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Filsafat & Etika Komunikasi

Dalam Aspek Ontologi, Epistemologi dan Aksiologi

Disusun Oleh :

Harmin Yusriadi (92622009)

Muhammad Nuh Fikrih (92622015)

Rizqy Amalia Moorcy (92622012)

Dosen :

Dr. Nuke Farida M.Ikom




Aspek Ontologi :

Pengertian : Bahasaan tentang objek ilmu komunikasi mengerucut pada beberapa

pernyataan/isu ontolog,yaitu Pernyataan/masalah/isu yang jawabannya menjadi asumsi
dasar individu terhadap realitas komunikasi antar manusia. Asumsi dasar di sebut
perspektif (paradigma/pendekataan).

Pembahasan Jurnal Berdasarkan Aspek Ontologi :

Dalam jurnal ini, Media yang diamati oleh penulis adalah pengaruh e-WOM dalam
media sosial TikTok, Menurut Kotler dan Keller(2016) e-WOM merupakan pemasaran
menggunakan internet untuk menciptakan efek berita dari mulut ke mulut untuk
mendukung usaha dan tujuan pemasaran. Dan objek yang di teliti adalah menganalisis
niat perilaku konsumen terhadap e-WOM dan sikap konsumen terhadap produk brand
lokal dalam jurnal ini brand Somethic.

Ada 4 pertanyaan/masalah/isu ontologi penting membahas objek kajian

komunikasi(Anderson & Baym,2004; Griffin,2012;Littlejohn,1992; Litteljohn &
Foss,2009; Mulyana,2010; Neuman,2006; Lubis,2015) :

1. Kemampuan manusia untuk membuat pilihan-pilihan bebas ?

2. Perilaku manusia, dinamis atau statis ?
3. Pandangan Tentang Pengalaman Manusia?
4. Terjadinya Peristiwa komunikasi : universal atau kontekstual ?

Dalam membeli barang disuatu e-commerce konsumen dibuat bebas dalam membeli
suatu barang pada suatu pasar. Ada orang yang memilih dari segi harga termurah ada
yang membeli dari banyaknya ulasan pembeli. Begitu pun dalam jurnal ini, konsumen di
bebaskan memilih brand kosmetik mana yang akan di beli. Dalam jurnal ini brand local
Somethic menjadi brand yang banyak pembeli mengalahkan brand Wardah. Somethinc
juga banyak memenangkan penghargaan.
Aspek Epistomologi :

Epistemologi adalah suatu ilmu yang mengkaji tentang sumber pengetahuan, metode,
struktur, dan benar tidaknya suatu pengetahuan tersebut. Dalam pembahasan aspek
epistomologi pada jurnal ini mengacu kepada teori Celebrity endorser yang di kutip yang
dikutip dari Lafferty, B.A, et al (2002) Celebrity endorser mempunyai kredibilitas tiga
dimensi diantaranya :

1. Daya tarik (attractiveness), objek yang dinilai dari sikap yang simpatik, mempunyai
ambisi, kecerdasan,dan karateristik kepribadian lainnya.
2. Kepercayaan (trustworthiness), merupakan objek yang dinilai berdasarkan sumber
informasi yang jujur.
3. Keahlian (expertise), suatu objek yang dinilai dari sikap simpatik, mempunyai ambisi,
kecerdasaan, dan karakteristik kepribadian lainnya.

Dari teori ini, peran influencer mempunyai peran penting untuk mempengaruhi
pengikutnya di sosial media agar migrasi ke produk skin care yang dipromosikannya

Hal ini tidak di jelaskan secara lengkap terkait dari mana pertumbuhan angka dari tabel
1, perlu metodologi tambahan yang menjelaskan bagaimana teknis pertumbuhan angka
followers Somethinc dan cara yang dilakukan influencer ini untuk meyakinkan

Perlu dilengkapi dasar memilih TikTok, bukan hanya karena TikTok sebagai aplikasi
media sosial yang populer, melainkan perlu data pendukung berupa statistik yang
menjadikan TikTok bukan hanya sebagai media sosial, melainkan menjadi platform
marketplace yang cocok untuk memasarkan produk kecantikan. Menurut Sari (dalam
Kriyantono, 2009) terpaan media dapat dioperasionalisasikan dengan jenis media yang
digunakan, frekuensi penggunaan, maupun durasi penggunaan. Oleh karena itu dapat
disimpulkan bahwa terpaan media dapat diukur dengan frekuensi, durasi dan intensitas,
sehingga mengukur terpaan dalam penggunaan aplikasi TikTok. Maka dari dasar ini,
sangat penting adanya dasar yang kuat dan akurat dalam memilih platform TikTok agar
terpaan medianya akan tetap sasaran.
Pembahasan Jurnal Berdasarkan Aspek Epistomologi :

Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian konklusif yang merupakan riset yang lebih
terstruktur dan formal. Pada penelitian konklusif, peneliti berusaha untuk menguji
variabel – variabel dalam penelitian yang biasanya data untuk menguji variabel –
variabel ini diambil secara kuantitatif. Lalu, penelitian dilanjutkan menggunakan riset
deskriptif. Riset ini berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan informasi tertentu, dan
menggambarkan secara jelas dari karakteristik objek yang diteliti dan hasil yang
diperoleh dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam pengambilan keputusan.

Pada penelitian konklusif, peneliti sudah memiliki pengetahuan tentang apa yang diteliti
dan memastikan bahwa responden sudah mengalami fenomena yang diteliti. Penelitian
menggunakan riset cross – sectional karena dalam pengambilan informasi dari populasi
dilakukan sekali.

Aspek Aksiologi :

Aksiologi adalah istilah kata yang berasal dari bahasa Yunani axios “nilai” logos “ilmu”,
yang dalam teoritis nilai adalah studi filosofis tentang kebaikan, atau nilai, dalam arti
terluas dari istilah-istilah ini. Gerakan aksiologis muncul dari metode fenomenologi.

Pembahasan Jurnal Berdasarkan Aspek Aksiologi :

1. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh e-WOM di TikTok

terhadap niat beli produk perawatan kulit Somethinc melalui Brand Image.
2. Dalam penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi bagi para peneliti di Bidang Ilmu
Komunikasi, khususnya dalam marketing communication, dalam segi kajian ilmu,
metode penelitian, serta kebermanfaatan ilmu.
3. Dalam penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi bagi para praktisi Pemasaran
Komunikasi terkait dengan penjabaran, pengertian, penjelasan e-WOM
(electronic Word of Mouth) terhadap fenomena yang terjadi, terhadap
kelangsungan bisnis atau organisasi.
4. Dalam penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi bagi para praktisi Pemasaran
Komunikasi terkait dengan strategi, salah satunya copywriting, di dalamnya
diperjelas dengan adanya penjabaran keinginan pasar dari kualitas informasi,
kredibiltias informasi dan kuantitas informasi.

e-WOM atau electronic Word of Mouth adalah salah satu metode dalam pemasaran,
yang digunakan oleh para praktisi, biasanya dapat berupa buzzer, atau organik
influencer, dapat berskala makro maupun mikro, sehingga e-WOM dinilai menjadi salah
satu bagian strategi pemasaran yang cukup efektif dalam sosial media untuk menarik
minat pasar bagi sebuah brand. Dalam penelitian yang hanya menggunakan media
TikTok, perlu dikaji menggunakan media lain seperti Instagram, dan Youtube, bahkan
sampai saaat ini, fitur live yang tersemat pada aplikasi tersebut, juga digunakan di
Facebook, e-WOM dapat menggunakan media apapun, foto, video, atau live,
tergantung pelaku e-WOM tersebut.

Kekurangan dalam penulisan ini hanya membahas satu media sosial saja, harusnya
bisa di bandingkan dengan penjualan brand yang sedang dibahas(Somethic) diplatform
lain mungkin di Tokopedia,Lazada,atau Shopee.

Penelitian ini bisa dikembangkan lebih luas dengan membandingkan platform mana
yang lebih sering di gunakan untuk membeli suatu barang, atau jenis pemasaran
elektronik yang seperti apa yang lebih efisien, karna pemasaran melalui media online
saat ini sudah banyak berkembang seperti Whatsapp Bussiness Blast,SMS A2P, Voice
Blast, dan Social Media Blast, sampai menggunakan Artificial Intelligence ataupun saat
ini banyak jasa Social Media Influencer.
Asia Pacific Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx

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eWOM via the TikTok application and its influence on the purchase intention of
somethinc products
Indrawati a, *, Prily Calista Putri Yones a, Saravanan Muthaiyah b
School of Economics and Business Telkom University, Indonesia
Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Global data has indicated prevalent growth of online purchases of consumer goods where multiple
Received 13 August 2021 purchase decisions have been influenced by peer reviews by web users particularly from the influence of
Received in revised form social media. Social media has replaced traditional word-of-mouth and introduced a new phenomenon
19 June 2022
i.e. electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). TikTok has become one of the trending social media platforms
Accepted 31 July 2022
Available online xxx
with beauty content within its application. Somethinc is one of the brands that is being viewed mostly on
this application. This study aims to better understand the influence of eWOM by virtue of the TikTok
application on purchase intention of Somethinc. To understand the influence of eWOM, we applied the
information adoption model as the model had been widely used in previous eWOM studies. The infor-
Information adoption model mation quantity variable was added to the information adoption model. We collected data from 403
Purchase intention respondents administered through a Google Form survey that had several criteria. PLS-SEM using Smart
Electronic word-of-mouth PLS was chosen for data analysis. We found that information adoption positively and significantly in-
TikTok fluences purchase intention. The model was able to predict the purchase intention of Somethinc accu-
rately by 21.1%.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of College of Management, National Cheng Kung
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

1. Introduction eWOM has become an essential part of people's considerations

when making purchasing decisions (Elseidi & El-Baz, 2016;
The social media phenomenon has shifted and transformed the Hussain, Ahmed, Jafar, & Rabnawaz, 2017). Social media has
way conventional marketing works, creating digital marketing. frequently influenced the reputation of brands both positively and
Digital marketing can be in the form of website marketing, email negatively and we observe customer online reviews as one of the
marketing, and social media marketing (Pin~ eiro-Otero & Martínez- major factors that determine the success of brands (Taylor, 2018).
n, 2016). Previous studies have revealed that customers now
Rola The importance of customer online review has been widely
rely on social media as an information source in the purchasing researched to find its influences on determining business perfor-
process (Alalwan, Rana, Dwivedi, & Algharabat, 2017; Teng, Khong, mances, customer's tendency to recommend the brands or prod-
Chong, & Lin, 2016). According to Indonesia Digital Report 2020, e- ucts, forecasting customer's purchase intention (Goyette, Richard,
Commerce activities in Indonesia showed that around 93% of Bergeron, & Marticotte, 2010), product sales and marketing plans
internet users searched for products online, and 88% of internet as well as customer decision making (Chen, Fay, & Wang, 2011).
users have ever purchased products online (Kemp, 2021). From this Consumers' attitude toward eWOM is important to be analyzed
data, we can see the importance of digital marketing in running a to better understand consumers' behavioral intentions (Gvili &
business online, such as using social media. Levy, 2015). It is also important to observe how consumers' atti-
tudes towards its products may vary because of eWOM. Marketers
must learn the tendency of consumers' attitudes toward brands or
* Corresponding author. products, which can either be positively or negatively impacted by
E-mail addresses: (Indrawati), prilycalista@ its influence (Schiffman & Wisenblit, 2015). A survey by marketing (P.C. Putri Yones), chart shows that ‘recommendations’ is placed at the highest rank,
my (S. Muthaiyah).
making sentiment analysis significant towards brand selection. The
Peer review under responsibility of College of Management, National Cheng
Kung University. data shows that recommendations scored 46% out of the 15
1029-3132/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of College of Management, National Cheng Kung University. This is an open access article under the CC BY
license (

Please cite this article as: Indrawati, P.C. Putri Yones and S. Muthaiyah, eWOM via the TikTok application and its influence on the purchase
intention of somethinc products, Asia Pacific Management Review,
Indrawati, P.C. Putri Yones and S. Muthaiyah Asia Pacific Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx

categories listed. While ‘positive online reviews from other users Table 1
were placed on the second highest rank at 41% (Marketing Chart, Local skincare brands comparison.

2020). On the other hand, in Indonesia Digital Report 2021, con- Brand Name Year of Establishment Followers on TikTok
sumer reviews ranked as the third primary channel for brand Somethinc 2019 587K
research (Kemp, 2021). Lacoco 2017 423.5K
According to the report by Research and Markets (2022), in Scarlett Whitening 2017 266.1K
recent years, the skincare market has surpassed the global cos- Avoskin 2014 207.7K
Ms Glow 2016 96.9K
metics industry. This also includes categories such as face and body
Wardah 1995 12.2K
care, cleansers, and sun protection. This statement is supported by
Research and Markets which reported that the global market for
Cosmetic Skin Care, was predicted to be worth US$145.3 billion in
pharmaceutical ingredients and cosmetics will remain leading
2020 and is expected to increase at a CAGR of 3.6 percent from 2020
sectors in driving the economy of the future, thus making compe-
to 2027, to reach US$185.5 billion (Research & Markets, 2021). In
tition between market players more intense (IDN Financials, 2020).
line with global cosmetic market growth, Indonesia is also expe-
Seeing the fact that TikTok is becoming a popular social media,
riencing significant growth in recent years. In 2020, exports of
local skincare brands have started using TikTok for their marketing
Indonesian cosmetic products amounted to USD 784.9 thousand,
strategy. This is increasing marketing competition on TikTok
which is an increase of 1.5% compared to exports in 2019 (Atase
(Azizah, Gunawan, & Sinansari, 2021). As recommendations and
Perdagangan KBRI Tokyo, 2021). Fig. 1, highlights the best-selling
online reviews or eWOM have a high influence on consumers,
item categories in the Indonesian e-Commerce sector in 2020.
hence, it is interesting to study the influence of eWOM on TikTok
Beauty care products have become significantly dominant in the
towards purchase intention of local skincare. This motivated our
local Indonesian e-commerce market and have now secured second
study on Somethinc. The aim is to help business players better
place (5.7 million) overall among seven categories listed on e-
understand the benefit of eWOM's phenomenon in marketing
commerce total sales in 2020.
As explained in the abstract, Somethinc is a local cosmetic brand
The focus is to also understand the impact and popularity of the
in Indonesia. The brand has won several awards and defeated many
platform that has 1,1 M followers and how it relatively became
of its competitors. Among the awards won secured are Best
more popular compared to competitors on the same platform since
Newcomer Cosmetic Brand (Watsons HWB Awards 2021), Best
its first establishment in 2019. We aimed to conduct this study to
Serum (Tokopedia Beauty Awards 2021), #1 in Top 10 Best-Selling
further examine the purchase intention of local skincare, as pur-
Toner in Shopee and Tokopedia in 2021, highest Market Share
chase intention is considered one of the main effects of eWOM,
(59%) in Face Treatment category in 2021 and #1 Top Views on
which will eventually lead to improved sales (Ismagilova, Dwivedi,
Tiktok in 2021. This accomplishment can be considered significant
Slade, & Williams, 2017) and the growth of cosmetics that allows
for Somethinc to be studied as it is a relatively new brand that was
competition between brands in Indonesia.
only established in 2019 compared to many of its competitors.
Table 1 is the comparison of several competitors with Somethinc
with regards to the year of establishment and number of followers 2. Literature review and research framework
on TikTok.
One of the most popular social media platforms in 2020 was 2.1. Theoretical background for research framework
TikTok. As of January 2021, it was revealed that TikTok has ranked
fourth among the top five platforms. The ranking was based on This research initially adopted the information adoption model
cumulative time spent by users averaging about 13.8 h per month (IAM) by Sussman and Siegal (2003), as shown in Fig. 2. According
(Kemp, 2021). One of the most popular contents on Tik Tok is to Sussman and Siegal (2003), the information adoption model
beauty products such as makeup and skincare. In Indonesia itself, (IAM) is used to portray the process of how information can be
based on data from Statistics Indonesia, in the first quarter of 2020, adopted by people and influence their behavior and intention
the chemical, pharmaceutical and traditional medicine industries through computer-based communications. IAM is a combination of
(including cosmetics) experienced positive growth of around 5.59% the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Elaboration Likeli-
(Yuliatuti, 2020). The National Industrial Development Master Plan hood Model (ELM).
(2015e2035) states that the pharmaceutical industry, In the original research by Erkan and Evans (2016), the study
built a new research framework called the Information Acceptance
Model (IAM) which added consumer behavior aspects towards
eWOM information such as “Needs of Information” and “Attitudes
towards Information”. In this study, it was indicated that IAM was
flexible and could be extended. IAM is also supported by Wang
(2016) that shows several previous studies combined or added
new variables to IAM to enhance its explanatory power. The

Fig. 1. Best-selling Item Categories in e-Commerce 2020 Fig. 2. Information adoption model.
Source: Indonesian digital marketing association (2021. April 13) Source: Sussman and Siegal (2003).

Indrawati, P.C. Putri Yones and S. Muthaiyah Asia Pacific Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx

consideration of adding new variables, models, or perspectives is to 2.4. Information quality

emphasize the needs of the research and what researchers want to
observe. In the original IAM work of Sussman and Siegal (2003), Information quality as defined by Filieri (2015) refers to the
informational influence can occur through central and peripheral quality of the contents in the eWOM. From a consumer's point of
routes. Abedi, Ghorbanzadeh, and Rahehagh (2019) also suggested view, information quality influences them in the process of decision-
that the peripheral route of information such as quantity can be making. As stated in the research of Sussman and Siegal (2003),
analyzed in future research on information adoption. Teng and which is the original information adoption model study, informa-
Khong (2015) also referred to argument quantity as a relevant tional influence can occur through central and peripheral routes. The
attribute of peripheral cues. Ismagilova et al. (2017), also agree that central route indicates that recipients pay attention to the contents
eWOM volume influences eWOM helpfulness. Based on the pre- of the message, which is represented by argument quality. Customer
vious explanation, this research considers using variables of IAM likes and dislikes (also known as sentiment) of products purchased
such as “information quality”, “information credibility”, “informa- online have a great bearing on the sentiment or urge to purchase a
tion usefulness”, and “information adoption” as the primary model product or not, especially if the product must deal with personal
by adding information quantity to the model. This research aims to healthcare or cosmetics. In this regard, the researchers included
find out the influence of eWOM on purchase intention and to information quality as a significant variable. The peripheral route
predict its influence. indicates that recipients make simple decision rules to evaluate the
message, which can be represented in terms of source credibility.
The quality of eWOM information has been identified in certain
2.2. Electronic word-of-mouth characteristics, such as completeness, timeliness, relevance
(Cheung, Lee, & Rabjohn, 2008), detail, factuality (Filieri, 2015),
Word-of-Mouth is traditionally a form of direct communication clarity, objectivity, understandability, and high quality (Park, Lee, &
between peers about brands or products without any commercial Han, 2007). The relationship between information quality and in-
intention. Now that internet has grown very rapidly, the internet formation usefulness has been previously studied. Information
has made word-of-mouth electronic, becoming known as Elec- quality is the main factor that influences consumers' perceived
tronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM). EWOM includes numerous plat- usefulness of the information in their decision-making process. The
forms such as social media sites, weblogs, community discussion higher the information quality, the more the information will help
forums, review websites, newsgroups, and e-commerce (Cheung & consumers in evaluating the quality and performance of the brand/
Lee, 2012). Another definition of eWOM includes the negative and/ products. Filieri (2015) found that information quality is the most
or positive aspects of a brand, product, or services made by former, important factor of information diagnostic or usefulness, previous
present, and potential consumers, which are shared on the internet studies also found that information quality has a positive and sig-
and accessible to anyone (Sulthana & Vasantha, 2019). Ismagilova nificant influence on information usefulness. Zhu et al. (2015),
et al. (2017) formed a definition of eWOM as the exchanging pro- however, argue that argument quality, which represents informa-
cess of dynamic and continuous information of a brand, product, tion about products, influences product usefulness evaluation.
company, or service made by former, present, and potential con- Thus, the hypothesis can be defined as follows:
sumers and being shared on the internet and is accessible to
H1. The information quality of Somethinc on TikTok positively and
anyone. EWOM can take place in different forms and settings, for
significantly influences the information usefulness.
example, blogs, social media, discussion forums, and review web-
sites. EWOM is explained as information transfer which the influ-
ence may vary among the receivers based on their attitudes and 2.5. Information credibility
behavior (Erkan & Evans, 2018). EWOM is perceived as more
influential due to its independence from the company. This is Information credibility is the first step in the persuasion process,
because consumer reviews represent personal experiences. EWOM in which the information may be perceived as persuasive. The
has been highly related to consumer purchasing decisions and perception of persuasiveness can be seen in information's trust-
lowering purchasing decision risks (Miremadi & Haghayegh, 2022). worthiness (Erkan & Evans, 2018). Filieri (2015) states that the
In eWOM studies, the information adoption model is commonly credibility of information or its accuracy affects the capability of
used, as in studies by Filieri (2015), Tien, Rivas, and Liao (2018) and convincing customers on which information can be trusted. Ac-
Zhu, Chang, and Luo (2015). cording to Nan (2009), credibility is often supported. Weitzl (2014),
credibility is closely related to believability, which has character-
istics such trustworthy, convincing, and credibility. Information
2.3. Information adoption of eWOM credibility has been proven to have a positive impact on informa-
tion usefulness. EWOM that has been perceived as credible by
Information adoption was first suggested by Sussman and Siegal consumers will be more likely to be accepted and help them in
(2003). According to Sussman and Siegal, the information adoption adopting information (Filieri, 2015). Information that is perceived
model (IAM) is defined as a model to portray the process of how as accurate, reliable, authentic, and persuasive has increased
information can be adopted by people and influence their behavior credibility (Ho, Phan, & Le-Hoang, 2021). As said in the research of
and intention through computer-based communications. IAM is a Sussman and Siegal (2003), informational influence can be passed
combination of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and through a peripheral route which is source credibility. Source
Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). TAM is used to understand the credibility can be used as a simple evaluation to make a decision
people's acceptance of information systems and technology on that determined the usefulness of a message. Information credi-
their intention for usage, while ELM emphasizes the social aspect of bility has been said to be the initial factor in the persuasion process.
the influence of information on attitudes to measure the effec- Information credibility is also found to be having a positive impact
tiveness of the communications. By considering both TAM and ELM, on information usefulness. In research by Ngarmwongnoi, Oliveira,
IAM offers four components in its model, namely Argument Qual- AbedRabbo, and Mousavi (2020), eWOM credibility is influential
ity, Source Credibility, Information Usefulness, and Information towards eWOM usefulness based on the interviews. Thus, the
Adoption. second hypothesis is formed as follows:
Indrawati, P.C. Putri Yones and S. Muthaiyah Asia Pacific Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx

H2. Information credibility of Somethinc on TikTok positively and 2.8. Information adoption
significantly influences the Information Usefulness
Information adoption is explained by Shen, Zheng, and Zhao
2.6. Information quantity (2014) as a receiver's process of internalizing information and
accepting the information from external sources, including how the
Information quantity, as explained by Filieri (2015), refers to the information helps them in gaining their knowledge and improving
frequency or the number of times that the information, eWOM, or their decision-making process. Previous studies have shown that
reviews are exposed to the consumers. A high frequency or number information usefulness influences information adoption. This has
of reviews helps consumers in evaluating the quality of the brand been frequently observed and analyzed in terms of influence on
or product than a small frequency or a small number of reviews do. purchase intention. Information adoption happens after they
In the context of information quantity for this research, information accept and use the information in the purchase decision-making
quantity will be connected to information used to support the process (Ismagilova et al., 2017). The information adoption model
theory of (Ngarmwongnoi et al., 2020) that says information is mostly used to develop a better understanding of how intentions
quantity is useful for reducing the perceived risk. Information are formed through messages received via eWorm communication
quantity can help with the consistency of the reviews. A product or (Sardar et al., 2021). Kemp (2020) explained that purchase inten-
service review is typically written by multiple reviewers and pre- tion arises between the evaluation stage and purchase decision
sented to readers as a whole. As a result, readers may quickly obtain when consumers create brand ranks and preferences. A flow then
confirmation from other users and analyze the consistency of these forms once consumers adopt information in the purchase decision-
online communications (Ismagilova et al., 2017). Information making process, thus it can affect their consideration which even-
quantity also represents the number of people who provide reviews tually leads to purchase intention. Erkan and Evans (2016) devel-
about products, meaning that the products have good sales and oped a hypothesis in which consumers who adopt eWOM
good reputations, which reduces doubt when purchasing products information are more likely to have purchase intention, which later
(Ho et al., 2021). In research by Lo  pez and Sicilia (2013) and proved to be supported. Hence, the fifth hypothesis is formed as
Ngarmwongnoi et al. (2020), information quantity was represented follows:
by popularity, reliability, and product performance. Several previ-
H5. Information Adoption of Somethinc on TikTok positively and
ous researchers such as Abedi et al. (2019), Wang (2016), and Teng
significantly influences Purchase Intention.
and Khong (2015) have also suggested considering other factors
that can be added to the information adoption model. Information The authors derived the proposed research framework for this
quantity has been used in research about eWOM influences such as study, as shown below in Fig. 3.
the research by Ngarmwongnoi et al. (2020), Hong and Kim (2016),
and Yan et al. (2016) that show information quantity has been 3. Research methodology
proved to be supported and has an influence towards information
usefulness. Thus, the third hypothesis is formed as follows: Based on the purpose of the research, this research uses a
descriptive causal with quantitative method approach. The
H3. Information quantity of Somethinc on TikTok positively and
research strategy for this study is a survey strategy, which means
significantly influences the Information Usefulness
the data collection used a questionnaire to gather quantitative data
from the respondents.
2.7. Information usefulness
3.1. Data collection and analysis technique
This variable is dependent on information quality (complete-
ness, clarity, relevance, understandability, and details), information
The measurement scale used the Likert scale (1 as strongly
quantity (correctness of the information), and information credi-
disagree to 5 as strongly agree). This research is using non-
bility (trustworthiness of information). Thus, we can construe that
probability sampling technique with purposive sampling because
information usefulness is highly dependent or has a direct rela-
the respondents' characteristics are focused and specified so the
tionship to one or more of these variables. Information usefulness
samples can better represent the relevant information for this
refers to the response from consumers that the information ob-
research. To determine the sample size, the authors applied the
tained is useful and helpful in their decision-making process. In-
Slovin formula and used a significance level of 5% (e ¼ 0.05 for one
formation usefulness is the first step in adopting information
tail test). According to Indrawati (2015), the sample is a member of
(Erkan & Evans, 2018). Information usefulness is described as of-
the population selected to be involved in the research, either to be
fering useful, informative, valuable, and helpful indicators as stated
observed, given treatment, or be asked for their opinion about what
in Hussain, Song, and Niu (2020). Information is perceived as useful
is being researched. Questionnaires were distributed to targeted
when consumers' performance is enhanced. A consumer's proba-
respondents or samples with certain conditions to collect the re-
bility of adopting information is increased when the information is
sponses. The distribution of the questionnaires was using social
perceived as useful because the consumer will be more likely to use
media announcements on all the authors' social media platforms
information that is suitable to their needs and objectives (Sardar,
and informing about respondents' criteria to better obtain targeted
Manzoor, Shaikh, & Ali, 2021). Filieri (2015) also explains that in-
respondents. To determine the minimum sample size using the
formation usefulness (displayed as information diagnostics) is the
Slovin formula, Somethinc followers on TikTok have been chosen as
key factor in adoption behavior. Later, it was found that information
the population, which resulted in the minimum sample size of 398
usefulness is positively and significantly related to information
responses. The characteristics of the samples are Indonesian TikTok
adoption. Tien et al. (2018) also researched the influence of eWOM
users (on daily basis) that know or have ever encountered Some-
usefulness on eWOM adoption. The latter is proven to show a
thinc contents on TikTok; like to search for skincare product ref-
positive influence on eWOM adoption. Thus, the fourth hypothesis
erences on TikTok and follow or do not follow Somethinc on TikTok.
is as follows:
To conduct this research, a sample size of 403 respondents was
H4. Information Usefulness of Somethinc on TikTok positively and collected. The characteristics of the respondents were discussed in
significantly influences the Information Adoption. Table 2.
Indrawati, P.C. Putri Yones and S. Muthaiyah Asia Pacific Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. Research framework.

This research modifies the theoretical framework and some of to be convergent. CA and CR are common techniques used for
the indicators of its variables, this research aims to do theory testing reliability. The minimum value of CA and CR is 0.70 which is
development and predict the constructs, as well as to analyze the considered quite good reliability (Indrawati, 2015). HTMT ratio
influence of eWOM by using a modified information adoption represents the maximum value of each associated variable. The
model on purchase intention. Therefore, this research uses partial associated variable's HTMT ratio must be less than 0.85 for there to
least square, which is the variance-based technique of structural be a detectable difference between the two variables, according to
equation modeling also known as VB-SEM. SmartPLS 3.0 software Kline (2015), Mansoor and Paul (2022), and Indrawati, Ramantoko,
(Ringle et al., 2015) was used to process and analyzed the collected Tri Widarmanti, Aziz, and Khan (2022). The PLS method also needs
data. no bias to data from a composite model population (Sarstedt, Hair,
Ringle, Thiele, & Gudergan, 2016), while Kock (2015) stated that
4. Results & discussion variance inflation of all items (VIFs) resulting from a full collinearity
test should equal to or below 3.3 to the model to be free from bias.
Data were analyzed using SmartPLS 3.0 software to analyze the The following are the tables for measurement model evaluation
data needs to steps, namely measurement model evaluation, and results:
Structural Model Evaluation. Based on Table 3 and Table 4, the measurement model evalua-
tion for validity and reliability is in a satisfactory state, according to
the values for convergent validity (FL is above 0.7 and AVE is above
4.1. Measurement model evaluation
0.5), discriminant validity (HTMT ratio results show the values are
below 0.85), and the reliability test (CA and CR are above 0.7). The
To assess the measurement model, it can be seen by the
VIFs scores are also less than 3.3 representing no biased data.
convergent validity by using factor loading (FL) and average vari-
ance extracted: (AVE) values, reliability by using Cronbach Alpha
(CA) and composite reliability (CR) values, and discriminant validity 4.2. Structural Model Evaluation
by using Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) ratio which is a more ac-
curate measurement when using SmartPLS 3 (Ab Hamid, Sami, & The bootstrapping technique was employed to assess the
Mohmad Sidek, 2017; Henseler, Ringle, & Sarstedt, 2015). Accord- structural paths. To test the hypotheses, 5000 sub-samples were
ing to Indrawati (2015), convergent validity has been used to used.
measure whether the items that represent the same variable are Fig. 4 shows the result of bootstrapping technique that indicates
highly correlated. FL indicator shows that the higher the loading of the b Values of all the paths and the R-square values of the model.
items to a variable, it means that the items are assigned in the In the results shown in Fig. 4 and Table 5, all suggested hy-
variable in other words it fulfills convergent validity. The value for potheses are supported, and the confidence interval results of the
an FL should be at least 0.5 to show that it has a convergent validity. structural model do not cross the confidence intervals, implying
For this research, the minimum limit is 0.6. According to Indrawati that the results are significant. For the first hypothesis, the influ-
(2015), AVE is a value that shows whether the items that measure a ence of information quality on information usefulness was found to
variable converge or not. The value of AVE should be more than 0.5 be positive and significant (b ¼ 0.321. T-value ¼ 5.658). This result is
relevant to the findings of the previous research that found infor-
mation quality has a positive influence on information usefulness.
Table 2
This finding can be supported and related to the theory of Filieri
Respondents' characteristics.
(2015), which states that the more high-quality criteria informa-
Description Percentage tion has, the more it helps consumers in assessing a product's
Gender Male 6% quality and performance. It can be indicated that the information of
Female 94% Somethinc on TikTok has the characteristics of information quality
Age 16e21 Years Old 63%
that explain Somethinc to its recipients or viewers.
22e27 Years Old 36%
28e33 Years Old 1% The second hypothesis, the influence of information credibility
>40 Years Old 1% on information usefulness, was found to be positive and significant
Education Middle High 2% (b ¼ 0.249, T-value ¼ 4.672). This result is relevant to the findings of
Senior High 56% previous research that concurred the same. This finding can be
Bachelor's Degree 42%
supported and related to the work of Tien et al. (2018) that states,
Indrawati, P.C. Putri Yones and S. Muthaiyah Asia Pacific Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3
FL, AVE, CA, and CR results.

Latent Variable Item Code FL VIF CA CR AVE

Information Quality (Cheung et al., 2008); (Filieri, 2015); (Park et al., 2007) IQ1 0.765 2.025 0.906 0.924 0.603
IQ2 0.779 2.147
IQ3 0.715 1.723
IQ4 0.758 1.977
IQ5 0.783 2.187
IQ6 0.822 2.664
IQ7 0.779 2.304
IQ8 0.807 2.171
pez & Sicilia, 2013);
Information Quantity (Lo IQn1 0.876 1.567 0.751 0.889 0.800
IQn2 0.912 1.567
Information Credibility (Erkan & Evans, 2018); (Filieri, 2015); (Weitzl, 2014) IC1 0.805 1.919 0.906 0.930 0.727
IC2 0.815 2.104
IC3 0.878 2.864
IC4 0.883 3209
IC5 0.878 3124
Information Usefulness (Hussain et al., 2020) IU1 0.875 2.457 0.894 0.927 0.759
IU2 0.869 2.353
IU3 0.852 2.293
IU4 0.889 2.748
Information Adoption (Shen et al., 2014) IA1 0.816 1.452 0.779 0.871 0.693
IA2 0.863 1.954
IA3 0.818 1.714
Purchase Intention (Erkan & Evans, 2016); (Ismagilova et al., 2017, p. 80) PI1 0.919 2.910 0.901 0.938 0.834
PI2 0.918 2.879
PI3 0.903 2.678

Notes: FL ¼ Factor Loading; CA ¼ Cronbach's alpha; CR ¼ Composite reliability; AVE ¼ Average variance extracted.

Table 4
Heterotrait-monotrait ratio (HTMT).

Information Adoption Information Credibility Information Quality Information Quantity Information Usefulness Purchase Intention

Information Adoption
Information Credibility 0.617
Information Quality 0.671 0.811
Information Quantity 0.801 0.771 0.801
Information Usefulness 0.747 0.745 0.774 0.81
Purchase Intention 0.541 0.609 0.639 0.575 0.683

Notes: The bold results are the values for discriminant validity.

Fig. 4. Path model results.

that credibility helps consumers reduce perceived risk and uncer- The third hypothesis, the influence of information quantity on
tainty in the decision-making process. For an online presence, information usefulness, was found to be positive and significant
source credibility is crucial in judging the online information. On (b ¼ 0.296, T-value ¼ 6.040). This finding is relevant to the research
TikTok itself, people may persuade or convince others to try of Ngarmwongnoi et al. (2020), Hong and Kim (2016), and Yan et al.
Somethinc, because the former and existing consumers claim that (2016) that have found that information quantity influences infor-
the products work on them. mation usefulness. Ngarmwongnoi et al. (2020) found the

Indrawati, P.C. Putri Yones and S. Muthaiyah Asia Pacific Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 5
Evaluation of structural model results.

Hypothesis Relationship b Value T-Statistics P-Values Confidence R2 Q2 F2


5% 95%

H5 IA / PI 0.455 8.647 0.000* 0.370 0.543 0.207 0.169 0.261

H4 IU / IA 0.630 16.892 0.000* 0.569 0.691 0.397 0.268 0.657
H3 IQn / IU 0.296 6.040 0.000* 0.214 0.376 0.591 0.442 0.109
H2 IC / IU 0.249 4.672 0.000* 0.161 0.335 0.063
H1 IQ / IU 0.321 5.658 0.000* 0.229 0.417 0.100

Notes: IQ ¼ Information Quantity, IQn ¼ Information Quantity, IC ¼ Information Credibility.

IU ¼ Information Usefulness, IA ¼ Information Adoption, PI ¼ Purchase Intention.

effectiveness of information quantity towards information useful- R-squared is used to tell whether the model explains the variance in
ness by 30 interviewees. Filieri (2015) states that information the information usefulness, information adoption, and purchase
quantity or a high volume of eWOM allows recipients/viewers to intention of Somethinc by TikTok users. Based on Table 5, it can be
find helpful information that they are looking for a small number of known that the R-square of information usefulness is 0.591, or
reviews also supports the finding. This finding can be relevant to 59.1% of information usefulness's variance is explained by infor-
the way the TikTok algorithm works to show recommendation mation quality, information quantity, and information credibility.
videos based on the viewers. Viewers who usually like beauty The R-square of information adoption is 0.397, such that 39.7% of
content videos on TikTok would be more likely to be shown the information adoption's variance is explained by information use-
same content by TikTok. TikTok videos about Somethinc are also fulness. The R-square for purchase intention is 0.207, so 20.7% of
usually trending, therefore it can show on many people's For You purchase intention's variance is explained by information useful-
Page. ness, information adoption, information quality, information
In the fourth hypothesis, the influence of information usefulness quantity, and information credibility. According to Malhotra (2010),
on information adoption was found to be positive and significant the R-Squared value which is higher than 0.60 is preferable. Garson
(b ¼ 0.630. T-value ¼ 16.892). This result also concurs with previous (2016) states that 0.67 indicates strong, 0.33 indicates moderate,
work done in this domain. This finding can be supported and and 0.19 indicates weak correlation. Based on that classification,
related to the theory that state information usefulness is the first information usefulness has the strongest prediction power, while
step in adopting information Hussain et al. (2020). According to information adoption is considered moderate, and purchase
Ngarmwongnoi et al. (2020), information usefulness is measured intention has the weakest prediction power.
by its contribution to giving information or knowledge. While Lee
and Hong (2019) explained that review helpfulness indicates that
it helps people in evaluating the products. As the information on 4.3. Predictability of the model
TikTok about Somethinc usually shows the reviews from a lot of
former and existing consumers about the products, it helps the Recently, scholars suggested using PLSPredict to measure the
recipients/viewers to know the products more and familiar with predictability of a model besides using the R-square value and Q-
them, thus increasing the recipients/viewers' knowledge and square value. The R-square value only assesses a model's explana-
acceptance. tory power but provides no indication of its out-of-sample pre-
For the fifth hypothesis, the influence of information adoption dictive power in the sense of an ability to predict the values of new
on purchase intention was found to be positive and significant cases not included in the estimation process. Assessing a model's
(b ¼ 0.455, T-value ¼ 8.647). This finding is relevant to the theory of out-of-sample predictive power involves estimating the model on a
consumer attitude, which is the cognitive component that has training (analysis) sample and evaluating its predictive perfor-
characteristics of knowledge, opinions, beliefs, and awareness. In- mance on data other than the training sample (Shmueli et al., 2019).
formation adoption, as represented by acceptance and knowledge The Q-square value does not draw on holdout samples, but for
indicators, affects the conative component (the likelihood of taking single omitted and imputed data points, this metric is a combina-
a specific action or behaving in a certain way), which in this case is tion of in-sample and out-of-sample prediction without clearly
an intention to buy. This indicates that the information of Some- indicating whether the model has a good explanatory fit or exhibits
thinc has contributed to the knowledge of its recipients, then they predictive power (Sarstedt, Ringle, & Hair, 2017). PLSpredict offers a
accepted the information and recommendation of Somethinc. This means to assess a model's out-of-sample predictive power, as well
increases the possibility that recipients gain interest and intention as the model's accuracy when predicting the outcome value of new
to purchase because of available information and cases (Shmueli et al., 2019). This study compares the RMSE, MAE,
recommendations. and the MAPE value of the PLS Model with the LM value of each
For predictive relevance of the structural model, it was found indicator in the model, as shown in Table 6.
that the exogenous variables have predictive relevance for the Table 6 shows that the result of the PLS-SEM analysis compared
endogenous variables because Q2 values are all bigger than zero. to the LM indicates lower prediction errors in terms of RMSE, MAE,
From F2 it is seen that the effect size of each predictor variable is and MAPE because a minority of the dependent construct's in-
considered small for Information Credibility, Information Quality, dicators produces lower PLS-SEM prediction errors compared to
Information Quantity, and Information adoption, and Large for In- the naïve LM benchmark (see only the bold number).
formation usefulness. The prediction power of purchase intention of this study model
According to Indrawati (2015), another analysis for evaluating is weak; hence it is important to improve the explanatory power by
the correctness of the proposed model is R-squared, which is used finding alternative path models. Shmueli et al. (2019) and Myung
for measuring the construct's percentage variation. In this research, (2000) stated that increasing the complexity of a model could
improve explanatory power in terms of R2. Shmueli et al. also
Indrawati, P.C. Putri Yones and S. Muthaiyah Asia Pacific Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 6
PLS model vs LM model.


RMSE MAE MAPE Q2_predict RMSE MAE MAPE Q2_predict

IA1 0.710 0.544 16,886 0.317 0.697 0.523 15,853 0.342

IA3 0.846 0.658 22.324 0.239 0.859 0.655 22.063 0.214
IA4 0.883 0.682 24,408 0.233 0.894 0.674 24,060 0.215
IU1 0.558 0.437 11.524 0.450 0.558 0.435 11.400 0.451
IU3 0.535 0.416 11.232 0.493 0.550 0.421 11.315 0.465
IU4 0.635 0.498 13,179 0.374 0.653 0.514 13,609 0.337
IU5 0.568 0.454 11.737 0.442 0.564 0.440 11.405 0.450
PI1 0.808 0.633 19,821 0.185 0.737 0.553 16,831 0.321
PI2 0.803 0.629 19,298 0.178 0.754 0.574 17,194 0.276
PI5 0.834 0.694 20.585 0.170 0.775 0.587 17,247 0.283

stated that researchers can use PLSpredict which includes out-off better understanding eWOM influences on consumers. In this
sample prediction as an integral element of model assessment in research, information adoption is developed by adding information
PLS-SEM and as a way to assess their model's practical relevance. To quantity based on a previous study's suggestion by Abedi et al.
analyze the predictability of the model by using PLSpredict, an (2019). The suggested hypotheses are all found to be supported.
alternative model should be formulated. Fig. 5 is an alternative path With the findings of supported hypotheses, however, the infor-
model (model 2) which will be compared with the tested model mation adoption model prediction ability which is the R-Squared
(model 1. See Fig. 3) in this study. value on purchase intention was found to be in a weak category.
Table 7 shows the comparing models' results in terms of com- This indicates that other factors influence the purchase intention of
posite score-based prediction errors by using the RMSE and the Somethinc which should be studied in future research.
MAE statistic to identify a model that has higher predictive power.
Table 7 shows that the alternative model (model 2) particularly
stands out because its RMSE and MAE are lower in the Information 5.1. Managerial implications
Adoption and Purchase Intention constructs than the original
model (model 1). From Q2_predict scores, it can be seen that the Based on the direct path of information adoption on purchase
scores for the Information Adoption and Purchase Intention con- intention, marketers can interfere and make an amplified eWOM by
structs of the alternative model are higher than the original model. making their briefing for reviews done by the influencers. This
Those scores show that the alternative model (model 2) has a helps marketers’ control what the content is about. Marketers
higher predictive ability than the original model (model 1). Model 2 might understand more of their customers so the content shared by
has a better chance of being scientifically replicable and explainable influencers can be under the control of the management. Second,
than model 1 (Shmueli et al., 2019). the suggestion based on the direct path of information usefulness
on information adoption can be taken from learning and analyzing
5. Conclusion and implications the reviews by the customers themselves, be it from their cus-
tomers or competitors' customers. Reviews can be useful for
Customer online reviews and recommendations are two of the improving their products or even be an inspiration for developing a
most influential sources for consumers. This eWOM phenomenon new product. This finding will offer benefits in copywriting to
online has been studied by many researchers and marketers in the better target consumers' needs. Information quality, information
past few years due to its influence and role in the marketing field. credibility, and information quantity variables can be taken into
The information adoption model has been used as a reference for consideration to improve management and marketers' activities.

Fig. 5. Alternative path model (Model2).

Indrawati, P.C. Putri Yones and S. Muthaiyah Asia Pacific Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 7
Model comparison result using PLSpredict.

Original Model (Model 1)

Construct Statistics

RMSE MAE Q2_predict

Information Adoption 0.790 0.612 0.385

Information Usefulness 0.651 0.505 0.582
Purchase Intention 0.895 0.710 0.213

Alternative Model (Model 2)

Information Adoption 0.766 0.583 0.420

Information Usefulness 0.651 0.505 0.582
Purchase Intention 0.872 0.687 0.251

Note: Minimum values per construct are printed in bold.

5.2. Suggestions for local skincare brands 5.3. Limitations and future research directions

Based on the findings and the supported hypothesis, sugges- Some limitations apply to this study. This study is focusing on
tions for local skincare brands are formed to solve the research the beauty product industry, leading to the respondents being
problem statement. As the information adoption hypothesis on primarily women. The social media platform that is being studied is
purchase intention is supported, it is suggested for local skincare TikTok, so, it might result in different conclusions on different social
brands start using TikTok as part of their marketing platform. The media platforms. The information adoption model has been proven
increasing number of users on TikTok helps the business to find its to support the hypothesis, but other factors such as product quality,
target users. New market players can start introducing their brands brand equity, and marketing mix can be studied in the future to
to the wide audiences of TikTok. Local skincare brands can also start better understand the purchase intention of local skincare brands
making their campaigns with the help of TikTok for Business. In- on TikTok.
formation about the product attributes is also important to be
stated in TikTok contents. The role of influencers and customers in
spreading eWOM is also worth trying to increase the information
quantity. Finally, it is suggested to choose highly credible influ-
encers and beauty bloggers to review products to increase the in-
formation credibility.
The variables and the items of the questionnaire.

Variable Items

Information Quality (Cheung et al., 2008); (Filieri, 2015); (Park et al., IQ1 I can understand the information of Somethinc on TikTok
2007) IQ2 The information of Somethinc on TikTok is relevant to my needs
IQ3 I think the information of Somethinc on TikTok is based on facts
IQ4 The information of Somethinc on TikTok explains the product attributes
IQ5 I think the information of Somethinc on TikTok is clear
IQ6 I think the information of Somethinc on TikTok is detailed
IQ7 I think the information of Somethinc on TikTok is complete
IQ8 In conclusion, I think the information of Somethinc on TikTok is high in quality
pez & Sicilia, 2013)
Information Quantity (Lo IQn1 I can rely on the amount of information of Somethinc on TikTok
IQn2 The amount of information of IQn3 Somethinc on TikTok can help me understand the product

Information Credibility (Erkan & Evans, 2018); (Filieri, 2015); IC1 The information of Somethinc on TikTok is convincing
(Weitzl, 2014) IC2 I think the information of Somethinc on TikTok is credible
IC3 I think the information of Somethinc on TikTok is believable
IC4 I think the information of Somethinc on TikTok is true
IC5 The information on TikTok about Somethinc is trustworthy

Information Usefulness (Hussain et al., 2020) IU1 I think the information of Somethinc on TikTok is useful
IU2 I think the information of Somethinc on TikTok is informative
IU3 The information on TikTok about Somethinc is helpful for me to evaluate the product
IU4 The information on TikTok about Somethinc is helpful for me to be familiar with the product

Information Adoption (Shen et al., 2014) IA1 I learn something new about Somethinc brand on TikTok
IA2 I accept the information of Somethinc on TikTok
IA3 I accept the recommendation of Somethinc on TikTok

Purchase Intention (Erkan & Evans, 2016); (Ismagilova et al., 2017) PI1 Somethinc becomes my consideration to buy in the future
PI2 Next time I need a skincare, it is likely I consider purchasing Somethinc
PI3 Next time I need a skincare, it is likely I will use Somethinc
PI4 It is very likely that I will buy the PI4 Somethinc product
PI5 I will try Somethinc product

Indrawati, P.C. Putri Yones and S. Muthaiyah Asia Pacific Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx

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