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CURSO PFDr. Carlos II CICLO 2011

Posgrado en Computacin e Informtica PF-3359: Multimedios Asignacin No1 1) Escriba una lista con los diferentes tipos de aplicaciones multimediales (en soporte CD/DVD o Internet) Por ejemplo: tutorial, juego educativo, panfleto, etc.

2) Escriba un ensayo titulado "Diseando contenido interactivo para los nuevos medios". El cual se base en la literatura listada a continuacin. Se deben incuir citas bibliogrficas. Minimo 10 paginas, maximo 30.
Libro Principal: Interactive Design for New Media and the Web

Part I: Background
Chapter 1: Interactivity? Chapter 2: A Short History of Interactivity Chapter 3: The Internet Chapter 4: Distance Learning Chapter 5: Interactive Games Chapter 6: Interactive Experiences

Part II: Creating Interactive Products

Chapter 7: The Process Chapter 8: Interactive Design Chapter 9: Human Interface Design Chapter 10: Flowcharts and Site Maps Chapter 11: Prototyping Chapter 12: The Technology of the Web

Chapter 7: The Process

The process of creating and launching an interactive product generally follows these steps: 1. Concept development 2. Funds acquisition 3. Product design

4. Interface design 5. Design documentation 6. Prototyping 7. Product production 8. Product launch 9. Product maintenance 10. Product updating

Chapter 8: Interactive Design

Heres an outline of a typical sales presentation document: Title page, with graphic Objectives of the program Benefits to the sponsor Demographics of the target audience Concept statement Description of the interactivity Definition of the look and feel Background on key development players Timeline and budget considerations

Chapter 9: Human Interface Design

These principles are published in The Apple Human Interface Guidelines, a book that is available to the general public. Here is a summary of the principles it presents: Simple design is good design. People deserve and appreciate attractive surroundings. A mess is acceptable only if the user makes the mess. Good design must communicate, not just dazzle. Objects should look like what they do so that the user can recognize them and point to them. Consistency should be valued over idiosyncratic cleverness. The transfer of skills is one of the most important benefits of a consistent interface. The environment should appear to remain stable, understandable, and familiar. There should be little or no difference between what the user sees and what the user gets. The user, not the computer, should control the action. The interface should stimulate the feeling that the user is in charge of the system, and it should be fun to use. The user should be kept informed of whats going on via messages (presented in dialog boxes).

The user should be allowed to do anything reasonable and be forgiven if a mistake is made. Generally the interface should use metaphors. These metaphors should be supported with audio and visual effects. Animation, when used sparingly, is one of the best ways to draw a users attention to a place on the screen. There should always be a way out.

Chapter 11: Prototyping

The following list provides five good reasons to prototype: (verlo) Prototypes have to show: The look and feel of the menus and navigation system The general metaphor for the system The graphic style of the system The branching structure of the system Samples of the media elements that will be in the system Samples of flow of the story through key branching points Samples of any game or VR functionality Samples of any other unique and special features of the system

Part IV: Interactive Entertainment

Chapter 17: Basic Structure Chapter 18: The Adventure! Chapter 19: Comics on the Internet Chapter 20: Game Shows


Now that we have looked at the requirements of a continuous sales flow and the various kinds of shoppers, it may be possible to summarize what we have discussed in a few rules: 1. Make sure that the controls of the interactive commerce system are obvious and easy to understand. 2. Make sure that the organization of the system is crystal-clear. 3. Provide a path by which first-time users can get the background information they need to feel comfortable making a purchase. 4. Allow the browser an easy method to explore, learn about, and look at products in action.

5. Build in a method for closing a sale for browsers who want to do nothing more than look around. 6. Provide the person ready to buy with a method to get right to the buy decision in the shortest possible number of steps. 7. Offer a method by which the inquirer can be guided to a product by asking a series of questions. 8. Devise an order entry mechanism that will not get in the way of the sales flow.

In previous chapters we noted that the content makeup of many Web sites is similar. We moved from promotional movie sites to entertainment sites and found that we were identifying a set of content areas that can or should appear in almost all of these sites. The areas we identified were: Promotional materials Archives Related content Communication The Adventure Merchandising
LIBRO segundo: Effective Web Design, Second Edition
Part II The Site Design Process

Chapter 9 - Navigating Your Site Chapter 10 - Search Engines Chapter 11 - Validating Your Work Chapter 12 - Knowing Your Audience Chapter 13 - Planning the Design of Your Web Site Chapter 14 - Effective Visual Presentation Chapter 15 - Making a Statement with Fonts Chapter 16 - Color on the Web Chapter 17 - Creating Professional Graphics Chapter 18 - Multimedia on the Web Chapter 19 - Doing Business on Your Site Chapter 20 - Accessibility Issues

libro tercero: Graphics and Web Page Design workshop:

Cap. 1 y 2: Creando un diseo de un sitio web Cap. 17: A Portfolio of Graphics from the Web

LIBRO cuarto: Bulletproofing Web Applications

Part I - Getting Started Chapter 1 Laying the Foundation for Reliable Web Applications Chapter 2 - The Anatomy of a Web Application

Chapter 3 - Identifying Web Development Pitfalls Chapter 4 Designing a Demo Web Application The Online Grocer Chapter 5 - Prototyping the Online Grocer Application Chapter 6 Implementing the Online Grocer Application

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