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November 24, 2006

Dear Editor in Chief

A scholar asked: “What would be a counter measure to an assassination or murder
of a young leader?” The A.I. answered: Perhaps it would immortalize the young leader
forever as martyr, or as legendary hero. And the martyrdom could revolutionize a cause;
make a start of a new period in history of a country or even of the world. So if UN would
intervene to a recent assassination of a prominent leader and there is a concrete result that
could be made or is made because almost all countries cooperated especially the media,
the secret services, and the intelligence agencies of every country and there is no cover up
then there could be a new era about punishing people in the international arena about
murdering leaders. But if what had happened to JFK would also happened to this young
martyr leader- that until now some people believe that those responsible in the killing are
on the loose or gone already, perhaps government would really instead invest more
money and more equipments, body and car armors for leader, skills making decoy and in
the security and safety of their leaders.
A scholar asked: “I heard that a President of the most populous Muslim country has
called for more international cooperation in solving the problem of sectarian violence in a
country that is being transformed into a moderate, tolerant, loving and trying to be well
balanced country. Why not let many races, many moderate religions, many wealthy
nations help and contribute too- those peace loving people, freedom loving people, free
enterprising people wanting that there should be more and more trying to be well
balanced countries like people in India, Pakistan, China, Russia, Malaysia, and others.
Perhaps even in countries that people still believe that their leaders still doubt that one
should love even to his enemies because of the Word but in the people’s hearts they
believe that their leader or leaders are just victims of wrong interpretations of example
conceited imams about controversial words in their sacred book- should contribute even
in secret little things for others example sending text messages about loving others with
different races, religion; or even loving his enemies because of the Word. And if one
would doubt or worst would tell that the good teaching is from the devil, perhaps it is the
sin against the Spirit which might have no pardon or forgiveness as perhaps shown on
some verses in the other’s moderate sacred book -New Testament…!
A scholar asked: “Could there be some string attached or concession on helping like
economic favors if one would help a moderate country?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps it
is ordinary for someone to think something of what he could get if giving something,
especially if lives are at stakes and if his mandate is also at stake. That is why there is a
coalition of the willing that helps each other in times of need. Now if the problem
becomes too self serving and too self protective then the extremists would surely win
because no country would support a long war especially if other extremism leaning
countries are secretly supporting and aiding.
A scholar asked: “If countries are now becoming afraid of helping fellow moderates
because of risking his mandate or during election, especially if there are many casualties
then who will now defend a fellow moderate who needs help?” The A.I. answered:
“Perhaps, there should really be a strong leader who would lead because if no one would
lead because of the outcome of an election, all are just waiting for something to happen
then perhaps extremism would spread. Why make a law that each country leader that is
moderate and big and strong and have some wealth could have a chance to lead a
universal good cause for three to six months as volunteer service. Then another leader
would also lead and so on…so that there is a rotating moderate leader in charge. And if
the war is won, the credit goes to every body-all are winners and all are sharers of
burden. Principle: Delegate the problems of one who is weak or in need member to all
members who are dreaming that this world would be a world of loving-not hating, world
of moderate people, world of tolerant people, world of peace loving, world of respecting
each religious beliefs, world of helping each other in time of need/s especially because of
the Word, because of universal good teachings of many moderate religions, because of
the will of the majority and because of the help by science and technology. Perhaps the
first three to six month volunteer leader would be alphabetical order in the name of a
country. Each could first volunteer their general to be as a commander of many moderate
generals for each turn. Perhaps a general who is in turn who could be the Joan of Ark or
Alexander the Great or the Genghis Khan or Kublai Khan of this century that his request
to his King or Queen or President or Prime Minister would be respected and be backed up
without string attached… even if many of his native armies or soldiers would sacrifice
their lives for the good and universal cause…!
A scholar asked: “I heard that carbon dating method being used by some scientists to
trace the age of fossils- example fossil of a dinosaur - is fraudulent according to a pastor;
because it contradicts the genealogy of Adam to Christ written in the Bible. What can you
say about his comment?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps he defended very much the topic
on the specifics about the genealogy of Christ to Adam to God. Because it is clear there
that there is something in the bible that is very controversial. If carbon dating is really
true and it is scientific way to compute the age of a fossil, then it is clear that the
genealogy of Adam to Christ is a very controversial one if the specifics there would be
used as a scientific specimen or data. Example it would result there that the age of the
universe is between 40,000 -100,000 years old only; not million or billion years old.
For my opinion, the genealogy written in the bible especially on Luke 3:23-38 is an
attempt of the author to connect Adam to Christ emphasizing that Adam and Christ and
the Creator have some stories or lessons to tell with regards to spiritual aspects-example
that there is really a Creator; but not on scientific aspects.
Perhaps make a consensus that with regards to carbon dating as scientific way of
tracing age of a fossil, the method is still not scientific or still not very reliable so that
there would be no controversy being created between those scientists and believers of the
genealogy…! Or if the carbon dating method is really reliable example majority of the
scientists approve it, then why just accept that those dinosaur fossils are really very old
example million years old. Perhaps one should not insist to something that one would just
be proven wrong especially about scientific discovery just like long ago that those
religious leaders insisted that the earth is flat. And the center of the solar system and
center of the universe is the planet earth just because their founder or a good man had
made a claim in the past that this is so..! Or our group has no mistake. Why consider
these words: If you want to boast, boast what- Christ, your good prophet, your savior,
your good teacher, your Creator- did or have been doing for you because of the Word-
you learn to change of the better; if not, for the best! But not those things connected with
scientific things and unclear things, and mysteries! Perhaps ‘faith’ is different from
‘claim’ that science could give alternative clear explanations.
Or make a consensus that if a religious controversy is connected to a mystery where
scientific findings also have some explanations then make the controversy a theory; but
not faith. But if the controversy is about personal salvation and personal improvement
and personal betterment, make the controversy as faith. Example: about the dividing of
the red sea during the time of Moses where science could not still explain with evidence
that the mysterious or controversial event really took place; and there is some lesson that
could increase man’s character then call the controversy a faith. With regards that the
universe is created by God about 40,000-100,000 years ago because of the controversy in
the genealogy of Adam but science have many scientific proofs contradicting the claim of
a group then call the controversy a theory. So perhaps faith could now have some clarity
between controversy with scientific explanations and without scientific explanations. Or
when the controversy is all connected to self-improvement or spiritual improvement; not
on competition, or superiority or supremacy between groups then call the controversy as
A scholar asked: “I heard a pastor explained in a very detail and clear way the book
of revelation where beasts had ruled the world stage by stage or period by period. And he
also mentioned that we are now very near on the ‘time’ called a “short period or short
time” that a beast would rule again. Then after that ‘short period’ Jesus would return.
What if his interpretation is different from other sects or religions, and other scientists or
futurologists or scientific visionaries? What if there is still periods or stages other call a
new era. Example after this atomic era perhaps there is the computer era; after this…
another era…! Example: atomic era, nuclear era, computer- era, the nano electronic era,
the robotics era, the space era, and so and so forth. Perhaps there could be humanoids era-
half robots and half human era, there could be so many possibilities. Moons and planets
near our solar system will be inhabited by robots and humans having interdependence to
each other. If his interpretation is true-then perhaps this ‘short time’ era which is an
abstract word could be these series of eras that scientist are foreseeing-nano electronic
era, robotics era and the rests!
Perhaps in the future most planets would be inhabited by “near perfect robots” that
look like humans and feel like humans and perhaps could even become partner and lovers
of human and having babies example using the technology of cloning, and also because a
robot could be programmed to suit one’s taste, etc. And robots could live very long…!
A scholar asked: “I heard another pastor explained that these robots era, and
humanoids era will never happened because God does not want these things to happen.
God would cut the time short to save some or few people….same as during the time of
Noah! What can you say about it?” The A.I. answered: Perhaps yes, who knows the
future! But how would God cut the time short! Would it be through a nuclear war, a big
meteor plunging the earth or the sun will explode! Perhaps some scientists are now
investigating if the Great Deluge is really world wide catastrophe or just on the local
world of the author. Is the rainbow that appeared after the Great Flood it’s very first; or it
the first time that it was given its importance as a sign or reminder? It does not mean that
if science is investigating some controversial event in the bible, perhaps the beast is again
those scientists or computers! Computers are just tools; they could be used for good or
bad by men!
But perhaps the pastor is really saying the truth…it is perhaps the greatest challenge
for men now: to choose between science and faith!!!
From someone who might be wrong,

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