Anda di halaman 1dari 13

11. Definisi Cost aggregation? Korelasi cost aggregation dan scope baseline?

Cost aggregation is one of the TTs in the process of determining budget. Cost aggregation is an
estimated cost that is collected based on WBS work packages. Estimated costs in the work package
will later be calculated. aggregate for components that have a higher level on the WBS, for example
control accounts.

The correlation between cost aggregation and scope baseline is cost aggregation it takes a
component in the form of a WBS which is also a component of the scope baseline.

12. Kenapa perlu dilakukan funding limit reconciliation untuk menentukan budget proyek?

To adjust the schedule limit. Karena adanya gap antara pendanaan dan pengeluaran antara plan dan
actual. Maka dari itu dibutuhkannya funding limit reconciliation.

13. Financing dalam proses determine budget adalah?

Pembiayaan yang perlu dana eksternal untuk proyek, mostly used in a long term infrastructure.
Entitas yang memberi dana biasanya mempunyai requirements yang harus dipenuhi

14. Definisi Time phased cost baseline?

Tampilan bertahap yang digunakan untuk menampilkan hasil dalam bentuk S-Curve.

15. Project Budget = ?

Project budget = Management reserve + cost baseline + control accounts + contingency reserve +
work package cost estimates + activity contingency reserve + activity cost estimates. (hal. 254)

16. Cost base line = ?

Cost baseline = control accounts + contingency reserve + WP cost estimates + activity contingency
reserve + activity cost estimate

17. Bedanya Contingency dan Management Reserve?

Contingency: dana yang disisihkan untuk cover biaya dan dipegang PM

Management reserve: untuk cover resiko yang bersifat unknown dan dipegang oleh Management,
jika cost nya ternyata lebih daripada yang di plan, maka PM akan lapor, dan management baru akan
mengeluarkan management reserve.
18. Apa yang dilakukan dalam proses control costs?

Melakukan monitoring terhadap project status, in order to be able to update project cost and
managing the changes in the baseline.

19. Bagaimana input dalam control cost mempengaruhi ?

1. PMP

- Cost Management Plan: mengenai how to manage project cost and controlling

- Cost baseline: is used to compare the actual result in order to determine changes, corrective or
preventive action.

- Performance measurement baseline: digunakan Ketika memakai EVA.

2. Project Documents

- Lesson learned register

3. WPD

-data terkait status proyek ( authorized, incurred, invoiced and paid info)

4. OPA

20. Bedanya reserve analysis di control cost dan estimate cost?

- Reserve analysis: digunakan untuk melakukan monitoring status dari contingency dan management
reserve. (control cost)

- Reserve analysis: bagian dari data analysis, termasuk dalam contingency reserve untuk
memperhitungkan ketidakpastian biaya ( estimate cost)

21. EVA?

Earned value analysis is a process for comparing performance measurement baseline to actual
schedule and cost performance. Integrated EVMs by scope baseline to cost baseline and schedule
baseline to performance baseline measurements. EVM develops and performs 3 monitoring for each
work package and control account, including:

a. Planned Value (PV)

b. Earned Value (EV)

c. Actual Cost (AC)

22. PV, EC & AC?

- PV: anggaran resmi yang direncanakan untuk pekerjaan yang telah terjadwal.

PV = percentage of planned complete (%) x BAC

- EV: actual progress, tapi dalam nilai anggaran.

EV = actual complete (%) x BAC

- AC: biaya actual yang dikeluarkan

AC = penjumlahan dari seluruh biaya dalam waktu periode tertentu

23. SV dan CV?

Termasuk dalam variance analysis. SV atau schedule variance memperlihatkan status sampai mana
proyek telah terealisasi SV = EV – PV, jika positif maka ahead schedule, jika negative maka over
schedule. CV atau cost variance untuk mengetahui cost performance. CV = EV – AC, jika positif maka
on budget, jika negative maka over budget.

24. SPI dan CPI?

Termasuk dalam variance analysis. SPI atau schedule performance index dapat memperlihatkan
seberapa efisien pengerjaan proyek untuk dapat di selesaikan dengan rumus SPI = EV/PV, lebih besar
dari 1, projek cepat selesai, kurang dari 1, projek terlambat. CPI atau cost performance index dapat
mengukur efisiensi biaya yang telah dianggarkan untuk menyelesaikan proyek dengan rumus CPI =

25. Forecasting dan Trend analysis?

Trend analysis memeriksa kinerja proyek from time to time, forecasting adalah salah satu Teknik
yang digunakan pada trend analysis: merupakan hal yang perlu dirancang oleh project team
terhadap EAC yang beda dengan BAC based on project performance.

26. TCPI?

To Complete performance index, kinerja biaya yang garus dicapai pada pekerjaan yang tersisa untuk
memnuhi target jadwal keuangan yang ditentukan.

< 1 efisien

>1 tidak efisien

27. beda EAC dan BAC? 4 rumus EAC?

EAC atau estimate at completion, proyeksi total cost penyelesaian based on kinerja proyek di satu
titik waktu.

BAC atau budget at completion adalah penjumlahan dari seluruh budget yang dibutuhkan untuk

4 Rumus EAC:


Digunakan jika CPI yang diekspektasikan akan sama untuk remainder dari project.

2. EAC = AC + BAC – EV

Digunakan jika pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan akan tercapai sesuai dengan plan

3. EAC = AC + bot up ETC

Digunakan jika initial plan tidak valid

4. EAC = AC + (BAC-EV)/ (CPI x SPI)

Digunakan jika CPI dan SPI mempengaruhi remaining work.

28. Proses apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk mengubah cost baseline? Jika basis of estimate, apakah
cost baseline juga akan berubah?

Cost baseline dapat berubah pada proses control costs dikarenakan cost baseline dapat berubah
karena mendapat response untuk approved perubahan pada scope, resource, ataupun cost
estimates. Jika basis of estimates berubah maka cost baseline juga bisa saja berubah.

29. Storyline Project Cost

30. Storyline

Project cost management is one of the knowledge areas that has relationship with several other
knowledge areas, such as Project Integration Management, Project Scope Management, Project
Schedule Management, Project Resource Management, Project Quality Management, Project
Procurement Management, and Project Risk Management. This is due to the following:

- Project Integration Management

Project cost management is related to project scope management because project integration
management is a process The main activities are carried out from the initiating stage to closing.
Whole activities or activities in project integration management are certain requires financing, and
the financing must be manageable well by project cost management
- Project Scope Management

Project cost management is related to project scope management because within the scope there
are many components that need it financing, and financing to be able to fulfill the entire existing
scope must be well managed in project cost management

- Project Schedule Management

Project cost management is related to project schedule management due to the project schedule
management that performs management project work schedule for each activity or work package
WBS costs money, so the financing must be manageable well on project cost management

- Project Resource Management

Project cost management is related to project resource management due to recruitment and
empowering resources the project will require financing for training costs, resource recruitment
power, etc. This financing must be managed properly in project costs management.

- Project Quality Management

Project cost management is related to project quality management because to ensure the quality of
the project results is good then it will it takes several needs and procedures such as QC etc., and for
sure need financing. Then the financing must be manageable well on project cost management.

- Project Procurement Management

Project cost management is related to project procurement management, due to carry out
procurement procurement costs and financing must be managed properly on project cost

- Project Risk Management.

Project cost management is related to project risk due to deep running a project there will definitely
be risks that require cost.

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