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sa DYN Ne) cine telat \ NX hc an Sn [Oye eMC) \ coed Olforers) gate] Pleo CATAL New Cl of the Daesang Group DAESANG Agung Indonesia always, for health z a great experience Daesang Agung Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang berusaha untuk menyebarkan pengaruh dan dampak positif dengan memperkaya orang dan alam untuk mempromosikan dunia yang berkelanjutan. Untuk mengekspresikan visi kami, kami merancang Corporate Image karni dengan menggambar inspirasi dari pohon terkait dengan vitalitas dengan meletakkan akar kita dengan kuat di tanah untuk menghasilkan buah yang berlimpah dari jerih payah kita dan menyebarkan ke cabang di atas dan kelvar. Dalam dunia yang serba cepat dan dinamis, kami sepenuhnya mendukung dan memelihara karyawan Daesang kami untuk memimpin jalan di masa sekarang dan membuat kemajuan menuju yang lebih cerah dan masa depan yang lebih baik. Daesang Agung Indonesia is a company that strives to spread ai positive influence and impact by enriching people and nature to promote a sustainable world. To express our vision, we designed our Corporate Image by drawing inspiration from trees associated with vitality by putting down ‘our roots firmly on the ground to bear abundant fruits of our labor and spreading ‘our branches upward and outward. In a fast-paced and dynamic world, we fully support and nurture our Daesang employees to lead the way in the present and ‘make progress towards a brighter and better future. Daftar Isi Contents Mamaia) Dengan spat ath Flour/Powder Batter Mix Flour sl 108 Sweet Premix FUP econ OS Instant Seasoning Powder vou 06 Complete Seasoning Powder Agar-Agar (Vegan Gelatine) ... Gim (Nori/Seaweed) Roasted Seaweed Laver . Seaweed Sprinkles. Mayonnaise/Dressing. Mayonnaise & Dressing. Wat Ready to Cook & Others RIC Korean Rice COKE vsennsnne 12 RTC Korean Glass Noodle 2 RTC Cream Soup -nrrnnscnns 13 Shrimp Paste Block nase Shrimp Paste Chili Sauce "4 Table Salt... 1 COOKINg Oil onsneyen 4 DAESANG MamaSuka somes from the love of a mother, to be everyone's brand choice for delicious & healthy food Delisaos Sauce Hot Lava Sauce Series 16 Korean Hot Sauce... 16 ASIQN SAUCE evtentninennn 7 Pasta Sauce. 19 Indonesian instant Seasoning Poste... 19 Nutrina) Jelly/Cereal/Soup ........21-22, | Horeca (Hotel, Restaurant, Catering) xr 24 © | Ofood Korean Food Product... 28 Adis) Miwon SeASONINE enn 7 ale 1g Mamasuka Tepung Bumbu Batter Mix Flour rghaian produkTepung ngan rasa gurh dan mari a1! MamaSuka, fer car Tepung Bumbu Krispl, Tepung Bakwan,Tepung Tempe, “Tepung Bako, Tepung Pisang Goreng, Tepung Rot, Tepung ‘Tapioka, c2" Tepung Maizena Dioust dengan form sasikevisus sehingga menghasikan ca rasa ‘gun dengan telstur reyah dan frep Jugs terdapstvaran Gans “Tepung Bursou Ayam Goreng ‘Aa Korea dengan rackan bumba Korea yang Khas, tera dan 3 macamarian Org G dan Soy Asser of bot products with savoury ard sweet flavours fers Mamasuka. come 5 Crispy Batter Mix, Friters Bater Mix, Tempe Friters Boter Mix, Meatball Premix, Banana Fritters Batter Mix. Bread Crumbs, Tapioca Starch and Cornstarch ae wit a spec formulation to py torture Mi Four also ‘Mamasuka Korean Style Fried Chicken Batter Mix th Korean spice flavour. Avaliable Origa 9 wel Garke and Spicy vara 08 | Product Catalogue Tepung Bumbu vrisp Serbaguna Apo Sater See Be Toe 20a 9009, Te Shai te 18 Months ‘Tepung Bumbu rispl Rasa Kejd eee ry Barer ‘Se: 70g ‘Cone 6 xp Shetfife:18 Manche Tepung Bakwan Krspl Original 2254 Ke aetna eH Hg es 2258 "oie toe Shelf te te Months = . * : ‘Tepung Bumbu Tepung Bumbu ‘Krispl Pedas| ‘erisp ala Kentucky apap tree Algramasy oy eyo ‘eeniater Sie Tom Size 70g 10% Gomens waelGoato xT | Lew Wag pad 2 pT ag cen 2108 Shelf if: 18 Months Shel Life: 18 Months “Tepung Bumbu kris Rasa Lada Hitam ae per ry ate See i706 Game SpeaseSrTD Shel Life: 18 Months Tepung Bakwan ‘Tepung Bakwan Krispjagung rsp Udang. Sie 70 See 70 Tameeespmenteg | TanmangGponapen Tm he Sha Lie: 18 Months ‘Shelf Le: ale a ‘Tepung Pisang Goreng, kerispi Rasa Vania Size 709 210% TERA ea pep Shelf fe: 18 Manche Tepung Tempe Goreng Kris Keturmbar S705 Epa DS RD Shelf Lifes 18 Months “Tepung Pisang Goreng ‘isp! Pandan Wang ‘te ona ef ar Sie Tog BIO ea TE OTTO ag ae ROR Shel Lifer 18 Months Tepung Bakso Krispi Goreng Teese er ERED Sra Rape Shel Life 18 Months i Li e Tepung Tapioka See ioe 50g Gea aap sep ORO Tg ope! Shelf ifs 18 Months 21” Tepung Bakso Kenyal Halus Sea ana spongy Tees ASE Ra RSTD “Sheifife: 18 Month ‘Tepung Bumbu ‘Ayam Goreng ala Korea asa Hot Spicy "hte bane ae t709 Teams eng RoR ‘Shai te: 18 Months “Tepung Bumbu ‘Ayam Goreng ala Korea Rasa Original ean gt aes TAD Shall Lifes 18 Months ‘Tepung Bumbu ‘Ayam Goreng ala Korea Rasa Garlic See 7 Shel fe 18 Months Product Catalogue | 04 ‘Tepung Roti White Tepung Roti Mix Pati Jagung, Maizena hte red Cambs Mei regs rend runes conse ‘Sie 100g 2005, 5008 TRE ‘ee 100g 2005 500 See 1505 Temaepormg | Samanamparmg | canna ae ig pe cag Sheifife 24 Months Titans Seg psa Tastee | shat tes 2 oni Shelf 15 Month Tepung Premiks Makanan Manis Sweet Premix Flour = fanpentup da MamaSuka Terdt cai Padding Mix Pudding Mix Pancake Mix Tepung Pancake 2 Pudi ‘choco Tramisu Choco True ‘Orginal bisa ckreaskan dengan hac Padang oc Pog a ‘onenaPareate topping dan fling apa sia rere eee Mngardng am sea Ea sae See maniat kesehatan Pudding Temmnmagaeesrme | — Grom uagnoariae a TD Choco Truffle dan Choco Tiramisu eibv3t dan tekstar ing asl (rel pudding) gan rasa cokelat yang Kut yang akan memanjakan wake Santal Anda, ‘Sheff: 15 Manche Shelf Lifer 15 Months Shelf Life: 18 Months products rom Memasuka, Pancakes ond Pudding Ficur A ee oe! Pancake Mix Pancake Mi Pancake Mix fesure ome ‘Banana ‘Choco Nut crepes & Waffle ne Pact coe ere Mr once, Cees Wee ae tg ieee See 50g Temmamigmrenag «| Tammesmgasanme | _cransanemepen iam) Shetres 5 he Shai Lies Months Shafi: 18 Months 05 | Product Catalogue Bumbu Instan Instant Seasoning Powder umba nstan lergeop paki, nila Ada ena varian bursou rmasakan yang menggugah solerakelia'ga comple’ pour, oo: od apoete Bumbu Lengkap Complete Seasoning Powder Bumbu legisp praktis wemasak 20 mudah dan meryenargean Compete seasoning pone such an economic a practical mbes ‘AYAM Bumbuinstan ‘Ayam Goreng, nde Wot el en sees Samora oa Shelf fe: 18 Months Bumbu instan por remeron peti Sa Gari apamparee Dauigipsie2eeceree ‘Shelf tes 18 Monch Bumbu Instan ‘Gulat tn esa Ponce “ci Ca See Gres Rew ARNO Papatnasearopon Shelf Life: 18 Months RENDANG Ra Bumbu instan Rendang, nan sean ane tee hence Sie 2e ata ame eran Sal Lifes Months ‘Bumbu instan, ‘Nasi Uduie teat eons ence Nis aceon he See 205 Con 34 ak eet Shel Lifer 12 Months ‘Bumbu instan Soto Ayam sconyan on ern) Grae ang pcr aOR nigh een eeens ag Shelf Lifes 18 Months ‘Bumbu Kuah Bakso Sapi SEniE ‘Sieg 1004, 2508 een Shelf te Months ‘Bumbu Kuah Bakso Ayam tr Chicken rt for Innes Met Sp ‘Sie 8g, 18 Sasomigperea TB Sig mek Shelf Life 12 Months Bumbu Sop epee Seeig Pe fot Indo are Sep eee Semana Shelf ufe12 Product Catalogue | O6 Agar - Agar (Vegan Gelatine) aun agar-agar yang Sudah stamban dengan va pewarra masaran ierkan, Dapat cg sebagai bahar aneka makanan yang ber agar-agar, puding. 480 ‘en at powce tat as been food colouring. Can be used as fan ingredient ko make varus ine based foods, pu 07 | Product Catalogue Bumbu Tumis Bumbu Capeay Lada Putin Bubuk comer corr ar oer cape Ponder Sic 108 See Te See te Sheltie: 2 Months Shelf te: 12 Months Shetite 36 Months Agar Bub Agar Bub Aa Sub “Siniajanall “iow Netal “ioe eran kona rte soloed ose torts terror Tare ran na cenirom | see Sue 7p sone Gomatoaneenapsite | tices sar “conwrctnisigatiantaienTe | ‘Shelf 36 Months | —Sheife 36 Wonths Shelfesewenie Agar-Agar Bubuk ‘Near sgar Bubule allow Hijau Hallow Coklat| ao ren ea Poser rao hace Ate onde ee | SCS GerumaorereanaaenTepexT® — | Comer MRECREKTZEOAT Shei Lter36 Menthe «Shai Lie 36 Months irk cl GimMlO 1Oth Years Anniversary No.l in seaweed products Indonesi re eo a es Tat a Er ec) ete Kering "Panggang (Nori) (Yoyo Rou Gim MamasSuka Gim (Roasted Seaweed Laver) Gim Snack yang nak dan sehs ilar sats temason. Metso kan produk gim umpsto.t) umput taut umput Laut Rumputtaut asl Korea denen cha rasa ering Panerang ering Panegang Kering Panggang una, Sarga cocok aka Orginal Raza Pedas Rasa Telur Asn uk comin atau mera topping makors eet sed Sone Shae seaweed sented Some i Sater Nika dalam beberaps Saree ete «| eee rgparggang “awmagtopanntpaxese | Cone MoR(o REPENS en agp FR ASE (Original, 35 Jagung Bakar SepiPanggang — _ EPPA Korea} Shelflfe 12 Months ‘Non Saku (Orginal, Peds) ‘A delcious and healty Snack Gi in one package. kis Korean original Gim Seaweed) oe ey lable as 2 snack ar as 2 food topping/side ash Enjoy in several options: Roasted Seaweed Laver y, Salted Ege Rumput Laut fRumput Laut RumputLaut Kering Panggang Kering Panggane Kering Panggang Rasa Sapi Panggang Korea Rasa Jagung Bakar asa Soto Ayam Lamongan vm ren Be Bs ou se Ca var vm Sosa aya raga Four Tre ae Saag Sasa Tres ienomaniearase | Toussanmpant ‘Shale 12 Month Shale he Shale 12 Menthe Rumpur Laut Kering Panggang asa Rendang Padang, Tae Se Tes ig iOpen ease ‘Shale 12 Months 09 | Product Catalogue Gim Nori Saku Original Nori Saku Pedas craton Somes Facet ‘pi Roed Samed Ret, Sart See te Gomme | Gama nene rae he Shel Life 72 Month Shelf Lier 12 Mamasuka Sushi Nori ok untuk Sushi Nori meme at Gimbop/Sushi. Senaed shes fom Korevore— _aeag T5 Gimbapisush Ea ORO eT That 12 ones Product Catalogue | 10 Mayonnaise/Dressing Selama lbh dai abun Dressing MamaSuka tlah meroapatkan perghargaan Top Brand Award ~seouan penghargasn merek bergengs: Indonesia yang dverkan kepada BEST BRAND. For more than 5 yeors Mamasuka Dressing has been awarded the Top Brand Award presiious brand appreciation i incnesi that ony she tothe BEST BRAND. MamaSuka Mayonais adalah salah satu jens sous emus Sega, berurgs\untak sus atau perasa/oumb yang kras pada tmakararvmasazan Dibust dar bahan tara miryak kedea mur aang telurayam sear phan dan cuka femertas: (Gukan kia tercipslah Mayonais MamaSuka yang kat, lezat dan er ca F250 Indonesia Mayonais umumnya ‘dgunakan sebaga perasa pada mmakaran segert selada atau sandvch ‘Mamasuka Meyonnaise is 3 ‘ype of fesh emulsion sauces Could be used 95 spec sauces ras special favours/condmens in foodicoolng. Made from the main ingredients of ure soybean ti selected fresh chicken eB yolks and fermented vinegar not ‘erica MamaSuka Moyenndise Isdelcous appetes ana hasan Indonesian ext inf. Mayonnaise ‘commonly used 289 fnourng ‘foods such setae oF selene Dressing rendah emakyang ‘formulasicn dergan Gahan baka plihan dan lebih than ppanas Hadi dalam berbaga! pilhan varan sesualkebutuhan, Mudah dapilaskan ke seiap meritavort. Lovefa dressings ae formulated {from selected ow marerais nd more he stable. Comes in vious variants tas your reas 5/1960 your 11 | Product Catalogue Mayonais omase Sa 009 3005 we Te res ep Sg 259006 S75he(2 psx igi psx ‘Shel ie 12 Months Sous Kelu rege Seg 300g Signs S24 3008 Shelf if: 2 Months Honey Mustard Seto 3g Terns agnor i200 ‘Shelf fe: 12 Months Salad Dressing Sous Mayo rng th Monae Sauce ‘See 1505 he 3b ‘Goren Anat ‘gt sera thy a2 psa Shai Life: 12 Months ‘Wien Sangral toate Some eng ‘See 100g 300 Soha i2e 33000 Shee: 2 Manes Salad Dressing Hot Lava set oerng Sz Tog 3008 Cares pa 08 ‘eh e309 ‘Shale 12 Months ‘Thousand island Seog 3006 SeI1226 3008 Shelf fe: 12 Months Seri Makanan Siap Masak Ready to Cook Series Makanan stan keknian yong, mengusungwuliner dar berbagai negara sesuai dengan trend target rarket yang kekiian, menyasar ke generasl mlerial Popular instant food that caries ‘ulinary fom various countries trends targeung the millennial eneraton. ady to Cook Teepe Taare cope ‘Topokki Rasa Original Topokki Rasa Pedas Topokki Rasa Krim Caran Lg SRT Shales Taman neere ‘Shales 12 Months 3 Shales 12 Months ‘Size: 1348, | ‘Size: 1348 | ‘Size: 134% Sohun Instan Japchae Shun Instan Japchae Jiajangmyeon Rasa Orginal Rasa Pedas ors nsonaperve Spi sor pee ‘est wioaryeon ore Sed ae) orn rte oa) "a ba emer spacing | Canna aaco pare ay | ‘Sue ie | Sines 1058, ‘Shelf 12 Menthe Shelf Lifes 12 Months ‘Shelf 12 Menthe Mie Hot Lava Mie Hot Lava asa Ayam asa Keju a ‘Shelf 12 Menthe Shelf Lifer 12 Months Product Catalogue | 12 Ready to Cook Sup krim Mamasuka adalah Sup kental insan, yang terouat eri paduan pas artaratepung tegu, pat agung, susu bubuk skim dengan bumu plan Proses mask cepat dan prakis, merghasihan sup krim yang lem, gunh oan leva, -Mamasuka Cream Soup is a7 ington thick soup, made rom Sup Krim ‘sup kr Rasa Daging. Sup krim the oght blend af wheat fou, asa Sayur & Bawang, ‘api Lada Hitam asa Jamur carn starch and shee mile over with selected spices. The agte td Se sap narra of Muto Sop coking process fst and —_—a——S evs practical bring out the creamy, Se 558 See Se 556 Sovouty and delicous cream GEES | Een | ERAS soup, Tigers TS Tigao paw Tiga BS Shetfife 15 Manche Shelf Life 15 Months Sheff 15 Months Sup krim ‘sup rim asa jagung, asa Ayam tot rem of Com So tetra of een Sup Tree Sees mm iaginanp@ | ime iaigepenT eth TESS he 13 | Product Catalogue felt sey Bumbu Kering Dry Seasoning Terasi dang merupaian bumbu penyedap rasa maracan alam yarg a buat dar fermentas|eban ah pian yang dipadatian eningga menghasikan teasi udang Super dergar rasa guin pas an aroma wang) Kias tera berkualtas, “Simp Paste Block's 2 natural {Food seasoning made fom ted ign fermented reton (indonesian syper-tny dried hrm), Resulting the super Shim paste wh a savoury taste and a astncive fragrant ‘roma good quay sp past Garam Reguler Mamasuka acalan garam kensumsi beryocium yang berkualtas, igunakan sebagai bum. peryedap meupun dtaburan pada makaran. Mamassuko Regular Tale Salt ie elena used as lavourng or sprinkled on food ‘Terasi Udang. ‘ae Bg Gp) eles ‘Shelf fe 24 Months ‘Terasi Udang Juana one Shin este ae 80g Coarse Shai Lie: 24 Months Sambal Teras! Step rate sce ‘Sie rigs ep Shelf ute: 12 Months Minyak Goreng Jagung ‘ne 800m 806d Gara (prs Shelf tes Months Garam Reguler ne: 250g 5005. The Carns apes 0g) 12424 ps0 hg pert Sha Lie: 96 months Minyak Goreng Kedelai soneano ‘ae: 900m, 200m Shei iert Terasi Udang Due Size 1205 00 pcx68) Goes bigger aDESH ‘Shalfife:24 Months Product Catalogue | 14 Delisaos Live the Chef in You Katergori Saus, sub brand dari MamaSuka Indonesia yang menghadirkan produk-produk’saus berkualitas. Dibuat dengan bahan baku pillhan, untuk berbagai macam aplikasi sehingza memudahkan dalarn memasak. Saus yang dapat “menghidupkan sisi juru masak handal di dalam diri anda’ Sauce Category, a sub brand from MamaSuka indonesia that brings the best quality of sauce products. Made from selected raw materials, for a variety of applications making it easier to cook. A sauce that can “bring out the chef in you". Sauce Seri Saus Hot Lava Hot Lava Sauce Series Sous sambal unk dar MamaSuka Delisaos, cengan n cabal dan bahan bak pian, Membawa charasa amba knas Korea ke dalam irre, Unique hot savce fom Mamasuka Delisaos, ingresents. Bring out tet hot sauce fram Korea on your poe Saus Sambal Hot Lava tay Sue Sie 9g. 0m Zeb Ga aOR Saus Ayam Goreng ala Korea Rasa Madu Original ae 9g 16g 320 reer ra Taser Saus Sambal Hot Lava Voleano Size 9g oe Bom ane Tet pe Hon gies nt Saus Ayam Goreng, ala Korea Rasa Madu Pedas Serge in rd een Sine 9, 6g 3205 Gg ORD ECTS SEigiase az ‘aus Ayam Goreng, ala Korea asa Madu Bawang Se Og Te SOE Taree th pS Tania apn Product Catalogue | 16 Sauce Saus Asia Asian Sauce halal Cocokuntuk hidangan bersama keluarga ol ‘Sauces mith Asan taste row mater en praccal and economical packaging a 17 | Product Catalogue pie sous Topo Rasa Original See Tog Te ‘arnarang ps com see | Shalit: 12 Monthe aaa ‘aus Topokki asa Pedas “Tapert See Tog Te Tigi Shelf ier 12 Months SausJapehae Rasa Original aes t0e Saus Sundubu jigae Ses Sno Svt ese arena e pa eso sce f ape Saus apehae Rasa Pedas Sc Seong Serpe Saus KimehiJigae Seas suc cree Sete ‘aus Topokki asa rim er Topts rela Size 100g Te ‘arena OOD Baga erat Shalit: 12 Months Saus jajangmyeon Serine fe angen ‘aus Kimchi Bokkeurbap

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