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ABSTRAK Sebagian besar kerusakan jalan terjadi pada waktu musim panas dengan suhu yang tinggi terutama pada jalan dengan lalulintas berat, sehingga menjadi masalah yang serius pada sebagian jalan di Indonesia. Oleh arena itu, sangat diperlukan diversifikasi bahan yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja lapis perkerasan jalan, Melalui penelitian ini, akan dicoba melihat bagaimana karakteristik campuran Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) jika menggunakan karet alam jenis lump dengan kadar karet kering 55% sebagai bahan tambah aspal, Dari hasil pengujian sifat fisik aspal pen 60/70 dengan penambahan kadar karet 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% dan $% terhadap berat aspal, dapat diketahui bahwa penambahan kadar karet, menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan berat jenis aspal, penurunan suhu titik nyala dan titik bakar aspal, penurunan nilai penetrasi aspal, penurunan nilai daktalitas aspal, dan kenaikan pada subu titik lembek aspal. Dari hasil pengujian Marshall, diketahui nilai stabilitas campuran secara umum cenderung naik sampai penambahan karet ke dalam aspal sebesar 2% lalu turun pada penambahan karet ke dalam aspal sebesar 3% sampai 5%, sedangkan nilai flow cenderung naik seiring dengan bertambahnya kadar karet dalam campuran. Nilai Marshall Quotient campuran secara umum cenderung naik sampai penambahan karet ke dalam aspal sebesar 2% lalu turun pada penambahan karet ke dalam aspal sebesar 3 sampai 5%. Nilai VIM dan VMA secara umum terus menurun seiring bertambahnya kadar karet dalam campuran, sebaliknya nilai VFWA secara umum terus meningkat seiring bertambahnya kadar karet dalam campuran. Indeks kekuatan Sisa yang diperoleh dari perbandingan stabilitas marshall pada perendaman selama 30 menit dan 24 jam dengan suhu 60° menunjukkan bahwa penambahan kkaret alam kedalam aspal layak digunakan karena masuk dalam spesifikasi IKS yaitu minimal 75%. Adapun kadar karet optimum yang diperoleh yaitu sebesar 1,5% dari berat aspal optimum sebesar 6,9%. Secara umum, Penambahan karet alam ke dalam aspal pada campuran Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) cukup layak untuk digunakan Kata Kunci : Karet Alam, Stabilitas, Flow, Kadar Aspal Optimum, Indeks Kekuatan Sisa, Split Mastic Asphalt ABSTRACT. Most of damage to the roads occurred in the summer with high temperatures, especially on roads with heavy traffic, that it becomes a serious problem on some roads in Indonesia. Therefore, much needed diversification of materials that can improve the performance of layers of road pavement. Through this research, it tries 10 see how the characteristic mixture of Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) when using natural rubber type of lump with dry rubber content of 55% as an additive t0 asphalt From the results of testing the physical properties of 60/70 PEN grade bitumen with the addition of rubber content 1%, 296, 3%, 4% and 5% by weight of bitumen, itis known that the addition of rubber coment, caused the decline in density of asphalt, decreasing the temperature flash point ‘and the point of burning asphalt, the decline in penetration, impairment daktalitas asphalt, and an increase in temperature softening point. From the results of the Marshall, known to the stability of the mixture in general tend to rise until the addition of rubber into the asphalt at 29% then down to the addition of rubber into the asphalt by 3% 10 5%, while the flow tends 10 rise along with increasing rubber content in the mixture. Marshall Quotient mix generally tends to rise until the ‘addition of rubber into the asphalt at 2% then down to the addition of rubber into the asphalt at 3 10 5%. Value of VIM and VMA generally continue decreased concomitant increase rubber content within mixture, conversely value VFWA generally continue increased concomitant increase rubber content within mixture. Index strengths were obtained from a comparison marshall stability on immersion for 30 minutes and 24 hours with a temperature of 600 indicates that the addition of natural rubber into the asphalt decent used because it included in the specification IRS that is at Teast 75%. The Optimum rubber content obtained that is equal 10 1.5% by weight of optimum bitumen of 6.9%. In general, the addition of natural rubber into the asphalt on a mixture of Split ‘Mastic Asphalt (SMA) is quite feasible to use. Keywords: Natural Rubber, Stability , Flow, IRS, Split Mastic Asphalt Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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