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Konin klij ke Ne derla nd se A ka dcmic "an \\ "etenscha p pen

Verhu ndclinge n Afdcling N a t u ur k uudc . Twccd c Reeks. Dee! 94

The New World Agaoninae

(pollinators of figs)


No rt h-Ho lla nd. A mstcrd urn/O xfo rd / Xcw Yo rk/To kyo. 199 5

,\ IlST R ,\ C T

Revisi on or Tetrapu» Muyr and I'cg o.\UII ' liS Cameron. New species: P cg osclI/ Jus g ro('gc I'i (Venezuela.
host : Ficus ntollicul« Pittier). New synonYlny : B/os/op!tu,!!,u «uv n»:« Grandi . 1038 = P C,!!,OSClI/ JilS (/ .\'\ [1 (' ­
11/\ (Gra ndi. 1l) 3 ~) .

As a seq ue l to m y tr eatment s o r th e Old Wo rld Agao ninae (Wi eb es in Ber g &

Wicb cs. 1991 : 19 5- 174. and Wicbcs, 1994a ) I no w p resent a syno ps is o r the New
Wo rld spec ies. Th e Ne w World fig fa una is sim ple. I wrote in 1994. a nd th e
species arc not kn own to th e ex te nt o r mo st O ld World g ro u ps . On clo ser inspec­
tion . th e Ne w World gro ups a rc m o re pluri forrn th an I th o ugh t. but th e spe cies
ind eed arc not we ll kn own . as mo st ha ve bee n d escribed a nd ne ver reco rde d
aga in : a lso . 1'0 1' a tot al or a bo ut fifty species. th e num ber or ca . twen ty-five
local ities is ra the r sma ll (sec th e map o n th e cove r) . T he classification o r so me
s pec ies (e .g.. in the spec ies-gro ups or !'eg o SCi/ jl II S) is uncertain . Yet. 1'0 1' a lar ge
number th e ho st rel at ion ships a rc kn own. Th e pr esent pa pe r pr esent s a syno psis
or t he d escr ibed species. a nd a di sc ussion or th eir ho st record s.
Wh en G ra nd i had m ad e his fi rst publica tion s or A frica n and Ind o-A ust ra lia n
fig was ps . man y o r the m co llected by Pr o f. F. Silves tr i during his sea rch 1'0 1'
fruit -p est para sit es. the re we re o nly th ree A me rica n species d escr ibed by Mayr
(1885. rcdcs cribcd by G ra ndi. 191 8 ) a nd five (t ha t Gra nd i co uld not reco gn ize)
by As h mea d ( 1900. 1904 - th ree o r th ese wer e rcd cscribcd by Wieb es. 1995) a nd
Kirb y ( 1890 ). Gra ndi (19 19. 1910) st ud ied fig-in sec ts fr om Costa Ri ca a nd so me
So uth-A me rica n co u nt ries (G ra nd i. 1913. 1 9 .\~ . 19'\(1. 19.\8. 1952 ). in wh ich he
round a co lleag ue in H offm eyer (19.\:2 ). In 19.\ 7. \I an ga b\.'iro Filho ad ded a
species from Bra zil. a nd in 1944 Blanch a rd described two from A rge ntina :
Ramirez ( 19 70 ) d esc ribed some lrom Cos ta Ri ca . \Ia inl y beca use no o n else was
willing to d o it. in 198.\ I d escribed so me A merican species fo r wh ich nam es we re
req uired . In 1995. I stud ied a nd nam ed the spec ies or M eso- American Pcgo­
SCi/jlIIS. main ly fro m Ba rr e Co lo ra do Islan d . Pan am a . In a ll. a bout fifty species
o r wa sp arc no w k no wn from th e Ne w World . fo rt y or which associated wit h
a fig name.
Fossil fig was ps a rc k now n exclus ive ly fro m th e A me rica's. viz.. from th e
Te rt iary ( Lo we r to M id dle M ioce ne. accord ing to M acGi n itie as cite d by
Axe lro d. 1954 ) or Fl ori ssant. Co lo rado t Tctrapus ntavri Bru es. 1910: 16). a nd

.~ -- -,

from th e D om inican Amber of 25- 40 million yea rs ago (Poinar, 1993: 147,
fig. 3 - p robabl y Pegoscapus sp.. but with a full wing-venation).
The host-figs o f th e New World wasp species belong to two groups, viz.,
Am ericana Mig . a nd Pharma cosycca Miq ., not mentioning the introduced Old
World spec ies (m ainl y Indi an , see Nadel c.s, 1992). Referenc e is her e made to
th e pap ers by Berg (1989) and Wiebes (1994b) for general comment s on fig- and
wasp-classificati on s. I gr at efully ackno wledg e Profe ssor Berg's great hel p by
making available to me his not es and also a manu script on Meso-American figs
that ma y tak e some time to be published, but which he all owed me to use.


I. T he fe male head is o blo ng. d istin ctl y lon ger th an wide across the co mpo u nd eyes : th e
ma nd ib ula r append age bea rs two lon git udin a l ro ws o f lar ge teeth . T he m a le a nten na is
m or e o r less cla vat e: the mcson o tum is d ist inct . sepa ra te from th e mct a not al pla tes a nd
th e pro po dcum, wh ich a lso a rc sepa ra te . . . . Tetra!' lIs
- T he fem a le head is a bo ut as long as wide a cro ss th e co mpo u nd eyes. o r o nly a bit lon ge r
o r sho rt er: th e ma ndib ular a ppe ndage bea rs a nu mb er o f ventra l lam ellae. not teeth . Th e
ma le a nte nna is slender . mostly not a t a ll cla va te : the meso no tu m is fused with t he
mcian otu rn. which is inco m plet ely sepa ra te from th e prop od cum . Pcgoscapus

Tetrapus Mayr (fig. I)

Ma yr. Vcr h. zoo l.-bol. Ge s. Wien35 . 184 - 188 ( 1885. dcs cr. 90 . lype-species Tetrapus amcricanus
Ma yr ): G ra nd i. Bo ll. Soc. Ent . Ital. 57. 1- 4 ( 1925. rcd cscr. 90 ): Wicbcs. Proc. Kon . Ned. Ak ad .
WeI. (C ) 89 . .146 -.14 7. ta ble 4 ( 1986. host rela tionship s): Bou cck , J. Nat. Hist. 27. 205 -206 (] 993.
not es o n va rio us species ).

Fig. I . Tetrapus spec. ncar ecuadoranus. fema le (in complete ) a nd ma le from Ficus tonduzii Stand ley.
Costa Rica. a fter Bou cck ( 199.1. figs. 53 a nd 55. rcsp . ),

i ;
-+ The female head is distinctly longer than wide across the compound eyes, which
are two-thirds to three-quarters of the length of the cheek. There are three large
".1/ .. ocelli. The antenna has eleven free segments, the third of which may have a short
( >Id external prominence, but in most species it is more simple; the fourth to eleventh
L..' 11.) segments bear oblong sensilla linearia, in one row. The mandible has one or two
.m.! large apical teeth, and a smaller one on the distal margin (with a gland): the
:~ h\ mandibular appendage (in some species split from the apex) has two longitudinal
rl~" rows of large teeth. On the maxillo-labial complex there are two palp-like appen­
dices, bearing one robust apical seta.
The fore wing has the venation reduced to an incomplete submarginal vein.
The fore tibia bears a dorsal comb of three large apical teeth, and the first
tarsomere bears a number of ventral, conical spines. The hind tibia has a rather
straight apical margin. All tarsi are pentamerous.
The spiracular peritremata of the eighth urotergite are rather large, ovoid. The
valves of the ovipositor are approximately as long as the gaster. The total length
(head, thorax and gaster) is ca. 2 mm.

The male head is approximately as long as wide. The eyes are well-developed.
There are a number of dorso-apical spines, directed posteriad. The antennae are
borne in a shallow anterior groove of the head, and they consist of a scape, a
pedicel, and three funicular segments shaped together so as to form a club. The
mandible is triangular, with dorsal and ventral apical teeth: the maxillo-Iabial
v- complex consists of two lobes and some setae.
The pronotum is I ]/3 times as long as wide, and also Il/~ times as long as the
combined lengths of the remaining terga: a short, transverse mesonotum, two
ear-like, lateral parts representing the metanotum, and the propodeum in be­
tween, bearing large ovoid spiracular peritremata.
The fore tibia has dorsal and ventral ridges bearing a number (about five)
short teeth; the tarsus consists of one short segment, or it may be indistinctly
bimerous. The mid leg is reduced to one or two short lobes. The hind tibia bears
an apico-ventral ridge bearing four short teeth; the tarsus is tetramerous, but
some oligomery may occur. The claspers of the genitalia bear some small claws.
The total length is ca. 11/ 2 111m.

There are now seven species known, two of which are unnamed. The species are
much alike, and especially the males are very difficult to identify. Ashmead
(1900: 251) named Tetrapus antillarum from the Antilles (St. Vincent), which is
discussed under no. 2, T costaricanus. The species figured by Boucek (1993, figs.
53-55), close to T ecuadoranus, from Ficus tonduzii Standley, collected in Costa
Rica, cannot be fitted in the key, but it is included in the list (no. 5).

The host species are classified with section Pharmacosycea.

S m·_
I. T he fema le mundib ulur a ppendage is split trom the ape x, hence there ar e two sa w-like
a ppendages . T he ma le has th ree rully deve loped pa irs or legs. 1";1'11.1 CI'lISS;II .'cII / a (Costa
Rica ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C> . Tctrapu« spec. ( Ram irez )
Th e mand ib ula r appendage is ma inly entire. with roil Solconspicuo us teeth in bo th inner
and o uter (longitudinnl} nJ\\'S . Th e ma le mid leg is incomplet ely del'eloped. . . ~

The fourt h segment of the icmulc a ntenna bears a dozen scnsill« (ligs. a - b): the number
or teeth on the mand ibu la rnppenda gc is rat her 1011 ( 10. II ill the inner an d o ute r rows ,
rc-p.). Fic II S 11/(/ .\ ;11/(/ (Brazil. venezuela. Pa nama ) . . . . . . .. . I. T utnvrirunus
- T he to urt h segment bear s Icss tha n ten xcnsilla (Iigs. c' d ): the number o r teeth 0 11 the
mand ibular appe nda ge is higher (I I · 14. 14 I(, in the inner and o uter ro I'I' S. rcsp.) .. 3
3. The female man d ible has 1\\ 0 distinct upicnl tccth (lig. e ): the number o fv cmra l con icu!
spines o n the first turso mcre or the to re leg (Iig. n is ca . ~5 . T he ma le a nte nna is d istillctly
cia vutc (lig. h ): the mid leg has one segme nt. Ficus .' ·I1/ ' II II (' III{ ' (Ec uador. Pa na ma )
. . . . . . . . . . 4 . T ('(' II (I</lI r (// IIIS
- The female mand ible has only OIlC d istinct apical too th (lig. g ): the num ber o r
vcutra l con ical spinc's 0 11 the IiI'S! tursomcrc o r the fore leg is higher (30 40). Th e
ma le untcnnu is less distinctly clavate (lig. i): the mid leg is bimcro us . 4

4. Th e third segment o l' thc fcmnlc .uu c nna has an ext erna l prominence (lig.j): the nu mber
o r co nes 0 11 the first uirso mcrc o r the fore leg is ca . thirty. Ficu: insipida (Costa Rica.
Pan.una . Mexico) . . .. . ~ . 7: cost aricunu»
- Th e apicnl m.u'gin o r the third an tenn a] segment is more straig ht (fi g. k ). witho ut suc h
a pro minence: the num ber o r cone s is ca. lo rt v. (Mexico) 3. T 1I1(' .\ ;C(// IIIS

I. Tetrapus americanu s Ma yr (fig. 2a--b)

Mayr. Vcrh. zoof- bot. G cs, Wicn J5 . I xx (I XX5. dcscr, 9 0 . Brazil. host: Fin IS I ): M ueller, KOSlllOS
Ill. 5') (,0 ( IXX I,. host : f\layr's Ficu» I =I'/ I</I'll /(/ (' II S I' (' ('(/ '! raduluv : Gra ndi. Boll. lxt. Ent . Univ,

Bologna I. 1lJ7 I')') ( I ,) ~X . rcdcscr. 9 d ): Wicbcs, Zoo l. Vcrh. l.cidcn xt . ~ ~ ( 1'J6(,. host listed unde r
Ficu» nutvitnu 1'. i\l illerl: Wicbcs. Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad . WeI. (e) X9. 34(, (!lJXC>. Venezuela. host:
Ficu, nu lul« = F. 11/(/ .1";11/(/ 1'. vli llcr): Bo ucck. .I. Na l. Il isi. 27. ~O (,. lig. 5(, ( 9

T he female head is I I , times as lon g as wide across the co mpou nd eyes. which
a rc two-thirds o ft he length or the check. An tenna (fig. 2a-bl : the third untcnnul
segment is simple: the fo urt h bears (1 o r 7 SCib ilia on either Iucics. The mandibl e
bears one ap ical tooth : the append age is fo ur times as long as its max imu m
wid th. it has l) la rge teeth in the inner 1'0\\ ' a nd II in the o uter. T he first tars omcrc
or the fore leg bears ca. 30 ventra l. co nical spines.

The male a ntenna is rather slende r. Th e mid leg is bimerou s.

T he host species is Ficus 11ta» ill iii P. Miller (syno nym F rculula H.B. ex Willd. ).
T antcricanu s was co llected in Brazil (Sa nta Cata rina ). Venezuela (Sucre) a nd
Pa na ma .

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Fig. 2. Details or Tc/rujJfls. a d. j k. (details on female antenna. of: a b. T amcriiunus. C d.
T ccuadorunus, .l- T costuricanus, and k. T mcxicanus. e. g. female mandible. or: e. T cctuulorunu.
and g. T mcxiccnuts. I, female Iore tibia and tarsus or T cciuuloranus. h i. male antenna of: h.
T cctuuloranus, and i. T costaricunus. a b. after Grandi ( 1928. figs. :X:X:\T\:. 2 )). c d. c I. h. after
Grandi (1934. figs. 1.2 3.4. II. 4. and Ill. 2. rcsp.), i j. after Grandi (1925. figs. 1.2 and III. 2). and
k, after Grandi (1952. fIg. \'11. I).

2. Tetrapus costaricanus Grandi (fig. 2i j)

Grandi. Be.O)l1. Soc. Ent. ltal. 57.4 13 (1925. dcscr. S? c5. Costa Rica): Ramirez. Univ. Kansas Sci.
Bull. 49. II (1970. S? in key). 42 (Costa Rica and Panama. host: Ficus glabrat a): Wicbcs, Proc. Kon.
Ned. Akad. Wet. (C) 89. 346 (1986. Mexico and Panama. host: Ficus insipida wuu..

The female head is a bit over 1 times as long as wide across the compound eyes.
which are two-thirds of the length of the cheek. The third antenna! segment (fig.
2j) has an external prominence: the fourth bears a few sensilla on either facies.
The mandible bears one apical tooth: the appendage is four times as long as its
maximum width. it has 12-14 large teeth in the inner row and some 15 in the
outer. The first tarsomerc of the fore leg bears 30 ventral. conical spines.

The male has a slender antenna (fig. 2i). The mid leg consists of two segments.


-. 1ft ...
The host species is Ficus insipida Willd. (synonym F glabrata H.B. & K.) (Costa
Rica, Panama, Mexico). Milton c.s. (1982) studied the fruiting phenology of
Ficus insipida in Panama.
Tetrapus antillarum Ashmead (1900) is un-recognizable from its description
(mainly notes on colour): see also Grandi (1934: 190-191). Ficus insipida is the only
Pharmacosycea-ug of St. Vincent which does suggest a synonymy of T antil­
laruni and T costaricanus, but the last-mentioned has fifteen teeth in the outer
row of the mandibular appendage and not nine, as Ashmead recorded for
T antillarum.

3. Tetrapus mexicanus Grandi (fig. 2g, k)

Grandi, Boll. 1st. Ent. Univ. Bologna 19, 58-61 (1952, descr. <? 0, Mexico).

The female antenna (fig. 2k) is much like that of T costaricanus, but lacks the
outer prominence on the third segment; the fourth segment bears some ten sen­
silla (in total). The mandible (fig. 2g) bears one apical tooth; the appendage is
five times as long as its maximum width, it has 14 large teeth in the inner row,
and twelve or 13 in the outer. The first tarsomcre of the fore leg bears 40 ventral,
conical spines.

The male antenna is not as distinctly clavate as that of T ecuadoranus. The mid
leg is reduced to two segments.

The host fig is unknown. The species was recorded from southern Mexico (state
of Morelos).

4. Tetrapus ecuadoranus Grandi (fig. 2c-f, h)

Grandi, Boll. 1st. Ent. Univ. Bologna 7. 186---191 (1934, descr. <? 0, Ecuador): Wiebes, Proc. Kon.
Ned. Akad. Wet. (C) 89, 347 (1986. Panama, host: Ficus voponensis Desv.).

The female head is 1]/~ times as long as wide across the compound eyes, which
are three-quarters of the length of the cheek. Antenna (fig. Ze-d): the third
antennal segment is simple; the fourth bears three sensilla on either facies. The
mandible has two large apical teeth; the appendage is four times as long as its
maximum width, it has 11-12 large teeth in the inner row and 15-16 in the outer.
The first tarsomere of the fore leg (fig. 2[) bears 25 ventral, conical spines.

The male has a distinctly clavate antenna (fig. 2h). The mid leg consists of only
one segment.

bit longer (1.05-1.1 ); in most species the eyes are distinctly longer than the cheek
(1.5-2.5). but they may be equal or a little longer (1-1.25)1.
There are three ocelli. The antennae have eleven free segments (apparently ten
in one species. i.e.. no. 42. P ileanaev; the process of the third segment may reach
to half the fifth segment, which has one row of rela tively few sensilla. A few
authors recorded the total number of sensilla per segment. but Grandi gave the
number per facies. as evidently. also did Ramirez. In about one-third of the
species the sensilla on the sixth and seventh segments, those on all flagellar
segments, those alternately on the "even' and "uneven' segments, or only those
on the eleventh segment, are situated in l'h-2 rows; in the remaining two-thirds
of the species there is only one row. In no. 7. P [lagcllatus, the sensilla are long
and flexible (sensilla chaetica). Some species have more or less. robust (flat) setae
on some (especially the) distal segments (nos. 28. P fluviscapus, 24. P k raussi.
26. P silvcstrii. 27. P tristan! and 25. P urbanaei. Next to the median lobe. the
epistomal margin has two lateral lobes (especially prominent in nos. 39. P CUI71a­
!le!1S;S and 10. P hoffnicveri). The mandibles have two apical teeth. but they may
have only one. acute tooth (in nos. 30. P iintcnezi and 29. P 171e.Y;Ca!1us). The
maxillae bear two sub-apical setae (exceptionally one. as e.g.. in no. 43.
P oroz coi. or three. as in no. 16. P agu;lari) and one. in a few species three.
lateral setae. or none (in four species).
The venation of the fore wing is incomplete: even in the few species that have
a distinct postmargiual vein it is not more than two-thirds of the length of the
stigmal, but mostly it is non-existent or very short. and in about ten species (of
the former subgenus Julianclla ; the venation is reduced to an incomplete sub­
marginal vein. ending in the parastigma. There are pollen-pockets (small in a
few species) and coxal corbiculae (recorded absent in nos. 50. P carlos; and 34.
P ntariacs. The fore tibia bears a dorso-apical comb of two or three teeth. the
hind tibia a bi- or tri-cuspidate antiaxial tooth. which. however. has only one
tooth in no. 42. P ilcanac, more than three cusps in nos. 24. P k raussi and 25.
P urbauae. and a series of additional toothlets in no. 23. P csthcrac,
The spiracular peritremata of the eighth urotergite are small and sub-circular
in most species. but in nos. 8. P ast0171US. 10. P Iioffntcvcri and 9. P longiccps
they are large and oval. The hypopygium has a usually short spine. at the base
of which in all but one species (i.e.. no. 7. P flagellatus) there is a row of seven
or eight hyaline setae. The valves of the ovipositor usually are distinctly longer
than the gaster (1.2-1.75) in ca. half of the species. distinctly shorter (0.7-0.9)
in three and about as long as the gaster (0.95--1.1) in the remainder.

I They were recorded by Ramirez ( l (70) to be a bit shorter in nos. 34. P nutriac and 50. P carlosi.

but this is not apparent from his figures] 02 and] 03. The cheek is usually measured from the lower

rim of the eye until the mandibular groove ('fino al limitc delle Iosse mandibolari. in Grandi' swords).

but Ramirez must have measured the length until the lowest corner of the head.

~ Yet. the numbers seen in antiaxial and axial aspects may not be equal: See c.g.. Grandi. 1038. fig.

Ill. I and 2 (P au ent usi. Y. 1 and 2 (P aniabilis). \11. ] and 2 (P ambiguus). :'\1. 1 and 2. and :'\111.

I and 2 (P USSlIC/lIS).

Fig. 3, Pegoscapusfrank i. female. after Boucek (1003. Iig. 40). and mule or P OS/OlJllfS. after Grandi
(1020. fig. Ill).

The male head usually is longer than wide (1.15-1.4) or approximately as long
as wide (0.95-1.1): it is shorter than wide (0.85--0.9) in four species: the long
heads are found in nos. 21, P grandii, 20. P tonicntcllac and 15. P touduzi (all
three 1.4), no. 47. P willianisi (1.35) and no. 22, P torrcsi (1.25). The epistomal
margin usually is more or less straight. but it bears a distinct prominence in no.
47. P williunisi. The eye is situated laterally. in the extreme front of the head,
leaving no cheek. and it is one-sixth to one-third of the length of the head. The
antennae are borne in a 1110re or less wide and deep. anterior groove, divided
in the middle, and consist of a scape, long and slender in no. 8. P astonius, but
usually 1 times as long as wide. a pedicel and one or two anuli (three or two
rather long funicular segments in nos. 8. P astonius and 7. P flagellatus) and
a usually divided club. four or five times as long as wide. but globular in two

-(nos.8~P.--;51;;n---;;;s and 7, P flagellatus). Except for the normally shaped man­
dibles, the mouth-parts are reduced.
The pronotum, usually bearing a distinct collar, is longer than wide anteriorly
(1.15-2) or approximately as long as wide (0.9-1.1), widening posteriad, but
distinctly shorter than wide (0.75) in no. 8, P astomus. The meso- and
metanotum are fused, and the propodeum is only more or less distinctly separate
antero-laterally: the spiracular peritremata occupy (almost) the whole lateral
length of the propodeum in nos. 44, P bifossulatus, 15, P tonduzi and 47,
P williamsi, but usually they are shorter (0.5-0.8) or even much shorter (0.25­
0.3). The fore tarsi are bimerous (indistinctly pentamerous in no. 8, P astomusi,
the mid and hind tarsi pentamerous (in no. 47, P williams! the mid tarsi are
tetrarnerous, and in nos. 12, P ambiguus and 47, P williamsi the hind tarsi may I·'
be tetramerous). The colour is yellowish. B.:

There are now 46 species known, two of which, described in the male sex only,
remain incertae sedis (nos. 51, P danorum and 52, P obscuruss: one nomen
nudum is unrecognized l . t
Grandi (1919: 20, 25-26~ 1963a: 340~ 1963b: 328-334) recognized five subgen­
era (which he classified in Blastophaga Gravenhorst), three of which he consid­
ered probably identical (Grandi, 1963b: 333 - Secundeisenia probably includes f
Pegoscapus and Valentinellai. This would leave Pegoscapus (the older name),
Julianella and Tristaniclla, but I consider it better to recognize a number of f'
species-groups in one genus Pcgoscapus. /'
One can try some grouping of Pl!goSL'OpUS on conspicuous differential charac­
ters, as follows. /'
Some males are immediately distinct by the antennae having three or two
rather long funicular segments and a distinctly globular club, such as in nos. 8,
P astontus and 7, P flagellatus, respectively, the females of which, moreover, II
have a peculiar sensory structure in the antennal pedicel (P astoniusi and flagel­
lar antennal sensilla (P fiagellatusi.
- The females of nos. 10, P hoffmeyeri and 9, P Iongiceps, as also those of
8, P astomus, have large, oval spiracular peritremata on the eighth urotergite,
which in the other species are smaller, mostly sub-circular. I:'
- The females of nos. 39, P cumanensis and 10, P hoffmeveri are distinct by " ;""".-",~

the prominent lateral lobes of the epistomal margin.

- The females of nos. 28, P flaviscapus. 26, P silvestrii, 27, P tristani and
25, P urbanae have robust, flat setae on some distal antenna I segments.
- The females of nos. 23, P estherae, 24, P kraussi and 25, P urbanae have

I Blastophaga scltwarzii Ashmead. Trans. ent. Soc. London for 1900, 250-251 (1900, 'from Florida',

mentioned in comparison with B. piceipes and B. insularisi: Grandi, Boll. Lab. Ent. Bologna 7, 195
(1934, nomen nudum).

more than three cusps in the antiaxial tooth of the hind tibia; no. 42,
p. ileanae has only one tooth.
\' ~: \ The species nos. 8, P. astomus, 10, P. hoffnieveri and 25, P. urbanae are cited
rut twice in the enumerations above, having more than one, conspicuous differential
.: n.] character. No.8, P. astomus was used as a type-species of a separate subgenus,
r ,1 t~' i.e., Tristaniella Grandi. Obvious differences are found in the sensilla of the female antenna being
arranged in 1 or 11/~~2 rows, in the female fore wing-venation being reduced, and
.... '" in the female fore tibia bearing two or three teeth in the dorso-apical comb, but
:~ , I these characters are not at all correlated.
.1 r~'

:1.1 \ The host-Ficus are classified with the section Americana of subgenus Urostignia.
Berg (1989: 608~61 0) discussed a sub-division of the Americana, which can be
compared with that of Pegoscapus. The grouping of the fig-species involved is
".... I ~
.. 1". as follows.
::~'n ~ Ficus citriiolia-ccnvvou:». Fig wasps are known from F citrifolia (nos. 35,
P. franki, 15, P. tonduzi and 47, P. williamsii and F dugandii (no. 9, P. longiceps).
:~. . n- ~ Ficus aurea-complex. Fig wasps are known from F aurea (no. 29, P. 111e­
. . r.i- xicanusv, F isophlebia (no. 25, P. urbanaei. F jimenezii (no. 30, P. jimenezis and
.i.. F tuerckheimii (nos. 50, P. carlosi and 34, P. mariaei.
:; ...'1. ~ Ficus trigonata-complex. Fig wasps are known from F combsii (no. 46,
· \,t P. bruneris, F gomelleira (no. 45, P brasiliensis), F 'lapathifolia (no. 16.
P. aguilarii, F trigonata (no. 21, P. grandii) and a fig near F trigonat a (no. 19.
P. lopesi).
.1\. ­ ~ Ficus pertusa-complex. Fig wasps are known from F padifolia (nos. 26,
P. silvestrii and 27, P. tristanii. F turbinata (no. 11, P. baschieriis and F ?
T.,\ \ ' trachelosyce (no. 41, P. aemulusi.
'" ~ Ficus anlericana-complex. Fig wasps are known from F guinanensis (no. 7,
· ~·r. P. flagellatusi and F oerstediana and F perforata (no. 38, P. insularis).
:~. l- The wasp-species, with their hosts, are indicated in table 1: there is a (weak)
parallel in (some species of) the F aurea-, trigonata- and pertusa-groups, but not
· \'1 at all in the other.
~ ~ ~ .

There are some records of two species of wasp being associated with one
~\ species of fig, and one of one species of wasp being associated with two species
of fig.
lnd ~ Nos. 2 L P grandii, 46, P. bruneri and 5 L P. danorum seem to be associated
with (forms of) F trigonata.
1\ ~.
~ Nos. 26, P. silvestrii and 27, P. tristani both are associated with F padifolia.
~ Nos. 50, P. carlos! and 34, P. mariae develop side by side in the same
receptacles of F tuerckheimii. Both species lack coxal corbiculae.
~ Ramirez (1970: 43) recorded No. 23, P. estherae and a Pegoscapus spec.
from F costaricana.
~ No. 37, P. gemellus, is recorded from both F bul!enei and F popenoei.


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'.IIU!,1 -I"ll'l .Ill ":> I:>:>lb JI:>lll P II1 ~ '<dno.if III P:> !I I "" I ~I :> ' .I 'II t1I1_ ' 1'IJ,1"' d .10 s:>!;):>d" :> 'I.L ' I :> lqn.L
Th e species may be ide ntified b y using th e foll o win g ke y. In so me o f th e couplet s
th e d ifferen tia tio n (of the fema les ) is rathe r wea k. but there a rc rea son s to believe
th e species different . e.g .. becau se G randi ( 1938: (3) ex plicite ly sa id so (co uplet
• no . 12). or becau se th e m ale s differ co nv inc ing ly (e .g.. co u plet no . 39 ).

K E Y TO T il E SP ECI ES OF P E( jO SC A P l ' S (ma inly fem a les ) (figs. 4- 5)

.. I . T he untcnnul segments. fr om the fi rth o nw ards , bear o ne whorl 01" abo ut eigh t long
scnsilla chactica (fig. 4al. [Th e male a ntenna (fig. 4c) has a rob ust sca pc. two sub-q uad­
ra ngular anuli. a nd the dub is divided], Ficus gllillll<'wis ( Peru) . 7. P fllIgellllllls
- T hese a ntcnna l segments bear (a) rowt s) 01" scnsilla lincari a (fig. 4bl . 2

T he spiracula r pcritrcmuta 01" the eighth urotcrgitc ar c large. ova l. about one quarter
01" the length 01" the gaster .
- T he spirucu la r pcritrcnuua ar c much sma ller. sub-circu lar. as ill lig. 3 .

3. T he an icnna l ped icel bears a peculia r ova l. sensory stru cture (Iig. 4dl. [Thc male antenna
• (fig. 4g) has a slende r <cape, three long funic ular segments. and the globu lar club is
composed 01" th ree segmen ts]. Ficus crassiuscult! [" ] (Costa Rica ) . X. P ast onu,»
• The anten na! pedicel does no t bea r such a st ruct ure. [The male ant enna ha s tin ) sho rt
unuli , a nd the simply divided club is not glob ular] 4

4. T he cpisto ma l mnrgin is evenly lobed (as in lig. 4e l. The .uu cuna l sca pc is ova l in shape
(as in lig. 4i) a nd th e eleven th segment bcar« one 1'0 \\ ()I" <cnvilln (as in lig. 4il . i C ubu ):
Ficlls ilugurul]! (Panama) . . . . lJ . P IOl/gin 'I,,1

10 . . .':[. ,
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J V - <" N ii0 ,: "'....----.-­' /
Fig. 4. Deta ils 01" !'egol('(//,nl . a . b. dista l segmen ts 1) 1" t'c ma le .uu cnna. 01": a. P fI" gell" lllS. a nd b.
I' tennentellen', C a nd g. male ante nna . 01": L I' IllIgellllllll. and g. P ast omus. d. senso ry o rgan in
female ped icel 01" P Ul IOI/I I/I . e. fema le cpisto ma l mar gin 01" I~ groegai. r. fem ale antc nna l scapc 01"
I' ho/l il/e.l'ai. h. female head " I" P hol/i'le.l'eri. i. female a ntenna o f P bruncri. a- L after Wichcs
( !lJX3. ligs. 15. 7. a nd 22. rcsp .). d and g. a lte r G ran di ( !lJ20. ligs. I. 5 and I . l ), I" and h. a nd i. a l"ter
Gra ndi ( llJ34. ligs. 1\. ~ and I . and \ 1. I . rc sp . ).


- T he latera l lobes of the epistom al mar gin (fig. 4h ) ar c very prom inent. Th e a nte nna l
sca pc is rectan gu lar in shape (fig. 4 f) and the eleventh segment bear s 1'/, row of sensilla.
(Paragua y): Fi cus obtusijolia (Costa Rica. Pan a ma ) . . . . . . 10. P hl!fli l/eyeri

5. The scnsilla o n the sixth and seventh segments o f the antenn a (fig. Sa - b). those on most
antenna l segments (fig. Sc), or o nly those o n the eleventh (fig. -lb ) ar c a rran ged in 1'/,- 2
rows . 6
- T hese a ntenn a ] segme nts bear only one row of scnsilla (fig. -li) . 16

6. O n l ~ the si.\th and seventh segme nts bea r more than one row 7
(\ lo st 0 1'1 a ll Ilagellar segments bea r mor e than o ne row . 9
O nly the eleventh segment has more than o ne ro w .. . 13

7. T he ma xillae bear thr ee la tera l setae (fig. 5g). (M exico) : Fi cus tu rbin at a (Pa na ma .
Venezuela) . . . II . P baschicrii
- T he ma xillae bear on ly one latera l seta (fig. Sf) . R

8. T he fore tibia bea rs two teet h in th e dorso-ap icul co mb (fig. Sh). (Brazil) .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. P IIl l/h i~/II IS
- T he fore tibi a bea rs thre e teeth in the dor so-apical comb (as in fig. 5e). ( Brazil)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13. P amabilis

9. Th e eye is disti nct ly longer than the check (1.6 - 1.8). Th e va lves of the ovipos itor a rc
distinctly lo nger th an the gaster . . . . . . . .. .. 10
- The eye is not much longer than th e check. The valves of the ovipositor a rc ab o ut as
lo ng as the gaster. or a bit shorter or longer . . . . . . II

10. Th e maxil lae bear one or two la tera l setae. Th e valves of the ovi posi to r a rc m uch lo nger
than the gas ter ( 1.75). [The spiracula r occ upy three-fifths o f the ma le 1'1'01'0­
dcum ]. (St. Vincen t. \\'.1. I: Ficu» nvmplutci loli« ( Panam a ) . 14. P. piceipes
- T he m uxil lac hea r no la teral se tae . T he \ al\ cs of the oviposito r a rc sho rte r: 1.2 times
as lon g as th e gaster [T he , piraclcs oc cupy the totu l lcn gt h oft he ma le p ro po dc um], F i cus
h C/lI I /Cl"II/1 11 I C"sta Rica. vc nczuclu I: Fieus citrifoli« ( Pa nama) . . . . 15. P 11I1Ii/u: i

I I. Th e head is dist inct ly sho rter than wide across the com po und eyes ((l.85). Th e ma xillae
hea r th ree ap ical a nd a lso three la teral setae. the la bium two a pica l setae . Th e vena tion
of the fo re \\ ing is red uced to a n inco mplete subma rginal vein. T he for e tibia bea rs three
dor so-api ca l teet h. Ficus 'Iopatltifolia ' (Costa Rica ) . . .. . . . .. 16. P. aguila r!
- T he head is abo ut as lon g as wide across the co mpo und eyes. Th e ma xillae bear two
a pica l setae a nd one lat era l. the la bium one apica l seta . T he venation of the fore wing
is more co mple te. includin g a sho rt postmar gina l vein . . . . 12

12. Two species that rcscm blc eac h other very m uch. but acco rding to G ra nd i ( 1938: ( 3) a rc
disti nct specifica lly:
- T he o vi pos ito r-va lves a rc sho rter than the gaster. [The ma le head is as long as wide].
F il'/ls " adhatodifo lio (Brazil) . . . . . . . . . . 17. P. IIl'l' /lII IIIIISUS
- Th e oviposito r-valves arc abo ut as long as the gas ter. [The male head is lo nger than wide
( 1. 15)]. (Ar gent ina ) . . . . . . 18. P philippi

13. T he fo re tibi a bea rs two teet h in the do rso-upicul row . 14

- T he fo re tibia bear s thr ee teeth in the do rso-a pica l row 15

14. T he length of the head is thr ee q ua rters of the wid th acro ss the co mpo und eyes. T he
valves of the ovipositor a rc I 'i, times as long as the gas ter. (Brazil): Ficus nca r trigonatu
(Pan am a ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19. P. lopesi
- T he head is lo nger (IIw 0.9). T he valves of the ovi pos itor arc sho rter rela tive to the length
of the gaster ( 1.2). Ficus 1III I/ eil/ l'IIa ( Brazil) . 20. P. 1II IIIl'I I/e1l a l'

. - , .,nI
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N ~/ /"

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~ , -~
~~ f

~I-/-J.----.--, 9
' " ./

."-------.. .----
. -~
--.-'- -_.

Fig . 5. De ta ils o f fem ale Pcgoscapus , a - b. c. and i. antenna o f: a - b . P. amhiguus . C. P. lI ('I'I/1 I11I1" II I.

and i. P. IIrh(//1(/(' . d and j . autiaxial to o th o f hind tibi a of: d . I' csthcrae, an d j . P. urbanac. c and
h . fore tib ia o f: e. I~ lI(' /1I11/IIS. a nd h . I~ nmbiguu s. I' a nd g. mand ible a nd m a xillo -la b iul complex . o r
o nly the com plex. o f: r. P. 1/1(' .\' i ('(I/II1S. a nd g. P. baschicrii. a - c. e. a nd g. after Grandi ( 1938 . figs .
\ ' 11 . I a nd 2. IX. I. I. 7. a nd \ ' 11 . 8. resp . ). f. a fte r Wi cb es ( 198 .\. fig. 3 1l. g. after Gra nd i ( 1952 . fig. II .

4 l. i a n d j . afte r Ra m irez ( 1970. fig s. 45 a nd 5 1).

15. The eye is I ' , times as long as the cheek. The re is o n ly one la teral seta on the maxill ae .
T he valves o f the o vip o sitor arc I I/~ tim es as long as th e gaster. (Ecuador): F i cIIS trigonau,

( Pana rna ) . . . . . . 2 1. P. grandii

- T he eye is full y two ti mes as lo n g as th e chee k. T he ma xilla e bear fo u r la te ral se tae . Th e
va lves of t he ovi posi to r a re a bi t sho rter than the gaste r. Fi cus r ch tt inu ICosta Ri ca )
~2. P t o rrc» ]

16. The for e tibi a be a rs three tee th in th e d orso-apica l comb . 17

T he fo re tibia be ars two teeth in the dorso-apical comb . 3.\
17. The uruiuxial tooth of th e h ind t ibia is ra ther \\ ide and bears a row o f six sma ll too th lcts,
or five large c usps . . 18
- T he a n tia .xia l to o th o f the h ind tib ia is less wid e. tri-c usp ida te . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

18 . The unt iux ia l tooth of the h ind tibia be a rs a n axia l ro w of sma ll to oihlct s ne xt to th e
antiaxiul. large c us ps (fig . Sd ), Ficus cos turiruua (Costa R ica . Pan a m a ) .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23. P. csthcrar
_ The a n tia .x ia l to oth o f the h ind tibi a bea rs five large c usps (fig . 5j ) . . . . . . . . . . . 19


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;l lj l .10 ' ;l .l p ~ ,\ ;llj.L ' , ;l D I ~J .I;ld 1 ~1I1 "1 ;1 , f Z \ 111 0 .l1 ~ ,1q ' 1lI;11l1;;;1' In ll ll;1l1l1: l\lll lll 1)1 ljl \I> ;l lj.L '~Z

1:.111,1/111/ (f 'Of

( 1 ~;1 I }1 I!I' O,) ) .1 1:. " ' ," 111/.1 11.>'.1 ' ;1111 ~ ,1q \II I ~ j()1 '" 1I1 ;1\ p nll;1.1IHUI><) d ;llj.L . ~;l ;lIP J lp >I ~ ;; 1I0 1 "'~

, ;1111 11 0 .\\ 1 '" ;l.\;l Jlj l p lln 'J.\;1 pun od uioo J l p "" O.l:W J p L\\ >I~ ;; 1I0 1 >I ~ l ' OllllH >I P I~;1 lj J lj.L

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0 ,1,/11/) YI/.lJ.1 :(O,l I\J IAJ ) 'lIIJ.\ pHlI;1.1ln lll ,od l.lO lj' H ' Hlj ;1lll.\\ ;l.l0J Jlj .L ' ~ ;l;1 lj J ;1lp , n ;1UOI >I~

, J IlII1 S ' I >I ;l,\ ;l J lp put: q\;l pun od moo ;llj l ""O.l ,W J pL\\ IIln p.l ;1l.101 I' '\ \l ,1 11 1]"' P '" pl ~Jlj J ILL 'r Z

J] I ~ l l1J p -l q >I J lq lp lllnll J lj.L

U~ ' ;; ~ I ) lj l;lJ l JI~ ,lI dl~ ' J IID H JlIO " II~ ;1q J lq lp UlH1I Jlj.L

l'III/O,lSI,I"!1 ~/ ' S Z ' , , , , (jI z lug ) ~ ;l Jl p ;llj l ' I~ ;111 0 \ ,n

s o tu n S ' I , I J .\J ;ll \l P II I ~ ( 1' 1 ) ' ;l.\ J p 1l 11 0d 1U O~ ;l ip » OD I ~ ;lp LII lIIHP .I;l;1I1 OI '" PI~;l lj ;llj.L
111/) / 1'1.1/ (f 'LZ ' , ( 1 ~,lI} 1 I!I' O,)) lJI / o ! il'lJl/ .1'/1,".1 ' V;1 lj ~ ;lIp , n ;;1I0 1 , n

,;l IUI] i:'Z >I ;l,\;l ,1 lj 1 P ll l ~ (6'0 ) q\;l pu no dui oo ;l lj 1 ""O .l ~n ;lpl.\\ uu u : .I;lI.10lj ' '" PI :;1lj ;llj .L LL

LL ' , , , , , .I ;lI "'~;; ;l lj1 "' ~ ;1l1o l , 1 ~ ,;lIUI] ',I .u n .10 1N ld L\ O ;lIp .10 q\ JI ~ .\ ;llj.L
1!,I/S,l,I//I' (f ' I)i: " , , , , , , , , ( mlll ~ lIl :d

' n~ I }1 1: 1, 0 ,) ) /1! ! o ! lj" }(/ SI /.>I.:f '.I;ll>l:;1 ;lI p , 1: ;111 0 1 >I~ 111 0q l ~ o.m .1 01 N ldl.\ O ;1l p .10 ';l.\ \H,1 ;l lj.L ' ! i:

fZ ;l 1 ~P, Ipl1 , .lH;lq io u o p '1 1l;l11l;1;l, Jln lll ;l ll1 l~ Inl "' p ;l 11.L -
I i: ' , ' , , , , , ( I~ ';1!' III
s n lj J I1111 ';l I~ P, ;; 1I0 1 .I;llj ln.l .In;1q .\ ;1lj l .10 ' ;1, OP , .l ;l ljl l ~.1 ;l,m ' 11l;l11l;1;l, ! HIIU ;l IUI ~ JI!I"' P ;l lj.L 'OZ
/ I"'II/),I,y (f ' r i: ' ( O~I\;l I\l) m j 0l.i ll i/O,l SI1.>1.:f " ;lp' l.lq
;; U!lJ;1 [o .ld ' l1~ lI » ;1! pili: , ;l I ~ I ~J r od 1:1I""1 ;l, S - L .m oq ' I U;lIll ;;;l, JI ~II U ;l llW u i u o : 0 1 111 \1> ;llj .L
,>l1II /1' i /l 1 (f '~ i: " " (I~~ I}I 1~ I 'O ,)) O/( j ,'jlj<!OI·II'Il.l l.:f ' ( I~ ';;U) ' ;lp ' l.lq ;;UljJ;l[O.ld ';1UOI
' WLI , 11 0 1l,lI d , u OJ pUH S;l I J l~J r od n ll ""I;l, 1)- 1' .l1 ~ ;l q ' 111 ;l11l;;;l, JI~U II;l I U I~ lj l U;l1 0 1 Ip " , ,1 lj.L '(' I
-' I. Th e eye is 1.6 times as long as the head . Ficus bullcnei and popcuoci ( Pana ma)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i7. I' !!<'II/el/w
_ T he eye is full) two times as lon g as the check . (St. Vincent. \V. I.): Fi cu» Il/ l/ cr/C<lI/<I
( Panam a ) . . . . . . . . . .;' R . I ~ in-ul.ui.

-'~. The maxi llae bea r no lateral setae: the labiu m has two ap ical setae . I Vcnczuclu I
. . . . . . . . 3lJ . P ' "11 1111 111 C11,i,

T he maxi llae bear o ne la te ra l sciu: the labium has two ap ical se tae . I Brazil l
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -10. I' 11,,11, ' 111 1

- The ma xillae bear one l.u cra l seta: the la bi um has O il ': ap ica l sera. ( Bra zill
-II . I' II I 'I II I JiIlI

-'-'. Th e unt iax iul tooth of the hind tibia is simple, The a ntenna a ppea rs to hal ': o nly ten
segment ». T he maxi llae bear no latera l setae. Fi cus .I clt il ' p i i (Cos ta Rica ) . . " ' "
. -I ~ . I' ilcuncu:
T he un tiuxia l tooth of the hind tibia is hi-cuspidate. T he ma xillae bear one lateral seta .
Fi clIS colubri ntu: (Co sta Rica. Panam a ) .. , . . " , .. , . -1 3. I~ I/I'I/:clli
T h.: .uu iaxiul toot h of the hind tibia is tri-cuspidate . . , . , . . , . . -'-I

.q . T he vena tion oft he fo re II ing is reduced to all inco m plete submar ginal vein (some truces
o f the mar ginal a nd stigma l veins ma y be I isiblc ) . . . 3-1
_ T he Iorc wing ba s d ist inct ma rginal a nd stigmal veins -'7

35, The valves o f the ovipos itor a 1'': shorte r than the gaster (0.9). T he fifth to tent h untcnn ul
segme nts bea r ca . 10 scnsillu, [The spi rucula r pcri trcnu ua occupv the to ta l length 0 1' the
ma le prop odcum] . ( Brazil) . . , .. , . .. . . . . .. " -1 -1 . I' hi/i " .I IIIII I IIS
T he vulvc-, o f the ovi posito r a re d istinctl ) lon ger th a n the gavtcr -'6

.Ii> . T he muxillac hea r o ne lateral scin. Ficu» g l/lIIe/l eim {Brazill ' -1 5, I' hl'lI Iilt cl/ l /1
The maxi llae bear two later a l setae . Ficus combsi! (Cuba. Colombia I -It> . I' I>I'III/<'I'i

.'7 . The mand ibu lar a p penda ge bea rs I I vcmra l l.uuc lluc. The ma xillae bear no latera l setae.
[T he ma le cpistomnl murgiu has a median prom inence}. ( Barba dos. \V.I.): Ficus citriioliu
( Puerto Rico ) . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .. . , . . -1 7. I' williun isi
_ T he mand ibular a ppen dage bea rs 6 9 vcmrul lamclluc. T he max illue bea r one or two
la icrul setae . [Th .: male cpisio mul ma rgin is stra ight] . , . . . . . -'x
3X. The maxillae bear one latera l seta , The eye is ~ I ~ limes as lo ng as the check. Ficu»
mnllicula (venezuela ) " , .. , " , . . -IX. I ~ g l'l/ egai
_ T he max illuc hea r two lat era l setae (not known for I ~ 11/ /( ' 11111.1') . . ,.. . . .W

W. Two species. the fema les of II hich a rc very d ifficult to d itfc rcntiatc beca use o f their
incomp lete descrip tion. The mules di ller:
T he spirucu la r peritrcmatu occu py five-eight hs o f the length of the pro podcum ( Brazil)
. .. , . .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1 9. I ~ 1I1/('{I/W
_ The spira c ula r pcritrcm.u a seem to occupy only one-third o f the' length "I' the prop o-
dc um. Ficus tucrckhr itnii (Co sta Rica ) SII. I' Cl I/ ' I ", ;

7. P egoscapus tlagcllatlls W icbcs (fig . 4<1 . c )

Wiebes. Proc. Kon. Ned . Akad . Wet. (0 xn. ~-I-I . ~ -I X ~ 5 0 t l9X-'. descr. '" d . Peru , host:
Ficu» guiancnsis D.:s\ . ): \Vi.:b.:s. Proc, K OIl . l\ ~d . .-\ ka ll. W.:t. 9X. IXI ( 1995. host r.:cord d is­
cuss.:d ),


T he fem ale head is di st inctl y sho rter th an wide ac ross t he co mpo und eyes (0.8),
which are 1.6 tim es as lon g as th e chee k. The antenna has ten segme nts. which,
fro m th e fifth onwa rds . bear one whorl of ca . eight lon g. flexible sensilla chae tica
(fig. 4a ). T he mandible has one, ra ther acute, tooth , and o ne gland; th e a ppend­
age bears seven vent ra l lamellae. T he maxilla bear s two sub-a pica l setae only;
th e labium has one a pical seta .
The vena tio n o f th e for e wing is red uced to th e subma rgina l vein a nd a faint
ma rgin al. T he fore tib ia ha s a bid ent at e dor sa- ap ical co m b; th e antiaxia l tooth
o f th e hin d tib ia is bi-cu sp idate . T he spine of th e hyp op ygium bears no hyaline
setae. The ovi posito r-va lves a re as lon g as th e gas ter. T he tot al length is ca . 1.0
mm . T he co lo ur is dark bro wn .

T he male head is a bit wide r th an lon g (1.1); the eye is one qu arter of the len gth
of th e head . T he a ntenna (fig . 4c) has two a nuli a nd th e club is di vid ed at one­
tenth o f its length .
T he pr on otum is recta ng ula r in o utline , distinctl y wider th an lon g (1.4 ). Th e
spirac ular pcri tre rna ta of the p ropod eum are sma ll. subc ircular, dorsal in posi­
tion . The fore tibi a bea rs two d or sa- api cal teeth a nd three ventra l; th e hind tibi a
has a bicu sp idat e antiaxia l tooth and a sim ple axia l.

T he host jig is Ficus gll;(I//I'/1S ;S D esv. (Peru), whic h is a form of F (/ /1/1'1';('(//1(/

Au blct. bu t in Co sta R ica and in the A ntilles (St. Vincent). F (/ /1/1'1';('(/ /1(/ . as
F oers tediana and p erforata , is associated with no . 38, Pcgoscapus insularis.

T he spec ies nos. 8- 10, viz., Pegoscapus (/.1' 1011111.1'. 10/1g;CI'ps and hoffin eye ri sha re
th e lar ge stig ma ta ! per itr em at a o f th e eight h urot ergit e in th e fem ale ('s tigma'),
but d o not seem to fo rm a close taxon omi c gro up.

8. Pegoscapus astomus (G ra nd i) (figs. 3. 0 ; 4d . g)

Gra ndi. Boll. Lab . Z ool. Por tici t4 . 252-261 ( 1920. Blustophagu, descr, 'i' O. Cos ta Rica. hos t: Ficus
crassi usculu Warb .); Ra mirez. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 49 . 4. 36 ( 1970. Blust ophugu i Trist anicllu i,
host; FiCIIs torresiuna i: Wiebes, 1986. Proc. Ko n. Ned. Akad . Wet. (C) 89. 352- 353 (1986. discussio n
of host record) ; Wiebe s, Proc . Ko n. Ned . Akad . Wet. 98. 169 ( 1995. 'i' in key).

T he fem ale head is sho rte r th an wide across th e co mpo und eyes (0.85), which
are two tim es as long as the cheek . Th e anten na l ped icel bear s a pecul ia r ov al
senso ry st ruct ure (fig. 4d ); th e fifth to eleve nth segments bear o ne ro w of sensilla.
in the follo wing number s per fac ies; th e fift h 4. the sixth 5, the seventh and tent h
6. the eighth a nd ninth 7. and th e eleventh 2 o r 3. The mandi bul ar a ppendage
bea rs 5 or 6 ventra l lam ellae, th e pr oxim al o ne of whic h is st ra ight. not
hook ed . The max illae bear two sub-a pical setae ; the labium has two apica l
setae .
T he mar gin al. stigma l. a nd po stm a rginal vein s of th e fore wing are approx i­
mat ely in ratio 2 : 3 : 2. Th e fo re tibia bea rs two d or sa -apical teeth ; th e antiaxial
tooth of the hind tibia is tr i-cuspid at e. T he spirac ular perit remat a of th e eigh th

'I urotergite are large (Boucek, 1993: 204). The valves of the ovipositor are three
quarters of the length of the gaster. The total length is 1.2-1.25 mm. The colour
~ ..:: :~·.1 is chestnut-brown.
"..: :1~i­
':1h: The male head is 1.2 times as long as wide: the eve is two times as long as the
cheek and one-fifth of the length of the head. The antennal scape (fig. -lg) is long
:.11I1t and slender, there are three long anuli and the club is composed of three Seg­
\)~ ,t h ments .
..linc The pronotum is subquadrangular, shorter than wide (().7~). The <piruculur
: 1.1) peritremata are small, subcircular, situated dorsally in the anterior part of the
propodeum. The fore tarsus is indistinctly pentamerous.

\ \Il c- The host fig was given as Ficus crassiuscula Warb. (Costa Rica), but Ramirez
recorded the species from F. torresiana Standley, a synonym of F 1J1aC­
bridei Standley. Both are species of Pharmacosycea, and the records may be
;'~ '" 1­
:: hi~l
9. Pegoscapus longiceps Cameron

.. i l t c! Cameron. Primer Informe Anual Est. Ccntr. Agron. Cuba for 1906.275276 (1906. descr. 2. Cuba);
' . •1'\ Wiebes, Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wet. (C) 86. 352 (1983. syn.: P jinicnczi (Grandi r?: Soucek.
J. Nat. Hist. 27, 205 (1993, (syn- )type studied. different from P jimcnezi): Wiebes. Proc. Kon.
Ned. Akad. Wet. 98, 172-173 (1995. redescr. 2 type. descr. c3. Panama. host: Ficus dugulldii
n.uc Standley).
r; ~l . l.
The female head is a bit longer than wide across the compound eyes ( 1.1), which
are 11/ 4 times as long as the cheek. The fifth to eleventh segments bear one row
of usually 7 or 8 sensilla (the eighth segment has 11). The mandibular appendage
bears 9 or 10 ventral lamellae. The maxillae bear two sub-apical setae and one
lateral; the labium has one long, apical seta .
. ,'1.
The postrnarginal vein of the fore wing is very short. The fore tibia bears three
sharp dorso-apical teeth: the antiaxial tooth of the hind tibia is tri-cuspidate. The
spiracular peritremata of the eighth urotergite are very large, about one-quarter
~1!L'h of the length of the gaster. The ovipositor-valves are ca. 1.2 times as long as the
,\\ ~d gaster. The total length is ca. 11/ 2 mm. The general colour is black.
~'!1 t h The male head is as long as wide: the eye is not quite one-fifth of the length of
L1~C the head. The antenna has one anulus, and the apical segment is divided at
riot one-sixth of its length.
\k'~d The pronotum is longer than wide anteriorly (1.4) and posteriorly (1.2). The
spiracular peritremata are five-eights of the length of the propodeum.
\ '\1­

\ I.d The species was described from Cuba: the host fig is Ficus dugandii Standley
.hth (Panama).


10. Pegoscapu s hoffm cver i (G ra ndi) (fig. 41'. h)

G ra ndi . 13011. Lab . Eut. Bologna 7. 19 I 195 ( 1934. B !lI .I /OI' ! /(f.'!lI ( I ' 1!('I l/ iIlC!! lI ). dcscr. 90 . Par aguay ):
Ramirez. Univ, Kan sas Sci. Bull. 49. 40 ( 1970. B!lI sI O! ' ! /(f.'!lI ( I'C.'!O.lCll! II/ .I ). Costa Rica and Pa nama.
host: Ficl/ s obiusitoli« Miq .): Wicbcs. Proc. Kon, Ncd. Akad . WCI. 98. 173 ( 1995. 90 . Pan ama. host:
Fim s ob rusi lul !« 1-1 .13. & K.).

T he fema le head (fig. 4h) is a bit lon ger th an wid e acr o ss th e compound eyes
( 1.05) . which a rc I ' !~ times a s lon g a s th e che ek . T he cpisto m a l margin has
prom inent lat eral lobes a nd th e medi an lobe is very sho rt . T he sca pe o f the
antenn a (Iig. 40. esp ecia lly th e dorsa l co m b. is rect angular in sha pe : th e fifth to
tenth segme nt s bear o ne row o f se ns illa . in th e foll owing numbers per fac ies: th e
fifth 3. th e sixth 5 o r 6. th e seventh to ninth 8 o r 9. th e tenth 7. a nd th e eleventh
seg me n t bears 5 sc nsilla in 11/ " row. Th e mandibu lar appenda ge bears 8 ventral
lam ella e. Th e ma xillae bear tw o su b-a pica l seta e a nd o ne lat eral: th e lab ium ha s
two a pica I seta e.
T he po sunarginal ve in o f th e fore win g is sho rt. Th e fore tibia bears three teeth
in t he d orso-apica l comb: the antiaxia l to oth of the hind tib ia is tri-cu sp id at e .
Th e sp irac ula r per itrem at a o f th e eigh t h ur ot crgit c a rc la rge. ova l. The va lves
of th e ov iposito r a re a bit sho rte r th an th e gas ter. The co lou r is ye llo wish.

The mal e head is a bo ut as lon g as wide . or a bit longer: th e eye is o ne -fifth o f

th e length o f th e he ad . Th e an te n na ha s tw o a n uli. m ore di stinct d orsall y th an
ven tra lly. wh ere ihc v ma y be uni ted : the di stal seg me n t is d ivided at o ne-ten th
o f its le ngth .
The re is , t d ist inct co lla r: the pr on otum is I .~ tim es a s long as wid e anteri orl y
an d as lo ng , IS wide po st eriorl y. The sp iruc ula r pcri ircm ata a re 0.7 o f th e len gth
llf the pr opod cum .

P hof ftu cvcr! wa s d escribed from an unid entifi ed species o f lig (Para gu ay). and
lat er reco rde d from Ficus obtusifolia Kunth (Co st a Rica and Panama) .

G ro up o f Pcgoscapu: bascliicrii (n o s. 11 -13)

I I. Pegosca pus basch ierii (G ra nd i) (fig. 5g )

G ra ndi. Boll. I-, t. Enr. l.'ui v. Bologna 19. 50 54 ( 1952. B !lI s /OI' ! /(f.'!lI (.I l/ lill l/ c !!lI). dcscr. 9 0 . Mexico):
Ra mirez, Univ. Kan scl' Sci. Bull. 49..\6 ( 1970, B !lI SI0I'!/(f.'!lI ( I'C.'!OSClII'I/S). Venezuela. host: F iCI/.I
t urhinata ( l.icbm .) Miq.: Wiebe». Proc. Ko n. Ned . Akad . WCl. (C) 86. 244 ( 19X3. 9 in key): Wiebcs.
Proc. Kon . Ned . Akad. \Vel. 98. 1(,9 11<)<)5 . '? in key).

The fem ale head is di stinctl y sho rte r th an wide ac ro ss the compound eyes (0.8 ).
which arc 1.6 times a s long a s th e check . The firth to eleve nt h a nte n na l seg men ts
bear o ne row o f se ns illa (a lm o st 11/ " o n th e sixth and seve n th ). in th e foll owing



num bers per facies: the fifth and eleventh -l. the sixth and eighth 8. the seventh
I L the nin th 9. a nd th e tenth 7. T he mandi bul ar appendage bears 7 ventral
". 1:
lam ellae. T he maxillae bear two sub-a pica l setae and th ree lat eral (lig. ~ g ) : the
: " ' 1:
labium has two apica l setae.
T he vena tion o f th e for e wing is red uced to th e subma rginal vein. but so me
faint traces o f the stigma l vein may be visible. T he for e tibia seems to ha ve t wo
,.. :,j c'\~'s d or so-a pica l teeth : the antiaxia l too th of th e hind tibia is tri -cu spidat e. Th e
:: '::11 has va lves of th e ov ipo sito r a rc I I/~ times as lon g as the gas ter. Th e co lo ur is
:' ,' , ' I tile brown.
: " : : ( t il t o
. i ; : : ' : tile T he male head is 1.3 times a s lo ng as wide : the eye is o ne-sixth o r th e length \)1'
" .,'\ : 11 th the head . Th e a ntenna has o ne distinct anulus and the d istal segment is divid ed
, ":Il tra l at o ne qu art er of its length .
~ : .. Ill ilas T he pron otum has a d ist inct co lla r. it is 1.7 times as lon g as wide a nte riorl y
and a pprox ima tely as lon g as wide posteriorl y. T he spiracula r per itr ema ta arc
. . :: tee th half as lon g as the prop odcum .
,,' :' I,L l te.
':" " ,I II ~' s T he host fig was a n unid ent ified species (Mexico) . but Ram irez reco rded
". , h. P baschicrii fro m Ficus turbinata (Licbm .) M iq. in Venezuela and Pan am a.
which is a syno nym of F pert usa Linn.f. See a lso nos. 26. 27. and 4 L
: -: :1'[ h \) 1' P silvcstrii. tristaui. a nd actnulus. whic h were record ed fro m the sa me species
.::::. tha n o r fi g.
::,'-[,' ntil
12. Pego scapu s ambiguus (Gra ndi ) (fig. Sa - b. h )
.::: ri,\I'ly
G rand i. Boll. lst. Ent . Univ, Bologna Ill. 55 5lJ ( llJ3R. H!lISI(/jI!llIgll ( J ' alcntinclla). dcscr, 'i d .
.: i: ngth

T he fema le head is a bit shorter than wide acro ss th e co mpo und eyes. Antenna
.. : :. I. .md (fig. Sa- b): th e firth a nd eighth a ntenna l segme nts bear o ne row of scnsilla, th e
sixth a nd seventh 11/ 2: the numbers per facies a rc: the firth 6- 7. th e sixth to tenth
ca . 10 -12. a nd th e elevent h 6- 7. T he man dib ular appenda ge bear s 8 ventra l
lam ellae. Th e maxillae bea r two sub-a pica l setae and o ne la ter al: th e labium has
two a pica l setae.
Th e veins of the for e wing beyo nd the submarg ina l a rc vague. bu t still visib le.
T he fo re tibia (fig. 5h) has two d or so-apic al teeth : the a ntiax ia l too th \) 1' the hind
\ 1: \ Ie', 'I : tibia a ppea rs to be hi-cuspidate. T he va lves o r th e ovipos ito r are a bit lon ger than
lic u» the gaster. T he co lo ur is da rk brown .
II :,·b,', .

T he male head is a bit lon ger th an wide ( 1.2): the eye is o ne-firth of the length
o r the head . T he a nte nna has two distinct an uli a nd the dista l segment is di vided
,', II I. S). at o ne-fifth of its length.
:': :l1c'l1lS Th e pron otum. with a na rrow co llar. is 12 , times as lon g as wide a nterio rly
' . . \ \ \ \ I ll g a nd l '/~ times as lon g as wide posteriorl y. T he spiracula r peritrem at a occupy


four-fifth s of th e p ro pod eum. In so me specime ns th e hind tarsus is tetram er ou s,
in o the rs pentam erou s.
-..: .
The spec ies o f host fig is un kn o wn ( Brazi l).

13. Pegoscapus amabilis (G randi)

Grand i. 13 011. 1st. En l. U niv. Bologn a 10. 51-5 5 (193 8. B!II.I! Op!llIgl1 t Va lcnt inclla), dcscr. 'i' 6 . Bra zil):
Wicbc s, Proc. Kon . Ned . Ak ad . WeI. 98. 177 ( 1995. po ssible host di scu ssed) .

T he fem al e head is a b it sho rter th an wide ac ros s th e co m po und eyes. The fifth
a nte nna ! segment bears o ne row of 4- 5 sens illa pe r fa cies, the sixth a nd seve nth
7- 10 in I I :- 2 ro ws. th e eighth to ten th o ne row of 7- 9 sens illa per facies. th e
eleve nth in tot al 4-5. The mand ibul ar append age bea rs 7 ventra l lam ellae. T he
ma xillae bea r tw o sub-a pica l setae a nd o ne lat eral: th e labium has tw o a pica l
setae .
T he margin al a nd stigma l veins o f th e fo re wing a re very vague a nd th e post­
margina l is tot all y a bse nt. T he fo re tibi a see ms to ha ve tw o d orsa -apical teeth
(no t quite clear from G ra ndi , 1938, fig. V, 7); th e hind tibia has a tri-cu spidat e
a ntiax ia l tooth . T he o vipo sitor- va lves a re lon ger th an th e ga ster. T he co lo ur is R
da rk bro wn .

The male head is a bit lon ger tha n wide . The an te nna has o ne d istinc t an ulus
a nd th e di stal segme nt is di vid ed at o ne-seventh of its len gth .
T he pr on ot urn is ca . I I : tim es as lon g as wide a nte rio rly. wh er e th ere is no
co lla r. a nd a bit lon ge r th an wide post eri orl y ( 1. 1). Th e spirac ula r perit rerna ta
a re a pp rox imate ly hal f as lon g as th e propod eum .

T he host fig is a n unident ified spec ies (Bra zil). R amirez reco rde d th e species
fro m Ficus nymphaeijolia in C os ta R ica. but he was not qu ite sur e of th e identity
o f th e Pcgoscapus. From thi s species of fig, no . 14, P. pic eipes was reco rde d .
which may have been th e species see n by R ami rez.

Gro up of Pcgoscapus piceipes (nos. 14-1 8)

14. P egoscapus piceipes (A shmead)

Ashmead. Tr a ns. En t. Soc. London for 1900. 250 ( 1900. Blastophuga. dcsc r, 'i'. Antil les)'. ' Ra mirez.
Un iv. Ka nsas Sci. Bull. 49. ~ 2 ( 1970. Bl II,I !Op!llI gl1 ( Pego,l(,{[plls) amabilis. Costa Ric a. ho st: Fi cus
ul'IIlp!llIeae! il!ia 1'. Miller) : Wicb es. Proc. K o n. Ned . A kad . Wet. 98 . 176 177 (1995. 'i' hol o typc
st ud ied. dc scr, 'i' 6 . Pan ama . ho st : ri m s nvmp hacijolia P. Miller ).

T he fema le head is sho rter th an wid e across th e co m po und eyes (0.9), which are
I %tim es as lon g as th e chee k. T he fifth segment of th e a nte nna bears o ne ro w
o f ca . 6 lon g sensi lla per fac ies. th e sixth a nd seven th segmen ts 1 1/ 2 - 2 rows of

:: ~ ' 1I v , 15 se ns illa per fa cies, th e eigh t h 9, th c tenth o ne ro w o f 7 or 8, a nd th e eleve n th
aga in 1'/2- 2 rows of so me 15 sensilla per facie s, T he m and ibular a p pe ndage
bea rs 8 o r 9 ve n t ra l lamellae . The ma xilla bears t wo a p ica l setae a nd o ne or t wo
lat eral ; th e labium ha s o ne a pica l se ta .
The po stm a rgin al vein o f th e fore wing is sho rt . T he fore tib ia bears two tee th
in th e do rsa-a pica l co mb; t he a n tiaxia l to oth o f th e hi nd tibi a is tr i-cu spid at e ,
The o vipo sito r-va lves are 1.75 times a s lo ng a s th e ga ste r. T he tot al len gth is ca .
H: ,I/J! J:
1.5 mmm . T he co lo ur is dark b ro wn .

T he m al e head is a lmos t a s wide as long (0.95): th e eye is o ne- fift h o f th e len gth
.: lil'th of th e head . T he a n te n na h a s one a n ulus and th e d ista l segm e n t is di vided at
:\ cnth o ne- sevent h o f its len gth.
> . t he T he pronot um is 1'/2 tim es as long as wide a nterio rly, and disti nc tly lon ge r
" Th e th an wide p o st er io rly ( 1. 15): a n te rio rly . T he sp ira c ula r pe rit remata a re three­
, q ' i L, ~ t1
fift h s of th e len gth of th e propodeu m .

r-" t­
T he species wa s d esc ribed fro m St. Vin cent (We st In di es), wi t ho ut m e nt ion of
teet h
the h o st fig. It was la te r recorde d from Ficus nyniph aeif olia P, M iller (Pa na ma) .
' I,Lite
T he reco rd o f no . 13, P amabilis from thi s species o f fig in Costa Ri ca by
\ 1I r IS
R am irez m a y have co nce rned P pic eip es .

15. Pegoscapus tonduzi (Gra nd i)

n ul u-,
G rand i, Bo ll. Lab. Zool. Po rtici 13, 45- 50 (19 19, Blast ophug « t Va lcnt inclla). dcscr. <;> 6 . Costa Rica .
], 11 0 host: Ficus hcmslcvuna Standley); Wicb cs, Proc. Ko n. Ned . Ak ad . Wet. (C) 98. I n - I7 R(1995. ? O.
m. u a Pa nam a , host: F citrifolia P, M iller) .

T he fema le head is a b it sho rte r th an w ide across th e co m po u nd eyes (0.9). wh ich

\ •.·It".' l l~ ~
a re 1.8 times a s long as t he c hee k . T he fift h a nte nna I segm e nt ha s o ne row o f
' Ill i t \ eigh t lo ng sc nsilla , th e six th a nd seven t h Ilk t he eighth to tenth again o ne, and
~,k d. th e eleve nth I lk consist in g o f 8, 6 + 10. 3 + 10, 10-1 2, and ca . 9 se ns illa in tot al.
respectively. T he ma nd ib u lar ap pe n dage bea rs 9 or 10 ve n t ra l lamell ae. The
m a xill a bears tw o su b-a p ica l setae o n ly: th e labium h a s two a p ica l se tae .
T he po st m a rgin al vein o f th e fo re w ing is reduced to a sh o rt st um p . T he fo re
ti b ia h a s a b ide ntat e dorsa-apica l co m b; t he h in d ti bi a a tri -cu spid at e a ntiaxia l
tooth . T he o vipositor-va lves are a b it longer th an th e ga ster ( 1.2) . T he to ta l
len gth is ca . 1.5 m m . The co lo ur is d a rk bro wn .
.r :«,

. :' ....' Th e m al e head is d istinctl y wide r th an long (1 .4 ): th e eye is o ne -six th of th e leng t h

of th e head . T he a n te nna ha s o ne di stin ct a n ulus , and the apica l segm e nt is
d ivided a t o ne -q uar ter o f its length .
.uc Th e pro not um is abo ut as long a s wid e (a bi t na rr o wer in fro nt. a b it w ider
~ \ '\ \ be hi nd) . Th e sp ira c ula r pe rit rcm ata arc e no rm o us, occu pyi ng th e tot al lat er al
. ,It len gth of th e p ropodeum .


The host fi g record ed by G ra nd i (1919) a nd Ramirez ( 1970) is Ficus hem slevana ,­

Standl ey (Co sta R ica. Venezuela). but th at 01" the ma terial from Panama
(Wicbcs. 1995) was given as F cit rifo lia P. Miller. Prof. Berg wrot e to me that
F hen islcvana is a misnomer for the sub-typica l Meso-Ame rican (form s of)
F citrifo lia . See also nos. 35 and 47. P frau ki and P willianisi. which were
reco rded from the same species 01" fi g.

16. Pegosca pus aguilari (Grandi)

G ra nd i. Bo ll. Lab . Z oo I. Porti ci 13. 20 - 25 ( 1919. R!us/o/'/Il/gu i .t ulia nella) . dc sc r. '? 0 . C os ta Rica .
host : F;('/{I !u/,u/i/i,!;u): R am irez. U n iv. Kan sa s Sci. Bu ll. ~9 . .\() a nd 3R (19 70. Blast opluu;« (Pego·
1("{{! ' II ,I ). C osta R ica . ho st : F !u!}(lIili/o!iu ): Wiebcs. P ro c. Ko n. Ne d . Aka d . WeI. (C) 86. 244 (19R3 .
'? in ke y): Wicbcs. Pro c . Kon . Ned . Akad . WeI. (C ) 89 . 352 (19 R(). d isc ussio n o f ho st reco rd ): Wicbcs,
Pro c . Kon. Ne d . Akad . WeI. 98 . 170 (1995. '? in ke y ).

Th e fema le head is d istinctly sho rter than wide ac ross the compo und eyes (0.85).
which a re 1.2 times as long as the check. T he fifth a ntenna l segment bea rs one
row 01'(1 - 7 scnsilla per facies, the sixth to tent h segments alt ern atel y bear 10- 14
scnsilla per facies in I l i~ -2 and only one ro w. and the eleventh segment bear s
ca . 8 scnsilla per facies. in I I ~ row. Th e mandibular append age bear s 8 ventral
lam ellae. Th e ma xillae bear three sub-a pical and th ree lat eral setae: the labium
has two a pica l setae .
Th e vena tion 01" the lore wing is reduc ed to a n incompl ete subma rgina l vein.
Th e Iorc tibi a bea rs a dor so-upical co mb 01" thre e teeth : the hind tibia has a
tri -cuspid a te ant ia xial too th. T he ovipos ito r-valves a rc a bit lon ger than the
gaste r. o r eq ual in length . Th e total length is ca . 1.6 mm . Th e colour is chestn ut­
brown . \ .
Th e male head is 1.2 times as lon g as wide: the eye is one-fifth of the length of
the head . Th e antenna has t wo distinc t anul i (or one anu lus and the distal seg­ I~
ment is divided a t one qu art er 01" its length ).
Including the collar. the pron oturn is I I ~ times as long as wide anteriorly
(where it is a bit expa nded ) and slightly lo nger than wide poste riorly ( 1.1 5). T he
sma ll spirac ular per itremata a re situated in the a nterior part of the prop od cum.
a nd they a re one quart er 01" its lengt h. T he to ta l length is ca. 1.5 mm ,

The host fi g record ed by G ra ndi. i.c.. Ficus lapatliifoli« Miq .. is a species of

Phunnacosvcca. but the na me is o fte n given to mat erial belon ging to one 01" the
Meso- American forms of Ficus trig onat a L. Wiebcs ( 1995: 170) used the syno­
nym F m ora zoniuna Burger (Cos ta Rica) . See also nos. 19. 2 1. 46. and 51.
P .' lopcsi . graudi i, bruucri. a nd dano rutn . which were recorded from the same
species 01" fi g.

17. Pcgoscapus aer umnosus (G ra nd i) (Iig. ~ l' I

G ra nd i. Boll. lst. Em. Uni v. Bologna 10. :'9 (,.' II cJ .'-' . 15" 1'1"/'/1<1"" I ' ulent inclla) . dcscr. '? <3 . Brazil.
host: Fim.l 1'('/'lI1i/llg" Miq.: Wiebes. Proc. K" I1 . \ ," 1. \ b d . \ \ c:1. le i 1I9. 3:'2 ( 198(,. discussion of
host record) .

Th e fema le head is as lon g as wide acro s-, th e co mpo und eyes. or a bit sho rter.
Ante nna (fig. Sc): the fifth to tenth ant cnn al ~ e g m e n h hear many lon g scus illa.
in 1'/c-2 rows. in th e followin g numbers per l ucic- ; - in th e dista l 1'0\1 of the fifth
segme nt a nd a few in th e pro ximal. th e sixt h to ninth segments ca . 14 IRscnsilla.
th e tenth ca . 15 in two distin ct ro ws. the eleventh GI. 10. TIlL' mand ib ular a ppe nd­
age bear s ca . 6 ventra l lam ellae. T he ma xillae bea r t wo sub-a pical setae a nd o ne
la tera l: the labium has o ne a pical seta .
Th e postm ar ginal vein of the fo re wing is sho rt. Th e fore tibia ha s two teeth
in th e dor so-apic al comb: the amia xial tooth of the hind tibia is tri -cu spid at e.
The va lves of the ov ipos ito r a rc sho rter th an the gas ter.

Th e male head is shor t. approximatel y as lo ng as wide : the eyes a rc bul ging. one
qu arter o f th e length of the head . T he a n ulus of the a nte nna is half as lon g as
wide. indi sti nctl y divid ed. and the a pica l segme nt is four times as lon g.
Th e pr on otum is as lon g as wide a nte riorly a nd o ne-sixth wider poster iorl y.
The spiracular pcrit rcm ata , la tera l in position. a rc ha lf a ~ lon g as the pr op o­
dcum ,

Th e host fig is unid enti fied (Brazil). but a seco nd. probably identi cal sa mple
(first indica ted a s B. (//' ('((1/(/ Grand i. nom en nudum ) came from Ficus ven nifug«
Miq .. which is a syno nym of F adlia todifoliu Scho tt. in Spr eng. Thi s is a species
of 1'//(/1'/1/(/('(1.101' ('( '(/ . a nd thu s th e record is pr ob abl y wron g.

IX. Pcgosca pus philip pi (G rand i)

G randi . Boll. La b. 1 001. l' o rtici 30. I :' ( 19.1(,. Bt" .\ llI p /IiI"''' ( I ir/" III; II"//" ). de-cr. '? <3 . Argentina I:
.) G ran di. Boll. lst. l.m. Univ. Bologna lu, (, l) ( 19.1 8. BI" .I/l1p /IiI"''' ( I ulcntincllu), Brazil).

The fem ale head is a bit sho rte r th an wide ac ross the co mpou nd eyes. which ar c
a bit lon ger th an the check . Th e fifth to eleventh ani cnn al scgmc nr. bear
1'/c- 2 rows of scnsilla. in the following numbers per fa l'i e ~ : the fifth ('. the <ixth
and seventh 7 + 7. th e eighth and tenth I I. th e ninth 1(1. a nd th e eleventh
5 + 3. T he mandibul ar append age bea rs 7 PI' :-: v cntrul lamell ae. T he ma xillae
bea r two sub-a pica l setae a nd one lateral: the labi um ha ~ o ne apic a l seta.
Th e postrn a rgin al vein of the fore \\ ing i ~ <ho rt . The fore tibi a bear s two teeth
in the dor so-api ca l co mb: th e antiu xial too th PI' th e hind tibi a is tr i-cuspid at e.
T he va lves of the ov ipos ito r arc sub-equal in length to th e gaster. T he co lo ur
is chestn ut-bro wn.

.1 1


"'t.: ..
T he male head is longer th an wide ( 1. 1); th e eye is o ne qu arter of th e len gt h o f
th e head . The a nte nna bea rs tw o a n uli, whi ch ma y be ind istinc t vent ra lly.
The pro notum is as lon g as wid e an te r iorl y and sho rte r th an wide po steriorly
(0.8). The spirac ula r per itremata a re five-seve nths of th e len gth o f th e propo­

The ho st fig is a n un identified spec ies (A rge ntina. " Brazil).

G ro up of Pegoscupu s lopesi (nos . 19- 20 and 2 1-22 )

19. Pegoscapus lopesi (Ma nga beiro Fi lho)

Man gab eiro F ilho . Mem. Inst. Oswa ldo C ruz 32. 46 1-468 (1937. Eup istrina . descr. 'i' <3 . Brazil):
Wic bcs, I'roc. Kon . Ned . Akad. Wet. (C) 116. 244 ( 1983. 'i' in key): Wicbcs, I'roc. Ko n . Ned . Ak ad . :' . ~

We t. 911. 173-1 74 ( 1995. rcdesc r. 'i' <3 . Pa na ma . host: Ficus nea r trigonat a: com p, with P. pice ipes a nd
tomentelluc v.

The fem al e head is o ne-third sho rt er th an w ide ac ross th e m ore o r less bul gin g.
compound eyes (0 .75) . whic h a re app ro xim at ely 1 ~/3 tim es as lon g as the chee k. ~,
The fifth a nte nna l segment bears 5 sensilla in o ne row. t he sixth to tenth ca . 15
(on th e sixth rather ir regul arl y pla ced ). as a lso o n th e eleve nth. whe re th ey a re
placed in two ro ws. T he m andibular ap pe ndage bea rs 9 ve ntra l lamellae. T he
m axill ae bea r tw o sub-a pica l setae a nd three lat er al ; th e labium ha s two a pica l
setae .
T he fo re tibia hea rs two teeth in th e dorsa-a pical co m b. the a ntiax ial tooth
of the hin d tibia is tri- cu sp id ate . T he ovi po sito r-va lves a re l l/~ times a s lon g as
th e ga ster. T he tot al lengt h is I..i 1.5 mm . T he co lo ur is dark b rown.

The ma le head is di st inctly lon ge r tha n wide ( 1.2); th e eye is o ne-fi ft h of th e

len gt h o f the head . T he an tenna ha s t wo d istinct a n uli.
The pron otum (wit h a d ist inct co lla r) is I I : tim es a s long as wide a nterior ly.
a nd a lmost as lon g as wide post eriorl y (0.9 ). T he spira cula r peritrem a tu a re half
a s lon g as th e th e propod eum .

The spec ies was d esc ribed from a n unidenti fied species o f fig (B ra zil) ; lat er . th e
host fig wa s id ent ified with Ficus near trigonata L. (P an ama ). F rom F trigonata
nos. 16. 2 1. 46. a nd 5 1. P aguilari . g randii. bri111 cri. a nd dan orum wer e reco rded .

20. Pegoscapus tomentellae Wieb es (fig. 4b )

Wiebes. I'r oc. Ko n. Ned . Akud . Wet. (C) 116. 244. 246 - 248 ( 1983. descr. 'i' <3 . Brazil. host: Fim s
Miq .): Wicbcs. Proc, Kon . Ned . Akad . Wet. 911. 174 ( 1995. camp . with P. lopcsi).
I OIl/ C/lI e//a

The fem ale head is not q uite as lo ng as wide across th e compound eyes (0.9 ).
whic h a re I J4 tim es as long as th e chee k . The a nten na I segme nts (so me: fig. 4b)


~ '-
bear one row of 9 (the fifth). or ca . 12 (the sixth to tenth). o r two rows of (in
tot al ten ) sensilla (on the eleventh segment I. The mand ibul a r appe ndage bears
':' ' ~h 9 ventra l lam ellae. T he maxillae bea r two sub-a pica l setae a nd three lat eral; the
..;'\ ,- labium has two a pical setae.
T he vena tion of th e fore wing is red uced to an inco mplete subma rgina l. Th e
fore tibia has two teeth in the dor sa- a pica l comb. the hin d tibia bea rs a tri­
cuspida te an tiaxia l to o th. T he ov ipo sito r-va lves arc distin ctly lo nger th an the
gaster ( 1.2). T he tota l length is ca . 1.9 mrn . The colour is dark brow n.

The male head is lo nger th an wide ( 1.4): the eye is o ne-sixt h of the length of the
head . T he a ntenna has o ne a nulu s. an d in some spec imens the a pica l segment
is divided at or befo re hal f length .
. , 1.
T he pro not um is ca . two tim es as lon g as wide a t half length . T he spirac ular
\ ..,,: peritrema ta are a littl e over hal f as lon g as th e (lat eral ) length of th e pr op ­
: .: \ ~
odc urn .

:: n~.
T he host fig is Ficus totuent ella Miq . (Br azil).

: 1~
2 I. Pcgoscapu s grandii (Hoffmeyer)

.11" ...'
11 () ITm ~y ~ r. Enl. Mcdd r. IX. IR6 -1 92 ( 1932. Blast ophag« (J II!i{/l/e!!{/1. dcsc r, 9 0 . Enlad or) : Wicbes.
I h,' Proc. Kon . Ned. Akad . We I. 9X. 174 -1 75 ( 1995. rcdcscr. 9 0 typ e-sp ecim en s: 90 . Pan ama . host :
' k ·,t1 Ficus trigonat« L.).

'<'t h Th e fema le head is a lmost as lon g as wide across th e co mpo und eyes (0.95).
:- .Is which arc I I/~ tim es as lo ng as th e check . T he fifth to eleven th a ntenna l segments
bear o ne ro w of sensilla. in the followin g num bers: the fifth 8. the sixth 9. the
seventh to tenth 12 or 13. a nd th e eleventh some 10. T he man d ibular a ppendage
:h(' bea rs 9 ventra l lam ellae. T he maxilla bears two ap ical setae and o ne lateral. the
la bium has two apical setae .
'rho T he vena tio n of th e fore wing is redu ced to the submargina l vein. T he fore
~ 1.l1 f tibia has a tri de nta te do rsa- a pical co mb of teeth: the antiax ial tooth of th e hind
tibia is tri-cu spid at e. T he valves of th e ov ipo sito r a re o ne q uarter lon ger than
the gaster . T he tot al length is ca . 1.4 rum. T he co lo ur is da rk br ow n.
T he male head is dist inctl y lon ger th an wide (7 : 5): the eye is o ne-fifth of th e
length o f th e head . T he a nte nna has o ne d ist inct a uulus and the dista l segmen t
is very indis tinctly subdivided in three part s. in ra tio I : I . 2.
T he pron otum (wit h a dist inct co llar) is t wo times as lo ng as wide a nte rior ly.
a nd th e po ster ior width is litt le sho rter th a n the length (0.9). T he spiracula r
per itrernuta occupy th ree-fifths of the length of t he prop od eu m.

T he species was described from Ficus sp. I Ecuado r): th e host fig in Pan am a is
\J I. Ficus trigonata L. See a lso nos. 1(1. It). -1 6. a nd 5 1. P ag uilari, ? lopesi . bruncri.
-It-- I and £1(/1/01'/1111 . reco rded fro m the same species o f fig.

22. Pegoscapus torresi (G ra nd i) ;. t

Grandi . Bol l. Lab . Z oo l. Port ici I-t, 261 - 264 ( 1920. 13lo.\ /II/,!l<Ig o liuncll u), desc r, '? O. Co st a R ica .
host: Fi('lI.I vclut ina W illd . ): Ram irez. U niv. Ka nsa s Sci . Bull. .t9. .' 9 ( 19 70 . Blustopluu; « i Pcgoscapus),
C o sta R ica . ho st: licus vclutin« W iild . ): Wicbcs, Pro c . Ko n. Ned . Akad . WeI. (C) 116 . 244 ( 19R3 . '?
in ke y): Wicbcs, Pro c . Kon . Ned . Ak a d . WeI. 911. 170 ( 199) . 9 in key) .

Th e fe male head is much sho rter th a n wide ac ross th e compo und eyes (0.85).
which arc 2. 1 times as lon g as the check . T he fi rth to tenth a ntenna l segments
bear o ne row or scnsilla, in th e following numbers per facies: th e firth 6 o r 7.
th e sixth (where th e row is a bit irreg ula r) to tenth ()- 12: a nd th e eleventh seg­
ment has 1'/2row o r 7 sensilla. T he mand ibul ar a ppendage bea rs 8 vcntra l Iarncl­
lac. T he maxillae bea r two sub-apica l setae a nd fo ur lat eral : th e la bium has two
apica l setae.
Th e vena tion or the fore wing is red uced to an inco mplete subma rginal. T he
fore tibia bears three teeth in the do rso-a pica l comb : the an tiuxial tooth o r th e
hind tibi a is tri-cuspidat e. Th e valves o r th e ov ipos ito r a rc a bit sho rte r th an th e ~~

ga ster. T he tot a l length is 1.75 nun . T he co lo ur is bro wn.

T he male head is much lon ger th an wide ( \ .25): the eye is o ne-sixth or the length
o r th e head . T he an ten na has o ne a nulus a nd the distal segment is d ivided at on e
q ua rte r o r its length.
T he pro notum . wh ich has a distinct collar. is 11/2 times as lon g as wide an tcr i­
o rly a nd 1.2 times , IS lon g ,tS wide poste rior ly. T he spiracula r pcrit rcm uta arc
two-firths o lt hc length of the pro pod cum .

Th e lio xt fig i, FiC/ II vclu t itta Willd. (Cos ta Rica ).

C ro up o r !'Cg U I Uljl lI .I n l ! ICJ'UC (nos. n -25 [nos. 24 a nd 25. P kraussi and

P. II I'!JlI /l ll C may belon g in th e next gro up"])

23. Pegoscapus estherae (G ra nd i) (fig. Sd)

G ra nd i. Boll. La b . Z oo l. Po rti ci D . 2() 33 (\ 9\ 9. B! a.l/ o!' !l<Iga ( I uk-ntincl!.n. de-c r. ';' d . C o sta Ri ca .
host: Ficus cost uricun « v l iq .): Ram irez. U niv. Ka nsa s Sci. Bul l. .t9 . 39 ( 19 70. B!a .llo!'!l<Iga ( /' ('gll­
.lClI!I/I.\ ). C o sta R ica . ho st: Ficn» costuruan« M iq . ): W ieb cs. Pro c. KOIl. Ne d . A kad . WeI. 911. 171
( 199). '? in key). ".

T he fema le head is shorte r th an wide across th e co mp o und eyes (0.85 ). which

arc I ' : times as lon g as th e check. T he firth to eleventh a ntenna! segments bear
one rl)\\ l)r scnsill«. in the follow ing numbers per facies: the firth 1. 2. o r ~ . the
sixth -I. the scvcnrh t o nin th 5- 7. th e tent h 5 or 6. a nd th e elevent h ~ . T he
man di bular appL' ndage bea rs II ventra l lam ellae. T he maxillae bear two sub­
ap ical seta e a nd til l) o r three la teral: th e labium has two a pica l setae .
T he vena tio n l ) " the Iorc \\ ing is co mplete. b ut the postrna rgina l vein is very
sho rt . Th e fore tibia bears three la rge teeth in the dor sa -a pical co mb : th e a nti­

axial tooth o r the hin d tibia (fig. 5d ) i ~ rath er wide. tri-cu spid at e, a nd th ere is
a n axial ro w with a number o r sma ller teet h. T he valves o r th e ovipositor ar c
as lon g as th e gaster, o r a bit sho rter. T he to ral length is 1 ~I .l mrn . T he colour
is chestnut-bro wn.

Th e male head is as lon g as wide : th e eye i~ o nc-tifth o r the length o r th e head .

" .' I . T he a ntenn a has o ne distin ct a nulus a nd the d i ~ta l segment i ~ di vided a t o ne-firth
,' : ~ r­ o r its length .
Th e pron oium has a distinct co llar. it i ~ 1.2 times a ~ lon g ,h \I ide a n t e r i o rl~
... .::.: ­ and 1.1 tim es as lon g as wide posteriorly . T he spiracular pcritrcm.u a a rc hall'
: ~; 1­ as lon g as th e prop od cum .
,1.( \

T he host fig is Ficus costaricana (Licb m.) Miq . (Costa Rica) . I ha vc seen the
I '·. " ' species a lso from Pan ama .
: :1;
. :1; 24. Pegoscapus kraussi (G randi)

Gra nd i. Boll. lst. Ent. Univ, Bologna 19. 47 50 ( 1952. BI" SllIp//(/g" ( I ulcutincllu), dcscr, 'i'. Mexico.
..: t h host: Fi cu» cotinil olia II.B . & K.): Wicbcs, Proc . Kon. Ned. Akad . Wet. 911, 171l ( 1995. 9 in key).

T he fcm ulc head is as lon g as wide across th e compoun d eyes. T he firth to
: :"; ­ eleventh a ntcnna l segments bear o nc row or scnsilla. in th e follo wing numbers
per facies: the firth and sixth J. th e seventh to tenth 6. and the eleventh 4. Th e
man dibul ar a ppenda ge bear s 6,9 ventra l lam ellae. T he ma xillae bear t wo sub­
a pical setae a nd two lutcrul: the labium has two a pical setae.
Th e postm a rginal vein o r the ra re wing is very sho rt. T he fore tibia bear s three
teeth in the dor sa -api cal co mb: the a ntia xial tooth o r the hind tibi a has five
: ~ \.1 cusps. Th e valves o r th e ov ipos ito r a re a bit lo nger th an th e gaster. T he co lour
is Iigh t bro wn.

Th e male is not know n.

Th c host fig is Ficus cotiniioli« H.B. & K. (Mexico ).

25. Pegoscapus urbanae (Ra mirez) (fi g. Si-j )

Rami rez. Uuiv. Kan sas Sci. Bull. 49. 24 26 ( 1971l. R1" ' I "I ' Ii " ~ ,, I / '<~"'«II'/I ' I . lie'".,.. , .:' . ( 'o,t a
Rica. host: Ficus illll'!lleN" Sta ndley ): Wicbc-, 1'1'0" . Kl' n. ",cd , vk.«]. \\ ,' 1. lJll. 171l (1995. 'i in

The female head is a bit sho rter than \\ ide a LT,)~~ the co mpo und eyes. Antenna
(fig. Si): the fifth to eleventh untcn na l ~e g me n h ha ve o ne ro w o r scnsillu, in th e
follo wing numbers per [acics: the lirth 3 or 4. the sixth 4. the seventh 5 o r (1. the
eighth a nd tenth 5. th e ninth 5 o r h. and the eleventh J. T he fo urth to eleventh
segments a ntenna bea r flat. lon g. projecting bristles. Th e mandi bula r appcnd agc


bears ( 10 - )12 ventral lam ellae. T he ma xillae bear t \\0 sub-a pica l setae a nd thre e
lat eral: th e la bium ha s two ap ica l setae.
T he po stma rgina l vein of the fore wing is short. Th e fo re tibia has three teeth
in the dorso-apica l co mb: th e a ntiaxia l tooth o f the hind tibia (fig. 5j) ha s fi ve
cusps. T he co lo ur is black .

T he male head is as lon g a s wide . T he a ntenna has o ne a nulus.

T he pro no t um is as lon g as wide a nterio rly a nd sho rte r than wide posteri o rly
(0.8). T he spiracula r pcritrc ma ta a re hal f as lon g as the pr opodeum .

T he host fi g is Fi cIIS isoplilebia Sta ndley (Costa R ica ). F isoplilcb ia is part o f th e

co mplex of F aurc« .

G ro up of Pcgoscupus silves trii (nos . 26- 28 [a lso nos. 24 and 25. P kraussi a nd
urbana c ma y belo ng hcrc'lj)

26. Pegoscapu s sllvestrii (G ra nd i)

Gran d i. 1301 1. La b. Zoo I. I'ort iei 13. 39 42 ( 1919. 8 !(/I /o!J!lIIgo ( lidn llil/"!!o ). dcscr, '2. Cos ta
Rica. host: Fi ellS !",, !i! i,!io H.13 . & K.): G ra nd i. 1301 1. Lab . Zoo I. Po rtiei 13. 36 .w ( 1919. 11/(/1­
/O!J!llIg o ( I ulcntincllu) tristuni. dcxcr, ': Costa Rica): Grandi . 13011. Lab . Zoo I. Port ici 14. 251 (1920.
mistak e J B. II : ! silvcsnii tristani, host : F !lIItii/o!iO) : Bo ucck. .I. nat . Hist. 27. fi g. 51 (1993.
o head ): Wicbc-. I'roc. K OIl . "cd. .vkud . WeI. 911. IXO ( 1995. l'a n.una. host: Ficus ! "'I"/II.l o
LiIl Il J . ).

T he fem al e head is sho rte r tha n wide acr oss the compou nd eyes (0.9). which is
2.2 times a, le)ng as the chec k. Th e: fift h to eleventh a nte nn a] segments bea r o ne
rc1\\ o f scnsill«. in ih c I'p lle )\\ ing nu mbers per fac ies: the fifth and sixth 4 o r 5.
th e seve nth te) ten th - l) . a nd the eleven th 2 o r 3: the distal segme nts bea r ro bust
setae . Th e ma nd ibula r a ppendage bL' ~ II' , (7- )9 ventra l lamellae. T he maxillae
bea r t wo sub-a pica l -c tac and one late ral: the la bium has two ap ical setae.
T he post ma rginul vein o ft he I'e)re: \\ iug is sho rt. T he fo re tib ia bear s three teeth
in the dor so-api cal co m b: the .uu iaxial to oth of the hind tibia is tri -cu sp idat e.
Th e valves of th e o vipo sito r a rc a, lo ng ~[,; th e: gas ter. Th e tot al length is 1.4 nun .
T he co lo ur is da rk brown .

T he male head is lon ger tha n wide ( 1.11: the: eye: is o ne-fifth of th e len gth of the
head . Th e antenna has o ne a n ulus a nd the: dista l segme nt is di vided at o ne
qu arter of its length.
T he pro no t um. which has a d istinct co lla r. is lo nger th an wide ante riorly (1.4 )
an d posteriorl y ( 1. 1). T he spiracula r pcritrcm .n u a re two-thi rds o f th e length of
th e prop od cu m.

T he host jig is Fi ctts padif olia I-LB. & K. (Cos ta Rica. Pa nam a ). wh ich is a
syno nym o f F / WI'/IISiI Linn .r. See also nos. II . 27. a nd 41. P basch icrii. I ristaui.
a nd iI('/I /II /II S. which were recor ded from the sa me species o f fig.

27. Pegoscapu s tristani (Gra ndi)

Grandi . Bo ll. Lab . Zo ol. Port ici t3 . 3.\ -36( 1919. HI" ' I "!, ;" ' ~ " I'r/('/I/il/ella).d escr. '? C o sta Rica ):
. " ,' : ,J
G ra nd i. Bo ll. Lab . Zo ol. Portici 13. 42- 44 ( 1919. HI" ' I "I , ;' '' ~ , 'I I 'alvntinella ) silvcs irii. dcscr. O. C os ta
Rica): G ra ndi . Bol l. Lab . Z oo l, Po rt ic i I·t 2 ~ 1 11'>:11. mi-t. rkc :' B. I I : ) silvcst rii - tristani. host :
Ficus sp. ): Wicbcs, 1'1'0<: . Ko n. Ned . Akad . \ \'c' l. 'IX. I SII II 'i'i' . ~ -3 . Pa na ma. ho st: Ficus per/lisa
Linn .f. ).

' :" :'1\ T he fema le head is shorter than wide across the co mpo und eyes (0.9). which arc
1.1 times as lon g as the check. Th e fi fth to elevent h a ntenna l segme nts bear one
row of sensilla, in the following num bers per facies: the fifth a nd sixt h cu. .\
::1...: ( 1-4 ). the seventh to ninth .\ or 4. the tenth .\. a nd the eleventh I or ~ : the dista l
segments bear ro b ust setae . T he man di bular a ppe ndage bea rs ((1- )9 ventral
lamellae. T he maxillae bea r two sub-a pical setae an d one lat er al: the lab ium has
.::h l two apical setae .
T he pos tmargi na l vein of the fore wing is sho rt. T he fore tibia bears three teeth
in the dorso-api cal co mb: the a ntiaxial toot h of the hind tibia is tri-cuspidat e.
Th e valves of the ovi posto r a rc I '/~ times as lon g as the gas ter. T he tot al length
• •1 is 1.15 mm . Th e co lour is chestnut-brow n.

T he male head is a bit lon ger than wide: the eye is one-fifth of the length of the
head. T he anten na has one a uulus and the distal segment is d ivided at one
q ua rter of its length .
T he pronotu m has a distinct co llar and is 1.1 times as long as wide ante rior ly
. .... :1 h and as long as wide posteriorl y. T he spirac ular per itre ma ta arc hal f as lon g as
-nc the prop cd cum .

,"' d , t The host fig is Ficus padifolia H.B. & K. (Co sta Rica. Pan am a ). a syno nym of
:: ;,IC F pcrtusa Linn.I. T he biological no tes pu blished by Bron stein ( 1987. 1988a- c.
1991) an d Bron stein & Hollm ann ( 1987) under the name of Pcgoscupus silvcstrii
:,',' 1h may ra ther co ncern P trist an i (Wiebcs, 1995: 180). Sec also nos. I I. 16. a nd 41.
. . : . 1[;,.•. . P baschierii. silvcst rii. a nd 0('11111/ 11.1'. which were recorded from the same species
.n m . of fi g.

28. Pegoscapus flavlscapus (Ashmea d)

: I he'
, 'Fl C Ash mead . Mcm . Ca rne gie M LIS. I. 3'14 (1904. Eis cuia, de-cr. ' . Bra/ il l.

. : -+ I T he fema le head is a littl e lon ger than wide acr,)ss the compo und eyes ( 1. 1).
., ,\ 1 which a re ca . 1.8 times as lon g as the check. T here only is one complete antenna
(the left ) a nd there seems to be only one ro \\ ,)1' scnsilla per segment and ra ther
man y long setae . which ma ke th e fl agellum brush-lik e. Th e mandi bul ar ap pend­
:' :1 age bears 6 o r 7 ventral lamellae.
.r u, T he veins of the fore wing (on ly on e present. folded) a re not visible. T he fore
tibia has a dorso-apical co mb of three teet h. T he spirac ular pcrit rcmat a of the

eigh th urot ergite a rc sma ll a nd subcircu la r. The val ves of the ov iposito r arc
appro xim at ely 1.75 tim es as long as the ga ste r. Th e tot al len gth is ca . I mm , T he
co lo u r is black . poli sh ed .

Th e male is not kn own .

Th e ho st fig is unkn own (Bra zil). Th ank s to the kind help of Drs. J .E. R awlins
(Pitt sburgh) a nd E.E . G risse ll (Wa shingt on) ( could lo cate and st udy th e ho­
lot ypc fem al e (th e o nly specime n kn own ). wh ich is no w kept in th e Na tiona l
Mu seum o f N atural Hi st ory (Wa shin gton), not in the Ca rnegie Museum (Pitt s­
bu rgh) (sec c.g.. Wall ace , 1948: 17) . It is well p re ser ved and severa l import ant
charact er s a rc visible, such a s the almost bu shy antenna and th e tri-d ent at e fore
tibi a. by which th e species can be classified with the g ro up o f Pcgoscapus si/­
vest iii .

Gro up o f Pcg oscapus III c xi('(/II II S (n o s. 29-41 )

29. Pegoscapus mcxicanus (A shmead ) (fig. Sf)

Ashmead . Mem . Ca rnegie Mu s. 1. 233 234 . 373 ( 1904. Eiscnia. dcscr. ? 6 in key. Mexico): Gi rau lt.
Ent. Ne ils Phil ad. 29. 126 ( 191R. Srctn ulciscn i« iEiscn ictkn . dcscr. ? ): Gahan & Peck . J. Wa sil. Acad.
Sci. 36 . .\ I:> ( 1946. Sccutulciscnia, ty pe ( 1'1'0 111 Mexico) : Wolc ot t. J, Agric. Univ. Puerto R ico 32. 77 1
( 194R. SCm l/l !t'i,\(·/li ll . Puert o Rico . I1<1S1: Ficus lacvigata): M ucscbcc k. K ro m bc in & To wne s, Agric.
M onogr. U. S. Dept. .·\ gric. 2. 519 ( 195 1. Sccumlciscnia, Flori da . ho sts: Fi cus au rcu a nd wild <p . o f
Ficus): Butcher. Flo rida l .m om . 47. 2.~' ( 1964. ? 6 . Fl orid a. ho sts: Ficus 1I/l/,('1I a nd !clI l'ig llf(/ ):
WicbcxP roc. K,\n. '-.c'd, ,\ bll. \\ 'e l.lJS.1 7' 176(199 :>.rede ser. ? typc. dcscr. 6 . = I' jill /(,/ /('~ i se n su
Wieh,·, . I ') ,' .~ . I' r,Ic', K" I1 , '-."d . \ bd , \\ 'e t. 1('1 SIl. 2:>2 . not P i ill/l 'lI c~ i Gra nd i. 1919: Florid a . host :
t: (1I 1I'( 'lI '-. uu .ill i .

The femal e head is sho rt er than wide across th e co m po und eyes (0.8 ), whi ch a rc
1.8 tim es a s long as th e ch eck . The firth to tenth a n te nna I seg me n ts bear o ne row
o f in tot al 8 - 10 sc ns illa . the eleve nth ha s 6. M outh -part s (fig. Sl) : th e mandible
ha s a sha rp. pointed apex: the appenda ge bears 8 ven tra l lam ellae . Th e m a xill ae
bea r tw o s ub-a pica l setae and o ne la teral: the labium ha s tw o a pica l setae.
T he po stm arginal vei n o f the fore win g is red uced to a ve ry sho rt st um p . Th e
fore tibia ha s a d orso- apical comb o f three sho rt teeth : th e hind tibi a bears a
tri- cu spid at e a ntiax ia l to oth . The ov iposito r-valves arc not quit e (II: times a s
lon g as th e gaste r. The tot al len gth is ca . I . J nu n . The co lo ur is dar k brown .

T he m ale head is as wide a s lon g: th e eye is o ne-s ixt h o f th e len gth of th e head .
Th e a n te n na ha s tw o di stinct anul i and the api cal seg me n t is di vid ed a t o ne- firt h
of its len gth .
The pr on oturn. which ha s a di stinct colla r. is 1.2 tim es as lon g a s wide anteri­
o rly a nd a bit sho rte r th an wide po steri orl y (0 .9 ). Th e spira cula r peritrem ata arc
half as long as th e pr op odcurn .

:--. ~ ~ ~ .:r,,-' Th e host fig is Ficus (/ I/ /"(,(/ N utta ll (Mex ico. Ca liforn ia. Florida ). See for co mpa r­
I h.: ison no . 30. Pegoscapus jintcnc:i,

30. Pegoscapus jimenezi (G ra ndi)

G ra nd i. Boll. Lab . Zool. Portici 13. 50 · 56 ( 1010. 81(/ ' I "l' h , / ~(/ I I 'alvnrincllrt ), descr, '( cS. Costa Rica.
host: Firnsiimcnczi! Standle y): Ram irez. Uuiv. Ka n, a, SL·i. Bull. ~9 . ~0 ( 1070. Cos ta Rica. host: Ficus
R . t '.\ li nx
/ i /l /( ' I I<': i i Standle y): Wicbcs, Proc. Ko n. Ned . .v kad . \\ ~ t. 9X. \ - 1' and 176 (1005. '( in key & '( cS
: he' Ih l ­ COl11p . with I' /I /( ' Xi CIII/ II S) .
' .:[I<1l1 al
: : ~ I Pi t h ­
T he fema le head is a bit sho rter th an wide ac ro ss th e co mpou nd eyes (O.lJ:'i).
::;', ' rta I1t which a rc 2.2 tim es as lon g as th e check. T he fifth to tenth .uu cnn a l scgmcnrs
: .: 1,' to re
bea r o ne row of 3-5 scnsilla per fac ies. th e eleventh ca . 3 in tot al. T he ma ndi ble
:" \i/ ­ has a very sharp apical tooth: th e mandi bul a r a ppendage bea rs 6. or 7 o r S.
ventral lamell ae. T he ma xillae bear two sub-a pical setae a nd three lat eral: th e
labium has o ne or two a pica l setae .
T he po sim a rg inal vein o r th e fo re wing is redu ced to a very sho rt stump. T he
fo re tibia bears three teeth in th e do rso- upical co mb: the antiaxia l tooth o r th e
hind tibia is tri -cuspidat e. Th e valves of th e ov iposi to r a re o ne-t hird lon ger than
the gaster. T he tot al length is ca . 1.15 rum . Th e colour is chestnut-brow n,
1, :' .ttl1t.
\ ' ;Id .
32. - -I
Th e male head is as lon g as wide : th e eye is o ne-sixth of the length o r th e head .
\ ~l iL· .
Th e antenna has two distinct anuli a nd th e distal segment is divided at one-fifth
"' ;'. {\( o r its length .
.:», I J: T he pro noturn . which has a di stin ct co llar. is lon ger th an wide a nteriorly ( 1.2)
......' Il .... u
and a lmos t as lon g as wide posteriorl y (0.9). T he spirac ular pcrit rcmat a ar e half
:l l h t :
as lon g as th e pr opod cum .

T he host fig is Ficus jimcnezii Sta nd ley (Costa Rica ). Berg has F j intcucz ii as
".:, h arc
a syno nym or Ficus (/ I/ /"C(/ N utt a ll. the host or no . 29. Pcgoscapu« m exicanu s.
.:: " 1\ 111'
Pegoscapus jimencz i is very simila r to P niexicanus. yet dis tinct, c.g. by the
.::" Iihle
lon ger female head (l/w 0.95 vs. 0.8) and co mpo und eye (2.2 times the cheek vs.
':.:\ J1 1 ~ le
1.8). and th ree lat eralm axillar seta e (vs. o nly o ne): in the male sex c.g.. by having
o nly one distin ct a ntenna l anulus.
'. ;' T he
""',.:.1r-, a
: :~ . .' . . a~
31. Pe goscapus argentinensi s (Blan char d ) ( 9 . cover)
·· ··.\ n .
Bla ncha rd. Acta Z,IOI. Lilloan a 2. .'0 1 .'0.' (1044. 81I1 "/ ,,!)h (/~ ,, . dL" LT .vrgcntinu. ho-t : Firt rs
I/W/'O/lW Cast ., ace . to Cas tella nos. 1044. Rev. Bot. ln-.t . ' \ l ig u~ 1 Lillo' 1ll. 4R51.
: :i-' :Id.
·.: · iil·th T he fema le head is shorter th an wide across the compo und eyes (0.85). which
a rc hall' as lon g as th e head . T he firth to eleventh antenna l segments bear
.: : ~t ,' n - o ne row of 4 (the fi rth a nd sixth). 7-'1\ (the seventh to ninth). 6 (the tenth ).
::.1.rrc o r 5 scnsilla (the eleventh). T he mand ibul ar appendage bea rs 7 ventra l
lam ellae.

T he postm arginal vein o r th e for e wing is d istinct. almost hall' as lon g as th e
stigmal. but not totall y pigment ed . Th e fo re tibia ha s a d or so- api cal co mb or
th ree teeth . Th e valves or th e ov ipositor are sho rte r tha n th e gas te r (ca. 0.7). T he
tot al length is ca . 1.1 mm . Th e co lo ur is black .

Th e male is not kn own .

Th e host fig was described by Castella nos a nd nam ed Ficus 11/(/ 1'011/(/ Cast.
(A rgenti na ).

32. Pegoscapus cabrerai (Blancha rd)

Blanchard. Acta Z ool. Lilloana 2. JOJ -JO ) ( 1944. dcscr. '? Blust ophag« . A rge ntina . host: Ficus
:' ,\I 'Jll k ii ).

Th e fem a le head is mu ch sho rte r than wide across the co mpo und eyes (0.8).
which are hall' as lon g as the head . T he firth to eleventh a nten na l segmen ts bear
o ne row or 5 sensilla (t he fifth ). 9 (th e sixth a nd ninth ). II (the seventh a nd
eighth). 8 (the tenth). a nd 6 scnsilla (the eleventh). Th e mandibul ar a ppendage
bea rs 9 vent ra l lamellae .
T he postm a rginal vein o r th e Io re wing is distin ct: ca . o ne-third or th e length
or the stigma l. but not tot all y pigme nted . T he fo re tibi a seems to have a dor so­
apica l co mb or three teeth: th e a ntiax ial tooth or th e hind tib ia is tri-cu sp idate.
Th e valves o r the ovipos ito r a rc slightly sho rte r tha n th e gas ter (0.95 ): Th e tot al
len gth is ca . J.-l nun . T he colour is dar k bro wn.

T he male is no t k no wn.

Th e host lig is Ficus .' slonk ii (A rgentina): accord ing to Vazq uez ( 1985: 382) th is
is a syno nym o r Ficus luschnat iuua ( ~'vl iq .) M iq .

33 . Pegosca pus elisae (G 1''1 nd i )

Gran di . Boll . La b. Zoo I. Po rt ic i 30. ) X( 193(,. 8/<l I /o/ ' //(/g<l ( I ulcnt inclla ). dc scr. '? O. Peru ): Wicbcs.
" ro c. K OIl . Ned . Akad , Wet. lJX. 177 (199 5. com p. with P /,ieci/w\).

Th e fem ale head is a bit sho rter than wide across th e co mpo und eyes. which a re
a bit lon ger th an th e chee k. Th e firth to eleven th a nte nna l segme nts ha ve o ne
r o w or scnsilla. in th e follow ing n umbers per facies: the firth 3 o r 4. th e sixth
5. the seventh 6. th e eighth to tenth 7. a nd the eleventh 4. Th e mandibul ar
appe ndage bears 8 ventra l lam ellae. Th e maxillae bea r two sub-a pical seta e a nd
o ne lat era l: th e la bium ha s two apical setae.
Th e vena tio n or the fore wing is full y develop ed . th e postm arginal vein is
short. T he fore tibia bears th ree teeth in th e do rso-api eal co mb: the anti axial


r: .: : :1..:
tooth of th e hind tibi a is tri -cuspid at e. the valves of the ov ipos ito r ar c dist inct ly
~ ~ ~ ~ ., \)1
lo nger th an the gaster. Th e co lour is mor e 1) 1' less dar k. ches t n ut-bro wwn .
Jh e'

The ma le head is a bit lo nger than wid e II . ~ l: th e eye is o ne-fifth of th e length

of the head . Th e antenna has o ne distin ct un ulus a nd the dista l segme nt is di­
vided a t o ne-tenth of its len gth .
Th e pr on oium ha s a distinct collar: it is I ' , tim es as lon g as wide anterior ly
'.. ( ·'ht.
and 1.2 tim es as lo ng as wide posteri or ly. Th e spirac ula r pcritrcm.u a a rc two­
thirds o f th e length o f the pr opod c um .

T he host Iig is unkn own (Peru).

I ,",
34. Pcgosca pus mariac (R amirez)

Ram irez. Univ. Ka usa-,Sci. Bull. .t9. I (i -~O 11l)70. HI" Slol ,llUg " I ['"g o,I("{/I' '' s ). dcscr. '20 . Cos ta Rica.
:' 11'':-, I.
host: Fi cus tucrrkh cirnii Sta ndley): Wiebcs. Proc. Kon. Ned . Akud . Wet. 911. 170 ( 199) . '2 in key).
': : ' bcu r
:::: .md
The fem ale head is sho rte r than wide ac ross the compou nd eyes (0.9). wh ich a rc
'; : ; ,Ll~e'
lo nger th a n the ch eck (I .J ). Th e fifth to eleventh a ntenna l segments bear o ne row
of scnsi lla. in the follo wing numbers per facies: th e fi fth 2. the sixth J o r 4. the
:;n~l h
seventh to tent h 5. and the eleventh J. T he mand ibu lar appe nd age bears 7 (up
\.:t ' r' l)­
to ten) ventra l lam ellae. T he maxilla e bear two sub-apica l setae a nd o ne latera l:
the labium has two api cal seta e.
., I , >ta l
T he postm ar ginal vein of the fo re wing is atro phied . Th e fo re tibia bear s three
teet h in the dorso-api cal co mb: th e a ntiaxia l tooth o f th e hind tibi a is tri-cu spi­
dat e. Th e co lo ur is blacki sh. the gas te r has a bro ad dor sal spo t.

Th e ma le head is lo nger than wide . The a ntenna ha s o ne auu lus and th e dista l
~ I this
segme nt is di vided at o ne-seventh of its length.
Th e pron otum is sho rter th an wide anter iorly (0.9) and poster ior ly (0.8). T he
spiraculur pcritrcma ta a rc o ne qu arter of the length of the pr opod cu rn.

'.\ " :' ,".

The host fig is FiCl/S tucrckhciniii Standley (Co sta Rica) . F tucrckhcimii is part
of the comp lex o f F «urea . Sec also no. 50. P carlosi. which was reco rded from
th e sa me fig.
.. ; ~ . 1r('

1. ' 11 (' 35 . Pcgosca pus franki Wicb cs (fi g. J. «)

' I \ th
Wicbcs. Proc, K 0 11. 1\ cd . 1\ kud. Wet. 911. 17';1, I79 11'!9:'. de-cr. , :' . = P , /" {/('{ /I l sensu Wiches. 1,!1;3.
" lILtr
Proc. K OIl . Ned . Ak ud . Wet. I e) 116. ~ )~ ~ )~ . not G ra nd i. l'l.' s : Flo rida . host: Ficus citri lolia
" .uid P. Miller): Bou cck. J. na t. Ilist. 27. lig. .t'! 11'!'!3. I~ ,/,,/1, '111' . ~ J.

;: :1 I., Th e femal e head is a bit sho rte r than wide acro ss the co mpo und eyes (0.9). which
:.:\ t,d arc 12/, times as lon g as th e check . Th e fi fth to eleventh segme nts of the antenna
ha ve o ne row o f scnsilla, in th e following numbers: th e fifth ten. the sixth and

.t l

~e\ cnrh II. the eighth 14. a nd the ninth to eleventh 10. T he ma ndibu lar a ppend­ •

age bea rs 8 ventra l lamellae. T he maxilla bea rs two sub-apical a nd one lat eral:
the labiu m has two a pical setae.
Most veins of the [ore wing a rrc normally developed, but the postrnargi na l
is non- existent. T he [ore tibia has a dor so-a pical comb or three teeth: the a nti­
axial tooth or the hind tibia is tri-cuspidate. T he ov ipos ito r-va lves a re as long
as the gaster. T he tot al length is 1.3 rnrn . T he co lour is da rk brow n.

T he male head is a bit lon ger than wide (0.9): the eye is one qu a rter or the length
or the head . T he a ntenna has one distinct a nulus a nd the dista l segmen t is di­
vided a t o ne-seven th o r its length .
T he pro no tum is lon ger than wide an terio rly ( 1.3) an d as lon g as wide pos teri­
orly. T he spirac ular pcritrc ma ta occ upy two-thirds o r the length or the pro po­
dcum . T he tot al length is 0.95 mm.

T he host fig is Ficus citrifo lia P. Miller (Flo rida. U.S.A. ). See also nos. 15 and
47. P III I/du:i a nd P williatnsi. which are asso ciated with forms or the sa me
species or fi g.

36. Pcgoscapus herrei Wicbcs

Wicbcs. Proc. Kon . Ned . Akad . W L'!. 9S. 17') Iso ( I,),):i . <lese!'. '? d . Pan ama. host: ri m s 11(/I'{ {(' II S;S
( M iq. ) i\ liq . ).

T he fem ale head is a bit shorter than wide across the co mpo und eyes (0.95).
which ar c I . ~ ~ times as long as the check . T he fifth to elevent h a nte nna ! segments
hcur one 1\ )\\ or <cu- illn in the following nu mbers: the firth 5. the sixth to tenth
7 or ~ . and the clcv c n rh 4. The ma ndi bular appendage bear s 9 ventra l lamellae.
T he ma xilia hca h t\\ 0 ~ l pica I setae and one lat eral: the la bium has two ap ical
T he postmarginal \ cin or IhL' fore \\i ng is reduc ed to a short stump. not qu ite
half as lon g as the mar ginal. T he lore tibia has a dorso-upical comb of thr ee
stro ng teeth : the a utiaxial toot h or the hind tib ia is tr i-cuspidat e. T he ovi posito r
valves arc as lon g as the gas ter. The total length is ca . 1.6 rnm . T he colou r is

Th e male head is a bit narrower th an long (O .X:' ): the eye is one-fifth o r the length
or the head. T he an tenna has one distinct a nulus and the dista l segment is di­
vided at one -eighth or its length .
T he pronotum is lon ger th a n wide an ter ior ly ( 1.7) a nd poster iorly ( 1.25). T he
spirac ulur pcritrc mata occu py two-th irds or the lengt h or the pro podc um. T he
to ta l length is ca . 1.2 ru m .

T he host fig is Ficus paracusis (Miq .) Miq . (Pana ma) .

" -':-;",'::,i­ 37. Pegoscapus gemellus Wiebes
~..: ::,.:',t!:
Wie bcs, Pro c. Kon . Ned . Akad . Wet. 98 . 18 1- 1 8 ~ 1100~ . d esc r. '2 0 . Pa nam a . ho- t- ; F1 , u- bullcnc!
1.\.1. John ston [type] an d F /1"1'('1/"('; Sta ndley ),
,:: ; 1J1;t!
" , I III i­
Th e female head is a bit sho rter th an wide ac ross the com po und eyes I II ,') I. \\ hich
, .:' I,' ng
a rc 1,6 times as lon g as th e check . Th e fi fth to eleventh .uu cnn al scgmcut-. bea r
one row o f scnsillu. in the following nu mbers: th e fifth 5. the sixth II I. the <cvcnth
:::,' k ngth to tenth 12 o r 13. and the eleventh 7 o r 8. Th e mandibular ap pendage bears ­
o r 8 ventra l lam ellae. Th e maxillae bear two api cal setae and o ne lateral : the
: ,' :: t I ' d t­
labium has two apica l setae.
... ;,,\"h..~ rJ-
Th e post marginal vein o f th e for e wing is sho rt. T he fo re tibia has a dorso­
apical comb of three teeth : the untiuxial tooth of the hind tibi a is tri-cu spidat e.
.., I'r, 'po­
Th e ov ipos ito r-va lves arc 1.6 times as lo ng as th e gas ter. Th e total length is ca .
1.3 rum . Th e co lo ur is black .
, ! , .uid
Th e male head is not nearl y as wide as lon g (0.9): the eye is o ne-fifth o f the length
':,' ' ~ Il 11l'
of the head . T he ant enn a ha s o ne distinct anulus and the distal segment is di­
vided at o ne-sixth of its length .
The pron otum . with a d istinct collar. is I lie times as lon g as wide a nteriorly.
a nd distinct ly lon ger th an wide posteriorl y (1 .1 5), Th e spirac ulur peritremat a a rc
,/( !l' i.\ three-fifth s o f the length o f the prop odcum . T he total length is 0.9 mm.

I found no specifi c difference bet ween the pollin at or s of Ficus bullcnci a nd / )0/ )1'­
• .: 1\ J, ,) 5) . noei (both from Pan ama ). but th e male thor ax o f those from F popcnoci ap pca r«
, ','; n1 l'nlS a bit mo re elon gate th an th at of th e wasps from F bulleuci .
': :, ' [('nlh
:.:mL'II al'. 38. Pegoscapus insularis (Ashm ead)
,'., ' .rp ica l
As hme a d . Tr an s, Em . So c , Lo nd o n for 1000. ~ 51 11000. 8!usIII/Jllt/ gu . dc sc r, '2. A nti lles): R am irez.
U n iv. Ka nsa s Sci, Bul l. 49 . 26 20 ( 1l)70. 8!uI /IIl'l lt/gu ( ['('gll,l m /III,I) ,1/ <II/( II ('.l' ;. dc sc r. '20 . C ost a Rica .
::, '1 quit e ho st: Ficns orrxtcc licuu! Sta ndley 1= F am crican« Aubl ci] : G a ud & Martorcll. .I, Agric , U niv. P uert o
, , 'l lhrl'l' Rico 57. 2 ~2 (llJ D . P ue rt o R ico . ho st : F lucvigur u 1= F ('ill'ili llie/ ' Ii : W ie bes. Pro c. Ko n . Ne d , Akud .
" ii" l~ i to r w et. 98 . IXO IXI (l lJlJ ~ . '2 typ e-sp eci men s st ud ied: dcsc r, '20 . Pana ma . host : F1C/11 /" 'I'/i1/'<II U L.
[= F ameri cunu A ub lci l).
" ,I, ' UI' is
Th e female head is a bit sho rter th an wide across th e compound l';'l'S 1II ,l) ).
which ar c two times as lon g as the check. The fifth to eleventh antcnnul scgmcnt-,
::; k nglh
have o ne row o f scnsilla. in the following numbers: th e fi fth a nd sixth 7. the
, ' :11 h
seventh to tenth 9 -11. a nd the eleventh 6. T he ma nd ibula r ap pendage has 8
ventra l lamell ae . Th e maxillae bear two apical setae a nd o ne lateral: the la bium
~ 'I T hl'
has two a pica I setae .
' ..:11 , T hl'
The posunurgina l vein of th e fore \\in g i ~ sho rt, Th e fore tibi a bea rs th ree
dor sa- api ca l teeth : the a ntiuxia l tooth of IhL' hind tibia is tri-cu spid at e. T he
valves of th e ov ipos ito r ar c ca. l i e tim es as lon g as the gas ter. Th e tot a l length
is ca . 1.2 mm . Th e co lour is dark brown

Th e male head is as lon g as wide: the eye is one q ua rter of the length of the head .
T he a ntenna has two anuli . which ma y be indistin ct ventrally, a nd the distal
segment is divided a t one-fifth of its length. '.

Th e pron otum is a bit lon ger than wide anteriorly ( 1.4) and distinctl y lon ger
th an wide posteriorl y ( 1.1). T he spiracu lar peritrcm at a are two-fifth s o f the
length of the pro pode um. Th e hind tibia has a ventra l complex of five teeth
(Ra mirez. 1970. fig. 73).

T he host fi g is Ficus americana Aublet (St. Vincent. West Indies). In Cos ta Rica
the host was given as F ocrstcdiaua (Miq .) Miq .. and in Panam a as F j! CI'! (J/'{II(/
L.: both are for ms of the F americana-co m plcx.

39. Pegoscapus cumanensis (Ra mirez)

Ramirez. Univ. Kan sas Sci. Bull. 49. 13 ,,15 ( 1970. R/m /op /llI g ll ( {' ('g o.l m /lu s) . dcscr. ? 6 . Venezuela I:
Wicbes. Proc, Kon . Ned. Akud . WeI. 911. 170 ( 1995. ? in key),

Th e femal e head is slightly shorter th an wide across the compo und eyes. which
a rc as lon g as the cheek. T he fifth to eleventh a ntenna l segments bea r one row ~1
of sensilla. in the following num ber s per facies: the fi fth 6 or 7. the sixth 8 or
9. the seventh II . the eighth a nd ninth 10. the tenth 9. a nd the eleventh 6. T he
epistoma l ma rgin has very promi nent lat eral lob es. T he mandibul ar appendage
bea rs 6 ventra l lam ellae. Th e maxillae bear two sub-apica l setae on ly: the lab ium
has two a pical setae .
Th e postm ar ginal vein of the fore wing is atrop hied . Th e fore tibia bea rs th ree
teet h in the dorso -apical co mb: the .uuiaxia l tooth of the hind tibia is tri-cuspi­
da te. Th e \ a hes l1 !' the o vip ositor ar c lon ger than the gaster. T he tot al length
i~ GI. 2. 1 nuu . T he colour i ~ blacki sh.

T he male head is slight I) sho rter tha n wide. Th e antenna has one distinct a nulus.
Th e pron ot urn is I ' : times as long as wide a nteriorl y and abo ut as lon g as wide
posterior ly. Th e spiracu lar pcr itrcma ta are fo ur-sevenths of the length of the
prop od cu rn.

Th e host lig is a n unidentified species (Ram irez' no . 4. Venezuela).

40. Pegoscapus assuetus (Gra ndi)

Gran di. Boll. lst. Ent. Univ, Bologna 10. 63 66 11 l) .' ~ . 1i/1I1/1I/ '/w g ll ( I ulcnt inrllu). dcscr, ? 6 . Brazil):
Grand i. Bo ll. l-t. lint. Univ. Bologna 10. 66 69 ( 1 9 3 ~ . Hl i/ I /II /' /w gll ( I ulcn tincllu ) augus!«. dcscr. ? <5 .
Brazil: 11m . ' ~I1. ),

T he fema le head is as lon g as wide across the co mpo und eyes. T he fifth to
elevent h a ntenna! segments bear one row o f scns illa. in the following num ber s
per facies: the fifth 6-8. the sixth to eighth genera lly 8. b ut also 9 or 10. the ninth

r ~

~ -:.: ,:
8. the tenth 10. and the eleventh ca . 6 . The mandibular appendage bears 8 ventral
~ ,: ' :.t1 lamellae. The maxillae bear two sub-apical setae and one lateral: the labium has
two apical se ta e.
: ! :-:~' r The postmarginal vein of the fore wing is short: one-third of the length of the
-: I h L' stigmal vein. The dorso-apical comb of the fore tibia bears three teeth : th e an­
- : ,' ,' 1h tiaxial tooth of th e hind tibia is tri-cuspidate . The valves of the ovipositor arc
a bit longer than the gas ter. The colour is chestnut-brown .

: .: RIL'a The male antenna has two distinct anuli (which ma y be united ventrally : and
" · ;'<1 1<1
the di stal segme n t is indistinctly divided at one-fifth of its length .
The pronotum has a short collar. and it is only a little longer than wide
anteriorly (1 .1) and distinctl y sh o rte r than wide posteriorly (0 .85). The spiracu­
lar peritremata are four- sevenths of the length of the propodeum .

... <,[ J:
The host fig is an unidentified sp eci es (Bra zil) . G randi (1938 : 69) noted that
B. augu sta is ' est rc m a rn en te' sim ila r to hi s B. assueta . In m y opinion. the two
'.'. hic h cannot be differentiated and must be united.
. : 1'\ )11
.. , ,)1' 41. Pegoscapus aemulus (Grandi) (fig. 5e)
Grandi. Boll. 1st. Ent. U niv. Bol ogna 10.44 -48 ( 1938. B!o.l lo! ,!/(/g o ( f ' alent inella) . dcscr. <;' O . Bra zil.
::J, tge hos t: Ficus !lISC!IIIOI ;iII/(/ Miq .): Ramirez. U n iv. Kan sa s Sci . Bull. 49. 40 42 (1 970 . B1""O!'!/(/go
::' III III ( l'ego,I('(/l'lIs ). C osta Ri ca. ho st: Ficus? trach closvcc Du g.): W ieb cs. I'roc . Kon . N ed . Akad . We t . 9l!.
109 (199 5. not e on ho st-record) .
: ;1l' CL'
The female head is a little shorter than wide across the compound eyes. The
- :.' pl­
a n te n na ] segment s have th e sensilla arranged in one row : the fifth and sixt h
:;1.'-'l h
4 -5 in one facies and 2-3 in the other. and the seventh to tenth 5-6 per facies.
the eleventh ha s 3 se ns illa per facies . The mandibular appenda ge be ars 8-9
ventral lamellae . The m a xillae bear two su b-a pica l se ta e a nd one lateral : the
labium has one a p ica l set a .
'.'. Ide
The postmarginal vein of the fore wing is sh o rt. T he fo re tibia (fig . 5e) bears
: the
a dorso-apical comb of three teeth : the hind tibia ha s a tri-cuspidate antia xial
tooth . The ovipositor-valves arc distinctly longer than the gaster. The col our is
chestnut-brown .

The male a n te n na has a distinct a n ulus and the apical seg m en t is divided at
one- sixth of its length .
Including the collar. the pronotum is approximat ely a s long a s wide anteriorly
and ll/~ times a s long as wide posteriorly. The sp ira c ula r pcritrcmata arc oval
in sha pe. dorsal in position. and they occ upy three-fifths of the length of the
propodeum .
.: I II

... . ,.o r" With some doubt. Grandi recorded th e host fig to be Ficus luschnatiana (M iq .)
::11 h Mig . (Brazil) - sec no . 32 . Pcgoscapus cabrcrai. which . al so with doubt. at first

\\as recorde d from thi s spec ies o f fig. For his mat eri al from Costa Rica , R amirez
menti oned F ? tra clielosvcc Du g. a s th e host. whi ch Ber g ha s as a syno ny m o f
F pe rtusa Linn .f. See nos. 11 .26. a nd 27 . P bascliicrii, silvcstrii, a nd P tristani,
whi ch wer e record ed from th e sa me species o f fig.

Gro up o f Pcgoscapus ileau ae (nos . 42- 45)

42. Pegoscapus ileanae (Ram irez )

Ra mire z. U uiv, Kan sa s Sci . Bul l. .t9 . 33 - 35 (19 70. /J/lI.,tO/ '/ Wg ll (PcgOS<'iIl'lIs) . dcscr, 'i'. C o sta R ica .
host: Ficus schipp ii Stan d ley ): Wicbcs. Pro c. Kon . Ned . Akud . We]. 98 . 169 ( 1995. 'i' in key),

Th e fem al e head is sho rte r th an wide across th e compound eyes . The ele venth
ant ennal seg me nt is ver y very sma ll. with out scns illa . th e fifth to tenth have o ne
row of sensilla. in th e fo llo wing number s per facies: th e fifth 5 o r 6. th e sixt h
a nd tenth 6. the seve nt h to ninth 7. Th e mandible a ppe a rs to be unident at e. th e
mandibul ar appenda ge bea rs 6 vent ra l lam ella e. Th e ma xillae be ar tw o sub­
a pica l setae a nd no lat er al: th e lab ium has o ne api cal setae.
The wing -ve na t io n was not desc rib ed . T he fo re tibi a bears tw o dorso- apical
teeth : th e hind tibi a has o n ly o ne a pica l to oth . The tot al len gth is less th an I mm ,
The col our is blacki sh .

The mal e is unknown .

Th e ho st lig is Ficus schi!I!'ii St andley (Costa Rica ).

-D. Pcgoscapus orozcoi I R amirez )

Ib m ir,·/ . l Ill' . " .In -.I- S,'j, Bull. .t9. ~ ') .'.' I 19 711. /J/lI"t o/ ,lw gll ( l'cg os('(/l'lIs) . dc scr , 'i' d . Co sta R ica.
ho -t: Ficu , ,,,1,,/,1'11/," SLlndk \ J: \\ id " " , l' roc. Kon . Ned . Akud. Wet. 98. 113 ( 1995. 'i' d . Pan a ma.
ho st : Ficu» colubrin,« Sta ndk ' I ,

The female head is sho rte r th an wide ac ros s th e compound eyes (0.95) . which
arc 1.7 tim es as lon g as th e ch eck . The fifth to eleve nt h a nte n na l seg me nts bea r
o ne ro w ofscns illa, in th e fo llo wing number s per facies: the fifth 4. the sixth a nd
sev enth 6 o r 7. th e eighth to tenth (1. a nd th e eleventh :\ or 4 . Th e mand ibul ar
a ppe ndage bears 7 o r 8 ventra l lam ella e. T he ma xillae bear o ne sub-a pica l seta
and o ne lat er al : th e labium ha s o ne apical seta .
Th e postm a rgin al vein o f th e fore wing is at rophi ed. The fo re tibi a bea rs tw o
teeth in th e dorsa- apical comb: th e a ntiaxia l tooth of th e hind tib ia is bi-cu spi­
d a tc , T he valves o f th e ovi posito r arc a bit lon ge r than the gas ter (1 .1) . The
co lco ur is blacki sh .

The mal e head is as lon g a s wide. The a nte n na ha s o ne a n ulus .


.!.:- ­ The p ron otum is as lon g a s wid e ant eriorl y and sho rt er th an wid e po st eri orl y
(0 .8) . T he spi rac ula r peritremata arc two-fifths o f th e length of th e pr opod cum .
. ,,'
The ho st fig is Ficus colubrinac St andl ey (C o sta Ri ca . Pan am a ).

44. Pegoscapus bifossulatus (Ma yr)

MayI'. Vc rh . zoo l.-bot. G cs, Wien35. Iil l l il2 ( liliI) . B1".I!ol' !1lIg " . dcscr. SO :' . Brazil l: ( jr:lIld i. B" II .
La b. E11I . Bologna I. 167-1 70 (rcdc scr. ): Wicbes. Proc . Kon. Ned. Akad. \\ ·et. te l Xf>. :.14 II '}~ .~.
:' -.t . 'f in key).

T he femal e he ad is a bit sho rter th an wide acr o ss th e co m po und eyes (O.l):'1.

" . ," J! h which a rc 1/ 4 tim es as long as th e ch eck . T he fifth to eleve nt h a nrcnna l seg me n ts
.: \ ' Ill' bear o ne row of sc ns illa , in th e foll owin g numbers per facies : the fifth 9. th e sixth.
,, \ t h eighth a nd ninth 10. the seven t h II . th e tenth 8. a nd th e eleve nth 6. T he mand i­
.: the bul ar a p pe nd age bears 6 ven tra l lamella e .
- t l h­ The fo re tibi a bear s a d orso- apical row o f two teeth ; the ant ia xial to oth o f th e
hind tibia is tri-cu spidate. T he valves of th e o viposito r a rc a bit sho rt er th an th e
: ;' !c-.t1 gas te r (0.9) . The tot al len gth is 104-1 .5 mm. Th e co lo ur is d a rk br own .
.:un .
The male head is longer th an wide ( 1. 1): the eye is o ne qu arte r of th e len gth o f
th e head . T he a nte n na ha s o ne di stinct anulus a nd th e di st al seg me n t is divided
at o ne -sixth o f its len gth .
T he pr on otum is longer than wid e a nte riorly ( 1. 1) a nd po st eriorl y ( 1.25 l, Th e
spirac ula r pc ritrcm at a ar c very large. ovo id . d orsal in po siti on . occ upyi ng th e
en tire length o f the propod curn .

The ho st fig is a n unident ified spec ies ( Braz il; M iillcrs Ficus no . 8). Som e cha r­
~ ~ , l.
act er s arc not a t a ll clear from M a y rs d escript ion a nd G ra nd i's red esc rip tio n:
" . 1.
M a yr (1885: 181) menti on ed a ' R ad ius' in the fore wi ng. which is 'gcrad c, nul'
da s Kn opfch cn ctwas gc kr um m t. wh ich would indicat e a co m plete st igm a l ve in.
:: k'h but might a lso re fer to a termin al para sti gma o f th e s ub ma rg ina l vein. as found
in so me spec ies of Pcgoscapus. Wicb es ( 1983: 244) incl ude d P bifossulatus in hi s
" :.1 r
key to the species with a reduced win g-venation .
•t Il L!
M ayr (1 885: 181 ) de scr ibed th e va lves of the ovi pos ito r as a bit lon ger th a n
'. :1.1I'
th e ga ste r. but acco rd ing to th e mea surem ents by Gran d i ( 1928: 1( 7) they a rc
': [ ;1
: ",\,,)

.' 1'1 ­ 45. Pegoscapus brasiliensi s (May r )

I hl'
M uyr, Vcrh . zool.-bot. G cs, Wicn 35. I ilO- 1iII ( I ~~ ) . HI" ,rlll,iI"g" . de-cr. ? d . Brazil): Gra ndi. Boll.
La b. Ent. Bologna I. 164 167 (rcdescr.): Wicbcs. Tijd-c hr. Ern . ItIC1. 9) ( 1963. d isc. host reco rds: host:
1";('1/.' g cnncllcira Kunth . & Bouch. ): Wi cbes. ProL·. l\: <1n . ;'\ed . Akad . Wet.
(e) XCI . 244-2 46 ( 19R3.
dcscr, ? Brazil. host: 1";('1/.' guntcllcira K unth . & Bo uch. ).

Th e female he ad is di stinctl y sho rte r th an wide ac ross th e co m po und eyes (0 .8).
which are I I/ e times as lon g a s th e ch eek . The fi ft h to eleve n th antennal seg me n ts
bear o ne row o f se ns illa. in th e foll o win g number s per facies: th e fifth. 5. th e sixth
to tenth 7 o r 8. a nd th e eleven th 4. The m andibular appenda ge bears 6 ven t ra l
lam ella e. The ma xill a bears tw o su b-a pica l se tae a nd o ne lat eral : th e labium ha s
two a pica l setae .
The veins o f t he fore wing a re reduced to a n inc omplet e sub m a rgina l. The fore
tib ia ha s two d orso- apical teeth: th e a n tiaxi a l to oth o f th e hind tibi a is tri-cuspi­
d at e. The ov iposito r-va lves a re I I/e tim es a s lon g a s th e gas te r. The tot al len gth
is ca . 11/ , mm ,

T he mal e head is lon ger th an wide ( 1.2): th e eye is o ne -fifth of th e len gth of th e
head . The a nte n na has o ne di stinct anulus a nd th e di st al seg me nt is di vid ed a t
o ne quart er o f its len gth .
Th e pronotum is 1.6 tim es as long as wide a n terio rly and 1.2 tim es a s lon g
as wid e po st eri orl y. The spiracula r perit rem at a occ upy three quarters o f th e
len gth o f th e pr op odeum.

Th e ho st fig is Ficus gotnclleira K. & B. (Brazil) . F gomelleira is a close relati ve

o f F trigonat a.

46. Pegoscapu s bruneri (G ra ndi) (fig . 4 i)

Grandi . Boll. 1, 1. F ill . Lni v. 1 l< ) II) ~lla 7. 1<) 5 1<)7 ( 1<)34. !JIus/ ol'!Ulgu i Juliuncllu), d csc r, <;' . C uba .
11 0,1: Ficu- ", oIlJi', ;, \ \ ·M h . ,,' ,' :\ la l l' Da lm a n . 1<) 73. La Haban a Inst. d el Libro : 75 1= F trigonat a
L.II: Ra m irez . l n il . I' .m -n- Sci. Bull. 4'1. 1<) ( 1<) 70. H!u.I/ OI'!UlgU ( Pcgosrapus », Colo mbi a . ho st : prob.
F (0 0/111' , ;; 1: \\ ·i,'h,', . PI', '" I' ,' n. ,"- ,'d. .v kud. WeI. tC ) ll6. 244 ( 1<)83. <;' in key): Wicbcs, " ro c. Kon .
,"- "d . ' Li d . \\ -:1. 'Ill. .Ind , - , 11<N' . ~ in key. & co rnp. with P grand ii ).

Th e fema le head i ~ a bi t sho rte r th an wide ac ross the co m po und eyes. A n te n na

(fig . -li ): th e fifth to eleven th a n te n na ! seg me n ts bear o ne row ofsens illa . in th e
foll owin g n um be rs per facies: the firth 5. the sixth to tenth 8-9. and the ele venth
6. The m andibul ar a ppen d age bears 6 o r 7 ven tra l lamella e. The m a xill a e bea r
(? su b- a pica l a nd ) two lat er al se tae
The vena tio n of th e fo re wing i ~ reduced to a n incomplet e su b ma rgina l ve in.
but th er e a re vag ue tr ac es o f margin al. stigma l. and po stmargin al veins . T he fo re
tib ia bea rs two d orso- api cal teeth : th e a n tiax ia l to oth of th e hind tib ia is tri­
cu sp idate. The va lves o f th e ov iposito r a rc di stinctl y longer than th e gaste r. The
co lo ur is ch estnut-b ro wn .

T he ma le is unkn o wn .

The host IIg wa s give n a s Ficus con ibsii Wa rb . (C uba . Colo m bia) . whic h is a
syno nym of F trigonata L. See a lso no s. 16. 19. 2 1. a nd 5 1. P aguila ri. : lopcsi.
grandi i and 11(//1(II'l /l/l . whi ch wer e recorded from th e sa me s pec ies o f fig.

47. Pegoscapus williamsi (Grandi )

Gra ndi . Bull. Ent. Res. 13. ~9 7-~99 (19~ ~ . BI" SIO!,lllI g" . descr. '? A nt illes): Wicbc-. Pr,' C. K,'n . :"ed .
~.: : Akad . Wet. (C ) 86. ~44 ( 19 8 ~ . '? in key): Wicb cs. Pro c. Kon . Ned . Akad . Wet 9X. I -~ ( I <) <) ~ . , : .
Puert o R ico. host: Ficus citrif oliu 1'. Miller).

Th e fem ale head a bit sho rter than wide ac ross th e co mpo und eyes ((I .9~ 1. whicl.
a re as long as th e cheek . T he fifth to eleventh a ntenna I segme nts bear one r,)\\
~ : ;1
ofsensilla. in th e following numbers: th e fift h 9. th e sixth 10. the seve nt h lL1 tent h
12. and th e elevent h 6. T he man d ibul ar a ppe ndage bear s II vcntru l l.un cll uc ThL'
maxillae bear two sub-a pica l setae o nly: th e labium ha s two a pical setae.
. ;, . T he postm ar ginal vein of the for e wing is o bso lete and the stigmal i~ o nly
partl y visible. T he fore tibia bears two teeth in th e dor sa- apical co mb: th e anti­
ax ial tooth of th e hind tibia is tri-cuspida te. Th e valves of the ov iposito r arc
a bo ut eq ua l in length to th e gaster. or a bit lon ger ( 1.1). T he total length is ca .
':: :=
. ;, 104 mm . Th e co lour is bro wn .

Th e male head is III" tim es as lon g as wide: the eye is one qu a rter of th e len gth
of th e head . T he ep iste rna l margin has a med ia n prominence. T he a ntenna has
o ne long a n ulus (o ne-third of th e len gth of the distal segme nt) .
Th e pron otum is lon ger th an wide a nte rio rly ( 1.5) and posteriorl y (1.1). T he
la rge. mostly dorsal spirac ular per itre ma ta occ upy th e who le len gth of th e pro­
pod eu m . T he mid tarsus is tetr arnerou s. and also th e hin d ta rs us has four seg­
men ts. the fo ur th of which is ind ist inctl y not ched dor sall y.

Th e species was described from Barbad os (West Indies). and lately recor ded
fro m Ficus citrifo lia P. Mi ller (Puerto Rico ). Prof. Berg wrote to me that
F cit rifo lia fro m Flo rida (with no. 35. P Fall /d ) and Puert o R ico are one and
::1 1.1 th e sa me species: th e Meso-A me rican form (with no . IS. P tonduz i) differ s. but
:hc' not specifically.
::: h
'C· . 1 r
48. Pegoscapu s groegeri spec. no v. (fig. 4e)

Mat eri al. - A series o f '? d from Ficus tno llicula Pinier, co llected in Venezue la. ld o . .vm nzo nu-,.
.' ~ 11 . lnsclbc rg Ileal' Bctun ia de Topocho (5° 58' N 67° 22' W ). 11111 21111 \1 a lt.. b \ .'\ . ( ir (iger. 1(' . \ . 1<)<) .' :
II r.. .' co il. (\\ 11' 11 no . 55 11 (t ype : '?).
i n­
he' T he fema le head is d istin ct ly sho rte r tha n wide acro ss th e compo und eves ((l.R5 ).
which are 2 t/ e times as lon g as th e cheek. T he cpistoma l margin has dist inc t
lat eral lob es (fig. 4e). T he a ntennal segments. fro m the fifth o nwar ds . bear o ne
ro w of wide sensi lla: 8 o n the fifth. 7 on the sixth a nd seventh. 9 o n th e eighth
to tenth. and 6 o n th e elevent h. T he mand ible has two teeth a nd t\VO gla nds : the
:1 appe ndage bear s 6 o r 7 ven tra l lam ella e. T he ma xillae bea r two apical setae a nd
" o ne lat eral. the la bium has o ne ap ical seta .

The wings a re clear. with sma ll m icrotri chiac: th e fringe is half as lon g as th e
stigma l vein of th e for e wing (2 : I): the postm ar ginal vein is o bso lete. the stigma l
is approx ima tely two tim es as lon g as th e marginal. Th ere is a pollen pock et.
as well as a fo re cox al corbic ula: th e for e tibia has a bidcnt at e dor so-apic al comb
of teeth : th e hind tibia a tri- cuspidate antiax ial tooth .
Th e spirac ula r pcrit rcm at a of th e eighth urotergite a rc small. subcirc ular:
th e spine of the hypop ygium is tri an gul ar. as lon g as wide at the base. where it
bear s a row of seven slende r. hyalin e setae: th e val ves o f th e ov ipos itor arc a bit
lon ger than the gas ter ( 1.1). Th e tot al length is ca . I nun . Th e co lour is dark
br own .

T he male head is almos t as wide as lon g (0.85): th e eye is a lmos t one qu a rter
of th e length of th e head . Th e ep isto rn a l margin is straight. Th e a ntennal club
is ten times as lon g as the an ulus, and it is very indis tinctly divided at a pprox i­
mat ely o ne-seventh of its length .
Th e length of the pron otum (inclusive the distinct collar) is J I/~ times its ant e­
rior width. a nd eq ual to its posterio r width, T he mcso/mctan otum is a bit o ver
half as lon g as wide a nter iorly (0.55) a nd it narrows posteriad : the prop od cum
is 2 1/~ times as wide as lon g. a nd the sp irac ular peritremat a occupy two-th irds
of th e length .

Th e female of Pcgoscapu» g/'( wga i belon gs in the gro up with a bidentate fo re

tibi a and o ne ro« of .nuc nnul scnsilla . II resembl es no . 47. P williant si, but it
has less sensilla o n the a ntenna ( _~ 5. vs. 6- 7 per facies) and also less ventra l
lamellae on the ma nd ibular appe ndag e (6 o r 7. vs. I J) . T he male docs not sho w
the protru sio n on the' cpi sto ma l ma rgin. so characteristic for P williantsi.

The h , ) ~t Ii ", i, Ficu, ntolliculu Piu icr (Venezuela ).

49. Pcgoscapus art entus t(;randi)

Gra ndi . Bol l. Isr. Ent . t.n iv. B "l ( l ~ n <l Itt . -1 , 'I I I').' S. 81£1 \ (II/,!wgil (ll il<'lll il/ cl! iI ). dcscr. '? 6 ,
Brazil ).

T he female head is sho rter than wide across the co mpo und eyes. Th e fifth to
eleventh antennaI segments bear one r o v, of scnsilln, in the following number s
per facies: th e fifth 2 o r 3. th e sixth 3 o r -l, th e seventh to ninth 5-7 , th e tenth
(). and th e eleventh 3, Th e mandibular a ppendage bear s 8 ventral lam ellae. T he
ma xillae bea r two sub-a pical setae an d o ne la ter al: th e labium has two apica l
setae ,
T he postmargin al vein o f the fore wing is redu ced to a sho rt st ump . Th e fo re
tibia seems to ha ve two teeth in-th e dor so- upical co mb: the antiaxial tooth of
th e hind tibia is tri- cuspid ate . Th e valves of th e o vipos ito r a rc distinctl y lon ger
th an th e gas ter. Th e co lour is chestnut-brow n.

The m ale a nte n na ha s two di stin ct a n uli ( uni ted ve ntra lly) a nd th e d istal seg me nt
is div ided at o ne-fift h of its len gth.
v ,: : The p ron otum (inc luding th e co lla r) is a bo ut a s lo ng as wide a nte riorly and
::: /' sho rter th an wide po steriorl y (0 .8) . T he sp irac ular pcrit rcm at u arc ' , o r the
length of t he p ropode um .
,,: r:
.: il T he hos t fi g is a n un iden tified species (Bra zil),
" 11
.: ~ . l\ 50. Pe goscapus carlosi (Ra mirez)

Ramir ez. Univ, Kan sas Sci, Bull. 49, 30 ,44 ( J970. 81o.\ /o/' //(/go ( [" 'go " 'o/ I/,\ I, de-er " . ( " h l :1 RIc',',
host: Ficus ntcrckln 'imi! Standley ): Wiebcs. Proc, Kon. Ned , Akad . \\ 'et. 9X, I h'! I I'!'! ', , ill kc'\ I .
:':: r
, ,.:f'
' \ 1­
T he femal e head is shorte r th an wide across the co m pou nd eyes (0 .85). which
are lon ger than the cheek ( 1.4). T he fifth to eleve n th a nte n na l seg me n ts bear one
ro w of sc nsilla, in the foll owin g num ber s per facie s: the fifth 4 o r 5. the sixth
" , ,'l'
5. th e seve n th a nd eigh th 6 or 7. the ninth a nd te nth 7. and th e eleven t h 5. T he
.:: ;11
mandi b ular a p pe ndage bea rs 8 or 9 ve nt ra l lam ell ae (so me spec ime ns ha ve 7 ).
:::',1, T he ma xillae bear two sub-apical se tae and one la teral : th e la b ium has two apica l
T he po stma rginal vei n o f th e fo re wi ng is a trop hie d . T he pollen -pockets a re
• 'I','

sma ll. T he fore coxa ha s no corb icu la. the tib ia bea rs two tee th in t he d orso­
.. : It

a pica l co mb : th e antiaxia l to oth of th e h ind tib ia is tri- cu sp id a te. T he va lves of

':::'.d the ovipo sitor a re lon ger tha n th e gaste r. T he tot al length is ca . 1,7 mm . The
:~ .\ \ \
co lo ur is bl ack,

T he mal e head is longer tha n wid e. T he an te n na ha s two na rro w a n uli.

T he p ro not um is s ubq uud ra ng ula r: it is lon ger t ha n wide an terio rly ( 1. 15) a nd
a p proxima te ly as lon g a s wide po sterio rl y. T he spi rac ula r per it rcm a ta seem to
be sit ua ted in the m iddl e o f the latera l margin of the propodc um and seem to
be o ne-third of its len gth .

T he ho st fig is Ficus tucrckli eim ii Sta nd ley (Costa Ri ca ). See also no, 3-L
P II /(/ I' i (/ (' . wh ich is a ssocia ted wit h th e sa me fig.
: t.
' ,.: r-, Incert ae sedis
lh e 5 I. P ego scapus danorum (Hoffmeye r)
k', 11
Hoffmeyer. 10 III , Mcddr. IX. 197 199 ( 1932, H/"' /o/' lIogo , de-cr. C, Antilles, host: Ficus? cras siorv .:
Wiebes. Proc, Ko n, Ned , Akud. Wet. 9X, 16R ( 19'!5. 1\ pc lost I,
\ \ I"i...'
,) 1'
T he female is not k now n .
~ i...' r

T he m ale head is sho rt er th an wide (0 .9); th e eye is o ne -thi rd of th e len gth of

th e head . The antenna ha s o ne di stinct a n ulus and the di stal segment appears
chided a t on e-eighth o f its len gth .
Th e pron otum is 1.6 tim es as long as wid e anter iorly and 1.3 times as lon g
as wid e posteriorl y. The spirac ular peritrem at a wer e described as ' linea r' .

The ho st fig was indicat ed as : ' Ficus sp . (crassior')j" (St. Cro ix. West Indi es). In
his catal ogue. G ra nd i (1963 : 129) noted for th e ho st : 'forsitan F crass incr via
Desf.', whi ch . acc o rding to DeWol f (1960 : 160) is a sy no ny m of Ficus trigonata
L. See a lso nos. 16. 19. 21 and 46. P aguilari. .' lopesi. grandii and bruneri, which
were record ed fro m th e sa me species o f fig.

52. Pegoscapus obscurus (Kirby)

K irby in R id ley. .I. Linn . Soc . IZo oJ.) 20. 537 11890 . Bkrstophai:« . dcsc r, 6 . Fern an d o Noro nha) .

The female was not described .

The male is ' bro wn o r yello wish br own. smooth. except fo r a few sho rt hai rs o n
th e tar si. F ront tarsi a ppa re ntly 3-jo inted . middle and hind tarsi 5-jointed : tarsal
claw s ver y stro ng. and front a nd hind tib iae end ing in stro ng spines.'

The host fig is unkn own ( Fern an d o Noro nha ). Kirb y co nside red it useless to
give a det ail ed descr ipti on . 'T he localit y will probabl y serve to fix th e spec ies' .
Quite so : Pro f. Berg wro te to me th a t th e fig species fro m Fern and o de No ro nha
p robabl y is ide ntica l \\i th F IOl/ g i/ olill Scho tt.

P '-·: >


/ 11
'. 1

·. ; ·. 1

:::, 11
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Host cata logue

F. ad hatodi folia Schou . >- see F. vermifu ga

F. america na A ublet - see F. nymph acifolia. ocrsicdia na & pcrfo r.u a.
a nd also F. guiuan cnsis
F. a urca Nutta ll - 29. Pcgosca pus mcxicanu s (Ashmead)
F. bu llcnei 1.1\01. Joh nston - 37. Pcgoscapus gemellus Wicbes
F. cit rifolia Miller 35. Pcgosca pus fran ki Wiebes
- 15. Pcgoscupus to nd uzi (Grand i)
- 47. Pcgosca pus williamsi (Gr and i)
F. col ubrinuc Stan dley - 4.'. Pcgosca pus oro zcoi (Ra mirez)
F. co rn bsii Wa rb . - 46. Pcgoscapu s bruneri (Gra ndi)
F. costuricana (Licbm.) Miq. - 2.'. Pcgoscupus csrhcrac (G ran di)
F. cotiuilo liu Kun th - 24. Pcgosca pus kruus si (Gra ndi)
F. crassior ["!] - 51. Pcgosca pu s dun orum ( Hoffmeyer}
F. cras sincrviu Des!". - see F. crussior
F. crassi uscula Standle y - R. Pcgosca pus astomu s (Gra ndi)
6. Tetrap us spec. (Ra mirez. 197D)
F. du gandii Sta ndley - 9. Pcgoscapus longiceps Cam eron
F. glabr.u u Kunt h - see F. insipida
F. go mellcira K. & B. 45. Pcgosca pus bras iliensis (Mayr )
F. guia ncnsis Dcsv. - 7. Pcgosca pus flage llarus Wicbcs
F. hcmsleyana Sta ndley - 15. Pcgosca pus to ndu zi (Gra ndi)
F. insipida wuu. 2. Tetr apu s costuricauus Gr andi
F. iso phlebiu Stand ley - 25. Pcgosca pus ur ba nae (Ra mirez)
F. j imeuczii Stan dley - 3D. Pcgoscap us jimcnczi (Gr andi)
F. lacvigata Va hl see F. a urca
F. lap athifolia ( l.icbm.) i\liq. - 16. Pcgoscap us ag uilari (G ra ndi)
F. longifolia Schott . - 52. 1'. obscurus (Kirby)
F. luschn.u iau a (Miq .) Miq. - 4 1. Pcgosca pus uem ulus (Grand i)
- see F. mon kii
F. mucbridc i Standley - see F. torrcsiunu
F. maro rnu Cast. - .' I. Pcgoscupus a rgcntincnsis (Blanc ha rd)
F. maxima Miller - I. Tetrap us americanus Mayr
F. mollicula Pinie r - 48. Pcgosca pus grocgeri Wicbcs
F. mon kii ["'] - .'2. Pcgosca pus cabrcru i ( Blanc har d)
F. mor azoniana Burgcr» see F. la pa thifolin
F. nyrnph acifolia i\1iller - 14. Pcgosca pus piccipcs (Ashmead)
F. o brusifolia K unih - I D. Pcgoscapu s ho lfmcycri (Gr andi)
F. oc rsicd iana (Miq.) Miq. - .'8. Pcgoscap us insularis (Ashmead)
F. pad ifolia Kunth - 26. Pcgoscap us silvcstrii (G rand i,
- 27. Pcgoscapu s tristuni (G ran di)
F. paracusis (Miq .) i\liq. 36. Pcgosca pus hcrrei Wicbcs

I P lIl ?I ~) S ll ll l~.I 0 P I ?Il .1:'1 snd un oj 'I" ',\ SJ ( I SISlIJ lIOdo.\ ':1
(IIHII~ .I ! )) <n-ouunu.u: s ndll:lsoi1JcI 'L I ' b 'l \! d n.l lll I.lJ .\ ':1
(I IHI I ~.I!)) ISJ.I.l OI s n dll,'soilJ cI ' l l ' P IIII\\ 111ll ll1 P \ ':/
(! PlIl?I~)) I I.lJlq,'SI ~q s n d l~"soilJd 'II ' b 'l'\! ( 'llIq J I- llln Il1l1q.llll ':/
( ZJ.l ll ll l~ ~I ) ouu rnu s n dll,' soilJcI ' tf
( Z J.l lllIl? ~1l !SOI,W,' Slld l?"sOilJcI 'oS' . ,\ J lp lI l' IS ImIlJq~ ".I Jnl ':1
(HII I:/ O.l!J qllil lll q \!) ISJ d OI Sn d l?,'soilJcI '61 nm uofi t.u .I1?JlI ':/
(.IJ .\Jlll.l lo l l) IiplI l' .Iil Sll d l?,' ,oilJ d ' I l
(JJ.\ Jl u.I.l0 H) 1lI1l.l0 1l1? P s ndl ?,).;oilJd ' I S' ­
1? 110.l ll ll lldll l ;y " Sq IUO,' ':/ J J, '1 1?lllll Oil l.ll ':/
( IP UIl.l!)} , Il IIllUJ I? s n d l?,).;oilJd 'It - ' il ll O J " .\SO IJ q :l I?.I1 ':/
(IPU Il J~)} SIll UO\SI? Slldl?,).;oilJd 's - .\ J IP lil n s l?lIl?1SJ.I.l0l ':/
(f66 1 ' ~ J;ln ( 8 ) "' J d s s ll d l~ ,I1Jl. 'S' - .i J I!H W IS IIZI1plI OI ':/
SJ qJ IA\ Jll liJI UJI UOj s n d ll,).; o il J d ' Ol - ' bl l'\! 1?IIJIU J 1UOI ':/
( ZJ.l ll lll ?}j) JI ?lIIlJI I Sll d l?:ls o ilJ d ' l t - .i J IP lIIn s " ddlq:ls ':1
1?1lI1'\1?l1l ':/ JJS - ' PIII A\ Illll pll.l ':/
SJqJ I,,,, SIl IIJ ll lJ il s n d l?:lso il J d 'Lf - .\ J IP lI IlIS roouodod ', I
PUI J ,1,i s OlJq J Il.lI ;y 1?l10.lIPlld ':/ JJS - TlI u ll l?Snj.lJd ':/
(pIlJ IUq Sy ) s l.Il?lnsul snd ll,).;oilJd ' Sf - '1 1!11?10).1.'d ':1

uemu la Gra nd i. 19.\8 ( Blaslop haga) = ..jI. Pcgosca pus ucmulus

ucrumnosa Gra ndi . 19.\R ( Blustop huga) = 17. Pcgoscupus ac ru mnos us
ag uila ri Grandi , 19 19 ( Blaslop haga ) = 16. Pcgosca pus ag uilar:
umubi li s Grand i. 19.\R ( Blustop hugu) = 1.1 . Pcgoscupu-, .unub ili s
ambi gua Grandi . 19.\8 ( Blastopha ga) = I ~ . Pcgosca pus arnbi guus
umcrican us Mayr, I R85 (Tetrap us ) = I. Tetra pus amcrican us
.uui ltarum Ashmead. 1900 (Tetrap us) (xcc discussion under ~ . T. costuricanus)
arca na G rand i. 19.\R ( Blasto phagal = 17. I'CgoSGlpUS .icrum no s us
ar gcnrincnsis Blancha rd . 19..j..j ( Bla-t op hagu ) = .I I. l' cgoscu p us urgcntinensis
aSS UCla G ra ndi. 19.\R ( Hlasto pha gu ) = ..jO. Pcgoscapu -, ussuciu -,
,h loma Gran di. 1 9 ~ O ( Blusto phuga: = 8. Pcgosca pus usto m us
uu cnta Gra ndi . 19.\8 ( BlaSlop haga) = ..j9. Pcgoscap us an cnrus
a ugusta G ra nd i. 19.\8 ( Blaslop haga I = ..jO. Pcgosca pus ussuctus

baschicrii Gran di . IL) 5~ ( Blastop haga) = II . Pcgosca pu» baschicri:

hilossul.u « Mayr, 1885 ( Blaslo phaga) ..j4. Pcgosca pu- bitossu,
brasiliensis Ma yr, 1885 ( Blastophaga) = ..j5. Pegoscapus brusilicnxi-,
bru ncri G ran d i. 19.' ..j ( Blastophaga) = 46. I'cgoscapu s bru ner:

cabrcra i Bla nchar d. 1944 (Blastop haga) =

.'~ . Pcgosca pus cabrcra i
ca rlos: Ramirez. 1l)70 ( Blastophag,l) 50. Pcgosca pu-; c.ulo si
costuricunu » G rand i. 1 9 ~ 5 (Tet rapu s) ~ . Tetra pus costuric .mu-,
cuma ncnsis Rumm ircz. 1l)70 (Blastophaga) = JL). Pcgo scupus cum uncn sis

danorum Ho ffmeyer. 1L).\::' ( Blast opha ga) = 51. I'cgosca pus dunoru m
ccu.uloranu s G rand i. IL)J..j (Tetrapus) = ..j. Tetrap us cc uad oruuus sis
clisac G randi . 1L) ,\(, ( Blastoph agn) = .1 .\. Pcgoscap us clisac
=::' .\.
csi hcrac Gra nd i. IL)I L) ( Blast op hugn) Pcgosca pu-, csthe rac

Ilagcllalu s W ic bcs, I L)R.' (Pcgo scap ux) 7. Pcgosca pu-, Ilagcllatu s
Ila\ iscapa Ashmead . 190..j (E iseniu) = ::'R. Pcgosca pu» Ila\ isca pus
Irank : W ie bcs, I L)95 (I'cgoscapu s) = .\5. Pcgo scupu s Irunk i

gemell us Wicbcs. I L) 95 (Pcgosca p us) = .1 7. Pcgosca p u-, gcmcllu-,

grund ii Hoffm eyer. 1L)'\~ ( Blastop haga I = ~ I. Pcgosca p u« grand ii
grocgcri Wichcs, 1L) L) 5 (I' ego sl'ap us I ..jR. I'egosca pus groL'geri

hcrrc i W icbcs, 1995 ( Pcgo sca pu«I =.\(" I'egoscap us herrci

holfm cycri G ra ndi. 1L) '\..j (Blastu pha ga) = 10. Pcgosca pus ho ttm cycri

ilca nae Rami rez. 1970 ( Blasto phuga) = 42. Pegosca pus ilcunuc
insulari s Ashmead. 1900 ( Blastophugu) = .18. Pcgo sca pus insula ris

jimcnczi G ra nd i. 1919 ( Blasto phugaj = 24. Pcgosca pus jimcnczi

kra ussi G ra ndi. 1952 ( Blusto phuga) = .10. Pcgosca pus krau ssi

lon gicep s Came ro n. 1906 ( Pcgoscap us) 9. Pcgosca pu s lo ngiccps
lo pesi M a nga bciro Fi lho . 19.1 7 (Eupis trina)=19. Pcgo sca pu s lopcsi

ma riac Ra mirez. 1970 ( Blustophu gu l = .14. Pcgoscupus murine

mayri Brucs. 19 10 (Tetrapu s} t Tet ra p us mayri (p . 7)
mcxicanus Ashmead. 1904 (E iscnia) = 29. Pcgo sca pus mc xicanus
mcxicunus Gr andi . 1952 (Tetrapus) = J. Tetrapus mcxica nus

o bsc ura Kirby. 1890 (Blastophagu) = 52. Pcgoscupus ob sc urus

or ozcoi Ra mirez. 1970 ( Blastopha gu) 4.1. Pcgosca pus orozco i

ph ilippi G ra ni, 19.16 ( Blastophaga) = 18. Pcgosca pus philip pi

piceipcs Ashmead . 1900 ( BhlS ll)phaga) = 14. Pcgosca pus piccipcs

schwarzii Ashmea d. 191111 ( BIa'I I)l'haga) = inccrt ae scd is (p , 16 )

silvestrii G ra nd i. 19 19 IBIa' tl)l' haga ) = 26. Pcgosc.rpu s silvcsui i

spec. Bo ucck. 199.1 (Tcrrapu-: = ' . Tetrap us spec.

spec. Ram irez. !1!7I1 ITc'lr'll' lh l = h. Tetrapus spec,

stuud lcyi Rumircz. al} -II IBI'IS \l1I'haga l = .18. Pcgosca pus iusulari s

tomcntcllac \\ 'icbc" . 1%.< Il'egoSGlp US ) = 20. Pcgoscupus iomcntcl lac

tondu zi G ra nd i. 11/I I) IBlu-tophngn ) = 15. Pcgoscap us tond uzi

., "i torrcsi G i. 11 ) 2 11 I Hla -to phagu I = 22. Pcgo sca p us io rrcsi

tri-aan i G ra nd i. I I) 19 IBIa' lophaga ) = 27. Pcgosca pu« tristuni

.' ( urb.m.ic Ra mirez. 19711 rBlusto phaga } = 25. Pcgoscup us urbunuc

\\ illiamsi Gr and i. 192.1 ( Blastophaga) = 47. Pcgosca pus williamsi


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