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Nama : Ricca Sari

NPM : 22213173
Kelas : C

1. Drug selection
The cause of the (potential) DRP is related to the selection of the drug (by patient or health
 C1.1 Inappropriate drug according to guidelines/formulary
 C1.2 No indication for drug
1. Diaform karena pasien tidak mengeluhkan mencret
2. Sukralfat

 C1.3 Inappropriate combination of drugs, or drugs and herbal medications, or drugs and
dietary supplements
1. Ceftriaxone dan Furosemid
Ceftriaxone bisa menyebabkan resiko kerusakan ginjal, penggunaan Bersama
furosemide bisa memperparah resiko kerusakan ginjal
2. Furosemide dan Digoxin
Penggunaan bersamaan harus ada penyesuaian dosis, dan harus dipantau kadar
magnesium dan potassium.
3. Digoxin dan Dobutamin
Penggunaan bersamaan sesekali bisa menyebabkan gangguan irama jantung
4. Spironolactone dan KSR
Penggunaan bersamaan harus dipantau karena bisa menyebabkan hiperkalemia
terutama dengan pasien dengan gangguan ginkal

 C1.4 Inappropriate duplication of therapeutic group or active ingredient

 C1.5 No or incomplete drug treatment in spite of existing indication
Tidak ada terapi untuk asam urat, mengingat hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium pasien
mempunyai nilai kritis yaitu 14.2 mg/dL (nilai rujukan 2.4 dL – 5.7Dl)

 C1.6 Too many different drugs/active ingredients prescribed for indication

1. Furosemid dan Spironolactone
Solusi nya adalah hindari waktu pakai bersamaan
2. Drug form
The cause of the DRP is related to the selection of the drug form
 C2.1 Inappropriate drug form/formulation (for this patient)
3. Dose selection
The cause of the DRP is related to the selection of the dose or dosage
 C3.1 Drug dose too low
1. Ceftriaxone
Dosis dewasa 1000-2000 mg per hari
2. Omeprazole
Pemberian intravena umumnya digunakan 40 mg sehari sekali

 C3.2 Drug dose of a single active ingredient too high

 C3.3 Dosage regimen not frequent enough

1. Ceftriaxone

 C3.4 Dosage regimen too frequent

 C3.5 Dose timing instructions wrong, unclear or missing

1. Dobutamine
Tidak diketahui berapa kecepatan dosis drip syringepump per jam

4. Treatment duration
The cause of the DRP is related to the duration of treatment
 C4.1 Duration of treatment too short

 C4.2 Duration of treatment too long

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