we refer the statements that are vague and imprecise. In those
reader to Elmaghraby (2000) and Tereso (2002). situations, which involve imprecision rather than
Tereso et al. (2003) report on computational re- uncertainty, the fuzzy set scheduling literature
sults obtained on a set of four projects that range recommends the use of fuzzy numbers for model-
in size from 5 to 18 activities. The solution times ling activity durations, rather than stochastic
varied from a few seconds to five days on a Pen- variables. Instead of probability distributions,
tium III processor running at 650 MHz. these quantities make use of membership functions,
Jørgenson (1999) and Elmaghraby (2000) dem- based on possibility theory.
onstrate that the dynamic resource allocation ap- A fuzzy set is a function that measures the de-
proach is superior to static optimization, which gree of membership to a set. Set A in a base set X
assumes certainty equivalents given by expected can be described by a membership function
values. Deterministic static time/cost trade-off lA : X ! f0; 1g with lA ðxÞ ¼ 1 if x 2 A and
models underestimate the total expected project lA ðxÞ ¼ 0 if x 62 A. If it is uncertain whether or not
costs and neglect the value of flexibility. Updating element x belongs to set A, the above model can be
the plans as new information becomes available by extended such that the membership function maps
adjusting the amount of resources to be allocated into the interval ½0; 1. A high value of this mem-
may well lead to superior results. Additional bership function implies a high possibility, while a
computational experience in this area would be low value implies a poor possibility. This leads to
more than welcome. the definition of a fuzzy set A e in X as a set of or-
Golenko-Ginzburg and Gonik (1998) assume a dered pairs A e ¼ fðx; lA~ðxÞÞjx 2 X g, where lA~ðxÞ,
deterministic work content but random activity 0 6 lA~ðxÞ 6 1, is called the membership function or
durations which are the result of performing an grade of membership of x in A. e In the classical case
activity at a random speed which depends linearly where lA~ðxÞ ¼ 0 or 1, A e is said to be a crisp set.
W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306 297

A fuzzy number A e ¼ fðx; lA~ðxÞÞjx 2 X g, where (1995), a fuzzy schedule assists in the explicit rep-
lA~ is the membership function of A, e is a special resentation of certain degrees of freedom in the
kind of a fuzzy set defined as a fuzzy subset of the predictive schedule to represent the discretion
real line R that is convex, which means that management has to start certain jobs a little earlier
8a; b 2 R, 8c 2 ½a; b, lA~ðcÞ P minðlA~ðaÞ; lA~ðbÞÞ. It or later when duly propagating certain hard and
is also required that 9a 2 R : lA~ðaÞ ¼ 1. The soft constraints that may be imposed. In this sense,
advocates of fuzzy scheduling admit that the pre- a fuzzy schedule comprises multiple crisp sched-
cise form of a fuzzy number is difficult to describe ules.
by an expert (Hapke et al., 1999). A practical way The recent volume edited by Slowinski and
of getting suitable membership functions of fuzzy Hapke (2000) gathers important recent work in
data has been proposed by Rommelfanger (1990). fuzzy scheduling. At the time of writing, the liter-
He recommends that the expert express his/her ature on fuzzy resource-constrained project
optimistic and pessimistic information about scheduling was in its burn-in phase (Hapke et al.,
parameter uncertainty on some prominent mem- 1994, 1999; Hapke and Slowinski, 1996, 2000;
bership levels by specifying intervals on R: the €
Ozdamar and Alanya, 2000; Wang, 1999, 2002,
smallest interval ½m; m for which lðxÞ ¼ 1, mean- 2004).
ing that x certainly belongs to the set of possible The study of a fuzzy model of resource-con-
values; a larger interval ½mk ; m k , containing ½m; m,
 strained project scheduling has been initiated in
for which it holds that values x have a good chance Hapke et al. (1994) and Hapke and Slowinski
P k of belonging to the set of possible values; and a (1996). They have extended the priority rule based
third interval ½me ; m
 e , containing the second, for serial and parallel scheduling schemes to deal with
which all values x have lðxÞ < e. Values x with fuzzy parameters.
lðxÞ < e have a very small chance of belonging to Hapke and Slowinski (2000) discuss the appli-
the set of possible values; i.e. the expert is willing cation of simulated annealing for solving the
to neglect the corresponding values of x. Using a multi-objective fuzzy resource-constrained project
six-point representation, a fuzzy number M e is then scheduling problem. The procedure is an adapta-
represented by the list of symbols M e ¼ ðme ; tion of the Pareto simulated annealing procedure
k k e
m ; m; m;  ;m Þ as shown in Fig. 1. developed by Czyzak and Jaskievicz (1996) for
The output of a fuzzy scheduling pass will solving crisp multi-objective combinatorial prob-
normally be a fuzzy schedule, which indicates fuzzy lems. The procedure has been incorporated in an
starting and ending times for the activities. Such integrated software package. For details we refer
fuzzy time instances may be interpreted as start or to Hapke and Slowinski (2000).
completion to a certain extent only. As can be €
Ozdamar and Alanya (2000) study software
conceived from, amongst others, Dorn et al. development projects and offer a nonlinear mixed-
binary mathematical problem formulation and
accompanying solution heuristics. Their model
µ M~ ( x) incorporates uncertainties related to activity
durations and network topology. Activities may be
performed in one of different modes with a corre-
sponding fuzzy duration. The objective function is

to minimize the project duration. Ozdamar and
Alanya (2000) illustrate the use of four priority
based heuristics: the standard minimum slack rule,
ε the latest finish time rule, the maximum number of
immediate successor rule and a minimum risk rule
mε mλ m m mλ m x
on a case study.
e in six-point representation (Hapke
Fig. 1. Fuzzy number M Wang (1999) has developed a fuzzy set ap-
et al., 1999). proach to schedule product development projects
298 W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306

having imprecise temporal information. The pro- (multi-) project environment is far off from the
ject has a fuzzy ready time and fuzzy deadline and pre-emptive polynomially solvable single machine
the activities are assumed to have a fuzzy duration, settings studied in a real-time environment.
all described by trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. The Temporal protection (Gao, 1995) extends the
objective is to determine a start time for each duration of activities based on the uncertainty
activity such that the fuzzy ready time, deadline, statistics of the resources that are used for their
precedence and resource constraints are satisfied. execution. Resources that have a non-zero prob-
A beam search procedure, based on the generation ability of breakdown are called breakable re-
of groups of activities the delay of which resolves sources. The durations of activities requiring
the resource conflicts (i.e. delaying alternatives breakable resources are extended to provide extra
(Demeulemeester and Herroelen, 2002)), that se- time with which to cope with a breakdown. The
lects only the most promising nodes at each level ‘‘protected’’ duration of each activity equals its
of the search tree (the so-called beam-width) for original duration augmented with the duration of
further expansion is developed to produce a set of breakdowns that are expected to occur during
fuzzy start times for each activity. Then, the crisp activity execution, based on breakdown statistics
start time of each activity is determined based on for the performing resources (mean time to failure,
possibility theory, to maximize the satisfaction mean time to repair, which makes this approach
degrees of all fuzzy constraints. Wang (2002) has less applicable in a project setting, where most
presented a fuzzy beam search approach for solv- resources are human beings). The baseline sche-
ing the problem under the objective of minimizing dule is then obtained by solving the scheduling
the schedule risk. Wang (2004) describes a genetic problem with protected durations.
algorithm for solving the problem under the Davenport et al. (2001) propose improvements
objective of maximizing the worst case schedule of this temporal protection technique with their
performance. time window slack and focused time window slack
approaches in which they do not include slack into
activity durations, but explicitly compute available
6. Proactive (robust) project scheduling slack time per activity in solution schedules. In this
way, they are able to utilize the same slack time for
Numerous techniques for proactive (robust) protecting more than activity, and concentrate
scheduling have recently been published. The slack in areas of the schedule that are most
majority of publications are in the machine important or most vulnerable.
scheduling literature (Davenport and Beck, 2002). Mehta and Uzsoy (1998, 1999) insert additional
idle time into the predictive schedule to absorb the
6.1. Redundancy-based techniques impact of machine breakdowns. Mehta and Uzsoy
(1999) consider the problem of minimizing total
Fault tolerance has been studied in real-time tardiness on a single machine with dynamic job
pre-emptive single machine scheduling environ- arrival and random breakdowns. They compute an
ments to ensure that faults in the system do not initial sequence by a heuristic and then insert
lead to overall system failure. Fault tolerance can additional idle times into the schedule. Mehta and
be achieved through resource redundancy (multi- Uzsoy (1998) study the problem of minimizing the
ple identical sets of resources kept in standby maximum lateness in a job shop subject to ma-
(Ghosh, 1996)) or time redundancy (scheduling of chine breakdowns. Assuming the distributions of
back-up tasks that simply reserve time for re-exe- the time between breakdowns and the time to re-
cution in the event of a fault (Ghosh et al., 1995)). pair for the machines to be available, they generate
Pure resource redundancy is rather unrealistic a baseline schedule using the shifting bottleneck
in a project environment: doubling the various heuristic (Adams et al., 1988). They invoke earli-
resources would be cost prohibitive. Time redun- ness and lateness penalties whenever the last
dancy may be relevant, but unfortunately a operation of a job ends sooner or later than
W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306 299

planned. They use two heuristics to insert idle time Sevaux and S€ orensen (2002a,b) study the single
to minimize expected job completion time devia- machine scheduling problem with ready times
tions. In the ‘‘linear programming based heuristic’’ under the objective of minimizing the weighted
(LPH), the idea is to develop a schedule with ex- number of late jobs. They rely on a genetic algo-
pected durations for all the activities, and minimize rithm for generating quality robust schedules, i.e.,
the summed deviation of the pre-schedule from schedules whose quality does not change when the
this ‘blown up schedule’. input data (i.e., the ready times) change.
Tavares et al. (1998) study the risk of a project The approach of Sevaux and S€ orensen is closely
as a function of the uncertainty of the duration related to the one proposed by Jensen (2001), who
and the cost of each activity and the adopted provides extensive theoretical and experimental
schedule. The adoption of an early (late) start results for a job shop environment. Whereas the
schedule reduces (increases) the risk of an overall foregoing studies use the expected value objective,
delay but increases (decreases) the project’s dis- Jensen also studies minimization of worst case
counted cost, which calls for the difficult determi- performance and of worst case deviation perfor-
nation of an optimal compromise. The authors mance (absolute and relative). These correspond
suggest that the start time of each activity i be set with minimax and minimax regret objectives in
equal to si ðaÞ ¼ esi þ aðlsi  esi Þ, where esi and lsi decision analysis. The minimax objective minimizes
denote the earliest, respectively, latest start time of the consequences of the worst case scenario and
activity i given project deadline dn , and a, tends to generate very conservative schedules.
0 6 a 6 1, denotes the so-called float factor. The Minimax regret techniques associate schedule
late start (early start) schedule is obtained with robustness with the schedule with the best worst-
a ¼ 1 (a ¼ 0). The authors prove that the use of case regret performance over all potential realiza-
si ðaÞ yields a feasible schedule. tions of job processing times, with ‘regret’ for a
particular scenario measured either as absolute
6.2. Robust machine scheduling techniques difference or as percentage difference between the
resulting cost and the cost that would have re-
Leon et al. (1994) describe a genetic algorithm sulted from perfect information for that scenario.
for generating robust schedules for job shops. As explained by Kouvelis and Yu (1997), minimax
They define the schedule robustness of a job shop regret objectives will yield less conservative
schedule S as schedules, since they take into account the mag-
RðSÞ ¼ r  E½MðSÞ þ ð1  rÞE½dðSÞ; nitude of missed opportunities of a decision by
benchmarking its performance with the perfor-
where MðSÞ is a random variable denoting the mance of the optimal ‘ex post’ solution.
actual makespan of S in the presence of disrup- Daniels and Kouvelis (1995) study the single
tions, r is a real-valued weight in the interval ½0; 1, machine problem under the total flow time objec-
and dðSÞ ¼ MðSÞ  Mo ðSÞ represents the schedule tive. For a given schedule and a set of processing
delay, defined as a random variable expressing the times for the single machine problem, the regret is
difference between executed and pre-schedule measured as the absolute difference between the
makespan. Since Mo ðSÞ is deterministic, the ex- total flow time of the schedule for that scenario
pected values of MðSÞ and dðSÞ equate as and the flow time obtained using the (optimal)
E½MðSÞ ¼ E½dðSÞ þ Mo ðSÞ. The authors assume a shortest processing time rule. Kouvelis et al. (2000)
right-shift reactive policy that restarts the dis- focus on the two-machine flow shop environment,
rupted operations immediately after the disruption in which the deviation is computed between the
period. They demonstrate that schedule robustness makespan of the schedule for a scenario and the
RðSÞ can be computed directly for a schedule with makespan of the (optimal) Johnson schedule for
a single disruption. When there is more than one that scenario. The authors develop branch-and-
disruption, the authors have tested three surrogate bound algorithms and heuristics for determining
robustness measures. robust schedules.
300 W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306

As a continuation of the research on minimax The authors propose to use as stability measure
regret objectives, Daniels and Carrillo (1997) the expected weighted deviation in start times in
investigate a combination of average system per- the realized schedule from those in the pre-sche-
formance and performance variability in deter- dule. In other P words, the expression they wish to
mining the optimal schedule. Focusing on a single minimize is j¼1 cj ðE½sj   sj ðSÞÞ, with E the
machine environment and a set of activity pro- expectation operator, sj ðSÞ the start time of
cessing time scenarios, their scheduling objective is activity j in the pre-schedule S, and sj a random
to determine a b-robust schedule, i.e., the schedule variable representing the actually achieved start
with the maximum likelihood of achieving flow time of activity j (after project execution). If for all
time performance no greater than a particular arcs ði; jÞ 2 TA, MSPFij denotes the minimal sum
target level. Having established NP-hardness of of pairwise floats of all edges on any path leading
the problem, the authors offer a branch-and- P i to j, then E½sj  can be computed as sj ðSÞ þ
bound procedure and a heuristic. They also extend i2pT ðjÞ pi Eðmaxf0; Li  MSPFij gji disturbedÞ,
the analysis to those situations where a single re- where pT ðjÞ is the set of all immediate and tran-
source, available in limited supply, can be applied sitive predecessors of j. Hence,
P the objective can be
to individual jobs to linearly decrease the associ- rewritten as min ði;jÞ2TA cj pi Eðmaxf0; Li 
ated processing time variance. Computational MSPFij gji disturbedÞ. Assuming a single disrup-
experience indicated that b-robust schedules pro- tion and all Li to be discrete with probability mass
vide effective hedges against processing time function gi ðÞ which associates nonzero probability
uncertainty while maintaining near-optimal per- with positive values lik that correspond with the
formance with respect to expected flow time. elements k in Di , the set of disturbance scenarios
for activity i, the authors solve the following linear
6.3. Robust project scheduling programming model:
6.3.1. Abstraction of resource usage min cj pi gi ðlik ÞDijk ð1Þ
Herroelen and Leus (2004) develop mathemati- ði;jÞ2TA k2Di
cal programming models for the generation of sta- subject to
ble baseline schedules in a project environment. The
authors make abstraction of resource usage, si þ di þ Fij ¼ sj 8ði; jÞ 2 A; ð2Þ
assuming that a proper allocation of resources has s n 6 dn ; ð3Þ
been performed. They use the concept of pair-wise lik  MSPFij 6 Dijk 8ði; jÞ 2 TA; 8k 2 Di ; ð4Þ
float, Fij ðSÞ ¼ sj ðSÞ  fi ðSÞ, defined as the difference
between the start time of activity j and the finish si þ di þ kij þ MSPFij ¼ sj 8ði; jÞ 2 TA; ð5Þ
time of activity i in a schedule S. The pair-wise float all Dijk ; si ; Fij ; MSPFij P 0; ð6Þ
is only defined for activities ði; jÞ 2 TA, where TA
denotes the transitive closure of A, meaning that where Dijk is the delay in the start time of activity j
ði; jÞ 2 TA if and only if a path from i to j exists in due to a disturbance according to scenario k of
the activity-on-the-node project network activity i, and kij is the length of the path from i to
G ¼ ðN ; AÞ. The authors assign a project deadline j (not including i and j) for which MSPFij is
dn and a probability of disruption Pn pi to every achieved. This linear program can be rewritten as
activity i (i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n), with i¼1 pi ¼ 1. The the dual of a minimum cost network flow problem.
dummy end node has disruption probability pn ¼ 0, The authors have extended the model to cope with
while p1 denotes the probability that the dummy multiple disturbances. They report on very prom-
start node, i.e. the entire project, starts later than ising computational results obtained on a set of
initially anticipated. They use a random variable Li randomly generated test instances.
to denote the disturbance length of activity i if it is Herroelen and Leus (2004) have adapted the
disturbed, and a non-negative cost ci per unit time float factor model of Tavares et al. (1998) and the
overrun on the start time of activity i. model of Mehta and Uzsoy (1998, 1999) discussed
W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306 301

in Section 6.1 to a project environment. Results the search for an optimal allocation is reduced to
obtained on a dataset consisting of 300 instances the search for an associated resource flow network
generated using the problem generator RanGen with desirable robustness characteristics. The au-
(Demeulemeester et al., 2003) demonstrate that thors propose a branch-and-bound algorithm that
both models are clearly outperformed by the solves the robust resource allocation problem in
model given earlier in Eqs. (1)–(6). exact and approximate formulations. The proce-
dure heavily relies on constraint propagation
6.3.2. Restricted resources and robust resource during its search. The authors report on promising
allocation results obtained on a set of problem instances
If the unrestricted resource availability generated using the problem generator RanGen
assumption is dropped from the analysis, Leus and (Demeulemeester et al., 2003).
Herroelen (2004) use a so-called resource flow
network to represent the flow of resources across 6.4. Multiple schedules (contingent scheduling)
the activities of the project network (the concept of
a resource flow network has been presented by The contingent scheduling approach is based on
Naegler and Schoenherr (1989), Bowers (1995) and the generation of multiple baseline schedules (or
Artigues and Roubellat (2000)). An interesting baseline schedule fragments) before and/or during
question is whether we can find a feasible resource project execution that optimally respond to antic-
allocation corresponding with a given feasible ipated disruptive events, or are equivalent in per-
input schedule S such that formance. Responding to anticipated or even
X X unexpected events during schedule execution is
cj pi gi ðlik ÞDijk 6 U ;
then simply done by switching to the schedule
ði;jÞ2TA[F k2Di
(fragment) that corresponds to the events that
where F is the set of extra resource links. Leus have occurred. This approach focuses on flexibil-
(2003) has shown that this decision problem is NP- ity, rather than robustness, and is especially valu-
complete even when all activities have a single able for time-critical reactive scheduling.
disruption scenario, by establishing that the par- Billaut and Roubellat (1996a) suggest to gen-
allel machine problem with weighted completion erate for every resource a so-called group sequence,
time objective (Bruno et al., 1974) can be reduced i.e. a totally or partially ordered set of groups of
to it. operations, and to consider all the schedules ob-
Leus and Herroelen (2004) have studied the tained by an arbitrary choice of the ordering of the
problem of generating a robust resource allocation operations inside each group. Mauguiere et al.
under the assumption that a feasible baseline (2002) and Aloulou et al. (2002) explore this se-
schedule exists and that some advance knowledge quence flexibility idea in the context of single
about the probability distribution of the activity machine scheduling.
durations is available. The authors explore the fact The gist of the approach can be sketched using
that checking the feasibility of a resource alloca- the 4 job–2 machine example borrowed from Bil-
tion can easily be done using maximal flow com- laut and Roubellat (1996a). The four jobs are
putations in the resource flow network. As such, subject to ready times q1 ¼ 1, q2 ¼ q3 ¼ q4 ¼ 0

Table 2
Data for the 4 job-2 resource problem
(1,1) (1,2) (2,1) (2,2) (3,1) (3,2) (4,1) (4,2)
Machine 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1
Processing time 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
302 W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306

and due dates d2 ¼ 4, d1 ¼ d3 ¼ d4 ¼ 5. Additional (1996b) to the case of multi-mode scheduling with
data are shown in Table 2. The notation ði; jÞ re- minimal and maximal time-lags.
fers to operation j of job i. Consider the following Artigues et al. (1999) study multi-mode project
group sequence: scheduling problems where the projects have a
release date and a due date. They propose a gen-
Resource 1: group 1: {(1,1),(2,1)} group 2: eration procedure for finding group sequences
{(3,2),(4,2)} based on a new priority rule. They also propose
Resource 2: group 1: {(3,1),(4,1)} group 2: and test an efficient local search procedure to im-
{(1,2),(2,2)} prove the feasibility of a group sequence. The
procedures are integrated in a commercial real-
Table 3 enumerates the 16 schedules that can be time scheduling package (ORDOâ ).
generated from this group sequence by choosing
an arbitrary processing order for the operations
inside each group (a  b means a strictly precedes 7. Sensitivity analysis
b). All 16 schedules are feasible. In this way the
decision maker is not just provided with one fea- A number of recent research efforts focus on the
sible schedule but with several ones. The hope is sensitivity analysis of machine scheduling prob-
that during the real-time execution of the schedule, lems (Hall and Posner, 2000a,b). Sensitivity anal-
it becomes possible to switch from one solution to ysis addresses ‘‘What if. . .?’’ types of questions
the other in the presence of a disruption without that arise from parameter changes. The authors
any loss of performance. study polynomially solvable and intractable ma-
Billaut and Roubellat (1996a,b) extend the chine scheduling problems and try to provide
group sequence concept to the multiple renewable answers to a number of fundamental questions
resource case by adding the condition that the such as (a) what are the limits to the change of a
operations in a group should use the same amount parameter such that the solution remains optimal?
of a resource type, and the operations in a group (b) Given a specific change of a parameter, what is
are assigned to the same subset of units of the the new optimal cost? (c) Given a specific change
resource type. Briand et al. (2002) extend the of a parameter, what is a new optimal solution? (d)
methodology used by Billaut and Roubellat When does a baseline schedule remain optimal? (e)
When does the objective function value remain
optimal? (f) What types of sensitivity analysis are
Table 3 useful to evaluate the robustness of optimal solu-
Set of schedules (Billaut and Roubellat, 1996a) tions? (g) What types of sensitivity analysis can be
Resource 1 Resource 2 performed without using the full details of the
(1,1)  (2,1)  (3,2)  (4,2) (3,1)  (4,1)  (1,2)  (2,2) solution? etc. An interesting area of future re-
(2,1)  (1,1)  (3,2)  (4,2) (3,1)  (4,1)  (1,2)  (2,2) search is to pose and answer similar questions in a
(1,1)  (2,1)  (4,2)  (3,2) (3,1)  (4,1)  (1,2)  (2,2) project scheduling setting. An additional interest-
(2,1)  (1,1)  (4,2)  (3,2) (3,1)  (4,1)  (1,2)  (2,2)
ing and as yet unexplored research topic is to
(1,1)  (2,1)  (3,2)  (4,2) (4,1)  (3,1)  (1,2)  (2,2)
(2,1)  (1,1)  (3,2)  (4,2) (4,1)  (3,1)  (1,2)  (2,2) determine what parameter changes are allowed to
(1,1)  (2,1)  (4,2)  (3,2) (4,1)  (3,1)  (1,2)  (2,2) guarantee full rescheduling optimality by means of
(2,1)  (1,1)  (4,2)  (3,2) (4,1)  (3,1)  (1,2)  (2,2) a ‘simple’ repair action (e.g. right shift).
(1,1)  (2,1)  (3,2)  (4,2) (3,1)  (4,1)  (2,2)  (1,2) Penz et al. (2001) determine the sensitivity
(2,1)  (1,1)  (3,2)  (4,2) (3,1)  (4,1)  (2,2)  (1,2)
guarantee of off-line scheduling algorithms for
(1,1)  (2,1)  (4,2)  (3,2) (3,1)  (4,1)  (2,2)  (1,2)
(2,1)  (1,1)  (4,2)  (3,2) (3,1)  (4,1)  (2,2)  (1,2) single and parallel machine scheduling problems
(1,1)  (2,1)  (3,2)  (4,2) (4,1)  (3,1)  (2,2)  (1,2) where the actual duration of a task i is equal to
(2,1)  (1,1)  (3,2)  (4,2) (4,1)  (3,1)  (2,2)  (1,2) ð1 þ ei Þdi , with ei 2  1; þ1½ representing the
(1,1)  (2,1)  (4,2)  (3,2) (4,1)  (3,1)  (2,2)  (1,2) percentage of confidence we have on the corre-
(2,1)  (1,1)  (4,2)  (3,2) (4,1)  (3,1)  (2,2)  (1,2)
sponding estimated duration. Values 1 þ ei are the
W. Herroelen, R. Leus / European Journal of Operational Research 165 (2005) 289–306 303

components of the perturbation vector ~ e. The problem determine the resource allocation vectors
sensitivity guarantee of an off-line algorithm ALG for the project activities in order to minimize total
is a function sALG ðeÞ such that for any off-line in- expected cost and rely on the assumption that the
stance I and any e-perturbation ~ e, sALG ðeÞ is the uncertainty resides in the work content of the
smallest real value verifying q~eALG ðIÞ 6 sALG ðeÞ  activities and not in their duration.
qALG ðIÞ, with k e k 6 e. In this expression, The fuzzy project scheduling approach rejects
qALG ðIÞ ¼ fALG ðIÞ=fOPT ðIÞ denotes the theoreti- the use of probability distributions for the activity
cal or off-line performance ratio of algorithm durations but relies on membership functions that
ALG, for which fALG ðIÞ denotes the objective may be as difficult to generate. As such uncertainty
value achieved by algorithm ALG on I and is captured by the notion of ‘‘belonging’’ rather
fOPT ðIÞ denotes the optimal objective value for the than in terms of ‘‘frequency’’ of occurrence. The
instance. q~eALG ðIÞ ¼ fALG
~e ~
ðIÞ=fOPT ðIÞ denotes the literature is still in its burn-in phase.
effective performance ratio, i.e. obtained after Research in proactive (robust) scheduling has
execution. The numerator and denominator in the widely prospered in the field of machine schedul-
right-hand side of the expression represent the ing. Redundancy-based techniques have already
objective value of the ALG schedule for I, applied found their way to the field of project scheduling.
to I perturbed by ~ e, and the optimal value ex post, The buffer insertion approach, the fundamental
with perfect knowledge, respectively. ingredient of Goldratt’s critical chain methodol-
ogy (Goldratt, 1997), is gaining increasing popu-
larity among project management practitioners.
8. Summary and suggestions for further research While this methodology has acted as an important
eye-opener, its pitfalls, mainly due to severe over-
The majority of research efforts in project simplifications, have been revealed recently. The
scheduling assume complete information about the generation of robust multi-resource baseline
scheduling problem to be solved and assume a schedules in combination with efficient and effec-
static deterministic environment. Basically the re- tive reactive schedule repair mechanisms consti-
search efforts aim at the generation of feasible tutes a viable area of future research. Whereas
baseline schedules that ‘satisfice’ or optimize single numerous reactive scheduling mechanisms have
or multiple objective functions. The literature on been developed and tested in real-time machine
project scheduling under risk and uncertainty is scheduling environments, the field is in need for
rather sparse. In this paper we offer a review of the further research aimed at their implementation
major approaches to deal with scheduling risk and and validation in a project scheduling environ-
uncertainty, many of which have been mainly or ment.
solely studied in a machine scheduling environ- Research on sensitivity analysis has just
ment. emerged in the area of machine scheduling. Efforts
The methodologies for stochastic project sched- to seek answers to the various types of ‘‘what if
uling basically view the project scheduling problem . . .’’ questions in a project setting still need to be
as a multi-stage decision process. Scheduling pol- initiated, and would offer useful information to
icies are used that define which activities are to be project management.
started at random decision points through time,
based on the observed past and the a priori
knowledge about the processing time distributions. References
As such they share the disadvantage that they do
not explicitly generate a pre-schedule that can be Adams, J., Balas, E., Zawack, D., 1988. The shifting bottleneck
used as the baseline plan for making advance procedure for job shop scheduling. Management Science 34,
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