Anda di halaman 1dari 2

0 = toni

1 = police officer
2 = swat guy
3 = fbi task force guy
4 = army guy
5 = guy in green uniform
6 = firefighter
7 = guy in grey shirt and hat and brown pants
8 = (crash)
9 = taxi driver
10 = pimp
11 = black guy in blue and brown coat
12 = guy with black knit hat, blue jeans jacket and green pants
13 = balding white guy in grey suit
14 = black guy with white r* logo baseball cap
15 = big redheaded guy with light blue striped shirt
16 = big black guy in tan jacket and white baseball cap
17 = lady with black hair in white shirt and blue pants
18 = lady in green jersey and baseball cap
19 = lady with black hair in black business dress with white collar
20 = fat black woman with purple clothes
21 = fat short woman with white shirt
22 = black hooker with afro
23 = hooker with red skirt and short coat
24 = black guy with black knit hat
25 = old guy in brown suit
26 = old guy with hat
27 = black lady
28 = old thin guy with brown coat and grey hat
29 = fat ugly guy
30 = old lady
31 = fat ugly lady with yellow shirt
32 = old guy with red shirt and suspenders
33 = old guy with old time hat and brown suit
34 = old woman with white shirt and blue dress
35 = woman with orange shirt
36 = white guy with black coat
37 = black guy with blue shirt and same coat as the last guy
38 = old bum with brown coat
39 = old bum
40 = guy with blue shirt and hat
41 = big black guy with blue coat and hat
42 = businessman in blue suit
43 = businessman with coat
44 = guy in overcoat
45 = lady in office attire
46 = woman in cream color overcoat
47 = secretary
48 = car salesman
49 = businesswoman in brown suit
50 = man with yellow uniform
51 = lady with yellow uniform
52 = guy with cocks team jacket and hat on backwards
53 = guy with cocks team jacket and hat
54 = lady with cocks team jacket and hat
55 = white guy with green and white uniform
56 = black woman with green and white uniform
57 = construction worker with orange and yellow vest
58 = black construction worker
59 = lady with blue overcoat and white shopping bags
60 = old lady with blue shopping bags and hat
61 = short girl in short pants with shopping bags
62 = guy in trench coat
63 = librarian woman with glasses
64 = old guy with hat
65 = woman with red hat
66 = political rally man in suit with red prize ribbon and goofy red white and
blue hat
67 = political rally woman in blue pants suit with red prize ribbon on pocket
68 = assassin guy in black with black gloves, no hat
79 = guy in dark suit
80 = men in black assassin guy with goatee, dark suit, dark glasses, black gloves
81 = asian guy in blue running suit with dark glasses
82 = asian guy in blue running suit
83 = asian guy with red coat and red hat
84 = tall guy with red plaid shirt and brown pants
85 = asian bad guy in dark blue suit with dark glasses
86 = asian businessman in blue suit
87 = yardie with yellow swimming goggles on head wearing red, yellow, blue and
88 = yardie with green k-jah radio t-shirt
89 = mexican bad guy with gold cross chain, red shirt and brown coat
90 = mexican bad guy with gold chain, blue shirt and brown coat
91 = black guy with red hoody
92 = black guy with red baseball hat
93 = fat tough guy with purple shirt and grey pants
94 = fat tough guy with receding hairline
95 = big guy with yellow sunglasses
96 = big guy with brown coat
97 = undercover cop with white pants
98 = undercover cop with dark sunglasses black shirt and grey suit, badge around
99 = undercover cop in t-shirt with goatee, badge around neck
100 = black undercover cop with white gilligan hat and police badge in pocket
101 = balding undercover cop with blue shirt and badge in pocket
102 = undercover cop in brown suit with badge around neck
103 = guy in white shirt and pants and tan short sleeve coat
104 = guy with dark glasses, black shirt, grey suit

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