Anda di halaman 1dari 36


j '1

::l ii
1. Surat Izin Perusahaan
Company Registrations

2. Asosiasi Seftifikasi
Association Ceftificates

3. visl dan Misi

Vision and Mission

Latar Belakang

5. layanan Jasa
Scope of Services

o Pengembangan Lapangan Panas Bumi

Geothermal Field Development

o Jasa Pengeboran
Drilling Support Services

o Enjiniring & Konstruksi

Engineering & Construction

Manajemen Proyek & Konstruksi

Project & Construction Management

Pengadaan Alat Berat Konstruksi 10

Heavy Equipment Rental

o Pemeliharaan Alat Berat 11

Heavy Equipment Maintenance

Penanggulangan Bahaya Longsor t2

Landslides Restoration

o Pengadaan Tenaga Kerja 13

Manpower Recruitment

6. Struktur Organisasi t4
Organization Structure

7. ProfilTenaga Ahli 15
Key Personnel Profiles

8. Daftar Alat Berat 16

List of Heavy Equipment

9. Daftar Pengalaman Proyek 25

List of Project Experiences

10. Foto Kegiatan Proyek 27

Project Pictures

Rekanan Usaha 33
Business Partners

t,2. Alamat Perusahaan 34

Company Addresses













NOMOR POKOKWAIIB PAIA|(, NPWP NO. 01.321.168.5-007.000






SURAT rzrN usAFtA JASA KONSTRUKST, SrUJK NO. 2. 603 207.09 .317 2.2.02044



o Bank Mandiri
o Leasing Company
Anggota, Asosiasi Perusahaan Teknik Mekankal Elektrikal (APTEK)
Provinsi DKI Jakarta

2. Anggota, Asosiasi Pengusaha Dan Pemilik Alat Konstruksi Indonesia (APPAKSI)

Provinsi DKI Jakarta

3. Anggota, Gabungan Pelaksana Konstruksi Nasional Indonesia (GAPENSI)

Provinsi DKI Jakafta

Sertifikat Badan Usaha Jasa Pelaksana Konstruksi

dari Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi Nasional

5. Anggota, lGmar Dagang Dan Industri (KADIN)

Provinsi DKI Jakafta

6. Seftifkat Kompetensi Dan Kualifi kasi Perusahaan,

dari Badan Seftifikasi KADIN Provinsi DKI lakarta, mencakup:
o Kompentensi & Kualifikasi Sub Bidang Penyewaan Alat Angkutan Darat
o Kompentensi & Kualifikasi Sub Bidang Jasa Penyewaan Peralatan Kerja dan ProduKi
o Kompentensi & Kualifikasi Sub Bidang Penyewaan Alat Berat
o Kompetensi & Kualifikasi Sub Bidang Ekplorasi Pertambangan
o Kompetensi & Kualifikasi Sub Bidang Pengupasan
o Kompetensi & Kualifikasi Sub Bidang Penggalian/Penambangan
o Kompetensi & Kualifikasi Sub Bidang Penyediaan Tenaga Kerja
o Kompetensi & Kualifikasi Sub Bidang Ala(Peralatan/Suku Cadang: Mekanikal dan
o Kompetensi & Kualifikasi Sub Bidang Pemeliharaan Barang dan Peralatan Mekanikal,
Elektrikal dan Elektronika
o Kompetensi & Kualifikasi Sub Bidang Jasa Pemeliharaan dan Reparasi Mesin dan
Peralatan Industri
o Kompetensi & Kualifikasi Sub Bidang Pemeliharaan Alat Berat

7. SKT-Panas Bumi, dari DirJen EBTKE (Direktorat Jenderal Energi Baru, Terbarukan
dan Konseruasi Energi), mencakup bidang usaha:
a) Jasa Konstruksi, Sub Bisang Usaha:
o Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Konstruksi Lokasi Pemboran
o Konstruksi Sipil, dan
o KonstruKi Mekanikal
b) Jasa Non Konstruksi, Sub Bidang Usaha:
o Penyewa Alat Berat
o Jasa lainnya (Penyedia Tenaga Kerja, Penyedia Material Konstruksi)
Meningkatkan tarap hidup
dimanapun kami bekerja dengan menciptakan
lapangan kerja, alih pengetahuan dan teknologi,
mendukung pedumbuhan ekonomi, serta berperan aKif
dalam pembangunan nasional

Improve the lives of
wherever we work through crating jobs,
transfer of knowldge and tehnolqies,
support aonomic development, and actively
involvd in national development

Memberikan layanan jasa
Pengembangan Lapangan panas Bumi, Enjiniring,
Konstruksi, Servis Pengeboran dan Manajemen proyek
kepada klien kami dengan biaya efisien, efeKif, aman,
ramah lingkungan dan profesional

Provide setyices in
Geothermal Field Development, Engineering, Construction,
Drilling kruice and Projut Management
to our clients in the most cost effutive, etricient
envircnmentally soun4 safe and
in a professional manner

Values :
Honesty Integrity Trust Excellence

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA), didirikan dan
terdaftar pada tanggal 6 Februari 1986 di Jakarta,
Perusahaan kami bergerak dan memberikan layanan
jasa khususnya dalam pengadaan/penyewaan dan
pemeliharaan alat berat, penanggulangan bahaya
longsor, enjiniring, konstruki, manajemen proyek, dll.

WJA memiliki lebih dari 15 tahun pengalaman proyek

secara intensif dalam pengembangan dan konstruKi
fasilitas lapangan panas bumi,
Kegiatan operasi proyek kami didukung oleh para ahli
dari berbagai disiplin serta dibantu oleh tenaga staf
dan personil lapangan yang sudah berpengalaman.

Disamping itu kamijuga memiliki berbagai alat berat

sebagai peralatan utama sepefti: Mobile Crane,
Excavator, Boomtruck, Backhoe Loader, Whee Loader,
Vibrating Roller, dll.

Kami yakin bahwa kemampuan teknik dan pengalaman

yang teruji dapat memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk
terpenuhinya kebutuhan dan kepuasan perusahaan

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA), established and

registered on February 6, 1986 in Jakada, Indonesia.
Our company is engaged and provide various seruices,
especially in rental and maintenance of various heavy
equipment, avalanche hazard mitigation, engineering,
construction, project ma nagement, etc,

WJA has more than 15 years experience in intensive

project development and construction of a geothermal
field facilities.
Project operations, we are suppofted by expets from
various disciplines and assisted by trained staff and
experienced field personnel.

Besides, we also have a variety of heavy equipment as

major appliances such as mobile cranes, excavators,
boomtruclc backhoe loaders, wheel loaders, vibrating
rollers, etc.

We are confident that the skills and experience-tested

techniques can provide the best seryice to fulfill your
company's needs and satisfaction.
PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA) has long
experienced in geothermal field development with
Unocal Geothermal of Indonesia, Chevron Geothermal
Salak Field, Chevron Geothermal Darajat Field and
Star Energy GeothermalWayang Windu Field.
The project scope includes site investigation,
identifying roads and well sites, infrastructure,
design and construction of resource production

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA) provides

various seruices as follow: manpower, heavy
equipment suppofts, engineering, construction and
project management to support drilling operation.
Conduct feasibilities study to identify and to select
drilling sites, construction of access roads, well
sites, thermal ponds, cellars, installation of water
distribution systems (WDS), drill cutting handling
and utilization.

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA) is suppofted

by numbers of multi-discipline engineers and operts
who have well experienced in geothermal field
development and projects. Our expertise mainly in
the area of engineering designs of sudace facilities;
pipe stress analysis and modelings, steam field
development, resource production facilities, steam
gathering systems, construction of geothermal
infrastructure facilities, roads and locations.

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA) consistently

implement project management processes in any
project operations from initiation, planning,
execution, project control and close-out. We have
well experienced and capabilities to o<pedite and
well managed several Capital and Operation projects
that is within budget, time, quality, and safely.
In addition, we strictly follow the HES Program
wherever we works to maintain zero accident.
Pengembangan Lapangan Panas Bumi

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA), memiliki

pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun dalam pengembangan
dan konstruksi fasilitas lapangan panas bumi, dan
didukung oleh tenaga ahli profesional berpengalaman

Ruang lingkup dan pengalaman kami dalam

pengembangan lapangan panas bumi termasuk,
tetapi tidak terbatas pada:

o Studi Kelayakan
o Surueidan Pemetaan
o Studi Lapangan dan Investigasi Tanah
o InfrastruKur Lapangan Panas Bumi
o Jalan dan Lokasi Pengeboran
o Instalasi Pipa, Bejana Beftekanan dan
Sistem Pengumpulan Uap
o Pengembangan Sumber Uap
o Disain dan Konstruksi Fasilitas Sumber

Geothermal Field Development

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA),

has over 15 years experience in geothermal field
development and construction, and is suppofted
by professional.

In the area of geothermal fields development,

our seruice include, but are not limited to the
following seruices:

o Feasibility Study
o Surueying and Topogrphic
o Field Study and Soil Investigation
o Geothermal Field Surface Facilities
o Access Roads and Well Locations
o Installation of Pipelines, Vessels and
Steam Gathering Systems.
o Steam Field Development
o Design and Construction of Resource
Production Facilities
Jasa Pengeboran

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA), memiliki

kemampuan, pengalaman dan berperan aKif dalam
perencanaan untuk mempersiapkan lokasi-lokasi

Ruang lingkup dalam jasa pengeboran termasuk,

tetapi tidak terbatas pada:

o EKplorasi
o Geoscience dan Model Sumber Panas
o Studi Enjiniring dan Investigasi Lokasi
o Persiapan Akes Jalan dan Lokasi
Pengeboran Sumur
o PemasanganJaringanDistribusiAir
o Penanggulangan dan Pemanfaatan Serpihan
Lumpur Pengeboran
Pengadaan Alat-alat Berat Pendukung
Pengadaan Tenaga Kerja Pendukung

Drilling Suppoft Services

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA),

has capability, well experienced and take
active roles in planning and drilling site

Our scope of services include, but are not

limited to the followings:

o Exploration
o Geoscience and Reseruoir Modeling
o Engineering Study and Site Investigation
o Preparation of Access Roads and Well
o Installation of Water Distribution Systems
o Drill Cutting Handling and Utilization
o Provides Heavy Equipment Services
o Manpower Suppoft Seruices
Enjiniring dan Konstruksi

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA), didukung

oleh tenaga ahli multi-disiplin dan berpengalaman
dalam melaKanakan tugas pekerjaan. Konsep kami
dalam enjiniring, konstruksi dan manajemen proyek
secara konsisten diterapkan guna tercapainya
pekerjaan tepat waKu dan memenuhi kepuasan

Layanan jasa kami dalam rancang-bangun meliputi,

tetapi tidak terbatas pada:

o Studi Kelayakan
o Infrastruktur dan Sipil Enjiniring
o Pengembangan Lapangan Panas Bumi
o Jalan dan Lokasi Pengeboran Sumur
o Mitigasi dan Penanggulangan Longsor
o Bangunan, Perumahan dan Industri
o Mekanikal, Pemipaan dan Fasilitas
Pengumpulan Uap Bertekanan
o Pengembangan Lapangan Sistem Uap Engineering and Construction

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA),

is suppoded by expefts who have extensive
experienced in multi-discipline task assigned.
Our engineering, construction and project
management concept are consistently followed
to meet the project timeline and to satisfy our

Our seruices in engineering and construction

include, but are not limited to the followings:

o Feasibilities Study
o Infrastructure, Civil Engineering
o Geothermal Fields Development
o Roads and Well Locations
o Mitigations and Landslides Restoration
o ResidentialandlndustrialBuildings
o Mechanical, Piping and Steam Gathering
o Steam Fields Development
Manajemen Proyek & Konstruksi

Aplikasi manajemen proyek dan konstruKi

dalam suatu pekerjaan merupakan suatu kunci
tercapainya pekerjaan dengan baik, tepat
waKu, memenuhi kualitas, dan sesuai dengan
anggaran yang telah ditetapkan.

Konsep dasar manajemen proyek, sepefti

PMBOK (Project Management Body Of
Knowledge) dipakai sebagaidasar kami dalam
perencanaan dan pelaksanaan proyek
dilapangan. Untuk mengantisipasi pasar bebas
diera-globalisasi, WJA telah menyesuaikan
dan mengadopsi standar nasional dan
internasional dibidang manajemen proyek dan Project & Construction Management
The application of project and construction
Ruang lingkup pada pelaksanaan manajemen management is the key to successful
proyek dan konstruksi meliputi, tetapi tidak completions of projects within the required
terbatas pada: time frame, quality standards and budget.

o Pelaksanaan Pengontrolan Proyek Project management disciplines, such as

(lingkup kerja, waKu, biaya, mutu, PMBOK is held up as baselines during and
keselamatan kerja dan risiko) throughout project pla nning, design, execution
o Proses Manajemen Proyek and field project control. To anticipate the free
o Manajemen KonstruKi market in the globalization era, WJA complies
o Penyusunan Spesifikasi Teknis and adopts both the national and international
o Pengontrolan Dokumen Proyek standards of project and construction
o Serah Terima Pekerjaan management.

In project and construction management

implementation, the WJA has capability to
perform the followings :

o Project Control (scope, time, cost,

quality, safety and risk)
o Project Management Process
o ConstructionManagement
o Preparation of Technical Specification
o Project Document Control
o Commissioning

ProjB(t O€veloprnenl Schedul e

r.J- -
Pengadaan Alat Berat Konstruksi

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA),

memberikan layanan jasa dalam pengadaan
alat berat konstruksi. Pelayanan kami mulai dari
pengadaan alat berat konstruksi terbaru untuk
mendukung kegiatan operasi konstruki dan
pengeboran, seperti kegiatan pemotongan dan
pengurugan tanah, pemadatan, angkutan dan
persiapan lokasi pengeboran.

Daftar alat-alat berat pendukung konstruksi kami

termasuk, tapi tidak terbatas pada:

o Excavators
o Backhoe Loaders
o Long-arm Excavators
o Wheel Loaders
o Compactors, Dymapacs
o Dump Trucks, Kapasitas 6 - 8 m3 Heavy Equipment Suppofts
o Flat bed Trailers and Lowboys
o Mobile Cranes, Kapasitas 20 - 80 ton PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA),
o Boom Truck, Kapasitas 3 - 5 ton provides various heavy equipment rental seryice
o Mesin las for construction. We provide the latest heavy
o Lampu Tower Berbagai Ukuran eqipment and models to suppot construction
and drilling operations, such as for cuts and ills,
compaction and hauling and drilling site

List of our latest heavy equipment include, but

are not limited to the following:

o Excavators
o Backhoe Loaders
o Long-arm Excavators
o Wheel Loaders
o Compactors, Dymapacs
o Dump Trucks, Capacity 6 - B m3
o Flat bed Trailers and Lowboys
o Mobile Cranes, Capacity 20 - B0 ton
o Boom Trucks, Capacity 3 - 5 ton
o Welding Machines
o Lighting Towers with Various Capacities
Pemeliharaan Alat Berat

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA),

memberikan layanan jasa dalam pemeliharaan
alat-alat berat sepefti Head Truck, Crane dll.
Pengalaman pengerjaan pemeliharaan alat-alat
berat tersebut secara kontinyu saat ini kami lakukan
di berbagai tempat pelabuhan, yaitu:
o Terminal Peti Kemas (TPQ Koja, Jakarta
o JICT (Jakafta International Container Terminal)
o PELINDO II Jakafta, dan Cabang-cabangnya di
Jambi, Palembang, Pontianak.

Heavy Equipment Maintenance

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA),

providing seruices in the maintenance of heavy
equipment such as head trucK, cranes etc.
Experience working maintenance of heavy
equipment is continuously present we are doing
in various places:
- TPK (Terminal Peti Kemas) Koja, Jakarta
- JICT (Jakarta International Container
Terminal) Jakarta
- PELINDO II Jakarta, and its branches in
Jambi, Palembang, Pontianak.
Penanggulangan Bahaya Longsor

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA), dalam

penanggulangan bencana longsor timengineering
dan tim lapangan kami memiliki pengalaman yang
luas, dan didukung oleh para ahli geoteknik dapat
melaksanakan pengerjaan pena ngg ulangan bencana
longsor dan stabiitas tanah termasuk stabilisasi
lereng dan tebing, pemasngan pancang pelat baja,
angkur tanah, struktur penahan longsor, analisa
dan disain.

Pengalaman penaggulangan bencana longsor yang

pernah kamitanggulangi adalah di lokasi lapangan
panas bumi Unocal diGunung Salak, Chevron
Geothermal Salak Sukabumi, Chevron Geothermal
Darajat Garut, Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang
Windu) Pangalengan, dan fasilitas jalan raya di Kec.
Kalapanunggal-Kabandungan Kab. Sukabumi.

Landslide Restoration

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA),

in a landslide disaster management field
engineering team and our team has
extensive experience, and suppofted by
geotechnical expefts can carry out the
work of disaster management including
soil erosion and the stability of slopes and
cliff stabilization, installation of steel sheet
pile, ground anchor, avalanche retaining
structures, analysis and design.

Landslide disaster management experience

we ever tackle is in the location of the
geothermal fieldof Mount Salak Unocal,
Chevron Geothermal Salak Sukabumi,
Chevron Geothermal Darajat Garut, Star
Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Ltd.,
Pangalengan, and highway facilities in the
district lGlapanunggal-Kabandungan, Kab.
Pengadaan Tenaga Kerja

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA), telah

berperan aKif dalam pengadaan jasa tenaga kerja
dalam mendukung kegiatan proyek-proyek, baik
pengadaan tenaga kerja ahli maupun tenaga kerja
biasa. Dalam pengadaan tenaga kerja, kami selalu
memberikan karyawan-karyawan terbaik yang
memiliki kemampuan kerja, dedikasi dan disiplin.

Pada saat ini

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi memiliki
lebih dari 300 orang tenaga kerja biasa, dan 60
orang tenaga kerja ahli untuk mendukung kegiatan
operasi di lapangan panas bumi termasuk di
fasilitas panas bumi Chevron Gunung Sala( Darajat
dan Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Ltd.

Sebagai tambahan, perusahaan kami telah memiliki Manpower Supplier

Seftifikat CHESM (Contractor's Health Environment
and Safety Management) dari Chevron Geothermal PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi (WJA),
Power & Operation, dan Sedifikat CSMS (Contractor has played an active role in providing
Safety Management System) dari Star Energy employment seryices to support project,
Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Ltd. both labor supply and labor experts usual.
In the procurement of labor, we always
provide the best employees who has the
ability to work, dedication and discipline.

At this time PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi

has more than 300 regular workers, and
60 people skilled work force to support
operations Chevron Geothermal Salak,
Chevron Geothermal Darajat, and Star
Energy Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Ltd.,

In addition, our company already has a

CHESM ceftificate ( Contractor's Health
Environment and Safety Management)
from Chevron Geothermal Power &
Operation, and CSMS certificate
(Contractor Safety Management System)
from Star Energy Geothermal (Wayang
Windu) Ltd.
Head Office

I M. Mahrus, ST S-1 (Civil Eng.) Eng.& Constructior He has over 8 years of field experience in
Manager civil construction, land conseruation,
infrastructure and development of
qeothermal field
Dr. Ir. Suharwanto, MSc S-3 (Structure Technical Advisor He has over 10 years of field experience in
and Material) civil and structure engineering designs,
construction of resou rces prod uction faci ities

and geothermal field development.

He has broad knowledge in civil engineering
design, drilling site preparation & geothermal
ooeration risks assessment.
3 Arifin Harimat SMA Health Safety & He is experienced and certified as a HSE
Environment Advisor inspector, and has more than 15 years as a
HSE instructor, coordinator and trainer in
the field of SMK3L for oil and qas proiects.
4 Blegoh Wasqitho, ST S-1 (Civil Eng.) Project Control He has over 8 years experience in the field
of prgect control, implementation of project
administration, and maintenance of office
WidiWidigdo, ST S-1 (Civil Eng,) Civil Engineer He has over 5 years experience in the field
of project control, construction management
and other civil works.
o Ir, Subarna S-1 (Mechanical) Mech/Pipe Engine€ He has over 20 years experience in the field
of mechanical & plumbing systems
qeothermal and rotatino eouioment.
7 Ir. Putu S., MT S-2 (Civil/ Civil/Geotechnical He has over 8 years in design and
Geotech) Engineer geotechnical analysis, and construction on
slooe stabilitv.
8 Iwan Rinawan, ST S-1 (Mechanical) Heavy Equipment He has over 12 years in heavy equipment
Inspector management and inspection, erection, also
developed a freight lift procedure.
9 Semmy Haryanto SMA Heavy Equipment He has over 25 years in the coordination of
Field ReDresentative manpower, equipment, and coordinating
other projects include the development of
qeothermal field.
ln Ir. Aris Sunaryo S-1(Civil Eng,) QryQC Engineer He has e)ftensive knowledge and experience
in civil construction & infrastructure. He also
has experience as an ISO auditor in Total
Oualitv Manaoement.
11 Ferry Hendriyanto, ST S-1 (Ind,Ens.) Health Safety & He has over 5 years in the handling of Health
Environment Coord Safety & Environment (HSE), understand the
management system (OHSAS 18001), HSE
procedures & standards, measurement and
L2 Nur Azis Arasadi, SE S-1(Mngt,) HRD & Gen. Admin He has over 20 years experience in the field
Manager of human resource management, suppliers
of labor/manpower, industrial relations,
benefits & compensation, etc.
(uNrr) coilDrfloN MANUFACTURED

A. Peralatan Utama / Maior Equipment

1 Hydraulic Excavator LonqArm I Good 2008
2 Hydraulic Excavator Standard 7 Good 2006 - 2008
3 Backhoe Loader 5 Good 2006 - 2009
4 Wheel Loader 2 Good 2008
5 Bulldozer 2 Good
6 Vibratino Comoactor/Roller 3 Good 2006 -2009
7 Motor Grader 1 Good 2010
B Mobile Crane: 20 Ton 2 Good 2001 - 2002
45 Ton 1 Good
50 Ton 2 Good 2006 - 2007
9 Boomtruck 9 Good 200s - 2009

B. Peralatan Pendukunq /Suoooft Equipment

1 Dumper Truck 11 Good 2006 - 2009
2 Tractor Head 4 Good 2044
3 Flatbed Trailer 1 Good 2407
4 Lowboy Trailer 1 Good
5 Generator Set 3 Good 2007
6 Concrete Mixer Truck 2 Good
7 Concrete Vibrator 7 Good
8 Weldino Machines 1 Good
I Molen Mixer 8 Good 2007
10 Suruev Eouioment 2 Good
11 Water Tank Truck J Good 2407 - 2009
T2 Water Pump 3 Good
13 Isuzu Panther - PU 6 Good 2009
t4 Ford Ranqer - PU (4x4) 1 Good 2047
15 Ford Ranqer Double Cabin (4x4) 1 Good 2007
16 Mitsubishi Tr-Double Cabin (4x4) 1 Good 2007
t7 Liqht Truck-Mitsubishi Colt Diesel 1 Good 2007
18 Lioht Truck-Tovota Dvna 1 Good 2005
19 Suttle Bus I Good 2047
20 Micro Minibus L2 Good 2007 - 2010
vAruE (RP.)
I Permanent Pipeline Installation Star Energy Geothermal 2010
Services (Wm Ltd./Panoalenoan
2 Blanket Contract TRIPATM TRIPATRA/Chevron 2010
3 Procurement PT. PELINDO/
13.600,000.000 2010
TerminalTractor Head Taniuno Priok, Jakafta
4 Heavy Equipment Support Chevron Geothermal
4s.s27.692.368 2008-2010
Seryices Salak. Ltd. (FE & C)
5 Construction Heavy Equipment Star Energy Geothermal 2.570.420.000 2008-2010
Suooort Services f\ /W) Ltd./Panoalenoan
6 Heavy Equipment Support Chevron Geothermal
1,911.760,000 2007-2009
Services Daraiat, Ltd
7 Project Support Seruices Chevron Geothermal
5.086.864.032 2007-2009
Salak, Ltd, (FE & C)
8 Procurement PT. PELINDO II
3.300.000,000 2009
TerminalTractor Head Cabano Paniano
9 Cisalak Road Upgrade of 6.2 km, Chevron Geothermal 2008
Kalapanungqal, Kab. Sukabumi Salak, Ltd. (O & M)
10 Manpower Support Seryices Chevron Geothermal
12.63s.000.000 2008
Salak, Ltd. (O & M)
11 Awi-14 Wellpad Slope Chevron Geothermal 2008
Stabilization and Wideninq Salak, Ltd. (FE & C)
12 Manpower Support Services for Chevron Geothermal
13.689.131.284 2006-2008
E & C Field and Operation at Salak, Ltd. (FE & C)
Gununq Salak
13 Provision of Heavy Equipment Chevron Geothermal
10.269.4s0.000 2007-2008
Rental & Maintenance Seruices Salak, Ltd. (FE & C)
L4 DRI 20-2l Wellpad Slope Chevron Geothermal
s.210.000.000 200t
Stabilization Daraiat, Ltd
15 Disposal D Infrastructure Chevron Geothermal 200s-2006
Restoration and Construction Salak, Ltd. (FE & C)
of Halliburton & Tuboscope
15 Landslides Restoration-Installation Chevron Gothermal
2,196.036,000 2005-2006
of steel sheet pile and gabion at Salak, Ltd. (FE & C)
STA 1 + 150 and STA 5 + 500 at
Cianten Roads
t7 Manpower Supply to Suppoft MNL, Wayang Windu,
1.989.400,000 2006
Drillins Operation Panqalenqan
18 Manpower Supply to Support Chevron Geothermal
2.114,500.000 2006
E&CProiectOperation Salak. Ltd. (FE & C)
19 Manpower Support Services for Chevron Geothermal 2005-2006
E & C Field and Operation at Salak, Ltd. (FE & C)
Gununq Salak
20 Double Track Rail - Heavy WUaya Karya,
1,000.000,000 200s-2006
Equipment Rental Seruice Yoovakarta
2t Heavy Equipment Rental PT. Clayperon Prima 200s-2006
22 Heavy Equipment Rental, Nindya Karya
1.835.250.000 2004-2005
Cipularanq Toll Road Construction
23 Provision of Healry Equipment Chevron Geothermal
3.s00.200.000 200s
Rental Services Salak, Ltd, (FE & C)
24 Salak Business Recovery Project, Unocal Geothermal of
8.32s.500.000 2003-2004
Heaw Eouioment Suooort Seruices Indonesia, Ltd. {E & C)
25 Supply Manpower for Admin.Staff Unocal Geothermal of
2.215.500.000 2004
& Maintenance Services Indonesia, Ltd. (O & M)
26 Parungkuda-Salak Road Repair/ Unocal Geothermal of
4.2s0.836.000 2003
Improvement of 37 km Indonesia, Ltd.
27 Heavy Equipment Support Unocal-MNL, Wayang
2.150,235.200 2001-2003
Services Windu Geothermal
28 Construction Heavy Equipment Unocal Geothermal of
7.200.350.200 2000-2002
Suppoft Services Indonesia, Ltd. (E & C)
29 Construction of Road and Parking Waskita Karya/ 1998-1999
Facilitv Darmaoa-IPB. Booor
30 Unit 4-6 Expansion Project, Heavy IKPT-Fluor Daniel/
8.750.300.250 1997-1998
Equipment Support Seruices Unocal E & C
Geothermal Field Development

Picture 1.
Contruction of the access road to well site of
2.5 km to
suppoft drilling rig access to
mobilize /
demobilize in safe and timely at
Salak Geothermal Facility

Picture 2.
Geothermal steam gathering facilities which
includes steam separators to separate steam
from two-phase steam, and steam scrubbers
to purify the steam and rock muffler facility,
Salak Geothermal Facility 1998

Picture 3.
facility, of minimum
A typical injection well pad
size of 75m x 100m to accommodate 4-5
injection or production wells. Other well pad
components include thermal pond, pump-pit
drainage systems, and cellars,
Salak Geothermal Facility 1997
Drilling Suppoft Services

Picture 4.
Construction of a new pad inclusive of thermal
pond, pump-pit, cellar, installation of WDS
pipelines and drainage facility to accommodate
drilling rig operations to drill new production/
injection wells, Salak Geothermal Facility-2009

Picture 5,
Installation of36" - 42" pipe conductors,
pre-cast concrete cellars and drainage facility
prior to drilling rig operations, Salak
Geothermal Facility 2009

Picture 6.
Installation of drilling pipe conductor,
concrete cellars and drainage at C-1 new well
pad of Salak Geothermal Facility - May 2008
May 2008.
Engineering and Construction

Picture 7.
Design and construction of a pipe bridge steel
structure across Cisakati River at Salak
Geothermal facility - Jan.2004

Picture 8.
Fabricate and installation of pre-cast concrete
for two-phase pipe culvefts at Chevron
Geothermal Salak facility, Oct. 2009

Picture 9.
Design and construction of rock muffler piping
systems of Units 4, 5 & 6, Unocal Geothermal
Facility, Gunung Salak - April 2006
Mitigations and Landslides Restoration

Picture 10.
Construction of steel sheet piles walls and
gabion walls to stabilize DRI 20-21 well pad
facilityat Chevron Geothermal Facility,
Darajat, West Java - May 2007

Picture 11.
Design and construction of steel sheet piles
walls, dead-man anchors and gabion walls to
stabilize and widening of AWI-14 well pad
facilityat Chevron Geothermal Facility,
Gunung Salak, Sukabumi, West Java - 2008

Picture 12.
Installation of required gabion walls to
stabilize slopes at S-5 to strengthen the
wellpad, and to accommodate drilling
operations, Chevron Geothermal Salak 2009
construction of Resource production Facilities

Picture 13.
Installation of test steam separator at
AWI-3 Well pad, Chevron Geothermal
Field, Gunung Salak - Sept. 2005

Picture 14.
A 20" two-phase steam line modification, stab-
in to pipe header at AWI-7 pad, Chevron
Geothermal Facility, Gunung Salak - Mar. 2006

Picture 15.
Construction inspection and field assessment
during the installation of underground precast
concrete culvert for brine pipeline access at
Chevron Geothermal Salalq 2009
Construction of Resource Production Facilities

Picture 15.
Construction of well test pipeline facility
at AWI-1 Well pad, Salak Geothermal Field

Picture 17.
Installation pipe for Project Permanent
Pipeline Installation Services Star Energy
Geothermal (Wayang Windu) Limited

Picture 18.
Asoil/ gmtechnical study and investigation
prior to stabilizing DRJ 20-21 Pad at Darajat
Geothermal Field, Garut.
Rekanan Usaha
Dari pengalaman Perusahaan, berikut ini adalah rekan usaha yang juga memilki pengalaman
secara intensif dan berkemampuan sebagai Pengembang, Pengelola dan/atau Kontraftor dalam
mendukung kegiatan proyek energi panas bumi, minyak dan gas.

Business Paftners
For the experience of the company, the following are business paftners who also have an
intensive experience and ability as Developer, Manager and/or Contractors in support of
geothermal energy projects, oiland gas.

PT. Senggigih Indah Lestari PT. Position Consultant

EPC Contractors Surueying & Geotechnical Services
Jakata - Indonesia Bandung, West Java - Indonesia

PT. Wira Buana Energi PT. Cipta Bangun Nusantara

General Contractor & Suppliers Consulting Engineers & PCIect Managers
Jakarta - Indonesia Sukabumi, West Java - Indonesia

Black Gold Seruices, Pte, Ltd. PT. Bina Rasano Engineering

Drilling, Engineering & Prcject Management Engineers & Contractors
Singapore Jakarta - Indonesia

Star Energy Geothermal, Ltd. PT. Sanggar Sarana Baja

Wayang Windu Geothermal Operation Vessels Fabricators & Welding Seruices
Pangalengan, West Java - Indonesia Jakarta - Indonesia

Chevron Geothermal Power & Operation LPPM Institut Teknologi Bandung

Salak and Dar{at Geothermal Fields Laboratory and Researches
Jakafta - Indonesia Bandung, West Java - Indonesia

PT. Wirana l{usantara Energy

EPC Contractors & Drilling Services
Jakafta - Indonesia Chevron

@r Qdcray
Head Office :

PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi

Jl. Pool PPD No. 5 Tipar Cakung,
Jakafta Timur 13910
Phone : +622L4500817
+62 2L 4682 4L28
+62 21 4644 9L6
Fax : +62 21 4603 788
E-mail :

Branch / Field Offices :

1. PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi
Jalan Raya Babakan-Jayanegara,
Kec. Kabandungan, Kab. Sukabumi
Phone/Fax : +62266 621368

2. PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi

Pos Satu, Darajat,
Kec. Samarang, Kab. Garut

3, PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi

Jl. Citere, Kampung Citere,
Desa Sukamanah, Pangalengan,
Kab. Bandung

4. PT. Wirana Jayatama Abadi

Ruko Taman Modern Blok R-2 No. 10,
Ujung Menteng, Cakung,
Jakafta llmur
Phone: +622L46837L90
Fax : +622L 4615 230

For more information and immdiate respn* fiom our seruices

pleare contact us to our head office at the address afuve

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