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Name of the experiment:

Determination of total dissolved solids (TDS).

Many salts are found dissolved in natural water. The
common ones have been carbonates, bi-carbonates, chlorides, sulphates,
potassium, iron and manganese etc. a high concentration of dissolved solids
increases the density of water; affects osmo-regulation of fresh water
organism, reduce solubility of gases (like oxygen).
It has been regarded as an important parameter in
analyzing saline lake, coastal estuarine and marine water. It is expressed as
gh‾ or mgh‾ or ppm. TDS may be determined by subtracting TSS from TS
1. Beaker
2. Water sample
3. Digestion chamber
4. Filter paper
5. Oven
6. Measuring cylinder
a. A clean dry beaker was taken and 20 ml of water was
taken into it by measuring cylinder
b. Before sample was taken, the empty beaker’s weight
had been recorded.
c. The beaker with the water sample was placed in a
digestion chamber and the water was evaporated fully.
d. When whole water got evaporated the weight of the
beaker was recorded after cooling it.
e. The total solids were calculated from these values.
f. Then an empty filter paper was weighed.
g. After weighing 20 ml of water sample was filled by
this filter paper.
h. This filter paper was dried in an oven, and then the
weight of filter paper with total suspended solids was
i. The weight of empty beaker was 45.48
ii. The weight of beaker with total solids is 45.50
iii. The weight of empty filter paper was 0.8
iv. The weight of filter paper with total suspended solids
1.00 gm.
Total solids= Weight of residue in gm × 1000000
Ml of sample taken

= (45.50-45.48) × 1000000
Total solids = 10000 ppm.
Total suspended solids= Weight of residue in gm ×
Ml of sample taken
= (1.0-0.8) ×1000000
= 10000ppm.
Therefore, total dissolved solids= Total solids- total suspended solids
= (10000-10000) ppm
= 0 ppm.
There were no total dissolved solids in this supplied
Name of the experiment:
Determination of total Electrical
conductivity (EC) by EC meter.

Pure water is a very poor conductor of electric current,
whereas water containing dissolved salts ordinarily found in soils conducts
current approximately in proportion to the amount of salt present. Based on
this principle, electrical conductance, which is reciprocal of resistance, is
measured for salinity appraisal. Electrical conductivity, which is commonly
represented by the symbol “EC” increase with salt content and therefore,
interpretation of reading, is simple. EC is expressed as m mhos/cm, i.e.
reciprocal of ohms.
7. Beaker
8. Water sample
9. EC meter
a. water sample was taken in a beaker
b. Then EC reading was taken by a EC meter.

The EC reading of the supplied water sample was 0.6
Name of the experiment:
Determination of (NH4+ + NO3‾) Nitrogen

In specifying the quality characteristics of water, it is
necessary to know the nitrate status of water. In groundwater, nitrate is only
rarely an important natural constituent; high concentration may indicate
sources of past or present pollution. Nitrate in water can be determined
either by reduction to ammonia (by using Devorda’s alloy) which is then
liberated by alkaline stream distillation and titrated against a standard acid or
color metrically either directly or after reduction of nitrate to ammonia.
10.40% NaOH
11. 0.01N H2SO4
12.4% boric acid mixed indicator
13.Devardas alloy
14.Water sample
15.Distillation apparatus
16.Measuring cylinder
19.Conical flask
20.Micro burette
j. 10 ml water sample was taken in a beaker with the
help of measuring cylinder.
k. 10 ml 40% NaOH was added
l. 0.2 gm devardas alloy was added
m. Then did distillation by using micro distillation
n. About 50-70 ml volume of the distillate was collected
in a conical flask containing 10 ml of Boric mixed
with indicator.
o. Then titrated against 0.01 N H2SO4, the end point will
be indicated by pink color of the solution.
p. A blank experiment was also done by using deionized
water. For, blank experiments without water sample,
all procedures were the same.

Observation IBR FBR Difference
Sample (T) 0.00 0.89 0.89
Blank(B) 0.48 0.76 0.28

%N in water sample= (T-B) ×f×0.014×100
Amount of sample taken
Here, T= Burette reading
B= Blank Reading
f= Normality of H2SO4
%N in water sample = (0.89-0.28) ×0.01N×0.014×100
= 0.000854%
In ppm = 0.000854×10000
= 8.54 ppm

The supplied water sample contained 8.54 ppm (NH4+ +
NO3‾) Nitrogen.
Name of the experiment:
Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD))

Most of the organic matter decomposed and produces
carbon-di-oxide (CO2) and water when boiled with a mixture of potassium
dichromate and sulphuric acid. A sample is refluxed with a known amount of
potassium dichromate in sulphuric acid medium and the excess of
dichromate is titrated against ferrous ammonium sulphates (FAS). The
amount of dichromate consumed is proportional to the oxygen required to
oxidize the organic matter.
21.Conical flask
22.Measuring cylinder
23.Water bath
25. K2Cr2O7 solution (o.25 N)
26. AgSO4
27. HgSO4
28. Conc. H2SO4
29.Distilled water
30.Ferroin indicator solution
31.Standard ferrous ammonium sulphates solution
32.Funnel with aluminium foil.
q. 20 ml water sample was taken in a 250 ml conical
r. 10 ml 0.25N K2Cr2O7 was added by a pipette.
s. A pinch of AgSO4 was added.
t. A pinch of H2SO4 was added.
u. Then did airtight with aluminium foil to protect
evaporation loss.
v. Then the conical flask was placed in a water both for
one and half hour at 75-80°C
w. Cooled it and 100 ml distilled water was added to
dilute it.
x. 2-3 drops of ferroin indicator solution was added.
y. After that it was titrated against 0.27N ferrous
aluminium sulphates solution. The end point will be
indicated by reddish blue color of the solution.
z. Two blank experiments will also be done with
distilled water.

Observation IBR FBR Difference
Sample 21.4 31.10 9.7

Observation IBR FBR Difference Mean

Blank I 1.6 11.7 10.1
Blank II 20.5 30.8 10.3 10.2

COD (%) = (B-T) ×f×100×8
Amount of sample taken ×1000

= (10.2-9.7) ×0.27×100×8
= 0.0054%
In ppm = 0.0054×10000
= 54 ppm

The Cod of the supplied water sample was 54 ppm.
Name of the experiment:
Determination of Free CO2

The CO2 which is found in well water and surface waters to a
great extent can cause corrosion. The CO2 present in water in excess of
carbonates and bio-carbonates is known as free CO2.
It can be estimated by titration with N NaOH or N KOH
solution using phenolphthalein as indicator.
33.Conical flask
34.Measuring cylinder
35.Water sample
37.Phenolphthalein indicator
38.0.02 N Standard NaOH
aa. Supplied water sample (25ml) was taken in a conical
flask by a measuring cylinder.
bb.Then 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator was added.
cc. Then titrated against 0.02 N standard NaOH solutions.
The end point will be indicated by pink color of the
dd.A blank experiment was also done by using distilled

Observation IBR FBR Difference
Sample(T) 4.1 6.2 2.1
Blank (B) 11.00 11.10 0.1
CO2 (%) = (T-B) ×normality of NaOH×44×100
Amount of sample taken

= (2.1-0.1) ×0.02×44×100×
= 0.0704%
In ppm = 0.0704×10000
= 704 ppm

The supplied water sample contained 704 ppm free CO2.
Name of the experiment:
Determination of Chloride (Cl‾)

The Chloride is titrated with a standard silver nitrate
solution, using potassium chromate as the indicator. As the equivalence point
is attained, the excess silver combines with the chromate to form a red or
reddish-brown precipitate of silver chromate (Ag2CrO4). This color change is
easily recognized and serves as the end point of the titration.
The reaction in titration is as follows:
NaCl + AgNO3 AgCl + NaNO3
(White ppt.)
K2CrCl4 + 2AgNO3 Ag2CrCl4 + 2KNO3
(Red ppt.)
39. 0.025 N AgNO3
40. 5% K2Cr2O7
41. 1% NaHCO3
42.Water sample
43.Measuring cylinder
44.Conical flask
ee. 10 ml water sample was taken by a measuring
cylinder in a conical flask
ff. One drop NaHCO3 was added
gg. One drop K2Cr2O7 indicator was also added.
hh. Then titrated against 0.025N AgNO3 solution
ii. A blank experiment was also done by using distilled

Observation IBR FBR Difference
Sample (T) 0.1 4.2 4.1
Blank(B) 35.3 36.4 1.1
% Cl in water = 35.5× normality of AgNO3×100× (T-B)
Amount of sample taken ×10000

= 35.5× 0.025× 100 (4.1-1.1)

= 0.0266%
In ppm = 0.0266×10000
= 266 ppm

The supplied water sample contained 266 ppm Chloride (Cl‾).
Name of the experiment:
Determination of pH by pH meter.

The electrode of pH meter in contact with hydrogen ions of
the sample under test, acquires an electrical potential which depends on the
concentration of H+ ions. A measure of the electrical potential is, therefore,
give H+ ion concentration or pH of the sample because the negative
logarithm of hydrogen concentration is called pH.

pH = -log [H+]

The pH scale value is from 0 to 14. the 7 is neutral; below 7

is acidic and above 7 is basic in nature.
45.Supplied water sample
46.pH meter
48.Buffer solution
jj. The pH meter was calibrated before use with buffer
solution of known pH values.
kk.Then the electrode of pH meter was submerged into
the sample that was taken in a beaker and pH of the
sample was recorded.

The pH of the sample was 6.9

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