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1.1 Cellular Foundations 3 life arose—simple microorganisms with the ability to ex-
1.2 Chemical Foundations 12 tract energy from organic compounds or from sunlight,
which they used to make a vast array of more complex
1.3 Physical Foundations 21 biomolecules from the simple elements and compounds
1.4 Genetic Foundations 28 on the Earth’s surface.
1.5 Evolutionary Foundations 31 Biochemistry asks how the remarkable properties
of living organisms arise from the thousands of differ-
ent lifeless biomolecules. When these molecules are iso-
With the cell, biology discovered its atom . . . To lated and examined individually, they conform to all the
characterize life, it was henceforth essential to study the physical and chemical laws that describe the behavior
cell and analyze its structure: to single out the common of inanimate matter—as do all the processes occurring
denominators, necessary for the life of every cell; in living organisms. The study of biochemistry shows
how the collections of inanimate molecules that consti-
alternatively, to identify differences associated with the
tute living organisms interact to maintain and perpetu-
performance of special functions. ate life animated solely by the physical and chemical
—François Jacob, La logique du vivant: une histoire de l’hérédité laws that govern the nonliving universe.
(The Logic of Life: A History of Heredity), 1970 Yet organisms possess extraordinary attributes,
properties that distinguish them from other collections
We must, however, acknowledge, as it seems to me, that of matter. What are these distinguishing features of liv-
man with all his noble qualities . . . still bears in his ing organisms?
bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin. A high degree of chemical complexity and
—Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, 1871 microscopic organization. Thousands of differ-
ent molecules make up a cell’s intricate internal
structures (Fig. 1–1a). Each has its characteristic
ifteen to twenty billion years ago, the universe arose
F as a cataclysmic eruption of hot, energy-rich sub-
atomic particles. Within seconds, the simplest elements
sequence of subunits, its unique three-dimensional
structure, and its highly specific selection of
binding partners in the cell.
(hydrogen and helium) were formed. As the universe Systems for extracting, transforming, and
expanded and cooled, material condensed under the in- using energy from the environment (Fig.
fluence of gravity to form stars. Some stars became 1–1b), enabling organisms to build and maintain
enormous and then exploded as supernovae, releasing their intricate structures and to do mechanical,
the energy needed to fuse simpler atomic nuclei into the chemical, osmotic, and electrical work. Inanimate
more complex elements. Thus were produced, over bil- matter tends, rather, to decay toward a more
lions of years, the Earth itself and the chemical elements disordered state, to come to equilibrium with its
found on the Earth today. About four billion years ago, surroundings.

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2 Chapter 1 The Foundations of Biochemistry

This is true not only of macroscopic structures,

such as leaves and stems or hearts and lungs, but
also of microscopic intracellular structures and indi-
vidual chemical compounds. The interplay among
the chemical components of a living organism is dy-
namic; changes in one component cause coordinat-
ing or compensating changes in another, with the
whole ensemble displaying a character beyond that
of its individual parts. The collection of molecules
carries out a program, the end result of which is
(a) reproduction of the program and self-perpetuation
of that collection of molecules—in short, life.
A history of evolutionary change. Organisms
change their inherited life strategies to survive
in new circumstances. The result of eons of
evolution is an enormous diversity of life forms,
superficially very different (Fig. 1–2) but
fundamentally related through their shared ancestry.

Despite these common properties, and the funda-

mental unity of life they reveal, very few generalizations
(b) about living organisms are absolutely correct for every
organism under every condition; there is enormous di-
versity. The range of habitats in which organisms live,
from hot springs to Arctic tundra, from animal intestines
to college dormitories, is matched by a correspondingly
wide range of specific biochemical adaptations, achieved


FIGURE 1–1 Some characteristics of living matter. (a) Microscopic

complexity and organization are apparent in this colorized thin sec-
tion of vertebrate muscle tissue, viewed with the electron microscope.
(b) A prairie falcon acquires nutrients by consuming a smaller bird.
(c) Biological reproduction occurs with near-perfect fidelity.

A capacity for precise self-replication and

self-assembly (Fig. 1–1c). A single bacterial cell
placed in a sterile nutrient medium can give rise
to a billion identical “daughter” cells in 24 hours.
Each cell contains thousands of different molecules,
some extremely complex; yet each bacterium is
a faithful copy of the original, its construction FIGURE 1–2 Diverse living organisms share common chemical fea-
directed entirely from information contained tures. Birds, beasts, plants, and soil microorganisms share with hu-
within the genetic material of the original cell. mans the same basic structural units (cells) and the same kinds of
Mechanisms for sensing and responding to macromolecules (DNA, RNA, proteins) made up of the same kinds of
alterations in their surroundings, constantly monomeric subunits (nucleotides, amino acids). They utilize the same
adjusting to these changes by adapting their pathways for synthesis of cellular components, share the same genetic
internal chemistry. code, and derive from the same evolutionary ancestors. Shown here
Defined functions for each of their compo- is a detail from “The Garden of Eden,” by Jan van Kessel the Younger
nents and regulated interactions among them. (1626–1679).
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1.1 Cellular Foundations 3

within a common chemical framework. For the sake of Nucleus (eukaryotes)

clarity, in this book we sometimes risk certain general- or nucleoid (bacteria)
Contains genetic material–DNA and
izations, which, though not perfect, remain useful; we associated proteins. Nucleus is
also frequently point out the exceptions that illuminate membrane-bounded.
scientific generalizations.
Plasma membrane
Biochemistry describes in molecular terms the struc- Tough, flexible lipid bilayer.
tures, mechanisms, and chemical processes shared by Selectively permeable to
all organisms and provides organizing principles that polar substances. Includes
membrane proteins that
underlie life in all its diverse forms, principles we refer function in transport,
to collectively as the molecular logic of life. Although in signal reception,
biochemistry provides important insights and practical and as enzymes.
applications in medicine, agriculture, nutrition, and
industry, its ultimate concern is with the wonder of life
In this introductory chapter, then, we describe
(briefly!) the cellular, chemical, physical (thermody-
namic), and genetic backgrounds to biochemistry and
the overarching principle of evolution—the develop-
ment over generations of the properties of living cells.
As you read through the book, you may find it helpful Aqueous cell contents and
to refer back to this chapter at intervals to refresh your suspended particles
memory of this background material. and organelles.

centrifuge at 150,000 g
1.1 Cellular Foundations
The unity and diversity of organisms become apparent Supernatant: cytosol
even at the cellular level. The smallest organisms consist Concentrated solution
of enzymes, RNA,
of single cells and are microscopic. Larger, multicellular monomeric subunits,
organisms contain many different types of cells, which metabolites,
vary in size, shape, and specialized function. Despite inorganic ions.
these obvious differences, all cells of the simplest and
Pellet: particles and organelles
most complex organisms share certain fundamental Ribosomes, storage granules,
properties, which can be seen at the biochemical level. mitochondria, chloroplasts, lysosomes,
endoplasmic reticulum.
Cells Are the Structural and Functional Units of All FIGURE 1–3 The universal features of living cells. All cells have a
Living Organisms nucleus or nucleoid, a plasma membrane, and cytoplasm. The cytosol
Cells of all kinds share certain structural features (Fig. is defined as that portion of the cytoplasm that remains in the super-
natant after centrifugation of a cell extract at 150,000 g for 1 hour.
1–3). The plasma membrane defines the periphery of
the cell, separating its contents from the surroundings.
It is composed of lipid and protein molecules that form The internal volume bounded by the plasma mem-
a thin, tough, pliable, hydrophobic barrier around the brane, the cytoplasm (Fig. 1–3), is composed of an
cell. The membrane is a barrier to the free passage of aqueous solution, the cytosol, and a variety of sus-
inorganic ions and most other charged or polar com- pended particles with specific functions. The cytosol is
pounds. Transport proteins in the plasma membrane al- a highly concentrated solution containing enzymes and
low the passage of certain ions and molecules; receptor the RNA molecules that encode them; the components
proteins transmit signals into the cell; and membrane (amino acids and nucleotides) from which these macro-
enzymes participate in some reaction pathways. Be- molecules are assembled; hundreds of small organic
cause the individual lipids and proteins of the plasma molecules called metabolites, intermediates in biosyn-
membrane are not covalently linked, the entire struc- thetic and degradative pathways; coenzymes, com-
ture is remarkably flexible, allowing changes in the pounds essential to many enzyme-catalyzed reactions;
shape and size of the cell. As a cell grows, newly made inorganic ions; and ribosomes, small particles (com-
lipid and protein molecules are inserted into its plasma posed of protein and RNA molecules) that are the sites
membrane; cell division produces two cells, each with its of protein synthesis.
own membrane. This growth and cell division (fission) All cells have, for at least some part of their life, ei-
occurs without loss of membrane integrity. ther a nucleus or a nucleoid, in which the genome—

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