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ASSIGNMENT (For July 2010 and January 2011 sessions)

Literary Criticism and Theory (MEG-05)

School of Humanities Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi, New Delhi - 1 10 068

Literary Criticism and Theory

(MEG - 05)
Programme: M EC; Course Code: M I.:<;-05
I)c;~r Student.

YOLIIlavc ,ills1 one assignment for the Literary (Xiticism and Theory (EEG-05) course. I t carries 100 marks. I'hc: 1M.A is concerned mainly with assessing your application and understanding o f the course material. You arc not r q u i r c d to rcproducc chunks of information from the course material hut to usc the skills of critical apprccintiot, thal. yotr mu? xccluirc during the course of your study. l'his assignment aims to assess your perfornlance as well as to assess it. I'lcasc cnsurc that )'ou read the essays and the accompanying study guides that wc have prepared li)r ) ~ u .You may nred L read the essays more than once. 110 make points as you go along. If' there is anything you do not understand. o plcn:;? takc the help of )our friends and the Counsellor at the Study Centre. Once you arc ahlc to do the assigtimenis :.ati:i!itcLcwiIy. l o u will he ready to take the exam with contidence. Inbtr'uction: I3clbre attempting the assignment please read the following instructions carclirllq: I ! I<c:aii tlic dctailcd instructions on assignments given in the Programme (iuide fbr the Electivc (.'ourscs. ? i Wr-i(c your enrolmcnt number. name, full address and date on the top right-hand-corticr o f your nl-is\\cr ,hcct( s). Lv~.itctlic Clourse 'i'itle, Assignment Number and thc name o f the Study Centre you arc altachcd to in the center . (11 l i n t page OF your response sheet(s). thc I tic l i l t page ofthc assignments booklet should look like this:
. . ~. .



-. . . .

ENROLMENT NO.: .................................... NAME: ................................................... ADDRESS: ........................................, .... .

........................ .>vyn~ncnt ...................... .' No 4111d! C'cntrc. .......................

[ 'c?ursc'litlc..
A ,


.............................................. ............................................... ..................................................

llsc only li~olscap sizc paper for your rcsponse and tag all the pages carefully. \+#rilet l ~ c rclcvant qucstion number with each answer. !pi You should \$.rite in >.ourown handwriting. 7 ) Submission: 'l'ho completed assignment should he sent to the Coordinator ofthe Stud) Ccnlrc allotted to )ou. I'lci~sc read thc infhtmation given in your I'rogramme Guide. The last dates l'or suh~nission f this assigrlnien~ o ;~t.c::I I 3 1" March, 201 1 for July 2010 session, and b) 30Ih September 201 1 for January 201 1 session. rc-;id tlic lijllo\ving guidulincs carefully hcfore answering the questions:

C) .F I



'1-or1trill li~~d'i+l'ul I


-- 4 - . , Pl;ll~rtiti&:I<& the assignment carefully. Go through the units on which they arc based. Makc so~iicpoints ~ c : ~ a r d icach question and then rearrange these in a logical order. Write the answers in your own \vords. I)() n~ not reproduce passages k o m the units. Orpanisation: 13c a little more selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of' your answr. In an cssa! -type qucstion. give adequate attention to your introduction and conclusion. 'l'hc introduction tnust ol'kr !.our br.icf inlcrprctation of the question and how you propose to develop it. 'I'hc conclusion must sumni~~risc your- response to the question. In thc course ol' your answer, you may like to tnalic rct'crcncc 10 o ~ l i c r tckts or critic.; as this will add somc depth to your analysis.

to keep the tbllowing points in mind:

\l:~hc. sure th:d >our answer:



a) i s logical and coherent: h) has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs: c) i s written correytly. giving adequate consideration to your cxprcssion. style and prcscntation: d ) does not cxc* the number o f words indicated in your question.

,1111 nia! he r u s r ~ Lhnt you to submit your assignments before you ran appear for the Term End Exams. Suhlnit your assignments alid please remember to keep a copy of your completed assignment. just in case the onc \;ou submitted is lost in transit. Wish you good luck with your work.


Literary Criticism and Theory

(MEG - 05)


Programme: M EC Assignment Code:

M E(;-05/T'hlAI2010-11
Max. Marks: 100

Ans\ver all the tive questions below:


What according to you does Aristotle mean by 'pleasure proper to tragedy"?


2 . State the grounds on which P.B. Shelley defends poetry. tlow docs he d i f k r
fiom Plato in his defence?


-3. Marx said that 'philosophers have so far interpreted the world. The point, however. is to change it'. What implications does his statement have fbr literati~re'? Give reasons in support o f your answer.
4. Bring out the main ideas in Roland Barthes' essay 'The Death of the Author'.


8 x 5 = 4 0

5. Write short notes (in about 250 words) on the following: a) Rtrsa and Dhvani b) Gynocriticism c) 'The 'Other' d) Postmodernism e) .New Historicism

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