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Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 Posting ke thread ini Kirim pesan baru thread Masalah dengan Canon ip4300

oleh jonregester (7/8/07 1:56 AM) reply + / -I haven't had my canon ip4300 panjang, dan mungkin hanya di set kedua inks. Saya menggunakan canon jet tec kompatibel cartridges dan kembali menggunakan chip dari originals sesuai petunjuk. Saya baru-baru ini Cyan kehabisan jadi saya beli yang baru tapi ketika saya meletakkannya di printer saya mendapat pesan kesalahan yang menyatakan tank coouldn't akan diakui. Jadi saya beli yang lain berpikir mungkin faulty cartridge lagi tetapi hal yang sama terjadi. Saya telah dibersihkan dengan cairan pembersih kontak dengan saya juga dihapus printer kemudian ia kembali diinstal. Saya telah menjalankan beberapa siklus pembersihan. Am I missing something here? Any help appreciated Thanks in advance

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (7/8/07 6:32 AM) reply + / -Ya coba baru asli Canon ink cartridge. Jika berhasil, guess what, its the tranfer dari chip yang dirancang untuk tidak akan ditransfer. BAB Canon Authorized Tech!

Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh jonregester (7/8/07 9:33 AM) reply + / -Wow thanks for that! Don't you think untuk satu momen yang saran Anda belum crossed my mind sudah! mengapa tidak hanya menawarkan beberapa nasihat bermanfaat instaed yang hanya gloating pada orang lain ke keberuntungan.

Re: Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (7/9/07 6:59 AM) reply + / -Karena tidak ada yang lain memberikan nasihat! Bak tinta yang tidak dirancang untuk memiliki keripik disingkirkan dan ditempatkan pada bak tinta bajak laut, dan apa yang mereka! Jadi jika Anda memiliki masalah karena beralih kaya, tidak akan mencari cara baru untuk merusak printer karena Anda dan Anda akan menyalahkan Canon. Setelah pasar inks yang berbasis air! Canons yang berbasis alkohol, alkohol yang membantu bersih dan kepala dingin cetak. Plus Anda memiliki cli8 inks yang baru bahkan ada yang lebih enhansement ke inks

membuatnya arsip inks berarti mereka akan bertahan selama 100 tahun jika menggunakan cara instructs Canon. Jadi menggunakan aftermarket inks, tetapi tidak komplain jika pindah kaya menyebabkan masalah atau mencetak kepala tiba-tiba gagal. BAB Canon Authorized Tek.

Re: Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (7/15/07 11:52 AM) reply + / -Cukup lucu I've had masalah dengan Cyan cartridge kompatibel juga. Walaupun saya tidak memiliki masalah dengan mengubah keripik, printer kepala / jet di Cyan tampaknya telah diblokir. Saya bicara ke Canon rep minggu terakhir dan dia saja yang bermanfaat di jalan bundaran jenis. Dia sama sekali tidak menyebutkan bahwa air adalah compatibles berbasis inks (mereka semua?) Tetapi ia sugested beberapa orang menemukan bahwa ia bermanfaat bagi alternatif asli dan kompatibel cartridges. Dia mengatakan bahwa Pixma ip4300 harus baik selama 3 tahun dan mengatakan bahwa kami usaha kecil throughput dari 2500 lembar A4 mencetak dari setiap 4 bulan atau jadi baik dalam kemampuan printer. Dia juga menyarankan agar kita dapat membeli asli Canon cartridges for about 3.70 - jauh lebih kecil dari kami untuk membayar yang asli. Ya, kami menemukan masalah, tetapi mereka adalah bahwa prangko kemudian membawa cartridges hingga normal semacam diskon harga sekitar 9 satu cartridge. Panjang dan pendek itu walaupun mungkin kita akan terus menggunakan kebanyakan kompatibel cartridges dan menerima bahwa kami harus membeli printer yang baru setiap 5 atau 6 bulan. Ia akan tetap lebih murah daripada berjalan di asli cartridges meskipun printer berlangsung 3 tahun. Saya mau hanya untuk memperbarui cetak kepala, tapi murah kami menemukan mereka adalah 67 - lebih dari satu printer yang baru datang dengan yang baru set cartridges. Saya tahu ini tidak akan banyak membantu meskipun jika Anda tinggal sedikit anggaran, namun dapat membantu seseorang.

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (7/15/07 11:58 AM) reply + / -Mungkin harus ada disebutkan di postingan saya yang lain bahwa ini adalah yang kedua printer kami telah rusak - baik setelah 5 bulan. Yang lain adalah Pixma ip 4000 dan setelah seperti Anda mungkin hanya 2 atau 3 cartridge perubahan di sisi warna.

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (7/15/07 12:06 PM) reply + / -Hope I'm not getting boring. Setelah 2 bir Saya tidak berpikir dalam bergabung atas jenis jalan. Kami telah digunakan Inkrite kompatibel cartridges yang datang dengan satu set instruksi untuk apa yang harus dilakukan dengan berbagai pesan kesalahan bahwa printer throws up. I'm in the UK jika Anda bertanya-tanya tentang harga funny.

Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (edited 7/16/07 7:44 AM) reply + / -Well aku tidak pernah mendengar apapun Canon techs khususnya dari Canon menyarankan atau bahkan mengatakan alternatif untuk Canon inks dengan aftermarket. Dan mereka semua tahu ya

Canon inks adalah achohol berbasis inks begitu apakah Anda yakin telah mengambil ke Canon atau hanya beberapa tempat perbaikan? Di sini di negara saya akan kirim Anda dapat membiarkan mereka pergi untuk mengatakan anda dapat menggunakan tinta aftermarket. Juga arsip-arsip baru yang dye inks berbasis selain berbasis aclohol. Mereka dipanggil chromacolor 100, yang berarti mereka akan bertahan 100 tahun tanpa secara perlahan. Anda melakukan apa yang Anda inginkan I'm just trying to tell you the way it is. Yang bekerja bersama saya adalah nomor 1 untuk memperbaiki perusahaan Canon di wilayah timur negaranegara bagian dan nomor 6 di Amerika Serikat lebih dari 350 pusat perbaikan resmi. Kita melihat sebuah printer lebih dari 35 bulan, hanya di bawah garansi Canon karena mereka telah dikirim kepada kami dari seluruh negara. Saya memiliki sedikit masalah dengan salah satu dari seri iP4000 atau 5000 untuk masalah. Saya tutul funning harga anda segera, kami telah dikirimkan kepala cetak dan lembar pakan unit ke Inggris berkali-kali.

Re: Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh jph (7/17/07 7:21 AM) reply + / -I just rcv'd Kontak iP4300 kemarin, cartridges yang tidak termasuk dalam pembelian. Mereka membeli, Canon, tinta Cyan lampu tidak terang, lampu alarm flashes 4 kali, yang menunjukkan benar atau cartridge dari tinta. Sekarang apa?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (7/17/07 8:20 AM) reply + / -Anda menerima iP4300 tanpa inks? Apakah dari refurb co. refurb atau dari Canon? Paling refurbs akan datang tanpa inks karena digunakan terutama untuk pertukaran dan pelanggan inks digunakan! Ada beberapa masalah kecil dengan beberapa peduli pada inks, membawa Anda penuh Cyan tinta yang berwenang untuk layanan bersama dan mereka SEHARUSNYA lain untuk tukar baru. Anda mungkin ingin membawa printer dengan Anda karena ada jaminan di bawah akan benarbenar gratis! BAB Resmi Canon Tek

Re: Re: Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (7/17/07 8:28 AM) reply + / -Canon sangat liberal, sepanjang unit masih di bawah garansi, 1 tahun dari tanggal pembelian, Canon akan menggantikan mencetak kepala. Sebagai mereka yang belum, tidak ada yang dikecualikan mencetak kepala karena penggunaan aftermarket cartridges. Tetapi perbaikan dan penggantian gunung karena penggunaan aftermarket inks, mereka akhirnya void cetak tetapi sebagai kepala garansi dari namun mereka tidak! So you have 1 tahun, jangan berpikir tentang baterai dipasang 5 bulan karena bisa menjadi kepala cetak. Canon mungkin adalah Co termudah untuk bekerja dengan ketika datang ke garansi perbaikan. Hanya di bawa untuk perbaikan, Anda tetap membeli reciepts untuk memvalidasi tanggal pembelian. BAB Resmi Canon Tek

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh jph (7/17/07 9:17 AM) reply + / -well ... bought it on ebay, diiklankan seperti baru, kemasan terlihat baru, yang akan menjadi masalah ... Dan, many thanks for your help!

Re: Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (7/18/07 1:42 AM) reply + / -BAB Thanks for you reply. Setelah kami menganalisis penggunaan tinta saya sekarang condong untuk membayar lebih untuk asli cartridges di masa depan - yes akan biaya lebih (sekitar 120 setahun - Anda mungkin dapat mengubah dolar sebagai tanda untuk bekerja untuk banyak hal) tetapi digunakan untuk usaha kecil - kami mencetak sekitar 7.500 lembar A4 dari satu tahun. Bahkan dengan penggantian biaya printer dari kami mengenai 5.1pa lembar dicetak dengan sungguhsungguh dan 3.5p dengan cartridges compatibles - Saya berharap matematika susunan atas). Saya akan sangat setuju bahwa Canon mengembangkan produk yang akan digunakan dengan tinta yang telah dikembangkan. Hasil terbaru dengan printer yang unggul pasti kompatibel dengan hasil yang kami sebelumnya. Hanya untuk menjelaskan tentang Canon rep - dia menyatakan bahwa beberapa orang alternatif yang kompatibel dengan asli cartridges - dia tidak menunjukkan bahwa ia akan merekomendasikan. Saya dapat mencoba dan klaim garansi di bawah, tetapi saya harus jujur, saya merasa bersalah tepat. Tidak yakin tentang hasil - tentunya dengan mobil di Eropa adalah perundang-undangan seperti itu yang Anda tidak diizinkan untuk menggunakan agen untuk perbaikan tetap utuh garansi garasi tetapi harus tertentu dan ukuran finansial harus menggunakan komponen asli

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh rrrohan (7/18/07 10:40 PM) reply + / -yeah canon sedang murah oleh voiding tidak jaminan, dan hukum yang hoops mereka harus melompat melalui. yeah canon warrantys mudah, sangat baik. mendukung dan membantu kami dealer techs sangat baik sehingga kami dapat memperbaiki masalah anda sebagai cepat. i dont tentang negara-negara lain di Australia, tetapi di sini untuk printer i would say Epson adalah mudah diikuti oleh canon. AUS tetapi ada alasan untuk membatasi swap pimpinan yang lebih banyak bekerja untuk kita

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (7/25/07 1:51 PM) reply + / -Lol, Canon tidak kosong karena jaminan yang akan melanggar hukum untuk melakukannya. Look up "terikat menjual"

faulty iP4300 tinta kesalahan (tinta asli) oleh Mark_H (7/25/07 5:53 PM) reply + / --

This is so frustrating - "Ink tank telah terjadi kesalahan" dimulai sebagai sebuah kesalahan tapi berselang hari ini telah meningkat sekarang untuk terus terjadi. Tetapi saya telah iP4300 asli asli Canon tinta dalam tangki yang masih terlihat penuh! I've had it hanya untuk waktu yang singkat dan hampir menggunakannya (99% dari pencetakan adalah pada laser B & W). Ketika membuka penutup iP4300 adalah cartridge kuning yang memiliki lampu mati, ketika saya bawa keluar tampak penuh kepada saya. Saya hanya bisa mendapatkan printer untuk bekerja dengan berulang kali mengambil kuning cartridge dan dalam, kemudian menonaktifkan diaktifkan, coba cetak lagi, sampai akhirnya ia bekerja. Tentunya berikutnya saya akan mencoba mengganti cartridge kuning dalam kasus yang cacat, namun ada saran lainnya?

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (edited 7/26/07 10:01 AM) reply + / -Pertama mari kita menjelaskan tempat saya, I'm in Glenview, IL, Amerika Serikat. IP4300 yang kedua adalah tukar printer. Ketiga, tinta yang tangki situasi yang tidak biasa dan anda dapat melakukan pertukaran yang faulty OEM Canon dengan tinta tidak masalah AT ALL! Kelima, jangan merasa bersalah itu mengeluarkan perbaikan dari komunikasi, Canon menjamin seluruh unit berapapun mencetak kepala atau inks digunakan, OEM atau sebaliknya. Dan sejauh yang menangani hukum, Ya printer di bawah jaminan, dan mereka tidak dapat ya tidak berlaku untuk jaminan yang tidak menggunakan produk OEM Canon. No they don't have to kehormatan jaminan yang berhubungan dengan bak tinta atau mencetak kepala jika NON Canon bagian yang digunakan dan yang merupakan penyebab masalah. Canon tidak hormat pada jaminan untuk mencetak kepala bahkan dengan non OEM inks digunakan, BUT THEY DON'T HAVE TOO! Satu hal yang mungkin check adalah untuk melihat di dalam gerbong rongga dan pastikan logam kontak yang menghubungi tangki tinta chip, tidak bungkuk. Aku berjalan ke dalam yang juga! BAB Resmi Canon Tek.

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh topcat3377 (8/1/07 3:02 PM) reply + / -Hai, Masalah serupa. Printer baru, menggunakan ORIGINAL cartridges. Black keranjang besar (5PGBK) masih terlihat sekitar 60-80% penuh, tetapi tidak akan cahaya lampu untuk menunjukkan itu bekerja OK (semua yang lain adalah cart OK). I checked logam kontak dan mereka yang akan tampil OK. Ide tentang apa yang menjadi masalah adalah bagaimana dan untuk memecahkan ini? Thanks in advance Tony

Re: Re: Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (8/2/07 3:30 PM) reply + / -Terlalu buruk dari Canon attitde telah menjadi buruk tentang hal ini. Mereka digunakan untuk memiliki pretty enlighted kebijakan subyek refilling ink tanks. Hanya untuk Rekam: Tidak ada hal seperti itu sebagai "bajakan" tinta cartridge. Tidak ada kekayaan intelektual telah dicuri, tidak ada bahan telah misappropriated. Satu-satunya tujuan chip adalah untuk memastikan bahwa Anda membeli lebih dari harga tinta dari pabrik dan yang tidak membuat anda Pirate. Hal ini menjadikan Anda pintar. Saya telah menggunakan tinta cartridges refilled tahun yang lain untuk model Canon printer tanpa chips dalam tangki dengan hasil yang baik anlthough ada belajar kurfa terlibat. Ada beberapa papan diskusi didedikasikan untuk bekerja di sekitar ini "memberikan yang memotong dan rob 'em buta pada blades" strategi pemasaran. Membaca beberapa sood saran untuk refilling. Jangan membeli apapun tentang nonsense refills voiding Anda garansi. Refills tentu tidak akan void garansi kecuali you've done something wrong dalam proses seperti membiarkan printer menjalankan kering (setidaknya di California dan selain itu, yang peduli, maka printer ini hampir gratis sekarang hari) Ingat guys sikap ini pada saat anda membeli printer Andy

Re: Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (8/2/07 3:38 PM) reply + / -Whoops, saya juga harus memiliki mentined bahwa jika Anda membeli persediaan dari mereka orang-orang yang benar akan menangani persoalan berbasis versus celup pigmen dan apakah berbasis inks atau tinta yang tidak memiliki hak untuk jumlah atau thatt Malah, ada alkohol . Ada banyak pihak ketiga indendent tes non-OEM inks dan mereka telah membuktikan bahwa jika Anda mendapatkan hak stuff ini hampir atau bahkan sangat baik sebagai OEM tinta. Sederhana sebenarnya adalah tinta inkjet printer untuk dijual ke OEMs oleh gallong dan doled keluar oleh ounce pada harga yang melebihi Dom Perignon, # Channel 5 dan memperkaya plutonium.

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (8/2/07 8:15 PM) reply + / -Gawd saya bergumul dan bergumul dengan Andy's komentar dan apa yang harus saya katakan

kembali. I can't think of kecuali satu hal itu guys like Andy, yang membuat guys like me ada biaya untuk harga yang kami lakukan. Andy sehingga Anda tetap hanya berpikir dengan cara yang Anda lakukan saat Anda dan membawa item yang Anda miliki untuk perbaikan, dan saya tidak peduli jika Canon, HP, Lexmark, Xerox, Dell, Compaq Samsung, and yes I am a tech berwenang untuk semua orang-orang nama merek printer dan komputer, jangan salahkan kami untuk menagih anda untuk hal-hal crazy kita melihat dan mendengar orang!

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (8/2/07 8:19 PM) reply + / -Topcat. Yang rusak, bawa ke pusat layanan Canon, dan mereka harus memberikan yang baru! BAB

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh jacostrydom (8/2/07 11:05 PM) reply + / -Salah satu memberikan saya banyak IP4300 error 5C20. Got any idea BAB?

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Steve Martin (8/2/07 11:44 PM) reply + / -Eh I've got a canon ip4300 dan ternyata memiliki jam kertas dan sekarang saya tidak bisa bekerja lagi. It just keeps feeding melalui lembar dan jika dilakukan I think kesalahan cahaya adalah 3 kode pendek orange flashes. Hanya sekitar 2 bulan sejak Kalau orangtua saya dan sekarang RMAd nya dari warrenty. Any ideas. Atau pada jalan ke ujung. Steve

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (8/2/07 11:59 PM) reply + / -Anda yang diambil serat kertas ke belakang untuk melepaskannya? I'm afraid you've kelung karya Sensor tuas. Viewed satu sama persis situasi yang dilakukan oleh pelanggan:) takut itu tidak mudah untuk bisa sampai ke sensor tuas, jadi jika Anda memutuskan ...... it's worth mengirimkannya untuk perbaikan.

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Steven Martin (8/3/07 12:03 PM) reply + / -Mungkin tidak layak untuk mengirim. Tolong beritahu saya di mana sensor tersebut. Saya akan tarik tersendiri dan melihat apakah saya dapat memperbaikinya. Jika tidak ada kerugian. Thanks for your help Steve

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (8/3/07 3:14 AM) reply + / -ok. pertama-tama saya tidak ingin anda berpikir bahwa saya tidak membantu. I'm not a tech canon dan tidak terlatih pada mereka. Infact jika ada orang lain yang mengetahui mesin baik tidak akan memberikan pikiran kita pada sisi ini:) i did bengkok yang dikelola untuk kembali Sensor tuas cukup untuk mendapatkannya tanpa sebenarnya terjadi tarik tersendiri karya feed sidang dari mesin. jika anda menghidupkan mesin sekitar wajah itu ke belakang dan kemudian melihat pada kertas feed tray. Sensor yang di bawah sebelah kiri roller lulus, tapi sebelum mendapatkan orang-orang kecil "rolling pin" di bagian dalam mesin. itu terletak di antara yang pertama dan kedua rolling pin. bahkan untuk melihatnya anda perlu menghapus penutup di sekelilingnya. dan ini adalah tempat yang tidak dapat saya ingat bagaimana. ia adalah satu-satunya seperti komputer saya telah berusaha dan saya percaya saya tidak akan berani mencoba lagi sejak i couldn't bahkan mengetahui bagaimana untuk menghapus karya pakan sidang: ( trickiest adalah bagian yang di depan di mana Anda angkat atas panel atas. Anda akan melihat bar logam menghubungkan antara bagian atas dan bagian bawah panel panel. Anda harus memutuskan ini bar pertama inorder melepas penutup. i remember mudah jika anda tahu caranya. tetapi saya telah forgoten bagaimana. sekali i got penutup dari luar, saya hanya menggunakan kail dan musim semi flat head screw driver, satu di masing-masing pihak, untuk meluruskan hitam Sensor tuas melalui celah. yang benar adalah cara untuk menghapus ofcourse karya feed perakitan dari mesin. ini saya tidak. sehingga dapat membantu seseorang out there?

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Steve Martin (8/3/07 9:52 PM) reply + / -Ok well i memiliki plastik mencakup off printer dan saya bisa melihat di mana sensor tersebut. So im akan terus dissassemble dan melihat apakah saya bisa melakukannya. ]

Thanks very much for your help. Steve

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (8/4/07 3:32 AM) reply + / -jika Anda dikelola untuk menghapus tray perakitan silakan dikirim ke saya cara:)

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (8/4/07 4:11 AM) reply + / -Saya telah menghapus karya feed sidang atm dan saya dapat melihat Anda berbicara tentang sensor. Tetapi sejauh yang saya kirim dapat terlihat halus. Persis apa yang saya cari? Steve

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh rim rim (8/4/07 7:56 AM) reply + / -Andy. Posting saya sangat setuju dengan semua yang Anda katakan. Saya membeli Canon IP3000 hampir dua tahun yang lalu sebagai kedua printer. Saya telah kehilangan menghitung jumlah kali ini tersendat on me. Saya harus memiliki wasted s nilai tinta pembersihan mendalam it.It 's gagal sepenuhnya dan sekarang daripada membuang uang baik pada perbaikan dan akan meletakkannya ke bawah dan pengalaman di tempat lain terlihat dari Canon untuk penggantian. Anda hanya bisa membaca masalah pada forum ini untuk melihat bagaimana printer Canon yang diandalkan. rim rim

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (8/4/07 5:45 PM) reply + / -hi steve, Sensor tuas yang harus terpasang pada bracket dan "berayun" bebas. posisi normal di atas sedikit, yang rata, harus memblokir bagian tengah u-bentuk optik Sensor mount sebelahnya. ketika kertas melewati ini, adalah mendorong tuas di bagian bawah akhir sehingga atas rata akhir bergerak dari sensor sehingga dapat melihat cahaya bersinar melalui itu. jika hal ini posisi sekarang, printer akan berpikir bahwa ada sebuah karya jam dan dengan itu terus mencoba untuk mendorong kertas keluar. setelah berbelok jika banyak Sensor masih melihat merah itu kemudian berhenti dan akhirnya memberikan kertas jam kesalahan. dan disangka ini adalah Anda mengalami masalah? hal yang telah dilihat adalah bagian bawah yang sedikit Sensor tuas yang harus lurus, telah bengkok sekitar 90 derajat ke belakang dan itu duduk di atas bagian bawah frame. ini akan menyebabkan tuas yang akan secara permanen "terbuka" di bagian atas akhir. btw it's the tuas copot dari mounting, atau terburuk, telah rusak engsel? Sensor tuas yang harus dalam kondisi faulty untuk mesin untuk bertingkah dengan cara yang dijelaskan itu, terutama yang menyatakan terjadi setelah kertas jam ..... kecuali .... macet itu pada awalnya karena sensor itu sendiri atau kontrol papan telah selatan? walaupun sangat tidak mungkin:) tampak dekat:) ceria.

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (8/5/07 3:05 PM) reply + / -hi steve, i think i might be a little cepat pada asumsi untuk masalah anda:) setelah membaca posting pertama Anda lagi, walaupun anda masih menjadi masalah Sensor kondisi faulty, it's not because it's dibuka setiap saat, tetapi itu tidak pernah buka! bila daya pada komputer, apakah itu datang kepada siap. Anda dapat mengirim dan pekerjaan cetakan ke kecuali yang menjaga makanan melalui beberapa halaman kemudian kesalahan? sehingga jika berarti mesin gagal mendeteksi kertas melewati itu. coba mendorong sepotong kertas melalui Sensor dan jika melihat perjalanan yang sensor. jika tidak, adalah satu kemungkinan Sensor tuas telah rusak (sekarang terlalu pendek). ceria, J

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (8/5/07 8:10 PM) reply + / -Baik dalam terbaik untuk beberapa orang di sini, saya tidak di sini untuk membicarakan perdebatan maupun kualitas setiap printer, pekerjaan saya adalah untuk memperbaiki mereka. Tetapi bagaimana setiap orang dapat memiliki complaign tentang gaul ke printer yang hanya biaya $ 79,00 atau bahkan $ 100 dan THINK mereka memperoleh kualitas yang sama sebagai satu di $ 500 sampai $ 700 di luar jangkauan saya. Lets wajah, anda membayar $ 79 untuk printer dan Anda mendapatkan $ 79 nilai printer. Atau untuk meletakkan sedikit, Anda mendapatkan apa yang Anda bayar untuk! Saya mendapatkan bayaran lebih untuk memperbaiki printer kebanyakan mereka, maka anda membayar guys bagi mereka. Saya memiliki beberapa printer di kantor saya, ada 2 dan 2 HP laserjets Canon laser dan satu canon inkjet. Saya sudah tidak memiliki masalah dengan salah satu dari mereka, tetapi kemudian kembali Tidak salah satu dari mereka akan digolongkan di bawah $ 500 range. nuff said! I'd juga telah melakukan hal ini selama sekitar 15 tahun dan sekarang saya akan meletakkan sedikit tetapi sesungguhnya ketika saya katakan, sekitar 90% atau 9 dari 10 Garansinya disebabkan pelanggan, bukan printer kegagalan. Sekali-sekali lagi saya akan berkata, karena sebelumnya saya membuat perjanjian dengan kekhawatiran di sini saya tidak menjawab pertanyaan tentang printer lainnya tetapi, saya juga sudah lebih dari 10 tahun, resmi HP, Lexmark, Xerox, Samsung dan printer perbaikan. Saya telah membawa pelanggan di unit ke atas dan ke bawah sumpah itu adalah bagian dari sampah hanya untuk mencari, cereal, klip kertas, stick pin, barretts, karet band, Staples, finger nail file, dan lainnya macam paraphanila dalam unit, bukan apa Saya akan pandang printer kegagalan. BAB

Resmi Canon Tek.

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (8/5/07 11:49 PM) reply + / -:-( Saya pikir Anda di sini untuk membantu. namun tidak ada, Anda di sini untuk mempertahankan manufactureres! halus, mari kita bicara tentang hal ini. I've been fixing printer selama 20 yrs. ha, lebih dari 5 yrs Anda:) ok, tidak berarti saya lebih baik: p jika produsen tidak dapat membuat $ 79 printer yang bekerja dengan baik, mereka tidak boleh menjadikan mereka! jika tidak akan dianggap sebagai pelanggan cemerlang off $ 79 dolar! yeah yeah ...... serakah bisnis! yes, pelanggan screwed up mesin-mesin, namun ..... mengapa? mereka tidak lebih baik untuk melakukan atau curiousity kills the cat? lupa tentang orang-orang di mana pelanggan barang jatuh ke dalam komputer, dalam hal ini maka tidak peduli apakah mesin adalah $ 79 atau $ 500 atau $ 2000, apakah itu? bottom line, saya dibayar untuk mengakhiri mesin yang rendah, dan berharap akan rendah tugas siklus mesin. bukan mesin diandalkan, $ 79 atau tidak.

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Steve Martin (8/6/07 5:42 AM) reply + / -Thanks I got it fixed. Sekarang kembali ke ...... hmmmm. Nah saya akan segera. Thanks again Steve

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (8/6/07 6:15 AM) reply + / -dasar alasan adalah bahwa kanon chips memiliki halaman counter, setelah hits chip yang tidak berguna tanpa resetter .. isnt yang tersedia sekarang. Saya menyarankan Anda menggunakan originals setiap set 2. cartridges Anda mengganti

licik canon

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (8/6/07 7:44 AM) reply + / -Well hey Anonymous Anda fixing telah mereka lakukan tetapi anda tahu apa yang anda lakukan? Dari apa yang saya baca di sini, a mechanic belakang dan tidak ada yang salah dengan itu, tetapi jika anda tidak memiliki pelatihan formal dan akses ke teknologi informasi yang sebenarnya, maka anda hanya perlu let it go. Dari segala sesuatu Saya telah membaca di sini jadi jauh mengenai iP4300, menyebabkan para pelanggan, kami memperbaiki orang-orang di bawah anyway jaminan tetapi masalah tidak disebabkan oleh kanon tetapi oleh pelanggan. Mengapa tidak Anda coba di sini kirim semua orang nomor satu aturan jam kertas untuk dihapus adalah untuk mencoba dan tarik melalui, karya jalan, tidak mungkir sehingga akan menekuk plastik Sensor lengan. Setiap printer tech tahu itu, Anda sepertinya tidak terlalu. Aturan praktis yang berhubungan ke semua printer yang tidak hanya Canon. Saya telah selesai, saya akan membantu tetapi disini tidak akan memberitahu saya bagaimana murah Canon membangun mereka, mereka semua bangunan mereka murah, dan pasar yang sangat kompetitif itu. Sebagian besar lainnya adalah klaim purge unit kesalahan, kembali ditunjukkan oleh kertas jams. Pelanggan mengatakan "Saya memiliki jam tetapi mendapat semua karya keluar tetapi masih mengatakan jam, mengapa kemudian saya menemukan gumpalan kertas terjebak di purge unit, bawa keluar dan tiba-tiba unit kerjanya. Coba menggunakan kode kesalahan sistem jalan yang dirancang untuk bekerja dan akan kirim Anda whats wrong. Coba duduk di kantor techs beberapa waktu dan lihat apa yang kami lihat, seperti saya berkata, 90% dari semua masalah printer yang menyebabkan pelanggan. Anda menyebutkan mencetak kepala, nomor satu alasan kami untuk mencetak buku kegagalan adalah kepala aftermarket inks, dan nomor dua, purge unit. BAB

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (8/6/07 7:52 AM) reply + / -Oh selentingan Steve! Sensor di tangan Anda memiliki masalah dengan tekanan yang ada di piring sidang. Dan tidak mudah untuk mendapatkan di karena Anda harus menghapus karya pakan unit dan di mata air yang terus tekanan plat unit di tempat, ketika Anda mendapatkan mata air yang berkumpul akan mencabut. Sensor yang berada di tangan dan ada juga yang berhati-hati yang sangat ringan spring dilampirkan ke sana, Anda kehilangan mata air dan yang Anda Toast. Jika Anda membuatnya sejauh ini, hangat di Sensor lengan menekuk sehingga Anda dapat kembali ke dalam bentuk, kemudian kembali ke belakang pesanan. Kami di toko hanya menggantikan tekanan plat assembly sehingga Anda mendapatkan baru lengan dan musim semi. Jika Anda lebih suka pergi yang rute, beritahu saya dan saya akan mendapatkan harga, mereka tidak mahal.


Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (8/6/07 11:05 PM) reply + / -Sorry it took so long untuk kembali kepada Anda, saya pikir saya telah! J 5C20 kode tidak dalam buku kode tetapi 5C00 dan dapat salah satu dari 2 hal, purge unit atau logika papan (utama Board). I would say jika ternyata unit pada ok dan berjalan dengan sempurna melalui setup, maka kemungkinan Lagi its the purge unit. BAB

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Steve Martin (8/6/07 3:09 PM) reply + / -Thanks for the off tetapi walaupun bagian yang tidak mahal ongkos kirim ke Australia akan. I think I've got it printer kembali bersama cukup mencobanya besok. Ceria Steve

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (8/7/07 12:45 PM) reply + / -Anda mati kanan BAB, I'm a mechanic belakang dari Australia. Perbedaan yang utama adalah saya di sini tidak hanya untuk belajar, tetapi juga untuk membantu. Anda di sisi lain berada di sini untuk melihat dan criticise! jika bukan karena saya Anda mungkin tidak akan memberikan bahkan menasihati seperti yang Anda lakukan untuk Steve diatas:) maka Anda bahkan tidak memberitahu kami cara untuk menghapus karya pakan unit yang menjadi kepala, bukan tekanan piring. Anda mungkin melihat hipocritically mengatakan sesuatu yang telah mendapat Steve yang jauh anyway: p by the way "licik kanon" wasn't me:) aku, J

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (8/7/07 7:21 AM) reply + / -Seperti saya berkata Anonymous, halaman yang Anda montir, dan mati salah tentang saya sedang di sini hanya untuk mengamati dan critise, jika Anda melihat kembali saya jawab dan membantu puluhan orang sejak saya datang di sini kembali pada bulan Mei. Tetapi saya juga mengatakan seperti sebelumnya, saya dengan anda, saya di sini untuk membantu dan memberikan saran gurau tidak suka dengan kamu!

BAB Resmi Canon Tek

Re: Re: Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh jacostrydom (9/18/07 2:40 AM) reply + / -Jika ia adalah purge unit, apakah bisa diservis atau bisa seperti semula dengan limbah tinta penuh kesalahan. Saya tinggal di Afrika Selatan cukup jauh dari Pretoria Rand $ dan nilai tukar membuat printer ini cukup mahal. Thanks for the help so far.

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh Anonymous (10/8/07 5:19 AM) reply + / -Wow, Way to go BAB. Apa yang patronising lubang yang ** anda. Ketika sebuah chip untuk keluar resetter printer Canon - Saya berharap bisnis Anda akan berjalan di bawah pan. Dengan sikap terhadap sisa dari itu pantas untuk kami. I'm not a pirate, pirate tidak menggunakan tinta atau mencoba untuk menjadi pintar dengan siapapun. I'd seperti pilihan untuk dapat menggunakan apa yang saya pilih dalam inks SAYA printer. Sekarang saya tahu dimana saya berdiri, saya akan menganggap penting tidak membeli sesuatu yang dibuat oleh Canon lagi.

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (10/8/07 6:06 AM) reply + / -Wow anda membunuh saya. Sikap saya terhadap anda? Anda tidak pantas mendapatkan jawaban, tetapi untuk semua membaca I'll say it one more time. Saya tidak peduli apa yang anda gunakan tinta pada printer canon! BUT! Tinta canon asli adalah alkohol berbasis tinta untuk tujuan membersihkan dan pendinginan cetak kepala. Jika Anda menggunakan tinta generik, bersiaplah untuk mencetak terpasang atas kepala atau dibakar keluar mencetak kepala dan tidak menyalahkan Canon. Mereka tidak kesalahan Anda memilih untuk tidak menggunakan inks untuk desigen digunakan di printer. Lets menjelaskan hal ini dengan cara sejak YOU can't seem to pegang situasi, jika Anda menggunakan bahan bakar solar di mobil Anda karena lebih murah maka bensin, bersiaplah untuk mengganti mesin Anda? Dan tidak menyalahkan atau GM atau Ford chysler karena keputusan Anda untuk mengubah apa yang mereka dirancang untuk menggunakan mobil. Tetapi bottom line di sini adalah, saya tidak peduli apa yang anda gunakan dalam Canon printer, jangan hanya teriakan busuk ketika salah anda dan bukan dari Canon. Dan saya minta maaf kepada semua orang yang harus menanggung ini Gentlemen! BAB Canon Authorized Tek

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh gmlmjr (edited 10/8/07 6:29 AM) reply + / --

Untuk orang-orang yang juga dalam posisi yang sama dan mengalami masalah dengan printer Canon - ada situs yang sangat informatif, ramah, tidak patronising - dan tanpa Authorized Canon Tek (disebut) di sekitar: Tampaknya ada banyak orang (sangat cerdas orang) yang juga ingin membuat murah bahan bakar di mobil yang Anda menaruhnya BAB. Selain itu, hal ini mereka mobil.

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh BAB (10/8/07 6:48 AM) reply + / -Sepakat! Saya percaya ketika saya katakan, kita akan sangat senang untuk mencari bahan bakar alternatif yang lebih murah. Kami berkendara sepanjang 26.000 mil ayear di dalam dan di sekitar Chicago dengan Van. Berpikir kita tidak suka mencari bahan bakar yang lebih murah? Kami menggunakan bahan bakar murah kita dapat menemukan yang masih dalam spesifikasi dan tidak akan kami Ford void garansi, tetapi kita masih harus menggunakan bensin. I would love to try the e-85 bahan bakar tetapi kami akan void garansi dan melakukan kerusakan lainnya, jika kita menggunakannya, maka kita harus menerima tanggung jawab jika terjadi apa-apa, Kami tidak berharap terlalu Ford, namun untuk menghindari bahwa , kami menggunakan pompa bensin. Sama dengan printer Canon, dan saya harus sebutkan, maka baru cli8 inks adalah bahkan berbeda maka rumus bci6 inks sehingga kembali menggunakan tinta dasar generik yang sedang digunakan dalam Canon, HP, Epson, Lexmark dan inks orang menggunakan Canon di bci3, bci6 dan baru cli8 cartridges terikat untuk menimbulkan masalah karena mereka semua memiliki rumus. Saya akan senang melihat situs baru, dan sekali lagi saya tidak salah, saya tidak peduli apa yang anda gunakan pada printer Canon, I'm just saying tidak menangis curang jika generik stuff penyebab masalah. Saya Canon dengan pekerjaan utama adalah untuk memperbaiki mereka jika mereka melanggar, jadi hey menggunakan apapun yang Anda inginkan, hanya disiapkan untuk membayar jika tidak di bawah jaminan atau setidaknya mendapatkan inconvienced dengan mengambil ke toko jika gagal dan sedang dalam garansi. Dan maaf, tetapi jika anda menghapus sebuah chip dari Canon cartidge, dan meletakkannya pada yang lain, yaitu pirating. Ia tidak datang dengan membawa cartridge Anda dan jika gagal, well thats apa suppose to do! Sorry but thats the way it is! BAB Canon Authorized Tek

Re: Masalah dengan Canon ip4300 oleh gmlmjr (10/8/07 8:01 AM) reply + / -BAB

Has it not crossed your mind why a number of people seem somewhat annoyed by your trite replies? The very first question in this thread is a legitimate question which you answered in a patronising and demeaning manner. These people are not "Pirates" as you put it. They are people who are trying different ink cartridges in their printers because they are much cheaper than the originals. And they should have every right to do so. They are following the instructions that came with the replacement cartridges and if this makes them "Pirates" then so be it - but a sensible person wouldnt see it that way. It would seem that others agree and I gave a link to that site earlier which questions the legality of whats being carried out by Canon. There are no "Pirates" here BAB - just people who want a choice....Get the message? No, you probably dont.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (10/8/07 8:37 AM) reply + / OK I give up. I said use anything you want, take the chips I don't care, not my yob. But if it FAILS like they have been doing, don't cry "Canon its your fault you make cheap stuff". Its not, be an adult an accept responsibility for what you have done. Thats whats worng with this country today. Its never your fault anymore, sue the manufacturer, its their fault you messed with their product. But again its not my job, I just fix them! And hey don't listen to any tech, we know nothing, do your own thing, but then don't ask for help either because you screwed it up. BAB Canon Authorized Tech

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (10/8/07 8:52 AM) reply + / I probably should add that the chips on the cli8's are more then counters and cannot be reset. What should happen is like for laser printers, HP and Brother and Lexmark to name a few, the after market people should come out with their own chips for the cli8 ink cartridges, not tell you to take Canon's, they aren't suppose to work once used. But if it was designed they way you think then you shouldn't be able to remove and reinstall an ink tank and have them work, but they do, so you all figure it out. I'm just here to repair defective and what you break. If thats demeaning, so be it! After all I was and have been through lots of training and certifications, and testing, but it doesn't really matter, not according to you all.

Re: Problem with Canon mx300 by coldhearted_f_2002 (11/23/07 4:44 AM) reply + / my alarm light keeps coming on saying that there is paper jammed.there is no paper in tells me to clear paper jam and push ok.well when i do that nothing happens.the light stays on and i cant print anything.what do i do?

Re: Problem with Canon MX300 by BAB (11/23/07 7:56 AM) reply +1 + / Wow MX300 is a brand new unit, just released in September, ok now to your problem! Usually a

situation like yours was caused by having a jam and pulling out the paper to fast or from the wrong direction and you have probably bent the sensor arm (Plastic) in the paper path by the registration/feed roller, the black roller inside the unit that feeds the paper thru. Other possible cause is a jammed purge unit. Now in either case, that unit is a very inexpensive unit and Canon has it set up for instant exchange. So Call Canon tech support and if they can't arrange an exchange, take it to a local authorized service center and they will handle it. Depending on where your at, if Chicago area, take it to BECK'S CRS. They will get it exchanged in a couple of days. BAB Authorized Canon Tech

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by David Robinson (11/27/07 1:41 PM) reply + / Fascinating stuff, but not quite my problem. I live in Germany, bought a Canon IP 4300 just around a year ago. I haven't used it very much (Mac + PC) since then. Mainly for printing photos - private, little business use as yet. I'm now getting a printing error - ink tank error - and suddenly notice I'm also getting 15 orange flashes. I then discover the Cyan cartidge light is off. When I release it and press it down again, the light comes on and I try again. Then the procedure starts all over again, and I suppose it will continue ad infinitum , unless one of you wizards tell me why a cartridge should suiddenly become faulty... I've cleaned the contacts with acetone-free nail polish remover and everything looks OK. The dealer over here offers no service (!) and tells me to go to's still under warranty. These are the original (now half-full) cartidges - all more or less at the same level - and everything's nice and clean. I've not anything spectacular, but the problem appeared without any warning. Before I simply replace the cartridge with a new one, which is what the Canon guide would have me do (and which may solve the problem, of course), is it really the cartridge? And if so, what? The chip, the metral contacts (nothing bent), the ink, the weather here in Germany, bird flu, or what? I'd appreciate a simple suggestion.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (edited 11/27/07 3:44 PM) reply + / David: Your local Canon dealer should be in the know. Yes there is an occassional known issue with the chips on the new cli8 ink tanks and like you I have seen this more on the cyan then any other color, he should have offered to exchange it for you! Here in the States that what we are suppose to do, do a customer exchange on the ink tanks, Canon will fill us back in on exchanged tanks.

BAB Authorized Canon Tech

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by David Robinson (11/27/07 4:13 PM) reply + / Thanks a lot BAB! I'll do what I can. I'm not really sure who my "local" Canon dealer is though. At the moment, the store would seem to be more interested in selling Plasma TVs than anything else - we're getting close to Christmas. Maybe you've noticed that over there in the States as well! Anyway, thanks very much. Whatever the issue is with these tanks, I'll follow it up. I appreciate the help. As the man said: If it is, it is, and if it ain't, it ain't!! Can't wait to find out. David

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (11/27/07 4:24 PM) reply + / David: let me know how it goes for you. I'm a pure repair center, don't really try to sell anything new, I leave that to the big stores, We here just repair what they sell. Anyway you shouldn't have a problem exchanging the tank with a authorized Canon shop, they are suppose to do it! And yes I have noticed here Christmas is on the way! In our shop we don't just say "Happy Holidays" we do it the old fashion way and say "Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year"! And at 5pm we also say "And this Millers for you"!

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by David Robinson (11/27/07 11:11 PM) reply + / If you introduced that kind of service over here, you'd probably make a fortune! They don't yet really understand the word, although it's bandied about all over the place. "The customer is king," they say - until you've bought the product. Then it's about "didn't you read the fine print?", or words to that effect. Anyway, I'll certainly let you know. I'll also try to contact the so-called regional office over here and open a can of worms, as you lot say!! No can of Millers in sight. To be honest though, the people are very pleasant here on Lace Constance - generally speaking. In Heidelberg, where we used to live, the "old fashioned way" never really caught on. All the best David

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by IrishDJ2002 (1/15/08 9:37 AM) reply + / After all the inks had no lights out and lots of Ink tank errors I went out and bought a whole new set of REAL Canon Inks (cost 78, new IP4300 is 90!) After just replacing the cyan cartridge printer is working fine again!! Hope this helps people.

Re: Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Anonymous (1/15/08 2:34 PM) reply + / I eventually ended up doing the same thing - bought a new cyan cartridge and lo and behold everything works again. I think Canon should get on to the problem. Obviously there is a problem with cyan and it has litle to do with real or not real. My original cyan cartridge was on the blink! But thanks anyway - it seems to confirm there's a problem. David

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Claus45 (1/18/08 2:50 AM) reply + / Go to Cartridge World, get chips reset and tested and replace faulty cartridge. I paid AUS $2.- per chip + $15.- for black cartridge. All working !! Good luck. Claus

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 Paper feed Left side by Jayhawk (2/16/08 7:03 AM) reply + / Printer, my PIXMA iP4300 was working fine, then this morning I went to print an email and the paper feeder would not work. Specifically, the paper starts to feed but is pulled in only by the right side. So the paper starts gliding into the print area at an angle with only the right side making it and a line or two gets printed at that angle and the whole thing is jammed. I do not see any paper jam. I have feed sheet of paper after paper and get the same results. What's causing this misalignment and lack of paper feed on the left side? Thanks!

Re: Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Russip4300 (2/17/08 1:09 PM) reply + / Can I just thanks so much for posting this about what to do about false paper jam errors in the ip4300 printer! Mine was exhibiting exactly the same symptoms after I had pulled some paper out of it. I couldn't figure out what was wrong and then finally started doing some internet searches and ran across this page. I followed the instructions and lo and behold my printer works

again! Thanks!!!!!

Paper feeding Problem by Jayhawk (2/18/08 1:18 PM) reply + / Ok, when I last wrote in I was having a problem with my paper feeding in on the left side. So rather than try to take the machine apart to see if any paper scrapes were stuck there, I took a stiff but not too thick piece of construction paper. One of those book binder dividers that are about 3 inches wide and thicker than a couple of sheets taped together and pushed it thru several times. Turned on the printer and ordered a print job and viola, she's a working again!

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Anonymous (2/26/08 1:28 PM) reply + / I keep getting a 1250 error message on my ip4300- is there anything I can do other than take it in for repair - it would probably cost me more money than the machine is worth.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by roy hanson (2/27/08 7:15 AM) reply + / I repair canon printers. Inks I have been refilling for years. Most major manufacturers use water based inks. Lately the trend has been toward, archival inks...I translate to pigmented inks..they last a very long time. AFter market inks are water based in majority. we use pigmented inks in black and colour...when everything else fails..follow the label photograde inks are coming up hot...lighter shade of black.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by debk (3/15/08 5:28 PM) reply + / I have a Canon printer, less than a yr old, and have only used genuine Canon ink. Problem is, the black ink keeps drying and blocking. Every day I have to go thru deep cleaning before printing first page of the day. Then it is OK till 2moz. On 2nd or 3rd set of cartridges. Low user (10 pgs/day max). Home/student use. All colours OK, black only issue. Printer not in direct sun or particularly warm room. Any ideas?

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by roy (3/16/08 8:01 AM) reply + / with the canon you removed the printhead and clean with a paper towel & water. why do you clean so often?

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (3/17/08 8:29 AM) reply + / Check your purge unit! It may not be sealing the print head when the carriage parks when the unit is turned off. Make sure you see the little blotter in the purge unit and its in place in the rubber holder. BAB Canon Authorized Tech.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by myhrep (3/18/08 10:13 PM) reply + / I have a Canon IP4300 printer, almost 2 years old, always use new Canon ink cartridges (quite expensive!). I am now getting a message "Operator Error. Press the printers Resume button. If this doesn't clear the error, cancel printing and then turn the printer off and then on again." Pressing resume or restarting the printer does not eliminate the error. Initially, I was able to remove the error by removing the ink cartridges, taking out the cartridge holder, and reinserting it. I don't know why that initially fixed the problem, but now it doesn't help. I cannot correct the error message, by anything I try. What does this error message actually mean, and is there a way I can correct it? Thanks

Re: Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Anonymous (3/18/08 10:25 PM) reply + / A few more details: The error also produces 5 yellow blinks. The Canon web site indicates this is a print head error. It tells me to try reseating it (which does not work now - it did initially).

Re: Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Anonymous (3/20/08 7:43 PM) reply + / I have to clean it before it will print properly. If I dont, the black print is striped.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Anonymous (3/22/08 4:01 PM) reply + / All those companies are greedy, to replace all 5 cartridges, I had to pay over $80 CAD. This is rediculous !!! I already am on 3rd Canon Printer, in last 15 months. I try aftermarket stuff, if it don't work I have new ones, I then go back to the store, I have extended warranty, and get new one. I get new ones and get to keep my cartridges !!!

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by printerman60 (3/22/08 5:21 PM) reply + / I suggest you download a copy of service manual from just manuals or other sites The print heads even if cleaned usually count the drops through the electronics, After market ink cartridge are not good, since they are structured different. I refill the CAnon brand because they give you a gas gauge effect on while the printer is printing.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (3/23/08 8:20 AM) reply + / Guess its time for a response! Refilling your canon ink tanks will eventually result in a failure of the print head. The generic formulation is different then Canons. And the base ingredient in the generic formula is water, while Canon's is Alcohol. Do we see a difference here, and the print heads have thermo sensors, if they over heat they will fail! hmmmmm, water, alcohol, who evaporates faster causing a rapid cooling effect. Also alcohol is an astringent, meaning it is also used as a cleaning agent, also leaving no residue, is water. The choice is yours guys but for the price of a cleaning head, I'd pay the extra couple of dollars to make them last longer, work better and be able to print at the 9600 x 2400 dpi they can print at. BAB Authorized Canon Tech

Re: Re: Problem with Canon MX300 by gracepaik (4/7/08 8:42 PM) reply + / Hello, I am having the same problem stating the paper is jammed when it's not, do you know if I can fix it? I cannot wait couple days to fix it as I need to print. Thank you!

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by ppc (4/29/08 5:37 AM) reply + / Can someone explain how to take the cover off an ip4300. I can release it at the back but it's still connected at the front. Terima kasih, Oly.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by dibika (5/27/08 1:57 AM) reply + / What a bunch of horsesh1t does Canon say to make people pay for their original cartridges! I read BAB saying its worth paying the extra "couple" of dollars to make them last longer...Damn, a "couple"? A "couple" it is when you work for Canon, if you buy them as an end user, "couple" is a funny word. Let me tell you. I previously owned a Canon i850 printer, used only originals (you know, the ones with alcohol,lol), until the printhead commited suicide, that was 14 months after I bought the printer. That was 2.5 years ago. The printhead itself was at a price which was more expensive than buying a new Pixma iP5200 then! No way I would pay for a new printhead for a much inferior printer, more than buying the new one. I guess Canon printheads must be made of extra fine gold. I purchased a Pixma iP5200 and since day 1, I am refilling cartridges and there has never been a

problem. I have never run a cleaning cycle with this printer. 2.5 years later its printing like new. Instead of giving people nothing more than lies, Canon should better concentrate in developing their ink quality and their printers, rather than constantly finding cheaper ink sources. Unlike what most people think, printers do maintain the same initial way they operate since they first hit the market. Lots of ink goes to the waste ink tank, ink you pay but never use. Printers run a cleaning cycle EVERYTIME you start them, although you never request for one, meaning they consume ink whether you like it or not. The overall printer's operation has not changed at all. Manufacturers just add electronical "goodies", like lcd displays, bluetooth, infra and all that kind of stuff, to the same device, so that they can sell it for more money. Printheads on the other hand are made that way to fail. If Canon can sell you a printer at $100 and in there contain the printer, the printhead AND a full set of cartridges, how is it possible that after the printhead itself costs more than the brand new printer with all the above in the box? The idea is simple. Give people cheap printers, then suck the money out of their wallet in consumables. That is the #1 reason why printer prices have reached the price range they are today, making them affordable for all of us. By the way, BAB, I have been working for Canon too, why dont you tell people how Canon uses the end users to test ink on their printers? Is this fair practice? Also, do me a favor and let people know the real cost for a printhead, the one it costs Canon, as well as the real cost of ink, which, by the way, comes from China, no different than anybody else...

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (5/27/08 8:15 AM) reply + / Well dibika sorry your wrong! That being said, Canon is moving its printer operations back to the Japan because of quality reasons. To many printers out of box not working and not working because of stupid stuff like they forgot to put the blotters in the purge unit, or encoder strips out of the box dirty and greasy, little stuff like that that we get paid to correct. Inks are totally different and Canons new cli8 inks and pgi9 inks are all archival. Meaning they should last over 100 years without fading, HP nor lexmark has that in their printers, only other co is Epson. As far as the customer testing inks, it like any other industry, it may pass at the factory when tested and designed, but once out in public hands and use, they find numberous correctable problems. Its happens in all industries, the automotive more then anyone else. BAB Authorized Canon Tech

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by dibika (5/28/08 2:14 AM) reply + / This ink that lasts "100 years" is one of the biggest marketing tricks in the industry and you know it as much as I do. I am 38 years old, if I use "100 year" lasting ink, are you telling me I will be actually able to see if what I paid for was worth, when I reach the age of...138? Nuh, not even an infant, with a laptop and a printer in hands, printing birth photos will be able to

tell. 100 years Canon, like others, says but when specific conditions apply. And these conditions are there to ensure the fact that ink will not last not even 10% of that time, when you see that with your own eyes, Canon or any brand will tell you that "the environment you kept them was humid, there was too much sun" and so on. These conditions secure the reliability of the brand name, or at least they attempt to... You said it yourself for the printers "pay the extra couple of dollars to make them last longer". Longer is a rather relative comment. Longer than they last, is not LONG, long is the amount of time the customer expects the product to last when he/she thinks of the money invested. Your statement above, confirms that printers will not last. According to you, if you refill then last very little time, while if you dont, they last longer. That is neither an acceptable answer for my standards, nor an assurance of durability-reliability. Finally, the matter of turning customers into test dummies. I saw no intention denying the fact but stating that this matter is common practice, does not excuse Canon, or any other "reliable" brand, at all...And of course you dont think that just because the automotive industry does that, it must be acceptable from customers, do you? Products are supposed to be efficient, reliable and trustworthy. If not, they do not deserve to compete in the market. What is left to be answered is 1. where does Canon get the ink. Someplace other than China? The importance of this question is that if it comes from China, then Canon pays less than $8 per liter of ink (and that is retail price, not the price Canon buys), making Canon's profit more than unacceptable and Canon more than greedy. 2. How do you explain the cost of the printheads, in regard of the cost of a brand new printer.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (5/28/08 7:35 AM) reply + / Hey I'm not going to banty over this, I can answer your question very easily, ever price out an automoble from parts only? No of course you haven't but try it, you'll pay over 10 times what you paid for the car. And do you have a problem with companies making a profit. They wouldn't do it if they couldn't. Thats what they are in business for including who you work for! And if they didn't you and me and the rest of the world would be unemployeed, so get off your horse 38 y/o, I'm 60 and have probably a completely diffent outlook on life. I have probably forgetten more then you know so sit back do your job and if your going to complain about something that really matters, try picking on the US Government and all the rights you don't even know you lost because I was alive in the 50's and 60, you weren't even a dream or thought! And yes the inks do last over a hundred years so they can be read on important documents long after were gone like birth certificates and your grand children will be able to see pictures of you long after your dead, like you get to see now from pictures of the American Civil War, not because the pictures last this long, they didn't but because the photograhic plates still contant the picture elements and can be reproduced or who cares right? And how about new laws because the governement can't find the old ones they passed 20 years ago. Nuff said, growup! BAB Authorized Canon Tech, your not!

Re: Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Anonymous (5/29/08 8:10 AM) reply + / All inks in consumer inkjet printers are water-based - including pigment inks. Only industrial inkjets use organic-solvent in the inks.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by dibika (edited 5/30/08 4:44 AM) reply + / First of all, you are taking the conversation in non relative matters. You being 60 and me being 38, doesnt make me or you smarter than the other side. More life experience yes, but that is all. This reminds me of people who say "I have a driver's licence for 50 years", which is completely irrelative to how many miles you have driven. You might have it for 50 and driven 1000 miles in total when somebody has it for 2 and has driven 10.000 miles. Who is more experienced driver in the end of the day. Working for Canon doesnt make you the guru of printers. I want to add that you are in need of Canon, being an employee of that company and making a living out of it, so your opinions on matters like these cannot be objective by default. On the other hand I am not in direct or indirect relation with Canon. In addition to that I am self employeed and not in any direct or indirect link with the printer-ink industry. So by definition, between the 2 of us, I am at least 1% more objective than you are. Lets face it, you are the employee, I am an independent professional. I disagree with the stated practice of multinational companies gaining unbelievable profit over simple people, at least the raw and uncontrolable way its done. Concentration of excess wealth eventually defines who is employed and who is unemployed, not the way you describe things. Just think, if Canon would make 20 percent less PROFIT in every cartridge, would Canon bankrupt? Or the rest of the world as you are implying? Employement and unemployement existed even before the world discovered corporations, that particular statement of yours is way below my 38 years of age... I am not going to comment the American government, this is not the place, I came here to speak about what you have already seen, if you can provide another place to speak about it, I would consider it. Additionally, I dont care for the American government, or anything residing around it. I am not an American anyway, should I consider myself lucky or what? The documents you describe are not printed with Canon ink (now that is an egoistic statement coming from Canon, is that official?) and they are not printer with retail printers. . All these corporations have infiltrated so much our societies, have brainwashed people so much, have financed and supported so many governments that its natural you are having this kind of behaviour, being part of their system makes you feel you rule the world and I dont blame you for that. But its ridiculous involving in the conversation the US government, my grandchildren, the American civil war and government's laws, to oppose my opinion, my statement on the matter. Its unrealistic. And its again ridiculous that the above, are supposed to be the reasons people should buy original Canon consumables. You know, the civil war, the laws, and the Us government...Give me a break, will ya? If I need to preserve something like the above, I will take a picture in a photolab and have it developed. Will certainly not rely on marketing tricks or fake (or unproven if you like) promises, only for my grandchildren to find out that after their grandfather has gone, ink is not there

anymore. dibika Think you have grown up way more than you should. Happy not to be Authorized Canon Tech Theif anymore! P.S. Anonymous above gave you an authorized answer, better consider it yourself before giving out false information, as you are supposed to be "authorized", are you speaking on behalf of Canon with "authorized" statements? Has Canon fallen so low, to get people like you on forums just to give endless lies in order to increase their sales? EVERYBODY KNOWS ALL INKJET PRINTER'S INKS ARE WATER BASED! (well, except you, but you are way too old to remember that) If you are going to repeat that, I will have to report you at Canon HeadQuarters cause I happen to have an official document from Canon stating that their inks are water based AND water soluble! Five to one, said Morrison, at your times, you happen to be the one out of five, if you know what I mean...

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (5/30/08 5:57 AM) reply + / wow I'm really done with this one! I'm not a Canon employee, if you are a so called professional then you'd know what an ASF is! I'm an ASF for Canon, also for Hewlett Packard, Xerox, Samsung, Brother, Lexmark! But I am not a Canon employee, so that now raises my credibility about 90% since I also know about and repair under warranty all those other companies mentioned. I have been an ASP incidently for HP for 12 years, so why don't I say anything about them? Because there really isn't anything I can say positive about them except their profit margin is gross! What do I mean? ex. how about a laser jet 4 or 4+ or 5. Now they all use the same rollers made my Canon in the feed, MP feed, and exit so lets use the feed first. HP charges us ASF's about $9 to sell for $14, but we really need to sell it for $18 to make a profit we can live on, so we do. But we pay HP $9, the same roller made by Canon and sold by Canon to their ASF's for the Canon LBP860 or the LBP1260, which are the same printer but with a Canon Name plate on it, cost $2.32 so who is the real gouger, and Canon's suggested ret is $6 and I bet you all love HP thinking they are an American co. Nothing could be further from the truth. Read where all their products are made on their labels. Mostly China. I didn't say Canon printed your birth certificates but they may have, have you been to a city hall to see what printers the Government uses, I have Gov, repair contracts, I repair for the Gov, HP, Canon, Xerox and Lexmark, so your Birth certificate could very well now be printed on a Canon printer, but to be used that way they have to use whats called archival inks, only Epson and Canon now boast of using real true Archival inks in their ink jet printers. OK? As far as age goes I only mentioned it because you did earlier trying to establish your credibility, so I mentioned mine, so I have about 28 years on you and I am a true professional as this is what I do for a living, I get paid for it, and have been doing for 25 years. OK I'm done! BAB Authorized Canon, HP, Xerox, Samsung, Brother AST Tech! OK?

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (5/30/08 6:06 AM) reply + / and oh, for all of you, Anonymous is speaking out of his mouth and not his head. I have meetings with Canon engines all the time, and yes their inks are alcohol based. No not all inks are the same and you can even test it but using the same photo paper in different printers to see how the same photo papers absorb the different inks. Its a very simple test we have done lots of times. The surface of the picture will be different using the different inks on the same paper. Plus we have proven that the water based inks burn out the print heads in Canon printers faster because one they do not help to cool the print head fast enough in constant use and they will plug up the print head faster in time and useage then the OEM. I see it every day in the shop. I personnally don't care what inks you use, I'd prefer you use generic, because it makes money for me! BAB Authorized Canon, HP, Xerox, Samsung, Brother AST Tech! OK?

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by dibika (6/6/08 9:19 AM) reply + / You can tell this thing about Canon printheads to the thousands of Canon mp160 owners who usually have to throw away the color cartridge (41-51), just because the darn thing fails before its fully used. I wonder what is the reason... About age and the rest, I am 38, I didnt use it to impress, if there would be a case I would do that, it would be with a woman, but I am married, so lets skip it. You dont know who is writing to you. Maybe I was doing the same thing you are, for a longer amount of time you already do. So dont make conclusions out of my age. Let me give you a case so that people will realize how Canon fools them, not that I am denying any other brand is honest... A government office sent a Canon inkjet printer to Canon, saying it would deny to print or accept any cartridge. Canon took the printer, upgraded the firmware, returned it, everything is fine. Me, myself, got the same printer, called Canon, they asked me to send the printer and pay for sending it (!!!) when printer was 4 months old, still covered by Canon warranty. The returned the printer saying there is nothing wrong with it. I resent the printer using legal means, they received it and came to the conclusion I was not using original cartridges. They said the cartridge I left in the printer has barcode on its sticker and that original Canon cartridges dont. I freaked, called Canon Headquarters in Europe, Netherlands that is, asked them if Canon produces these cartridges with barcodes on the sticker and if they believe they are original. They said, OF COURSE they are! I sent Canon in Netherlands a scan of the box, with the serial number on, they were able to track the cartridge and tell me even from what factory and where it came from, certifying it was a genuine Canon cartridge. Well, 2 different kinds of behaviour from Canon, since I am not the beloved government, let me suffer, right? Had to use a lawyer to get Canon to their senses, after threatening them, they offered a new printer (with new firmware), took back the old one, payed for my expenses sending it twice back and forth and also supplied me with half a dozen of new cartridges for "compensation".

If that is not FOOLING people, I dont know what is. You see, I do not sponsor the government. I do not contribute in the presidential race. Thats why I am "different". After all this, you want me to admit that Canon plays a fair game? NO WAY! Was I a special case? No. But I knew how to handle it. Most people dont, they end up buying a new printer, adding up to the sales of, possibly, Canon. You see, problems are there so they can all profit, you included. And I dont need to tell you that after all this, I cant possibly trust Canon and I doubt anybody can blame me. P.S. I have all kinds of documentation from the above case, if you want it, its at your disposal, you will just need a translator.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Depeche_Mode (6/6/08 1:00 PM) reply + / I've had pixma 4300, I run out of cyan while I printed 10 A4 format pictures. My printheat was damaged because of that. I could not fix it, then I bought PIXMA 4500 because I think that canon has the best printers, I have never bought a new cartridge for my pixma 4300 or 4500. My friend though had problem on pixma mp160 with color cartridge, it was .....reffiled at least 20 times and then, the printer "said" U HAVE USED THIS FIRST CARTRIDGE FOR MANY MANY TIMES......IT IS THE TIME TO BUY A NEEW ONE :)...think, If I had any HP ink much money could I lose only for cartridges.... U must have in mind that I've printed and still am printing dozen of photos and calendars and every single thing that I need, I have printed with my IP4500 logo on 1000 envelopes and printer just needed 5ml of ink for all that. I reffil my cartridges with INK MATE inks. Canon is the best, though every company tries to protect their brand with chips...but we still manage to save mone by reffil :)...greeting and I wish many luck to all of U with your printers! Milan

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (6/7/08 6:49 AM) reply + / Well like I said I am done with this. My last response will be, I am not in Europe and I don't know or speak for Canon Europe! All I can say is my job here in the US is to repair Canon Printers in and out of Warranty. If its in warranty and I determine it may be to expensive to repair in warranty we replace. That however is very rare since we can replace boards, ASF units and the entire print engine if necessary. We also have a list of units in need of firmware upgrades. When they come in to us the firmware version is checked automaticly along with the configuration page giving us page counts and ink changes and so on, we automaticly upgrade firmware as needed, never a charge, never, even out of warranty. In warranty everything is subject to change or repair including print heads and Canon USA does not allow us to differentiate between OEM inks and after market. It has just been our experience that aftermarket inks cause premature failure of printheads but again in warranty we are to just change printheads and Canon doesn't even care what inks are in the printer. BAB Canon Authorized Tech

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by leopold (6/7/08 5:41 PM) reply + / HELP!! My iP4300 prints 5mm of the image, feeds the sheet thru -- then pulls in the next sheet and continues on the second sheet where it left off. Sometimes it prints two-thirds of the image, then stops for a minute or two, before continuing to print a garbled, "color-confused" image on the rest of the page. On these incomplete prints I sometimes find a very thin black line printed across the width of the page. Any solutions out there in Techland? Incidentally -- I refill my own cartridges since I print heavily inked graphics. Here in South Africa we pay around $15 per cartridge. Since I sell my prints for a living, I've gotta keep my costs down -- refilling works out to around 50c(US)per cartridge. My printers last about 2.5 years before the heads pack up. Then I just go ahead and buy a new printer which costs about $130 here in South Africa. A new head alone costs $100! I print around 200+ copies p.m.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by ChrisMac (6/11/08 5:59 AM) reply + / Hi. Looks like I've fallen foul of the cheap ink situation. It looks like the printer head is blocked. On the nozzle check the 1st cyan is not a solid block and the 2nd cyan is blank. I have not used colour for ages so i guess it's dried out. Tried everything, even blowing the ink through the print head (it ink does go all the way through - as if there is no blockage). Any suggestions as to how to clear the print head. Oh, and the printer is 2 months out of warranty :( Thanks, Chris

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (6/11/08 8:34 AM) reply + / Try cleaning the print head with denatured alcohol. If that doesn't work, look towards and new printhead. BAB Canon Authorized Tech

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by ChrisMac (edited 6/12/08 12:20 AM) reply + / Thanks BAB. Can you explain which bit to clean? When you take the print head out of the printer you can detatch the actual head from the plastic holder (with a couple of screws). There are a series of holes in the holder. The Cyan ink seems to flow throught this freely so that leaves the head itself with one large 'strip' for the black and the series of strips for the colour. I presume this is the bit that needs cleaning. Do I soak the whole thing or just wipe it? Sorry to ask such a basic question! The problem is I'm happy to use the printer for B/W printing so I dont want to risk damaging it futher! Thanks, Chris

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (6/12/08 5:55 AM) reply + / no no do not try to disassemble the print head, just remove it from the carriage assembly and soak in denatured alcohol for a short time to remove any dried up ink from inside. If that doesn't

wrong probably the heaters inside are bad and you need to replace the print head. BAB Canon Authorized Tech

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by leopold (6/24/08 2:33 AM) reply + / DESPERATE FOR HELP WITH MY IP4300 -- CAN ANYONE HELP, PLEEEEZZZE! HELP!! My iP4300 prints 5mm of the image, feeds the sheet thru -- then pulls in the next sheet and continues on the second sheet where it left off. Sometimes it prints two-thirds of the image, then stops for a minute or two, before continuing to print a garbled, "color-confused" image on the rest of the page. On these incomplete prints I sometimes find a very thin black line printed across the width of the page. Could it be a software problem? Any solutions out there in Techland? Incidentally -- I refill my own cartridges since I print heavily inked graphics. Here in South Africa we pay around $15 per cartridge. Since I sell my prints for a living, I've gotta keep my costs down -- refilling works out to around 50c(US)per cartridge. My printers last about 2.5 years before the heads pack up. Then I just go ahead and buy a new printer which costs about $130 here in South Africa. A new head alone costs $100! I print around 200+ copies p.m.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Anonymous (6/29/08 3:41 PM) reply + / Not a problem but a question for BAB: Just picked up a refurb ip4300 (local Microcenter) It came with 5 cartridges, and since I couldn't find any comments on whether to put in both black 5 and black 8, AND assuming the pad on the print head surface would dry out if I DIDN't install both, I put in all 5 cartridges. 1. Was this correct? 2. How do I tell levels on the 5 and the 8 and will I have to replace both or either, or what? (I would prefer to just keep replacing the 5 since I saw a double pack of 5s at Microcenter for $30 and that would be tops. Initial test and pattern check is tops! Love the cartridge paper feeder.

---------DFI Infinity Blood-Iron P35-T2RL | E7200Wolfdale SLAVN M0 2.53@3.42ghz 1.29v TtP0310HSF | 2x1gb Mushkin HP 800@1082 | MSI NX8600GTS-OC 256mb |

LiteOn DH401S08C at CP56 BluRay player | Hannspree HF289H 28" | Raidmax RX530-SS psu | Vista Ult 32 SP1

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Kristi28 (6/29/08 4:19 PM) reply + / above post was by me, Kristi28

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Kristi28 (6/29/08 10:05 PM) reply + / I believe I found the answer to that... "5-Color Dye/Pigment Ink System The new ink system consists of four dye color inks and a 2 channel matte black pigment ink. Doubling the matte black is used for maximum black density and speed. When printing, four of the colors may be applied at the same time, since matte black or black is automatically selected based on the media type selected in the printer driver. Matte black will be used when printing on plain or matte media whereas the dye-based black will be used when printed on coated or glossy paper." (This quote was not ip4300 specific so may be not quite right) So of course all 5 cartridges must be inserted and are necessary for operation. This is a mindnumbing printer, especially for the $50 it cost me. Yay Canon! :D

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by DWB (7/19/08 5:48 PM) reply + / I was about to send my 2-year old iP4300 out for recycle since the yellow ink was plugged, but was incouraged by someone suggesting the soaking of the print head in denatured alcohol. The printer is working well now so thanks to whoever made that suggestion. DWB

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (7/21/08 5:50 AM) reply + / Kristi28, not even close to correct. The #8 black is a dye base like the other colors and is used in conjunction with the other colors for color and graphic printing. The #5 is used for text printing, test it, run out of #5 and you be saying my unit won't print anymore. The reason for the size difference is simple, you won't be changing that ink as often because most printing done is text BAB

Re: Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Kristi28 (7/21/08 9:10 AM) reply + / Right! Thanks BAB! Love that printer!!!

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Hirum (10/11/08 6:18 AM) reply + / Hey Canon Tech You guys do a great job helping people withs probs out here. But my Canon ip4300 cost me $125 a year ago and a full set of inks cost me about $90. Give me a break, I can buy cheapies on ebay for $3 each. Yeah its a great thing your chip. I'm just throwing my4300 out and bought an Epson R290 lets see how it goes.

Re: Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by printerman60 (10/11/08 11:41 AM) reply + / buy cheap on ebay..but you will not get the ink tank effect as you print. Keep a physical eye on your ink tank. The chips count the number of ink droplets used when you are printing. Generic does not. For epson...make sure the ink is not generic ink. It will clog the print head. When it tells you to change the ink cartridge, do so. YOu do not want air getting into the little black plastic nozzles the cartridge fits into, when you install the cartridge. Check the epson website..its details why you need to install when the printer warns you to change the cartridge. Epson inks now are pigmented..not dye based.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by STICKA84 (11/24/08 12:18 PM) reply + / Ive had my ip4300 for about 2 years now and when i tried to print something the other day it said that some of the ink cartridges needed replacing i checked them and all the colour cartridges was flashing these are all genuine and still have plenty in them but no matter wot i do it keeps telling me to change them any idea on wot the problem may be.the printer has not been over worked but has been used on a regular basis.Thanks

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by printerman60 (11/24/08 12:44 PM) reply + / clean the contact with water and soft cloth. dab the print head with paper towel & water..see if any ink dribbles out

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by STICKA84 (11/24/08 12:52 PM) reply + / yes don that their is ink coming through but still flashing their now all flashing.thanks for getting back to me so quick.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by printerman60 (11/24/08 1:08 PM) reply + / canon is pretty good..check to see if they have an 800#. Other printer I do, the all lights flashing usually indicative of a carriage jam, caused by a sensor flag, jutting out to block the carriage. Timing is off!

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by printerman60 (11/24/08 1:10 PM) reply + / -

canon is pretty good..check to see if they have an 800#. Go to Canon website..Canons have a lights that flash different colour. You will have to do a bit of digging.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by STICKA84 (11/24/08 1:14 PM) reply + / not sure what your on about but thanks anyway.their all just flashing red.looked on canon website and their isnt much help or info for the ip4300.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (11/24/08 1:49 PM) reply + / you could try 1-800-ok canon

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by STICKA84 (11/24/08 1:51 PM) reply + / wots 1-800-ok?

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by printerman60 (11/24/08 4:12 PM) reply + / speaking proper english & grammar, not internet slang... the phone number for canon is *1 800 OK Canon* the call centre can translate the flashing lights for you! have the serial number ready!

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by bab (11/27/08 11:53 AM) reply + / hey read what it says, try (calling) 1-800-ok canon, (1-800-652-2666)

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by printerman60 (11/27/08 12:12 PM) reply + / now that sounds like a plan! CAnon will probably, if the problem cannot be fixed, sell you a new update printer or a refurb printer. Nothing wrong with refurb! Its actually better than new becuase the weakest link is repaired.

Re: Problem with Canon MX300 by monkeyluvvv (12/27/08 3:45 PM) reply + / When i print it says that an error has occured when printing the following print job. HELP!!!

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by printerman60 (12/28/08 10:36 AM) reply + / how old is the printer? check your paper work to see if its under warranty. otherwise..delete the printer, re-install! Then go to Canon website for updates, if any!

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by twilightrose (12/29/08 4:52 PM) reply + / -

I didn't use my ip 4300 for a year, and now it seems the ink cartridges have dried out. Will my printer work if I replace the cartridges, or will it be ruined? (Don't want to spend the $$ on cartridges if the printer is broke. I've heard (only last week) that printers can be destroyed by letting the ink dry. I hope this is not true. Is there a way I can clean it? I'm really not sure what to do. p.s. I tried calling the 1 800 ok canon, and they will charge you $10 to answer a question if your warranty is expired. Anyone know--How long is the warranty?

Re: Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Anonymous (12/29/08 5:22 PM) reply + / i got it christmas of 2007

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (12/30/08 2:34 PM) reply + / The worst that will happen if the inks have been allowed to run dry is the print head may need to be replaced! BAB Authorized Canon Tech

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by moe (edited 12/30/08 3:27 PM) reply + / Take out the head assembly, remove the ink tanks. Soak the bottom of the assembly in very hot water. Then run hot water through the top portion. That will remove the dried ink. Dry with a paper towel. Test it and repeat if necessary.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by macjw (1/13/09 12:46 PM) reply + / Bought the ip4300 at Staples before Christmas. Installed using CD and did some test prints. Amazing. Printed out about 30 prints to fill two frame collages. Just started getting a flashing yellow light when I turn it on. Open the top to find the light out on the cyan cartridge. Push the lever in and slide it out then plug it back in and the light goes on. Close the top. The printer moves the cartridge back then the light starts flashing again. These are original ink cartridges and I've never bought any other kind. My HP830C has never had a problem but isn't photo quality. The ones I have from the ip4300 are perfect but now it just sits there with the light flashing. I'm just checking the web now and see I am not alone. So I need to return this to an authorized dealer? or Staples.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by macjw (1/13/09 1:07 PM) reply + / Bought the ip4300 at Staples before Christmas. Installed using CD and did some test prints. Amazing. Printed out about 30 prints to fill two frame collages. Just started getting a flashing yellow light when I turn it on. Open the top to find the light out on the cyan cartridge. Push the lever in and slide it out then plug it back in and the light goes on. Close the top. The printer moves the cartridge back then the light starts flashing again. These are original ink cartridges and I've never bought any other kind. My HP830C has never had a problem but isn't photo quality.

The ones I have from the ip4300 are perfect but now it just sits there with the light flashing. I'm just checking the web now and see I am not alone. So I need to return this to an authorized dealer? or Staples.

Problem with Canon ip4300 by AnneInNY (1/13/09 1:12 PM) reply + / I've been self employeed for 15 years and, prior to getting the Canon ip4300, never had problems with printers. I bought cheaper brand ink, no problem. But the first time I get off-brand ink cartridges I get the error message and now it doesn't work. This is not a good printer, it's a poor one. I've never had these problems in the past and Canon won't even talk to me. Says a lot about Canon. Says I won't be buying their office products again.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by printerman60 (1/13/09 1:29 PM) reply + / dont blame the printer is your using an off brand or kiosk refilled ink. Many ink cartridges now have a chip somewhere on the cartridge. Perhaps the waste pad is full.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by AnneInNYC (1/13/09 1:55 PM) reply + / The point is that over 15 years I've always used off-brand cartridges with other brands and never once have I had a problem. Based on what I've read Canon makes its printers so that they only work with their own cartridges. Fine. I wish I'd known that. I would never have bought the printer. It's not the printer's fault, it's Canon getting greedy. Fine, there are plenty of other printers out there......since I have to buy a new one now. This after only being able use the ip4300 for two months....until the cartridges ran out.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by AnneInNYC (1/13/09 2:08 PM) reply + / Here's another problem, and a big one. The Canon ip4300 will not print only in black. I don't need color in my printed material and I certainly don't want to pay for ink cartridges I don't need. This is Canon ingaging in a big rip off. Greed will ultimately sink them, especially when everyone can air complaints on the internet. The worst piece of office equipment I've ever purchased.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by macjw (1/13/09 4:39 PM) reply + / Bought the ip4300 at Staples before Christmas. Installed using CD and did some test prints. Amazing. Printed out about 30 prints to fill two frame collages. Just started getting a flashing

yellow light when I turn it on. Open the top to find the light out on the cyan cartridge. Push the lever in and slide it out then plug it back in and the light goes on. Close the top. The printer moves the cartridge back then the light starts flashing again. These are original ink cartridges and I've never bought any other kind. My HP830C has never had a problem but isn't photo quality. The ones I have from the ip4300 are perfect but now it just sits there with the light flashing. I'm just checking the web now and see I am not alone. So I need to return this to an authorized dealer? or Staples.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (edited 1/14/09 6:46 AM) reply + / I have been reading these iP4300 comments with much interest. Lets settle a couple things here, If you just bought your iP4300 in december AnneInNYC, your still under warranty so take it to a Canon Authorized Shop and they will take care of your problem. BUT! Printerman is right and you have one of them, your printer ink tanks have a chip on them, in the bottom front of the tanks. It has a couple of purposes and one is to authenticate your using Canon inks. Most other makers are doing the same thing, HP, Epson, Lexmark, they all want you using their inks formulas. Next the not printing in black is a print head problem, again covered under warranty, take it in! The flashing yellow light is a code, take it in if your still under the 1 year warranty or you were smart and bought the extended additional 2 years warranty. And again Printerman is correct, don't blame the printer for your indescretion about using refilled ink tanks. The formulas don't even come close to the OEMs by any of the manufactures. PC World magazine did 2 series of articles on OEM inks vs reman inks and came to the conclusion that if your willing to sacrafice quality and color, by all means use the refilled ink tanks, but if you want the quality your expecting from your printer and the reliabilty then you need to stay with the OEM inks. The articles were in last months PC World and August issue last year of PC World. BAB Canon Authorized Tech

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by AnneInNYC (1/14/09 6:51 AM) reply + / The big problem is that Canon is greedy and prohibits users from using non-Canon cartridges. Anytime we're told repeatedly to take for repairs right after purchasing it, it indicates I shouldn't have trusted Canon. It is my right to use any cartridge I please. I'm not breaking any laws because I want to save money. The message here is research a product online before you purchase it. There are numerous complaint forums for the Canon ip4300 I discovered after my brand new printer stopped working. The message is also that a company that has had a good name -- like Canon -- will produce duds. Maybe Canon cameras are terrific but the company does not make good office equipment.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (1/14/09 9:40 AM) reply + / AnneInNYC, no one is stopping you from using reman ink tanks. Just get the correct ones! Most of the re-inking companies will have the equalivant replacement tanks for the cli and the Pgi micr chipped tank. Your right in the respect that the older tanks are not recognizied, but neither are the Canon OEM older tanks recognizied in the newer printers. Its just like your car, you need to use the correct parts to make it run, you can use aftermarket parts but they have to be the correct ones for your car! Also I would personnally recommend you at least alternate after market inks with OEM. Why you ask? Because the formulas are different and at the very least alternating will help prevent clogging in the future. Canon inks are alcohol based and remans are water. Also a tip to everyone, when the printer says replace the tank, do it, if you allow the tank to run dry and the color runs our, you'll bake the printhead, and then you'll blame Canon for a bad unit. Especially when you need to replace that $80 print head way before its time! BAB Canon Authorized Tech

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Johnyhotrod (1/15/09 12:26 PM) reply + / This problem was driving me nuts. I only use refills, and exhcange refills, but it was always the yellow, no matter what I did. Cleaned the pins, nothing. Pulled ALL the tanks, and then the print head/tank cradle, and cleaned the contacts and pins on the back. No problems since.

Re: Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Anonymous (1/19/09 7:41 PM) reply + / I read that before. It is still thoroughly annoying. The cost of calling the right person (typically 4 attempts) then finding out where to drop it, packing it up, driving it there, the time it takes to type this adds up to more than the cost of the printer. If they want to make you use their own ink I don't care, although they should state that on the box. These are the cartridges it came with and it doesn't work. If the want to prevent alternate cartridges then do it right. So before you respond glibly to people's problems, remember, Canon will not reimburse me for any of the trouble they've cause. Zero.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Leo Kritzinger (1/19/09 10:08 PM) reply + / Does anyone out there in techland know what the difference is between the normal BLACK (BK cartridge)and the PHOTOBLACK (PGBK cartridge)? I refill my cartridges -- using the same generic black ink (due to Canon's ridiculously overpriced cartridges). Here in South Africa we pay $15 per cartridge!!

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by BAB (1/20/09 7:28 AM) reply + / yup, the big one is pigment based for text purposes and the graphics one is dye based for longevity. It has UV additives so it won't fade in a couple years

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by Anonymous (1/26/09 3:26 PM) reply + / I'm anonymous from 1/19/09. Finally got hold of someone at Canon support and explained the problem. Asked to count how many times the light blinks? 15. Which cartridge goes off? Cyan. Everytime? Initially no, now yes. What's your address, we'll ship you another one. What if we get it and put it in and have the same problem? You won't. Are you sure? Yes. Gave them our address. Cartridge arrived 3 days later. Installed and have no problems since. Still have the 3/4 full old cyan cartridge sitting beside the printer. Have no idea why he was so confident the new cartridge would solve the problem. Would have preferred no problems but this was a better than expected response.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by nanosec (2/4/09 5:27 AM) reply + / This is actually the printer trying to sh**list the cartridge usually occurs after refilling. It usually happens to refillers, tank leaves printer empty,comes back full, prism detection trips printer to sh**list the cartridge, and no amount of cajoling will work until a new cartridge is put in. (or a reset one, thanks redsetter) The tech knew a replacement would work because a new chip was on it. Nice eh? The ink protection systems cause 90% of the problems. And Babs, the sad part is electronics are disposable, most people will realize how pointless it is to have repairs done on a printer that costs 50 bucks.

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by pottie 142 (2/15/09 9:25 AM) reply + / I have the IP4300 and the power saply has packed up now where do I find spares in South Africa I stay in Hoedspruit, Limpopo

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by roy (2/15/09 3:57 PM) reply + / Canon is the only place you can get a replacement. BUT make sure its the power supply. here in canada..1 800 ok canon. it may work in South Africa

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by leo kritzinger (2/15/09 4:31 PM) reply + / Try Canon Repair Center's MaxiCall No. in Cape Town -- 086 112 2666

Re: Re: Re: Problem with Canon MX300 by Anonymous (2/16/09 6:39 AM) reply +1 + / Hi Have the same problem with the printer - says there is a printer jam and there isn't. Can you help please ? Jane

Re: Problem with Canon ip4300 by roy (2/16/09 11:16 AM) reply + / is there a grinding sound present on startup?

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