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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 1

^ ^^ ^1 11 1^ ^^ ^1 11 1A AA A 1 11 11 11 1 1 11 1A AA A
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Paving Emplovees is a good Business
Underpav, and emplovees will eventuallv look for a better offer '''
Overpav, and the pavroll budget and profitabilitv will suffer ???
Now What ???
Companies Look Ior 'Market Salary Data

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 2
In today`s challenging global scenario and dynamic organizations which is Iast propelling into
more advancing Complex & Challenging situations the increase in Knowledge & Talent in
various Iield oI Technology industries are getting diversiIied to use modern technology to
compete with other industries. The pressure oI competition and demand Ior proIit, industries opt
Ior best Human Resources practices where it support the industries with Right people luring
them with right package, perIormance at quality level, keeping then on board and maximizing
their productivity.
To determine the prevailing rate Ior a job, companies can "benchmark" jobs against
compensation surveys that are detailed and speciIic to the Companies', industries and regions. A
good compensation survey uses standard, proven methods oI data gathering and statistical
analysis to determine how much companies pay Ior a speciIic job in a speciIic industry. A
number oI organizations conduct salary surveys, including compensation inIormation businesses,
compensation consulting Iirms, industry associations, educational institutions and state & Iederal
The data to compile the Compensation Survey Ior the Company is gathered Irom the well-known
Survey Companies or Consultants (, Hewitt, etc.) and as well as Job portals viz.,, etc.
The employee`s survey conducted by most oI the company`s projected Four things which eIIects
the global salary market:-
1. Employee SatisIaction in terms oI the right 'Emoluments
2. Career Cycle
3. Cost oI Living
4. Reduce Attrition Level

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 3
Objective - Salary Survey Report
Compensation and BeneIits optimizes the salary survey as an eIIective tool Ior enhancing
productivity and organization excellence as under:-
1. Need for Salary Survey
Talent Management Creating condition Ior the potential Employees to excel
Leaders and Key Talent Impact Growing key players to Grow your Business
Pay-Ior-PerIormance Rewarding real achievement and impact
Organizational Change Faster TransIormation that deliver results
Understand emerging trends in the Iields oI C&B
Retain Best Human Capital
To serve and act as a dual instrument Ior both the employees & Top Management
in understanding the existing practices and expectation
Benchmark the Salary with the Market
Daily working tools Ior settling salary issues Ior Salary Negotiation
Forecasting oI Salary Trends Ior the Future
2. Salary Survey is done on Various Levels
Country / Location India , Other GCC`s
Industry / Companies / Organization Sectors Construction, ManuIacturing, .
Grade / Level
Salary Min-Max (Total/ CTC)
3. Source of Data
a. Through various Job Portals
b. Through various Consultants
External Consultants (, Hewitt, Gallups, MaFoi, etc..)
c. InIormation Irom Competitors
d. Alliance with Internal employees
e. Association with employees oI Competitors

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 4
Reading this report:-
The Salary Survey inIormation gathered Ior this report is compiled Irom various Job portals
(,,, Newspapers (Times OI India, GulI News),
Consultants sites as well as on various other sites where the details oI salaries are mentioned.
The data gathered is sorted in such a way that it is easy Ior the reader to identiIy the salary,
which a proIessional gets in the global Market across India & GCC. Since the population oI
Expatriates working in GCC are more, salary oI India is also taken in consideration. So that one
can easily analysis the salary to be paid to a proIessional who is leaving his home town and
coming to the other country to work.
The report is sorted in various designations wise. Further, it is arranged position wise i.e. From
Head to Jr. Assistant, where it shows the Minimum and Maximum salary paid with the Minimum
and Maximum experience. The position wise data will help the reader to analyze what is the
market salary paid to proIessionals.

Salary Survey report as attached:- (Below)

The salary survey report is attached in tabular Iormat:-

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age S
The below Graph mentioned are the as Follows:-
1.Rise in Salary in various Sector (GCC)

The above graph shows rise in salary in various sector in GCC`s Ior 2007. With the
Construction sector leading ahead in pay master with 11.1, Iollow up with Banking. Since
this sector is booming with massive development in inIrastructure & real estate in various
region across India and GCC`s, the salary also tend to rise. As the matter oI Iact business and
revenue both is generated by Construction sector in today`s era which also Iocus on better pay
Ior the employees.
Health Care & Education sectors with 6.3 & 6.0 respectively is slow generating business as
compared to construction industry.
The above graph does not includes India, which is one oI the leading nations in Construction
and IT sector Ior gaining knowledge & experience. Various source on Website predict India to
be leading in Construction sector and that they will also attracts the talented Indians to Ilock to
India particulary Irom GulI region.

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 6
2.Global rise in Salary Across Industries

In the year 2007-08, India has registered 15 hike in salary, which is highest among the Asiatic
region, whereas Sultanate oI Oman with 11 pay rise is highest among the other GCC`s.
Hongkong and Japan with 4 & 3 respectively have shown minimum increase in salary. The
Salary rise is storming across the Globe, where the proIessionals Ilock Irom one end to other
end. With a better pay, most oI the proIessions opt to have a better liIe style at the hometown. II
they migrate to other nations they will deIinitely go Ior better pay and liIe style.

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 7
3.Rise in Salary Over the Years (2003 - 07) - India & GCC

From the above lined graph it can be viewed the rise oI Salary across the globe Ior the period
2003 to 2007. The rise in salary among the GGC`s Qatar is yet to be the leading pay master with
9.0 in 2003 shooting to 11.6 in 2007, and Oman to be the least 4.0. Over the period, Oman
is moving ahead towards salary rise Irom 5.6 in 2006 to 11.0 in 2007. Since the economy oI
Oman is developing rapidly compared to other GCC the salary paid is coming at par with Qatar.
In addition, Bahrain with slow development the salary also tends to catch-up slowly other
UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia seems to head steadily Irom the start.
India is set out to be the highest pay rise with 12.7,2003 to 16.0 in 2007-08. The
development in India is attracting more and more proIessionals who have Ilocked to GulI to have
the same liIe style with the same pay.

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 8
4. Salary as per 1ob Category GCC

There is huge revolution, which is ignited among today`s industries to be competent with other
Industries both Quality and Time wise. With the recent development oI InIrastructure across
GCC`s in 2007 more and more business is generated across the globe, with such development
more jobs are being exposed in the market at steady space. As the business increases, most oI the
company tends to have competent employees working in their organization, i.e A-1 Quality
Employees or the Top Graded employees, as this will help the industry thrive..
To have such competent employees in the organization Change is necessary. For this every
employee working in each department needs to be paid better & trained well. This will help the
organization to be competent. From above graph the salary Ior Engineer was raised up to 10.5
in 2007 as the Engineers are the revenue-generating people, which help to build the
InIrastructure. Secondly, there is also rise in the salary oI employees working in various other
Job Category i.e. Finance (10.2), HR (9), IT (8.5) in GCC.
In addition to this, India also tend to be booming in various other job categories namely
Construction and IT.

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 9
Why Employee Leave the Employer ???
It is a question, which is oIten asked by the Employer to the employee while leaving the
organization? Reason Ior leaving the Job?
The answer lies in the above Pie-Chart. During a Survey done by diIIerent companies on Internet
it was Iound that on a scaling 1 10, the majority oI people leaving the Organization is Ior better
salary which has a maximum rating oI 10`. Some Ior Better Prospects, Others Change in Career.
Re-Location and Working in diIIerent Country Ialls under Scaling 5 & 4.
Job-hopping across the Globe is become a essential need. The need is to have a satisIaction, Ior
the IulIillment oI diIIerent . With the overall rise in price oI diIIerent products, it is
diIIicult Ior the employee to manage his needs at a certain level. To IulIill the desired need the
employee either hunts Ior a new job or has to get a raise in pay.
On the Other hand, it is observed that there are lot oI Companies which are manuIacturing good
quality consumer products, which are expensive and which satisIy the needs oI the Employee. To
have these products most oI the employee tends to have a better pay so as to have a better liIe

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 10
Information & Review
The Iollowing data is Ior InIormation which is taken Irom the various Internet sites
in order to help the Management know about the Salary which is paid in the Global
Market. This will help to build a better and more competent organization.
The data can be used to analyze the current salary structure with the Market Salary.


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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 11
M|n Sa|. Max Sa|.
Sa|. Max Sa|. M|n Lxp.
1 GM / CM - Accounts 10.0 30.0 15 18 B'Com, M'Com, CA, ICWA, MBA 2,500 4,500 15 20
2 Sr. Manager - Accounts 8.0 18.0 10 15 B'Com, M'Com, CA, ICWA, MBA 2,000 3,000 12 16
3 Manager - Accounts 5.0 10.0 6 12 B'Com, M'Com, CA, ICWA, MBA 1,500 2,500 8 12
4 Asst. / Dy. Manager - Accounts 3.0 7.0 6 8 B'Com, M'Com, MBA 800 1,200 5 8
5 OIIicer / Executive - Accounts 2.0 3.0 3 5 B'Com, M'Com, MBA 500 1,000 3 5
Asst. - Accounts 1.5 2.0 2 3 B'Com 200 400 2 3
7 GM / CM - Finance 20.0 40.0 15 20 B'Com, M'Com, CA, ICWA, MBA 3,500 5,000 20 25
8 Sr. Manager - Finance 12.0 25.0 18 20 B'Com, M'Com, CA, ICWA 2,500 3,000 18 20
9 Manager - Finance 8.0 15.0 12 18 B'Com, M'Com, CA, MBA 1,500 2,000 10 15
10 Financial Controller 8.0 15.0 11 20 B'Com, M'Com, CA, MBA 2,000 4,000 11 20
11 Advisor - Finance 5.0 16.0 8 20 B'Com, M'Com, CA, MBA 1,500 3,000 10 25
12 Analyst - Finance 7.0 18.0 10 20 B'Com, M'Com, CA, ICWA, MBA 1,000 1,800 8 15
13 Asst. / Dy. Manager - Finance 4.0 6.0 6 10 B'Com, M'Com, MBA 800 1,500 4 9
14 OIIicer / Executive - Finance 2.0 5.0 3 8 B'Com, M'Com, MBA 300 800 3 5
Asst. - Finance 1.5 3.0 2 4 B'Com, M'Com 200 500 2 4
16 GM / Director - Quality 15.0 25.0 12 20 BE/B.Tech, Diploma ,PG, ASQ 3,600 4,000 15 20
17 Sr. Manager - Quality 10.0 18.0 10 15 BE/B.Tech, Diploma ,PG, ASQ 1,500 2,500 12 18
18 Manager - Quality 9.0 11.0 7 10 BE/B.Tech, Diploma ,PG, ASQ 1,000 1,800 8 15
19 Asst. / Dy. Manager - Quality 2.0 4.0 3 6 BE/B.Tech, Diploma (Mechanical) 400 1,000 5 10
20 Analyst - Quality 2.0 7.0 5 10 BE/B.Tech, Diploma ,PG 300 900 4 10
21 Engineer - Quality 2.0 8.0 2 10 BE/B.Tech, Diploma ,PG 500 1,000 3 7
OIIicer - Quality 2.0 4.0 2 4 BE/B.Tech, Diploma ,PG 200 600 2 5
GCC (k.C ] Month)
Ind|a (ks'Lac ] Annum)
1 - Accounts & Finance - Covers profile of Investment.
2 - Quality
J JJ JCnmpuny Nume Cnnceuled Cnmpuny Nume Cnnceuled Cnmpuny Nume Cnnceuled Cnmpuny Nume Cnnceuled) J ) J ) J ) JOmun) Omun) Omun) Omun)

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 12
23 Sr. Manager - HSE 6.0 10.0 10 15 BE/B.Tech, PGDIS, DSM, ASQ 2,000 2,500 12 15
24 Manager - HSE 5.0 8.0 8 12 BE/B.Tech, PGDIS, DSM 1,000 2,000 10 12
25 Asst. / Dy. Manager - HSE 3.0 6.0 6 10 BE/B.Tech, PGDIS, DSM 600 1,200 5 8
26 Engineer - SaIety (HSE) 3.0 7.0 4 8 BE/B.Tech, PGDIS, DSM 400 1,000 3 8
OIIicer - HSE 1.5 4.0 2 5 BE/B.Tech, PGDIS, DSM 300 800 2 6
28 Sr. Manager - QS 8.0 10.0 12 15 BE/B.Tech 1,800 3,000 15 18
29 Manager - QS 6.0 8.0 10 12 BE/B.Tech 900 2,000 8 15
30 Asst. / Dy. Manager - QS 4.0 7.0 6 10 BE/B.Tech 800 1,500 6 9
31 QS 3.0 5.0 6 8 BE/B.Tech 600 1,200 3 8
32 Engineer - QS 2.0 6.0 5 8 BE/B.Tech 600 1,800 6 15
Engineer - QS (Billing) 2.0 5.0 2 8 BE/B.Tech 400 800 4 6
34 Corporate Secretary - MD/GM/VP 5.0 8.0 10 14 Graduate / MBA/PGDM 1,000 2,500 8 15
35 Legal Secretary 3.0 5.0 8 10 Graduate / MBA/PGDM 1,400 1,800 5 8
36 Sr. / Exe. Secretary - MD/GM/VP 3.0 5.0 10 12 Graduate / MBA/PGDM 500 1,800 4 12
37 Secretary 1.0 3.0 2 4 Graduate / MBA/PGDM 300 1,000 2 6
Receponist / Telephone Operator 1.5 3.0 2 10 Graduate 200 500 2 3
39 GM -Administration 10.0 15.0 15 18 Graduate/ PG / MBA 1,500 2,500 9 18
40 Sr. Manager -Administration 5.0 10.0 10 15 Graduate/ PG / MBA 1,200 2,000 8 15
41 Manager -Administration 4.0 6.0 8 10 Graduate/ PG / MBA 1,000 1,500 8 12
42 Asst. Manager -Administration 2.0 5.0 4 8 Graduate/ PG / MBA 800 1,200 5 10
43 OIIice Executive -Administration 2.0 4.0 3 6 Graduate/ PG 600 800 3 5
44 Asst. -Administration 1.5 2.5 2 4 Graduate 200 300 2 3
Camp Boss / Accom. Executive 2.0 4.0 4 6 Graduate 200 600 2 10
46 Document Controller / OIIicer /Exe 2.0 6.0 2 6 Graduate/ PG 300 600 2 7
47 Manager - Despatch 4.0 5.0 8 12 Graduate/ PG (Admin Function) 400 500 3 7
Executive Despatch 2.0 3.0 4 6 Graduate/ PG (Admin Function) 200 400 2 5
Data Entry Opt./ Computer Opt. /
Clerk 1.5 2.5 1 4 SSC / HSC / Graduate 200 300 2 4
50 Manager - Transport 3.0 5.0 6 15 Graduate/ PG 400 700 5 8
51 Coordinator - Transport 1.5 3.0 2 10 Graduate/ PG 200 300 2 5
52 Security - OIIicer 1.0 2.5 1 6 SSC / HSC / Graduate 300 400 2 6
53 OIIice Boy 1.0 1.5 4 8 SSC / HSC / Graduate 200 300 2 4
PRO (National - UAE) - - - - HSC 500 800 3 5
3 - HSE
4 - Quantity Surveyor
5 - Office Support & Administration

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 13
55 Director / GM - HR 15.0 30.0 16 20 Graduate/ MBA /PG /B.Sc 2,000 4,000 10 20
56 Sr. Manager - HR 12.0 18.0 10 16 Graduate/ MBA /PG /B.Sc 1,500 3,000 12 15
57 Manager - HR 8.0 12.0 10 15 Graduate/ MBA /PG /B.Sc 1,200 2,200 5 10
58 Asst. / Dy. Manager - HR 3.0 6.0 6 8 Graduate/ MBA /PG /B.Sc 900 1,500 4 8
59 Executive /OIIicer - HR 2.0 4.0 2 6 Graduate/ MBA /PG /B.Sc 400 600 2 5
Asst. - HR 1.0 3.0 1 4 Graduate/ PG 200 300 1 3
61 Executive Asstistant - MD 3.0 6.0 5 12 Graduate / MBA/PGDM 800 2,000 5 12
62 Techinical Advisor 4.0 9.0 7 15
Dip. / Degree - Mech., Chem, Civil,
Env / B.Arch, M.Arch 1,000 3,000 10 20
Techinical Asst. 3.0 5.0 6 10
Dip. / Degree - Mech., Chem, Civil,
Env 500 1,200 4 10
64 CM / GM - IT 25.0 30.0 15 20 Degree / Diploma 3,000 6,000 15 22
65 Sr. Manager - IT 18.0 25.0 14 18 Degree / Diploma 2,500 3,500 18 22
66 Manager - IT / (P. Mgr) 15.0 20.0 10 15 Degree / Diploma 2,000 2,500 12 15
67 Asst. / Dy. Manager - IT 8.0 12.0 6 10 Degree / Diploma 1,000 1,500 6 10
68 Executive /OIIicer - IT 4.0 6.0 3 5 Degree / Diploma 800 1,200 4 8
69 Asst.. - IT 2.0 4.0 2 4 Degree / Diploma 500 1,000 3 6
70 HelpDesk - IT 2.0 3.0 1 3 Degree / Diploma 300 500 2 3
71 Network Administrator - IT 4.0 6.0 3 5 Degree / Diploma 800 1,200 5 8
72 Administrator - IT 3.0 5.0 2 4 Degree / Diploma 500 800 4 6
73 Database Administrator - IT 4.0 8.0 3 5 Degree / Diploma 700 1,200 5 8
74 System Engineer - IT 2.0 3.0 2 4 Degree / Diploma 500 900 3 6
75 Programmer - IT 4.0 5.0 3 6 Degree / Diploma 500 1,000 3 6
76 Web Designer - IT 2.0 4.0 2 5 Degree / Diploma 500 1,500 3 12
77 Executive ERP - IT 3.0 8.0 2 5 Degree / Diploma 800 2,000 5 10
Manager ERP - IT 8.0 18.0 5 10 Degree / Diploma 1,500 2,500 10 18
6 - Human Resource
7 - Management Office
8 - IT

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 14
79 GM / DGM - Design 14.0 20.0 12 18 B.E/B.Tech/Diploma/ ME/M.Tech 2,000 3,000 12 20
80 Manager - Design 10.0 15.0 10 18 B.E/B.Tech/Diploma 1,500 3,000 8 18
81 Asst. Manager - Design 3.0 7.0 6 9 B.E/B.Tech/Diploma 1,000 1,800 6 15
82 Sr. Engineer - Design 3.0 8.0 7 10 B.E/B.Tech/Diploma 1,500 2,000 10 18
83 Engineer - Design 2.0 6.0 5 9 B.E/B.Tech/Diploma 600 1,300 10 15
84 Civil - Design 6.0 12.0 6 11 BE/B.Tech (Civil) 1,400 1,500 7 10
85 Sr. Draughtsman- Design 4.0 5.0 4 6 BE/B.Tech (Civil) 500 1,200 5 9
86 Exe. / Draughtsman- Design 1.5 4.0 2 6 Degree / Diploma - Mech. 300 800 3 6
87 Asst. Draughtsman - Design 2.0 3.0 1 5 Degree / Diploma - Mech. 200 500 1 3
AutoCad Operators 2.0 3.0 2 6 B.E/B.Tech/Diploma 300 800 3 5
89 Head - Purchase & Procurement 10.0 20.0 15 20
Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech /B.Sc /
M.Sc 2,500 4,000 15 20
Sr. Manager - Purchase &
Procurement 8.0 15.0 12 15
Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech /B.Sc /
M.Sc 1,500 2,500 12 18
91 Manager - Purchase & Procurement 4.0 10.0 5 9
Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech /B.Sc /
M.Sc 1,200 2,000 8 15
Asst. Manager - Purchase &
Procurement 4.0 7.0 4 8
Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech /B.Sc /
M.Sc 800 1,000 6 8
Sr. Engineer - Purchase &
Procurement 2.0 5.0 2 6 BE/B.Tech / Diploma / Graduate 500 900 6 8
94 Engineer - Purchase & Procurement 1.0 3.0 2 6 BE/B.Tech / Diploma / Graduate 600 800 5 8
Executive / OIIicer - Purchase &
Procurement 1.0 3.0 3 4 BE/B.Tech / Diploma / Graduate 400 600 4 5
Asst. - Purchase & Procurement 1.0 2.0 2 3 Diploma / Graduate 200 300 2 4
Sr. Manager / HEAD - Stores &
Material 10.0 25.0 12 20
Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech /B.Sc /
M.Sc 2,000 3,000 15 18
98 Manager - Stores & Material 7.0 15.0 5 15
Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech /B.Sc /
M.Sc 1,500 2,000 12 15
99 Asst. Manager - Stores & Material 5.0 8.0 4 12 Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech / Diploma 1,200 1,800 8 14
Executive / OIIicer - Stores &
Material 2.0 4.0 2 6 Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech / Diploma 600 800 4 6
101 Asst. - Stores & Material 2.0 3.0 1 3 Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech / Diploma 300 500 2 3
102 Sr. Manager / HEAD - Logistics 15.0 30.0 12 20 Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech / Diploma 2,000 4,000 15 25
103 Manager - Logistics 8.0 18.0 5 15 Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech / Diploma 1,200 2,500 8 18
104 Asst. Manager - Logistics 3.0 7.0 4 9 Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech / Diploma 900 1,500 5 12
105 Executive - Logistics 2.0 3.0 2 5 Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech / Diploma 500 800 3 5
106 Asst. - Logistics 1.0 3.0 1 3 Graduate / PG /B.E/B.Tech / Diploma 300 600 2 5
107 Supervisor. - Warehousing 2.0 6.0 2 6 Graduate / PG 300 1,000 2 8
Shipping Supervisor. - Warehousing 2.0 5.0 2 6 Graduate / PG 400 900 2 5
9 - Design
10 - Purchase & Procurement
11 - Warehousing, Logistics, Stores & Material

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 1S
109 GM/DGM - Contracts 15.0 25.0 12 18 B.E/B.Tech, Diploma/ BL/LLB, MBA 3,500 4,000 18 20
110 Sr. Manager - Contracts 10.0 18.0 8 12 B.E/B.Tech, Diploma 2,000 3,000 15 18
111 Manager - Contracts 5.0 15.0 7 10 B.E/B.Tech, Diploma 1,200 2,500 10 18
112 Asst. Manager - Contracts 3.0 8.0 2 6 B.E/B.Tech, Diploma 700 1,500 6 12
113 Engineer - Contracts 3.0 9.0 2 7 B.E/B.Tech, Diploma 800 1,500 6 12
114 OIIicer / Executive - Contracts 2.0 9.0 4 14 B.E/B.Tech, Diploma 500 900 3 6
Asst. Contracts 1.5 3.0 2 5 B.E/B.Tech, Diploma 300 500 2 4
116 ChieI Medical OIIicer - - - - MBBS 1,500 2,500 10 15
117 Doctor - PHYSICIAN 5.0 15.0 4 9 MBBS 1,200 2,000 8 15
118 Asst. Doctor - PHYSICIAN, 3.0 9.0 3 5 MBBS 800 1,500 5 12
119 HEAD - Males Nurse - - - - B.Sc, Dip. In Nursing 400 800 5 10
120 Males Nurse - - - - B.Sc, Dip. In Nursing 200 500 2 8
Administrator / OIIicer Billing -
Hospital 2.5 3.5 3 6 Graduate 300 800 4 10
Pharmacist 2.0 4.0 8 10 B.Sc 300 500 4 8
123 Sr. Manager - Audit 10.0 20.0 5 15 CA, MBA 2,000 3,000 10 15
124 Manager - Audit 8.0 10.0 8 12 CA, MBA 1,500 2,500 8 10
125 Asst. Manager - Audit 5.0 10.0 5 8 CA, MBA 800 1,200 5 7
126 OIIicer / Executive - Audit 2.0 4.0 3 6 CA, MBA 400 600 3 5
Asst. Audit 1.5 2.5 1 4 Graduate 200 400 2 4
13 - Medical
12 - Contracts
14 - Audit

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 16
128 HEAD / Director - Construction 10.0 50.0 12 20 B.E / B.Tech (Civil) 1,000 7,000 11 22
129 Sr. Manager - Construction 10.0 18.0 12 15 B.E / B.Tech (Civil) 2,500 3,000 10 20
130 Manager - Construction 5.0 15.0 6 16 B.E / B.Tech (Civil) 1,800 2,500 12 18
131 Asst. Manager - Construction 4.0 10.0 7 10 B.E / B.Tech (Civil) 800 1,500 6 12
132 Engineer - Construction 3.0 6.0 8 10 B.E / B.Tech (Civil) 500 1,000 3 8
133 Superintendent - Construction 3.0 4.0 4 8 Diploma / Degree 500 800 6 8
134 Foreman - Construction 1.0 3.0 2 6 Diploma / Degree 300 500 2 3
Site Supervisor - Construction 2.0 4.0 4 9 Diploma / Degree 500 1,000 3 8
Sr. Manager / HEAD - Electrical &
Maintenance 15.0 20.0 9 16 B.E / B.Tech (Electr. / Electro.) 1,800 3,000 15 20
137 Manager - Electrical & Maintenance 7.0 15.0 8 15 B.E / B.Tech (Electr. / Electro.) 1,200 2,200 10 15
Asst. Manager - Electrical &
Maintenance 4.0 10.0 5 9 B.E / B.Tech (Electr. / Electro.) 800 1,500 5 12
139 Engineer - Electrical & Maintenance 2.0 8.0 4 5 B.E / B.Tech (Electr. / Electro.) 400 1,000 2 8
140 OIIicer - Electrical & Maintenance 1.0 3.0 2 5 Diploma / Degree (Electr. / Electro.) 300 600 2 4
Foreman - Electrical & Maintenance 2.0 4.0 4 10
ITI / Diploma / Degree (Electr. /
Electro.) 200 600 2 4
142 Sr. Manager / HEAD - Maintenance 7.0 15.0 8 15 B.E / B.Tech (Mech.l) 1,000 2,500 8 18
143 Manager - Maintenance 7.0 10.0 7 12 B.E / B.Tech (Mech.l) 800 1,500 6 12
144 Asst. Manager - Maintenance 6.0 8.0 5 8 B.E / B.Tech (Mech.l) 800 1,200 6 10
145 Engineer - Maintenance 2.0 4.0 2 6 ITI / B.E / B.Tech (Mech.l) 500 1,000 3 8
Foreman - Maintenance 2.0 3.0 2 5 ITI / B.E / B.Tech (Mech.l) 300 800 2 6
147 Sr. Manager / HEAD - Mechanical 12.0 20.0 10 15 B.E / B.Tech (Mech.l) 1,500 2,500 12 15
148 Manager - Mechanical 7.0 10.0 8 12 B.E / B.Tech (Mech.l) 1,200 1,800 8 15
149 Asst. Manager - Mechanical 3.0 6.0 3 6 B.E / B.Tech (Mech.l) 600 1,200 4 10
150 Engineer - Mechanical 2.0 4.0 1 3 B.E / B.Tech (Mech.l) 400 800 3 6
151 Superintendent - Mechanical 2.0 4.0 2 5 ITI / Diploma / Degree (Mech) - - - -
Foreman - Mechanical 2.0 4.0 2 3 ITI / Diploma / Degree (Mech) 300 500 2 3
Engineering & Techinical
15 - Construction
16 - Electrical & Maintenance
17 - Maintenance
18 - Mechanical

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 17
153 Sr. Manager / HEAD - Planning 8.0 18.0 10 15 B.E / B.Tech 1,500 3,000 12 15
154 Manager - Planning 5.0 16.0 7 20 B.E / B.Tech 1,200 2,500 10 12
155 Asst. Manager - Planning 5.0 10.0 5 9 B.E / B.Tech 1,000 1,500 8 12
156 Engineer - Planning 2.0 8.0 3 8 B.E / B.Tech 800 1,200 6 8
OIIicer / Executive - Planning 2.0 5.0 1 3 Diploma / Degree 400 800 3 6
158 Sr. Manager / HEAD - Plant 8.0 10.0 10 15 B.E / B.Tech 1,200 1,800 10 15
159 Manager - Plant 6.0 8.0 7 9 B.E / B.Tech 1,000 1,500 8 12
160 Asst. Manager - Plant 4.0 6.0 6 8 B.E / B.Tech 600 1,000 4 8
Engineer - Plant 4.0 6.0 6 8 B.E / B.Tech 500 1,000 2 6
162 HEAD / Director - Projects 15.0 20.0 10 15 B.E / B.Tech 2,000 4,000 12 20
163 Sr. Manager - Projects 10.0 12.0 8 12 B.E / B.Tech 1,500 3,000 10 18
164 Manager - Projects 8.0 10.0 8 10 B.E / B.Tech 1,000 2,500 8 15
165 Asst. Manager - Projects 6.0 10.0 6 9 B.E / B.Tech 800 1,800 6 12
Engineer - Projects 7.0 12.0 6 10 B.E / B.Tech 800 1,500 5 12
167 HEAD / Director - Civil 15.0 25.0 15 20 B.E / B.Tech (Civil) 2,000 5,000 15 25
168 Sr. Manager - Civil 15.0 20.0 12 15 B.E / B.Tech (Civil) 1,500 3,500 12 18
169 Manager - Civil 8.0 18.0 10 15 B.E / B.Tech (Civil) 900 2,000 10 15
170 Asst. Manager / S/Head - Civil 6.0 12.0 8 12 B.E / B.Tech (Civil) 800 1,500 5 12
171 Engineer - Civil 8.0 10.0 7 15 B.E / B.Tech / Diploma 900 1,200 7 10
Foreman - Civil 2.0 4.0 3 5 Diploma / Degree 400 600 3 5
173 HEAD / Director - R&B - B.E / B.Tech (Civil) 2,500 4,000 15 20
174 Sr. Manager - R&B 10.0 12.0 12 14 B.E / B.Tech (Civil) 1,000 2,000 10 15
175 Manager - R&B 8.0 10.0 10 12 B.E / B.Tech (Civil) 1,000 1,500 7 12
176 Asst. Manager - R&B 5.0 7.0 8 10 B.E / B.Tech (Civil) 800 1,200 5 8
177 Sr. / Engineer - R&B 4.0 5.0 4 6 B.E / B.Tech / Diploma 800 1,000 5 8
178 Engineer - R&B 2.0 4.0 5 6 B.E / B.Tech / Diploma 900 1,500 7 12
179 Supervisor - R&B 1.5 2.5 2 4 Diploma / Degree 200 400 5 6
Foreman - Civil 1.5 3.0 2 5 Diploma / Degree 200 400 4 6
19 - Planning
20 - Plant
21 - Projects
22 - Civil
23 - Roads & Bridges

^1^1A ^1^1A ^1^1A ^1^1A 111A 111A 111A 111A 200?~0S

Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 18
181 Asst. Manager - Chemical 3.0 7.0 3 5 BE/B.Tech ME/M.Tech (Chem.) 1,000 1,500 8 12
182 ChieI Engineer - Piping 8.0 30.0 12 18 BE/B.Tech, Diploma (Mechanical) 1,000 1,500 8 15
Dy. / Asst. Manager / Sr. Engr. -
Application (Mech) 2.0 5.0 3 7
BE/B.Tech, Diploma (Automobile,
Metallurgy, Production/Industrial) 600 900 5 8
183 Engineer - (A/C) 2.0 5.0 4 6 ITI / Graduate / Diploma 400 1,000 5 8
184 Engineer - Application 1.0 3.0 2 6
BE/B.Tech, Diploma (Automobile,
Metallurgy, Production/Industrial) 200 400 2 5
185 Engineer - Area 2.0 4.0 2 5 BE/B.Tech, Diploma 400 600 3 5
186 Engineer - Asphalt 3.0 4.0 4 6 BE/B.Tech, Diploma 500 800 5 8
187 Engineer - Chemical 2.0 5.0 2 4 BE/B.Tech ME/M.Tech (Chem.) 600 1,200 4 8
188 Engineer - Electronics 3.0 8.0 3 8 BE/B.Tech, Diploma 600 1,500 4 8
189 Engineer - Enviroment 1.5 2.5 1 3 BE (Env.) / BE(Chem.) 500 1,000 4 8
190 Engineer - Industrial 3.0 6.0 2 5 BE/B.Tech, Diploma 500 800 3 6
191 Engineer - Instrumentation BE/B.Tech, Diploma 500 800 3 6
192 Engineer - Piping 3.0 15.0 4 10 BE/B.Tech, Diploma (Mechanical) 600 1,500 8 15
193 Engineer - Plumbing 5.0 8.0 3 8 BE/B.Tech, Diploma (Mechanical) 500 1,200 2 6
194 Engineer - Process 1.0 5.0 5 8 BE/B.Tech ME/M.Tech (Chem.) 600 1,200 10 15
195 Engineer - Production 2.0 5.0 4 6 BE/B.Tech, Diploma 500 1,200 3 8
196 Engineer - QA/QC (Welding) 2.0 5.0 4 8 BE/B.Tech, Diploma 500 900 5 10
197 Engineer - Service 1.0 2.0 2 6 Degree / Diploma (Mech.) 300 800 2 5
198 Engineer - Welding 5.0 8.0 4 10 BE/B.Tech, Diploma 400 800 2 5
199 Foreman - (A/C) 2.0 3.0 2 3 ITI / Graduate / Diploma 300 600 5 6
200 Inspector - Coating 1.5 2.5 4 8 Diploma / ITI 400 600 2 3
201 Inspector - QA/QC 1.5 2.5 4 8 Diploma / ITI 300 900 2 10
202 Inspector - Welding 1.5 3.0 4 8 Diploma / ITI 300 600 2 3
24 - Engineers

^1^1A ^1^1A ^1^1A ^1^1A 111A 111A 111A 111A 200?~0S

Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 19
203 Inspector (QA/QC ) - Welding 3.0 6.0 5 15 BE/B.Tech, Diploma 500 1,000 3 6
204 Inspector HSE 2.0 3.0 4 8 Diploma / ITI 500 800 3 5
205 Manager - Chemical 8.0 10.0 8 12 BE/B.Tech ME/M.Tech (Chem.) 1,500 2,500 12 15
206 Manager - Plumbing 5.0 10.0 5 10 BE/B.Tech, Diploma (Mechanical) 1,200 1,500 10 15
207 Manager - Process 6.0 10.0 7 10 BE/B.Tech ME/M.Tech (Chem.) 1,800 2,200 10 15
208 Sr. / Draughtman - Piping 1.5 8.0 1 10 BE/B.Tech, Diploma (Mechanical) 400 1,000 2 6
Sr. Engineer / Asst. Manager -
Process 3.0 8.0 3 8 BE/B.Tech ME/M.Tech (Chem.) 800 1,500 5 10
210 Superintendent - Piping 4.0 7.0 4 12 BE/B.Tech, Diploma (Mechanical) 1,100 1,200 6 11
211 Supervisor - Piping 2.0 4.0 2 6 BE/B.Tech, Diploma (Mechanical) 200 400 4 6
212 Supervisor - Plumbing 3.0 4.0 8 10 BE/B.Tech, Diploma (Mechanical) 300 500 2 5
213 Supervisor - Steel Works 2.0 3.0 3 8 BE/B.Tech, Diploma 300 500 5 7
214 Surveyor - Land 2.0 4.0 5 8 BE/B.Tech, Diploma 400 800 2 4
215 Surveyor - Quantity 2.0 5.0 4 8 BE/B.Tech, Diploma 500 1,000 2 5
216 Technician - Bio Medical 2.0 3.0 5 8 Diploma / ITI 300 500 2 3
217 Technician - Control Room 2.0 3.0 5 8 Diploma / ITI 300 500 2 3
218 Technician - Electrician 2.0 3.0 5 8 Diploma / ITI 300 500 2 3
219 Technician - Electronics 2.0 3.0 5 8 Diploma / ITI 300 500 2 3
220 Technician - General 2.0 4.0 4 6 Diploma / ITI 300 500 2 3
221 Technician - Instrument 2.0 3.0 5 8 Diploma / ITI 300 500 2 3
Technician - Lab. 2.0 3.0 5 8 Diploma / ITI 300 500 2 3
24 - Engineers

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Company Name Concealed] (Oman) Prepared & Presented By. Mr. Anil Ronald Corda -
Section Head (Comp. & Benf.) - MB +96895728297 -

age 20
223 Sr. Manager - Marketing 12.0 15.0 14 16 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 1,500 3,000 10 20
224 Manager - Marketing 8.0 10.0 10 12 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 1,500 2,500 10 15
225 Asst. Manager - Marketing 6.0 8.0 8 10 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 800 1,500 8 12
226 OIIicer / Executive - Marketing 4.0 6.0 6 12 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 500 1,000 5 6
227 Research Analyst - Marketing 5.0 8.0 8 12 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 800 1,200 7 10
Asst. Marketing 2.0 4.0 4 8 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 200 500 2 6
229 Sr. Manager - Sales 12.0 15.0 10 12 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 1,500 2,500 10 20
230 Manager - Sales 10.0 12.0 8 10 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 1,200 1,800 10 12
231 Asst. Manager - Sales 6.0 8.0 5 6 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 600 1,000 5 10
232 OIIicer / Executive - Sales 3.0 5.0 6 8 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 500 1,200 5 8
233 Coordinator - Sales 2.0 4.0 2 6 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 500 1,000 5 7
234 Engineer - Sales 4.0 6.0 2 4 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 800 1,200 6 9
Customer Support Executive Tele
Marketing 3.0 4.0 2 3 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 300 1,200 2 8
Asst. Sales 1.5 3.0 1 3 Degree / Diploma / MBA / PGDBA 300 600 2 4
Sr. Manager - Business
Development (National InterNat.
Marketing) 12.0 20.0 8 18
MBA, PG (Sales & Marketing / Imp &
Exp) 2,000 3,000 15 18
Manager - Business Development
(National InterNat. Marketing) 7.0 15.0 5 12
MBA, PG (Sales & Marketing / Imp &
Exp) 1,500 2,500 12 15
Asst. Manager - Business
Development (National InterNat.
Marketing) 4.0 8.0 3 8 Degree / Diploma / PGDBA 1,000 1,800 10 12
240 Sr. Manager - Import & Exports 8.0 12.0 10 14 Degree / Diploma / PGDBA 2,500 3,000 15 18
241 Manager - Import & Exports 4.0 8.0 6 12 Degree / Diploma / PGDBA 1,200 1,800 10 15
242 Asst. Manager - Import & Exports 3.0 5.0 4 8 Degree / Diploma / PGDBA 1,000 1,200 8 10
OIIicer / Executive - Import &
Exports 2.0 3.0 3 5 Degree / Diploma / PGDBA 600 800 4 6
244 Asst. Import & Exports 1.5 2.0 1 2 Degree / Diploma / PGDBA 400 600 2 3
Executive - Shipping 2.0 5.0 2 4 Degree / Diploma / PGDBA 500 800 2 5
25 - Marketing & Sales (In General)
26 - Import & Export + International Marketing

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