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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

Chemical ordering of FePt nanoparticle self-assemblies by

rapid thermal annealing
H. Zeng*, Shouheng Sun, R.L. Sandstrom, C.B. Murray
Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM Research Division, Route 134, P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA

Received 27 September 2002; received in revised form 27 February 2003


Self-assembled 4 nm FePt nanoparticle arrays were treated with rapid thermal annealing (RTA) process. The phase
transformation from the chemically disordered face-centered-cubic structure of the as-synthesized FePt nanoparticles to
the chemically ordered face-centered-tetragonal structure was realized by RTA, with both the annealing temperature
and time being greatly reduced, as compared to conventional annealing. The onset of chemical ordering occurred at the
annealing condition of around 400 C for only 5 s. Temperature-dependent coercivity measurements revealed strong
thermal effects of the nanoparticle assemblies. Curie temperatures (Tc ) of the annealed assemblies were derived from the
temperature-dependent hysteresis measurements. Tc of the annealed assemblies increases with increasing annealing
temperature, but is about 200–300 K lower than that of bulk FePt (750 K). The drastic reduction of Tc may be
attributed to size effect and partial chemical ordering of FePt nanoparticles.
r 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: FePt; Nanoparticles; Rapid thermal annealing

1. Introduction However, making a hard magnetic nanoparticle

assembly with controlled thickness, mechanical
The requirements for ultra-high density mag- robustness and the desired magnetic properties has
netic recording have driven the development of been a great challenge. Particular problems asso-
new magnetic thin film media with smaller grains, ciated with the formation of a hard magnetic FePt
higher coercivity, and minimal exchange coupling nanoparticle assembly are the high temperature
between neighboring grains [1]. FePt- and CoPt- and long annealing time required for the chemical
based hard magnetic nanoparticle arrays have ordering of FePt, which may lead to nanoparticle
been viewed as a promising candidate for future aggregation and inter-particle exchange coupling.
recording media applications [2]. Recent solution Severe aggregation will even destroy the self-
phase-based synthesis offers a convenient ap- organized assembly, and lead to domain wall
proach to monodisperse FePt nanoparticles with formation [4].
the size being controlled down to only B4 nm [3]. Recent effort has been devoted to lowering the
ordering temperature in FePt thin films and
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-914-945-1609; fax: +1-
nanoparticle arrays by doping of elements such
914-945-4342. as Cu and Ag [5,6]. Although the doping results in
E-mail address: (H. Zeng). significant reduction of the ordering temperature,
0304-8853/03/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

2 H. Zeng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

possible incorporation of impurities in FePt

lattices may lead to additional disorder, reducing
the achievable anisotropy and thermal stability.
Here we report the chemical ordering of FePt with
rapid thermal annealing (RTA). A reduction of the
ordering temperature in pure FePt comparable to
doped assemblies is observed, with the ordering
taking place within seconds. Curie temperatures
(Tc ) for assemblies annealed at different tempera-
tures are obtained from temperature-dependent
hysteresis loop measurements. A dramatic de-
crease in Tc is observed, as compared to bulk
alloy, which may result from size and surface
effects and chemical disorder. This may greatly Fig. 1. SEM image of a highly ordered 4 nm FePt nanoparticle
affect room-temperature magnetization, aniso- self-assembly.
tropy and thermal stability.

organize the particles’ self-assembly. The unifor-

2. Synthesis and assembly of FePt nanoparticles mity in the size of the FePt nanoparticles is very
critical in forming 2-D and 3-D superlattices.
Monodisperse FePt nanoparticles were synthe- Fig. 1 illustrates the SEM image of a highly
sized by high temperature (297 C) decomposition ordered 4 nm FePt assembly on Si substrate, which
of Fe(CO)5 and reduction of Pt(acac)2 in the shows cubic assembly structure.
presence of oleic acid and oleyl amine [3]. The Fe
and Pt composition is tuned by varying the molar
ratio of Fe(CO)5 and Pt(acac)2. The syntheses 3. RTA and phase transformation
show that 0.5 mmol of Fe(CO)5 and 0.5 mmol of
Pt(acac)2 yield Fe38Pt62, while 1.1 mmol of In this study, an AG Associates HeatPulse 410
Fe(CO)5 and 0.5 mmol of Pt(acac)2 lead to Rapid Thermal Processing unit was used to anneal
Fe56Pt44 nanoparticle materials [7]. Alternatively, the FePt nanoparticle assemblies on glass sub-
the FePt nanoparticles were made by solution strates, with the annealing temperatures (Ta )
phase reduction of FeCl2 and Pt(acac)2 [8]. The ranging from 300 C to 600 C, and the annealing
advantage of this reduction approach is that the time (referring to time elapsed at the set tempera-
final FePt composition can be readily controlled ture) from 1 to 30 s. The heating rate is 200 C/s
by the actual molar ratio of FeCl2 and Pt(acac)2. and the cooling profile can be roughly described by
For example, a 0.6/0.4 ratio of FeCl2/Pt(acac)2 Newton’s Law of Cooling, with the initial cooling
gives Fe60Pt40 nanoparticles, while a 0.5/0.5 ratio rate greater than 50 C/s for the first second. At the
yields Fe50Pt50 nanoparticles. annealing temperature of 600 C, the cooling time
Under suitable conditions, the monodisperse from 600 C to 400 C is B7 s; at 500 C, the
nanoparticles suspended in solution tend to self- cooling time from 500 C to 400 C is B5 s. RTA
organize into ordered arrays after solvent evapora- was performed under clean nitrogen atmosphere,
tion. This self-organization is influenced by with a flow rate of 40 cm3/s. All samples were pre-
the nature of the interactions exhibited among dried in vacuum to evaporate the solvent.
the particles, and between the particles and the As-synthesized FePt nanoparticles possess
substrate. The synthetic strategy to nanoparticle disordered face-centered-cubic (FCC) structure,
superlattices relies on a large number of weak and as can be seen from the X-ray diffraction
non-directional interactions, such as ionic bonds, (XRD) pattern shown in Fig. 2(a), and have
hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions to very low magnetocrystalline anisotropy, showing

H. Zeng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 3

(111) 26
24 a (300 K )
(001) (110) 580 C
(200) 22 b (300 K)
(e) (002) c (10 K)
Intensity (arb. unit)

(201) (112) 20

Hc (kOe)
550 C 16
(c) 14
500 C 12
(b) 10
460 C 8
(a) as-syn 4
20 30 40 50 60 70 0
350 400 450 500 550 600
2θ Ta (C)
Fig. 2. XRD (l ¼ 1:79 A, ( Co Ka radiation) pattern of 4 nm
Fig. 3. Hc as a function of the annealing temperature Ta for (a)
FePt nanoparticle self-assembly: (a) as-synthesized and an-
RTA for 5 s, measured at 300 K; (b) box oven annealing for
nealed by RTA for 5 s at annealing temperatures of (b) 460 C,
30 min, measured at 300 K; and (c) RTA for 5 s, measured at
(c) 500 C, (d) 550 C and (e) 580 C.
10 K.

superparamagnetic behavior at room temperature. for Ta o500 C, Hc increases with Ta slowly at a

Upon annealing, FePt undergoes a phase trans- rate of about 30 Oe/ C; for 500oTa o550 C,
formation from disordered FCC to chemically however, this rate jumps to 250 Oe/ C. Further
ordered face-centered-tetragonal (FCT), which increases in Ta only increases Hc slightly, suggest-
yields high magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Typi- ing that a high degree of ordering is already
cally, annealing temperatures above 500 C are achieved at Ta ¼ 550 C. We also noticed that
required for the ordering of FePt nanoparticles. RTA samples show significantly higher Hc than
Figs. 2(b)–(e) show the XRD patterns of samples box furnace annealed specimens at roughly the
after RTA at from 460 C to 550 C for 5 s. It can same annealing temperatures. Detailed studies on
be seen that the superlattice (0 0 1), (1 1 0) and such differences are still underway.
(2 0 1) peaks of the FCT phase emerges at When FePt is annealed at high temperatures,
Ta X460 C, indicating the formation of partially ordering and nanoparticle aggregation can occur
ordered FCT structure. As the annealing tempera- at the same time. Room-temperature coercivity
ture further increases, the intensity of these peaks alone may not be a suitable indication of the
becomes stronger, and the original (2 0 0) FCC degree of ordering. This is because for FePt
peak become split into (2 0 0) and (0 0 2) tetragonal nanoparticles as small as 4 nm, thermal fluctua-
peaks, suggesting the improvement in the degree of tions to the energy barrier Ku V ; where Ku is the
ordering. anisotropy constant and V the particle volume,
Magnetic measurements show that annealed would lead to a decrease in room-temperature
FePt nanoparticle assemblies are ferromagnetic. coercivity. The smaller the individual volume of
Figs. 3(a) and (b) compare Hc as a function of Ta magnetization reversal, the stronger this thermal
for RTA samples and samples annealed in a box effect. For well-isolated FePt assemblies, it is
oven for 30 min. With the annealing time fixed to reasonable to assume that the volume of magne-
be 5 s, the room-temperature coercivity (Hc ) tization reversal is equal to the particle volume, as
increases with increasing annealing temperatures, the reversal is likely cooperative within the whole
from 300 Oe at Ta ¼ 360 C to 17,000 Oe at particle. When aggregation occurs, the effective
Ta ¼ 580 C, as seen in Fig. 3(a), which is volume of magnetization reversal is increased. This
consistent with the improvement of chemical may lead to an increased energy barrier Ku V ; and
ordering. Hc ðTa Þ curve shows two distinct regions: thus enhanced thermal stability, yielding relatively

4 H. Zeng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

high room-temperature coercivity. To study the behaviors of samples annealed at low and high
effects of ordering and aggregation, the tempera- temperatures show different trends: for low Ta
ture dependence of coercivity was measured. samples (p460 C), the rate of Hc reduction is
Fig. 3(c) shows Hc measured at 10 K for RTA initially quite large, while decreases gradually as
samples annealed at different temperatures. At the measuring temperature approaches 300 K;
such a low measuring temperature, the contribu- for high Ta samples, this trend tends to be
tion from thermal effects is negligible, and the reversed. According to Sharrock’s formula, the
coercivity can serve as an indication of the degree temperature dependence of Hc may originate from
of ordering. It can be seen that at Ta ¼ 400 C, Hc two factors: (1) the temperature dependence of
at 10 K reaches 6 kOe, suggesting the onset of intrinsic properties such as Ms and Ku and (2) the
chemical ordering, although the XRD results thermal fluctuation term kB T=ðKu V Þ: One of the
indicate that the superlattice (0 0 1) peak only possible reasons for the difference in Hc ðTÞ
becomes visible at Ta ¼ 460 C. TEM observations behaviors we observed may be that the tempera-
confirm that the nanoparticles are well isolated. As ture dependence of intrinsic properties is compet-
Ta increases, Hc increases, suggesting improved ing with the thermal fluctuation term. This
ordering. For Ta ¼ 580 C, Hc at 10 K is temperature dependence of Ms and Ku may
24,000 Oe. This corresponds to Ku B2:5  107 erg/ originate from various factors, including the size,
cm3, which is consistent with values of highly surface effects and disorder of nanoparticles.
ordered FePt reported by others [9]. Different Hc ðTÞ trends seem to suggest that for
Fig. 4 shows the measured temperature-depen- the sample annealed at low Ta ; the thermal
dent coercivity, normalized by Hc at 10 K, for fluctuation term kB T=ðKu V Þ is dominating; while
RTA samples with Ta ¼ 360 C, 460 C, 520 C and for the sample annealed at high Ta ; the dominating
580 C. For particle ensembles with a single energy effect is the temperature dependence of intrinsic
barrier, Hc ðTÞ behavior can be described by properties. The reason lies in that for high Ta
Sharrock’s formula [10], provided that the reversal samples, strong inter-particle exchange coupling
mechanism is coherent rotation. Nevertheless, in and/or possible aggregation makes the thermal
reality, the Hc ðTÞ behavior is rather complicated. fluctuation term less important.
It can be seen that Hc of all samples decreases For isolated, randomly oriented particles with
dramatically with increasing measuring tempera- uniaxial anisotropy, the remanence ratio S ¼
tures, due to thermal fluctuations. However, Hc ðTÞ Mr =Ms is 0.5 [11]. S greater than 0.5 suggests that
there may exist inter-particle exchange coupling.
Therefore, S can be used to study inter-particle
exchange interactions. Again, due to the thermal
effects, room-temperature S cannot be used for
such purposes. Instead, S at 10 K is measured for
these samples and is plotted as a function of Ta in
Hc /Hc(10 K)

Fig. 5. It can be seen that S decreases gradually

and monotonically with decreasing Ta : However,
for samples annealed at Ta p400 C, S is still
580 C
greater than 0.5, even though our TEM analysis
0.2 520 C suggests that the particles are well isolated. This
460 C may be attributed to the fact that our low Ta
360 C
samples contain a mixture of both a uniaxial and
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 cubic anisotropy, which is consistent with partial
T (K) ordering observed from XRD results. It is known
Fig. 4. Normalized coercivity Hc =Hc (10 K) as a function of
that for isolated, randomly oriented particles with
measuring temperature for Ta =(a) 360 C, (b) 460 C, (c) 520 C cubic anisotropy, S is 0.83 for K1 > 0 and 0.87 for
and (d) 580 C. The dashed lines are guides to the eye. K1 o0 [12].

H. Zeng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 5

0.74 1.0 J=1/2

S = Mr /Ms

0.4 Ta = 360 C, Tc = 410 K
0.2 Ta = 460 C, Tc = 450 K
Ta = 520 C, Tc = 580 K

0.60 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

350 400 450 500 550 600

Fig. 5. Remanence ratio S ¼ Mr =Ms measured at 10 K as a Fig. 6. Ms ðTÞ=Ms ð0Þ vs. T=Tc for Ta =60 C, 460 C and
function of Ta : 520 C.

The intrinsic magnetic properties of Ms ; Ku and lie in two-folds: in addition to the lose of moment
the curie temperature Tc for the bulk FePt are for the surface atoms, which leads to lower Ms for
affected by size and surface effects, as well as smaller particles, the reduction of Tc also decreases
chemical disorder of the FePt nanoparticles. Ms as room-temperature Ms : For example, for bulk FePt
a function of temperature was obtained from with Tc at about 750 K, room-temperature Ms is
temperature-dependent hysteresis loop measure- only 1.5% less than Ms at 0 K; however, for the
ments for several FePt nanoparticle samples with sample annealed at Ta ¼ 360 C with Tc B410 K,
different Ta : Fig. 6 shows Ms ðTÞ=Ms ð0Þ vs. T=Tc the reduction in Ms amounts to B20%. Finally, as
curves for Ta ¼ 360 C, 460 C and 520 C; the the magnetocrystalline anisotropy Ku decreases with
theoretical curve calculated from Weiss’s theory increasing temperature, and vanishes at around Tc ;
using the Brillouin function with quantum number a reduction in Tc of about 200–300 K for nanopar-
J ¼ 1=2 is also plotted. Tc for these samples can be ticle assemblies means that Ku decreases with
determined by fitting the experimental data with increasing temperature faster than that of bulk.
the theoretical curve. As can be seen, Tc decreases
from 580 to 410 K as Ta decreases from 520 C to
360 C. Compared to Tc of 750 K for bulk FePt, 4. Conclusions
the reduction of Tc in FePt nanoparticle assem-
blies for Ta ¼ 520 C is 170 K and for Ta ¼ 360 C, Chemical ordering for 4 nm FePt nanoparticle
340 K. Okamoto et al. [13] reported a weak self-assembly can be improved by rapid thermal
dependence of Tc on ordering parameters in annealing, with significantly lowered annealing
epitaxial FePt thin films, from 750 K for the temperature and shortened time. Partially ordered
ordering parameter of 0.79–700 K for the ordering assemblies show a remanence ratio greater than
parameter of 0.5. Partial ordering in nanoparticle 0.5, which is attributed to a mixture of a cubic and
assemblies due to insufficient heat treatment uniaxial anisotropy. Significant reduction in the
therefore may account for part of the Tc reduction. curie temperature is due largely to the particle size
Another significant factor that contribute to the and surface effects, as well as partial ordering. To
reduction of Tc is the particle size and surface use these FePt nanoparticle assemblies for future
effect. For 4 nm FePt nanoparticles, nearly 30% of magnetic recording applications, further optimiz-
the atoms are at the surface if the thickness of the ing of annealing conditions leading to fully
surface layer is assumed to be 2 A. ( The surface ordered, well-isolated nanoparticles is required. It
atoms have reduced exchange coupling, which may be advantageous to utilize particles larger
may contribute to the size dependent Tc change. than 4 nm to alleviate problems associated with
The size and surface effects on Ms of nanoparticles nanoparticle size and surface effects.

6 H. Zeng et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

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