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Graph Descriptions

From source to mouth and from site to site the width of the river increased, ‘site 1’
being the smallest and ‘site 2’ being the biggest,. ‘site 4’ is 14.8 times wider than ‘site
1’ the depth of the river starts quite deep at 21.12cms and then the next site is more
shallow at 8cms however form there on the next sites get gradually deeper. ‘site 3’
being 13cms and ‘site 4’ being 19.12cms this making ‘site 1’ deepest and 2.64 times
deeper than ‘site 2’.

CSA (Cross Sectional Area)

The CSA of the river increases downstream. At each of the sites the CSA increases
and ‘site 4’ being 22.4 times larger then ‘site 1’


With the velocity (cork) test the velocity increased form ‘site 1’ to ‘site 2’ largely as
‘site 1’ is 5.2 times higher than ‘site 1’ however from then on the waters velocity only
decreases and from ‘site 2’ to ‘site 3’ to ‘site 4’ it decreases quite rapidly. However in
the other velocity test with the flowmeter, the results came back differently. The
velocity increases from ‘site 1’ to ‘site 3’ but then it drops down again at ‘site 4’. The
velocity was lowest at ‘site 1’ and highest at ‘site 3’ and ‘site 3’ was 4.5 times higher
than ‘site 1’, this meaning the velocity was higher under the surface of the river but
lower on the surface.


The discharge of the river is worked out with the flowmeter test. My graph shows that
the discharge consistently increases through-out the sites. ‘Site 1’ being the smallest,
and ‘site 4’ being the largest.

Load amount

My graph shows there was a very high load amount at ‘site 1’ however it rapidly
decreased at ‘site 2’ from 17.7 cms to 2.4 cms, then it gradually rose to 3.8 cms at
‘site 3’ and then on to 4 cms at ‘site 4’. The load amount was 4.3 times larger at ‘site
1’ than at ‘site 4’

Load size

The load size at ‘site 1’ on my pie charts show that sand is the majority, then stones,
then pebbles and the finally gravel. ‘Site 2’ shows the majority is sand, then gravel,
then pebbles and then no rocks. At ‘site 4’ the majority is sand again, then pebbles,
then gravel and then again no stones. At ‘site 4’ 3 quarters of the load size is sand,
then comes stones, then gravel and then hardly any pebbles.

My friction graph shows that from ‘site 1’ to site 4 the friction steadily decreased. At
‘site 1’ there was 2 times more friction than at ‘site 4’


The efficiency ratio graph shows that the efficiency ratio of the River Tillingbourne
increases from source to mouth. The ratio is 3.2 times higher at ‘site 4 ‘ than it is at
‘site 1’.

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