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Instructions to run the project

1) The project contains files/folders as follows: Source Code Files: -,, and Database File: - Online Exams.mdb (Microsoft Access Database) Question and Answers Folder: - It contains images of the questions whose path is located in the database. Other Images and MP3 files 2) Go to the website Download Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 6 from the above mentioned website. Check your machine configuration and download the software accordingly. 3) Install JDK on machine in C:\program files\. After installation find files like javac, java and appletviewer under c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0\bin. This ensures complete installation of your product as these files will help you in executing the Project. Now you need to set the Data Source i.e. to load the driver for accessing MSAccess database from Java. Open Administrative tools from Control Panel. Now open Data Sources (ODBC) from there. Click on Add from the new window opened. Locate driver named Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) and then click Finish. Type Data Source Name as OnlineExams. Notice case senstitvity. Now locate the database stored in D:\varun\ from Select button in the same window. And when database is selected you will see the path of your database under Database: of the same window. Click Ok everywhere to confirm the actions made.



Now open 2 command prompts from Start\Run... And type cmd. One Server and other Client. It can handle multiple clients so multiple command prompts can be opened for it. Only one Server is required. Type in prompt as (in both the command prompts i.e. Server and Client) Path = c:\program files\java\jdk1.6.0\bin This is the path that you need to set as you need to use files like javac, java and appletviewer in command prompt which are located under this path. You can cross-check by typing path in next prompt that your path has been set correctly. This path may vary from machine to machine. So locate files javac, java and appletviewer and copy that path here.



Now bring the prompt to that folder where your project is located. (in both the command prompts i.e. Server and Client) My project is located under d:\Varun So type in commands as under command prompt d: cd Varun


Now type command javac to compile your program (in both the command prompts i.e. Server and Client). If your path is set correctly then you will find class files under d:\varun else you will find error. You need to set the path correctly for the use of this javac command. Javac *.java Ignore any warnings, if any.


Now type java on first command prompt to execute the software as follows Java ServerOnline Your server is started when you see the instruction Server Started !!! in the same command prompt. Close window, if any that opens during execution of this command. (Press Red Cross located at top of the window. Now type java on second command prompt to execute the software as follows

Java ClientOnline You see a window that opens up which shows the subjects and class. You can select any class and subject and click on Connect to Database to start the test. Right now only class 10th and Biology/Mathematics can be selected because the database contains question on these only. Questions are stored in folder \Question And Answers. You can find the images of the questions of subject Biology and Mathematics of class 10th and the path of these images are stored in the database. You need chapters and questions exactly same as the Biology/Mathematics subjects. And update the database accordingly.

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