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The Nervous System:

The nervous system controls body functions. It receives information from different sensory organs, interprets the information, and sends motor impulses that are carried to the muscles to show response. It also helps the body to maintain homeostasis. The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord, and all the nerves in the body. The brain and spinal cord is categorized into the Central Nervous System and the nerves go into the Peripheral Nervous System.

Neurons are complex networks of nerve cells. Nerve cells are specialized cells that transmit informations throughout the body. Clusters of neurons make the ganglia. Each neuron has a dendrite, axon, and a cell body. Nerve impulses are received through the dendrites. Dendrites are the antennae of a neuron that receive information. From the dendrites, the nerve impulses go to the cell body where the information is translated so that the axons can understand it. Axons are long membrane-covered extensions of the cytoplasm that conducts nerve impulses. The information travels through the axons and it is carried to the axon terminals. The axon terminals transmit the information through the synapse, which is where the axon terminal connects to the other cell, so that other neurons can receive it. This process is repeated rapidly throughout the nervous system.

The Central Nervous System:

The central nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord. The brain is the main control center of the body. It is divided into 3 parts: the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata. The cerebrum interprets senses memory, controls movement, language, and intelligence. This part of the brain is the biggest part of the brain. Cerebellum controls balance, equilibrium, and muscle. The medulla oblongata controls reactions and involuntary actions. It is also called the brain system because it connects to the spinal cord. The spinal cord is a dense cable of nervous tissues that run through the vertebral columns. The brain sends commands throughout the body through the spinal cord. It also connects the brain to the peripheral nervous system.

The Peripheral Nervous System:

The Peripheral Nervous System is all the nerves throughout the body. The peripheral Nervous System is divided into two branches: the autonomic branch and the somatic branch. The somatic branch controls conscious movements and reflexes. It relays signals to the muscles and skins. The autonomic branch controls subconscious movements or involuntary movements. It relays signals to the internal organs. This branch is again separated into two branches: the sympathetic and parasympathetic branch. The sympathetic branch controls organs in time of stress and the parasympathetic branch controls organs at time of rest.

Nerve Impulses:
Nerve Impulses constantly travel throughout the neurons. The nerve impulses move at about 1/1000th of a second. Nerves have membrane potentials which are difference in electrical charges across the cell. Resting potential is when the neurons are not sending impulses. The sodium-potassium pump regulates the negative and positive ions that trigger these potentials in a neuron. When a neuron is sending nerve impulses, it is called the action potential. Motor neurons controls movement and sensory neurons relays the senses.

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