Anda di halaman 1dari 9


1. Seorang laki-laki umur 55 tahun datang dengan keluhan mata merah dan kabur
pada sebelah kanan, sudah 2 minggu. Dari pemeriksaan slit-lamp tampak : dry
infiltrate, putih keabu-abuan dengan irregular fearhery. Pada biakan media
aaagar Sabouraud menunjukkan spesies Fusarium.
Manakah terapi dibawah ini yang paling tepat?
a. Amphotericin B
b. Natamycin
c. Ketoconazole
d. Fluconazole

2. Seorang perempuan usia 25 tahun dengan keratomikosis sebelah kiri.

Sebelumnya sudah diterapi dengan Natamycin 5 % tetes mata dan memberikan
respon tetapi efeknya tidak maksimal. Dari pemeriksaan slit-lamp tampak :
infiltrate pada stroma profunda kornea dan hipopion ¼ BMD.
Manakah terapi yang paling tepat?
a. Lakukan flap konjungtiva
b. Keratoplasti tembus optic
c. Evakuasi hipopion dan pemberian natamycin intrakameral
d. Tingkatkan frekuensi penetesan natamycin

3. Seorang laki-laki 27 th dengan ulkus kornea bakteri sementara menjalani

pengobatan levofloxacine topical. Dalam pemantauan respon klinis antibiotic
tersebut, parameter klinis yang dapat bermanfaat
a. Berkurangnya edema konjungtiva
b. Berkurangnya hyperemia konjungtiva
c. Berkurangnya infiltrate stroma kornea
d. Normalisasi hipertensi ocular

4. Seorang laki-laki umur 60 tahun datang dengan mata silau dan berair sebelah
kiri. Selain itu dia mengeluh seperti ada benda asing di matanya. Dari
pemeriksaan tes fluoresin tampak pungtat yang tersebab pada 1/3 inferior
kornea. Gangguan kornea yang benar
a. Exposure keratopathy
b. Floppy eyelid syndrome
c. Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis
d. Recurrent corneal erosion

5. Jika terjadi iritasi karena toksik epitel dalam pemberian fortified antibiotics,
maka konsentrasi obat dapat diturunkan. Manakah antibiotic (fortified) dibawah
ini yang tergolong konsentrasi rendah :
a. Cefazoline 50mg/mL
b. Ceftazidime 50 mg/mL
c. Vancomycin 25 mg/mL
d. Tobramycin 14 mg/mL
Seorang laki-laki berusia 15 tahun datang ke Poli Mata dengan keluhan kedua mata
merah dan gatal, hilang timbul sejak dia berusia 12 tahun, tidak disertai penglihatan
kabur dan kotoran mata. Penderita sudah pernah berobat namun belum sembuh
juga. Terdapat riwayat gatal-gatal pada wajah dan tangannya serta asma, hingga kini
masih sering kumat. Dari pemeriksaan oftalmologis ODS didapatkan visus ODS
5/10, hiperpigmentasi pada daerah periorbita, papil dan fibrosis pada konjungtiva
palpebra superior dan inferior, serta vaskularisasi dan sikatriks pada kornea
perifer. Segmen posterior dalam batas normal.

6. Diagnosis yang paling mungkin untuk penderita tersebut diatas adalah

a. Atopic keratoconjunctivitis
b. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis
c. Hay fever conjunctivitis
d. Perennial allergic conjunctivits

7. Komplikasi yang mungkin terjadi akibat status imunitas yang kurang baik pada
ilustrasi diatas adalah
a. Keratitis Herpes simpleks
b. Blepharitis stafilokokal
c. Giant papillary conjunctivitis
d. a+b benar
e. a+b+c benar

8. Indication for systemic therapy in the severe case are

a. Chronic ocular surface inflammation unresponsive to topical treatment
b. Peripheral ulcerative keratopathy
c. Discomfort
d. a+b are correct
e. a+b+c are correct

9. A 1-week- old infant is suspected of having ophthalmia neonatorum due to

Chlamydia trachomatis. Which method of the following is the gold standard for
diagnosis ophthalmia neonatorum due to Chlamydia trachomatis ? 
a. Nucleic acid amplification test
b. PolymeraseII chain reaction
c. Direct fluorescent antibody test
d. Enzyme immunoassays test
e. Culture of conjunctival scrapings
10. The treatment of choice for trachoma inclusion conjunctivitis (TRIC) is
a. intramuscular ceftriaxone 50mg/ kg BW per day for 3 consecutive days
b. oral erythromycin, 50 mg/kg BW per day in 4 divided doses for 14 days
c. fluoroquinolone drops, 4 times daily for approximately 14 days
d. oral fluoroquinolone, 50 mg/kg BW per day bid for 14 days
e. erythromycin ointment, 4 times daily for approximately 14 days

11. Seorang penderita petani laki-laki berumur 45 tahun mendapat perawatan

selama 20 jam karena trauma tajam di matanya. Saat ini mata bengkak sukar
dibuka karena palpebra edema, penuh sekreet mata, chemosis, mixed injeksi,
tampak kornea sudah dijarit, edema, bola mata tidak bisa digerakan Penderita
ini sebaiknya diterapi dengan:
A. Medikamentosa
B. Pars plana vitrektomi
C. Medikamentosa dan pars plana vitrektomi
D. Intravitrial antibiotika
E. Eviscrasi

12. Seorang pak petani 35 tahun mengeluh matanya berair dan gatal-gatal, kalau
dikucek tambah gatal dan palpebra edema. Pada pemeriksaan dijumpai adanya
sikatrik konjungtiva, dilimbus tampak adanya Herbert pits. Terapi pilihan untuk
penderita ini adalah:
A. Tetracycline 1 % topical ointment
B. Levofloxacine 0,3 % eye drops
C. Acyclovir 3 % topical ointment
D. Azithromycine 1000 mg single dose
E. Natrium diclopenak 2 x 7,5 mg/hari

13. Terapi topical pilihan untuk konjungtivitis trachomatous adalah: .

A. Penisilin procain 15.000 IU tetes mata
B. Ceftriaxone 1 gr IV TIAP 12 JAM
C. Topical tetracycline 1 %*
D. Loratadin dan cromolyn sodium.
E. Levofloxacine 0,3 % tetes mata
14. Seorang perempuan 45 tahun mengeluh mata merah ,seperti ada benda asing,
cepat lelah kalau membaca. VOD : 20/25 VOS : 20/25. Terdapat busa sepanjang
margo palpebra inferior, erosi pungtat disertai infeksi kornea. Diagnosis adalah
a. Chalazion

b. Hordeolum

c. Rosacea Palpebra

d. Disfungsi kelenjar Meibom

e. Blefaritis Khronis

15. Yang tidak boleh dilakukan pada terapi keratitis ulseratif perifer yang ada
hubungannya dengan penyakit Immune Mediated Sistemik adalah :
a. Lubrikasi permukaan okuler

b. Ransang Repitalisasi Kornea

c. Menekan respon inflamasi sistemik

d. Berikan steroid topical

e. Berikan Cytotoxic Aqued

16. Mikroorganise yang sering ditemukan pada endoftalmitis akut pasca bedah
katarak. KECUALI :
a. Stafilokokus epidermidis

b. Stafilokokus aureeus

c. Hemofikus influenza

d. Pseudonomi teroginosa

e. P. Acnes

17. Pernyataan yang tidak benar pada steven, jonhson syndrome

a. Radang akut resiko pesikobullous kulit dan mukosa

b. Sering ditemukan pada anak

c. Terdapat erosi konjungtiva, konjungtivitis episkleritis

d. Terapi dengan steroid dosis tinggi intravena

e. Sering terjadi komplikasi okuler surface yang berat

18. A 55 years old female farmer with white lesion on the left eye since 3 months.
Examination revealed sharp borders lesion along the limbus, leukoplakic, 4 x 4 x
3 mm in size. The treatment of choice for this case are, except
a. Excision of conjunctiva 4 mm beyond clinically apparent margin
b. Cryotherapy to the conjunctival margin
c. Absolute alcohol of the remaining sclera
d. Radiation therapy
e. Excision thin lamellar sclera flap beneath the tumor

19. A 62 YO woman has been followed for corneal decompensation from Fuchs’
dystrophy. She has demonstrated gradual progresion from asymptomatic corne
guttata to stromal edema and fank bullous keratopaty over 4 years. She now
complains of seveere ppain, photopobia and tearing that has lasted for 5 days.
The findings are most consistent with:
a. painfull bullous keratopathy
b. Secondary bacterial keratitis
c. HSK
d. Acantamoeba keratitis

20. The patient no. 21 diagnosed `with staphylococcal keratitis, establish with gram
stain and bacterial cultures. The antibiotic of choice forinitial therapy would most
likely be from which class of drugs?
a. Macrolides (eg. Erytromycin)
b. Cephalosporins ( eg. Cefazolin)
c. Imidazole ( eg. Miconazole )
d. Floroquinolones ( eg. Ciprofloxacin)

21. A 47 YO electrician was working under a house when some dirt was dislodged
from a beam overhead and fell into his eye. He flushed out the eye on site and
went about his work. Two days later he devaloped a red, painful eye and mild
photopobia, and become worse over the next week. He gave an eyedrop
caontaininng antibiotic and corticosteroid and then noticed a white spot in the
center of tthe cornea. The lesion didn’t stain with fluorescein. The mostlikely
diagnose for this patient is :
a. Fungal keratitis
b. Acantamoeba keratitis
c. HSK
d. Gram negative ulcer

22. The appropriate laboratory worked up of the ulcer presented in question 21 is

all the following measures, Except :
a. Plating on blood agar to be maintained at room tempeature
b. scrapping for giemsa stain
c. Plating on nonnutrient agar with a lawn of e.coli
d. Plating on sabouraud’s agar

23. The patient no. 24 developed fungal cultures positive for aspergillus. Based on
the initial laboratory worked up and later on the cultures, he was treated with an
antimicobial. All following classes of drugs might be considered Except :
a. Imidazole ( miconazole, ketoconazole)
b. Polynes ( Amphoterizine and natamycin)
c. Macrolides (tetracyclin and erytromycin )
d. Pyrimidine ( flucytosine)

24. A 73 YO man presents to the ophtalmologist with a 10 day history of

accelerating discomfort and red eye. The patient exhibit signs of intense pain.
Examination reveals a sharply demarcated peripheral corneal ulceration with a
central overhanging edge. The most likely diagnosis is :
a. Staphylococcal marginal keratitis
b. Mooren’s ulcer
c. Senile marginal furrow
d. Terrien’s marginal degeneration

25. Therapeutic approaches for the question no. 28 included all of the following,
a. Topical nonsteroidal anti inflammatory agents
b. Topical corticosteroid
c. conjuctival resection
d. Systemic immunosuppresive agents

26. A 43 YO woman presents with irritation and a glittary sensation in both eyes.
This symptoms have been present for several months but have worsened during
the day summer season and tend to worsen as the day goes on. She’s otherwise in
good health, from examination there is floroscein staining. All of the following
abnormalities in a patient with aqueous deficiency dry eye might be expected,
a. Decrease tear meniscus
b. Abnormal schirmer test
c. Increased mucus in the precorneal tear film
d. Diminished TBUT

27. Seorang anak laki-laki berusia 9 tahun dengan riwayat atopi datang dengan
konjungtivitis bilateral rekuren musiman dan keluhan pandangan kabur selama
1 minggu. Giant papila terlihat pada eversi kelopak mata. Semua hal berikut
dapat pula terlihat pada pemeriksaan slit-lamp kecuali:
a. Pannus vaskular dan erosi epitelial punctata yang melibatkan kornea
b. Ulserasi epitelial oval dengan opasifikasi stromal di bawahnya pada kornea
c. Folikel limbal
d. Simblefara konjungtiva

28. Agen infeksius manakah yang dapat dihubungkan dengan keratitis interstisialis?
a. Virus herpes simpleks
b. Virus herpes zoster
c. Chlamydia trachomatis
d. Semua hal tersebut di atas
29. A 34-year-old patient has 5-day history of redness, pain, and blurred vision of
the right eye is came to the emergency unit. There was history of trauma with
plant leaf. Ophthalmologist incharge noted an gray-white infiltrate with
irregular feathery margins and hypopyon more than 1/3 AC.

If we suspect fungal infection but the smear is negative, what is the next step?
a. Repeat corneal scraping
b. Start to give antifungal therapy
c. Stop topical antibiotics
d. Immediate mechanical debridement
e. Continue topical steroids

29. A 43 years old male came with acute loss of vision since two weeks ago.
Biomicroscopy reveal anterior segment inflammation, and vitreous cellular
exudation. Segment posterior examination showed occlusive retinal arteriolitis,
vitritis and a multifocal yellow white peripheral retinitis. The patient than
referred to retinal department and was diagnosed for acute retinal necrosis.
The agents that associated with this syndrome are
i. varicella zooster virus
ii. Herpes simplex virus type 2
iv. Adenovirus

30. A 73-year-old female presented with left periocular pain. Three days after the
onset of the pain she was noted to have erythematous papules appearing over
the V1 distribution on the left side. This pattern, along with decreased sensation.
Which of the following diagnosis is likely?

a. Atypical facial pain

b. Neoplastic process

c. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus

d. Trigeminal neuralgia

e. Facial pain
31. A man 35 year old came to hospital with chief complaint blurred vision. Previous
history he had blunt ocular trauma about one year ago. In oftalmologist status
we found VA 6/6 in RL and 4/60 ph (-) in LE, scar in central cornea LE. Which
the layer of cornea that replaced by scar after injury.
1. Bowman’s layer
2. Epithelium layer
3. Stroma layer
4. Descemet membrane

32. A man,17 years old patient come to the emergency room after got accident
when he clean the bathroom. His right eye deceived sprinkling alkali solution. The
doctor make irrigation soon,and the doctor said there is a problem with his limbus.
Which one of the following structure are included in the limbus ?
1. Conjunctiva and limbal palisades
2. Tenon capsule
3. Episclera
4. Corneoscleral stroma

33. A 55 years-old breeder were presents with complains, reddish in right eye,
painful, watery and photofobia since 2 months ago. Examination findings are
hyperemia at conjunctiva and pericornea specially in temporal. Corneal ulcers
were found at 1 untill 5 o’clock at marginal, neovaskularisasi was positive, and
no hipopion. There is no history of systemic diseases. Several ophthalmologist
were seen it before, but ulcers still exist.
What is the diagnosis of this patient:
a. Corneal Ulcers e.c viral
b. Mooren Ulcers
c. Peripheral ulcerative keratitis associated with systemic immune-
mediated Diseases
d. Corneal Ulcers e.c bacterial
e. Corneal Ulcers e.c fungi

34. Below are the management for above patient :

a. Topical corticosteroid, contact-lens, limbal conjunctival exicision
b. Topical antibiotics, and than keratoplasty
c. Topical Anti viral, topical corticosteroid, and contact-lens
d. Topical cyclosporine and systemic antibiotics
e. Topical antibiotics and systemic corticosteroid

35. A woman 21 years old came to hospital with main complain, burning, itching
and foreign body sensation particulary upon awakening. In Slit lamp
examination: crusts surrounding cilia, injection and telangiectasis of the
anterior and posterior eyelid margin, white lashes, lash loss and trichiasis.
What is the diagnosis of this patient?
a. Gonococcal Conjungtivitis
b. Acut purulent cunjungtivitis
c. Staphylococcal Blepharitis
d. Chronic Conjungtivitis
e. Keratitis

36 A girl, 8 years old, came to eyes clinic with main complain photofobia and
redness. He want to control after keratoplasty about two week ago.
Ophthalmology exams we found VA RE 6/6 abd LE 1/300. In Anterior Segment
we found cornea: edema, anterior chamber cell (+), Flare(+). Was the type of
hypersensitivity reaction performed?
a. Anaphylactic or atopic reaction (Type I)
b. Cytotoxic hypersensitivity (Type II)
c. Immune Complex Reaction (Type III)
d. Delayed Hypersensitivity (Type IV)
e. Stimulatory (Type V)

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