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Dwellers In Tents



Introduction Part I Knowledge and Understanding Part II Wisdom and Mystery Part III The Bread of Life Part IV The Law

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'The Bread of Life' is the first chapter in this book but the last to be written. 'Dwellers in Tents' examines many topics within the Scriptures, but so that these studies are not thought to be just an academic exercise by an over-zealous Bible student, it is important that they be prefaced by what the Bible teaches concerning gaining knowledge and insight on the Scriptures. This first chapter serves this purpose and also serves to lay some foundations which are developed upon in later chapters. All subsequent chapters are based on the material of previous chapters, therefore, beginning with 'The Bread of Life', each chapter (and the sections within the chapter) should be read consecutively. I am currently editing the book and am releasing sections and chapters on the website as they are edited. I hope to have all five chapters on the website by September 2012. Please note that I would greatly appreciate being notified of any errors found, including where the same Scriptures are transcribed differently in different places and where Scriptures are incorrectly referenced. May 17, 2011



Part I - KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING And this is eternal life, that they may know YOU, the Only True GOD, and He whom YOU sent, Jesus Christ. (John 17:3) Jesus testifies that the way to eternal life is in coming to know G OD and the One whom GOD sent into this earth, HIS only-begotten SON. And this Life-bringing knowledge of GOD and HIS SON begins (and grows) with our knowledge of GOD's word. As the Bible teaches, the word of GOD is the genesis of all Spiritual things and eternal life is GOD's gift to us that begins with our Spiritual re-birth right here in this earth, we who are: ... born again not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and remaining word of G OD. (1Peter 1:23). Through the word of GOD we are reborn into a 'new' reality, the divine reality of knowing GOD and HIS SON. 'And this is eternal life.' It is only in coming to know the awe-inspiring Truth of the Way GOD has made for us in Christ Jesus our Lord when blind eyes are opened to see the Truth, so that we walk in the Truth, when we step out of darkness into the Light that we enter into (eternal) Life. Grace and peace to you, may they be multiplied by the precise and correct
knowledge of GOD and of Jesus our Lord. As all things for Life and Godliness have been given to us by HIS divine power through the precise and correct Knowledge of the ONE having called us to HIS own glory and virtue, through which HE has given to us the precious and great promises, that through these you may become sharers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world by lust. (2Peter 1:2-4)

Jesus taught us that eternal life is in knowing GOD and HIS SON. His apostle, Peter, expands on this: all things for Life and Godliness have been given to us by (GOD's) divine
power through the precise and correct knowledge of the O NE having called us to HIS own glory and virtue. Life and Godliness these are characteristics of the divine nature of the GOD who has called us to 'become sharers of the divine nature'. And HE has given to us the precious and great promises, that through these you may become sharers of the divine nature; the Way into this sharing being in the true knowledge of G OD as

revealed in HIS promises to us, promises documented in HIS holy word, the Bible. In our knowledge of 'the precious and great promises' of GOD we come to know GOD, coming to know and believe that HE gives us 'all things for Life and Godliness', coming to know that these things are possible only because all of GOD's promises are already fulfilled to us in He whom GOD sent into this earth, Christ Jesus our Lord: For as many as are the promises of G OD, in Him (Jesus Christ) is the Yes;
wherefore also through Him the Amen/(It is so) through us, unto the Glory of GOD. (2Corinthians 1:20)

What then will we say to these things? If GOD is for us, who is against us? Who
indeed HIS own SON did not spare, but gave Him up on our behalf; how will HE not also freely give to us all things with Him. (Romans 8:32).

Before we pursue these things, let us first examine the words translated as know/knowledge in

our Bibles. Strongs Concordance1 lists seven Greek words which are all generally translated in our Bibles as the one word, knowledge. We are primarily concerned with four of these Greek words: ginosko which means to learn to know, to come to know; epiginosko to come to know thoroughly, to know accurately; gnosis knowledge, general knowledge; and epignosis precise and correct knowledge. In the scriptures quoted, I have used the expanded meaning of know/knowledge, where applicable, based on the actual word used in the Greek Text. Because only in knowing precisely and correctly what the scriptures teach can we obtain the
the precise and correct knowledge2 of the ONE having called us to HIS own glory and virtue.

(Note that the word know, ginosko, as in knowing GOD and HIS SON, is a different experience from gnosis/epignosis, gaining (precise and correct) knowledge/information of, for example, GODs promises to us. Knowing GOD is a Spiritual experience which transcends knowledge, but which begins in true knowledge.) The finished work of GOD's salvation, (Jesus, hanging on the tree/'cross', said It is finished and died for the salvation of the world (John 19:30)), is obtained through our Knowledge of G OD and of HIS grace to us in HIS SON. All have been accomplished for us by GOD, in Christ, but it is the precise and correct knowledge and belief of the Truth of our salvation which allows GODs Power to work in us: the awesome 'power of GOD unto salvation'. For it (the Good News3/'Gospel' of Christ) is the power of GOD unto salvation to every one believing ... (Romans 1:16). For the word of GOD is living and powerful ... (Hebrews 4:12) Peter tells of: ' obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls. (1Peter 1:9). Salvation is by faith and ' faith comes from hearing the word of Christ. ' (Romans 10:17). This is 'the Power of GOD unto salvation' inherent in the word of GOD to all who believe: ... receive the implanted word which is able to save your souls. (James 1:21). But such divine power (unto knowing GOD, unto faith, unto salvation, unto eternal life,) resides only in the precise and correct knowledge of GOD's word. The 'implanted word which is able to save your souls' is the 'imperishable seed, through the living and remaining word of GOD.' Any other word, from any other source, is but perishing (with the world, not 'living and remaining'), cannot be truly (divinely) 'implanted' in our hearts and is without 'the power of GOD unto salvation'. all things for Life and Godliness have been given to us by H IS (GOD's) divine
Power through the precise and correct knowledge of the O NE having called us to H IS own Glory and Virtue And so our Bibles are a mighty testimony of G OD and of HIS grace to us and of HIS 'precious and great promises' so that we may know the Truth of our salvation and so that we may receive/ believe this 'living and remaining', 'living and powerful' word of GOD.

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The New Strongs Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, James Strong, LL.D., S.T.D. Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge. 3 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #2098 glad tidings, good news as in Luke 2:10.

Paul, a slave of GOD and an apostle of Jesus Christ according to the faith of the
chosen ones of GOD and precise and correct knowledge1 of truth according to Godliness, based on a hope of life eternal, which the Truthful G OD promised before the ages of time. (Titus 1:1,2)

Jesus' apostles John and Peter taught of these things, as did the apostle Paul. Paul (in his letter to Titus) writes of the precise and correct knowledge of truth, 'Godliness' and a hope of life eternal. Here again we see Life and Godliness, the Spiritual package, (the free gift!), which the Truthful GOD promised before the ages of time . Here again are the 'precious and great promises' from GOD which are fulfilled to us in our knowledge of and belief in the Truth of these mighty things. GOD calls us to HIMSELF calling us into the Truth, calling us to be conformed to the Truth in the precise and correct knowledge of Truth. And how do we answer this call but in our acceptance of/belief in GOD's 'living and powerful' word. For just as the rain comes down, and the snow from the heavens, and return not
there without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and will achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:10,11)

GOD's mighty promise to us concerning HIS word is: ... my word that goes out from my
mouth will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and will achieve the purpose for which I sent it. This is the (unfailing) Power of the word of GOD which He sent to us in this earth. Paul tells us of our ... putting on the new man, the one being renewed, in precise and correct knowledge2, in accordance with the image of the ONE having created him. (Colossians 3:10). According to the precise and correct knowledge of Truth and according to our Faith in this Truth, GOD empowers us, in Christ born again, a 'new man' to be conformed to HIS very image and likeness, as HE created us to

be (Genesis 1:26), sharers of HIS divine nature. Here is GOD's powerful word accomplishing HIS desire and achieving the purpose for which it was sent. HE has given to us the precious
and great promises, that through these you may become sharers of the divine nature.

... GOD, the ONE having saved us and having called us with a holy calling, not
according to our works, but according to HIS own purpose and grace given to us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, but now made manifest through the appearing of Christ Jesus our Saviour, who abolished/destroyed/nullified death, bringing Life and incorruptibility3 to light through the Good News/'Gospel'. (2Timothy 1:9,10)

GOD, 'the ONE having called us to HIS own Glory and Virtue', is 'the ONE having saved us ... with a holy calling'. Because salvation is in knowing the unadulterated Truth of our 'holy calling given to us in Christ Jesus before the ages began '; our holy calling to 'Glory and Virtue', Life and Godliness, 'Life and incorruptibility'. (GOD gives eternal life
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Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge. Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge. 3 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 861 - incorruptibility. Note: KJV translates this as immortality, but the Greek word for immortality (#110) indicates deathlessness. Paul was not speaking here of Life and immortality/deathlessness - Life and Life - but of Life and incorruptibility, as in Life and Godliness.

' to those seeking glory and honour and incorruptibility 1 ...' (Romans 2:7).) By the grace of GOD and 'according to HIS own purpose' these, as 'all things', are given to us in the gift of GOD's SON. For If GOD is for us, who is against us? Who indeed HIS own SON
did not spare, but gave Him up on our behalf; how will H E not also freely give to us all things with Him. Christ Jesus our Lord, through whom is fulfilled the promise of our 'Glory and Virtue'/Life and Godliness/Life and Incorruptibility, all inherent in the

precise and correct knowledge of GOD's Good News to us in HIS holy word. Peter told us, '(GOD) has given to us the precious and great promises, that through
these you may become sharers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world ' And delivered out of sin and death, in Christ, 'having escaped the corruption in the world' through the Power of GOD's word, we are given Life and Incorruptibility. That is, the inability to be corrupted. It is with this word that we are called to be sharers of the divine nature and this is the divine power of the Good News of Christ. 'Christ Jesus our Saviour, who abolished/destroyed/ nullified death, bringing Life and incorruptibility to light through the Good News'.

Note that Paul writes in 2Timothy 1:9,10 of two roles of Christ Jesus our Saviour who 'nullified death' and, additionally, brought 'Life and Incorruptibility to light through the Good News'. 'Jesus came preaching the Good News of GOD ...' (Mark 1:14), the Good News '... now made manifest through the appearing of Christ Jesus our Saviour '. Jesus testified, For this I was born and for this I have come into the world, that I might testify to the Truth. (John 18:37); this testimony being of such importance that Jesus, the Lamb of GOD, is designated the very Word of GOD (John 1:14). Jesus Himself brought the Truth of the mighty salvation obtained by Him for mankind. And Jesus sent out this 'Good News' which is 'the power of GOD to salvation to everyone believing' through His apostles who, knowing the divine power of the Truth, teach of the precise and correct knowledge of Truth. Our GOD is the Truthful GOD, (Titus 1:2); Yahweh/the LORD2 GOD of Truth, (Psalm 31:5). The Greek adjective translated as 'Truthful' in Titus 1:2 is, literally, unlying a word surpassing the worlds understanding of truth, a word depicting divine truth the complete and direct opposite to any lie. ... it is impossible for GOD to lie ... (Hebrews 6:18), for ... no lie is of the Truth (1John 2:21). GOD is not a man that HE lies, nor a son of man that
HE changes HIS mind. HE HIMSELF speaks and HE does not do? Or HE promises and HE does not fulfill? (Numbers 23:19). No. Our GOD is the GOD of Truth, the ONE who works all things according to the counsel of H IS will. (Ephesians 1:11). GOD HIMSELF proclaims: I am watching over my word to fulfill it. (Jeremiah 1:12). Here-in is the divine power of the word of GOD; because Mighty is HE who executes HIS word. (Joel 2:11). We

just need to know and to believe the Truth of GOD's word.

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Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 861 - incorruptibility. Some translators of the Hebrew manuscripts of the Old Testament have used the L ORD to represent the Hebrew name Yahweh, (sometimes rendered Jehovah, or Yehovah, or Yahoveh). It is thought that this was originally based either on interpretation of certain laws, or following tradition which regarded G ODs name as being so holy that it should not be pronounced. In this discussion of 'precise and correct knowledge', and throughout this book, Yahweh is used whenever this name is written in the Hebrew text.

Throughout the Scriptures GOD is described as True the True GOD (1Thessalonians 1:9); GOD is True (John 3:33); the Only True GOD (John 17:3). The Greek word translated as True (as in John 17:3), is also the direct opposite of another word, it is, literally, Unhidden/Unconcealed. The Hebrew equivalent (as in Jeremiah 10:10) means sure, certain, trustworthy, faithful. GOD is True is like saying GOD is Love. It describes a characteristic Quality of GOD Truth a part of HIS divine nature, Unlying, Unhidden, Unconcealed, Trustworthy, Sure, Faithful. Therefore, in entering into the precise and correct knowledge of the Truth we enter into the very nature of GOD. The true knowledge of the Father and of HIS SON opens the door to Truth and so to the GOD of Truth HIMSELF. Our belief in/acceptance of the Truth of GOD's word becomes our accord with the Truth our coming into harmony with GODs divine nature our sharing in GODs divine nature. And so GOD gave us the Bible, and apostles and prophets and preachers and teachers, and HIS own SON, Jesus Christ, (the very Word of GOD), and HIS Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13), to provide us with the knowledge of HIS Unconcealed Truth; so that, by the divine power of (the precise and correct knowledge of) the word of GOD we may be conformed to the Truth. 'And behold, an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace queen of the
Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure, who had come to Jerusalem to worship and was returning, sitting in his chariot and reading the prophet Isaiah. And the Spirit said to Philip, "Go near and join this chariot." And running up, Philip heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and said, "Do you understand what you are reading?" And he said, "Indeed, how am I able (to do so), unless someone guides me?"' (Acts 8:27-31)

Therefore Jesus promised: When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all Truth. (John 16:13). This is GOD's gift to us in the gift of HIS Holy Spirit. the Holy Spirit will teach you all things. (John 14:26). For ... all things for Life and Godliness
have been given to us by H IS divine Power through the precise and correct Knowledge of the ONE having called us to HIS own Glory and Virtue ... nothing concealed, nothing left out. And the anointing which you received from HIM remains in you and you have no need that anyone should teach you the same anointing teaches you concerning all things/everything, and is True and is not a lie ... (1John 2:27). For ... no lie is of the Truth. (1John 2:21).

He (Jesus) said to them, But you, who do you say that I am? And Simon Peter
answered and said, You are the Christ, the SON of the Living GOD. And Jesus answered him saying, Blessed are you Simon bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father, the ONE in the heavens. (Matthew 16:15-17). So does the GOD of Truth bless us with the revelation of HIS SON, the Christ, revealing 'all things', guiding us into 'all Truth' the precise and correct knowledge of Truth

teaching us everything through HIS powerful word. By comparison, Jesus tells us that Satan, the opposer of GOD, is a liar and the 'father' of the lie (John 8:44). It is Satan who blinds the eyes/minds of men to keep them from the Truth. G OD created the heavens and the earth according to HIS plan and purpose and according to the power of HIS word: By the word of Yahweh/'the LORD' the heavens were made and by the
breath of HIS mouth all of their host. ... For HE HIMSELF spoke and it came to be, HE

HIMSELF commanded and it stood firm. (Psalm 33:6,9). This is the Way of GOD's creation. (There is immeasurable Power in the word of the ONE who proclaimed, Let there be light! and there was light. Indeed, Mighty is HE who executes HIS word.) Satan, the father of the

lie, has also created his own pseudo/counterfeit world, based on his word, his lies: a delusionary place of half-truths, of corruption, of contentiousness, of lack, of ungodliness, designed to keep mankind imprisoned in the dark, away from the precise and correct knowledge of Truth and so away from GOD. ... the great dragon, the ancient serpent, the one called devil and Satan, the one deceiving the whole inhabited earth ... (Revelation 12:9) Two of Satans most widespread deceptions concern Godliness and Truth. Many Christians believe that Godliness is not to be aspired to on this earth. But Godliness with contentment is great gain (1Timothy 6:6), because in this there is eternal life. ('Life and Godliness' are inseparable, ungodliness being incompatible with eternal life. Therefore, Paul teaches of the 'precise and correct knowledge of truth according to Godliness, based on a hope of life eternal'.) Many Christians also believe that we cannot (that we are not even meant to) understand GODs Truth. These lies are the opposite of what the Bible teaches and are designed to stop the Body of the Church from being freed into Truth and so into Life and Godliness. There is GODs truth and then there is the twisted misrepresentation of the Truth, the lie. From the inception of the lie in the Garden of Eden, Satans mode of operation has been to pervert GODs word so as to deny mankind the Power of the Truth. The serpent said to Eve, Indeed, did GOD really say ...? (Genesis 3:1) and defiled the Truth, inciting unbelief, leading man astray. But who can turn aside GODs will? Who can avert GODs purpose? If GOD is for us, who can be against us? GOD HIMSELF provides the Way for us to grow in the precise and correct knowledge of HIM, the Unconcealed GOD, and of HIS SON, so that we may be saved. ... GOD our SAVIOR, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a precise and correct knowledge1 of the Truth. (1Timothy 2:3,4). Our Creator is ' not willing that any should perish ...' (2Peter 3: 9). ... GOD our SAVIOR
wants all men to be saved and to come to a precise and correct knowledge of the Truth, these two things being but one and the same, because salvation comes only in knowing the Truth: ... receive the implanted word which is able to save your souls ; My son, attend to my words, listen closely to my sayings for they are Life (Proverbs 4:20-22). ' the Good News of Christ ... is the power of G OD to salvation to everyone who believes.' (Romans 1:16). This is the Power of GOD's word.

GOD want us all to know the Truth the precise and correct knowledge of Truth. Therefore, as Jesus Himself affirms: It has been written in the prophets, And they shall all be taught by GOD. (John 6:45). What a wonderful promise to us another of G OD's ...
precious and great promises, that through these you may become sharers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world those of us who 'attend to my (GOD's) words' and 'listen closely to my (GOD's) sayings' and who believe GOD's word, knowing Mighty is HE who executes HIS word. Jesus continued: Everyone having

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge.

heard from the Father, and having learned, comes to me. (John 6:45). Here also is the

promise of our relationship with the SON of GOD: in hearing and learning what is taught to us all by GOD in the word of GOD. Mankind has developed through several ages, for example, the 'Stone Age', the 'Iron Age', the 'Industrial Age'. Now we live in the Information Age. The messenger spoke to Daniel of the time of the end when: ... many will go to and fro and knowledge will be increased/become abundant. (Daniel 12:4). The knowledge which now abounds in this world is that which the world knows and disseminates. But as Paul tells us: ... not first is the Spiritual, but the natural. Afterward, the Spiritual. (1Corinthians 15:46). Most assuredly is the true knowledge of GOD and of HIS SON Spiritual, divine, revelatory knowledge, the precise and correct knowledge of Truth' to become abundant in this Information Age; ... preached in all the world ... (Matthew 24:14). GODs mighty promise to us is: ... the
earth will be full of the Knowledge of Yahweh/'the L ORD as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9). We are GOD-ordained to be full of the revelatory knowledge of the GOD of Truth 'full of the Knowledge of Yahweh/'the L ORD' right here in this earth. Here-in is the mighty, end-time harvest of GOD's People. (For 'They shall all be taught by GOD.')

Assuredly GOD, who executes HIS word, is now fulfilling this promise. 'And answering, Jesus said to them, You go astray/err, not knowing 1 the Scriptures or the power of GOD.' (Matthew 22:29). That is, we cannot know experientially the Power of GOD unto escaping deception, corruption, unto deliverance, unto salvation, unto Life and Godliness, without truly knowing what is taught to us in the word of G OD. By the mouth of HIS prophet Hosea, GOD says: My people perish/are cut off for lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6). Paul speaks of ... being alienated from the Life of GOD because of the ignorance existing ... (Ephesians 4:18). But this is not GOD's will for us. Yahweh/'the LORD is a GOD of Knowledge (1Samuel 2:3), this is HIS Divine Nature. And the GOD of Knowledge calls us to share in HIS Divine Nature giving us (precise and correct) knowledge of HIS powerful word so that we are not 'alienated from the Life of GOD', so that we perceive and believe and receive GOD's Power for salvation. ... through knowledge shall the righteous/just be rescued. (Proverbs 11:9). GOD gathers HIS people to HIMSELF, to eternal life, to glory, in the true knowledge of HIMSELF and of HIS glory, all revealed to us through HIS only-begotten SON. GOD, the ONE saying, Let light shine out of darkness, is H E who shone in our hearts the light of the knowledge of the Glory of G OD in the face of Christ. (2Corinthians 4:6) And we know2 that the SON of GOD has come and has given us understanding that we may know3 the True ONE, and we are in the True ONE, in HIS SON Jesus Christ. (1John 5:20)

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1492 - eido - to see/to perceive the force and meaning of something which has a definite meaning (Thayers Greek-English Lexicon). 2 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1492 - eido - to see/to perceive the force and meaning of something which has a definite meaning (Thayers Greek-English Lexicon). 3 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1097 - Ginosko - to learn to know, to come to know

Jesus spoke to His disciples, No longer do I call you slaves, because the slave does not
know what his lord does, but I have called you friends, because all things which I have heard from my Father I made known to you. (John 15:15). And '... the SON of GOD has come and has given us understanding ... ' understanding of the word that He has brought to us, of 'all things' that He has made known to us; showing us, His disciples (those who follow Him), 'the light of the knowledge of the Glory of GOD'.

The psalmist exults: 'The opening1/unfolding of Your words gives light, it gives understanding to the simple/open2.' (Psalm 119:130). (This verse illustrates the play upon words which is often found in the Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament. The psalmist states: The opening up of GOD's words gives understanding to those who are open to receive understanding.) Here again we see the divine power of the word of GOD which '... gives light, it gives understanding ' No other word, from any other source, comes with this Power of the Truth. And it is this opening up of GOD's word the precise and correct knowledge of Truth which is now being preached in all the world in this, the time of the end . The psalmist proclaims, 'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path ' (Psalm 119:105) and where does Jesus give this Light but where the Power of the Truth is most needed, here in this earth. Jesus promises us: I am the Light of the world; the one following me will never3 (no, never) walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of Life. (John 8:12). We do not go to heaven to learn the Truth. Jesus testifies: For this I was born and for this I have come into the world, that I might testify to the Truth. (John 18:37). Jesus, the 'Light of the world', came to bring the Truth to the world. The precise and correct knowledge of Truth is given in this earth to those open to knowledge and understanding; the Light shines for those of us desiring to see the Paths of Righteousness. We learn the Truth here so that we escape the darkness, so that we are not ' alienated from the Life of GOD', so that we are reborn out of sin and death unto eternal life. And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us, and we gazed upon His glory, glory as of the Fathers only-begotten, full of Grace and Truth. (John 1:14) In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men. (John 1:4). Jesus 'full of Grace and Truth' the word of GOD in the flesh is the Light (the testimony of the Truth) that GOD gives us to see 'the Light of Life' to which all men are called the Light of the knowledge of the Life of GOD, of the Love of GOD, of GOD's Grace, of GOD's Truth, of GOD's Mercy, HIS Goodness, HIS Power HIS Glory. It is HE who created the light of day who reveals this Light, for it is of GOD, from GOD, the ONE saying Let there be light!. '... the ONE saying, Let light
shine out of darkness, is HE who shone in our hearts the light of the knowledge of the Glory of GOD in the face of Christ.' And this is according to our Creator's own plan and

purpose; this concerns GOD's mighty salvation of HIS people. Therefore, Jesus Himself manifests the Light of the knowledge and understanding of GOD's word, of GOD's will, of GOD's ways. The 'Light of Life' shines in this world through Jesus Christ. We just need to know and understand that this is available to us in GOD's word.
1 2

Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary #6608 opening, i.e. disclosure. From #6605 to open wide. Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary #6612 simple, foolish. From #6601 to be open. 3 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #3364 no never. #3364 is in fact two words, double negatives 'ou' and 'me' (both meaning 'not') and so means 'not at all/by no means/never ever'.

all things for Life and Godliness have been given to us by (GOD's) divine power
through the precise and correct knowledge of the ONE having called us to H IS own Glory and Virtue, GOD freely showing us this Light, in Christ, so that we do not succumb to

the darkness of ignorance, or deception, but for us to walk here in this earth in the Light of Life. Jesus proclaimed: For this I was born and for this I have come into the world, that I might testify to the Truth; and I came that they may have Life and that they may have it superabundantly1. (John 10:10). Jesus came to testify to the Truth that, beginning here in this earth, born again of the Truth, walking in the Light of Life, we are given to walk in the divine superabundance of eternal life. And (Jesus) said to them, Surely the lamp is not brought out in order that it may
be placed under the measuring bucket, or under the couch, and not be placed upon the lampstand. For there is nothing hidden except that it may be revealed, nor has it become hidden but that it may come into the open. If anyone has ears to hear let him hear. And He said to them, Consider what you hear. (Mark 4:21-24).

... GOD our SAVIOR ... wants all men to be saved and to come to a precise and correct knowledge of the Truth. (1Timothy 2:3,4). And so Jesus is the Light of the world the true Light which enlightens every man ... (John 1:9). Surely GOD's holy scriptures do not bring us the Truth without giving mankind the precise and correct knowledge and understanding of the glorious Good News of GOD. Surely the lamp is not brought out in order that it may ... not be placed upon the lampstand. Therefore Jesus tells us: Consider what you hear. Paul teaches, 'Consider what I say. For the Lord will give you understanding in all things.' (2Timothy 2:7). ... those who seek Yahweh/the LORD understand all (things). (Proverbs 28:5). And the Light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend2 it. (John 1:5) The Greek word translated as 'comprehend' here means 'to take/seize/lay hold of/apprehend/ perceive, to attain/obtain, to comprehend' (see its usage in Ephesians 3:18) and is very enlightening concerning 'the darkness'. It serves to illustrate that the term 'darkness' refers to those who do not perceive the Light. Those in the dark are those from whom the Light of GOD is hidden, those not comprehending the Light, so as to walk in ' the Light of Life'. They have no true perception of our Creator, of GOD's majesty, of HIS glory, of HIS trueness, HIS grace, HIS goodness, HIS mercies, HIS blessings, HIS favour, HIS faithfulness, HIS power, HIS love. They have no true knowledge and understanding of HIS mighty provision for us in Christ Jesus our Lord, not comprehending the Good News of GOD's mighty salvation, not appreciating that the message brought to us by the SON of GOD Himself is 'Good News of great joy'. The angels of the LORD proclaimed to the shepherds in the field: Behold, I bring you Good
News of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 4053 - perissos superabundant, exceeding abundantly above. (Not 'more abundant'. 'More' would be with reference to what currently exists and our earthly life is by no means a base measurement for eternal life.) 2 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 2638 katalambano From kata (#2596) and lambano (# 2983) to take/seize/lay hold of/apprehend, to attain/obtain, to comprehend.

city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:10,11). The gift of GOD's SON, our Saviour, means 'great joy ... for all the people'. But those in the dark do not rejoice.

They have not seen the Light. They have not grasped the Truth that Jesus has paid the penalty for our salvation; that nothing is left undone; that all is accomplished for us, in Christ. It is finished. (John 19:30). Behold! Now is the day of salvation (2Corinthians 6:2); now is the time of GOD's favour. Those shrouded in the 'realities' of the world those encompassed in the lie do not apprehend these things. But there is a Way out of the darkness available to all who come to know and understand that GOD has made a Way for us, that GOD has placed a Lamp upon a lampstand for all to see: the true Light which enlightens every man. ... the Dawn from on High will visit us, to give light/shine upon the ones sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death ... (Luke 1:78,79) 'Therefore, it is required of us to pay superabundant 1 attention to what we have heard ' (Hebrews 2:1). 'If anyone has ears to hear let him hear.' My son, attend to my words, listen closely to my sayings (Proverbs 4:20). 'Consider what you hear.' Seek out the Light. Be open to understanding. For how shall we escape having
neglected so great a salvation which was first spoken through the Lord, (and) confirmed to us by those who heard, GOD bearing witness with both signs and wonders and various powerful deeds and distributions of the Holy Spirit according to HIS will. (Hebrews 2:2-4). Consider what Paul is saying to us here in Hebrews. Paul is trying

to convey that something of great importance has been made apparent to us in GOD's word through Jesus Christ. How then can we not know and understand the testimony of Him who says: I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. (John 14:6). How do we escape deception and corruption if we neglect the Truth? How do we escape sin and death? What then do we truly have if we do not have knowledge and understanding of GOD? This is what Yahweh/the LORD says, Let the wise man not boast of his wisdom, or
let the strong man not boast of his strength. Let the rich man not boast of his richness. But rather, let the one boasting boast about this (that he) understands and knows Me, that I am Yahweh/'the LORD', the ONE exercising kindness and justice and righteousness on this earth, for in these I delight, declares Yahweh/'the LORD'.

(Jeremiah 9:23,24) The only true wisdom and strength and riches that we seek is the precise and correct knowledge and understanding of HIM whose will and whose way is to bless and favour us with all things, in Christ. In this is the fullness of all things from GOD. Therefore, the only real lack that is possible in our Spiritual walk is the lack of knowledge and understanding of GOD's amazing grace to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. But Yahweh/'the LORD' is my SHEPHERD, I shall lack nothing (Psalm 23:1). For ... my GOD will fill your every need according to HIS riches in Glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19). Therefore Yahweh-rohi (Yahweh our SHEPHERD) 'HE
who shone in our hearts the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of GOD in the face of Christ' promised us: I will give you Shepherds after My own heart and they will feed you knowledge and understanding. (Jeremiah 3:15). And Yahweh-rohi gave us HIS own SON, 'the Chief Shepherd' (1Peter 5:4) 'the Good Shepherd', (John 10:11,14), 'the

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 4057 perissos adverb from #4053 superabundantly.

Great Shepherd of the Sheep', (Hebrews 13:20) the One denominated as the very Word of

GOD the One feeding us with knowledge and understanding. To us there is one GOD, the Father, from whom are all things ... and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things ... (1Corinthians 8:6) all things for Life and Godliness. Most certainly does GOD HIMSELF fill our every need, feeding us with powerful food for (the salvation of) our souls, providing us with precise and correct knowledge and true understanding, so that we lack for nothing, so that we are freed into eternal Life. It has been written in the prophets, And they shall all be taught by GOD (John 6:45). And you will Know the Truth and the Truth will free you. (John 8:32) There is divine power of the word of GOD: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and will achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11). The Scriptures speak of 'the Light of Life', that is, of Life (and Incorruptibility) through the joyous Good News of Christ. They speak of the implanted word which is able to save your souls (James 1:21); of GOD's 'precious and great promises' through which we escape the corruption in the world to 'become sharers of the divine nature'. They speak of the Truth which frees us from all evil. These are mighty, Spiritual things which we must be open to knowing and understanding. But ... lean not upon your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5) Paul wrote: 'Consider what I say. For the Lord will give you understanding in all things.' (2Timothy 2:7). This speaks of divine, revelatory understanding. Because all things from GOD are Divine and Spiritual and Powerful and Glorious and Perfect and True. For My
thoughts are not your thoughts and neither are your ways My ways, declares Yahweh/the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8,9). So is

what is taught to us by GOD immeasurably higher than the ways and thoughts of man. Without GOD-given knowledge and understanding our ways and thoughts are based but on worldly knowledge and experiences. Therefore Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived (1Kings 4:2931), instructs us: ... lean not upon your own understanding. That is, do not measure what is Divine and Spiritual and Powerful according to a natural, worldly understanding. Because, as Jesus Himself tells us, By what measure you measure, it will be measured to you and it will be added to you: (Jesus) said to them, Surely there is nothing hidden except that it may be
revealed, nor has it become hidden but that it may come into the open. If anyone has ears to hear let him hear. And He said to them, Consider what you hear. By what measure you measure, it will be measured to you and it will be added to you. (Mark 4:21-24)

Therefore listen to the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the word of the Kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one (Satan (Mark 4:15)) comes and seizes what is sown in his heart (lest having believed they might be saved (Luke 8:12)). This is that (the word) scattered by the wayside. (Matthew 13:18,19). But GOD sent HIS SON to defeat Satan's wiles, to give us the precise and correct knowledge and 1

understanding of HIS holy word, of HIS immeasurably higher ways, of HIS divine thoughts, of 'all things' of an entirely different realm from ours of the Truth of GOD and of eternal life. We do not have to settle for a worldly, unspiritual, unfruitful, measure of the divinely powerful word of GOD. GOD's promise to us is: the Lord will give you understanding in all things.' For ... a people without understanding will be thrown down. (Hosea 4:14). But ... he who cherishes understanding will prosper. (Proverbs 19:8). Blessed is the man that ... gains understanding. (Proverbs 3:13). These two verses in Proverbs speak of divine blessings and prosperity, they speak of GOD's supernatural superabundance. For GOD cannot operate at any other level and this is HIS will for us and HIS grace to us. For as the
heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. Therefore, GOD HIMSELF feeds us divine, revelatory

knowledge and understanding, giving us to see the Light, giving us to walk in the Light of Life, promising: I will give them a heart to Know me, that I am Yahweh/'the L ORD', and
they will be my people and I, I will be their G OD. For they will return to me with all their heart. (Jeremiah 24:7). This is the Way of Salvation for all of GOD's people.

Jeremiah 24:7 is an awe-inspiring promise to us from GOD. GOD HIMSELF gives us the capacity to know HIM, to know the Truth of HIS will for us, of HIS love for us and of HIS grace to us, 'I will give to them a heart to Know me'; and then GOD gives us true knowledge and understanding of these things so that 'they will return to me with all their heart '. 'This is what Yahwehtsebaoth says: Behold, I will save my people ... And they will be my people and I, I will be their GOD, in truth and in righteousness.' (Zechariah 8:8). We who were separated

from GOD because of deception, we who were alienated from the Life of GOD by ignorance, are given to return to GOD in the true knowledge of HIM. But we have to seek the precise and correct knowledge of GOD, (and there is no better place than the Bible), seeking Understanding of GOD's word, duly considering all things, (Consider what what you hear), questioning the difficult passages, (not by-passing them), contemplating the so-called contradictions, (to come to know that there are no contradictions), seeking the Light, searching out the meaning of all things; trusting, undoubtedly, that GOD empowers us to divine knowledge and understanding of 'all things' through Jesus Christ. For nothing is hidden
which will not be be disclosed, nor anything secret which by no means will not become known and come to the light. Therefore be careful how you listen ... (Luke 8:17,18). Consider what you hear. Even before this, however, we have to ask GOD for

divine knowledge and understanding. Every word out of the mouth of GOD is True and there are awe-inspiring Truths mighty, Spiritual laws which govern our lives unfailingly. For example, Jesus teaches: If you forgive men their sins, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. (Matthew 6:14); Do not
judge lest you be judged. For with what judgment you judge you will be judged and with what measure you measure it will be measured to you. (Matthew 7:1,2); In everything, do unto others as you would have them do to you. (Matthew 7:12); Give and it will be given to you. (Luke 6:38). Like the natural law of gravity, the Spiritual law The wages of sin is (sic) death (Romans 6:23) is true and governs our existence. Like the

natural law of aerodynamics, which supersedes the law of gravity, there is a mighty Spiritual law which takes precedence over the Law of sin and death: For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has freed you from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:2). But all the 1

Spiritual, divine things of GOD begin with a simple rule/law/ instruction from the mouth of Jesus Himself: Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened
to you. For every one asking receives and the ones seeking finds and to the one knocking it will be opened. (Matthew 7:7,8)

Jesus said, ... every one asking receives .... This is GOD's promise to us, this is GOD's will for us, and GOD's grace to us, and this is validated in the gift of HIS SON. For if GOD first gave of the best that HE had to give, giving us HIS beloved, only-begotten SON, most certainly will HE 'also freely give to us all things with Him' (Romans 8:32) all things for Life and Godliness. And our GOD-given right to all things for Life and Godliness is accessed by but one, simply understood Way taught to us by Jesus Himself: Ask and you will receive. (John 16:24). Consequently, James tell us: You have not because you ask not. (James 4:2). Knowledge and Understanding, as being taught by GOD, as a heart to Know and Understand GOD as 'all things' are freely available to 'all men' for the asking. Most certainly will the Lord give you understanding in all things if you ask and if you seek for understanding and then, where necessary, if you 'knock at the door, saying, Lord, open to us.' (Luke 13:25). (For 'The opening1/ unfolding of your words gives Light, it gives understanding ...' (Psalm 119:130). Jesus, teaching on prayer, said, Which of you will have a friend and will go to him at
midnight and say to him, 'Friend, lend me three loaves ' And the one within will answer, 'Do not bother me; the door is now shut, and my children with me are in bed. I cannot rise up to give you anything.' I tell you, even though he will not rise up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his insistence he will rise and give him whatever he needs.' (Luke 11:5-8). In Luke 13:25, Jesus speaks of

the master being risen and the door being shut. These are profound and insightful teachings, but the relevance here is: 'knock and it will be opened to you'; if you are persistent, most certainly will the Master give you the Bread of Life (the word of GOD, 'the Light of Life'), as all other things that are needed for Life. Blessed is the man that finds wisdom and gains understanding. For she is more
profitable than silver and her return is more than gold. She is more precious than rubies and all of your desires cannot compare with her. Long life is in her right hand and in her left hand are riches and honour. Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all of her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to the ones embracing her and those who lay hold of her are blessed. (Proverbs 3:13-18)

Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, asked GOD for an understanding heart (1Kings 3:9) and he was given a 'wise and understanding heart' (1Kings 3:12). The Hebrew and Greek words translated as understanding/discerning in our Bibles generally mean intelligence, exercising the mind, reasoning, distinguishing, a mental putting together, a coming into the meaning of something. But the word translated as understanding when Solomon asked for an understanding heart probably best describes the divine understanding which we seek. This

Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary #6608 opening, i.e. disclosure. From #6605 to open wide.

Hebrew word shama1 means to hear intelligently, paying attention, considering so as to bring about obedience. Jesus said: Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine, and does them, is like a wise man who built his house upon a Rock. " (Matthew 7:24). And because: Not
everyone saying to me Lord, Lord will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but only the one doing the will of my Father in the heavens." (Matthew 7:21).

Do not be deceived my Brothers, true knowledge, wisdom and understanding are free gifts from GOD and a Wise and Understanding heart hears the word of GOD and walks in obedience to the Truth, conformed to the Truth, manifesting the Truth of our salvation. An understanding heart is the fertile ground that GOD gives to us so that HIS word may grow and bear Spiritual fruit. I will
give to them a heart to Know Me and they will be my people and I, I will be their GOD. This is GOD conforming us to HIS own Ways, HIS own image and likeness, we who are

called to be sharers of HIS divine nature. Those who are hearers but not doers of the word are yet in the dark (see James 1:17-25). They do not comprehend GOD's word. They do not perceive that GOD gives eternal life ' to those seeking glory and honour and incorruptibility ... ' (Romans 2:7). They do not Know and Understand so that they may experience the Power of the Love of GOD in their lives. Those not growing in Godliness are without the precise and correct knowledge of the Good News of GODs grace to us, in Christ. But GOD freely gives us to know the Truth, giving us to know HIM, revealing all things to us. Therefore ask to know the Truth and then seek for Knowledge, knocking for Revelation and Understanding so that the Word of GOD may be opened to us. GOD gave to them Knowledge and Understanding in all writing and learning. (Daniel 1:17). So will HE give you Knowledge and Understanding in 'all things'. Jesus said, ... whatever you ask the Father in my name, HE will give it to you. (John 16:23, John 15:16). Who indeed HIS own SON
did not spare, but gave Him up on our behalf; how will HE not also freely give to us all things with Him.

I ... do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that
the GOD of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory may give to you a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the precise and correct Knowledge 2 of HIM, for you to know3, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, what is the hope of H IS calling, what is the wealth of the Glory of H IS inheritance to the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of HIS Power to us, the ones believing, according to the working of the might of HIS strength. (Ephesians 1:16-19)

GOD gives us a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the precise and correct Knowledge of HIM. Therefore, Daniel exults: Let the name of GOD be praised forever and forever;
Wisdom and Power are HIS ... HE gives Wisdom to wise men and Knowledge to the ones knowing discernment. HE reveals deep and hidden things, knowing what lies in the darkness. And the Light dwells with H IM. (Daniel 2:20-22). Without Spiritual wisdom and revelation we cannot truly know 'what is the hope of HIS (GOD's) calling, what is the
1 2

The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible - #8085 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge. 3 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1492 - eido - to see/to perceive the force and meaning of something which has a definite meaning (Thayers Greek-English Lexicon).

wealth of the Glory of HIS inheritance to the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of HIS Power to us, the ones believing ...' Consequently, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get Wisdom; and with all thy getting get understanding. Esteem her, and she will exalt you; she will bring you honour/ glory if you embrace her. She will set upon your head a garland of grace; a crown of glory will she bestow upon you." (Proverbs 4:7-9)

(GOD) gives Wisdom to wise men and Knowledge to the ones knowing discernment: in the heart of everyone wise-hearted I have given Wisdom. (Exodus 31:6). Therefore, to get Wisdom from GOD (and 'Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get Wisdom') we first must be wise! But the Book of Proverbs is very insightful on what it means to be wise: A wise man will hear and will increase learning (Proverbs 1:5); Listen to my instruction and be wise (Proverbs 8:33); The wise in heart accepts commandments (Proverbs 10:8); The wise store up knowledge (Proverbs 10:14); the one listening to counsel1 is wise (Proverbs 12:15); A wise son hears his fathers instructions (Proverbs 13:1); the ear of the wise seeks knowledge (Proverbs 18:15). The scriptural definition of a wise man is one who seeks, listens to and accepts (Godly) knowledge, learning, instruction, commandments and counsel so as to gain Wisdom. Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still. (Proverbs 9:9). Wisdom is given to those who are open to being taught by GOD; GOD giving us a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the precise and correct Knowledge of HIM, teaching us HIS ways, instructing us in the Truth. (Therefore, 'Let no one deceive himself. If any one among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. ' (1Corinthians 3:8).) Wisdom and Knowledge go hand-in-hand. Wisdom, as 'all things for Life and Godliness', is given to us in the precise and correct knowledge of GOD as given to us through HIS word. For there is divine power in the word of GOD: Power through HIS (GODs) Spirit (Ephesians 3:16); Power according to the Power of the Spirit (Luke 4:14); Power unto Wisdom and Revelation according to the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. GOD gives us a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the precise and correct Knowledge of HIM because GOD wants us all to be enlightened as to what is the wealth of the Glory of HIS inheritance to us the saints, (those sanctified by HIM). For Eyes did not see and
ears did not hear and the heart of man did not conceive the things GOD prepared for the ones loving HIM. But GOD has revealed them to us through the Spirit.

(1Corinthians 2:9,10). The natural man is not able to conceive of the Spiritual, divine things of G OD. Knowledge and Understanding and Wisdom and Revelation of 'the things GOD prepared for the ones loving HIM' of GOD's will for us are ' revealed ... to us through the Spirit '. Our five senses seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching bring our inner man knowledge and understanding of the natural world around us. But there is immeasurably (superabundantly) more to Life, (as high as the heavens are from the earth), than the natural things of this world which we know and understand, (and which are but temporary and passing away. For the things seen are temporary, but the things not being seen are eternal. (2Corinthians 4:1618).)

Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary #6098 (GODs) advice, plan

It is GOD HIMSELF who bridges this gap to bring us into the Knowledge and Understanding and Wisdom and Revelation and Sharing of the Spiritual, divine things of GOD; of the glorious, mighty realities of GOD; of all things superabundantly beyond our earthly existence; things which are holy, eternal; like experiencing 'the surpassing greatness of HIS (GOD's) Power' in our Lives unto our sharing in 'the wealth of the Glory of HIS inheritance to the saints', (that is, in all things for Life and Godliness). And this discernment of eternal things of GOD's perfect will for us is given to us in a Way which is far superior to our worldly sensory perceptions; it is given to us in GOD's Holy Spirit, according to the Power of the Spirit. In this Way is the revelation of the Light of Life. And concerning GOD's Holy Spirit, Jesus Himself enlightens us: If therefore you, being evil, know to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will the Father from heaven give the Holy Spirit to the ones asking HIM. (Luke 11:13).

Ask and you will receive. (John 16:24) 'Now, we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit from GOD, that we may know the things freely given to us by GOD.' (1Corinthians 2:12) 'But a natural man does not receive/accept the things of the Spirit of GOD; for they
are folly to him and he is not able to know them because they are Spiritually discerned.' (1Corinthians 2:14)

Eyes did not see and ears did not hear and the heart of man did not conceive the
things GOD prepared for the ones loving HIM. But GOD has revealed them to us through the Spirit. Man, buried in the mundanity of his worldly existence, is incapable of perceiving GODs Truth. 'Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of GOD. How unsearchable are H IS judgments and how inscrutable H IS ways! "For who has known the mind of the LORD ...?' (Romans 11:33.34). Who without being taught by GOD could know the mind of GOD? For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. But Now we have received ... the Spirit from G OD so that we may know the things having been freely given to us by G OD, GOD-given things 'revealed ... to us through the Spirit ' (the 'Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation'), according to the Power of the Spirit 'all things' which are already given to us in the gift of G OD's SON. 'Who indeed HIS own SON did not spare, but gave Him up on our behalf; how will H E not also freely give to us all things with Him.'

Through Jesus Christ (through whom are all things (1Corinthians 8:6)), for the asking, (Ask and it will be given to you), we are given the free gift of the out-pouring of GODs own Spirit, receiving this gift of the Spirit by faith; (knowing and believing that, If therefore
you, being evil, know to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father from heaven give the Holy Spirit to the ones asking H IM.) And there is no

mystery to the Spirit of GOD. The Bible reveals the nature of GODs Holy Spirit to us. The Spirit of Yahweh/'the LORD' is the Spirit of Knowledge, (Isaiah 11:2), the Spirit of Truth (John 15:26), the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation (Ephesians 1:17), the Spirit of Life (Romans 8:2, Revelation 11:11). GODs Holy Spirit is the Way GOD brings us to share in 'all things' divine, (empowered (according to the Power of the Spirit) even to the divine respect/Awe/Fear of 1

GOD, (Isaiah 11:2)). Therefore, as Paul tells us: ... if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this one is not of Him. (Romans 8:9). Jesus said, Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be
opened to you. For every one asking receives and the ones seeking finds and to the one knocking it will be opened. And how does GOD respond to us except through HIS Holy Spirit. GOD does not respond through the flesh: Eyes did not see and ears did not hear and the heart of man did not conceive the things G OD prepared for the ones loving HIM. But GOD has revealed them to us through the Spirit. (Therefore, 'A natural man does not receive/accept the things of the Spirit of G OD; for they are folly to him and he is not able to know them because they are Spiritually discerned .' (1Corinthians

2:14).) Nothing from GOD is of the flesh, or natural, or ordinary, or worldly. Wisdom is given to us in the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. Knowledge is given by the Spirit of Knowledge, Truth by the Spirit of Truth. The Bible is of GOD and so the GOD's holy Scriptures are Spiritual, divine, powerful. GOD's word is not ' words taught by human wisdom but (words) taught by the Spirit' (1Corinthians 2:13), according to the Power of the Spirit. GOD reaches out to us Spiritually, communing with us by HIS Holy Spirit. Now the earth was formless and void/empty and darkness was over the surface of
the deep. And the Spirit of GOD hovered over the surface of the waters. And GOD said, Let there be light! And there was light. (Genesis 1:2,3). This is the Way (and the

work) of the Spirit of GOD. Jesus said to Nicodemus: Truly, truly I say to you, unless someone is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of GOD. (John 3:3). And so by the grace of GOD we are given to be ... born again not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and remaining word of GOD (1Peter 1:23), (the 'living and powerful' word of GOD, and according to Power through HIS (GODs) Spirit). And so we are 'born of the Spirit' (John 3:6), according to the Power of the Spirit 'the Spirit of Life'. Jesus said, It is the Spirit that gives Life. (John 6:63). For Those who are Spiritual discern all things' (1Corinthians 2:15), 'all things for Life and Godliness'. GODs immeasurable Power for 'all things for Life and Godliness ' is in HIS Holy Spirit, given as a testimony of our belief in the Good News of H IS Grace to us in the gift of HIS SON. In
whom (Christ) also you, having heard the word of Truth, the Good News of your salvation, in whom also having believed, you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 1:13). This is the Way of salvation. Jesus said, The words which I have spoken to you are Spirit and Life. (John 6:63). Jesus spoke concerning His teachings in

John, chapter six, but this statement is True for all of GOD's word. For in the (precise and correct) knowledge of and belief in 'the word of Truth, the Good News of your salvation' we are 'sealed with the promised Holy Spirit' 'the Spirit of Life'. Here is the inherent Power for 'Spirit and Life' in GOD's word. GOD's Holy Spirit, as 'all things for Life and Godliness', is given to us in our knowledge and belief/acceptance of GOD's precious and great promises to us: 'the word of Truth'. And this in fulfillment of another of our Creator's mighty promises:

I will gather you ... and I will cleanse you ... and I will give to you a new heart and I
will put a new Spirit inside of you ... My Spirit I will put inside of you ... and you will be My People, and I, I will be your GOD. (Ezekiel 36:26-28).

We will see much more on these things; the point here, however, is that through the Living and Powerful and Remaining word of GOD we are reborn into the Truth and so reborn to a New Life. We are born again through the gift of GOD's Spirit: 'I will put a new Spirit inside of you ... My Spirit I will put inside of you'; the Spirit of Knowledge, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, the Spirit of Life. This is our sharing in GOD's divine nature. ...
putting on the new man, the one being renewed, in precise and correct knowledge, in accordance with the image of the ONE having created him. (Colossians 3:10). And

all according to the gift of GOD's own Spirit within us. Through the precise and correct knowledge of Truth, we are reborn into the Truth reborn to Life through the gift of the Spirit of Knowledge, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, the Spirit of Life; reborn to glory even while in this world through the Spirit of Glory. For GOD's Holy Spirit is 'the Spirit of Glory' (1Peter 4:14). In Christ, through GOD's Spirit, as we are given to share in Knowledge and Understanding and Truth and Wisdom and Life, so are we given to share in GODs glory. I ... do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that
the GOD of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory may give to you a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the precise and correct Knowledge of H IM, for you to know, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, what is the hope of H IS calling, what is the wealth of the glory of HIS inheritance to the saints (Ephesians 1:16-18)

"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get Wisdom ... She will set upon your head a garland of grace; a crown of glory will she bestow upon you." (Proverbs 4:7-9) GOD, the Father of Glory, wants us to come to Know and to Understand that, in Christ, born again of HIS Spirit the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, the Spirit of Life, the Spirit of Glory HE has freely given to us to share in HIS own Glory and Virtue. For as many as are the
promises of GOD, in Him (Jesus Christ) is the Yes; wherefore also through Him the Amen/(It is so) through us, unto the Glory of G OD. (2Corinthians 1:20). As all things for Life and Godliness have been given to us by HIS divine power through the precise and correct Knowledge of the ONE having called us to HIS own glory and virtue, through which HE has given to us the precious and great promises, that through these you may become sharers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world by lust. (2Peter 1:3,4). Our Father wants us to see the Light, to come into the revelatory understanding, to be Wise to the Truth of the glory of our salvation: ... that even the creation itself will be freed from the slavery of corruption into the freedom of the glory of the Children of GOD.' (Romans 8:21).

We know: ... GOD our SAVIOR wants all men to be saved and to come to a precise and correct knowledge of the Truth. Similarly, Romans 8:21 does not speak of a desire for only 'some' of mankind to 'be freed from the slavery of corruption'. GOD's desire is that the very 'creation itself will be freed into the glory of the Children of G OD'; the use of the word 'creation' here encompassing all of mankind. We know that salvation has not been,

and will not be, the choice of all. But it is important for us to know and to understand that GOD has called all of mankind to glory. Ask and you will receive. (John 16:24). The Almighty GOD said, My word that goes out from my mouth will not return to me
empty, but will accomplish what I desire and will achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11) for us to 'become sharers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world', ... freed from the slavery of corruption into the freedom of the glory of the Children of G OD.' GOD wants us to Know the Truth of HIS will

for us, of HIS Grace to us and of HIS Mighty provision for us in Christ Jesus our Lord; GOD want us all to know of HIS call to glory. Therefore, ... the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Yahweh/the L ORD as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14). "This Good News of the Kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world as a testimony to all the nations and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) ... be ready, for the Son of Man comes at an unexpected hour. (Matthew 24:44) And GOD gives us to be ready in the precise and correct knowledge and understanding of Truth. There is divine power in word of Truth, this being ... Power through HIS Spirit (Ephesians 3:16). Because the Spirit of Knowledge, the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of Life, is also the Spirit of Power (2Timothy 1:7), the Spirit of Counsel and Power (Isaiah 11:2). This is GODs unsurpassed Power to us in HIS Holy Spirit, GODs supernatural Power working in us who believe the Truth of G OD's counsel, empowering us to fulfill the Truth of GODs Holy calling and of GODs Mighty will for us, on this earth, as in heaven. I ... do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that
the GOD of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory may give to you a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the precise and correct Knowledge of H IM, for you to know, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, what is the hope of H IS calling, what is the wealth of the Glory of H IS inheritance to the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of HIS Power to us, the ones believing, according to the working of the might of HIS strength. (Ephesians 1:16-19)

GOD gives us 'a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation' so that we can come to perceive and believe the Truth of HIS unsurpassed Power in our lives. As Wisdom and Knowledge go handin-hand, and Wisdom and Glory, ("Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get
Wisdom ... She will set upon your head a garland of grace; a crown of glory will she bestow upon you"), so does Wisdom and Power: Christ, GODs Power and GODs Wisdom (1Corinthians 1:24). A Wise man has great Power, and a man of Knowledge increasing Strength, (Proverbs 24:5), because wisdom empowers us to walk in Ways which are as High 'as the heavens are higher than the earth': Who is wise? He will understand these things. (Who is) discerning? He will know them. For the ways of Yahweh/'the LORD' are Right, and the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them. (Hosea 14:9). (The rebel who does not choose to, or who will not humble himself to accept the Truth that we are given to walk in 'the ways of Yahweh/'the LORD''.)

Who is Wise and Understanding among you? Let him show, by his Good walk/conduct, his works in the Meekness of Wisdom. (James 3:13)
A Wise man has great Power, and a man of Knowledge increasing Strength. Through Wisdom and Knowledge there is great Power and Strength the surpassing
greatness of HIS (GODs) Power to us, the ones believing, according to the working of the might of HIS Strength. There is immense Power in our belief in/acceptance of GODs word; Power to be freed from sin and death ( you will Know the Truth and the Truth will free you.) and to be born again to eternal life, ... born again not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and remaining word of G OD; Power to be conformed to GODs divine nature. all things for Life and Godliness have been given to us by HIS (GODs) divine power through the precise and correct Knowledge of the ONE having called us to H IS own Glory and Virtue. A Wise man hears and accepts his Fathers calling to 'Glory and Virtue', Knowing and Understanding GODs will and GOD's

power for us to be conformed to HIS divine nature, so empowered to be as GOD created us to be (knowing I have strength for all things in the One (Christ) who empowers me. (Philippians 4:13)), knowing and doing GODs will, abiding in GOD's will. Because, as Jesus tells us: Not everyone saying to me Lord, Lord will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but only the one doing the will of my Father in the heavens." (Matthew 7:21). Jesus also told us, Many are called but few are chosen. (Matthew 22:14). GOD's desire is ... that even the creation itself will be freed from the slavery of corruption into the freedom of the glory of the Children of G OD.' But of these many who are called, only those doing the will of GOD 'will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven'. (These being quantified as a 'few' only by comparison to the 'many' who are called.) (we) do not cease praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the
precise and correct knowledge1 of HIS will, in all wisdom and Spiritual understanding, to walk worthy of the L ORD in every way pleasing to HIM, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the precise and correct Knowledge2 of GOD, being empowered with Power according to the might of H IS Glory, for all endurance and patience, with joy. (Colossians 1:9-11)

Paul sought for the Church in Colossae no less than that they be filled with the true knowledge of GODs will in all wisdom (the Wisdom from above (James 3:17)) and Spiritual understand-ing. So that they would Know and Understand and therefore be empowered to do GODs will to walk worthily of HIM, pleasing HIM in every way, bearing fruit, as those knowing that they are called to a sharing in GODs divine nature, as those growing in the precise and correct knowledge of HIM empowered with Power according to the might of HIS Glory; the surpassing greatness of HIS Power to us, the ones believing, according to the working of the might of HIS Strength; divine Power through the precise and correct Knowledge of the ONE having called us to H IS own Glory and Virtue, the Power of GOD unto salvation to every one believing ... This is the divine power in the word of GOD Power according to the Spirit of Power.
1 2

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge. Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge.

'The word of the tree/'cross' is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of GOD.' (1Corinthians 1:18) Paul writes in Colossians (above) of divine things of Knowledge, of Wisdom and Revelation, of Power, of Glory; of Spiritual qualities such as Endurance and Patience and Joy. But this is GODs will for us and GODs grace to us as HE delivers us into eternal life as sharers in HIS divine nature. Our Creator, our Mighty and Glorious Father, has given us the best gift that HE can give HE has given us of HIMSELF so that we may be like HIM, giving us of HIS own Spirit, in Christ, empowering us to be Glorious and Virtuous, True in all that we do, Godly, Incorruptible, of HIS own divine nature. And so Paul speaks of GODs People coming to Know and to demonstrate, and to celebrate GODs will for us and GODs Power towards us in the Truth in Christ. Who is Wise and Understanding among you? Let him show, by his good conduct, his works in the Meekness/Gentleness of Wisdom. (James 3:13). We know of Wisdom and Knowledge, and of Wisdom and Glory. We know of Wisdom and Power: A Wise man has great Power, and a man of Knowledge increasing Strength. (For what is the effect of power without wisdom? Therefore divine strength and power result from Knowledge and Wisdom.) But James also teaches of 'the Meekness of Wisdom'. For what would be the effect of Wisdom (or Power) without Gentleness? Can anyone lead without meekness/ gentleness/humility? ('Moses was very meek, more than all the men on the face of the earth.' (Numbers 12:3). (It was Joshua, however, who led the children of Israel into the promised land. Moses, overcome by anger and frustration, did not meekly and wisely obey GOD's word in the wilderness of Zin (Numbers 20:1-13) and so he also becomes to us the example of one without the meekness of wisdom.)) Our Bibles teach of 'the Meekness of Wisdom' because the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of Power, is also the Spirit of Meekness/Gentleness (1Corinthians 4:21, Galatians 6:1, 1Peter 3:4). We are born again, in Christ, to 'the Meekness of Wisdom'. Knowledge and Understanding and Wisdom are proven in our Good conduct, in our Meekness, our Gentleness; in our 'being empowered with Power according to the might of H IS (GOD's) Glory, for all endurance and patience, with joy'; in our manifestation of the divine nature given to us in GOD's Spirit, that is, in our manifestation of the Truth. The Only Wise GOD (Romans 16:27), shares HIS Wisdom and Understanding with those who ask: if anyone of you is lacking Wisdom, let him ask from GOD, the ONE giving to
all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in Faith, nothing doubting ... (James 1:5,6). ... everything which you pray and ask, believe that you received, and it will be so for you. (Mark 11:24). Let it be to you, according to your Faith. (Matthew 9:29). True knowledge and wisdom and understanding, as 'all things', are from the ONE who gives superabundantly, without reproach, to all, and so that, if we believe that we receive, we are empowered with Power according to the might of HIS Glory to be conformed to HIS will for us freed from the lies which imprisoned

us; freed from oppression, from persecution, from corruption; freed from sin and death. Our salvation is in Knowing and Understanding and demonstrating the Truth that there is another Way very different from the limited, sinful existence which we have known available to us in GODs holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. (... Jesus Christ, through whom are all things ... (1Corinthians 8:6).) 2

the Good News ... is the Power of GOD unto salvation to every one believing ... For the Righteousness of G OD is revealed in it, from Faith to Faith. (Romans 1:16,17). GOD, the ONE exercising kindness and justice and righteousness on this earth.' (Jeremiah 9:24). The Good News of GODs creation is in the word of the freedom of the glory of the Children of GOD freed from the slavery of corruption where there is a need for freedom and where we can yet be freed while on this earth. The wages of sin is death. Therefore, we have to be saved from our sinful nature, unto Life, before we pay the price of sinfulness in death. Therefore let us boldly approach the throne of Grace that we may take a hold of 1 mercy and find grace for help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16). (Ask and it will be given to you.) The concept of a world where GODs Children are burdened under the bondage of sin and sickness and fear, where we lack for anything whatsoever, is a lie promulgated by Satan and which governs the existence of those so deluded those not freed into the Truth that: Yahweh/ the LORD is my SHEPHERD, I shall not want (Psalm 23:1); those who seek of Yahweh/the LORD shall not want for any good thing (Psalm 34:10); If GOD is for us,
who is against us? Who indeed HIS own SON did not spare, but gave Him up on our behalf; how will HE not also freely give to us all things with Him; 'Our sufficiency is from GOD.' (2Corinthians 3:5).

A study of the words belief and faith in the Scriptures is very insightful. In the New Testament, the Greek word faith means conviction of the truth (of anything) and belief means to have faith. In the Hebrew Scriptures, however, the word believe means to build up or support, to render firm, to foster, to be true, to turn to the right (hand). The Hebrew word 2 faith means established/firm/true/secure and is derived from the root word3 believe. In Hebrew, Faith is as a result of belief. Faith is built upon our belief in the word of GOD built up on a firm foundation. For GOD always establishes on a firm foundation. 'If you do not believe then you will not be built up/rendered firm.' (Isaiah 7:9) We are Spiritually established, in Faith, on our foundation knowledge and understanding and belief of the word of GOD. That is, Faith comes as a testimony of our belief in the Truth. Faith comes from hearing the word of Christ (Romans 10:17), (the Good News of Christ (Romans 15:19)), our hearing and believing in the Truth resulting in our anointing in the Spirit of Faith. For the Spirit of Knowledge, the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Power, the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of Meekness, the Spirit of Life is also the Spirit of Faith (2Corinthians 4:13). All things for Life and Godliness have been given to us in GODs divine power in our Knowledge of the Truth, even Faith. True faith is of GOD, divine, Spiritual, Powerful, and is freely given to us, in Christ, (for the asking), (indeed, how will HE not also freely give to us all things with Him), in the Spirit of Faith.
1 2 3

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 2983 The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible - #529 (Masc.), 530 (Fem.). The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible - #539

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of GOD. (Ephesians 2:8) We are not saved by anything which is of ourselves. Salvation is a free gift, by the Grace of GOD, in our Faith in the Truth. And the Spirit of Faith is the free gift of G OD which comes with our Knowledge and Understanding and Belief of the Truth of GOD's will for us and of HIS love for us and HIS grace to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. And there is an innate place within our souls which recognizes the Power of the Truth and which believes the Truth. For GOD who gives us a heart to know HIM has placed a sense of eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11). There is divine power in the Truth; Power according to the Spirit of Power, the Spirit of Truth; Power unto the Spirit of Faith. And we grow from faith to faith as we grow in the Truth of the Gospel of Christ. Faith increases as our Knowledge of the Righteousness of GOD increases, as our Knowledge of GODs will for us increases, as we come to Know G OD. Faith is GODs response to that wonderful cry of Mark 9:24, I believe, help my unbelief!, GOD HIMSELF giving us the increase (1Corinthians 3:6,7 Psalm 115:14), Spiritually increasing faith to us as we grow in the Good News of Christ. And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us, and we gazed upon His glory, glory as of the Fathers only-begotten, full of Grace and Truth. (John 1:14). And ... from His Fullness, we all received Grace upon Grace. (John 1:16). How do we receive this Grace? As we receive 'all things for Life and Godliness' in our knowledge and belief of the Truth: 'Grace and Peace to you may they be multiplied by the precise and correct Knowledge of GOD and Jesus our Lord. (2Peter 1:2). GOD our Father works in supernatural multiples. Grace and Peace are multiplied to us in our knowledge of and belief in the Truth. For by grace you have been saved through faith receiving Grace upon Grace as we grow from faith to faith. We are saved by Grace and not just by GODs Grace to us, but by GODs own Grace in us. Because GODs Grace poured out upon us must become GODs Grace manifested through us. The precise and correct knowledge of the Truth empowers us not only to receive of the Grace of GOD, but also to demonstrate the Grace of GOD, sharers in HIS divine nature, in Christ; the Spirit of Glory the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Power, the Spirit of Life also being the Spirit of Grace (Hebrews 10:29, Ephesians 2:7, 4:7). By GODs Grace we escape the corruption of sin, entering into salvation in a sharing in GODs own divine nature: Forgiving, Merciful, Patient, Generous, Good and Kind and Gentle, with the Undeserved Kindness/Grace of GOD; all this according to the Spirit of Grace, the Spirit of Faith. And GOD is able to cause all Grace to superabound1 to you, that always, having all that you need in everything, you may superabound2 in every good work. (2Corinthians 9:8) Note that the Greek word perisseuo, often translated as abound in 2Corinthians 9:8, actually means to superabound, to be in excess, to be superfluous. The translators of our Bibles have

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 4052 - perisseuo - to superabound, to be in excess, to be superfluous, over and above. 2 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 4052 - perisseuo 2

been greatly conservative in telling of the divine superabundance of our GOD. But we need to be able to rightly measure these things; we need to know and to understand and to believe in G OD's superabundance, from faith to faith. GODs grace to us, Grace upon Grace, ('GOD is able to cause all Grace to superabound to you '), is in such excess as to be superfluous. GOD builds up by the word of HIS Grace (Acts 20:32), (the Good News of the Grace of G OD (Acts 20:24)) unto our having all that you need in everything; giving us to superabound in every good work . Have we not been called to GOD's own 'Glory and Virtue'? This is the outcome of GOD's infinite grace and according to the Power of the Spirit of Grace within us. Now we all, with unveiled faces, seeing the Glory of the Lord ... are being
transformed into the same image, from Glory to Glory, even as from the Lord, the Spirit. (2Corinthians 3:18)

In our growing perception of the Truth of 'the Glory of the Lord', we are 'being transformed into the same image, from Glory to Glory ', conformed to GODs divine nature, GOD's glory multiplied to us through HIS Holy spirit, the Spirit of Glory. Paul writes of an eternal weight of glory from excess to excess. (2Corinthians 4:17). Paul also says: ... my GOD will fill your every need according to H IS riches in Glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19). This is GOD's amazing gift to us in the superabundance of HIS grace: 'HIS (GOD's) riches in Glory in Christ Jesus.' We know that GOD gives ' eternal life to those seeking glory and honour and incorruptibility by endurance in good work.' (Romans 2:7). And GOD is able to cause
all Grace to superabound to you, that always, having all that you need in everything, you may superabound in every good work unto HIS own 'glory and honour and incorruptibility'. This is the outcome of the superabundance of GOD's Grace. Jesus said, I came that they may have Life and that they may have it superabundantly. (John 10:10). And there is nothing ordinary and there is nothing lacking in our superabundant Life in Christ. But 'If you do not believe then you will not be built up/rendered firm' (Isaiah 7:9) by GOD's superabounding grace, from faith to faith and from Glory to Glory.

Without faith it is impossible to please G OD (Hebrews 11:6). For it is in True, Spiritual faith that we come to know, experientially, that GOD is able to cause all Grace to
superabound to you, that always, having all that you need in everything, you may superabound in every Good work. In faith we know that GOD is able to fill us with the precise and correct knowledge of HIS will, in all wisdom and Spiritual understanding, and so that we may walk worthy of the LORD in every way pleasing to HIM, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the precise and correct Knowledge of GOD, being empowered with Power according to the might of H IS Glory ... (Colossians 1:9-11).

Grace and Peace to you may they be multiplied by the precise and correct Knowledge of GOD and Jesus our Lord. Peace not peace as the world knows peace, but the Peace that surpasses all worldly understanding (Philippians 4:7) divine peace as grace, is multiplied to us in the precise and correct knowledge of GOD and of Jesus our Lord. ('All your sons will be taught by Yahweh/'the L ORD' and the Peace of your sons will be great. ' (Isaiah 54:13).) As we grow in the True knowledge of GOD, so are we empowered to bear all the 2

Fruit of the Spirit: (we) do not cease praying for you and asking that you may be
filled with the precise and correct knowledge of H IS will, in all wisdom and Spiritual understanding, to walk worthy of the L ORD in every way pleasing to HIM, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the precise and correct Knowledge of G OD, being empowered with Power according to the might of HIS Glory, for all endurance and patience, with joy. (Colossians 1:9-11). As we grow in the precise and correct knowledge of Truth, all things for Life and Godliness are multiplied to us exponentially, divinely,

powerfully according to the surpassing greatness of GODs Power to us in HIS Holy Spirit. Now to the ONE being able to do all things exceedingly abundantly above which we ask or think, according to the Power working in us, to HIM be the Glory ... (Ephesians 3:20) As we reach out towards GOD, in accordance with HIS will for us, in our knowledge and understanding of HIM, seeking HIM, the Almighty responds to us in the only way in which HE can. HE responds in supernatural multiples of our natural efforts exceedingly abundantly above that which we can even think to ask! The returns to us, and in us, are miraculous. Solomon asked GOD for an understanding heart. 'And GOD gave Solomon wisdom and understanding
beyond measure1, and breadth of heart/mind as the sand on the seashore, and Solomons wisdom surpassed the wisdom of all the sons of the east and all the wisdom of Egypt. For he was wiser than all men.' (1Kings 4:29-31).

... the word of Yahweh/'the LORD' came to Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not
Abram, I am your shield, your very great reward. But Abram said, Lord Yahweh, what will you give to me, since I remain childless ... ... H E took him outside and said, Now look at the heavens and count the stars, if you can count them. Then HE said to him, So shall be your seed/offspring. And he (Abram) believed ... (Genesis 15:1,2,5,6). This is GOD's way, and not just for Solomon and Abraham. 'GOD is no respecter of persons.' (Acts 10:34). 'GOD shows no partiality.' (Romans 2:11). No man

(other than Jesus in the flesh of mankind) has anything with which to commend himself to G OD; For there is no distinction. For all have sinned and fallen short ... (Romans 3:22,23). Discrimination and favouritism is not of GOD's Divine Nature because GOD freely gives all things 'all things exceedingly abundantly above which we ask or think ' to all HIS Children, in Christ. 'Yahweh/'the LORD' is Good to all.' (Psalm 145:9). 'GOD, the ONE giving to all generously and without reproach ' And this by Grace, according to the (undeserved) kindness of GOD to those who seek HIS divine generosity and goodness, HIS mighty blessings and favour. Most certainly is Jesus ... Head over all things to the Church which is His Body, the Fullness of the One filling all with all. (Ephesians 1:22 (we will see more of this teaching in the chapters to come)). This is the 'very great reward' of those who believe GOD's word (as '(Abram) believed)'; of those who open our eyes and hearts and understanding to Fear not ... I am your shield, your very great reward. Our Creator is indescribably Powerful, HE does nothing according to our natural ways. When GOD created the heavens and the earth HE created a universe beyond mans worldly comprehension. GOD created man fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14) beyond

Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary #3966 & 7235 literally, exceeding increase/abundance

scientific understanding. When we seek GOD, HE who wants to be found ( 'If you seek HIM, HE will be found by you. ' (1Chronicles 28:9)) turns towards us, HIS Face shines upon us. GOD HIMSELF reaches out HIS Mighty Right Hand to us, HIS Spirit envelops us, and we must change. In Faith, we yield to GODs Holy Spirit, encompassing HIS Spirit; and the Spiritual must overtake the natural; the extraordinary must surpass the ordinary; the divine must overcome the worldly; the Light must overcome the darkness; GODs Power must overcome our weaknesses; the Truth must overcome the lie; GODs Love must overcome all. GOD raises us up as if on the wings of eagles, freely, Mightily, bringing us into one accord with H IM, conformed to HIM, of HIS own divine nature, in Spirit and in Truth, in Faith. GOD does not fit within our earthly lives. The finite cannot encompass the infinite. When GOD comes into our lives all things which are not of HIM must be obliterated before HIM. The struggles and problems of this world are not of GOD, they are of Satan (as he opposes GODs plan and purpose for us) and they conflict with GODs will for us. But when El Shaddai (GOD Almighty, our all-sufficiency) steps in, when El Elyon (the Most High GOD who prevails in the lives of HIS people) is present, then we must experience that which is according to GODs will, GODs power, GODs grace, GODs love. When GOD comes into our situation, (when HE is invited in, when HE is allowed in), our lives are now according to HIM who is holy and divine and perfect. And this takes place as our faith is built up in the precise and correct knowledge of the trueness and righteousness and faithfulness and grace of GOD and of the Power of the love of GOD in our lives. In Faith, we give up the struggles of this world to receive of GODs saving grace, in Christ. Paul tells us: If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old things passed away,
behold, they have become new, and all things are of G OD, the ONE reconciling us to HIMSELF through Christ ... (2Corinthians 5:17,18). This is an awe-inspiring scripture that we will study in more detail but the point here is that, in Christ, 'all things are of GOD'. But we

have to come to know and believe this. We have to raise up our conscious minds to GODs more than superabundant Grace to us in our Faith in Christ Jesus our Lord. We have to know and understand that GOD's Goodness and Generosity overcomes all want, filling our every need exceedingly abundantly above that which we can even think to ask. This is what Paul is telling us when he says: 'Our sufficiency is from GOD.' (2Corinthians 3:5). Indeed, I am your shield, your very great reward. Trust in Yahweh/'the LORD with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5) To Know GOD we have to get beyond man's mundane, natural dimensions to be Spiritually freed into the extraordinary, the supernatural, the divine, the Godly reality which our Father wants us to Know and to Understand and which HE freely and superabundantly shares with us in HIS Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit of GOD brings us the Knowledge and Understanding of GOD which opens up our minds and hearts and spirits to the manifold Grace of G OD, to the 'very great reward' of those who seek HIM, to all of GOD's Spiritual superabundance, freeing us from the limitations of the lying corruption of the world, born again, in the Truth, unto the superlative things of GOD. It is our True appreciation of the word of GOD which becomes our launching pad into the divine reality of GOD, into relationship with HIM, reconciled to GOD, in Christ.

Through-out the Bible we see the word behold. It means 'see/be aware/perceive/know/ understand'. Repeatedly the word of GOD alerts us: Behold! Open your eyes/hearts/minds to what is being told to you, pay special attention, consider these things. Lift up your eyes beyond the things of this world. Lift up your eyes to Wisdom. Lift up your eyes to the Ways of GOD. Jesus testified, All things are possible for the one believing. (Mark 9:23). GOD is able (2Corinthians 9:8). HE who created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them is ... the
ONE being able to do all things exceedingly abundantly above which we ask or think, according to the Power working in us. GOD, the ONE providing us richly with all things for our enjoyment, to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous, willing to share, treasuring up for themselves a good foundation for the future, that they may lay a hold of the real Life. (1Timothy 6:17-19). For behold, it is here and now, in

this earth, according to our acceptance and demonstration of the Truth, that GOD lays HIS foundation for our eternal life. 'GOD is able', but even more than this, HE is willing and faithful and true. 'And now I commend you to GOD, and to the word of HIS grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. ' (Acts 20:32) GODs Grace reigns supreme in our Life through Christ the real Life into which we are born again in our Knowledge of the Truth and in which we superabound in all the divine things of our GOD. But we have to know and believe this, coming to know and to believe in ' the word of HIS (GOD's) grace'. We have to renew our minds according to the knowledge of GODs will for us in Christ, coming to Know and to Understand and so to make manifest G ODs divine Power unto righteousness, unto holiness, unto Life. As we consider GOD's Holy Spirit and grace and superabundance and the real Life, and in knowing that GOD's Spirit is the Spirit of Life, it is essential for us to know and understand and believe that: '... the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness. ' (Romans 8:10). According to the Law of Sin and Death: The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). But the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has freed you from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:2). Because '... the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness'. Paul teaches: ... where sin increased, Grace more than superabounded1' (Romans 5:20). The Greek word2 used with reference to sin in Romans 5:20 is pleonazo to increase. But the word used with reference to GODs Grace is huper-perisseuo, with perisseuo as we have seen before meaning to superabound, exceeding abundantly above, so as to be superfluous. Now added to this is the prefix huper meaning over/above/beyond/superior/more than. Grace more than superabounded.' This is the divine increase in GOD's grace to us that counters all sin with righteousness. Paul spoke of GOD's more than superabounding grace: ... I received mercy, because, being
ignorant, I did it in unbelief. And the Grace of our L ORD superabounded with Faith and Love in Christ Jesus. Faithful is the word, and worthy of all acceptance, that
1 2

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 5248 - huper-perisseuo Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 4121

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. (1Timothy 1:13-15). Paul again relates

sin to ignorance and unbelief. But sin is brought to nothing, rather, sinfulness is transformed to Righteousness, to Virtue, to Godliness, to Incorruptibility, by the more than superabounding grace of our Merciful and Faithful and True GOD who empowers us to superabound with Faith and Love in Christ Jesus our Lord. (To superabound in Faith that 'the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness'. As all things for Life and Godliness have been given to us by HIS divine Power ...) For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of GOD. (Ephesians 2:8). Even as sin has increased, (as man has grown further from the Truth of GOD, as Satan fights to retain his hold in these last days), GODs Grace more than superabounds unto unto our being gloriously triumphant over all evil, in Christ. ... that even
the creation itself will be freed from the slavery of corruption into the freedom of the glory of the Children of GOD (Romans 8:21). Faithful is the word, and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

Seeing the corruption of the world, it can be said that Satan has done a good job with deception unto sin. But this is purely by a natural, earthly measure. Beyond this there is a measure which is divine, supernatural, according to the Mightiness of the Almighty GOD HIMSELF, according to the measure of the heavenly realms. GOD has a response to deception and to sin, to anger, to hate, to sickness and disease and to all the things of this world which is divine, phenomenal, immeasurable greater than any measure of evil. GOD has a response to sin which is our Righteousness, Godliness, HIS own Glory and Virtue, as we manifest HIS own divine nature; but we have to Know these things. To escape sin and death we must Know: ... where sin increased, Grace more than superabounded. And the anointing which you received from HIM remains in you, and you have no
need that anyone should teach you. But as the same anointing teaches you concerning everything, and is True and is not a lie, and as He taught you, abide in Him. ... If you know that HE is righteous, you know that everyone doing righteousness has been born of HIM. (1John 2:27,29). As also You shall be Holy, for I Yahweh/'the LORD' your GOD am Holy. (Leviticus 19:2).

But, in accordance with the Holy ONE who called you, also become Holy in all your conduct. For it has been written: Holy you will be, because I am Holy.(1Peter 1:1516) Here is another awe-inspiring promise of GOD. HE who has called us to Righteousness, to Life and Godliness, to Glory and Virtue, to Incorruptibility, has also called us to H IS own Holiness the 'Holiness without which no one will see the Lord. (Hebrews 12:14). For our anointing in GODs Holy Spirit the Spirit of Knowledge, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Faith, the Spirit of Meekness, the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of Power, the Spirit of Grace, (the Spirit of Grace and Supplications (Zechariah 12:10)), the Spirit of Life is, most certainly, an anointing in the Spirit of Holiness (Romans 1:4). Therefore, 'become Holy in all your conduct'.

GOD did not call us to impurity but in Holiness1. Therefore the one rejecting this rejects not man but GOD, the ONE also giving HIS Holy2 Spirit to us. (1Thessalonians 4:8) The awesome Power of GODs Holy Spirit within us must bring forth GODs Holiness through us - ... the temple/sanctuary of GOD is Holy, which (temple) you are. (1Corinthians 3:17). We must be Holy, for GODs Holy Spirit cannot dwell within a body which is not dead to sin. Life cannot fit within death, Purity cannot fit within corruption. GOD gives ' eternal life to those seeking glory and honour and incorruptibility ... ' (Romans 2:7). ... the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness righteousness unto sanctification/holiness (Romans 6:19). Righteousness is unto Life because righteousness is unto holiness through the Spirit of Holiness, the Spirit of Life. And where else do we manifest this Holiness but right here, on this earth. Pursue Peace with everyone, and Holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. (Hebrews 12:14). GODs People are called, in Spirit and in Truth, in Faith, to be righteous, holy, incorruptible, extraordinary, superabounding in the Grace of GOD in Christ Jesus our Lord. 'And now I commend you to GOD, and to the word of HIS grace, which is able to build
you up and to give you an inheritance among all those who are made holy/sanctified3.' (Acts 20:32). The Greek word translated into English as 'sanctify' means, literally, 'to make holy'. Jesus said, Many are called but few are chosen. (Matthew

22:14). The chosen ones being sanctified made holy according to the power of the Spirit of Holiness; this is GOD's grace. Paul prayed that '... the GOD of our Lord Jesus Christ, the
Father of Glory may give to you a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the precise and correct Knowledge of HIM, for you to know, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, what is the hope of HIS calling, what is the wealth of the Glory of HIS inheritance to the saints ' to those made Holy by GOD. For it has been written: Holy you will be, because I am Holy.

... the temple/sanctuary of GOD is Holy, which (temple) you are. In the Book of Exodus, GOD told Moses to make a sanctuary so that HE could dwell among the children of Israel. GOD asked for an offering of the materials to be used and GOD gave Moses detailed instructions as to the Temple and everything in it. Then GOD chose a man about whom HE spoke unto Moses saying, I have filled him with the Spirit of GOD in Wisdom and Understanding and Knowledge in all manner of workmanship ... (Exodus 31:3, 35:31). ... and HE (GOD) has put it into his heart that he should teach. (Exodus 35:34). ...
and in the hearts of everyone wise I (G OD) have put Wisdom, that they may make everything I have commanded you. (Exodus 31:6).

Do you not know that your body is the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit in you. (1Corinthians 6:19). Do you not know that your body is your offering to GOD for the building of HIS Temple ... present your bodies as a living sacrifice, Holy, well-pleasing to GOD .... (Romans 12:1). (... present/proffer yourselves to GOD as those alive from the dead ... as instruments of righteousness to G OD. (Romans 6:13)). Do you not know that you have been chosen and are anointed with the Spirit of GOD in all Wisdom and Understanding
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Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 38 hagiasmos holiness. Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 40 hagios holy. 3 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 37 hagiazo to make holy.

and Knowledge and Power to build up this temple of GOD, as GOD has commanded you to do. Do you not know that you are Holy with the Holiness of G OD, so set apart unto GOD, for the Glory of GOD. Do you know that unless the Holiness of GOD is made manifest through you, according to the Spirit of Holiness, no one will see the Lord. By Wisdom is a House built, and through Understanding it is established. And through Knowledge all of the rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasure. (Proverbs 24:3) After Moses finished the work of the building of the tabernacle, something extraordinary and wonderful happened the Glory of Yahweh/'the LORD' filled the tabernacle (Exodus 40:34). This was the purpose of building this sanctified, holy place a place built for the Almighty GOD to come and dwell with HIS people, in all HIS Glory. More than five hundred years later, after Solomon built the magnificent house of GOD the exact thing happened the Glory of Yahweh/ 'the LORD' filled the house of Yahweh (1Kings 8:11). For this reason also Jesus builds us up the Temple of the Holy Spirit of G OD, the Church of GOD. For we are created for a sharing in the Glory of GOD in Christ Jesus. ... the GOD of all Grace, the ONE having called you into HIS eternal Glory in Christ Jesus ... (1Peter 5:9). We are preordained for GODs Glory for GOD to commune with us, to be present with us, in Glory for us to be Glorified in HIM through Jesus Christ. 'Yet once more, in a little while, and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the
sea and the dry land. And I will shake all the nations and the Delight/Desire of all of the nations shall come and I will fill this House with glory, says Yahwehtsebaoth/'the LORD of Hosts/Armies'. The silver is mine and the gold is mine, declares Yahweh-tsebaoth. The latter glory of this House shall be greater than the former, says Yahweh-tsebaoth. And in this place I will give peace, declares Yahweh-tsebaoth.' (Haggai 2:6-9)

So then, you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens of the
saints and members of the Household of GOD, having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the Cornerstone, in whom all the building, being fitly joined together, grows into a holy sanctuary in the Lord, in whom also you are being built together into a dwelling place of GOD, in Spirit. (Ephesians 2:19-22)

By Wisdom is a house built, and through Understanding it is established. And through Knowledge all of the rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasure. The Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament defines itself as a Book for attaining Wisdom and Discipline and Understanding. It advocates Knowledge and Obedience and the Fear/Awe of GOD. It repeatedly warns against being lured from the Truth by the deception of lies, (the whoredom of apostasy. (Satan always wars against the Light with darkness seeking to ensnare in the bonds of deception.)) Satan deceived man in the Garden of Eden and man disobeyed GOD, separating himself from GOD with sin. But GOD gave us Jesus, the Wisdom and the Power of GOD, teaching us the Truth so that we may be free from Satan, leading us back along the Highway which is called the Way of Holiness (Isaiah 35:8), (and there is only one Way), bringing us into harmony with HIMSELF, reconciling us to HIM, bringing us into a sharing in HIS divine nature.

We the Members of the Household of GOD, the Holy Sanctuary for GODs Spirit are of the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Truth and Knowledge and the Fear of G OD, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding/Revelation, the Spirit of Prophecy (Revelation 19:10), the Spirit of Life, the Spirit of Holiness, the Spirit of Sonship (Romans 8:15), the Spirit of Glory, the Spirit of Faith, the Spirit of Grace, the Spirit of Justice (Isaiah 28:6), the Spirit of Meekness, the Spirit of Power and Love and a Sound-mind/Self-control (2Timothy 1:7), the Spirit of Counsel and Power. Its an all-inclusive, Spiritual package (for GOD does not give the Spirit by measure (John 3:34)) and HIS Holy Spirit is a free gift to us in our belief in the Truth. (The Bible's teaching on the Spirit of Sonship and the Spirit of Christ is studied in chapter two of this book.) And this I pray, that your Love may increase more and yet more, in precise and
correct knowledge1 and all discernment, for you to approve the superior things, that you may be pure and blameless in the day of Christ. (Philippians 1:9,10)

The Knowledge of GODs Truth opens up our Spiritual understanding of divine things birthing within us the appreciation for 'the superior things' of GOD. The worldly mind does not appreciate the Superior things of GOD; the mind of the flesh does not appreciate the things of the Spirit. From a natural understanding we cannot enter into the Spiritual experience of Truth, or of Love. But through divine knowledge and understanding we enter into Truth, into the divine nature of GOD, into Love. GOD is Love (1John 4:8). And, in a sharing of HIS divine Nature, we manifest HIS Love. Born again of HIM, who is Righteous, we are Righteous. Born of HIM, who is Holy, we are Holy. Born of HIM, who is Love, we also are the manifestation of Love. There is divine power in the word of GOD: Power according to the Spirit of Power; Power unto the Love of GOD. Because the love of GOD has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit having been given to us. (Romans 5:5). In the true knowledge and understanding and belief of the word of GOD we receive of GOD's Spirit. This is our entry way into all the Spiritual, divine things of GOD, into all things for Life and Godliness, into Holiness, into Glory, into Love. Paul tells us that, in the precise and correct knowledge of GODs Truth, with 'all discernment', we are filled with Love Spiritual, divine love, increasing more and yet more as our Knowledge and Understanding increases multiplied to us. The more we grow in the true knowledge and understanding of the Truth, the more Love we come to know and demonstrate, and according to GODs more than superabounding Grace to us in Christ Jesus: ... the Grace of our LORD superabounded with Faith and Love in Christ Jesus. (1Timothy 1:14). And this is so because, in Love, in Faith, we are given to be pure and blameless in the day of Christ. Blessed be the GOD and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the ONE having blessed us
with every Spiritual Blessing in the heavenlies in Christ, even as H E chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, for us to be Holy and Blameless in H IS sight, in Love. (Ephesians 1:3,4)

And may the Lord cause you to increase and superabound2 in Love to one another
and to all, even as we also do to you, so as to establish your hearts blameless, in holiness, before our GOD and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all of His saints. Amen. (1Thessalonians 13:12,13)
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Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge. Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 4052 - perisseuo - to superabound, to be in excess, to be superfluous, over and above.

... the Grace of our LORD superabounded with Faith and Love in Christ Jesus. Paul teaches of 'Faith and Love' throughout his epistles. For Faith without Love is meaningless: If I have all the Faith so as to remove mountains, but I do not have Love, I am nothing. (1Corinthians 13:2). If I do not have Love, I have gained nothing. (1Corinthians 13:3). Because without Love we cannot be holy and blameless, and we must be pure and blameless in the day of Christ; blameless, in holiness, before our GOD and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus. In the power of the Spirit of Faith (the Spirit of Power, the Spirit of Truth) we manifest the love of GOD, manifesting the Truth of GOD's will for us and GOD's grace to us, in Christ, righteous and holy and blameless. GOD gives us a heart to Know HIM, (Jeremiah 24:7), and then the Lord establishes our hearts, to be blameless, in holiness. We become holy and blameless in HIS sight, in Love, as our Love increases more and yet more with Knowledge and Understanding, with Faith; the Lord giving us to increase and superabound in love to one another and to all . 'As all
things for Life and Godliness have been given to us by H IS divine Power through the precise and correct Knowledge of the ONE having called us to H IS own Glory and Virtue', so also has the GOD and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 'blessed us with every Spiritual Blessing in the heavenlies in Christ for us to be Holy and Blameless in HIS sight, in Love'. This is the Truth of our salvation and we must Know and Understand and

have Faith in these things. Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:16 that the Body (of the Church of which Jesus is the Head) is builtup in Love. Paul tells us that as our Love increases more and more, we become Pure and Blameless in readiness for the day of Christ. For there is a day coming when we, the Body of the Church, will have to be found without spot or blemish and it is in our precise and correct Knowledge of GOD, in our understanding of the Superior things of GOD, in GODs superabundant Power working in us who believe, in Love, that we become Spiritually ready for that day. We do not go to heaven to attain the divine nature of GOD. We attain the divine nature of GOD so that we may go to heaven, freed from sin and death, unto Righteousness and Life, Holy and Blameless. This is GODs Grace towards us, received in Faith. ... be ready ... (Matthew 24:44). Jesus said, For I say to you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will never enter into the Kingdom of the heavens. (Matthew 5:20). And then Jesus proceeded to show, for the remainder of Matthew chapter five, how much more is required of us than the simply understood things to which the scribes and Pharisees adhered. They lived according to the letter of the Law the Law given through Moses. But such righteousness means nothing without the Spiritual blessing, in Christ, of Love. Only in Love is our righteousness unto Holiness, unto Blamelessness, unto Perfection. (' love is the fulfillment of the Law. (Romans 13:10). We will see more of this.) Jesus ended His teaching with, Therefore be Perfect as your heavenly Father is Perfect. (Matthew 5:48). (Jesus said, Woe to you lawyers! Because you have taken away the key of Knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves and you hindered the ones entering in. (Luke 11:52). Do not leave your Knowledge and Understanding of GOD and of the things of GOD in the hands of scribes and Pharisees who are selective in what they teach, basing their teaching on the naturally understood things of the Scriptures but not entering into the divine, Glorious, superabundant promises to us in the word of GOD. Such teachers keep GODs people from the Knowledge and Understanding of the Truth. Jesus calls them lawyers, for they expound with 3

the wisdom of men what the world has taught them. They themselves have not entered into the Truth, having disregarded the key for entering in, the key of Knowledge. The ways, teachings, knowledge of this world which are as different from the Truth as the heavens are higher than the earth are against the Knowledge of GOD. But GOD HIMSELF in HIS gift to us of the Spirit of Knowledge/the Spirit of Truth/the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding/ the Spirit of Faith/the Spirit of Power gives us to protect ourselves against those who come against the Truth, giving us to wield the sword of the Spirit which is the word of GOD. (Ephesians 6:17). The 'sword of the Spirit' is a powerful weapon against entrenched teachings which deny us the Knowledge of GOD. ... the word of GOD is living and powerful ... (Hebrews 4:12). We will study these things in greater detail, but as we consider the key of Knowledge, we need to Know and Understand that we are empowered to overcome misrepresentations of the Truth with the living and powerful word of GOD. 'Stand therefore, girding your loins with Truth and putting on the breastplate of
Righteousness and having your feet shod in the readiness of the Good News of Peace; in all, taking up the shield of Faith by which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of Salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of GOD; praying at all times in Spirit, by means of all prayer and petition ...' (Ephesians 6:14-18)) Jesus said, Be Perfect as your heavenly Father is Perfect. GOD is Perfect, and the things of GOD are Perfect and are increased in us, more and yet more, multiplied according to our

faith in the Truth of GODs more than superabounding Grace to us: the Truth of our being made Perfect/Complete, Holy and Blameless, in Christ. All things for Life and Godliness, ( every Spiritual Blessing in the heavenlies in Christ ), is freely given to us as a testimony of GODs more than superabounding Grace to us. As Christians (of Christ, of the Spirit of Christ) Love must be increasing in us. GOD's Love within us is a testimony of GODs own Love for us: We Love because HE (GOD) first Loved us. (1John 4:19). And in manifesting the Love of GOD, increasingly, as our Knowledge and Understanding increases, we become Perfect, as our heavenly Father is Perfect becoming sharers in HIS divine Nature. This is GODs will for us and this is the Way GOD has made for us in Christ Jesus our Lord. GOD did not send HIS SON to suffer and die for anything less than this. '(GOD) chose us in Him (Christ), before the foundation of the world, for us to be Holy and Blameless in HIS sight, in Love.' Most certainly does the Power of the Love of GOD brings this to pass unfailingly in our lives. Love never fails. But whether prophecies, they will be abolished; or tongues, they
will cease; or general knowledge1, it will be abolished. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when the perfect/complete thing comes, the thing in part will be abolished. (1Corinthians 13:8-10). Love is the Superior, Perfect, Complete, divine, eternal

thing which never fails and which abolishes all that is imperfect/incomplete. General knowledge and prophesy and tongues are partial/incomplete, imperfect and all such things will be abolished. But now abides/remains Faith, Hope, Love these three; and the greatest of these is Love. (1Corinthians 13:13).

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1108 - Gnosis - general knowledge (of things pertaining to GOD).

Now may the GOD of Peace HIMSELF sanctify you wholly, and may your whole spirit
and soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is the ONE calling you, who also will do it. (1Thessalonians 5:23)

The GOD of Peace, Yahweh-shalom, sanctifies us wholly your whole spirit and soul and body, so that we are preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. And HE does this by HIS divine Power towards us in the Truth in Christ Jesus. Jesus said: These things I have told you while abiding with you. But the Advocate/ Encourager,
the Holy Spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that One will teach you all things and will remind you of all things which I told you. Peace I leave to you, my Peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled. (John 14:25-27).

Peace, like Love and Joy and all other Fruit of the Spirit are not of this world. They are not worldly emotions and are not given to us as the world gives. (They do not arise from (or decline) according to worldly events.) the love of GOD has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit having been given to us. (Romans 5:5). Real emotions are not sensory (of/through the senses) but are Spiritual. They are Spiritual blessings which surpass all worldly, sensual emotions. And so Paul tells us of ... the Peace of GOD which surpasses all understanding ... (Philippians 4:7), (all human, natural understanding). But according to HIS promise, we await new heavens and a new earth in which
Righteousness dwells. Wherefore beloved, awaiting these things, be eager to be found at Peace, spotless and unblemished with Him (our Lord). (2Peter 3:13,14)

Paul wrote: '(GOD) chose us in Him (Christ), before the foundation of the world, for us to be Holy and Blameless in HIS sight, in Love.' Peter teaches of being 'at Peace, spotless and unblemished with Him (our Lord)'. It is therefore the Fruit of the Spirit the Real emotions resulting from the gift of GOD's Spirit within us, (the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Faith, the Spirit of power, the Spirit of Glory) which is the testimony of our holiness and blamelessness. It is the Fruit of the Spirit GODs love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22,23) which is the testimony of our rebirth to glory. Because in manifesting the fruit of the Spirit we manifest the Truth of our sharing in GOD's divine nature. The New Testament, although written in Greek, was written by Jews who spoke Hebrew and who studied the Hebrew Scriptures of the Old Testament. When Paul and Peter wrote of peace and wholeness and being unblemished/blameless, they were speaking according to their Hebraic, scriptural understanding of these words. The Hebrew word shalom peace has a far Superior meaning to our natural understanding of peace. It means superabounding in tranquillity, rest, prosperity, security, wholeness, soundness, health. Jesus said to the woman who touched His garment in the crowd: Daughter, your faith has saved1 you; go in Peace and be whole2 from your scourge3. (Mark 5:34). Isaiah said: ... the chastisement for our
1 2

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #4982 sozo from saos, 'safe' to save, i.e. deliver, protect. Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #5199 healthy, fig. true: sound, whole. From #837 to grow/ increase. (Note #5200 wet (with rain), sappy, fresh, green.) 3 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #3148 a whip (for flagellation of criminals), scourging. (As Jesus was scourged.)

Peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5) made whole, given Peace. Peace means to be whole, complete, perfect: ' may the GOD of Peace Himself sanctify you wholly your whole spirit and soul and body preserved blameless '; ' be eager to be found at Peace, spotless and unblemished '. Similarly, the

Hebrew word tamiym unblemished (as in the sacrificial Lamb), blameless means undefiled, whole, sound, with truth and integrity. It is related to the thummim of the high priest the emblem of complete Truth. Both Peace and being unblemished/blemishless/blameless signify wholeness, soundness, health. Both Peace and being blameless relate to Truth. Peace is multiplied to us in our knowledge of the Truth (Grace and Peace to you may they be multiplied by the precise and correct Knowledge of GOD and Jesus our Lord) and Blemishless means being with integrity and Truth. Therefore, Peter tells us of being at Peace, spotless and unblemished; that is, of being in GODs rest, healed, whole, secure, prospering being in accord with Truth, with eternal life. (In the same way, Solomon teaches: Blessed is the man
that finds wisdom all of her paths are Peace. She is a tree of life to the ones embracing her and those who lay hold of her are blessed. (Proverbs 3:13-18).)

Thus says Yahweh/'the LORD' who made the earth, Yahweh who formed it, to
establish it Yahweh/'the LORD' is HIS name, Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and unsearchable things which you do not know. ... Behold, I will bring health and healing. And I will heal them and I will reveal an abundance of Peace and Truth.' (Jeremiah 33:2,3,6).

Here again we see GOD's word and 'health and healing' and 'Peace and Truth' all together. And we are again told the key to all of this, Ask and you will receive. (John 16:24): 'Call to
me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and unsearchable things which you do not know.' My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, to turn your ear to Wisdom, to apply your heart to Understanding, if you call out for insight and raise up your voice for Understanding, if you look for her as for silver and you search for her as for hidden treasure, then you will Understand the Fear of Yahweh/'the LORD' and you will find Knowledge of GOD. For Yahweh/'the LORD' gives Wisdom and from HIS mouth Knowledge and Understanding. And HE holds in store victory for the Upright. H E is a shield to the ones walking Blamelessly, to guard the course of the Just, and HE protects the way of HIS faithful ones. Then you will Understand what is Right and Just and Fair and every Good Way. For Wisdom will enter into your heart and Knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Discretion will protect you, Understanding will guard you. (Proverbs 2:1-11).

GOD teaches us all things according to HIS divine Power in HIS Holy Spirit, great and unsearchable things, releasing healing and an abundance Spiritual superabundance of Peace and Truth into our Lives. GOD teaches us all things, instructing us to Trust in Yahweh/'the LORD' with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5). Jesus said, Peace I leave to you, my Peace I give to you ... ... the Peace of GOD which surpasses all understanding ... Let not your heart be troubled. ... the Dawn from on High will visit us, to give Light/to shine upon the
ones sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death, to direct our feet in the Way of Peace. (Luke 1:78-80). In giving us to Know and Understand the Truth of HIS love for us and

HIS more than superabounding Grace to us in Christ Jesus, G OD frees us gloriously from the entrapment of the (lying) limitations of the world into healing and renewal and restoration, into holiness and blamelessness. In Faith is our Peace and Love and Joy and all the Fruit of G OD's Spirit. In Faith is our completeness. Therefore be Perfect as your heavenly Father is Perfect. (Matthew 5:48). Ask and it will be given to you ... For every one asking receives ... (Matthew 7:7,8) Blessed be the GOD and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the ONE having blessed us
with every Spiritual Blessing in the heavenlies in Christ, even as H E chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, for us to be Holy and Blameless in H IS sight, in Love. (Ephesians 1:3,4) for us to be complete, lacking in nothing. my GOD will fill your every need according to HIS riches in Glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19). Faithful is the ONE calling you, who also will do it. This is a far different picture from

the earthly life which has been mis-represented to us of our subjection to sickness and strife and lack and fear and sorrow and sin. Whose report do you believe? Although He (Jesus) had done so many signs before them, they did not believe in
Him. This was to fulfill the word of Isaiah the prophet: Lord, who has believed our report, and to whom has the Arm of Yahweh/'the LORD been revealed? Therefore they could not believe, because Isaiah also said: He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart so that they might not see with their eyes and understand with their heart and turn and I will heal them. These things Isaiah spoke because he saw His glory and he spoke about Him. (John 12:37-41)

Do not leave your Knowledge and Understanding of GOD and the things of GOD in the hands of those who have not seen the glory of our Lord. Such teachers are fearful of teaching the word of GODs awe-inspiring grace and power to us in Christ Jesus, not being built up in the Truth of Christ, not being established in Faith in these things. They do not teach of holiness and blamelessness and perfection. Such teachers hinder you from entering-in where they fear to tread, avoiding what they themselves do not understand or believe; explaining away what they do not know with powerless philosophies which find no support in the word of GOD. Our Bibles teach that we are sanctified wholly, cleansed in the Fullness of the washing of the word of GOD, for us to be built up, established in Truth, in Love, a glorious Church, holy and blemishless: Husbands, love your wives, as also Christ loved the Church and gave Himself on
her behalf, that He might sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing of the water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such things, but that she may be holy and blemishless. (Ephesians

5:25-27). This is the Bride, the Body, for whom Christ, our Bridegroom, our Head, returns. Jesus, praying to His Father, interceding for all believers, said: Sanctify them in the Truth. Your word is Truth. (John 17:17). This is GODs will for us and GOD's grace to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. In Jesus Love for us He sanctifies us making us holy/sacred/as a saint cleansing us from the corruption of the world to be at Peace untainted, blemishless, in Love, in Truth by the washing of the water by the word . Jesus said to His disciples: You are

even now1 clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. (John 15:3). This is

the divine power of the word of GOD. Many Christians know the beauty of this washing by Christ Jesus who is, Himself, the very manifestation of the Word of GOD. The washing of the water by the word, is the glorious, gracious, Loving bath of life-changing, Life-bringing water by the word of GOD which cleanses, soothes, heals, restores; bringing us into the Grace and Favour of GOD, bringing Truth and Wisdom and Love and Peace; bringing Forgiveness, bringing Righteousness and Holiness, bringing Strength, bringing Trust in GOD; by which ... the old
things (have) passed away, behold, they have become new, and all things are of GOD, the ONE reconciling us to HIMSELF through Christ ... (2Corinthians 5:17,18). And the

beauty of this washing is that it is a washing from the inside out. We change outwardly because we are cleansed from within. This is not the ceremonial cleansing of the scribes and Pharisees of Matthew 23:23-28 who cleansed only the outside. This is not a superficial cleansing resulting in a mere outward display of righteous behaviour. This is our being conformed to the Truth, in Christ, manifesting the Spirit of GOD within us. This is unto our being sanctified wholly, your whole spirit and soul and body. This washing of the water by the word is the reason why Jesus sent prophets and sages and scribes (Matthew 23:34) and why Jesus Himself came for us to become the glorious, holy, blemishless Church of GOD. And so the word of GOD inside of us heard, understood, believed upon multiplies superabundantly into Spiritual, Living Water (John 4:10), rivers of Living Water, flowing from the inside of us (John 7:38) out into the world. We are sanctified/made holy through the word of GOD. (1Timothy 4:5). ('... the word
of HIS (GOD's) grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.' (Acts 20:32).) This is our salvation: salvation by sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth (2Thessalonians 2:13). Jesus, praying to His Father, said: And for them I sanctify myself, that they also may be sanctified in Truth. (John 17:19). Jesus sanctified Himself in Truth, so that we also may be sanctified in

Truth conformed to the Truth in Him according to the Power of the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Holiness, the Spirit of Power. Sanctified in Truth we are immeasurably beyond being mere white-washed graves of sin and death (Matthew 23:27) those 'having a form of Godliness but denying its Power. ' (2Timothy 3:5). Rather, we make manifest the Truth of the Power of GODs word. Jesus said, You will receive Power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses .... (Acts 1:8). GODs Holy Spirit within us brings the Power of GODs Love to us, so that we bear witness to the blood of Jesus Christ, testifying of G ODs Grace to us in Him, Living witnesses of the Truth in Christ Jesus our Lord. .... not going about with cunning nor falsifying the word of GOD, but by
manifestation of the Truth, presenting ourselves to every mans conscience in the sight of GOD. (2Corinthians 4:2)

Inside of us, the word of GOD becomes a seed planted which grows; the drink of water which becomes a Fountain out of our innermost parts; the water which turns to wine; the word which becomes Life; replacing darkness with Light. The word of GOD conceives in us something new

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #2235 ede even now, already, by this time.

(not something existing but dormant, something totally new) a new creation, a new person, extraordinary, divine, with the capacity for Holiness and Peace and Love and empowered to Holiness and Peace and Love, a 'manifestation of the Truth'. For in this new creation the Spirit of GOD dwells, remaining, abiding, unrestricted by the natural inferior things of this world. Both Isaiah and Amos prophesied of times (before the coming of Christ) when G ODs word was not available to HIS people: Therefore my people will be exiled for lack of Knowledge, men of rank will hunger and their masses parched with thirst. (Isaiah 5:13). See,
the days are coming, declares Lord Yahweh, when I will send famine through the land. Not famine for food, nor thirst for water, but rather to hear the words of GOD'

(Amos 8:11). These were times of thirsting for GOD, hunger and thirsting for the word of GOD. (There were four hundred 'silent years' between Old Testament book of Malachi and the New Testament.) But then there came Jesus, the very Word of GOD. Jesus promised, Whoever drinks of the water which I will give to him will never thirst
into the age, but the water which I will give him, will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal Life. (John 4:14). Jesus, the Word of Life (1John 1:1),

gives us the drink of water by which we are filled to overflowing with the Spirit of GOD, never again thirsting for the word of GOD. Through our belief in the word of GOD, the Spirit of GOD is poured out unto us an effervescent, exhilarating, superabundant Spring of Spiritual, Living Water which is GOD HIMSELF in us, in Spirit: the Fountain of Truth through which we Know G OD; through which we share in the divine nature of GOD; through which we receive Life; through which we share in the Truth of Life. Jesus said, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless someone is born of water and Spirit, he is not able to enter the Kingdom of G OD. (John 3:5). Being born of water and Spirit is being born of the drink of water which becomes a fountain of water springing up into eternal Life within us, the drink of water preparing/(priming) us for the divine out-flow from HIM who is our SOURCE. The drink of water is a partaking in the word of GOD which leads to our own in-filling and over-flowing in the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, the Spirit of Life. We drink of the water which Jesus gives to us, so that we are washed, from inside out, in the resulting fountain of Living Water born of the water by the word, born again through the Living and remaining word of GOD (1Peter 1:23), born of water and Spirit, born of GOD. This fountain of water springing up into eternal Life, is the river of water of Life, bright as crystal proceeding out of the throne of GOD and of the Lamb, feeding the tree of Life, for the healing of the nations, (Revelation 22:1-5). It is the sea of glass, like crystal, which is before the throne in Revelation 4:6; it is the train of G OD which fills the Temple in Isaiah 6:1; it is the water of healing which issues out from the House of GOD in Ezekiel 47. The House of GOD is the Church of the Living GOD, the Pillar and the Foundation of the Truth (1Timothy 3:15), and so the Fountain of water inside of us is not just for our cleansing. It flows out from the House to bring healing to the world and to bring Life. The fountain of Water inside of us is our baptism, our renewal, our Spiritual rebirth, our healing. We are immersed from the inside out. Water baptism is symbolic of this cleansing by the washing of the water by the word, bringing repentance a changing of the mind/heart. 4

... repentance1 unto the precise and correct knowledge2 of the Truth. (2Timothy 2:25). GOD said of Job, Who is this obscuring counsel without knowledge? Now gird up
your loins like a man and I will question you, and you answer me. Where were you when I founded the earth? Tell me if you know understanding! (Job 38:1-4). And after

GOD questioned Job as to whether he truly had knowledge and understanding of HIS greatness, (for four chapters of the word spoken from the mouth of GOD HIMSELF!), Job answered and said, Surely I spoke, but I understood not, of things too wonderful for me, which I knew
not. ... I have heard of You with my ears, but now my eyes have seen You. For this I despise myself and I repent in dust and ashes. (Job 42:3-6).

Like Job, we all need to repent of our natural measure of the word of G OD. Like Job we all have heard with our ears things which were too Wonderful to be comprehended by our natural minds. We all have spoken of the things of GOD, without Knowledge, without Understanding, obscuring counsel as we did so. But when we are washed in the water of the word of Truth, (by GOD HIMSELF, in Spirit, as GOD HIMSELF washed Job), then our eyes are opened to see the Glory of GOD. There came a man, having been sent from GOD, named John. This one came for
testimony, that he might testify about the Light, so that all may believe through him. He was not the Light, but he came that he might testify about the Light. (John

1:6-8) John the Baptist came preaching (Matthew 3:1); his was the prophesied voice, crying out in the wilderness (Matthew 3:3). John the Baptist came for testimony, to testify about the Light, so that all may believe. This was Johns commission the washing of the water by the word. Water baptism is symbolic of coming into the Truth of the word of GOD and of our salvation in Christ Jesus, of hearing, seeing/believing/accepting our sinfulness, of Knowing that by the blood of Jesus Christ we are gloriously and Mightily cleansed from all sin (1John 1:7). Therefore repent and turn (to GOD) so that your sins may be wiped away. (Acts 3:19) If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just/righteous to forgive us the sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1John 1:9) Paul spoke of John the Baptist: '... GOD, according to the promise, brought to Israel, a
Saviour, Jesus; John previously proclaiming, (before His coming), a baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel. And as John completed the (his) course, he said, Who you suppose me to be I am not. But behold He comes after me of whom I am not worthy to untie the sandal of His feet. Men, brothers, sons of the family of Abraham, and those among you who fear GOD, to you has been sent the word of this salvation/ deliverance.' (Acts 13:23-26).

Zechariah, prophesying about his son John the Baptist, said: And you also child will be
called a prophet of the Most High. For you will go before the Lord, to prepare His

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #3341 repentance. Noun from #3340 to repent, being from #3326 meta, (as in metamorphosis); and #3539 noieo, to exercise the mind. Therefore, to think differently, to change how you think. 2 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1922 Epignosis precise and correct knowledge

ways, to give to His people knowledge of salvation by a forgiveness of their sins, through the tender mercies of our GOD, by which the Dawn from on High will visit us, to appear to the ones sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death, to direct our feet in the way of Peace. (Luke 1:76-80).

John said of himself, ... I came baptizing in water that He (Jesus) might be made manifest/revealed to Israel, (John 1:31) 'to prepare His ways, to give to His people
knowledge of salvation by a forgiveness of their sins, through the tender mercies of our GOD'. John the Baptist washed in the water of the word to bring repentance: I baptize you with water unto repentance (Matthew 3:11) repentance of our natural measure of the word of GOD repentance unto the precise and correct knowledge of the Truth.

'... repent and believe the Good News.' (Mark 1:15); the Good News of GOD's Great Love for us and of HIS Power and Grace and Faithfulness to us; the Good News of our Salvation, our Sanctification; the Good News that GOD will unfailingly 'direct our feet in the way of Peace'. Turn at my reproof and Behold! I will cause my Spirit to gush forth unto you, I will make my words known to you. (Proverbs 1:23). John the Baptist washed in the water of the word, giving the drink of water which becomes a fountain of water springing up into eternal Life preparing the way for us to be born of water and Spirit; John baptized in water, preparing the way for Jesus baptism in the Holy Spirit. John said, I am the voice crying in the wilderness: Make straight the Way of the Lord, as Isaiah the prophet said. (John 1:23). John the Baptist baptized in the knowledge of salvation through Christ Jesus, preparing the way for Jesus, who also came washing in the water by the word, but who came for the superabundance of our baptism in the River of Life. ... not by works which we did in righteousness, but according to HIS (GODs)
mercy, HE saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal of the Holy Spirit, which HE poured out abundantly on us through Jesus Christ our Saviour. (Titus

3:5,6). ... but you were washed, but you were sanctified/made holy, but you were justified/ made righteous in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our G OD. (1Corinthians 6:11). Jesus, the Lamb of GOD, came and revealed the Light of the Glory of GOD, manifesting the Spirit of GOD, buying forgiveness for our sins with His own blood. Jesus came to appear to the ones sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death . These words are not indicative of a baptism in the water of the word, this is the actual Spiritual revelation of Jesus Christ the Life which is our Light (John 1:4), the Light which is our Life (John 8:12). And this is the Spiritual revelation/ manifestation through which we also become the Light of the world (Matthew 5:14), as Jesus is the Light of the world (John 8:12). For when we come to see to Know and to Understand the Truth, the Light, then this Light of GOD within us emanates through us, from the inside out. For what can contain GODs Spirit within us. For the Fruit of the Light is in all Goodness and Righteousness and Truth, proving
what is well-pleasing to the Lord. Do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather, expose them. (Ephesians 5:9-11)

For all of you are sons of Light and sons of the Day, we are not of night or of darkness. (1Thessalonians 5:5) For though walking in flesh, we war not according to flesh, for the weapons of our
warfare are nor fleshly but are Powerful, through G OD, to the overthrow of strongholds, overthrowing reasonings and every high thing rising up against the Knowledge of GOD, and leading every thought captive into the obedience of Christ, and having a readiness to avenge all disobedience, whenever is fulfilled your obedience. (2Corinthians 10:3-6)

Because we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the
authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies. (Ephesians 6:12).

The weapons of our warfare are Powerful to overthrow the strongholds of Satan. For the Spirit of Knowledge and Wisdom and Revelation, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Faith, overthrows reasonings and every thing rising up against the Knowledge of GOD; releasing us to be obedient to the Truth, to manifest GODs righteousness. These are our Powerful weapons and this is the war that we wage against the unfruitful works of darkness, against Satan and his deception, against these world powers which pale to insignificance before the Power of GODs Spirit; the world powers of this darkness which are no match against the Power of the Light, of the Truth. And the Truth is in Jesus (Ephesians 4:21). Jesus testified, If you
remain in my word you are truly my disciples, and you will know the Truth and the Truth will free you. And If the SON frees you, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36).

This being freed by the word of GOD, the Truth is not the casting out of a lying demon leaving an empty space for him to bring seven more evil than himself (Matthew 12:43-45). Such deliverance is not of the Spirit of GOD. Jesus says, If by the Spirit of GOD I cast out demons, then has arrived upon you the Kingdom of G OD (Matthew 12:28). Being freed by the Spirit of Truth is our being conformed to Jesus, conformed to the Truth in Him. This is a replacing of the darkness with Light. In this is the overthrow of strongholds. ... the yoke will be broken/destroyed because of the anointing. (Isaiah 10:27). ... where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2Corinthians 3:17). ... having
escaped the defilements of the world by a precise and correct knowledge1 of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ ... (2Peter 2:20). Jesus the Truth, the Light, the Word of

GOD, Righteous, Holy, Blameless, Pure was baptized in the River Jordan, the Spirit of GOD descending like a dove upon Him. The Hebrew word Yarden Jordan is from a root word meaning to descend. Jordan the Spiritual river of Truth descending from GOD, bright as crystal, washing us who hear the word and who believe, transforming us into a new creation, holy and blameless. Elisha the prophet sent a message to Naaman to wash himself seven times in the Jordan so that he could be cleansed of his sickness (2Kings 5:10). Naaman was angry that the Prophet had not come to him and healed him through some mighty miracle. But when he obediently washed in the river, he was healed. The seemingly simple request was indeed a mighty word from the

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge.

prophet of GOD: Wash and be clean. (2Kings 5:10). This command resulted in a mighty move of GOD. So also must we humbly wash ourselves in the water of the word for us to be cleansed and healed and made holy and righteous in GOD's Spirit. Let us approach GOD with
a True heart, with full confidence of Faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and having the body washed with pure water. (Hebrews 10:22). (... but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified/made righteous in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our GOD.)

Of the Spirit, we are Righteous and Holy, reconciled to GOD, re-born unto Completeness and Perfection, unto walking worthily before GOD, unto pleasing GOD. But we have to come to believe this to be so empowered to live in obedience to the Truth. Life in GODs Truth is death to deception, death to mans interpretation of divine order, death to the deceitful form of Godliness which denies GODs awesome Power towards us and in us. And this is essential, for unless we are Obedient to the Truth, in Christ, Jesus will say: I never knew1 you (Matthew 7:23). We have to be of Christ, of the Spirit of Christ The one joining himself to the Lord is one Spirit. (1Corinthians 6:17) walking in the Truth, in Christ walking in the Truth as we have been commanded by the Father. (2John 1:4). At His coming, Jesus will present to Himself a Glorious Church Holy and Blemishless sanctified in Spirit, in Truth. And so we need to ask, to seek, to knock, to consider, to discern, to be washed, justified, sanctified, to know. In our Faith in the True knowledge of G OD our Father and of HIS SON Jesus Christ, we become the Glorious Church of GOD, the Bride made ready for the Bridegroom pure and blameless in the day of Christ. Jesus told us, For as in the days of Noah, thus will be the coming/presence of the Son of Man. (Matthew 24:37). Paul teaches us: ... not first is the Spiritual, but the natural. Afterward, the Spiritual (1Corinthians 15:46). And so in these last days, 'as in the days of Noah', we are expecting a mighty, Spiritual flood of the water of the word of G OD. ... for the
earth will be full of the knowledge of Yahweh/'the L ORD as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9). The earth is being made full of the divine, revelatory knowledge of our GOD

and of HIS SON. The water is rising. This is the sign that the end is near. And so make ready the ark the ark in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved by water . (1Peter 3:20). (Eight, the number of salvation.) Make ready your heart and your mind to receive the outpouring of the True knowledge of GOD. ... GOD, the ONE having saved us ... bringing Life and incorruptibility to light through the Good News. (2Timothy 1:10) As concerning your former manner of life, put off the old man, the one being
corrupted according to deceitful lusts, and be renewed by the Spirit of your mind, and put on the new man, the one having been created according to G OD in Righteousness and sanctity of the Truth. (Ephesians 4:22-24)

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1097 - Ginosko - to learn to know, to come to know.


Part II - WISDOM AND MYSTERY Jesus, praying to His Father, said: This is eternal Life, that they may know You, the Only True GOD, and He whom You sent, Jesus Christ. (John 17:3). Jesus also said: This
is the will of my Father, that everyone seeing the SON and believing in Him may have eternal Life. (John 6:40). For in seeing the S ON we come to Know the Father who sent

Him, so coming to know GOD through HIS only-begotten SON, and so that we may have Life. Seeing the SON is the Spiritual revelation of Jesus Christ, the Word of GOD made manifest in the flesh, who was sent by His Father to reveal to us the Truth of G OD. Because the Truth is in Jesus. (Ephesians 4:21). Jesus told us: I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. (John 14:6). And the Word became flesh and tabernacled/dwelt among us. And we gazed
upon/beheld His Glory, Glory as of a Fathers only begotten, full of Grace and Truth. (John 1:14)

Jesus said, You both know me and you know where I am from. I have not come of
myself. But HE is True, the ONE who sent me, whom you do not know1. I know HIM because I am from HIM and HE sent me. (John 7:28,29). All things were given to me by my Father, and no one accurately and thoroughly knows2 the SON except the Father, nor does anyone accurately and thoroughly know the Father except the SON and those to whom the SON wishes to reveal HIM. (Matthew 11:27).

And we know3 that the SON of GOD has come and has given us Understanding that
we may know4 the True ONE, and we are in the True ONE, in HIS SON Jesus Christ. This ONE is the True GOD and Eternal Life. (1John 5:20)

For the Lord Jesus Christ to reveal to us 'the True ONE', the Only True GOD who sent Him, we first have to come to know this SON of GOD. And Jesus Saviour, Redeemer, Lord, Christ, Head, Bridegroom, High Priest, Judge, Mediator, the Seed, the Word, the Light, the Way, the Truth, the Life, the only-begotten SON of GOD requires True (Spiritual) knowledge and understanding and revelation. There is nothing ordinary about coming to Know Jesus. As we have seen, this is a Spiritual experience which propels us into the will of G OD for us and into extraordinary, divine realms. In coming to Know Jesus Christ we are conformed, in Faith, to the Truth in Him in Righteousness, in Holiness, in Glory, in Life.

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1492 - eido - 'to see/to perceive the force and meaning of some-thing which has a definite meaning' (Thayers Greek-English Lexicon). This is the know used in verses 28 & 29. 2 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1921 - Epiginosko - from ginosko, as to know (God). The prefix here indicates knowing thoroughly and accurately and its use in Matthew 11 illustrates the depth of the meaning of the word. This word is not used frequently, but it is note worthy that it is also used in Matthew 7:16,20. 3 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1492 - eido - to see/to perceive the force and meaning of something which has a definite meaning (Thayers Greek-English Lexicon). 4 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1097 - Ginosko - to learn to know, to come to know.

As it is written, no one knows the Father except the SON: I know HIM because I am from HIM and HE sent me. And we know that the Father is revealed to us in the SON: for ... no one
accurately and thoroughly knows ... the Father except the SON and those to whom the SON wishes to reveal HIM. For 'To us there is one GOD, the Father, from whom are all things ... and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things ... (1Corinthians 8:6) through whom is the revelation of the Father. We know: GOD who said, Light will shine out of darkness, is H E who shone in our hearts to give the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of GOD in the face of Christ. (2Corinthians 4:6). But how do

we come to know the SON of GOD? Jesus Himself teaches: ... no one is able to come to me unless it is granted by the Father. (John 6:65). No one is able to come to me unless the Father who sent me
should draw him, and I will resurrect him in the last day. It has been written in the prophets, And they shall all be taught by G OD. Everyone having heard from the Father, and having learned, comes to me. (John 6:44,45).

No one comes to Jesus unless it is granted by the Father, ('from whom are all things'). Note that granted indicates something which has to be asked for: Ask and it will be given to
you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. For every one asking receives and the ones seeking finds and to the one knocking it will be opened.

(Matthew 7:7,8). We have to ask GOD to grant us the privilege of coming to Know HIS SON. And who does the Father draw to HIS SON? Jesus teaches that everyone having been taught by GOD, every one having heard and having learned, comes to the SON. 'And they shall all be taught by GOD'; for this is the Way of salvation. But only those who listen to the word of G OD, to learn the ways of GOD, are drawn to the SON. In hearing (unto obedience), in learning to abide in His word, we are drawn to the S ON, coming to Know Him and to love Him and to manifest our love for Him. In this we are mightily blessed with the love and the revelation of Jesus Christ: The one having my commandments and
keeping them, that one is the one loving me, and I (Jesus) will love him and reveal myself to him. (John 14:21). And it is these the ones drawn to Him and to whom the S ON of

GOD reveals Himself, so revealing His Father who are resurrected unto eternal life, Holy and Blemishless, full of Love, having been established in the Truth of GOD and of HIS SON. Therefore, Paul writes of those he has not taught face to face (Colossians 2:1): ... that their
hearts may be encouraged/comforted, being united together in Love and in all riches/wealth of the full assurance of Understanding in the precise and correct knowledge1 of the mystery of GOD, Christ2, in whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge. This I say so that no one may delude you with persuasive speech. (Colossians 2:2-4).

Jesus Christ, the SON of GOD, is encompassed in a mystery; but a mystery of which we are all called to gain precise and correct knowledge and full understanding, because this is where we find Truth. The Truth is in Jesus. Paul teaches that all wealth lies in the full assurance
1 2

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge. Note that the KJV of the Bible translates Christ as and of the Father, and of Christ. I have not seen this translation in any other translation of the Bible, or in any Greek Text.

of Understanding which comes with the True Knowledge of the mystery of GOD, which is Christ. For This is the will of my Father, that everyone seeing the SON and believing in Him may have eternal Life and all wealth pertaining to Life and inherent in the Truth. (I am your very great reward. (Genesis 15:1).) Christ is a mystery in whose revelation we gain all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge, 'and we know that the SON of GOD has come and has given us Understanding' the Wisdom and Knowledge and Understanding of GOD required for the Church not to be deluded by lies ' This I say so that no one may delude you with persuasive speech ' but to be 'united together in Love'; Jesus Himself, the Word of GOD, revealing this mystery to those having heard from the Father, and having learned. Because it is these who are now ready to be

established in the Truth of Christ. And He (Jesus) said to them, Surely the lamp is not brought out in order that it
may be placed under the measuring bucket, or under the couch, and not be placed upon the lampstand. For there is not anything hidden except that it may be revealed, nor has it become hidden but that it may come into the open. If anyone has ears to hear let him hear. And He said to them, Consider what you hear. By what measure you measure, it will be measured to you and it will be added to you. For whoever has, it will be given to him. And who ever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.' (Mark 4:21-25)

Our GOD is the GOD of Truth (Psalm 31:5), the GOD of Knowledge (1Samuel 2:3), and the GOD who freely gives us to share in HIS divine nature. (Therefore, ... the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Yahweh/the LORD as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14).) Assuredly, ' there is not anything hidden except that it may be revealed, nor has it become hidden but that it may come into the open. ' But Jesus taught us something else essential in the passage above. Jesus said: If anyone has ears to hear let him hear. Consider what you hear. By what measure you measure, it will
be measured to you and it will be added to you. For whoever has, it will be given to him.

As we have seen, (GOD) gives Wisdom to wise men (Daniel 2:21). And we grow from faith to faith, and from Glory to Glory, as GODs grace (and peace (2Peter 1:2)) is multiplied to us (who accept it) Grace upon Grace. 'For whoever has, it will be given to him.' In this same Way, Jesus reveals Himself to those having heard from the Father, and having learned: The one having my commandments and keeping them, that one is the one loving me, and I will love him and reveal myself to him. (John 14:21). GOD gives revelation to those with a foundation belief in HIS word. For faith is built upon our belief in the word of GOD, from faith to faith. And 'If you do not believe then you will not be built up/rendered firm.' (Isaiah 7:9). Because GOD establishes us, from faith to faith, on a (firm) foundation of existing faith. Consequently, the revelation of Jesus Christ is given to those who have learned obedience through the word of GOD. By Wisdom is a House built, and through Understanding it is established. And through Knowledge all of the rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasure. (Proverbs 24:3)

GOD gives us Wisdom and Knowledge and Understanding because the Household of GOD is built and established and filled to all fullness in the Wisdom and Knowledge and Understanding of GOD. Therefore, Thus says Yahweh/'the LORD' who made the earth, Yahweh who
formed it, to establish it Yahweh/'the LORD' is HIS name, Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and unsearchable things which you do not know.' (Jeremiah 33:2,3). Ask and you will receive. (John 16:24).

Now, to the ONE being able to establish you according to my Good News and the
proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages but now manifested through prophetic scriptures, according to the command of the Eternal GOD being made known1 to all the Gentiles/nations to bring about the obedience of Faith, to the Only Wise GOD, to Whom be the Glory forever, through Jesus Christ. Amen. (Romans 16: 25-27)

It is often preached that the mystery of GOD in Christ is unfathomable. But Paul tells us of 'all
riches/wealth of the full assurance of Understanding in the precise and correct knowledge of the mystery of G OD, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge'. He also writes of our being established by GOD: 'the ONE being able to establish you according to my Good News and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages but now manifested through prophetic scriptures'. For ... there is a GOD in heaven who reveals mysteries. (Daniel 2:28). (And There is not anything hidden except that it may be revealed, nor has it become hidden but that it may come into the open.)

Let the name of GOD be praised forever and forever; Wisdom and Power are HIS ...
HE gives Wisdom to wise men and Knowledge to the ones knowing discernment. H E reveals deep and hidden things, knowing what lies in the darkness. And the light dwells with HIM. (Daniel 2:20-22).

Jesus told His disciples, To you it has been given to know the mysteries/secrets of the Kingdom of GOD. (Luke 8:10). Surely Lord Yahweh does nothing without revealing
HIS plan to HIS servants, the prophets. The LION has roared, who will not fear. Lord Yahweh has spoken, who can but prophesy! (Amos 3:7,8). (Therefore the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. (Revelation 19:10). For, having heard the Good News of

Christ in Knowing and Understanding who can contain the Power of the Truth within themselves, who can but declare the Truth of GOD's word.) Paul writes of ' being united together in Love and in all riches/wealth of the full
assurance of Understanding in the precise and correct knowledge of the mystery of GOD, Christ.' For, like Love, the mystery of Christ is one of the Superior things of G OD to which

we have been called; a mystery hidden so that it may be revealed to those who measure the word of GOD according to its True worth, as something valuable to be sought after, as Treasure ('all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge') from the storehouses of GOD, the ONE giving to all generously and without reproach ... (James 1:5). And HE (Yahweh/'the
LORD) will be the establishing/stability 2 of your times, a wealth/rich store of
1 2

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 1107 Gnorozo a derivative of ginosko 'to make known'. Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary #530 - emunah - established/firm/true/secure; otherwise translated as 'faith'. From #539 aman to build up or support, to foster, to render firm. Otherwise translated as 'believe'.

salvations, of wisdom and knowledge, the fear/(awe) of Yahweh, which is HIS treasure. (Isaiah 33:6).

Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables: ' and without a parable He spoke nothing to
them, so fulfilling that which was spoken through the Prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables. I will utter things hidden from the foundation of the world. ' (Matthew 13:34,35). Jesus spoke wisdom and knowledge 'hidden from the foundation of the world', speaking to the crowds in parables but explaining these things privately to those

who sought understanding (Matthew 13:34,35). Because the Truth of the Kingdom of G OD is for those who recognise the value of the word of GOD brought to us by the SON of GOD. The Truth of the Kingdom of GOD is given to those with an awareness of its holiness, its preciousness. (Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither cast your pearls befor e swine. (Matthew 7:6)). The Truth is for those who seek to be established in the Truth; those who (truly ) seek GOD. And 'If you seek HIM, HE will be found by you.' (1Chronicles 28:9). For HE will share 'all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge' with you so that you may come to know HIM; and so that we may be healed, renewed, restored, made whole. I speak to them in parables, because (although) seeing they do not see and
hearing, they do not hear, nor understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah that says: 'In hearing you will hear but never1 (no, never) understand, and seeing you will see but never (no, never) perceive. For the heart of this people has become calloused and with their ears they can barely hear and their eyes they have closed, lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn back (to me), and I would heal them.' But blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear. (Matthew 13:13-16). (Blessed are the eyes of those who see and hear because: I will give them a heart to Know me, that I am Yahweh/'the LORD', and they will be my people and I, I will be their GOD. For they will return to me with all their heart. (Jeremiah 24:7).) And He (Jesus) said to them, Surely the lamp is not brought out in order that it may be placed under the measuring bucket, or under the couch, and not be placed upon the lampstand. For there is not anything hidden except that it may be revealed, nor has it become hidden but that it may come into the open. If anyone has ears to hear let him hear. And He said to them, Consider what you hear.' (Mark 4:21-24). ('Therefore, it is required of us to pay superabundant attention to what we have heard ' (Hebrews 2:1).)

Jesus said, There is not anything hidden except that it may be revealed, nor has it become hidden but that it may come into the open and so, by the grace of GOD, the entire New Testament is the proclamation of the mystery of Christ; 'the revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages but now manifested through prophetic scriptures '. The Apostles all explained this mystery but it was Paul, primarily, who was commissioned to bring us understanding in his letters to the Romans, the Corinthians, the Galatians etc. Paul wrote to the Ephesians: Surely you heard of the stewardship of the grace of G OD,
having been given to me for you, that according to revelation the mystery was made known to me, as I wrote before in brief, in the reading of which you are able

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #3364 no never. #3364 is in fact two words, double negatives 'ou' and 'me' (both meaning 'not') and so means 'not at all/by no means/never ever'.

to understand my insight in the mystery of Christ. Which (mystery) was not made known to the sons of men in other generations, as it is now revealed to His Holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit. (Ephesians 3:2-5).

To me, less than the least of all saints, was given this Grace: to announce 1 the
Good News to the Gentiles/nations of the unsearchable wealth/riches of Christ, and to enlighten all men as to what is the stewardship of the mystery hidden from the ages in GOD, the ONE creating all things. That through the Church, the many faceted Wisdom of GOD might now be made known2 to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places, according to the plan of the ages which H E made in Christ Jesus, our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access in confidence through Faith in Him. (Ephesians 3:8-12)

Paul preached the Good News of the unsearchable wealth/riches of Christ; such unsearchable things being revealed only by GOD HIMSELF, in Christ. Thus says
Yahweh/'the LORD who made the earth, Yahweh who formed it to establish it, Yahweh is HIS name, Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and unsearchable things which you do not know ... ' 'things hidden from the foundation of the world', 'the mystery hidden from the ages in G OD'. (And Behold, I will bring health and healing. And I will heal them and I will reveal an abundance of Peace and Truth. (Jeremiah 33:2,3,6).) Paul preached the unsearchable wealth/ riches of Christ, to enlighten all men as to what is the stewardship of the mystery of

Christ. For not only is Christ the mystery in which we find full Spiritual understanding and all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge and in which we are established in the Truth, but there is also a Stewardship attached to this mystery, and this Stewardship belongs to the Church: That
through the Church, the many faceted Wisdom of G OD might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. Through the Church, the Wisdom of

GOD must be made manifest to the world powers of darkness, the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies, overthrowing strongholds of deception, overcoming the darkness by this Light the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of G OD in the face of Christ, the One revealing Himself to us in the word of GOD through His Holy apostles and prophets. (Prophets those with the testimony of Christ. For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. ) And this is according to the plan of the ages which HE (GOD) made in Christ Jesus, our Lord. 'So then let a man account us as ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of GOD.' (1Corinthians 4:1) GOD has an age old plan for the Church and this is for us to make HIS Wisdom known to the usurpers of GODs property; ('The LION has roared, who will not fear'!) 'Lord Yahweh has spoken, who can but prophesy.' Therefore, 'all men' of the Church are to be accounted as 'ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of GOD', to bring Light to the darkness. In Genesis 1:2, the earth was void and waste and darkness was over the face of the deep and the Spirit of GOD hovered over the face of the waters. And GOD said, Let there be Light. And
1 2

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 2097 euaggelizo to announce good news (evangelize). Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 1107 Gnorozo a derivative of ginosko 'to make known'.

there was Light. And GOD divided the Light from the darkness and HE called the Light Day

and HE called the darkness night. And GOD gave man Knowledge of the Light, and GOD gave us free will to choose the Light, and G OD gave us Jesus Christ, the Dawn from on High (Luke 1:78), the One through whom our sins are taken away, through whom we are cleansed, justified, sanctified, glorified; the One through whom we are empowered to escape the entrapment of the darkness, to come into the Light of the Day. For all of you are sons of Light and sons of the Day, we are not of night or of darkness. (1Thessalonians 5:5). GOD did not abolish the darkness, HE ordained that it would be overcome by the Light of HIS Glorious Church. GOD ordained that the very ones born into rebellion, corruption and deception, would be the ones to be the Conquerors over all evil. For GODs victory in Christ Jesus (our Head) is made manifest in this world through the Body of H IS Church. (GODs victory in Christ Jesus is made manifest in this world through through the glory of HIS Church!) This is the Stewardship of the Church. Thanks be to GOD, the ONE always
leading us in triumph in Christ and through us manifesting the fragrance of HIS Knowledge in every place. (2Corinthians 2:14)

Every man of the Body of Christ must have the full assurance of Spiritual understanding which comes with the True knowledge of Christ. Every man must know the Truth and the Wisdom of GOD so that we can do as Jesus did make GODs Wisdom and Power known in this world to defeat the power of the lie. After His baptism, Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:1), was led up into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:1). (Satan has but one method of attack to tempt us to disobedience by misrepresenting the Truth.) But this was not a repeat of the serpent in the Garden with Eve; this was a totally new confrontation. This was Satan versus the Seed of the woman (Genesis 3:15) the righteous S ON of GOD, full of Grace and Truth, devoid of the innocence of the Garden in the harshness of the wilderness. In the wilderness we learn that the realities and truths of this world are lies. This in itself is our wilderness experience (the be-wilder(ed)ness' experience) of many Christians as the illusions of this world crumble around us. But in this we come to Know the Truth of G OD. For, by the grace of GOD, there is no shortage of water in the wilderness: And they thirsted not
when HE led them through the deserts. H E made waters flow for them from the Rock. HE split the Rock and the waters gushed out. (Isaiah 48:21). In the wilderness we

learn to listen, to consider what we hear and to trust GODs Truth; so being equipped to dismiss the lie with the Truth, having heard from the Father and having learned, being conformed to the Truth in the Power of the Truth. The Spirit of G OD leads us to speak the Truth to the lie, to quench the darkness with the Light, to exercise the Power of Faith, to manifest the Truth, even while in this desolate place. Because this is our (only) Way out. Therefore we do not lose heart. But if indeed our outward man is wasting away, yet
our inward man is being renewed day by day. For the lightness of our present affliction works out for us an eternal weight of glory from excess to excess. While we look not at the things seen, but the things not being seen. For the things seen are temporary, but the things not being seen are eternal. (2Corinthians 4:16-18)

In the wilderness, our Lord Jesus Christ responded to every lie by showing His Knowledge and Understanding of, and Faith in, the word of GOD. For He whom GOD sent speaks the word of GOD, for HE gives not the Spirit by measure. (John 3:34). GOD sent Jesus Christ, the 5

Life which is our Light, to defeat the lie; Jesus who is our Pattern (John 13:15) that we may do as He did, and the Example (1Peter 2:21) for us to follow. Through Him we, His disciples, also defeat the lie by speaking the Truth. For through Him, in our faith in Him, we also receive the Spirit of GOD. And having the same Spirit of Faith according to the thing having
been written, I believed, therefore I spoke, both we believe and therefore we speak. (2Corinthians 4:13).

GOD has given us but one weapon for warfare: the sword of the Spirit which is the word of GOD (Ephesians 6:17). We are armoured in Truth, Righteousness, the Good News of Peace, Faith and Salvation. Through prayer we are succoured by Yahweh-tsebaoth Yahweh of Hosts/Armies the GOD of the battle-lines of Israel (1Samuel 17:45), by Yahweh-nissi Yahweh our Banner (Exodus 17:15); and we wield in the Righteousness of our hands, right and left, (2Corinthians 6:7), (double-fisted), the Powerful sword of the word of GOD. For the word of GOD is living and powerful and sharper than any double edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12). For though walking in flesh, we war not according to flesh, for the weapons of our
warfare are nor fleshly but are Powerful, through G OD, to the overthrow of strongholds, overthrowing reasonings and every high thing rising up against the Knowledge of GOD, and leading every thought captive into the obedience of Christ, and having a readiness to avenge all disobedience, whenever is fulfilled your obedience. (2Corinthians 10:3-6)

In the Spirit of Power, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Faith, Satan cannot lay a hold on us. The word of GOD defeats Satans strongholds of reasonings and every high thing rising up against the Knowledge of G OD, bringing even our every thought into obedience to the Truth of Christ. Satan, who is the antithesis of everything Godly, fights with his sword of deception, speaking out against the Knowledge of GOD. But the lies which he wields are no match against the Power of the word of GOD which we wield in righteousness: ... the word of GOD abides/remains in you and you have overcome the evil one. (1John 2:14). And they
overcame him because of the Blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony. (Revelation 12:11). This is the Stewardship of the mystery of Christ. That through the Church, the many faceted Wisdom of G OD might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in heavenly places.

This is the end to deception by the Power of the Wisdom of GOD. And what is the Wisdom of GOD except Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge; Christ, GODs Power and GODs Wisdom (1Corinthians 1:24). And so every man of the Body of Christ, 'ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of G OD', must have the full assurance of Understanding in the precise and correct Knowledge of the mystery of GOD, Christ. Of which (Christs Body, the Church) I became a minister according to the
stewardship of GOD, given to me for you, to fulfill the word of GOD, the mystery hidden from the ages and from the generations, but now made manifest to H IS saints, to whom GOD wanted to make known1 what is the wealth of the Glory of this mystery among the Gentiles/nations, which is Christ in you, the hope of Glory.

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 1107 Gnorozo a derivative of ginosko 'to make known'.

Christ whom we announce, warning every man and teaching every man in all Wisdom, that we may present every man Mature/Perfect in Christ. For which also I labour, striving according to the working of H IM, working in me with Power.

(Colossians 1:25-29) Paul was a minister according to the stewardship of G OD the stewardship of the mystery of Christ given to him for the Church. And this was to fulfill the word of GOD, that is, for GODs plan the plan of the ages which H E (GOD) made in Christ Jesus, our Lord to be fulfilled in the Church. ('So then let a man account us as ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of GOD.') But this stewardship of the Church extends beyond making known 'the many faceted Wisdom of GOD to the rulers and authorities in heavenly places.' 'GOD wanted to make known what is the wealth of the Glory of this mystery ' the mystery hidden from the ages and from the generations, now made manifest to HIS saints which is Christ in you, the hope of Glory, '... an eternal weight of glory from excess to excess'. This all concerns man's call to glory, in Christ. 'Christ whom we announce, warning every man and teaching every man in all Wisdom, that we may present every man Mature/Perfect in Christ.' In Him (Jesus Christ) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of
sins, according to the riches of HIS (GODs) grace, which HE lavished upon us, in all wisdom and understanding/ insight, making known to us the mystery of H IS will, according to HIS good pleasure, which HE planned/purposed in Him (Christ) as a stewardship for the fullness of time, to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and things on earth. In Him we were also chosen as His inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of the ONE who works all things according to the counsel of HIS will, so that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be to the praise of HIS glory. (Ephesians 1:7-10)

GOD's grace is 'lavished upon us, in all wisdom and understanding/insight', 'making known to us the mystery of HIS will, according to HIS good pleasure'. (For GOD delights in the Body of the Church knowing HIS grace to us in Christ Jesus our Lord and Head.) And this is GOD's will for us ('the ONE who works all things according to the counsel of H IS will', the ONE being able to do all things exceedingly abundantly above which we ask or think, according to the Power working in us ... (Ephesians 3:20)): GOD 'planned/purposed in Him (Christ), as a stewardship for the fullness of time, to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and things on earth '; Christ who is ... Head over all things to the Church which is His Body, the Fullness of the One filling all with all. (Ephesians 1:22). Here-in is 'the wealth of the Glory of this mystery among the Gentiles/nations, which is Christ in you, the hope of Glory.' Which (mystery) was not made known to the sons of men in other generations, as
it is now revealed to His Holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit, that the Gentiles/nations are to be joint-heirs and a joint-body and joint-partakers of the Promise in Christ Jesus through the Good News. Of which I became a minister according to the gift of the Grace of G OD given to me according to the working of H IS Power. (Ephesians 3:5-7)

These are mighty teachings and we will study these things in the coming chapters; but through

this study of the word of GOD, we already know of our joint-sharing, Jews and 'Gentiles' ' all men' in the Fullness of 'all things', in Christ, through the Good News of Christ. And so the apostles commissions, their preaching and teaching and writings, were to announce the Good News of Christ to the Church: 'Christ whom we announce, warning every man
and teaching every man in all Wisdom, that we may present every man Mature/Perfect in Christ'. And this commission is still given to the ministers of the Church today. Because we, the individual members of the Church, 'every man', must be 'mature/perfect in Christ'. And every one needs to be warned of this. The Greek word

translated as mature/perfect here is teleios1 meaning of full age, complete, perfect. Every man must be warned and be taught, in all Wisdom, so that every man, established in Truth, may be presented Perfect in Christ: the Body of the Church conformed to Christ, our Head, Godly, Holy, Glorious, Spotless and Blameless. We have seen the Scriptures concerning these things: May the GOD of Peace HIMSELF
sanctify you wholly, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is the O NE calling you, who also will do it. (1Thessalonians 5:23). And may the Lord cause you to increase and superabound in Love to one another and to all ... so as to establish your hearts blameless, in holiness, before our GOD and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all of His saints. Amen. (1Thessalonians 13:12,13). And this I pray, that your Love may increase more and yet more, in precise and correct knowledge and all discernment, for you to approve the superior things, that you may be pure and blameless in the day of Christ. (Philippians 1:9,10). Now Paul tells us that 'every man' must be presented (to GOD, in the day of Christ, 'at the coming of our Lord Jesus'), 'mature/perfect in Christ'.

GOD is not a GOD of imperfection. Yahweh-shalom is 'the GOD of Peace': the GOD of completeness, wholeness, soundness; the GOD who sanctifies us 'wholly' for our 'whole spirit and soul and body' to be 'be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ'. 'Faithful is the ONE calling you, who also will do it.' Yahweh/'the LORD' is my SHEPHERD, I will lack nothing ... (Psalm 23:1); for My GOD will fill your every need according to HIS riches in Glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19). Imperfection and limitations are man's imperfect and limited way of thinking, not GOD's. For My thoughts are
not your thoughts and neither are your ways My ways, declares Yahweh/the L ORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8,9). But GOD gives us everyone

who seeks the Truth to know the Truth, bringing even our very way of thinking into obedience to the Truth of Christ. (There are amazing, Spiritual realms of Truth available to us outside of our normal way of thinking. Therefore, do not baulk at the Truth.) This is GOD's Way and GOD's will for us and GOD's grace to us: For every man to be 'mature/perfect in Christ'. This speaks of our being established to 'readiness' 'at the coming of our Lord Jesus'. ... be ready, for the Son of Man comes at an unexpected hour. (Matthew 24:44) Now, to the ONE being able to establish you according to my Good News and the
proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages but now manifested through prophetic scriptures, according to the

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 5046

command of the Eternal GOD being made known1 to all the Gentiles/nations to bring about the obedience of Faith, to the Only Wise GOD, to Whom be the Glory forever, through Jesus Christ. Amen. (Romans 16: 25-27)

Every man must be 'Mature/Perfect in Christ' and so we are established by GOD according to the 'the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages but now manifested through prophetic scriptures '. The revelation of this mystery 'being made known to all the Gentiles/nations to bring about the obedience of Faith'. That is, to 'present every man Mature/Perfect in Christ' all who believe. Paul asked the Ephesians to pray ' that words may be given to me in the opening of
my mouth to make known, with boldness, the mystery of the Good News ... that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak. ' (Ephesians 6:19,20). And in his teachings Paul has used some magnificently bold words: ... the unsearchable wealth/riches of Christ; ... Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge; ... the wealth of the Glory of this mystery; '... the riches of HIS (GODs) grace, which HE lavished upon us, in all wisdom and understanding/insight, making known to us the mystery of HIS will'. We need to consider what it is that Paul is trying to express to us. (Consider what I say. For the Lord will give you Understanding in all things

(2Timothy 2:7).) Paul is raising our natural, worldly awareness to the fact that something divine and extraordinary and wonderful is being revealed to us (freely, by the will and the pleasure and the grace of GOD) which is the Mystery of Christ: Christ in you, the hope of Glory. This is taught, in all wisdom, to those who believe that we are called to GOD's Glory, to those who know that we are called to be kings: It is the Glory of GOD to conceal a word2, and the Glory of kings to search out the word. (Proverbs 25:2). When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and stars which
You set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him and son of man3 that You care for him? You made him a little lower than angels and You crowned him with Honour and Glory. You made him ruler over the works of Your hands and You put everything under his feet. (Psalms 8:4-7)

What is man that GOD so loves us, calling us to a sharing in HIS Glory, in Christ. What is this awesome relationship with the Almighty GOD, our Creator, which is our Christianity! Jesus is to present to Himself, a Glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such things ... Holy and Blemishless. A Church magnificently Beautified with the Glory of GOD, crowned with Honour and Glory. GOD has called us to unimaginable Glory in Christ Jesus Christ in you, the hope of Glory 'an eternal weight of glory from excess to excess'. Jesus, praying to His Father, said, Sanctify them in the Truth; your word is Truth. As
You sent me into the world, so also I sent them into the world. And for them I sanctify myself, that they also may be sanctified in Truth. However, not concerning
1 2

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 1107 Gnorozo a derivative of ginosko 'to make known'. Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary # 1697 - a word, by implication, a matter (as spoken of). 3 The use of the Hebrew term son of man here is with reference to mankind. Note that in the Hebrew Scriptures there is no the used before son of man.

these only do I ask, but also concerning the ones believing in me because of their word, that all may be one as You, Father, are in me and I in You that also they maybe in us, that the world may believe that You sent me. And the Glory which You have given me, I have given them, that they may be one, just as we are one, I in them and You in me, that they may be perfected into one, that the world may know that You sent me and loved them just as You loved me. (John 17:17-23).

Jesus the ... Head over all things to the Church which is His Body, the Fullness of the One filling all with all, the One saying 'the Glory which You have given me, I have given them' asks for those believing in Him to be ' perfected into one', 'as we are one, I in them and You in me, that they may be perfected into one'. This is GOD's Glory to us in Christ Jesus, those of us established in the Truth of Christ, 'Mature/Perfect in Christ'. Jesus asks for us to be '... sanctified in Truth ... that all may be one perfected into one ... ' ... being united together in Love and in all wealth of the full assurance of
Understanding in the precise and correct Knowledge of the mystery of G OD, Christ ... This is the unity of the Body of the Church in Christ Jesus our Head.

The Bible speaks repeatedly of babes/infants, and of Mature/Perfect Christians who understand the deep things of GOD: Brothers, be not children in your minds/understanding; be infants to malice, but become mature/perfect in your Understanding. (1Corinthians 14:20). This therefore I say and testify in the Lord, no longer are you to walk as the
Gentiles/nations walk in the futility of their minds, darkened in their understanding, alienated from the Life of GOD because of the ignorance existing in them, because of the hardness of their hearts. (Ephesians 4:17,18). And so, like Paul,

the current ministers of the Church are empowered, in Christ, to present their congregation Mature/Perfect, Holy and Blameless: For which also I labour, striving according to the working of HIM, working in me with Power. (Colossians 1:29). For the ministers of the Church act only on behalf of, and in accordance with, Christ Jesus their Lord, who is to present to Himself, a Glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such things ... Holy and Blemishless. The Church of GOD must be gathered together as one glorious Body in Christ, ' perfected into one', united in Love, in Faith, Mature and Perfect, Whole and Complete; ... built upon the
foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the Cornerstone, in whom all the building, being fitly joined together, grows into a Holy sanctuary in the Lord ... a dwelling place of G OD, in Spirit. (Ephesians 2:19-22). And so

Jesus reveals Himself to us by the gifts of the Spirit which He gives to those who minister to His Body: And He gave some as apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and
some shepherds and teachers, for the equipping of the saints to the work of the ministry, to the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive at the unity of the faith and at the precise and correct knowledge1 of the SON of GOD, at a man of complete maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ, that we should no longer be infants, tossed by waves and carried around by every wind of teaching ... but speaking the Truth, in Love, let us grow up in all things into Him who is the Head, Christ. (Ephesians 4:12-15)

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge.

Through the True Knowledge of the SON of GOD, every man of the Body of Christ is built up, so that we all arrive at the unity of the faith, at complete maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ . This is GODs response to sinfulness, this is the word of HIS more than superabounding Grace to us (' the word of HIS grace, which is
able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.' (Acts 20:32)), and this is our Glory, in Christ. GOD does not give the Spirit by

measure (John 3:34). For GOD does not call us to a lesser measure than Christ. GOD 'planned/purposed in Him (Christ), as a stewardship for the fullness of time, to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and things on earth'. And HE
(GOD the Father) subordinated all things under His (Jesus) feet, and gave Him as Head over all things to the Church which is His Body, the Fullness of the One filling all with all. (Ephesians 1:22). In this we, the Body, 'grow up in all things into Him who is the Head, Christ', built up to complete maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ. And of this every man of the Body of the Church must be

warned and be taught, in all Wisdom, so that every man may be presented Perfect in Christ. GOD builds us up to complete maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ, 'Mature/Perfect in Christ'. (Therefore be Perfect as your heavenly Father is Perfect. (Matthew 5:48).) We are called to GODs Glory in Christ Jesus whose glory is: Glory as of a Fathers only begotten, full of Grace and Truth. We are called to 'grow up in all things into Him who is the Head, Christ '. Therefore, we are called to the Fullness of Christs Glory and Grace and Truth; called to be conformed to the SON of GOD. Because whom HE (GOD) foreknew HE also predestined to be conformed to the
image of HIS SON, for Him to be the Firstborn of many Brothers. And whom H E predestined, these also HE called; and whom HE called, these also HE Justified/made Righteous; and whom HE Justified, these also HE Glorified. (Romans 8:29,30).

Now we all, with unveiled faces, seeing the Glory of the Lord ... are being
transformed into the same image, from Glory to Glory, even as from the Lord, the Spirit. (2Corinthians 3:18)

We are predestined to be conformed to the S ON of GOD, to be cleansed/purified and justified and sanctified and glorified, in Christ. How else are we built up to complete maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ but in the Fullness of the Spirit that is given without measure, the Fullness of the Spirit of Truth, Wisdom, Power, Glory, Grace, Faith. Paul tells us in Ephesians, But to each one of us was given Grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. (Ephesians 4:7). Therefore, each one of us is given Grace according to the Fullness of Christ. Paul told us that ...GOD apportioned a measure of Faith to each of us, (Romans 12:3). We know that our Faith grows multiplied from faith to faith in our Knowledge and Understanding of the Truth. For GOD is building up our Faith to the measure of the Fullness of the Spirit of Faith. (Jesus said, If you have faith like a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Move from there! and it will be moved. And nothing will be impossible for you. (Matthew 17:20). Jesus said this to show the awe-inspiring Power of Faith, not to show a mustard seed as being of sufficient measure. Jesus said that with Faith to the extent of this tiny 5

measure, nothing will be impossible for you. Mustard seed Faith? GOD is building up our Faith, from Faith to Faith, in the Fullness of the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, to the measure of the Fullness of Faith. This is what we ask for and seek after and which is opened to us, in Christ.) Let us consider the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. In Ezekiel 47, Ezekiel was brought along the River, measure by measure. After the first one thousand cubits, the waters of the River, issuing from the House, were up to his ankles. And after another one thousand cubits, the waters were up to his knees. And after another one thousand cubits, the waters were up to his loins. After another one thousand cubits, the waters were ... a River that could not be passed over. (Ezekiel 47:3-5). This serves to illustrate water deep enough for submersion. The word baptism means submersion. It is a word used not only for the (Spiritual) purposes of the Scriptures. A piece of cloth being dyed was baptized (submerged in the dye bath) and was changed because of this baptism. A person who drowned died by baptism, submersion in water. We are not meant to swim in the River of Life, for we cannot make our own way, or take our own direction. Immersed in the Truth, we die a natural death and are raised up, conformed to Christ, unto Life. We are brought, measure by measure, deeper and deeper into the Truth, unto complete maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ. Jesus, discussing the Parable of the Sower, speaking of the word of GOD (The seed is the word of GOD (Luke 8:11), (we are) ... born again not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and remaining word of G OD (1Peter 1:23)) said, Consider what you hear. By what measure you measure, it will be measured to you
and it will be added to you. For whoever has, it will be given to him; and whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away. (Mark 4:24-25). To you (Jesus disciples) it has been granted to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of the heavens. But to those it has not been granted. For whoever has, more will be given to him and he will have a superabundance 1. But whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. (Matthew 13:11,12). For the measure of hearing and

consideration which we give to the word of GOD determines whether the word is lost, or Spiritually, superabundantly multiplied to us. 'Therefore, it is required of us to pay superabundant 2 attention to what we have heard lest ever we let (them) slip.' (Hebrews 2:1) Knowledge and Wisdom and Fruitfulness, as all things for Life and Godliness, are multiplied to us as we immerse ourselves in the depths of GOD's word. We are cleansed 'by the washing of the water by the word' (Ephesians 5:26). According to the word of GOD we grow ...
bearing fruit in every Good work and growing in the precise and correct Knowledge of GOD, being empowered with Power according to the might of HIS Glory ... (Colossians 1:10,11). ... you yourselves are Full of Goodness, having been Filled with all Knowledge ... (Romans 15:14). We receive the promised Holy Spirit in hearing and
1 2

The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible - #4052 - to superabound. Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 4057 perissos adverb from #4053 superabundantly.

believing 'the word of Truth, the Good News of your salvation' in Christ, (Ephesians 1:13). We are sanctified through the word of GOD (1Timothy 4:5), 'sanctified in Truth (John 17:19). The word of GOD is the measuring line along which we are brought into the depths of the River of Life, unto the Fullness of harmony and accord with GOD HIMSELF, conformed to HIS divine nature, in Christ. And these (seeds) are the ones sown upon the good soil: who hear the word and receive it and bear fruit, thirty and sixty and one hundred fold. (Mark 4:20). On its
own, the soil bears fruit, first the stalk, then a head of grain, then full wheat in the head. (Mark 4:28). If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear. (Mark 4:23).

In Isaiah we see precept upon precept, precept upon precept, measuring line1 upon measuring line, measuring line upon measuring line, a little here, a little there. These same words are used in two different sentences, with opposite meanings. For the word of GOD has to be heard and considered, being built up, measure added to measure, measure upon measure, or it will become to us just repetitive bits and pieces of information empty words/commandments/precepts which do not free, which do not stop from ensnarement. Who does HE teach Knowledge and to whom does HE explain HIS message? To the
ones weaned from milk, the ones taken from the breast. For precept upon precept, precept upon precept, measuring line upon measuring line, measuring line upon measuring line, a little here, a little there. So then with stammering lips and strange tongues HE will speak to this people, to whom HE said, This is the resting place, for the weary, rest. And this is the place of refreshing. But they were not willing to listen. So the word of Yahweh/'the LORD' will become to them precept upon precept, precept upon precept, measuring line upon measuring line, measuring line upon measuring line, a little here, a little there. So that they will go and they will fall backward and they will be injured and they will be snared and they will be captured. Therefore hear the word of Yahweh you scoffers who rule the people in Jerusalem. (Isaiah 28:9-14)

GOD teaches Knowledge and gives Understanding not to the infants who are still at the breast, but to the mature, to the ones weaned from milk. Paul teaches us that the infants in Christ are not Spiritual but are like carnal men not able to receive Spiritual food, still walking according to human standards, (see 1Corinthians 3:1-3). But the Mature in Christ are built up in the word of GOD word upon word, measure by measure. The word of GOD is self-explanatory and bears witness to itself if we but take the time to follow through what is being taught. The Holy Spirit, in teaching us, reminds us of what we have already been taught (John 14:26). Because we must consider what we hear in the Scriptures in relation to other things taught, measure added to measure, measure upon measure. It is a process of building up. Consider
what you hear. By what measure you measure, it will be measured to you and it will be added to you.

(There is great Spiritual order in GODs word. One of the many translations of the Bible gives the creation story with the omission of most of the conjunctions and which are written in the Hebrew text. Look at any usual translation of the creation story and see how it would read if the ands were taken out. All the ands serve to show a measured progression, a building up by

This is sometimes translated as rule. But the use of rule is to indicate a line for measuring.

measured, considered intent, a moving from one step to another. This is how the word of GOD works. This is how GOD builds us up to maturity. This is GODs order.) In the Knowledge of GODs truth comes the Refreshing in the depths of the Water of Life. This is the resting place, for the weary, rest. And this is the place of refreshing. Built up in Knowledge and Understanding, we are perfected towards our return to the place of rest the place from which man fell because of succumbing to the lie the Spiritual place of GODs peace and GODs order. Without the precise and correct knowledge of GODs truth we speak in imperfect tongues stammering lips the Truth and Wisdom that our natural minds have not yet come to Know and to Understand. Tongues in which GODs Truth and GODs Wisdom bubbles out of us because it has to but not in a manner fruitful to the mind or edifying to the Body of the Church (see Pauls teachings in 1Corinthians chapter fourteen), for this is the babbling of infants. The immature, untaught mind has not yet come to know and to discern the things of the Spirit. But we have been called to a more superior measure than imperfect tongues and imperfect knowledge (1Corinthians 13:8-10) and unfruitful/unproductive minds (1Corinthians 14:14). We have been called to the measure of the mind of Christ (1Corinthians 2:16). Paul said, When
I was a child, I used to speak like a child, I used to think like a child, I used to reason like a child; when I became a man, I abolished the things of the child. (1Corinthians 13:11). Paul also said, In Church, I would rather speak five words with my mind, that I may also instruct others, than speak ten thousand words in a tongue.

(1Corinthians 14:19). For Paul was commissioned to build up the Body of the Church to the Fullness of Spiritual maturity in the Knowledge of Christ, as all the ministers of Jesus' Church are GOD-equipped to do, warning every man and teaching every man in all Wisdom, that we may present every man mature/perfect in Christ and ' ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of GOD.' (1Corinthians 4:1). Behold! A King will reign in righteousness and rulers will rule with justice. And each
(man) will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert, like the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land. Then the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed and the ears of those who hear will listen. And the heart/mind of the rash will know and understand and the tongue of stammerers will be ready to speak clearly. (Isaiah 32:3,4) But we speak Wisdom among the mature/perfect, yet not a wisdom of this age, neither of the rulers of this age, the ones being brought to nothing, but we speak GODs Wisdom in a mystery having been hidden, which GOD predestined before the ages for our Glory. Which (Wisdom) not one of the rulers of this age has known 1, for if they knew, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. But even as it has been written: Eye did not see and ear did not hear and the heart of man did not conceive, the things GOD prepared for the ones loving H IM. But GOD revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of G OD. (1Corinthians 2:6-10)

Let the name of GOD be praised forever and forever; Wisdom and Power are HIS ...
HE gives Wisdom to wise men and Knowledge to the ones knowing discernment. H E reveals deep and hidden things, knowing what lies in the darkness. And the light

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1097 - Ginosko - to learn to know, to come to know.

dwells with HIM. (Daniel 2:20-22)

The Spirit of GOD leads us to search out 'all things', 'for the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of GOD' seeking Knowledge and Wisdom and Revelation of the Truth; seeking to Know (experientially) the things which GOD has prepared for the ones loving HIM. Jesus said: When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all Truth (John 16:13); the Holy Spirit will teach you all things (John 14:26). Therefore, Those who are Spiritual discern all things (1Corinthians 2:15) 'all things for Life and Godliness'. GOD predestined Jesus Christ, the Lord of Glory, for our salvation, our sanctification, our maturity, our glory, even before time began. If we are Spirit-filled Christians then we are growing in our Knowledge and Understanding of Christ, growing in the deep things of GOD, plunging into what some deem to be unfathomable. I encourage you, by the word of GOD, to launch out into the deep and allow yourself to be astonished at the catch you will find: And when He (Jesus) stopped speaking, He said to Simon, Put out into the deep
(water) and let down your nets for a catch. And Simon answered and said, Master, throughout the whole night we laboured and caught nothing. But on account of your word I will let down the nets. And having done this they enclosed a great multitude of fish ... (Luke 5:4-6 (See also verses 7-11))

For everyone partaking of milk is unacquainted with the word of Righteousness.

For he is an infant. But solid food is for the mature/perfect ones. The ones having their faculties of perception trained for distinguishing both good and evil. Therefore, leaving the elemental teaching about Christ, let us move on toward Maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of Faith toward GOD ... (Hebrews 5:13,14, Hebrews 6:1)

Hebrews chapter six speaks of enlightenment, of both having tasted the heavenly gift and
becoming partners of the Holy Spirit, and having tasted the good word of GOD and the Powers of the coming age. (Hebrews 6:4,5). It speaks of better things, things that belong to/ accompany salvation. (Hebrews 6:9). We need to move beyond Spiritual

infancy to the solid food of mature Christians, to the Deeper/Superior things which accompany our salvation like Righteousness, Holiness, Love. We have drunk of the water which Jesus has given us, we have tasted the heavenly gift of the good word of GOD, we have tasted partnership with the Spirit, with the Powers of the coming age. We have tasted and seen that Yahweh/the LORD is Good (Psalm 34:8). But Jesus Christ is the solid food, the catch in deep waters, that must be sought after beyond the elementary teachings, for Maturity and Perfection to be found. Having put away, therefore, all malice and all guile and hypocrisies and envies and
all evil speakings, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow into salvation, if you tasted that the Lord is Good. (1Peter 2:1-3)

But you, remain in what things you learned and were convinced of, knowing from
whom you learned, and that from infancy you knew the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you Wise to salvation, through Faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is GOD-breathed and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of G OD may be complete/completely

qualified/perfect, having been thoroughly furnished/equipped for every good work.

(2Timothy 3:14-17)

As Spiritual newborns, we needed to feed on the pure milk of the word of G OD so that we would grow into salvation. We grow into salvation. We have to grow/increase in Knowledge, in Understanding, in Wisdom, in Faith, in Grace, in Love, into salvation. We start our Spiritual infancy by learning to let go of the things of this world which we acquired things which as infants in the flesh, we had not yet adopted malice, guile, hypocrisies, envies, resentment, guilt, evil talk. (Brothers, be not children in your minds/ understanding; be infants to malice, but become mature/perfect in your Understanding. (1Corinthians 14:20).) As we grow beyond our infancy, as we mature, in Christ, we progress beyond the elementary (but Pure, Truthful!) milk to solid food. We grow beyond merely putting away the things of the world to being trained and equipped for the Superior things of the Spirit, better things, things that belong to/accompany salvation like Wisdom, like Righteousness. Infants do not know about Wisdom, or Righteousness. But we have to be Wise to salvation, through Faith in Christ Jesus. We are born into slavery, we are re-born to Freedom, and then we increase, more and yet more, (grace upon grace, faith to faith, glory to glory, righteousness unto sanctification) established to Maturity, to Completeness, to Perfection, unto the Fullness of Christ. There are things which accompany our salvation: Growth/Increase, Maturity, Wisdom, Faith in the Truth of Jesus Christ. All Scripture is GOD-breathed and trains to Maturity in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ, building up the Body of Christ, until we all arrive at the
unity of the faith and at the precise and correct Knowledge of the SON of GOD, at a man of complete maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

And so the ministers of the Church have been commissioned to teach the mystery of Christ, in all Wisdom, so ... that we should no longer be infants, tossed by waves and carried
around by every wind of teaching ... but speaking the Truth, in Love, let us grow up in all things into Him who is the Head, Christ . But every man must be Mature/Perfect in

Christ, every man must have the mind of Christ, and so the mystery of Christ is made manifest to all in the Scriptures; GOD HIMSELF giving eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to understand to all who ask and seek and knock. GOD HIMSELF establishes us in the Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ, through the Scriptures, through HIS Holy Spirit, if we but truly seek to know HIM. Now, to the ONE being able to establish you according to my Good News and the
proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages but now manifested through prophetic scriptures, according to the command of the Eternal GOD being made known1 to all the Gentiles/nations to bring about the obedience of Faith, to the Only Wise GOD, to Whom be the Glory forever, through Jesus Christ. Amen. (Romans 16:25-27)

GOD HIMSELF the Truthful GOD, the Only True GOD, the Only Wise GOD is the ONE who establishes us to the mind of Christ, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, according to the scriptures which proclaim and explain Christ. The G OD who created us is also the GOD who establishes us the GOD who formed us to establish us. HE HIMSELF, (the

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 1107 Gnorozo a derivative of ginosko 'to make known'.

GOD of Grace) will adjust/restore/perfect/frame, confirm, strengthen, establish (you). (1Peter 5:10). HE who births us in the Truth establishes us to Maturity/Perfection in the Truth. My word that goes out from my mouth will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and will achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isaiah

55:11). HE HIMSELF will heal, making us complete, whole, Holy, incorruptible, building us to perfection/maturity, in Truth, in Faith. We are sanctified through the word of GOD (1Timothy 4:5); sanctified in Truth (John 17:19). This is our salvation: ... salvation by sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth. (2Thessalonians 2:13). Jesus spoke to Paul of ' those who are sanctified by faith in me.' (Acts 26:18). We are sanctified made holy by GODs Power at work in each of us according to our Knowledge and Understanding of the Truth and according to our Faith in the Truth. In this, in our Faith in the Truth of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are conformed to Christ, GOD HIMSELF establishing each of us in the revelation of Christ to bring about the obedience of Faith. By
Faith we understand the worlds to have been adjusted/restored/perfected/framed by the word of G OD, so that the things seen have not come to be from visible things. (Hebrews 11:3)

By Faith we understand that, like the earth, GOD establishes us, adjusting/restoring/perfecting us by the Spiritual Power of HIS holy word. GOD is able. HE HIMSELF, (the GOD of Grace) will adjust/restore/perfect/frame, confirm, strengthen, establish (you). And
Yahweh/'the LORD' will establish you as a holy people for HIMSELF, just as HE promised you, if you keep the commands of Yahweh/'the LORD' your GOD and walk in H IS ways. (Deuteronomy 28:9). By Faith we Know that it is GOD HIMSELF who establishes us to

righteousness, to holiness, making us obedient to HIS commands, giving us to walk in HIS ways, conforming us to the Truth, in Christ. Jesus said, Peace I leave to you, my Peace I give to you. ... Let not your heart be troubled. (John 14:27). Divine Peace Health, Wholeness, Fullness, Security, Prosperity, Rest superabundantly multiplied to us in the Truth is the absence of confusion, of disorder. For HE is not the GOD of confusion/disorder, but of Peace. (1Corinthians 14:33). There is no confusion associated with GOD, Yahweh-shalom 'is not the GOD of confusion/disorder'. There is no confusion in the word of GOD. Yahweh-shalom is the GOD of Peace, the GOD of divine order; and HIS perfect will for us and HIS unfailing plan for us and HIS more than superabounding grace to us, in Christ, is to establish us to divine order in HIS divinely ordered, confusion-free word. Therefore, if there is something in the Scriptures which seems to be confusing, which we do not understand, this is what we need to search out. Because this is where Truth and Faith needs to be established, this is where Light needs to replace darkness, this is where we need to grow in revelatory knowledge and understanding. Jesus said: Peace I leave to you, not confusion. Concealment, darkness, like the lie, is of Satan who is the god of confusion and disorder. But the GOD of Peace who teaches unity of the Faith and the precise and correct Knowledge of the SON of GOD is the REVEALER of Truth; and therefore, there is no confusion in the Church of GOD. GOD's will for us and GOD's grace to us is for each of us to be of the one Body of Christ, unified in Faith. When Jesus' disciples called upon Him in the midst of the great storm, saying, 6

Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing? (Mark 4:39), our Teacher rebuked the wind and the sea commanding, Silence! Be still/muzzled1! (Mark 4:39). And then Jesus said, Why are you so afraid? How do you not have faith? (Mark 4:40). Let not your heart be troubled. Is faith not the port found in the storm by which ' infants' are ... tossed by waves and carried around by every wind of teaching ... (That is, the teaching of those who blaspheme ' all that they do not know wild/raging waves of the sea foaming up their own shame.' (Jude 1:10,13).) Is the end to all confusion (arising from our many churches and doctrine) not in each one of us seeking out what is taught to us in the Scriptures and believing this word? Are we not all called to be stewards of the Mysteries of GOD. I give thanks to my G OD always concerning you, for the Grace of G OD which has
been given to you in Christ Jesus; that you were enriched in everything in Him, in all words/speech and all Knowledge, even as the Testimony of Christ was confirmed in you; so that you are not lacking in any gift, (while) awaiting the coming/appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who also will confirm/strengthen you to the end, blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is G OD through whom you were called into (the) fellowship of HIS Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. (1Corinthians 1:4-9)

What mighty words of encouragement from Paul. By the grace of GOD we are 'enriched in
everything in Him (Jesus Christ) so that you are not lacking in any gift, (while) awaiting the coming/appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, who also will confirm/strengthen you to the end, blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. ' This is all by GOD's grace, freely available to all through HIS word. ' the word of HIS grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.' (Acts 20:32).All Scripture is GOD-breathed and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of G OD may be complete/completely qualified/perfect. GOD did not leave our salvation in the hands of any man. Let not your heart be troubled. Jesus left us Peace. Peace which is

superabundantly multiplied to us in the Truth. Our church ministers, 'ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of GOD', have been commissioned to teach the mystery of Christ so ... that we should no longer be
infants, tossed by waves and carried around by every wind of teaching ... but speaking the Truth, in Love, let us grow up in all things into Him who is the Head, Christ. But Paul, himself a minister of Christ, praying for the Ephesians, asked that the GOD of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory may give to you a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in a full Knowledge of HIM.' (Ephesians 1:17). For each one of us is established

only by GOD HIMSELF, in Christ. And so you should pray this for yourself and for your family, and for the ministers and teachers and shepherds and evangelists, and for the entire Body of the Church. ... pray for one another so that you may be healed. (James 5:16). We are our brothers' keeper; our concern is not merely for ourselves but must be for the entire Body of Christ. (It is insightful that Job was only released from his troubles when he prayed for his friends who had tried (unwittingly) to mislead him in his time of trouble; they who had not spoken the Truth and who had so incurred GOD's wrath (Job 42:7-10).) It is essential that we come to know the Truth of Christ. For it (the Good News of Christ) is the Power of GOD unto salvation to every one believing ... (Romans 1:16). Peter writes

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #5392 to muzzle.

of: ' obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls. (1Peter 1:9). Salvation is by faith; and ' faith comes from hearing the word of Christ. ' (Romans 10:17). Salvation for all is in knowing the mystery of GOD, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge; and so that we are 'enriched in everything in Him', 'who also will confirm/strengthen you to the end, blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ'. For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only-begotten SON, that everyone
believing in Him may not perish, but have eternal Life. For G OD did not send the SON into the world that He might judge/condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. The one believing in Him is not judged/condemned, but the one not believing has already been judged/ condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only-begotten SON of GOD. (John 3:16-18)

There is much that is taught concerning Judgment. Jesus, however, explained it very simply: The one believing in Him (the SON) is not judged/condemned, but the one not
believing has already been judged/condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only-begotten SON of GOD. Salvation is by faith in the SON of GOD. Therefore, Jesus Himself also told us: ... blessed is he that takes no cause for stumbling in me. (Matthew 11:6). Jesus is the Stone of Stumbling (Romans 9:33, 1Peter 2:7,8) and not only

for the Jews, but also for Christians. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is revealed for the Glory of the Church, but only to those who truly seek to know GOD, those who search the deep things of GOD, those immersed in the water of the Word. Jesus, GODs High Priest, began His ministry after His water baptism. This was done as an example for all of us. From the inception of the Priesthood, Priests were consecrated unto GOD in the washing of the water (Exodus 29:4) a baptism, an immersion, a plunging into the deep things of GOD. At age twelve, Jesus amazed the teachers in the temple with His understanding of the Scriptures. They were astonished at His answers (Luke 2:46,47). Jesus said, Did you not know that it is necessary for me to be about my Fathers business/affairs. (Luke 2:48). So also must we who are all called to be Priests be faithfully about our Fathers business; being established in the Truth as ministers/servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of GOD; growing superabundantly in our Knowledge and Understanding, as Jesus Himself grew. And Jesus was increasing/growing in Wisdom and stature and in favor with GOD and man. (Luke 2:52). There are extraordinary things revealed to us in the Mystery of Christ. Revelations which bring us all to maturity, by which we are all established in Christ, in which we come to Know Christ, in which we come to Know GOD our Father, in which we are mightily blessed, in which we are freed from the coming Judgment, freed into eternal life. Daniel interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar's dream: ' you are the head of gold. And after
you shall arise another kingdom, more inferior to you; and another third kingdom of bronze that will rule over all the earth. And a fourth kingdom, strong as iron And as you saw the feet and toes, partly of potters clay and partly of iron, it shall be a divided kingdom partly strong and partly brittle. And in the days of those kings, the GOD of heaven will set up a Kingdom that shall never be destroyed It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end and it shall stand forever.' (Daniel 2:38-44). For 'As you looked, a stone was cut out, not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and clay and broke them in pieces. Then the

iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold, were all broken in pieces and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.' (Daniel 2:34,35).

' a stone was cut out, not by hands ', that is, not by human hands. Hundreds of years before Daniel, Jacob spoke to his sons of: ' the hands of the Mighty ONE of Jacob, from
thence is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel, by the G OD of your father who helps you and the Almighty who blesses you ...' (Genesis 49:24,25). Most certainly ' the GOD of heaven will set up a Kingdom that shall never be destroyed ' This is the Way made for us in HIS SON, the very Word of GOD (John 1:14), 'the Cornerstone' (Ephesians 2:20) of the House of GOD, 'the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel' through whom is GOD's Kingdom in this

earth; the true Kingdom that overcomes all others. Jesus our Lord said, I have not come to bring peace, but a sword (Matthew 10:34): the sword of the Spirit which is the word of GOD (Ephesians 6:17); the Sword of the Spirit which is the weapon against all that comes against the Truth and through which we are given Peace. (Jesus did not bring us Peace, He brought us the unchallengeable weapon of the Sword of the Spirit by which He leaves us Peace.) In Genesis 3:24, G OD placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden: a flaming sword, flashing every way, to guard the way of the tree of Life. This flaming sword is the word of GOD which is the Truth of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Truth which we must come to Know and to speak; the Truth which is the same from every which way; the Truth in which we are fired, refined, cleansed made Spotless and Blemishless. There is no lie in the Truth. It is essential that we hold to the Truth Knowing and Understanding the Truth of Christ as proclaimed and revealed to us in the scriptures so that we may have Life. ... for nothing has been veiled/concealed which will not be revealed, and (nothing)
hidden which will not be made known 1. What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light, and what you hear in your ear, preach on the house tops, and do not be afraid of the ones killing the body but not being able to kill the soul. (Matthew 10:26-

28) Therefore everyone who confesses me before men, I will also confess him before
my Father, the ONE in the heavens. And whoever will deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father, the ONE in the heavens. Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to divide ... (Matthew 10:32-35)

In this book I am speaking in the light, preaching on the house top what I have been taught by GOD through the scriptures things shown to me in the darkness to bring me out into the Light; Waters given in the wilderness; the revelation of the Mystery of Christ given in Paul's epistles and throughout the New Testament. I am confessing the Lord Jesus Christ before all who read this book in His roles as Saviour, SON, Lord, Christ, Head, Mediator, High Priest, Apostle, Judge as He is revealed to us in the word of GOD. Our understanding of Jesus, in each of these roles, is integral to our growth into salvation. For the House of G OD is built on the

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1097 - Ginosko - to learn to know, to come to know.

Foundation of Jesus Christ. Christ, GODs Power, GODs Wisdom. But before this, as we continue our study of the value of GOD's word, Jesus is the Word of GOD which is the Bread of Life: our Food unto eternal life.


Part III - THE BREAD OF LIFE Jesus answered them and said, Truly, Truly I say to you, you are not seeking me
because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were satisfied. Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the Food remaining to eternal Life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on this (One) G OD the Father has set H IS seal.' (John 6:26, 27)

In HIS Wisdom, GOD parallels the Spiritual with the natural so that we have a basis for Understanding that which we cannot see. We have seen the teachings on the word of GOD as being milk, solid food, of tasting the word, of the drink of water. For the word of GOD is equated in the Scriptures to food which nurture and sustain earthly life. The word of GOD is Spiritual food which is consumed for our Spiritual sustenance and growth, as natural food nourishes our body. Jesus taught: It has been written, Man will not Live by bread alone, but by every word proceeding through the mouth of G OD.' (Matthew 4:4). The word of GOD being the Food remaining to eternal Life which is given to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. In the previous section, we looked at the ... riches of the full assurance of Understanding
in the precise and correct Knowledge of the mystery of GOD, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge. (Colossians 2:2,3). Christ is the 'mystery of GOD' of which we are given 'precise and correct Knowledge' and 'the full assurance of Understanding' because, although the Mystery of Christ is seemingly a rare and

exotic delicacy by comparison to the word on which we usually feed, this is the required staple for Life. Jesus tells us, I am the Bread of Life. (John 6:35). I am the Living Bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this Bread, he will live forever. (John 6:51). Truly, truly, I say to you ... my Father gives you the True Bread out of heaven. For
the Bread of GOD is the One coming down out of heaven and giving Life to the world. (John 6:32,33)

Jesus, 'the Bread of GOD', 'the True Bread out of heaven', is the (Spiritual) Food which is the staple for Life. Many of us know the expression Bread is the staff of life. Ezekiel makes reference to the term the staff of bread1 and the meaning of the Hebrew word translated as staff gives us a clearer understanding of Bread, the Staff of Life. The Hebrew word matteh or mattah2 means a branch (as extending), a means of support for walking, a support for life. This brings our understanding of the word of GOD as being a Branch extended to us; a Staff by which we can walk (Blamelessly) before GOD, being in the Truth, walking in the Truth (3John 1:3). The Good News of Jesus Christ the 'Living Bread' accurate, precise, true is the only Food which profits our Spiritual walk, unto Life. And how else do we introduce what is divine
1 2

Ezekiel 4:16, Ezekiel 5:16, Ezekiel 14:13 Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary #4294

and Life-bringing into our hearts, our minds, our souls, except in consuming this ' Living Bread' of the Truth? Jesus said, Truly, Truly I say to you, you are not seeking me because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were satisfied. As all who study the Word of GOD know, as food is satisfying to the body, more so is Spiritual food satisfying to our souls; as food can be delectable to the palate, more so is the word of G OD sweet to our minds/hearts. And
he said to me. Son of man eat what you find; eat this scroll then go speak to the House of Israel. So I opened my mouth and he gave me the scroll to eat. Then he said to me, Son of man, make your belly eat and fill your stomach with this scroll that I give to you. So I ate, and in my mouth it was as honey in sweetness. Then he said to me, Son of man, walk! Go to the House of Israel and speak my words to them!' (Ezekiel 3:1-4).

As we eat of the scroll (of the Scriptures, no longer a scroll but now a book) it gets sweeter in our mouths/hearts: Your words were found and I ate them and your word was as joy to me and as the delight/rejoicing of my heart. (Jeremiah 15:16). David extols: The
Law of Yahweh/'the LORD' is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of Yahweh are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of Yahweh are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of Yahweh are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of Yahweh is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of Yahweh are sure, they are altogether righteous, more precious than gold, more (precious) than much pure gold; sweeter than honey from the honey-combs. (Psalms 19:10). But we do not eat of

this Spiritual food just for the sweetness. 'Son of man, walk! Go to the House of Israel and speak my words to them! ' We joyfully fill our inner-most parts with the word of GOD so that we not only grow in GODs Truth, to walk in the Truth, but that we are also equipped to speak out G ODs Truth. There is a Stewardship attached to our knowing the word of GOD: That through the Church, the many
faceted Wisdom of GOD might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places, according to the plan of the ages which H E made in Christ Jesus, our Lord ... (Ephesians 3:10,11). Additionally, 'the Bread of Life' is to be shared

(rightly divided (2Timothy 2:15)) for the building up of the Household of GOD, for all the Body of the Church to become mature/perfect in Understanding, (1Corinthians 14:20), built up to 'maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ' (Ephesians 4:13), pure and blameless in the day of Christ (Philippians 1:10). This is the Power of 'the Bread of GOD'. And so ... the Living GOD, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and all things in them ... filling with Food/Nourishment and with Joy/Gladness your hearts (Acts 14:15,17), the GOD who promised, And I will give you Shepherds after My own heart and they will feed you Knowledge and Understanding, (Jeremiah 3:15), gave us the One after HIS own heart, 'the Great Shepherd of the Sheep', (Hebrews 13:20), our Lord Jesus Christ. ... the Head, from whom all the Body, being fully supplied and united together, through the joints and the ligaments, Grows with the Growth of GOD. (Colossians 2:19).

Paul wrote to the Colossians of 'the joints and the ligaments', illustrative of the connection between all the members of the Body of GOD's Church and Christ Jesus our Head. And what are these 'joints' and 'ligaments' through which we are 'fully supplied and united together' but the meeting place of 'Knowledge and Understanding': ... united together in Love
and in all riches/wealth of the full assurance of Understanding in the precise and correct Knowledge of the mystery of GOD, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge. Jesus, the Chief Shepherd (1Peter 5:4), the Founder of our salvation (Hebrews 2:10), the Founder and the Perfecter of our Faith (Hebrews 12:2), 'the Living Bread that came down from heaven', is the Word of GOD, the Head of the Body, in whose revelation we, His Body, are perfected into one (John 17:19, 23). This is the Power in 'the Bread of Life'. Jesus said, I am the Good Shepherd, (John 10:11), and spoke of His Body: ... my voice they will hear and they will become one Flock, (with) one Shepherd. (John 10:16).

... for so it has been written through the prophet: And you Bethlehem, in the land
of Judah, by no means are you least among the rulers of Judah, for out of you will come forth a Ruler, who will shepherd my People Israel. (Matthew 2:5,6)

The Hebrew name Bethlehem1 means 'House of Bread'. Jesus, the Living Bread, the Bread of GOD, was born in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1), the House of Bread, and was even first presented to the world in a manger, (a container for fodder). Bethlehem is not Jerusalem, the City of Righteousness and Peace and Truth, but it is by no means insignificant. For Bethlehem, the House of Bread, is the birth-place of kings. Bethlehem is the City of David (Luke 2:4), the great psalmist, the shepherd boy who feeds us with Knowledge and Understanding. It was in Bethlehem that David fed his fathers sheep (1Samuel 17:15). It was to Bethlehem that GOD sent Samuel, seeking the one chosen to be GODs anointed, the shepherd to be made king over all of Israel (1Samuel 16:1,4 John 7:42). It was to Bethlehem, at harvest time, that Naomi returned, full of bitterness, (Ruth 1:20-22); but here, eating of the Food of the Land freely given to her by her redeemer, her bitterness became joy. ' out of you (Bethlehem) will come forth a Ruler, who will shepherd my People Israel.' Jesus our Shepherd nurtures Life feeding, watering, protecting, leading those who hear His voice (John 10:3), who know His voice (John 10:4), leading us back to the place of GOD's blessings and favour; to where we Know GOD, to Know GODs will for us, to manifest the Truth of GODs will, reconciled to HIM, in Christ. Jesus (the very word of GOD made manifest in the flesh (John 1:14)) in guiding our steps and in nurturing our growth, feeds us with Knowledge and Understanding, gathering us together to Him, in Righteousness and Peace and Truth. The Good Shepherd leads His Sheep, the one Flock, (my voice they will hear and they will become one Flock, (with) one Shepherd), to lie in green pastures. Truly, truly I say
to you that I am the Door of the Sheep ... I am the Door. If any one enters through me he will be saved and will go in and will go out and will find pasture. (John 10:7, 9). This is the place of tender young sprouts2 where we feed on the word of GOD, growing 'with the Growth of GOD', and where there is rest and refreshing beside still waters: This is the resting place, for the weary, rest. And this is the place of refreshing. (Isaiah 28:12);
1 2

Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary #1035 The Hebrew word translated as green in Psalm 23 means tender sprouts. Green pastures pastures of tender young sprouts.

the place where our hearts are filled 'with Food/ Nourishment and with Joy/Gladness'. (For the Good News brings 'great joy ... for all the people.' (Luke 2:10).) This is the place where we lack for nothing, receiving all things for Life and Godliness, every Spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ , (Ephesians 1:3); where we are sanctified in Truth (John 17:19). Shepherding nurtures to Glory: And when the Chief Shepherd, Jesus, is revealed/made manifest, you will receive the unfading crown of Glory. (1Peter 5:4). This is the Power of the 'Living Bread'. Now the GOD of Peace, the ONE having brought up from the
dead the Great Shepherd of the Sheep, our Lord Jesus Christ, by the blood of the eternal covenant, may HE equip you with every good thing in order to do HIS will, doing in us the thing well-pleasing before HIM through Jesus Christ, to whom be the Glory into the ages of the ages. Amen. (Hebrews 13:20,21).

My son, pay attention to my Wisdom, give your ear to my Insight, that you may
maintain1 Prudence2 and that your lips may preserve Knowledge. For the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double edged sword. Her feet go down to death, her steps they lead to Sheol. (Proverbs 5:1-5)

There is Spiritual food which remains to eternal Life and there is other food, seemingly good also, but which is unto death. One is Real and one is a deceptive replica of what is Real; one equips us to do GODs will and one sets out to lead us away from GODs will; one is the word of GOD and everything else is but a (perishing) lie. Jesus said, Do not work for the food which
perishes, but for the Food remaining to eternal Life, which the Son of Man will give you. (John 6:27). Therefore, we must have Wisdom and Insight concerning these two things, to guard against the lie, so that our 'lips may preserve Knowledge' (sharing 'the Bread of Life'

for the building up of the Body of Christ) and so that we may have Life. The Truth is unto eternal life, but ' the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and her
speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double edged sword. Her feet go down to death, her steps they lead to Sheol 3.'' We must be

wise to the clear dangers of the subtle lie which is the corrupted word of GOD. For where else is this deceptive replica of the Truth most prevalent but in our churches. Where is Satan most active but amongst those seeking salvation in Christ Jesus. Who does the Bible warn repeatedly about such things but GOD's people. Consequently Solomon teaches: "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get Wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. " (Proverbs 4:7). Blessed is the man that
finds wisdom and gains understanding. For she is more profitable than silver and her return is more than gold ... Long life is in her right hand and in her left hand are riches and honour ... She is a tree of life to the ones embracing her and those who lay hold of her are blessed. (Proverbs 3:13-18). (And we know Paul's petitioning: I ... do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the G OD
1 2

Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary #8104 shamar to hedge about (with thorns), to guard/protect. Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary #4209 a plan, a thought, discretion (decision/action based on one's own judgement), prudence. 3 Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary #7585 the grave.

of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory may give to you a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the precise and correct Knowledge of HIM ... (Ephesians 1:16,17).)

Solomon speaks of 'the lips of an adulteress' of one who is supposedly faithful to one person, but who has an intimate relationship with another. ' the lips of an adulteress drip honey ...' But the Law/Instruction of GOD is 'sweeter than honey from the honey-combs' (Psalms 19:10). It is far above (as high as the heavens from the earth) anything naturally occurring. 'My son, pay attention to my Wisdom, give your ear to my Insight ... ' Do not work to extract honey from honey-combs; (honey the regurgitated, dehydrated product of many different bees which changes but slowly over time). 'Do not work for the food which
perishes, but for the Food remaining to eternal Life, which the Son of Man will give you, freely. Ho, all who are thirsty, come to the waters. He who has no money come, buy, eat. Come and buy wine and milk with no money, at no cost. Why spend money on what is not Bread and labour on what does not satisfy. Listen, listen to me and eat what is Good and your soul will delight in the richness. Give ear and come to me. Hear, that your soul may live ... (Isaiah 55:1-3).

The 'Bread of GOD' the precise and correct knowledge of the Truth (' the precise and correct Knowledge of GOD and Jesus our Lord') is Food for our souls which is freely given to all who seek Life by GOD HIMSELF, in HIS Holy Scriptures. It is the Spiritual food which nourishes our souls to eternal life; nothing else has this Power for Life. Therefore Jesus said, Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad the way leading to
destruction, and many are the ones entering through it. (But) how narrow is the gate and constricted the Way leading to Life, and few are the ones finding it. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but are inwardly ravenous wolves. From their fruits you will know them. (Matthew 7:13-16).

There are myriads of teachings, of doctrines, that which is ' not Bread and does not satisfy'. There are innumerable paths that do not lead to eternal life: ' wide is the gate and broad the way leading to destruction.' In considering the one Flock and the one Shepherd and 'precise and correct Knowledge' and 'the Bread of Life' we must consider these things. Where in this cacophony of religious thought do we find Truth? The Almighty GOD says: 'Listen, listen to Me and eat what is Good and your soul will delight in the richness. Give ear and come to Me. Hear, that your soul may live ...' Eat of the scroll of the word of GOD; (believing what GOD says, expecting to be delighted and satisfied by GOD's word, expecting to find rest and renewal in this place of refreshing. It is in the resulting peace and joy of our souls that we know that we partake of the Truth.) We must discern 'the narrow gate' of 'the Way leading to Life'. And what is this 'narrow gate' but ... the precise and correct Knowledge of the mystery of GOD, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge. (Colossians 2:2,3). The Truth is in Jesus. (Ephesians 4:21). Jesus, the 'True Bread out of heaven', 'the One coming down out of heaven and giving Life to the world ', says, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. (John 14:6). Truly, truly I say to you that I am the Door of the Sheep ... I am the Door. If any one enters through me he will be saved ... Jesus is the Door through which is Life, the Shepherd by whom we are lead into the precise and correct knowledge of GODs Truth. Jesus said, I came that they may have Life and have it

superabundantly. (John 10:10); the Good Shepherd giving us to eat of what is Good,

divinely, Spiritually good, that which sustains Life. 'Listen, listen to Me and eat what is Good and your soul will delight in the richness. Give ear and come to Me. Hear, that your soul may live ' Jesus Sheep heed this call. Jesus Sheep do not listen to, or follow a strangers voice (John 10:5). Because the stranger is a thief and a robber (John 10:8) and The thief does not come except in order that he may steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10). In Christ ('the Great Shepherd of the Sheep', 'the Chief Shepherd, Jesus'), there are those who shepherd unto Life: He (Jesus) gave some as
apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some shepherds and teachers, for the equipping of the saints to the work of the ministry, to the building up of the Body of Christ ... (Ephesians 4:11,12). But there is one who is not a part of these

things, an outsider, a thief who comes but to scatter the sheep. Jesus taught: 'When anyone hears the word of the Kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away that which was sown in his heart.' (Matthew 13:19). And there are those who serve the purposes of this evil one, those without Knowledge and Understanding who themselves take away the seed of Knowledge and Understanding. Jesus said, Woe to you lawyers! Because you have taken away the key
of Knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves and you hindered the ones entering in. (Luke 11:52). Peter wrote concerning Paul's Epistles ' in which are some things, hard to understand, which the unlearned and irresolute/vacillating twist, as (they do) the other scriptures, to their own destruction. Knowing this, therefore, beloved, be on your guard lest, being led away by the error of the lawless (those without GOD's Laws/Instructions/Word), you fall from your own resoluteness. But (instead) grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.' (2Peter 3:16-18).

Peter also wrote: ' there will be false teachers among you, who will surreptitiously
bring in destructive heresies bringing on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the Way of Truth will be blasphemed. And by covetousness they will exploit you with fabricated words. ' (2Peter 2:1-3). Note that Peter did not say: 'There may be false teachers among you'. He said: ' there will be false teachers among you'.

'Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will fall away from the faith
by giving heed to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, of liars who speak in hypocrisy, whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and (require) abstinence from foods that GOD created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and fully know1 the truth. For everything created by GOD is good and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of GOD and prayer. In putting these things before the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, being nourished in the words of the faith and of the good teaching that you have followed.' (1Timothy 4:1-6)

The thief who steals the word of GOD the adulteress who has departed from GOD, departing from the Truth, the false teacher who 'surreptitiously bring in destructive heresies' scatters the sheep away from the 'one Shepherd' and from the 'one Flock', seducing them with

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1921 epiginosko to come to know thoroughly, accurately.

the food which perishes, food which guides along 'the way leading to destruction'; food intended to deceitfully take the place of the Living and remaining/abiding word of GOD'; food that does not satisfy the soul; food without the Power to make manifest the Truth of GOD's grace; food by which we do not become a new man, with a new heart and a new Spirit, born again to a new life Real Life. We are ... born again not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and remaining word of G OD. (1Peter 1:23). And so the adulteress leads the sheep astray, enticing those immature and unwise, those not knowing the Shepherds voice, those working to acquire that which GOD has given to us freely and copiously. Jesus said, '... wide is the gate and broad the way leading to destruction, and many are the ones entering through it.' Therefore, 'When you sit down to eat with a ruler,
consider diligently what is before you Do not desire his dainties, for that is deceitful/lying food.' (Proverbs 23:1,3). There are many 'leaders' who lead astray. Consider

diligently whatever food is placed before you and do not desire the 'nuggets of wisdom' of men. Desire the 'Living Bread' of the word of GOD. Go to the Creator HIMSELF. And my GOD will fill your every need according to HIS riches in Glory in Christ Jesus, (Philippians 4:19); the One filling all with all (Ephesians 1:22). Ask of HIM and GOD will give you wisdom and knowledge and understanding and revelation and insight. Seek out the Truth and GOD will give you Shepherds after HIS own heart, who speak HIS words, and who will feed you with Knowledge and Understanding. And do not forget Jesus' Mighty words: Behold, I stand at
the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will indeed come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with me. ... The one having an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. (Revelation 3:20,22).

But I fear lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts should be led astray from the simplicity and the purity in Christ. (2Corinthians 11:3) There is leavened corrupted bread and then there is the unleavened (Bread) of Purity and Truth (1Corinthians 5:8). Only that which is Pure and Holy and Perfect remains to eternal life and Jesus, 'the Bread of Life' is the Food remaining to eternal Life. The 'precise and correct Knowledge of the SON of GOD' is the Pure, True, untainted Bread upon which we must feed. The decrees of Yahweh/'the LORD' are more precious than gold, more (precious) than much pure gold; the value of 'the Bread of GOD' being in its Purity. And unlike leavened bread, 'the Bread of Life' is Pure and Simple 'the simplicity and the purity in Christ' devoid of any difficulty or confusion. For HE (GOD) is not the GOD of confusion, (1Corinthians 14:33). HE is the 'GOD of Truth', the True GOD, the Only True GOD, Unlying, Unconcealed, Trustworthy, Sure, Faithful, HIS Truth available to all, in Christ. (GOD teaches mighty Spiritual things in simple words to which we can readily relate: bread, water, honey, seed, fruit, shepherds, rain, rivers, pure gold, lamp, light, darkness, blindness, vision, sand on the seashore, stars in the sky, a house built on rock. We need to recognize the immense Spiritual value in this. It is when man steps away from these simple concepts, 'rationalizing' them with abstract philosophies and intangible words that the corruption comes.) According to the more than superabounding Grace of GOD, the Bread of Life is so that: we
all arrive at the unity of the faith and at the precise and correct Knowledge of the SON of GOD, at a man of complete maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature

of the fullness of Christ, that we should no longer be infants, tossed by waves and carried around by every wind of teaching ... but speaking the Truth, in Love, let us grow up in all things into Him who is the Head, Christ. (Ephesians 4:12-15).

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Do not be carried away
by various and strange teachings. For it is good for the heart to be strengthened by Grace, not with foods by which the ones walking were not profited. (Hebrews 13:8,9)

The New Testament makes many references to foods which do not nurture to Life which do not strengthen the heart and mind and soul which cannot profit our Spiritual walk. Foods for
the stomach and the stomach for foods, but G OD will destroy both this and these. The body is not for fornication, but for the Lord. And the Lord for the body. (1Corinthians 6:13). The food which perishes, (which will be destroyed by GOD), are the various and strange teachings which lead astray from the simplicity and the purity in Christ. Such foods are the cunning deceits of the one promulgating deception, the one who comes to steal, kill and destroy. For the serpent who 'deceived Eve by his cunning' has

but one (futile) intent the destruction of GOD's creation through his lies. ... that one was a manslayer from the beginning and has not stood in the Truth,
because the Truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie he speaks of his own (things), because he is a liar. (John 8:44)

... the great dragon, the ancient serpent, the one called devil and Satan, the one deceiving the whole inhabited earth ... (Revelation 12:9) Now the serpent was more cunning than every beast of the field that Yahweh/'the
LORD' GOD had made. And he said to the woman, Indeed, did GOD really say, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden? (Genesis 3:1). From the beginning our Creator

has given us choices. GOD does not force man to do HIS will. GOD gives man free will but urges us to follow HIS commands and to trust that HE leads us in the Way of Life: Behold, I set before you today Life and Good, death and destruction. (Deuteronomy 30:15); I call
the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, that I set before you Life and death, Blessing and curse. Now choose Life so that you may live, you and your offspring ... (Deuteronomy 30:19).

And the serpent said to the woman, You will not die. For G OD knows that when
you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like GOD, knowing good and evil.' (Genesis 3:4,5). In succumbing to the lie, man has indeed come to know evil, but man

has also lost sight of the Truth. Eve's eyes were not opened by following the serpent's advice but were closed so that she could not discern between Good and evil. Eve 'saw' that 'the tree was
good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and that the tree was desirable to make one wise and she took of its fruit and ate. ' (Genesis 3:6); but she had lost sight

of GOD's will for her. Eve had stopped resting and trusting in the Purity and Simplicity of G OD's word. Enticed by the evil one, Eve ate what GOD said should not be eaten. She did what she thought was beneficial to her, appeasing her self-will, but Eve had only done Satan's will. And Satan is still limited to this one modus operandi to mislead us, according to our own (prideful) self-

seeking, along 'the way leading to destruction'. The Almighty GOD reiterates: 'Listen,
listen to Me and eat what is Good and your soul will delight in the richness. Give ear and come to Me. Hear, that your soul may live ...' Son of man eat what you find; eat this scroll then go speak to the House of Israel. Son of man, eat what you can

readily find from the scroll of the word of GOD. Do not go seeking after something else. Choose Life; eat that which GOD has provided for us as Food for our souls. This is the Way of Wisdom. Indeed, did GOD really say, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Yes HE did. 'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Do not be carried away by various and strange teachings.' It is Satan, the father of the lie, who sets a trap for the sheep: ... a snare before the sons of Israel to eat things offered to idols and to commit fornication. (Revelation 2:14). In the Bible, the terms adultery and fornication, as idolatry, are used with regard to man's departure from GOD and from the Truth of GOD. Therefore, we see idolatrous Israel described as 'adulterous', and we see the mixed metaphors such as: 'Foods for the stomach and the
stomach for foods, but GOD will destroy both this and these. The body is not for fornication, but for the Lord'; and 'a snare to eat things offered to idols and to commit fornication. 'Food' and 'adultery', (as the word of GOD as a 'seed' which grows), are

natural, tangible representations of Spiritual things so that these Spiritual things can be understood. But even more than this, they illustrate that Spiritual things are not intangibles. Health and healing are not intangible things. Being a new creation is not an intangible thing. Righteousness is not intangible. Spiritual idolatry and adultery are very real things which we must guard against. ('Do not be carried away by various and strange teachings. ' Paul is even more explicit: ... we should no longer be infants, tossed by waves and carried around by every wind of teaching ... Because there is a turbulent sea of 'various and strange teachings' by which 'infants' (those without the Knowledge and Wisdom that comes with maturity) are carried away. Note that the word 'sea' in the Bible is used to represent salty adulterated water in the same way as the Bible speaks of leavened corrupted bread. 'Does the fountain out
of the same opening send forth sweet and bitter? My brothers, can a fig tree yield olives, or a vine figs? Neither salt water yields sweet. ' (James 3:11,12). And so Jesus gives us to drink only of Living Water (John 4:10), (Spiritually) flowing rivers of Living Water (John 7:38); as also our bodies can only be cleansed with 'pure water' (Hebrews

10:22). The 'sea' is but a large accumulation of impure water and refers to idolatry. But we know GOD's mighty promise: ... the earth will be full of the Knowledge of Yahweh/'the LORD as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9). In Genesis chapter one GOD separated the Light from the darkness and the dry land from the sea. Most certainly does HE separate us from the idolatry of this world.) Idolatry is serving someone other than the Only True GOD; as Eve served Satan's will. And idolatrous food things offered to idols which are eaten as the Bread of GOD is an offering that supports and encourages that which is not of GOD, that which does not foster Life. Idolatrous food serves the will of the adversary of GOD, serving but to scatter the sheep from the fold. It is honey from 'the lips of an adulteress', not real (Spiritual) Food. Idolatrous food is leavened bread, worldly, corrupted, powerless, (not 'the Bread of Life'). Idolatrous food gratifies, but only for a short time, for it feeds the natural appetites. It is ' foods for the

stomach', it serves no purpose with regard to reviving the soul making wise the simple giving joy to the heart giving light to the eyes (Psalms 19:10).

Idolatrous food does not endure forever, for both these appetites and the food itself will not remain beyond this world. Because they are of this world and, as all worldly things, they are perishing. In this way, from the beginning, Satan set out to entrap GOD's people in sin and death. But although Eve did not 'choose Life', although she did not choose to heed GOD's word, although she did not choose GOD's word over the lie this option remains available to each one of us as GOD graciously and faithfully gives us, in Christ, to discern between the Bread of Life and its many replicas. Ask and you will receive. (John 16:24). 'Yahweh/'the LORD' appeared to Solomon in a dream by night and and G OD said, Ask. What shall I give you? (1Kings 3:5). Solomon asked GOD for ... an understanding heart, to judge your people, to discern between good and evil ... (1Kings 3:9). 'And
GOD said to him, Because you have asked this and have not asked for long life for yourself, nor for riches for yourself, nor for the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern what is Right, behold, I do according to your words. Behold I give you a wise and understanding heart ' (1Kings 3:12).

We already know of GOD's gift of wisdom and understanding to Solomon. (And because Solomon asked for an understanding heart ... to discern between good and evil , he also received 'both riches and honour': For Blessed is the man that finds wisdom and
gains understanding. For she is more profitable than silver and her return is more than gold ... Long life is in her right hand and in her left hand are riches and honour. Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all of her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to the ones embracing her and those who lay hold of her are blessed. (Proverbs 3:13-18).) Solomon asked GOD for the wisdom 'to discern between good and evil'. In GOD's own words, Solomon 'asked for understanding to discern what is Right'. What a wise request! Only in this are we equipped to discern between the Bread of Life and things offered to idols, so as not to be led astray, so as to choose Life.

(I have heard it taught that GOD told Solomon to ask for whatever he wanted because Solomon sacrificed 'a thousand burnt offerings' to GOD, (1Kings 3:5). But Yahweh/'the LORD' your
GOD is the GOD of Gods and the LORD of Lords, the Great GOD, Mighty and Aweinspiring who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes ... (Deuteronomy 10:17). 'Solomon loved Yahweh, (so as) to walk in the statutes of David, his father. ' (1Kings 3:3). (For this is the Love of GOD, that we keep HIS commandments. (1John 5:3).) And we know: whatever we ask we receive from HIM, because we keep HIS commands and we do what is pleasing to HIM. (1John 3:22). This is GOD's grace towards those

knowing HIM and loving HIM, so as to trust HIM to lead us in the Paths of Righteousness into Life, into Glory. This is the Way of the Father with HIS Children, those choosing to be in harmony with HIM, choosing HIS Way, choosing Life, choosing to be conformed to HIS divine nature. This is the Way of the Lord with those who have faith. As Jesus left Jericho, followed by a great crowd, a blind beggar, Bartimaeus, sitting on the roadside, heard that Jesus was passing by. He could not see Him, but he started crying out, 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!
And many rebuked him, (saying) that he should be silent. But he cried out all the

more, Son of David, have mercy on me! And Jesus stopped/stood still and said, Call him.' (Mark 10:46-49). 'Jesus said, What do you want me to do for you? And the blind man said to Him, Rabboni1, that I may see again. And Jesus said to him, Go, your faith has made you whole. And immediately he recovered his sight and followed Him in the way.' (Mark 10:51,52). GOD's will is for the blind to see, for all to be able 'to discern between good and evil', for all to come to know HIM and to know HIS Ways, so

that we may follow in HIS Ways. And so GOD gave us HIS only-begotten SON to show the Way and to be the Way. But if indeed our Good News has been hidden, it has been hidden among the ones
perishing. In whose case the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so as not to shine forth the light of the Good News of the Glory of Christ, who is the image of GOD. (2Corinthians 4:3,4))

What then am I saying? That an offering to idols is anything? Or that an idol is

anything? No, but that the things which they offer they offer to demons and not to GOD. I do not want you to become sharers of the demons. You cannot drink of the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the Lords Table and the table of demons. Or do we make the Lord jealous? Surely we are not stronger than He? (1Corinthians 10:19-22)

Partaking of idolatrous food is listening to the voice which misleads, which teaches and deceives my servants to commit fornication and to eat things offered to idols. (Revelation 2:20). Idolatry, in itself, is nothing. What is an idol, or an idolatrous offering, in comparison to 'the Only True GOD and the divine things of GOD? Nothing whatsoever. These things are lies mere misrepresentations of the Truth to keep us from the Truth, to stop us from being 'sanctified in Truth'. (It is important for us to recognize the true worth of the lie. All things that transpire as a result of the lie are of no account, because they are not True. They are not of GOD, they do not have the Power of the Truth, they are not lasting and remaining. Therefore the lie cannot continue to influence in our lives, if we know the Truth: And you will Know the Truth and the Truth will free you. (John 8:32).) 'Concerning the eating of things offered to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world and that there is no GOD but one.' (1Corinthians 8:4) Since 'an idol is nothing', then the 'things offered to idols' are also nothing, the significance of idolatrous food being: the things which they offer they offer to demons and not to GOD. Therefore, the one partaking in this falsehood shares in the activities of Satan and his cohorts. And I do not want you to become sharers of the demons. For The B/body is not for fornication, but for the Lord. And the Lord for the B/body . (The individual's body (redeemed in the Blood of the Lamb of GOD) is only for the Lord, as is the entire Body of the Church of GOD.) Our entry way to intimacy with GOD is through the Truth. All things for
Life and Godliness have been given to us by H IS divine Power through the precise and correct Knowledge of the ONE having called us to HIS own Glory and Virtue, through which HE has given to us the precious and great promises, that through these you may become sharers of the divine nature ... (2Peter 1:3,4). Similarly,

partaking in Satan's deceptions also fosters intimacy with him and a sharing in his ungodly

The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible - #4462 Greatest/Highest Teacher/Master

nature. Paul says, 'I do not want you to become sharers of the demons. This constitutes fornication for the uncommitted of GOD's creation and adultery for those committed to the Creator. For we were created only for relationship with GOD. Her priests (the priests of the land - verse 23) do violence to my Law and profane my
holy things. They do not distinguish between holy and common/profane; and between the clean and the unclean they have not made known; and they hid their eyes from my Sabbaths; so I am profaned/made common among them. (Ezekiel

22:26) Where do the things of this world become 'idolatry' except in our churches, amongst GOD's people. It is here that GOD is most often profaned, and by priests, shepherds, leaders, who sacrifice impure offerings on the altar of GOD, who 'do not distinguish between holy and common' and who do not make known the difference between 'the clean and the unclean' between the Bread of GOD and everything else. Can anything else taught from a pulpit other than the precise and correct Truth of the holy word of GOD result in our becoming 'sharers of the divine nature'? But I fear lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts should be led astray from the simplicity and the purity in Christ. (2Corinthians 11:3) Idolatry and idolatrous food, in themselves, are nothing, but Paul tells us: You cannot drink
of the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the Lords Table and the table of demons. (For the things which they offer they offer to demons and not to GOD.) This desecrates the word of GOD which is divine and Spiritual. Or

are we just trying to make our Lord jealous when we make no differentiation between that which is Pure and Holy and that which is impure and unholy; when we are gratified/satisfied/comforted by what is common, unspiritual, corrupt, idolatrous? Therefore, my Beloved, flee from idolatry. I speak as to sensible/understanding
men, judge for yourselves what I say ... Because (there is) one Bread, we the many are one Body, for we all partake of the one Loaf. (1Corinthians 10:14,15,17).

We, 'the many', are one Flock, (... my voice they will hear and they will become one Flock, (with) one Shepherd, the one Body of the Church, in Christ), because we partake of the 'one Bread': the one Loaf of the Bread of Life; the unleavened (Bread) of Purity and Truth. There is no room here for anything else. Our Bibles teach of our being 'perfected into one', of our unity with GOD. And they will be My People and I, I will be their GOD. And I will give to them one heart and one way ... (Jeremiah 32:38,39). The one joining himself to the Lord is one Spirit. (1Corinthians 6:17). For there is but ... one Body and one Spirit, as also of your calling, you were called in one
hope, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one GOD and Father of all. The ONE over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:4-6).

We have seen the Scriptures regarding our being 'united together', (... united together in
Love and in all riches/wealth of the full assurance of Understanding in the precise and correct Knowledge of the mystery of GOD, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge. This I say so that no one may delude you with

persuasive speech. (Colossians 2:2-4)). We know of the unity of the Faith, ( the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive at the unity of the faith and at the precise and correct Knowledge of the SON of GOD, at a man of complete maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ, that we should no longer be infants, tossed by waves and carried around by every wind of teaching ... but speaking the Truth, in Love, let us grow up in all things into Him who is the Head, Christ. (Ephesians 4:12-15)).

Our Bibles teach of our being conformed to the Truth, unto Life, and of the adultery of those who depart from the Truth, unto death. (Religious tolerance is not a tenet of Christianity.) As armour against the adulteress we are taught to gird your loins with Truth (Ephesians 6:14). Because Truth is the (chastity) belt which keeps us from fornication and idolatry and which so frees us from death. This should be the message of the leaders of the church. But Her priests do violence my GOD will fill your every need according to H IS riches in Glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19). to my Law and profane my holy things. They do not
distinguish between holy and common/profane; and between the clean and the unclean they have not made known; and they hid their eyes from my Sabbaths; so I am profaned/made common among them. (Ezekiel 22:26)

Now concerning the idolatrous sacrifices/the things offered to idols, we know that
we all have general knowledge1. General knowledge puffs up, but Love builds up. If anyone thinks to have known2 (perceived) anything, he has not yet learnt to know3 as it is necessary to learn to know 4. But if anyone Loves GOD, HE it is who is known 5 of him. (1Corinthians 8:1-3)

'Love builds up': ... speaking the Truth, in Love, let us grow up in all things into Him
who is the Head, Christ, from whom all the Body, being fitly joined together and united builds itself up in Love. (Ephesians 4:15,16). Love is divine, it is of GOD, it is of the Spirit of GOD. And this I pray, that your Love may increase more and yet more, in precise and correct Knowledge and all discernment, for you to approve the Superior things, that you may be pure and blameless in the day of Christ. (Philippians 1:9,10).

To be 'pure and blameless', our eyes must be opened to 'the Superior things'. We must be able to 'distinguish between holy and common' and 'between the clean and the unclean', 'to discern between Good and evil', 'to discern what is Right', 'to approve the superior things', to distinguish between 'the Bread of Life' and that which is 'not Bread'. There is nothing common or mundane or 'practical' (the term 'Practical Christianity' is an oxymoron) about GOD, or HIS word, or our relationship with HIM. The things of GOD are 'superior things', as high as the heavens are from the earth: Spiritual, wonderful, extraordinary, powerful, divine; and how else does Jesus open our eyes and ears to these things but according to our true measure of the holy, GOD-breathed Scriptures. Therefore, Paul teaches that 'Love builds up' but 'General knowledge puffs up'. The difference between gnosis, 'general
1 2

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1108 - Gnosis - general knowledge. Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1492 - eido - to see/to perceive the force and meaning of some-thing which has a definite meaning (Thayers Greek-English Lexicon). 3 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1097 - Ginosko - to learn to know, to come to know. 4 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1097 - Ginosko - to learn to know, to come to know. 5 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1097 - Ginosko - to learn to know, to come to know.

knowledge' and epignosis, 'precise and correct knowledge' is one of the basic things that has to be discerned for us to understand the Truth of GOD. 'Now concerning the idolatrous sacrifices/the things offered to idols, we know that we all have general knowledge.' But general knowledge does not serve to build up the Body of Christ. 'General knowledge puffs up', being nothing but a deceptive replica of the Real thing. General knowledge is not one of 'the Superior things', it is 'common'. Many people have some 'common' knowledge of the things of GOD. But such knowledge is not the Truth that astounds, that shatters misconceptions, that delivers out of sin and death. General knowledge is but leavened bread (rising through a building up of hot air) and which, in turn, creates an empty illusion of Spiritual growth. '... but speaking the Truth, in Love, let us grow up in all things into Him who is the Head, Christ. ' ... the Head, from whom all the Body,
being fully supplied and united together, through the joints and the ligaments, Grows with the Growth of GOD. (Colossians 2:19).

Beware lest there be any one of you being taken captive through philosophy and
empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, and not according to Christ. (Colossians 2:8)

General knowledge does not bring all the 'wealth of the full assurance of Understanding in the precise and correct Knowledge of the mystery of GOD, Christ', it does not include 'all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge', and disseminating general knowledge is not the Stewardship of the ministers of Christ. General knowledge is not the Food of the Shepherds after GODs own heart; it is not Spiritual, it is the regurgitated honey of the adulteress, the food of the shepherds who do not venture into the deep things of G OD, who 'perceive' that they know but who 'has not yet learnt to know as it is necessary to learn to know', who so profane GOD, and who are so (unwittingly) in accord with the one who is the liar and the father of the lie. General knowledge is incomplete, imperfect, idolatrous sacrificed to the demons of the partial, the hidden, the impure; to the god of confusion and disorder. It is food which satisfies the natural mind and gratifies the fleshly, worldly appetites. General knowledge puffs up, puffing up the mind of the flesh, (Colossians 2:18), not building to the mind of Christ (1Corinthians 2:16). General knowledge does not have divine power. Therefore, we are not renewed/refreshed through general knowledge. It does not delight and satisfy the soul. Grace and Peace are not multiplied to us in general knowledge. We do not walk worthy of the Lord in every way pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work, according to general knowledge. Our love does not increase more and yet more in general knowledge. We do not receive G OD's Holy Spirit according to general knowledge. General knowledge is but a cunning trap designed by the thief who comes to steal the word of GOD. It is the leavened bread of 'empty deceit' which is 'according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, and not according to Christ'. 'Therefore, my Beloved, flee from idolatry.' Many Christians despair of their impotence, of their lack of righteousness, of their lack of healing, of their lack of Grace and Peace and Love, of their lack of Faith. But the promise of GOD in the words of David, the shepherd-boy after G OD's own heart (Act 13:22), 'the sweet psalmist of Israel' who spoke as an oracle of GOD (2Samuel 23:1) is, Yahweh/'the LORD' is my SHEPHERD, I will lack nothing ... (Psalm 23:1). We must grow in faith that Yahweh-rohi

HIMSELF gives us to be built up in the precise and correct knowledge of the Truth, in Christ in the word of the Power of HIS unfailing Love unto our Holiness, Godliness, Perfection and Life. There is leavened bread, and there is unleavened Bread. There are natural tainted, corrupted things and there are Pure, Holy, Spiritual things. It is essential that we do not, in naturalmindedness, mistake the natural for the Spiritual. There is worldly, imperfect, natural love and joy and peace and grace and righteousness, but these are not Real. They are counterfeit, deceitfully serving to puff up the mind of the flesh. Spiritual peace surpasses all natural understanding. Spiritual love bears all things, forgives all things, works no evil, never fails. Spiritual joy is not overcome by the events of the world. Spiritual grace superabounds to us and through us, for us to superabound in all Good works, always. As Christians our realms are the superabundant, the Spiritual, the Powerful, the divine; our Lives must be superabounding in the miraculous Power of GOD. And if they are not, this is because our expectations are ensnared in the unspiritual, the ordinary, the reasonable, the comfortable ensnared by what is powerless. (Jesus said, The one loving a father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. And the one loving a son or a daughter more than me is not worthy of me. (Matthew 10:37). The love with which one loves a father/mother/son/daughter more than one loves Jesus, is not Spiritual love. Such love is imperfect, unrighteous; it is conditional, subjective, and worldly. In coming to Know Jesus, and in coming to understand His Love for us, and our Fathers Love demonstrated in Him, we enter into the Spiritual reality of divine love. And all our relationships are perfected as an extension of the Spiritual love of Christ.) Love never fails. But whether prophecies, they will be abolished; or tongues, they
will cease; or general knowledge, it will be abolished. For we know1 in part and we prophesy in part. But when the perfect/complete thing comes, the thing in part will be abolished. (1Corinthains 13:8-10)

' general knowledge, it will be abolished.' It is the food which perishes. Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods, but G OD will destroy both this and these. The 'GOD of Knowledge' the GOD of Divine Knowledge, HE who gave us 'the Bread of Life' will abolish general knowledge. Because it has no place in Life. Common, natural, unholy things will not pass beyond this world. They cannot, they are not Pure and Perfect, they are but the elementary things of this world and, as such, are temporary and passing away. we know in part and we prophesy in part. And whoever thinks that he knows, does not learn to know as it is necessary for him to know. Thus will the last be first and the first last. (Matthew 20:16). (See Jesus' teaching from Matthew 19:13 to Matthew 20:16). In the last days, when the Knowledge of GOD floods the earth, it is those without a pre-supposition of the things of GOD who will be first into the Kingdom of GOD. And many who 'know' will be the last; for they will have to unlearn all that they have been taught 'according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world and not according to Christ'. 'And behold, one who approached Him said, Teacher, what good thing may I do that I may have eternal life?' (Matthew 19:16). Jesus said, '... if you wish to enter into
Life, keep the commandments. He said to Him, Which? And Jesus said, You shall not murder, you shall not The young man said to Him, All these I have kept. What do I still Lack? Jesus said, If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you

Ginosko - learn to know

possess and come, follow me.' (Matthew 19:17-21). The young man recognized that he was Spiritually lacking. But rich with 'many possessions', (Matthew 19:22), he was unwilling

to give up what he had what he thought made him rich unspiritual, unholy, common things which were not unto Perfection, which were not unto Life. Only from the base of first having and knowing nothing can we be a (true) disciple of Christ. 'If anyone thinks to have known anything, he has not yet learnt to know as it is necessary to learn to know.' But whoever is seeking out the Truth of GOD, whoever is learning to Know, is aware of the rivers of Living water which flow unabatingly to those who follow Christ. Growing in the Knowledge of GOD is a Glorious Spiritual experience which delights the soul, which constantly upbuilds, and which teaches us to speak, precisely and correctly, with 'one voice', (Romans 15:6), only as our Shepherd, the Word of GOD, speaks. If anyone speaks, (speak) as oracles of GOD. (1Peter 4:11) Be diligent/make earnest effort to present yourself approved to GOD, a workman
unashamed, rightly dividing the word of Truth. But shun profane, empty utterances, for they will advance to more ungodliness and their word will spread like gangrene.

(2Timothy 2:15) General knowledge is like manna from heaven. It is as bread compared to 'the Bread of Life', it too is GOD-given, but the Israelites ate the manna and yet they died: Truly, truly, I say to
you, the one believing has life eternal. I am the Bread of Life. Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and died. This is the (true) Bread coming down out of heaven, that anyone may eat of it and not die. I am the Living Bread, the One having come down out of heaven. If anyone eats of this Bread, he will live into the age ... (John 6:47-51).

GOD gave the children of Israel manna in the wilderness. Manna was food necessary for basic survival in the wilderness, but manna was not the food of the Promised Land. Like Samuel, before we can (truly) enter into service before GOD, we have to be weaned (1Samuel 1:22,28 2:18,21). Before we can leave the wilderness and enter into the Promised Land of the Kingdom of GOD we have to be mature enough to eat of Living Bread, the Bread of Life; the Promised Land being the place of Wisdom, of Righteousness, of our Maturity, in Christ. For although, because of the time, you ought to be teachers, you have need again
for some-one to teach you the fundamental beginnings of the oracles of GOD and you are in need of milk and not solid food. ... But solid food is for the mature/perfect ones. The ones having their faculties of perception trained for distinguishing both good and evil. Therefore, leaving the elemental teaching about Christ, let us move on toward Maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of Faith toward GOD ... (Hebrews 5:12-14, Hebrews 6:1)

Manna was given to the Israelites who complained that GOD had taken them from Egypt where they had all that they wanted to eat (Exodus 16:2,3). They had been enslaved in Egypt and GOD had delivered them with a mighty Hand, but in the wilderness they lost sight of their enslavement, (and the Mightiness of GOD), desiring but for their natural appetites to be satisfied. The Israelites grumbled that they would rather have died in slavery than have to go without the

fleshly comfort of the food to which they were accustomed. So GOD gave them just enough to satisfy their natural fleshly desires. Manna was by measure, enough for each person for each day. Manna did not last from one day to another (except for the Sabbath), it was not meant to remain. Manna, pleasant to the taste, (it tasted like honey (Exodus 16:31)), did no more than appease the natural appetites, a substitute for what they had before in Egypt. The Israelites could not see beyond this, they did not aspire to greater things than the satisfaction of their immediate needs, the gratification of their natural desires, the replacement for the fleshly comforts of Egypt. And very often this is the role which Christianity and the church plays in the lives of Christians those who are not being established in the Truth of the Grace of GOD in Christ Jesus; those who do not distinguish between holy and common; those who profane GOD. The church merely serves to fill a natural need, replacing the powerless life of Egypt with something equally unholy and unspiritual. But this is not the role of GODs Church; just as milk and manna are not a substitute for the Powerful, Spiritual food the Solid Food of the Bread of Life. ' solid food is for the
mature/perfect ones. The ones having their faculties of perception trained for distinguishing both good and evil.'

Do not be idolaters as some of them were; as it has been written, The people sat
down to eat and to drink and stood up to play. We must not commit fornication as some of them committed fornication, and twenty-three thousand fell in one day.

(1Corinthians 10:7). When Moses ascended Mount Sinai, while waiting for his return, the sons of Israel sought to comfort and appease their religious/spiritual desires by creating a god (an arbitrary god of their own making) to lead them. While awaiting the receiving of G OD's law/instruction/word they entered into idolatry. These were the ones who wandered in the wilderness for forty years, and who died in the wilderness, never entering the Promised Land. Idolatry, in itself, is nothing, but this means that it has no power for Life. Paul tells us: ... not first is the Spiritual, but the natural. Afterward, the Spiritual (1Corinthians 15:46). The Israelites in the wilderness is a natural illustration of the Spiritual reality to which we have been called. (Our Spiritual walk is always out of enslavement in Egypt (redeemed in the Blood of the Lamb of GOD), across the Red Sea, the wilderness, and the Jordan, around the walls of Jericho and on into the Promised Land, in Christ.) But many of us have followed the same circuitous path as the children of Israel, misled along the natural route through the wilderness. Many of us, like the children of Israel, have not looked beyond our immediate circumstances to see the Grace and Faithfulness and Love of the ONE who is with us in the wilderness, our DELIVERER, a Mighty Tower of Strength. Many of us have not lifted up our eyes to see the Glory and Holiness and Godliness and Perfection to which we have been called in the Promised Land. Many of us have tried to satisfy ourselves with that which 'is not Bread', labouring 'on what does not satisfy'. Many of us have not discerned that the way to our miracle is, like Naaman, simply in being obedient and washing in the water of the word. The Israelites spent forty years in the wilderness, rebellious, self-serving, eating manna. Many of us would emerge far quicker from the wilderness experience if we would humble ourselves, trust in GOD, seek HIS wisdom and eat of the True Bread, so as to abide in H IS word, (and so as to receive of all that comes with the gift of wisdom). In lustfully seeking after something comfortable, we are merely trying to replace the natural with the natural. That which is Spiritual cannot be found in the natural and manna is but food for a prolonged stay in the wilderness. 8

Jesus Himself spent forty days in the wilderness, hungry for the things of the flesh with the natural hunger of the flesh, but not focused on the worldly sustenance required to satisfy His natural appetites. (This was He who told His disciples: 'I have food to eat that you do not know about.' And, My Food is that I may do the will of the ONE having sent me ... (John 4:32, 34).) After His baptism, like the children of Israel, Jesus was lead by the Spirit into the wilderness. (Matthew 4:1). After the fullness of forty days of natural deprivation, Jesus, developed in the Spirit, abiding in the word of GOD, overcame the temptations of Satan with the Power of the Truth. (In Christ, our Head, the Body of the Church has a stewardship to do the same: That through the Church, the many faceted Wisdom of GOD might now be
made known1 to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places, according to the plan of the ages which HE made in Christ Jesus, our Lord ... (Ephesians 3:10,11).) Satan

tempted Jesus saying, satisfy yourself, make bread from what you have around you, from the stones on the ground. Jesus responded: It has been written, Man will not Live by bread alone, but by every word proceeding through the mouth of GOD.' (Matthew 4:4). This is what is needed in the wilderness: ' every word proceeding through the mouth of GOD'. (Not just the New Testament, not just the Old Testament.) Jesus denied Satan's every temptation with the Truth of the word of GOD (quoting the Old Testament) and went out from the wilderness, the Head of the Body of the Church, to begin His ministry of preaching and teaching and healing. When the new generation of the Israelites (those born (again) in the wilderness, those fed-up with manna) came out of the wilderness and crossed the Jordan, when they came into the land of Canaan and ate of the Food of the Land, then the manna ceased (Joshua 5:12). The Hebrew word translated Canaan is from a root word meaning to bend the knee; hence to bring into subjection, to humble, to subdue. And so we need to humble ourselves and eat of the True Bread of Life, the Food of the Land, to the exclusion of the counterfeit, powerless, idolatrous food which provides no Spiritual sustenance for GODs People. It is only in eating of the Truth in Jesus Christ, leaving idolatry and fornication behind, that we come to see that we have already crossed over from death to Life and have already been freed into the Kingdom of GOD, in Christ. General knowledge is like the leaven (leavened bread) of the Pharisees and the Sadducees which Jesus told His disciples to watch out for (Matthew 16:6,11). Then they understood that He
did not say to beware of the leaven of the loaves, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. (Matthew 16:12). These men dealt in the elementary

legalities of the Law of Moses, satisfying themselves by making their own bread, fabricating and bandying words, limiting knowledge and understanding. Jesus said: Woe to you lawyers!
Because you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves and you hindered the ones entering in; and I say to you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will never enter into the Kingdom of the heavens. (Matthew 5:20). Therefore, beware of the leaven

of the wisdom of men, those not teaching the Wisdom and Power of GOD. How do you know them? From their fruits you will know them. (Matthew 7:16).

Gnorozo - a derivative of ginosko - to make known.

Paul said, My speech and my proclamation was not in persuasive words of wisdom
but in a demonstration of the Spirit and Power, that your Faith may not be in the wisdom of men, but in the Power of GOD. (1Corinthians 2:4,5). Paul teaches of Wisdom and Power, of speaking the Wisdom of GOD by which our faith is built up 'in the Power of GOD'. ... the surpassing greatness of HIS Power to us, the ones believing, according to the working of the might of HIS strength (Ephesians 1:19), by which we are built up to 'maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ ' (Ephesians 4:13), pure and blameless in the day of Christ (Philippians 1:10).

The seductive, puffed up speech of the mind of flesh does not teach the Truth of GOD's Wisdom and Power. It does not build Faith in the Truth of GODs Power in us unto Righteousness, unto Godliness. These foods for the stomach just pass through and out of the Body and are not unto divine increase, not unto sanctification. the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and
her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double edged sword, a double-sided (two-faced) sword which separates from the Truth. But ... the word of GOD is living and powerful and sharper than every double-edged sword ... (Hebrews 4:12). And we can always tell the Real Sword, the sword of the Spirit which is the word of GOD (Ephesians 6:17), by its Power. Power to build-up the Body of Christ as our Faith is built up in the Truth of the Power of GOD at work in our lives. The

word of Truth is a Powerful weapon which separates us from the idolatrous things of this world, destroying these things in our lives, so that we Grow with the Growth of GOD unto Life. ( for the instruments/weapons1 of our warfare are not fleshly but are Powerful,
through GOD, to the overthrow of strongholds, overthrowing reasonings and every high thing rising up against the Knowledge of GOD ... (2Corinthians 10:4,5))

But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord wills, and I will find out not the speech of
the ones being puffed up, but the Power. For the Kingdom of GOD is not in speech, but in Power. What do you want? Should I come to you with a rod, or in Love and a Spirit of Meekness? (1Corinthians 4:20)

The speech of the ones being puffed up are the empty words of those who come not in a demonstration of the Spirit and Power, not 'in Love and a Spirit of Meekness', but who come to you with a rod. Such speech tries to imitate Power but is a lie delivering oppression and not empowerment. This is not the unleavened (Bread) of purity and truth which builds faith in the Power of GOD, because such speech is not itself of the Power of GOD. Paul speaks of: ... warning every man and teaching every man in all Wisdom,
that we may present every man Mature/Perfect in Christ. For which also I labour, striving according to the working of HIM, working in me with Power. (Colossians 1:28,29). ... the Kingdom of GOD is not in speech, but in Power. The Power of GOD

which in Love and with Meekness builds Faith in the Truth in Christ unto repentance and restoration: And a slave of the Lord ought not to fight but ought to be gentle to all, skilled in
teaching, patient, in Meekness instructing the ones opposing ... so that G OD may

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 3696 - implement of war, armour. From this is derived the whole armour of Ephesians 6:11,13 (# 3833).

perhaps grant them repentance in the precise and correct knowledge2 of the Truth, and they may come to their senses out of the trap of the devil, having been captured by him for his will. (2Timothy 2:24-26)

Brothers, if indeed a man is overtaken in some transgression, you, the Spiritual ones, should restore such a one in a Spirit of Meekness. (Galatians 6:1) Those who are Spiritual speak 'not in persuasive words of wisdom (the wisdom of men) but in a demonstration of the Spirit and Power'; teaching the Truth according to the Spirit of Truth in the Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Power and Love and a Sound-mind/Selfcontrol, (2Timothy 1:7), the Spirit of Meekness. (Who is Wise and Understanding among
you? Let him show, by his good conduct, his works in the Meekness/Gentleness of Wisdom. (James 3:13).) Only in 'the Meekness/Gentleness of Wisdom', with Love, can a person be brought to repentance in acknowledgment of the Truth the Truth of GODs

Mercy, GOD's Grace, GODs Love, GODs Righteousness and Faithfulness, GODs Power. Only True, Spiritual food brings about the obedience of Faith GODs Power unto Holiness, Perfection and Life. In growing in the precise and correct Knowledge of GOD, we are empowered with Power according to the might of H IS (GODs) Glory (Colossians 1:11). This is the
surpassing greatness of HIS (GODs) Power to us, the ones believing, according to the working of the might of H IS strength and this is the Way of the Kingdom of G OD. The Kingdom of GOD is ... in Power. Our GOD is the Source of Power who sustains all things by the word of HIS Power (Hebrews 1:3). HE is the ONE being able to do all things superabundantly above which we ask or think, according to the Power working in us. Power through HIS (GODs) Spirit (Ephesians 3:16). Jesus said: You will receive Power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses ... (Acts

1:8); the Body of the Church testifying in Spirit and in Truth to the Truth of G OD's Grace to us in Jesus our Lord, manifesting the Truth of HIS Power through us, in Christ. 'For we cannot not speak of the things which we saw and heard.' (Acts 4:20) And the word of Yahweh/'the LORD' came to me, saying, Son of man, prophesy
against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy and say to them, the shepherds: 'This H E says, the Lord Yahweh, Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves. Should the shepherds not feed the flock? You eat the fat and clothe yourself with the wool; the plump/fed animal you slaughter, the flock you do not feed. The weak ones you have not strengthened, nor the sick ones have you healed, neither have you bound up the broken ones. And the one straying you have not brought back; neither have you searched for the lost.' (Ezekiel 34:1-4)

The English word pastor is related to the term pastoral, that is, of shepherds and flocks and pasturing/feeding. A pastor is a shepherd and GOD-given shepherds are ordained and empowered to build up in Love and in a Spirit of Meekness, building Faith in the Power of G OD. These are the shepherds after GODs own heart who feed the sheep with Food demonstrating the Spirit and Power of the Truth. True shepherds do not mislead the sheep, to keep their flock on a unspiritual level, satisfied in their minds (stomachs) with imperfect, unholy things. These do not teach 'the

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge.

wisdom of men'; they are not 'false teachers' who 'bring in destructive heresies' (doctrine which is unto destruction), who cause the Truth to be blasphemed and who sermonize with 'fabricated words' (2Peter 2:1-3). They do not profane the things of GOD. True shepherds are: ... ministers/servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of G OD. Furthermore, it is required of stewards that one be found Faithful. (1Corinthians 4:1,2). And He (Jesus) charged them saying, Take care, beware of the leaven of the
Pharisees and the leaven of Herod! And they reasoned with one another, It is because we have no bread. And knowing this, Jesus said to them, Why are you discussing that you do not have loaves? Do you not yet understand or comprehend? Have your hearts become hardened? Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember when the five loaves I broke for the five thousand. How many baskets full of pieces did you pick up? They said to Him, Twelve. When the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of pieces did you pick up? And they said to Him, Seven. And He said to them, Do you not yet comprehend?' (Mark 8:15-21)

Faithful stewards of the mysteries of GOD know that there is no shortage of 'the Bread of GOD'. Like all that is of GOD, the Bread of Life is in divine superabundance. The Kingdom of GOD is built up according to GODs exponential multiplication of the word of GOD. And He (Jesus)
said, Thus is the Kingdom of GOD as a man might throw seed upon the soil, and he might sleep and rise, night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows up in a way that he knows not how. On its own, the soil bears fruit, first the stalk, then a head of grain, then full wheat in the head. (Mark 4:26-28). The word of GOD grows,

multiplying miraculously, superabundantly, divinely. The Church of GOD is built up by the Power of GOD; built up by a seed The sower sows the word (Mark 4:14), The seed is the word of G OD (Luke 8:11) sown in Love and a Spirit of Meekness and which sprouts and grows and fruits divinely, superabundantly. We are born
again not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and remaining word of GOD (1Peter 1:22,23), born again a Spiritually new generation coming out of the wilderness; bearing Fruit the fruit of the Spirit, the Fruit of the Light. The word of GOD multiplies we know not how to every Spiritual Blessing in the heavenlies in Christ ... for us to be Holy and Blameless, to all things for Life and Godliness.

But (as for) the seed sown upon good soil, this is the one listening to the word and
understanding it, who indeed bears fruit and yields in the one (case) a hundredfold, in another sixty, in another thirty. (Matthew 13:23)

Now the ONE supplying seed to the sower, will supply both Bread for Food and will multiply your seed and will increase the fruits of your Righteousness. (2Corinthians 9:10) This is GOD's promise to all of us. And this is GOD's promise to the shepherds after HIS own heart who feed us with Knowledge and Understanding. While on this earth, Jesus shared bread with many people, He broke bread with His Disciples, with Pharisees, with tax collectors, with large crowds. Jesus fed thousands with loaves which were Powerfully multiplied (so as to exceed even

what was required, the excess being gathered up by Jesus' disciples. For the the Bread of Life is not to be discarded.) Jesus Himself divided the Bread of G OD unto us, this Mighty King showing Himself to be our Friend: No longer do I call you slaves, because the slave does not
know what his lord does, but I have called you friends, because all things which I have heard from my Father I made known to you. (John 15:15).

Jesus said to Satan, It has been written, Man will not Live by bread alone, but by every word proceeding through the mouth of GOD. And so GOD sent the Prophet to the widow in Zarephath, (Zarephath1, from a root word meaning to refine, as in a foundry); for when the Prophet comes, the Bread does not run out (1Kings 17:8-16, Matthew 4:26). This is the Bread of the superabounding Grace of GOD Give us this day our daily Bread fresh and new every day, remaining, nurturing our hearts, our souls; building us from Faith to Faith, from Glory to Glory; filling our hearts with Joy, and Love; sustaining Life; even as we are being refined. Like Ruth, when we go gleaning after whatever little we might find, then we are blessed by our REDEEMER with an out-pouring beyond our wildest expectations. Our Father ... Give us this day our daily Bread not just for our own Spiritual growth, but for it to be blessed and broken and shared amongst our brothers. Because the Good News of Christ must be spoken, the Bread must be broken and shared. Jesus answered them and said, Truly, Truly I say to you, you are not seeking me
because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were satisfied. Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the Food remaining to eternal Life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on this (One) G OD the Father has set H IS seal.' (John 6:26, 27)

The crowds sought Jesus, not because they saw the bread being miraculously multiplied, but because He gave the Food which satisfies our innate hunger and thirst for GOD. I am the
Bread of Life. The one coming to me never hungers, and the one believing in me will never thirst again. (John 6:35). And it came about, while He (Jesus) was reclining at table with them, taking the bread, He blessed it and breaking it, He gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized Him and He became invisible to them. And they said to one another, Were not our hearts burning within us as He was speaking to us on the road, as He was opening the scriptures to us.' (Luke 24:30-32). So also do we, the disciples of Christ come to know our

Lord, recognizing Him in the breaking of the Bread, in His opening up of the scriptures unto us, as He is made manifest to us in the dividing of the word. Most certainly do the Sheep recognize the voice of their Shepherd. I give no praise, because not for the better but for the worse you come together.
For, first indeed, when you come together in an assembly, I hear that divisions exist among you and I partly believe it. For it is also necessary for there to be sects among you, that also the approved ones may become manifest among you. Your coming together therefore into one place, is it not the Lords Supper you eat?

(1Corinthians 11:17-20) 1Corinthians chapter eleven begins with Pauls teachings on Headship, Paul saying: But if
anyone thinks to be contentious, we do not have such a custom, neither do the

Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary # 6886 - refinement

churches of GOD. (1Corinthians 11:16). Contentiousness controversy and dispute concerning the word of GOD is not of the (one) Body of Christ. Jesus said, If a kingdom is divided against itself that kingdom cannot stand. (Mark 3:24). Sects and divisions are unspiritual, of the flesh: Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, divisions, sects, envyings, drunkenness, carousings and things like these, of which I told you beforehand. As I said before, those practicing such things will not enter the Kingdom of GOD.' (Galatians 5:19-21).

Who is Wise and Understanding among you? Let him show it by his good conduct,
his works, with meekness/humility of Wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and strife/ contentiousness in your heart, do not boast and lie against the Truth. This is not the Wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, natural/unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and strife/contentiousness are, there is disorder and every evil practice. (James 3:13-16)

Divisions exist amongst those who are eating and drinking of what is worldly, partial, powerless; of what does not nullify the lie, but rather, of what is of the lie. Divisions exist amongst those who have not entered 'the narrow gate' of 'the Way leading to Life'. But divisiveness is necessary to make manifest those who are under the Headship of Christ: those who have come to Know the voice of the Shepherd, those of the one Flock, of the one Body; those born again of the 'one Spirit', the Spirit of Truth. If we Live by the Spirit let us also walk by the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25). ... being in the Truth, walking in the Truth. (3John 1:3). On the western side of the Jordan, at Gilgal, on the eastern border of Jericho, Joshua looked up and saw a man in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. And Joshua went up to him and asked, Are you for us or for our enemies? (Joshua 5:13). And the man replied, Neither. But I as a commander of the army of Yahweh/'the L ORD' I now come. (Joshua 5:14). So also must we not choose sides, contending with men, arguing doctrine. We come only on behalf of our Lord and our GOD, in Righteousness and in Truth, in the name of our Lord. Our drawn sword is not the deceitful double-edged sword which kills, but the Powerful Sword of the Spirit of Truth: the sword of the Spirit which is the word of GOD (Ephesians 6:17), and which is unto eternal life. This is the Way of the Assembly of G OD. The Bread of the word of GOD is broken/rightly divided and shared. Jesus said, Every word may be established at the mouth of two or three witnesses. (Matthew 18:16) and this Law carries over to the word of GOD. The Truth of every Scripture can be established by two or three affirming Scriptures from different Witnesses/ Apostles/Prophets. (As we have seen in this first chapter, and as we will see throughout this book, the Bible is so self-corroborative that there is no lack of supporting Scriptures.) Because, in 'coming together therefore into one place', there must be unity of faith. Each one of us must understand the necessity for leaving behind the doctrine of men and seeking the word of GOD, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. And each one of us must know the Stewardship given to us by GOD to sow this seed of the Word of GOD, to break and share this Bread of Life. For 'Man
will not Live by bread alone, but by every word proceeding through the mouth of GOD.'

You are of GOD little children, and you have overcome them; because greater is the
One in you than the one in the world. They are of the world, therefore they speak of the world and the world hears them. We are of G OD; the one knowing GOD hears us; he who is not of GOD does not hear us. From this we know the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of error. (1John 4:4-6)

'Your coming together therefore into one place, is it not the Lords Supper you eat?' The assembly of the Church of GOD is not a place of division. It is a glorious, Spiritual coming together, one Body, to eat of the Lords Supper, eating of the one Bread and drinking of the one Cup: I speak as to understanding/wise men, judge for yourselves what I say. The
Cup of Blessing which we bless, is it not a sharing of the Blood of Christ? The Bread which we break, is it not a sharing of the Body of Christ? Because (there is) one Bread, we the many are one Body, for we all partake of the one Loaf. (1Corinthians

10:15-17). For I received from the Lord that which I also passed on to you, that the Lord Jesus
in the night in which He was betrayed, took bread, and having given thanks, He broke it and said, This is my body on your behalf. Do this in remembrance of me. In like manner also, the cup after the eating of supper saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink, in remembrance of me. For as often as you eat this Bread and drink the Cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until He comes. (1Corinthians 11:23-26)

The Lords Supper is the celebration and proclamation of GODs Provision for us in the 'one Loaf' of the unleavened Bread of Truth and in the one Cup of Blessing. Jesus, the Word of GOD made flesh (John 1:14), speaking of these things, confounded the Jews by saying: Truly,
truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no Life in you. (John 6:53). ('After this many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with Him. Jesus therefore said to the twelve, Do you also wish to go? Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to who shall we go? You have the words of eternal life ...' (John 6:66-68).) But is the Passover Lamb not to be eaten? Are we

not to partake of these things in Knowledge, in Understanding, in Faith, in Christ. '... the Lord Jesus in the night in which He was betrayed, took bread, and having given thanks, He broke it and said, This is my body ...' Jesus as 'the Living Bread that came down from heaven' (John 6:51), 'the True Bread out of heaven' (John 6:32), represents not only the unleavened bread of the Passover meal but also the flesh of the Passover Lamb which all the children of Israel, family by family, are required to eat, (Exodus 12:1-11); none of which should be left over. Jesus said: It has been written, Man will not Live by bread alone, but by every word proceeding through the mouth of G OD.' (Matthew 4:4). There is nothing superfluous in the word of GOD and the unleavened (Bread) of Purity and Truth (1Corinthians 5:8) is more than just 'bread'. Man does not live by bread alone. The 'Bread of Life' incorporates Jesus' (crucified) flesh. It is '... solid food for the mature ...
Therefore, leaving the elemental teaching about Christ, let us move on toward Maturity '

I speak as to understanding/wise men, judge for yourselves what I say. The Cup of
Blessing which we bless, is it not a sharing of the Blood of Christ? The Bread which we break, is it not a sharing of the Body of Christ? (1Corinthians 10:15,16).

The 'Bread of GOD' our Passover Lamb is the One coming down out of heaven and giving Life to the world; the Food remaining to eternal Life; the Bread of Life. '... unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man you have no Life in you. ' Because only through our precise and correct knowledge of Him are we of the one Flock, of the one Body of Christ: 'The Bread which we break, is it not a sharing of the Body of Christ?' How else are we of the 'one Body' unless we partake of the 'one Loaf' of the word of Truth encapsulated in Christ Jesus our Lord? And this Solid, Spiritual Food also comes with a Spiritual Drink. 'The Cup of Blessing which we bless, is it not a sharing of the Blood of Christ?' The Cup of Blessing is the new covenant in my (Jesus') blood the blood of the eternal covenant shed by One for all by which the GOD of Peace1/Shalom/(Wholeness) is doing in us the thing well-pleasing before HIM through Jesus Christ: Now the GOD
of Peace the ONE having brought up from the dead the Great Shepherd of the Sheep, our Lord Jesus Christ, by the blood of the eternal covenant may HE equip you with every good thing in order to do H IS will, doing in us the thing well-pleasing before HIM through Jesus Christ, to whom be the Glory into the ages of the ages. Amen. (Hebrews 13:20).

Chapter two of this book studies the Bible's teaching on the New Covenant in the Blood of Jesus Christ, but this concerns our sharing in GOD's Holy Spirit. The one joining himself to the Lord is one Spirit. (1Corinthians 6:17). And the Cup of Blessing is our sharing in the one Spirit: For also in one Spirit we all were Baptized into one Body ... we were all given to drink of one Spirit. (1Corinthians 12:13). For I do not want you to be
ignorant, brothers, that our Fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and all ate of the same Spiritual Food and all drank of the same Spiritual Drink; for they were drinking from a Spiritual Rock following them, and the Rock was Christ.

(1Corinthians 10:1-4).

Jesus, speaking of His flesh and blood, said: The words which I have spoken to you are Spirit and Life. (John 6:63). ... we were all given to drink of one Spirit 'the Spirit of Truth', 'the Spirit of Life'. It is according to this Cup of Blessing according to the Power of GOD's Holy Spirit that we were 'Baptized into one Body', the Body of GOD's Church in Christ Jesus our Head. Jesus who is the ... Head over all things to the Church which is His Body, the Fullness of the One filling all with all. (Ephesians 1:22). Therefore, Jesus said, 'Apart from me you are not able to do anything. (John 15:15). And He gave some as apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and
some shepherds and teachers, for the equipping of the saints to the work of the ministry, to the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive at the unity of the faith and at the precise and correct Knowledge of the SON of GOD, at a man of

Strongs Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary # 7965 shalom safety, health, well-being, wholeness (nothing broken/ lacking), prosperity, rest, peace. From #7999 shalam to be safe (in mind, body, estate), to be made complete.

complete maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ, that we should no longer be infants, tossed by waves and carried around by every wind of teaching ... but speaking the Truth, in Love, let us grow up in all things into Him who is the Head, Christ. (Ephesians 4:12-15)

'Your coming together therefore into one place, is it not the Lords Supper you eat?' Is it not to partake in the Truth of these things? When we come together is it not to break/share/rightly divide the Bread which is the precise and correct knowledge of the word of GOD, so sharing in the Cup of Blessing which is the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Faith, the Spirit of Life. The Lords Supper describes our 'coming together ... into one place' in thanksgiving for GODs more than superabounding Grace to us in HIS SON, in whom we the 'one Body' in Christ Jesus our Head according to our partaking in 'the same Spiritual Food and the same Spiritual Drink' have been called into the sharing of Spirit and Life. Note that first is the unleavened Bread and then the cup after the eating of supper. But we already know this sequence: In whom(Christ) also you, having heard the word of Truth,
the Good News of your salvation, in whom also having believed, you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 1:13). As Whoever drinks of the water which I will give to him will never thirst into the age, but the water which I will give him, will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal Life. (John

4:14). (As also Passover (our redemption in the Blood of the Lamb of GOD), begins the sevenday Feast of Unleavened Bread, (Jesus Christ, the Firstfruits of Life, being celebrated during the Feast of Unleavened Bread), and is followed in the fullness of time (after forty days on the Mountain with GOD) by Pentecost.) Eating of the Lords Supper speaks of enlightenment, of both having tasted the heavenly
gift and becoming partners of the Holy Spirit, and having tasted the good word of GOD and the Powers of the coming age. (Hebrews 6:4,5). This is what is being shared, Spirit and Life. Our belief in the word of Truth makes us partners of the Holy Spirit. And the Spirit is the One giving testimony. Because the Spirit is the Truth. We

know that we are eating of the Lord's Supper, sharing in the Flesh and the Blood of Christ, by the witness of GOD's Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Power the surpassing greatness of HIS
Power to us, the ones believing, according to the working of the might of H IS strength.

Jesus said, No one is able to serve two masters. ... You cannot serve GOD and mammon. (Matthew 6:24). You cannot drink the Cup of the Lord and the cup of
demons. You cannot partake of the Lords Table and the table of demons. Or do we make the Lord jealous? Surely we are not stronger than He? (1Corinthians 10:21,22). Your coming together therefore into one place, is it not the Lords Supper you eat? Is it not to partake of the same Spiritual Food, the one Bread, the True Bread from heaven, the unleavened (Bread) of Purity and Truth; and the same Spiritual Drink,

the one Cup of Blessing in the Spirit of Truth. There can be no inclusion of anything else, of any 'mammon' which in the place where we assemble to 'partake of the Lords Table' can be categorized only as the 'cup/table of demons'. When we come together in assembly we do so to share the Glorious Good News of Christ; Christ, GODs Power and GODs Wisdom. (1Corinthians 1:24). 9

The Lord's Supper concerns our: ... being united together in Love and in all
riches/wealth of the full assurance of Understanding in the precise and correct Knowledge of the mystery of GOD, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge. (Colossians 2:2-4). And so this giving and partaking of the Bread

and the Cup is not just a periodic, holy communion ritual of eating wafers and drinking grape juice included as part of a church service. The 'breaking of the bread' is the meal which we share in remembrance of Jesus, the Passover Lamb of GOD, (Do this in remembrance of me) whenever we assemble; giving thanks for GODs Grace to us in Christ Jesus our Lord; proclaiming Jesus' death as the propitiatory sacrifice for our sins, proclaiming His Life; proclaiming our death and our Life through Him. For as often as you eat this Bread and drink the Cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until He comes. This is the reason why we assemble, to share to the Glory of GOD the Powerful Testimony of GOD's word, giving and receiving of that which is of GODs Spirit, sharing in that which is Pure and Precious and Holy and True. Therefore whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all things to the Glory of GOD. (1Corinthians 10:31). And if it is not to the glory of G OD, it has no place in the assembly of GOD. ... whoever eats the Bread or drinks the Cup of the Lord unworthily, will be guilty
of the body and of the blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself and so let him eat of the Bread and let him drink of the Cup. For the one eating and drinking eats and drinks judgment to himself when not discerning the Body. Because of this many among you are weak and sick and a number are asleep. But if we were judging ourselves we would not be judged. But being judged by the Lord we are being disciplined, that not with the world would we be condemned. (1Corinthians

11:27-32). After Jesus' teaching in Matthew chapter six on the Bread of Life, ' many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with Him. ' They did not understand His teaching. There are those who do not understand but who still desire to partake and who do partake, but without understanding the consequences of touching what is pure and holy without the proper reverence. 'Going to church to hear the word of GOD' is not a common, unholy, worldly event. This concerns sanctification. We are sanctified/made holy through the word of GOD. (1Timothy 4:5); sanctified/made holy in Truth. (John 17:19). And this is our very salvation: salvation by sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth (2Thessalonians 2:13). Before we partake of the Lords Supper, we first need to examine ourselves to ensure that we eat and drink worthily of the Bread and of the Cup measuring it according to its True worth. We must understand that the word of GOD is the Bread of Life. We must understand that by this Feeding of the Sheep we become one Flock, one sanctified Body (according to the Spirit of Holiness) to Christ Jesus our holy Lord and Head. ' For the one eating and drinking eats and drinks judgment to himself when not discerning the Body.' Jesus Christ is the Head of the Body: ... the Head, out from whom all the Body being
fully supplied and being united together through the joints and ligaments, grows with the growth of GOD. (Colossians 2:19). (Therefore, Jesus said, 'Apart from me you are not able to do anything. (John 15:1,5).) This is the sharing of the Body of Christ with

our Lord and Head a sharing which is through breaking the Bread of Life (' The Bread which we break, is it not a sharing of the Body of Christ?') and through which the Body of the Church Grows divinely, exponentially, with the growth of GOD, growing into salvation, growing up in all things into Him who is the Head, Christ. And HE (GOD the Father)
subordinated all things under His (Jesus) feet, and gave Him as Head over all things to the Church which is His Body, the Fullness of the One filling all with all.

(Ephesians 1:15-22). And in 'discerning the Body', we discern the Blood. The Cup of Blessing representing every Spiritual Blessing in the heavenlies in Christ ... for us to be Holy and Blameless is according to our sharing of the Blood of Christ. '... the blood of Jesus, HIS (GOD's) SON,' which 'cleanses us from every sin. (1John 1:7); Jesus, ... the One
loving us and having freed us from our sins by His Blood and (having) made us a Kingdom, Priests to His GOD and Father ... (Revelation 1:5,6). And so we have ... boldness/confidence for entering the (Holy of) Holies by the blood of Jesus, a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the curtain, that is to say, His flesh ... (Hebrews 10:19,20). For by one sacrifice, He (Christ) has made perfect forever those being sanctified. (Hebrews 10:14).

You know that you were not redeemed from your vain manner of life handed down
from your fathers with perishable things like silver and gold, but with the precious Blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and spot. (1Peter 1:18).

These scriptures speak of our being freed from sin and redeemed from the emptiness of our natural worldly lives, of being sanctified, made perfect, to be of the Kingdom of GOD; and all according to blood of Christ. And ... by the blood of the eternal covenant may H E (the
GOD of Peace) equip you with every good thing in order to do HIS will, doing in us the thing well-pleasing before HIM through Jesus Christ, to whom be the Glory into the ages of the ages. Amen. (Hebrews 13:20). Because of the blood of Christ we are

equipped to fulfill GOD's will for us to be sharers in HIS divine nature. Jesus did not submit Himself to a torturous death for any less than this. Those who come together to partake in the Lords Supper must discern GOD's gift to us of our sharing in the 'Cup of Blessing' of the one Spirit, as also our sharing in all the Fruit of the Spirit: ... bearing fruit in every Good work
and growing in the precise and correct Knowledge of G OD, being empowered with Power according to the might of HIS Glory, for all endurance and patience, with joy ... (Colossians 1:10,11).

For the Kingdom of GOD is not eating and drinking but Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17) We must have True discernment of these mighty, Spiritual things; for '... whoever eats the
Bread or drinks the Cup of the Lord unworthily, will be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord.' That is, whoever partakes of the word of GOD without discerning that they

are Spirit and Life, Life and Godliness, Life and Incorruptibility, Glory and Virtue, then becomes 'guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord'. For this lack of comprehension serves to nullify the holy, atoning sacrifice of GOD's only-begotten SON, making his shed blood purposeless. The one eating and drinking eats and drinks judgment to himself when dis-

esteeming the word of GODs more than superabundant Grace to us in Christ Jesus our Lord, the Head of the Body of the Church. Anyone despising1/violating the Law of Moses dies without mercy upon two or
three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment do you think will be considered worthy the one having trampled on the SON of GOD, and having considered the Blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and having insulted the Spirit of Grace. (Hebrews 10:28,29)

Jesus said, For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only-begotten SON, that
everyone believing in Him may not perish, but have eternal Life. For G OD did not send the SON into the world that He might judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. The one believing in Him is not judged, but the one not believing has already been judged, because he has not believed in the name of the only-begotten SON of GOD.' (John 3:16-18).

For the one eating and drinking eats and drinks judgment to himself when not
discerning the Body. Because of this many among you are weak and sick and a number are asleep. But if we were judging ourselves we would not be judged. But being judged by the Lord we are being disciplined, that not with the world would we be condemned. (1Corinthians 11:29-32)

Because the time has come for judgment to begin with the House of G OD. And if
firstly with us, what will be the end of the ones disobeying the Good News of G OD. And if the Righteous man is saved with difficulty, where will the ungodly and the sinner appear. Therefore, indeed, the ones suffering according to the will of G OD, let them commit their souls to a Trustworthy Creator in doing Good. (1Peter 4:17-19)

How Gracious is our GOD in this as in all things. We are disciplined when we do wrong: '...
whoever eats the Bread or drinks the Cup of the Lord unworthily ... eats and drinks judgment to himself ...' And this is so that we may then turn and commit our souls to trusting

in our Creator, humbling ourselves, seeking out and trusting in HIS Good News, becoming obedient/conformed to the Good News. By this means we are not condemned with the world: You endure for discipline/training2. GOD is dealing with you as sons. For what son is
there who is not disciplined/trained by the Father. If you are without discipline/ training ... then you are illegitimate and not sons. (Hebrews 12:7,8). Many of us

wrongly condemn GODs discipline as our being set upon by the evil of this world, not recognizing our Fathers training unto Righteousness. Many of us pray for release when resolution is in Humility and Obedience. GOD disciplines all HIS Children unto Obedience to the Good News of GOD and so that we do not come into Judgment. the one eating and drinking eats and drinks judgment to himself when not discerning the Body. The Bread which we break, is it not a sharing of the Body of Christ? GOD did not sacrifice HIS Only-begotten SON, raising Him from the dead and giving Him as Head over the Body of the Church, for anything less than for every man of the Body of
1 2

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 114 - set aside, violate, reject

The Greek word here translated as discipline is from a root word meaning education or training or to teach,

instruct, correct.

Christ to be built up in Truth, in Faith, unto being Pure and Blameless. It is in recognition of these things that we assemble to partake of the Lords Supper; partaking for the building up of all the Body unto Righteousness, Holiness, Glory; unto eternal life. This is the purpose for which those who are Shepherds those who serve at the table of the Lord's Supper have been equipped: for the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive at the unity
of the faith and at the precise and correct Knowledge of the SON of GOD, at a man of complete maturity/ perfection, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, that we should no longer be infants, tossed by waves and carried around by every wind of teaching ..., contentious and divisive.

Now the ONE supplying seed to the sower, will supply both Bread for Food and will multiply your seed and will increase the fruits of your Righteousness. (2Corinthians 9:10) And He (Jesus) said, Thus is the Kingdom of GOD as a man might throw seed
upon the soil, and he might sleep and rise, night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows up in a way that he knows not how. On its own, the soil bears fruit, first the stalk, then a head of grain, then full wheat in the head.' (Mark 4:26-28). If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear. (Mark 4:23).

The Kingdom of GOD is not eating and drinking but Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit. We do not partake in the Lords Supper for the sake of eating and drinking, it is not an unspiritual, worldly, sensual (stomach-pleasing) pastime. We eat and drink for Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, Blessed are the ones hungering and thirsting for Righteousness, for they will be filled. (Matthew 5:6). Partaking in the Lord's Supper is unto Righteousness: 'Now the ONE supplying seed to the sower will increase the fruits of your Righteousness'. That is, eating and drinking is unto our Obedience to the Good News of GOD. And so partaking in the Lords Supper is for those mature enough to know the word of Righteousness and, therefore, mature enough to drink more than just milk. For everyone partaking of milk is unacquainted with the word of Righteousness.
For he is an infant. But solid food is for the mature/perfect ones. The ones having their faculties of perception trained for distinguishing both good and evil. Therefore, leaving the elemental teaching about Christ, let us move on toward Maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of Faith toward GOD ... (Hebrews 5:13,14, Hebrews 6:1)

Solomon asked GOD for ... an understanding heart, to judge your people, to discern between good and evil ... (1Kings 3:9). 'And GOD said to him, Because you have ...
asked for yourself understanding to discern what is Right, behold, I do according to your words. Behold I give you a wise and understanding heart ' (1Kings 3:12). So must we 'move on toward Maturity'. 'For everyone partaking of milk ... is an infant solid food is for the mature/perfect ones. The ones having their faculties of perception trained for distinguishing both good and evil.' Who does HE teach Knowledge and to whom does HE explain HIS message? To the ones weaned from milk, the ones taken from the breast. (Isaiah 28:9). Partaking in the Lords Supper is for those who have been weaned from 'the elemental teaching about Christ' so as to eat of the

solid Food of 'the word of Righteousness' and Holiness and Godliness; those mature enough to go beyond milk of infants to the Wine of 'the Cup of Blessing'. This is the Food of the assembly. So then my brothers, when coming together to eat, wait 1 for one another. If anyone hungers, let him eat in his home, lest for judgment you come together. (1Corinthians 11:33,34) ... I give no praise, because not for the better but for the worse you come together.
For, first indeed, when you come together in an assembly, I hear that divisions exist among you and I partly believe it. For it is also necessary for there to be sects among you, that also the approved ones may become manifest among you. Your coming together therefore into one place, is it not the Lords Supper you eat? For each one, in eating, takes his own supper first, and one hungers2 and another is drunk3. What? Do you not have houses to eat and drink? Or do you despise the Church of GOD and shame the ones not having. What should I say to you? Will I praise you? In this I do not praise you. (1Corinthians 11:17-22)

Before coming together to eat of the Lords Supper, examine yourselves, lest for judgment you come together. If anyone is lacking, If anyone hungers, let him eat in his home . For Do you not have houses in which to eat and drink? So partake at home, or in someone elses home, or in Bible study at church. Thats why there are evangelists and shepherds and teachers, to feed you Knowledge and Understanding. From a basis of innocence/'knowing nothing', start with the pure milk of the word which builds up unto the sharing of the Solid Food of the assembly, the Bread of Life and the Cup of Blessing. ... each one, in eating, takes his own supper first, and one hungers and one is drunk. Each one, in eating of the Lord's Supper, makes his own preparations first. Some partake of very little (or none) of the word of GOD and are lacking, and some partake to the point of 'drunkenness', staggering around, swayed by many strange teachings. For they are not partaking of the Truth. Therefore, Paul says, I give no praise, because not for the better
but for the worse you come together. For, first indeed, when you come together in an assembly, I hear that divisions exist among you ... ' Can such a group those not

knowing and those who have not yet learnt to know as it is necessary to know assemble in unity to share in the Powerful Spiritual Food and Drink of Lord's Supper? For ' Your coming together therefore into one place, is it not the Lords Supper you eat?' ' indeed, when you come together in an assembly ', is it not to partake of the Superior things of the word of GOD? Brothers, be not children in your understanding; be infants to malice/badness, but become mature/perfect in your understanding. (1Corinthians 14:20) (Jesus said that the Kingdom of GOD belongs to those who become like little children (Matthew
1 2

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 1551 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 3983 peinao to hunger/be hungry/suffer want/be needy. 3 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #3184 to drink to intoxication. Related to #3178 intoxication; and #3177 - (by) interpret (-tion); and #3179 seduce; and #3180 - travesty (trickery), wile, lie in wait.

18:3, 19:14); those with child-like Trust and child-like Faith; those who trust in G OD so as to believe in the simplicity and purity of the word of GOD, so as to 'become mature/perfect in understanding'. Jesus said, I praise you Father, LORD of heaven and earth, because
you hid these things from the 'wise' and the 'understanding/prudent' and revealed them to infants. Yes Father, for so it was pleasing before you. (Matthew 11:25,26). It is infants such as these whom we are to receive (Matthew 18:5,6), (humble, trusting children of GOD who grow up 'in all things into Him who is the Head, Christ). Not 'infants, tossed by waves and carried around by every wind of teaching '; not those 'infants' 'children in your understanding' who, in the spirit of error, deem themselves 'wise and

understanding' and contend with the word of GOD. For indeed Christ our Passover (Lamb) was sacrificed. So let us keep the feast not
with old leaven, nor with leaven of malice/badness and evil, but with the unleavened (bread) of Purity and Truth. (1Corinthians 5:7,8))

And He gave some as apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and
some shepherds and teachers, for the equipping of the saints to the work of the ministry, to the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive at the unity of the faith and at the precise and correct Knowledge of the SON of GOD, at a man of complete maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ, that we should no longer be infants, tossed by waves and carried around by every wind of teaching ... (Ephesians 4:12-14)

Therefore, let all be taught in Love and in the Meekness and Gentleness of Wisdom, being Patiently built-up in the Truth of Christ, in the assured expectation of their being established to maturity by the ONE who is the Source of all things, the ONE who HIMSELF will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish. 'So then my brothers, when coming together to eat, wait for one another.' The word translated here as wait literally translates as to receive/accept from a source. (It does not mean that milk should be served in the congregation instead of breaking the Bread of Life and drinking the wine of the Spirit.) It indicates a staying in expectation until something is received until the Body of Christ is built up ' at a man of
complete maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ'. (Throughout the Scriptures we see: Wait on/for the LORD. This means: keep in

expectation of GOD's power.) When coming together to eat, break the Bread of Life, teach of the Wisdom and Power of Christ, delve into the deep things of GOD, this is the Food of the assembly, this is the Way of salvation. And stay in joyful expectation of all the Body being built up to Maturity. Expect unity within the one Body of Christ, knowing that the Good News of Christ must be known in all the earth, knowing that no one person can move ahead without the full complement of the Body of the Church. Sow the word of GOD in Meekness and await, expectantly, the superabundant growth. For the Kingdom of GOD is as a mustard seed which, when it is sown on the earth, is smaller
than all of the seeds on the earth; and when it is sown, it grows up and becomes greater than all of the vegetables and puts forth large branches so that the birds of heaven nest under its shade. (Mark 4:30-32). And so we seek to build up the Kingdom of

GOD in Truth, in Righteousness, through the Living and Powerful word of GOD. I solemnly charge you before GOD and Christ Jesus, the One to Judge the living and
the dead, and by His appearing and His Kingdom: Preach the word be ready in

season, out of season; expose, rebuke, encourage, with all patience and teaching. For there will be a time when they will not bear healthy teaching but, according to their lusts, (they) will accumulate teachers tickling the ear, and from the Truth they will turn away the ear, and will be turned aside to myths. But you, be self-controlled in all things, suffer hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fully carry out your ministry. (2Timothy 4:1-5)

Paul teaches: When you come together ... Let all things be for edification/building up. (1Corinthians 14:26) 'the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive at
the unity of the faith and at the precise and correct Knowledge of the S ON of GOD, at a man of complete maturity/perfection, at the measure of the stature of the Fullness of Christ.' This is unto our being perfected into one in Christ Jesus one with our Lord: one in Righteousness (you know that everyone doing Righteousness has been born of HIM); one in Spirit (The one joining himself to the Lord is one Spirit ).

The aim is the building up of all the Body, not the tearing down of any of its members. The Church must be a place of the unity of the one Body of Christ. Surely you heard of the stewardship of the grace of G OD, having been given to me
for you, that according to revelation the mystery was made known to me, as I wrote before in brief, in the reading of which you are able to understand my insight in the mystery of Christ. Which (mystery) was not made known to the sons of men in other generations, as it is now revealed to His Holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit, that the Gentiles/nations are to be joint-heirs and a joint-body and jointpartakers of the Promise in Christ Jesus through the Good News. Of which I became a minister according to the gift of the Grace of GOD given to me according to the working of HIS Power. (Ephesians 3:2-7)

In chapter two of this book we study the Promise in Christ Jesus by which we are jointheirs and a joint-body and joint-partakers joined with our Lord in Spirit, in Life so established through the Good News of GOD's grace to us in HIS SON. These are aweinspiring, Spiritual matters. Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge. Christ, GODs Power and GODs Wisdom. The Gospel of Christ establishes us, in faith, in the Glorious Truth of being of the one Body of Christ, established in a joint-sharing with Christ Jesus our Lord and Head. Jesus spoke to His disciples: For who is greater, the one reclining at table or the one
serving? Is it not the one reclining at table? But in the midst of you I am as the one serving. But you are the ones having remained with me in my temptations. And I decree to you the Kingdom, just as my Father decreed to me, that you may eat and drink at my table in my Kingdom, and you will sit upon thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. (Luke 22:27-30). We have all been called to eat and drink of the Table of the

Kingdom of GOD, but we are not called only to recline at the Table. Like our Lord, our Shepherd, we are also called to serve at the bounteous table laid before us, breaking the True Bread of the Purity and Simplicity of the Good News of Christ, giving to drink of the one Cup of the Spirit of Truth. The Scriptures do not lie. There is no lie in the Truth (1John 2:21). Jesus said, Every word may be established at the mouth of two or three witnesses (Matthew 18:16). Every

thing in which we believe must bear the testimony of at least two or three Scriptures. We have to be careful that we do not accept the lie of non-scriptural teachings, that we do not partake of what is imperfect, worldly, natural, demonic. For in doing so we desecrate our Lord. Therefore, again, before we move on, let us briefly consider the Bible's teachings on the Law of GOD.


Part IV THE LAW David extols: The Law of Yahweh/'the LORD' is perfect, reviving the soul. The
statutes1/ testimonies of Yahweh are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts2/ mandates of Yahweh are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands 3 of Yahweh are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of Yahweh is pure, enduring forever. The decrees4/judgements of Yahweh are sure, they are altogether righteous, more precious than gold, more (precious) than much pure gold; sweeter than honey from the honey-combs. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward. (Psalm 19:7-11).

In our Bibles we see the terms statutes, precepts, decrees, testimonies, rules, ordinances, charge, edicts and judgements, with some of these used interchangeably from translation to translation. Together with the more generally translated 'laws' and 'commands/commandments', these describe the word of GOD HIS teachings/instructions/commandments/exhortations/admonitions/ counsel and are, collectively, 'the Law' of GOD. David tells us: 'The Law of Yahweh/'the LORD' is perfect'. The writer of Psalm 119 extols: ' Your Law is Truth.' (Psalm 119:142); ' Your commands are Truth.' (Psalm 119:151); 'The sum of Your word is Truth, and every one of Your righteous decrees/judgments endures forever.' (Psalm 119:160). Psalm 119 is a celebration of GOD's laws/statutes/decrees/commands and teaches that the entirety of GOD's word is Truth. This is as Jesus, praying to His Father, also affirmed: Your word is Truth. (John 17:17). And by being True, GOD's every word endures forever: it is the 'imperishable seed' of '... the living and remaining word of GOD.' (1Peter 1:23). 'Forever, O Yahweh/'LORD' your word stands firm in the heavens.' (Psalm 119:89) The counsel5 of Yahweh/'the LORD' stands firm forever, the intentions of HIS heart from generation to generation. (Psalm 33:11). The grass withers and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord endures forever. (1Peter 1:24). 'Your testimonies are righteous forever; give me understanding that I may live.' (Psalm 119:144) The use of the term 'the Law' is often thought to mean 'the Ten Words6/'Commandments'' (Exodus 34:28) and the other more than six hundred laws of the pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) given to Moses. But GOD spoke to Isaac: In your seed all the nations of the
1 2

Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary # 5715 eduwth - testimony, witness, statute. Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary # 6490 piqquwd mandate/charge, precept. 3 Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary # 4687 mitsvah - command. 4 Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary # 4941 mishpat formal decree, judgment 5 Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary # 3289 - to advise, counsel, admonish. 6 Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary # 1697 dabar a word.

earth will be blessed, because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My ordinances and My laws.' (Genesis 26:4,5). Here we see the words 'charge', 'commandments', 'ordinances' and 'laws' used hundreds of years before GOD gave 'the Law' to Moses on Mount Sinai. 'Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My ordinances and My laws' this refers to GOD's words spoken specifically to Abraham and not '... the ordinances and the judgments and the laws that Yahweh/'the LORD' gave between HIM and the sons of Israel on Mount Sinai, by the hand of Moses.' (Leviticus 26:46).

In Daniel we see: ' we have rebelled against HIM and have not obeyed the voice of
Yahweh/'the LORD' our GOD to walk in HIS laws that HE set before us by the hand of HIS servants the prophets. And all Israel transgressed Your law and turned aside so as not to obey Your voice.' (Daniel 9:9-11). Daniel speaks of 'HIS (GOD's) laws, that HE set before us by the hand of HIS servants the Prophets', that is, not only 'by the hand of Moses'. And here again as in 'Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My ordinances and My laws' we see GOD's Laws equated with the voice of GOD: 'all Israel transgressed Your law and turned aside so as not to obey Your voice'.

The 'Law' is also equated with the voice of GOD in Isaiah: 'Hear the word of Yahweh/'the LORD' ... give ear to the Law of our GOD.' (Isaiah 1:10). Here, both 'the word of Yahweh/'the LORD'' and 'the Law of our GOD' are associated ('Hear/give ear') with the voice of GOD. This is because the collective term 'the Law', as its constituent terms, describe the word of GOD spoken to Abraham, to Moses, to David, to Daniel and to any Prophet G OD has given to voice HIS words. 'Yahweh-tsebaoth/'the LORD of Hosts', the GOD of Israel, says: " this word I
commanded them (your fathers), saying: 'Hear 1 (so as to obey) My voice and I will be your GOD and you shall be My people. And walk in all the way that I command you, that it may be well with you.' But they did not hear (so as to obey), or incline their ear, but walked in their own counsels and the stubbornness of their evil heart, and went backward and not forward. From the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt to this day, I have persistently sent all My servants the prophets to them, day after day. Yet they did not listen to Me or incline their ear. ' (Jeremiah

7:21, 23-26) Brothers, be not children in your minds/understanding; be infants to malice, but
become mature/perfect in your Understanding. In the Law it has been written that: In other tongues and with (the) lips of others I will speak to this people and even so they will not hear me', says the L ORD. (1Corinthians 14:20-21). Paul says here, 'In the Law it has been written', and then quotes from Isaiah 28:11. Jesus answered them, Has it not been written in your Law, I said: You are gods'? (John 10:34). Jesus quotes here from Psalm 82:6. Jesus also said, ... the word written in their Law must be fulfilled, 'They hated me without cause.' (John 15:25), quoting from Psalm 35:19 and Psalm 69:4. 'The crowd answered Him (Jesus), We have heard from the Law that the Christ

The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible - #8085 - to hear intelligently, paying attention, considering so as to bring about obedience.

abides/remains forever. How do you say that the Son of Man must be lifted up? '

(John 12:34). The crowd spoke to Jesus of Isaiah 9:7. In these examples, 'the Law' is GOD's words/instructions revealed to us in the Books of Moses, in the Prophets and in the songs of the Psalms, as it is through-out the Old Testament. The 'Law' is not just 'the Law of Moses' (1Corinthians 9:9) and 'the Law' is not just an Old Testament term. In the New Testament we see: 'the Law of Faith', (Romans 3:27); 'the Law of Marriage', (Romans 7:2); 'the Law of sin', (Romans 7:25); 'the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus', the Law of sin and of death, (Romans 8:2); 'the Law of Christ', (Galatians 6:2); 'the Law of Commandments', (Ephesians 2:15); 'the Law of Freedom', (James 2:12); with the use of 'the Law of ' in all these places meaning GOD's word/teaching/instructions concerning these things. For My thoughts are not your thoughts and neither are your
ways My ways, declares Yahweh/the L ORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8,9). Therefore GOD has to instruct us concerning HIS Spiritual, divine

ways and thoughts and HE does so through-out the entire Bible. 'For, as many things as were written before, were written for our instruction.' (Romans 15:4) The Hebrew word translated as 'law' is torah1, which means 'teachings', 'instructions'. All of GOD's word, 'as many things as were written before', 'were written for our instruction'. The word torah does not mean 'law' in the limited, worldly, 'legalistic' sense often ascribed to it; 'the Law' does not describe an obsolete list of rules. We have to renew our minds to the Truth of these things so that we do not misunderstand what the word of GOD is saying to us and so that we do not, in error, reject any references to 'the Law'. The word torah is from the Hebrew word yarah2 which means 'to cast (as an arrow)', 'to shoot (towards a mark)', 'to point (out)', 'to indicate/show', 'to teach', 'to instruct'. Yarah is used in the Scriptures to mean all these things, as well as 'to lay a foundation' and 'to water/sprinkle with water/rain'. The essence of yarah, however, is 'to hit the mark' and this meaning carries over to the word torah. The opposite of torah is chata, 'sin'. ' sin is lawlessness' (1John 3:4). This Hebrew word chata3 means 'to miss the mark': For there is no distinction. For all have sinned and fallen short ...' (Romans 3:22,23). '... all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of GOD' (Romans 3:23), missing the mark. The aim of GOD's law/word/teaching/instructions so being 'the Glory of GOD' ... the glory of the Children of GOD' (Romans 8:21) '... the ONE having called us to HIS own Glory and Virtue.' (2Peter 1:3). We are called to be a
glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such things ... holy and blemishless. (Ephesians 5:27); the House of GOD being built-up in the

word/teachings/instructions of GOD, in Christ, to be filled with the glory of GOD. Christ in you, the hope of Glory. (Colossians 1:27)

1 2

Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary # 8451 Teaching law, precept, statute, the Decalogue, the Pentateuch Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary # 3384 to cast (an arrow), to point (indicate), to shoot (towards a mark), to found (lay foundation), to water/sprinkle with water/rain, to teach. 3 Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary # 2398 To miss the mark/way, be off target, fall short of the goal, sin.

as many as are the promises of GOD, in Him (Jesus Christ) is the Yes; wherefore also through Him the Amen through us, unto the Glory of GOD. (2Corinthians 1:20). Through lawlessness (for ' sin is lawlessness' ) we fail 'to hit the mark' of the Glory of GOD. Therefore, the term 'the Law' does not describe some outdated, empty principle. Jesus said, Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites. For you tithe the mint and the dill
and the cumin, and have left the weightier things of the law: justice and mercy and faith. But these you were required to do and those not to leave undone. (Matthew 23:23). Jesus said that there are weightier things of the Law, such as justice and mercy and faith; weightier things which those tithing had not done, having not discerned the principles taught by the Law of tithing. Concerning the Law of Moses, Paul says, ' Who serves as a soldier at his own expense at any time? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruit? Or who tends a flock and eats not of the milk of the flock? Do I say these things as a man? Or does not the Law also say these things? For it is written in the Law of Moses, "You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain." Is it for oxen that GOD is concerned?' (1Corinthians 9:7-9 (Deuteronomy 25:4)). There are much weightier things (than oxen) with which this Law is concerned. 'The Law being a shadow of the good things to come, not in itself being the very image/likeness of the things.' (Hebrews 10:1).

Jesus' words, I am the Bread of Life (John 6:35), and I am the Living Bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this Bread, he will live forever (John 6:51), and ... my Father gives you the True Bread out of heaven (John 6:32), are but 'a shadow of ... good things', not 'the very image/likeness of the things'. Mighty, Spiritual concepts are taught to us in the Scriptures in a manner that is designed to bring them close to us. But, having understood the base concept, we must look beyond this to the Superior, Spiritual things being taught. Paul quotes the Law of Moses and then says: 'Do I say these things as a man? Or does not the Law also say these things?' That is, if the Law of GOD says these things, then there is more given to us here than if a mere man had spoken these words. Therefore, do not take these words at face value. Look beyond the natural interpretation for the deeper things taught to us in the Law. All of Paul's words, try as he might, are often but a shadow of the mighty, Spiritual things which he is trying to express to us. Man seemingly does not have the vocabulary to describe these things; but is this really true? The Bible teaches of GOD's 'greatness'. Is there a divine word which we will learn in heaven that better describes this 'greatness'? Maybe, but is the problem with the word 'greatness', or with the world's understanding of 'greatness'? Our worldly existence is seemingly a poor measure of comparison by which to describe the things of G OD. Man seems to have nothing in this world on which to base these divine things. But is this really so? GOD's creation tells of HIS Greatness if we but lift up our eyes to see the Truth. 'The heavens declare the glory of GOD and the skies proclaim the work of HIS hand.
Day after day pours forth speech and night after night reveals knowledge. There is no speech or language (where) their voice is not heard. Their (melodic) sound/voice goes out into all the earth and their utterances to the end of the world.' (Psalm 19:1-


Even the simple things of this world shout out GOD's greatness. For example, a man's thirst which is quenched by water to so hydrate and cleanse the body. It is all miraculous. Did GOD have to make man to be born of a woman, to be part of a family, eating, growing, marrying? In GOD's great wisdom these things are all ordained to illustrate mighty, Spiritual Truths. They too are 'a shadow of the good things to come', although not being 'the very image/likeness of the things.' Man, however, so reduces his everyday existence to the mundane that he does not gain an appreciation of GOD from earthly life. And so the Spiritual lessons of 'You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain' is easily lost. David tells us: 'The heavens declare the glory of GOD and the skies proclaim the work
of HIS hand. Day after day pours forth speech and night after night reveals knowledge ' David then continues, The Law of Yahweh/'the LORD' is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes/testimonies of Yahweh are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of Yahweh are right, giving joy to the heart ... (Psalms 19:7-11).

Here in Psalm 19 David says that all that is of GOD HIS handiwork and HIS word speaks of the divine things of GOD. In Psalm 8 David says: When I consider Your heavens, the works of Your fingers, the
moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him ...? (Psalm 8:3,4). David is not saying: What is pitiful man in comparison to the

greatness of these things? David did not think that anything of GOD was paltry (and he knew that he was 'fearfully and wonderfully made' (Psalm 139:14). David was saying: What are we, whom You love, if the inanimate moon and stars are so awe-inspiring? What are we whom You have given dominion over the works of Your hands? There are no lesser works of GOD. Therefore, there are weightier things of the Law divine, Spiritual things beyond that which is simply, literally understood. In Hebrews Paul teaches: ' it is necessary that the patterns of the heavenly things be purified with
these things (purified by blood according to the Law), but the heavenly things (be purified) with better sacrifices than these. (Hebrews 9:22,23). This is part of Paul's

glorious teaching on the blood of Jesus Christ (which we study in chapter three), but the relevant point here is that there are things which are 'the patterns of the heavenly things' that is, there are natural representations of Spiritual things, these 'being a shadow of the good things ... not in itself being the very image/likeness of the (heavenly) things' and then there are the Real things, 'heavenly things', of which we need to know and understand. (And these require Superior (Spiritual) sacrifices, (not works of the Law).) All the Law all of GOD's seemingly simple (or incomprehensible) Instructions concern divine, Spiritual things (like justice and mercy and faith, like how not to miss the mark of the Glory of GOD), including 'the Law of Commandments (expressed) in decrees/ordinances/rules' (Ephesians 2:15) given to Moses for the sons of Israel 'the Law of Moses'. 'For as many things as were written before, were written for our instruction' including 'the Law of Moses'. Jesus said, 'Woe to you, scribes and
Pharisees, hypocrites. For you tithe the mint and the dill and the cumin, and have left the weightier things of the Law. ' These men were concerned only with the letter of the

Law, doing and promoting only the naturally understood things the of Law, without consideration or understanding of 'the heavenly things' dealt with in the Law. So too the priests of Israel: Her priests (the priests of the land (verse 23)) do violence to My Law and 1

profane My holy things. They do not distinguish between holy and common/profane ... so I am profaned/made common among them. (Ezekiel 22:26).

These men dealt only in the elementary things of the Law, so profaning the holy, Spiritual things of the Law. And to their own detriment. Jesus said: Woe to you lawyers! Because you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves and you hindered the ones entering in ; and I say to you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will never enter into the Kingdom of the heavens. (Matthew 5:20). Not missing the mark of Glory requires (Spiritual) Wisdom and Discernment. For unless our righteousness exceeds the commonly understood practices of the Law, we will not enter into the Kingdom of GOD. ('... because by works of Law no flesh will be justified/made righteous ...' (Romans 3:20).) Jesus said that there are weightier things of the Law. And this is most certainly so because, as Paul tells us: the Law is Spiritual, the Law is Holy, (Romans 7:14,12). David said: The Law of Yahweh/'the LORD' is Perfect. What law? All of GOD's law. GOD's law must be Spiritual and Holy and Perfect. For all of GOD's works are Perfect: 'Ascribe greatness to our
GOD. The ROCK, perfect are HIS works. For all HIS ways are just, a GOD of Truth and without wrong/iniquity. Righteous and upright is HE. (Deuteronomy 32:3,4). 'Ascribe greatness to our GOD'; do not 'do violence to My (GOD's) Law and profane My (GOD's) holy things'. It is but man, deeming himself wise, (but without understanding), who belittles

GOD's Holy and Perfect word/law/instructions. Immature, untaught minds (those not discerning the things of the Spirit) 'do not distinguish between holy and common'. And '... so I am profaned/made common among them.' One of the biggest controversies in the New Testament church concerned circumcision. But is it for foreskins that GOD is concerned? As Paul tells us: ... circumcision is of the heart, in Spirit, not of the letter (of the Law) (Romans 2:29). This is the 'weightier' Spiritual teaching behind the Law of Circumcision and which is more easily understood because we understand circumcision. This Law of Circumcision also serves to illustrate the mighty Law: ... not first is the Spiritual, but the natural. Afterward, the Spiritual. (1Corinthians 15:46). The Law is but 'a shadow of the good things to come ' and so tithing 'the mint and the dill and the cumin', as 'You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain', as circumcision, (as all of GOD's laws), are representative of divinely higher, Spiritual things. Things that are fulfilled only through Jesus Christ: 'These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance is of Christ. ' (Colossians 2:17). (That is, the substance is Spiritual and is through Christ.) Brothers, be not children in your minds/understanding; be infants to malice, but
become mature/perfect in your Understanding. In the Law it has been written that: In other tongues and with (the) lips of others I will speak to this people and even so they will not hear me', says the LORD. (1Corinthians 14:20-21).

Paul refers to GOD's word by the mouth of the Prophet Isaiah: Who does HE teach
Knowledge and to whom does HE explain HIS message? To the ones weaned from milk, the ones taken from the breast. For precept upon precept, precept upon precept, measuring line upon measuring line, measuring line upon measuring line, a little here, a little there. So then with stammering lips and strange tongues H E will

speak to this people, to whom HE said, This is the resting place, for the weary rest. And this is the place of refreshing. But they were not willing to listen. So the word of Yahweh will become to them precept upon precept, precept upon precept, measuring line upon measuring line, measuring line upon measuring line, a little here, a little there. So that they will go and they will fall backward and they will be injured and they will be snared and they will be captured. Therefore hear the word of Yahweh you scoffers who rule the people in Jerusalem. (Isaiah 28:9-14).

The Law/Teachings of GOD have to be carefully considered and we have to be mature in our understanding, or the term 'the Law' will become to us just a list of empty principles 'precept upon precept, precept upon precept, measuring line/(rule) upon measuring line/(rule), rule upon rule' which ensnare. But All Scripture is GOD-breathed and
useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of GOD may be complete/completely qualified/perfect, having been thoroughly furnished/equipped for every good work (2Timothy 3:16,17); (including '... the statutes and the judgments and the laws that Yahweh/'the L ORD' gave between HIM and the sons of Israel on Mount Sinai, by the hand of Moses'). Jesus taught us, Man will not Live by bread alone, but by every word proceeding through the mouth of GOD. (Matthew 4:4). 'For, as many things as were written before, were written for our instruction, that through the continuance and the exhortation of the Writings/Scriptures, we might have the hope.' (Romans 15:4).

Christ in you, the hope of Glory. (Colossians 1:27). Whatever the term used, (law, ordinance, testimony, statute, judgment), whatever the words convey, All Scripture is GOD-breathed and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness ... And, as Jesus tells us, By what measure you measure, it will be measured to you and it will be added to you. (Mark 4:24). Do not settle for a worldly, natural measure of 'the Law' of GOD. The writer of Psalm 119 prays: Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of your Law. (Psalm 119:18). 'Your testimonies are righteous forever; give me understanding that I may live.' (Psalm 119:144). We must ask and then seek for Understanding of GOD's word, knocking for Revelation so that the word of GOD may be opened to us; knowing that all that is of G OD is divine and perfect and powerful and glorious. 'Unleavened bread shall be eaten for seven days and nothing leavened shall be
seen among you, and no leaven shall be seen among you within all your border. And you shall tell your son on that day, saying, '(This is) because of what Yahweh/'the LORD' did for me when I came out of Egypt.' And it shall be to you as a sign on your hand and as a memorial between your eyes, that the Law of Yahweh/'the LORD' may be in your mouth. For with a mighty hand Yahweh has brought you out of Egypt. So you must keep this statute at its appointed time from year to year.' (Exodus 13:7-10). These were the words of Moses to the children of Israel on

the day they came out of Egypt, (before they crossed the Red Sea, before he received the commandments of GOD on Mount Sinai). Moses speaks here of 'the Law of Yahweh/'the LORD'', this being GOD's instructions concerning the Festival of Unleavened Bread which begins on the Festival of Passover. These

festivals, originally 'a shadow of the good things to come', commemorate our deliverance from enslavement in 'Egypt/sin' in the Blood of the unblemished Lamb of G OD. For ... not first is the Spiritual, but the natural. Afterward, the Spiritual. Concerning GOD's Law to 'keep this statute at its appointed time from year to year', the Bible tells us that there is but 'one Law' 'for the native-born (Jew) and for the stranger who sojourns/remains in your midst.' (Exodus 12:49, Numbers 15:15,16). For have we not all Jews and 'Gentiles' been delivered out of sin and death in the Blood of GOD's only-begotten SON? For there is no
distinction. For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of GOD, being justified/made righteous freely by HIS Grace through the redemption in Christ Jesus. (Romans 3:22-24). Therefore do not despise 'the Law'; instead, seek after the 'weightier things' of GOD's word.

And what is the greatest lesson taught to us in the Law but Love. Jesus taught us, Therefore,
everything that you wish that men do for you, so also you do for them. For this is the (summary of the) Law and the Prophets. (Matthew 7:12). For the entire Law has been summed up in one word in Love your neighbour as yourself. ' (Galatians 5:14). ... for the one loving the other has fulfilled the Law. For, You shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not covet, and any other commandment, is summed up in this word: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. Love does not work evil to the neighbour. Therefore Love is the fulfillment of the Law. (Romans 13:8-10).

'The end/aim of the charge/message is love out of a pure heart and a good conscience and sincere faith.' (1Timothy 1:5). There is but 'one Law', which is summed up in 'one word' ('the entire Law has been summed up in one word'), because all the instructions/teachings of GOD have but one intent. And the intent of the 'Law and the Prophets', 'the entire Law', 'You shall not commit adultery and any other commandment', 'the charge/message', 'as many things as were written before', 'every word proceeding through the mouth of GOD', 'all Scripture' is 'love out of a pure heart and a good conscience and sincere faith'. 'Love is the fulfillment of the Law.' 'And this is Love, that we walk according to HIS commandments.' (2John 1:6) For this is the Love of GOD, that we keep HIS commandments. And HIS
commandments are not burdensome, because all who have been born of G OD overcomes the world. And this is the victory which overcomes the world, our faith.

(1John 5:3,4). ' in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but (only) faith working through love.' (Galatians 5:6) Paul taught: You shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not
steal, you shall not covet and any other commandment, is summed up in this word: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. Paul was quoting from the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, You shall love the LORD your GOD with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first

commandment. And the second like it is, Love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the entire Law and the Prophets. (Matthew 22:3740). Jesus was quoting from the Law of Moses: Hear, O Israel, Yahweh/'the LORD' our GOD, Yahweh is one. And you must love Yahweh your G OD with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your strength. (Deuteronomy 6:4,5); and ' you shall love your neighbour as yourself.' (Leviticus 19:18). Jesus took the only

commandments referring to Love in the Pentateuch and said that they were the greatest commandments. For 'Love is the fulfillment of the Law.' This is 'the intentions of HIS (GOD's) heart from generation to generation'. (The counsel of Yahweh/'the LORD' stands firm forever, the intentions of HIS heart from generation to generation. (Psalm 33:11). ( all Your commandments are Truth. Long have I known from your testimonies that You have founded them forever. (Psalm 119:151,152)).) We know ... there is a GOD in heaven who reveals mysteries (Daniel 2:28). For there is not anything hidden except that it may be revealed ... ' (Mark 4:22). Therefore we could diligently study the Law of Moses, praying for insight and revelation of the 'weightier things' taught to us in these seemingly obscure laws, but this is not necessary. For the intent of all of GOD's word/ teaching/instructions is for us to learn to walk by Love. Love is the entire message the 'one word' of the Law of GOD. '... for the one loving the other has fulfilled the Law.' Love is patient, Love is kind, Love is not jealous, does not brag/boast, is not puffed
up/ arrogant, does not behave disgracefully/is not rude, does not seek the things of itself/its own way, is not provoked, does not keep record of wrongs. (Love) does not rejoice in wrong-doing, but rejoices with the Truth. (Love) bears 1 all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures2 all things. (1Corinthians 13:4-7)

And this I pray, that your Love may increase more and yet more, in precise and
correct Knowledge and all discernment, for you to approve 3 the superior things, that you may be Pure and Blameless in the day of Christ. (Philippians 1:9,10)

Blessed be the GOD and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the ONE having blessed us
with every Spiritual Blessing in the heavenlies in Christ, even as H E chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, for us to be Holy and Blameless in HIS sight, in Love. (Ephesians 1:3,4)

'Love is the fulfillment of the Law.' For by Love we are 'Pure and Blameless', 'Holy and Blameless', conformed to GOD's will for us, conformed to GOD's divine nature. GOD is Love (1John 4:8) and, in Christ, we have been called to become sharers in HIS divine nature, called to Love, called to Life. GOD has 'blessed us with every Spiritual Blessing in the heavenlies in Christ' giving us also to share in HIS own Love: ... because the Love of GOD has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit given to us. (Romans 5:5).
1 2

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 4722 to roof over, cover (with silence). Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 5278 stay under, have fortitude, persevere. 3 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 1381 to prove/test/try; (by impl.), to approve. From #1384 approved/tried/acceptable.

... according to HIS (GODs) mercy, HE saved us through the washing of rebirth and
renewal of the Holy Spirit, which HE poured out abundantly on us through Jesus Christ our Saviour. (Titus 3:5,6)

As all things for Life and Godliness have been given to us by HIS divine Power
through the precise and correct Knowledge of the ONE having called us to HIS own Glory and Virtue, through which H E has given to us the precious and great promises, that through these you may become sharers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world by lust. (2Peter 1:2-4).

Beloved, let us Love one another, because Love is of G OD and everyone Loving has
been born of GOD and knows GOD. The one not Loving does not know GOD, because GOD is Love. (1John 4:7,8)

There are weightier things of the Law , 'superior things', such as 'justice and mercy and faith' and Hope and Love. ' and the greatest of these is Love. ' (1Corinthians 13:13). And this I pray, that your Love may increase more and yet more, in precise and
correct Knowledge and all discernment, for you to approve/accept the superior things, that you may be Pure and Blameless in the day of Christ. For Justice and

Mercy and Faithfulness, as all the 'superior', Spiritual things of the Law, can only be fulfilled through Love. And as we grow in the precise and correct knowledge of GOD's Law/Instruction/word we increase in Love. These are mighty Spiritual things that GOD wants us to know and approve/accept, and so that we may be obedient to that most simple of Laws: Ask
and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7). (For every one asking receives and the ones seeking finds and to the one knocking it will be opened. (Matthew 7:8)).)

And may the Lord cause you to increase and superabound in love to one another
and to all, even as we also do to you, so as to establish your hearts blameless, in holiness, before our GOD and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all of His saints. Amen. (1Thessalonians 3:12,13)

... work out your own salvation with Fear and trembling. For GOD is the ONE working
in you both to will and to work according to H IS Good Pleasure. Do all things without grumbling and argument/dispute, that you may be blameless and pure, Children of GOD without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverted generation, among whom you shine as lights1 in the world. It is by your holding fast to the word of Life ... (Philippians 2:12-16). GOD gives us to 'work out your own salvation', as HE gives us, in Christ, 'to increase and superabound in love to one another and to all ', even as we find ourselves 'in the midst of a crooked and perverted generation'. Therefore, love one another, 'Do all things without grumbling and argument/ dispute '. 'Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the Law of Christ.' (Galatians 6:2).

Love is patient, Love is kind, Love is not jealous, does not brag/boast, is not puffed
up/ arrogant, does not behave disgracefully/is not rude, does not seek the things of

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 5458 light. In classical Greek, a 'window', (the door being Jesus Himself, the only Way of entry into the Kingdom of God).

itself/its own way, is not provoked, does not keep record of wrongs. (Love) does not rejoice in wrong-doing, but rejoices with the Truth. (Love) bears 1 all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures2 all things. (1Corinthians 13:4-7)

All the words/laws/commandments/exhortations/teachings of GOD can be distilled to one word, Love. Therefore, Jesus said: Let me simplify the Law for you; A new command I give to
you, that you Love one another, that as I Loved you, you also Love one this will all men know that you are my disciples, if you have Love another. (John 13:34,35). 'Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill Christ.' Be patient and kind. Do not be jealous, boastful, arrogant, rude, selfish, another. By among one the Law of

nor resentful. Do not take offense. Forgive all things, bear all things, believe and hope all things, be strong, persevere in all things. By this we will know that we are delivered out of sin and death and born again to Life: We know that we have passed out of death, into Life, because we Love the brothers. The one not Loving remains/abides in death. (1John 3:14). Having purified your souls by obedience to the Truth in unhypocritical brotherly
Love, Love one another fervently from a pure heart, having been born again not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and remaining word of GOD. (1Peter 1:22,23)

Jesus, speaking of the time of the end, said, ' many will fall away ... And many false
prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. ' (Matthew 24:10-12). 'Love is the fulfillment of the Law' and so lawlessness is evident in a lack of love. As the disregard for G OD's law/word increases in the end days, so does Love decrease. And 'The one not Loving remains/abides in death.' But He (our Saviour Jesus Christ) gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a People of His own. (Titus 2:14). So that we can ... Love one another fervently from a pure heart, having been born again not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and remaining word of GOD. Jesus redeems us from lawlessness 'to purify for Himself a People of His own ' a people born again of the Truth who walk 'by obedience to the Truth', 'Having purified your souls by obedience to the Truth in unhypocritical brotherly Love. ' This is the

Power of the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, the Spirit of Faith, the Spirit of Life, the Spirit of Power. 'Everyone doing sin also does lawlessness, as sin is lawlessness. And you know that
that One (the SON of GOD) was manifested to take sins away, and in Him there is no sin. Whoever abides/ remains in Him does not sin. Whoever is sinning has neither seen Him nor known Him. Little Children, let no one deceive you, the one doing righteousness is righteous, even as that One (the SON of GOD) is righteous; the one doing sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this was the SON of GOD manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. Whoever has been begotten/born of GOD does not sin, because H IS Seed abides/remains in him and he cannot sin, because he has been begotten/born of GOD. (1John 3:4-9)

1 2

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 4722 to roof over, cover (with silence). Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 5278 stay under, have fortitude, persevere.

Sin is lawlessness. Therefore, wherever the word 'sin' is used we can use the word 'lawlessness'. If we do so, this is how the passage above reads: ' sin is lawlessness. And you know that
that One (the SON of GOD) was manifested to take sins/lawlessness away, and in Him there is no sin/lawlessness. Whoever abides/remains in Him does not sin/is not lawless. Whoever is sinning/lawless has neither seen Him nor known Him. ' This gives

a new viewpoint on being without the Law of GOD. The Law of GOD is the word/teachings/instructions of GOD. Therefore, 'Whoever is sinning/ lawless has neither seen Him nor known Him ' 'the One manifested to take sins/lawlessness away' Christ Jesus our Lord, the One who ' gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a People of His own.' 'Whoever is sinning/lawless has neither seen Him nor known Him ', because 'in Him there is no sin/lawlessness '; as also 'The one not Loving does not know G OD, because GOD is Love.' And whoever is without the law/word/ instructions of GOD, not knowing the Truth of GOD, not knowing GOD, abides in death. For This is eternal life, that they may know YOU, the Only True GOD, and He whom YOU sent, Jesus Christ. (John 17:3). the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). As ' sin is lawlessness', the wages of lawlessness is death. But Jesus, the Light of Life, was made manifest ' to take sins/lawlessness away'. 'Whoever abides in Him' the SON of GOD who is the Truth1 (the very manifestation of the Word of GOD) 'does not sin/is not lawless.' For 'Whoever abides in Him' knows that Jesus, whom we disciple, fulfilled the Law. Jesus said: Do not
think that I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets. I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. (Matthew 5:17). '... in Him there is no sin/lawlessness' and never was. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Do not be carried away by various and strange teachings. (Hebrews 13:8,9).

In Him (Jesus Christ) we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of
sins/ (lawlessness), according to the riches of HIS (GODs) grace, which HE lavished upon us, in all wisdom and understanding/insight, making known to us the mystery of HIS will, according to HIS good pleasure ... (Ephesians 1:7-9)

'Let the redeemed of Yahweh/'the LORD' say so.' (Psalm 107:2). As Christians we celebrate our redemption in the blood of Jesus Christ, confessing our faith in these things. But as we do so we must recognize that this means: Jesus 'gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a People of His own'. For all have sinned and
fallen short of the Glory of GOD, being justified/made righteous freely by HIS Grace through the redemption in Christ Jesus. (Romans 3:23,24). By the more than

superabounding grace of GOD, this is the redemption in the blood of Jesus Christ that we declare and celebrate: being redeemed from lawlessness. This is GOD's will for us. We are redeemed out from sin and death unto Purity, unto Life. Paul writes: '... to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify ' Love is the fulfillment of the Law and so, in being delivered out of lawlessness, (unto fulfilling the Law, in Christ, in Love (... because the Love of G OD has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit given to us)), we are 'Pure and Blameless'. Lawlessness is sin but

The Truth is in Jesus (Ephesians 4:21). Jesus said: I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. (John 14:6).

obedience/conformity to the Law/word of GOD is purity of heart and soul: Having purified
your souls by obedience to the Truth in unhypocritical brotherly Love, Love one another fervently from a pure heart In Christ, we are redeemed out of lawlessness unto 'obedience to the Truth'. Like our Lord, we make manifest the Truth of GOD's word. And through 'redemption in Christ Jesus' redeemed from all lawlessness we are delivered from 'missing the mark'/falling short of the Glory of GOD. Of what do we speak here but of '(GOD's) own Glory and Virtue' to which we have been called. 'Glory and Virtue', through Love, is the aim (and the tenet) of 'the Law'.

'Little Children, let no one deceive you the one doing sin/(the lawless one) is of the devil, for the devil has sinned/(been lawless) from the beginning.' (1John 3:7.8) 'Yahweh/'the LORD' GOD commanded the man/Adam, saying: from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you must not eat, for you will surely die. ' (Genesis 2:16,17). This was the Law of GOD which governed eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and now, with this Law, came the opportunity for breaking the Law. 'He (the
serpent) said to the woman, Indeed, did GOD really say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden?'' (Genesis 3:1). The woman confirmed this. And the serpent said to the woman, You will surely not die. For GOD knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like G OD, knowing good and evil. ' (Genesis 3:4,5).

This was the advent of lawlessness/sin, the beginning of man's departure from the Truth. Satan is opposed to God's word/laws/instructions. GOD says 'you shall not ' and there are consequences attached to breaking the Law: The wages of sin/lawlessness is death, (Romans 6:23). But Satan the liar (John 8:44) and thief (John 10:8), the one who scatters the sheep, who comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10) says that in breaking GOD's Law, You will surely not die; and this has been his lie 'from the beginning'. Satan has but one method of attack: to instigate lawlessness. And the relegation of 'the Law' in our churches as something profane as unspiritual, unholy, imperfect, obsolete is but Satan's continued promulgation of lawlessness. Do we want to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Do we want to eat of the clean and the unclean, of the holy and the defiled, of the Truth and the lie? Can we do so and live? 'Yahweh/'the LORD' GOD commanded the man/Adam, saying: from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you must not eat, for you will surely die. ' This, as all of GOD's laws, endures forever. GOD has given us free will to choose, or to refrain from choosing, HIS divine will. But HE instructs us not to go against HIS will. Satan incites to lawlessness, inveigling mankind to go against GOD, against the intent of HIS Pure heart. But 'For this was
the SON of GOD manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. Whoever has been begotten/born of GOD does not sin/is not lawless, because H IS Seed abides/remains in him and he cannot sin/be lawless, because he has been begotten/born of GOD.' (1John 3:8,9). ... born again not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and remaining word of G OD; birthed by the word

of Truth; born again of the Imperishable Seed which GOD HIMSELF planted in this earth the very Word of GOD made manifest in the flesh Christ Jesus our Lord (whose response to Satan was: It has been written, Man will not Live by bread alone, but by every word proceeding through the mouth of GOD.' (Matthew 4:4).)

Do not be deceived my beloved Brothers, every good endowment and every

perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. Having willed it, HE gave birth to us by the word of Truth ... receive the implanted word which is able to save your souls.

(James 1:16-18, 21)

That which is True remains the same from place to place from Egypt, through the wilderness, to the Promised Land; from person to person for the Jews and the 'Gentiles'; from time to time for generation after generation; from circumstance to circumstance whether you are blind or can see. GOD is True, HE does not change with HIM ' there is no variation or shadow of turning'. And GOD's every word is True a bountiful, perfect and enduring gift to us in which is all things for Life and Godliness, in which is 'Righteousness unto eternal life': ... where sin increased, Grace more than superabounded! That just as sin reigned
in death, so also grace may reign through Righteousness unto eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 5:20,21)

GOD's grace to us is awe-inspiring. '... where sin/lawlessness increased, Grace more than superabounded!' And by GOD's more than superabounding grace, in Christ, is our 'Righteousness unto eternal life'. And the anointing which you received from H IM
remains in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as the same anointing teaches you concerning everything, and is True and is not a lie, and as He taught you, abide in Him ... If you know that H E is righteous, you know that everyone doing righteousness has been born of H IM. (1John 2:27,29). 'Whoever abides in Him does not sin/is not lawless' but is righteous, as He is righteous.

Who is wise? He will understand these things. (Who is) discerning? He will know
them. For the ways of Yahweh/'the LORD' are Right, and the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them. (Hosea 14:9)

Paul tells us:... where sin/lawlessness increased, Grace more than superabounded!
That just as sin/lawlessness reigned in death, so also grace may reign through Righteousness/Lawfulness unto eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.' ('... sin is lawlessness'; and 'unrighteousness is sin' (1John 5:17); therefore Righteousness is

Lawfulness.) Paul tells us something very important here: according to the more than superabounding grace of GOD is our 'Righteousness/Lawfulness unto eternal life'. But we already know this: '... the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness/ Lawfulness. ' (Romans 8:10) Righteousness/Lawfulness unto Sanctification/Holiness (Romans 6:19). Therefore, we need to give due consideration to 'the Law'. Moses spoke to the children of Israel: 'HE declared to you HIS covenant, which HE
commanded you to perform, the Ten Commandments; and H E wrote them on two tablets of stone. And Yahweh/'the LORD' commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and judgments, that you might do them in the Land that you are going over to possess.' (Deuteronomy 4:13,14)

The Old Testament the Old Covenant takes its name 1 from the covenant which GOD made

In 2Corinthians 3:7-15 Paul refers to the commandments given to Moses as the 'Old Covenant'.

with Moses and the Jewish people at Mount Sinai: 'HIS (GOD's) covenant, which HE commanded you to perform, the Ten Commandments '. GOD said to Moses, Say to the
house of Jacob and tell the sons of Israel: You yourselves saw what I did to Egypt and how I carried you on wings of eagles and brought you to myself. And now, if you obey My voice and keep My Covenant, then you will be My special possession from all of the nations. Although all of the earth is mine, you yourselves will be for Me a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation. These are the words that you are to speak to the sons of Israel. (Exodus 19:3-6).

And Moses came and called for the elders of the people and set before them all
these words which Yahweh/'the LORD' had commanded him. And all the people answered together and said, All that Yahweh has spoken, we will do.' (Exodus

19:7,8). Under HIS covenant with the children of Israel, the Almighty GOD who so powerfully delivered HIS people out of Egypt, promises that HE HIMSELF will make Israel HIS 'special possession from all of the nations ... a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation ' if you obey My voice and keep My Covenant. But although this covenant is integral to Israels relationship with GOD, we know that the children of Israel did not satisfy the criteria of obedience. Man, in the weakness of his flesh, could not keep the commandments of G OD. But our Gracious and Merciful GOD had already made provision for this in another covenant: a covenant which would ultimately, freely, enable the Children of GOD to fulfill the requirements of HIS Covenant with Israel; a covenant of righteousness through the power of GOD's Spirit, fulfilled in GODs own SON. For what was impossible for the Law, in that it was weakened by the flesh, G OD did
by having sent HIS own SON in the likeness of sinful flesh, and concerning sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirements of the Law may be fulfilled in us, the ones not walking according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. (Romans 8:3-4)

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of G OD ... But
you were washed, but you were made holy/sanctified, but you were made righteous/justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our G OD.

(1Corinthians 6:9,11) the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of GOD, but through GOD's SON we all are given to take possession of this mighty inheritance. Because through Jesus Christ, 'according to the Spirit' '... washed made holy made righteous/lawful in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our G OD' the Children of GOD are given to fulfill what Paul tells us are 'the righteous requirements' of the Law. We must not profane GOD's Law. The Law of Yahweh/'the LORD' is perfect (Psalm 19:7), the Law is Holy, the Law is Spiritual (Romans 7:12,14), the requirements of the Law are 'Righteous'. And according to the Power of the Spirit, the Children of GOD are given to fulfill 'the righteous requirements of the Law', (to satisfy the obedience required under the terms of GOD's covenant with Israel), in so doing, allowing GOD to fulfill HIS covenanted promise of our being a special possession ... a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation.

Jesus said to Nicodemus: Truly, truly I say to you, unless someone is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of GOD. (John 3:3). We are ... born again not from
perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and remaining word of GOD; so 'born of the Spirit' (John 3:6), 'the Spirit of Truth'. GODs Power for Righteousness/Lawfulness, (for 'all things for Life and Godliness'), is in HIS Holy Spirit,

given to us as a testimony of our belief in HIS more than superabounding grace to us in HIS SON. In whom (Christ) also you, having heard the word of Truth, the Good News of your
salvation, in whom also having believed, you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13), 'the Spirit of Life'. And If we Live by the Spirit let us also walk by the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25). ... walking in the Truth as we have been commanded by the Father. (2John 1:4). ... being in the Truth, walking in the Truth. (3John 1:3).

Yahweh/'the LORD' will establish you as a holy people for HIMSELF, just as HE
promised you, if you keep the commands of Yahweh your GOD and walk in HIS ways. (Deuteronomy 28:9).

Jesus is ... the One loving us and having freed us from our sins by His Blood and (having) made us a Kingdom, Priests to His G OD and Father ... (Revelation 1:5,6). ...
you (the Lamb of GOD) were slain and purchased/redeemed (ones) for G OD, with your blood, from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. And made them a Kingdom, and Priests for our GOD.' (Revelation 5:9,10). In these scriptures, John attests to

the fulfillment of GOD's covenant with Israel in Christ Jesus our Lord, the spotless and blameless Lamb of GOD, the One fulfilling 'the righteous requirements of the Law' on behalf of all mankind. (John also shows here that GOD's people are 'from every tribe and tongue and people and nation'. For not all the ones of Israel are Israel (Romans 9:6). The name Israel is used to denominate GOD's people: those of the Kingdom of GOD; those born again of the Truth (to walk in the Truth); those fulfilling the terms of G OD's covenant '... if you obey My
voice and keep My Covenant, then you will be My special possession from all of the nations. Although all of the earth is mine, you yourselves will be for Me a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation.' (And this is GOD's awe-inspiring promise to those of the House of Israel: 'All your sons will be taught by Yahweh/'the L ORD' and the Peace of your sons will be great.' (Isaiah 54:13).))

Jesus, walking this earth, proclaimed: Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law
and the Prophets. I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, in no way may one letter or one stroke pass from the Law, until all is accomplished. Therefore ... whoever does and teaches (these commandments) will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 5:17-19). Here, in the fullness of the appointed time, was one of 'the sons of Israel' the very SON of GOD, in the flesh of mankind, a gift to us from GOD, the one Mediator between GOD and men(1Timothy 2:5) to walk in covenant with GOD, walking according to 'the righteous requirements of the Law', keeping and teaching GOD's commandments and ordinances and statutes. And so that, through Him, we too ('from every tribe and tongue and people and nation') may fulfill 'the righteous requirements of the Law ... according to the Spirit'.

'Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh/(sinful nature).' (Galatians 5:16)

GOD's word cannot be annulled. It is an 'imperishable seed', the 'living and remaining' word of GOD (1Peter 1:23). We know: The counsel1 of Yahweh stands firm forever, the intentions of HIS heart from generation to generation (Psalm 33:11); and 'The sum of Your word is Truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever ' (Psalm 119:160). GOD made a covenant with the sons of Israel and no people can be a 'special possession from all of the nations ... a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation ' outside of the terms of GOD's covenant. And so GOD has made a Way for us to fulfill HIS covenant with Israel in HIS only-begotten SON: HE (GOD) made the One not knowing sin (to be) sin, on our behalf, so that in Him (Jesus) we may become the righteousness of G OD.' (2Corinthians 5:21). For as many as are the promises of GOD, in Him (Jesus Christ) is the Yes; wherefore also through Him the Amen/(So be it) through us, unto the Glory of GOD. (2Corinthians 1:20) In Christ 'freed from our sins/lawlessness by His Blood', (He (our Saviour Jesus
Christ) gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a People of His own), walking 'according to the Spirit' we satisfy 'the righteous requirements of the Law'. Therefore we read Peter's mighty announcement: ... you are a Chosen Race, a Kingly Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a People for (GODs) possession, so that you may proclaim the Virtues of the ONE who called you out of darkness into HIS marvelous Light. You, who were not a People but are now a People of GOD ... (1Peter 2:9,10). Like John in Revelation 1:5,6 (above), Peter testifies of GOD's fulfillment of the Covenant of Law which HE made with Israel at Mount Sinai ('... you will be My special possession from all of the nations ... a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation'), this promise fulfilled to us in HIS Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ.

For the SON of GOD, Jesus Christ .... was not Yes and No. But in Him it has always been Yes. For as many as are the promises of G OD, in Him is the yes; wherefore also through Him the Amen through us, unto the Glory of GOD. But the ONE
establishing us with you in Christ, and anointing us, is G OD the ONE also having sealed us and having given us the earnest/ installment of the Spirit in our hearts.

(2Corinthians 1:19-22) In Christ, according to 'the Spirit in our hearts', we fulfill 'the righteous requirements of the Law' the Law/Torah which is GOD's instructions/teachings. Moses came and called
for the elders of the people and set before them all these words which Yahweh/'the LORD' had commanded him. And all the people answered together and said, All that Yahweh/'the LORD' has spoken, we will do. ' (Exodus 19:7,8). For which of GOD's words/laws/teachings/instructions is to be disregarded? As Jesus taught us, Man will not Live by bread alone, but by every word proceeding through the mouth of GOD. (Matthew

4:4). Solomon proclaimed: Blessed be Yahweh/'the LORD' who has given rest to HIS People
Israel, according to all that H E promised. Not one word has failed of all H IS good word which HE promised by the hand of Moses HIS servant. (1Kings 8:56). Most

Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary # 3289 - to advise, counsel, admonish.

certainly GOD's words through Moses, (or through any other of HIS Prophets), do not fail; they are 'living and remaining', they do not pass away. GOD's word by Moses still stands today: '...
if you obey My voice and keep My Covenant, then you will be My special possession from all of the nations. Although all of the earth is mine, you yourselves will be for Me a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation.'

We have seen: ... you are a Chosen Race, a Kingly Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a
People for (GODs) possession ... You, who were not a People but are now a People of GOD ...; and 'Yahweh/'the LORD' has given rest to HIS People Israel'. The reality of these things is by Faith in the unfailing word of G OD. Who does not enter into GOD's rest but ' those who did not believe1? they were not able to enter because of unbelief.' (Hebrews 3:18,19). 'We, the ones believing, enter that rest.' (Hebrews 4:3). 'Not one word has failed of all HIS (GOD's) good word ...' And so Paul speaks of 'the continuance ... of the Writings/Scriptures': 'For, as many things as were written before, were written for our instruction, that through the continuance and the exhortation of the Writings/Scriptures, we might have the hope.' (Romans 15:4). (Hope

is in the continued trustworthiness of all the Scriptures.) By the mouth of HIS Prophet Ezekiel GOD promised: I will gather you ... and I will sprinkle
clean water on you ... and I will cleanse you ... and I will give to you a new heart and I will put a new Spirit inside of you. ... My Spirit I will put inside of you and I will move you to walk in My decrees and you will be careful to keep My judgments ... and you will be My People, and I, I will be your G OD. (Ezekiel 36:26-28). I Yahweh/'the LORD' have spoken and I will do (it). (Ezekiel 36:36). And in Christ Jesus our Lord this is done: ' you were washed you were made holy ... you were made righteous in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our G OD.' It is finished. Our Righteousness/Lawfulness is by the Power of the Spirit of GOD, because of our

sharing in HIS Holy Spirit; in all things for Life and Godliness; in HIS Glory and Virtue. This is GOD's more than superabounding grace to us in Christ Jesus our Lord, we who have partaken in the Bread of Life and the Cup of Blessing, we who are now Children of G OD, sharers in HIS divine nature. In this are the Children of GOD and the children of the devil made manifest: Everyone not doing righteousness is not of GOD. (1John 3:10) He Himself (Jesus Christ) bore our sins in His body onto the tree, so that, dying to sins, we might live to righteousness (1Peter 2:24); while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for us. Having now been justified/made righteous/(lawful) by His blood, how much more will we be saved through Him (Romans 5:8,9); we who choose to be a

part of these things through Jesus' mediation, believing in our salvation in the SON of GOD believing that we are redeemed (out of sin (and so death)) with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and spot (1Peter 1:18); believing ' the blood of Jesus, HIS (GOD's) SON, cleanses us from every sin (1John 1:7); believing in our Righteousness/Lawfulness in Him. We who now choose to be a 'special possession from all of the nations ... a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation ', choosing to enter into the

Strongs Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary # 544 to disbelieve (wilfully and perversely). From #545 unpersuadable.

terms of GOD's covenant, in Christ, to be Purified, Righteous, 'HIS (GOD's) People Israel'; we 'who were not a People but are now a People of GOD.' He (our Saviour Jesus Christ) gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a People of His own. (Titus 2:14) '... He whom GOD raised did not see corruption. Let it be known to you therefore
men, brothers, that through this Man forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and from all things from which you could not be made righteous/justified by the Law of Moses, by this Man, everyone believing is made righteous/justified.' (Acts 13:37-39).

The Law of Yahweh/'the LORD' is Perfect, (Psalm 19:7). ' Your Law is Truth', (Psalm 119:142). The Law is Holy, Spiritual, and the requirements of the Law are 'righteous' and must be fulfilled: ' in no way may one letter or one stroke pass from the Law, until all is accomplished.' Therefore Paul wrote: 'Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but (what counts is) the keeping of the commandments of G OD.' (1Corinthians 7:19). That is, whether circumcised/(Jewish), or uncircumcised/(non-Jewish), what counts in GOD's eyes is our willingness to be taught by HIM and so to follow HIS instructions. But keeping the commandments of GOD is only possible by faith in GOD's grace to us in Christ Jesus our Lord: 'through this Man forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you,
and from all things from which you could not be made righteous/justified by the Law of Moses, by this Man, everyone believing is made righteous'. We must be 'wise to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus', discerning that we are made Righteous/Lawful

in the word of our Righteousness/ Lawfulness, in Christ; this being the divine power of GOD's word. Paul wrote to the Corinthians: '... I became as a Jew to the Jews, that I might gain Jews;
to those under the Law as (being) under the Law, that I might gain those under the Law; to those without Law 1 as without Law (not being without the Law of G OD, but within2 the Law by Christ) that I might gain those without Law. ' (1Corinthians 9:20,21). Paul said that he was not 'without the Law of GOD, but within the Law by Christ', in Spirit, as we ourselves are freely given to be. We fulfill 'the righteous requirements of the Law ... according to the Spirit'. Therefore, it is impossible for us to be 'made righteous/justified by the Law of Moses', that is, by practicing the Law, but this was never the intent of the

Covenant of the Law. Why then the Law? For the sake of transgressions it was added ... (Galatians 3:19). For, ... before the Law, sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law.' (Romans 5:13). Paul gave an example of this: 'I did not know sin except through
the Law. For I did not know (the sin of) coveting, except the Law said: You shall not covet.' (Romans 7:7). Therefore, '... through the Law is the precise and correct knowledge3 of sin' (Romans 3:20): for ' sin is lawlessness' (1John 3:4). The Law 'the Law of sin and of death' (Romans 8:2), 'the Ministry of Condemnation', 'the Ministry of

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #459 anomos lawless. From #1, a, the negative particle and #3551, nomos, law. Therefore, 'without the Law'. 2 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #1772 ennomos within the Law. From #1722, en, a preposition denoting (fixed) position, in/within, and #3551, nomos, law. 3 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge

Death', (2Corinthians 3:9,7) identifies that which is sinful and results in death; that which, led

by the Spirit of GOD, we do not do. Without Law there is no sin; that is, sin is imputed by the Law. Therefore it is the Law that ascribes the power of sin: ' Sin is the sting of death and
the Law is the power of sin. But thanks be to GOD, the ONE giving us the victory (over sin) through our Lord Jesus Christ.' (1Corinthians 15:56,57)

The Law of Yahweh/'the LORD' is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes/testimonies
of Yahweh are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts/mandates of Yahweh are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of Yahweh are radiant, giving light to the eyes. The fear of Yahweh is pure, enduring forever. The decrees/judgements of Yahweh are sure, they are altogether righteous, more precious than gold, more (precious) than much pure gold; sweeter than honey from the honey-combs. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward. (Psalm 19:7-11)

Paul writes of 'a new covenant, not of letter, but of Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives Life. (2Corinthians 3:6). (And the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness. (Romans 8:10).) We will study more on the 'new covenant' in chapter two, but note here that the 'letter (of the Law) kills' the Law of sin and death identifies sin and ascribes the penalty for sin: the wages of sin is death. 'The decrees/judgements of
Yahweh/'the LORD' are sure, they are altogether righteous ... Moreover, by them is your servant warned.' Therefore, ' the Law is not laid down for the righteous but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane and whatever else is contrary to sound instruction/teaching .' (1Timothy 1:9,10). And so trying to conform to the letter of the Law cannot bring righteousness: ' no man is made righteous/(Lawful) by the Law ' (Galatians 3:11); '... by works of Law no flesh will be made righteous ...' (Romans 3:20). This is not GOD's Way for righteousness. We are 'made righteous/(Lawful) in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our GOD'.

'If righteousness/(Lawfulness) was through the Law, then Christ died in vain.' (Galatians 2:21) The Law is Perfect, the Law is Holy, the Law is Spiritual, the requirements of the Law are 'Righteous' and by no works of the flesh can that which is Perfect and Righteous and Holy and Spiritual be attained. Nothing Spiritual comes from the flesh. This is why Jesus said: What is
born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is Spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you that it is necessary for you to be born again. (John 3:6,7); and Truly, truly I say to you, unless someone is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of GOD. (John 3:3).

' with the flesh (I serve) the Law of sin.' (Romans 7:25); this is the way of the flesh. ...
for it (the flesh) is not subject to the Law of G OD, neither can it be, and those in the flesh are not able to please GOD. (Romans 8:7,8). What is born of the flesh is worldly, temporal, unrighteous; therefore ... flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of G OD. (1Corinthians 15:50). ... the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of GOD. But, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God dwells in you. (Romans 8:9). This is the Way of Righteousness, in faith, in Christ. What was impossible

for the Law, in that it was weakened by the flesh, GOD did by having sent HIS own SON in the likeness of sinful flesh, and concerning sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirements of the Law may be fulfilled in us, the ones not walking according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. (Romans 8:3-4). Therefore, if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this one is not of Him.

(Romans 8:9) Righteousness is a free gift the gift of Righteousness (Romans 5:17) by the Power of GOD's Spirit received by us in our faith in GOD's SON. In whom (Christ) also you, having
heard the word of Truth, the Good News of your salvation, in whom also having believed, you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. '... by this Man, everyone believing is made righteous.' Everyone believing that, in Christ, we are 'washed ... made holy ... made righteous in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our GOD' and so are 'within the Law by Christ'.

For this is the Love of GOD, that we keep HIS commandments. And HIS
commandments are not burdensome, because all who have been born of GOD overcomes the world. And this is the victory which overcomes the world, our faith. Who is the one overcoming the world except the one believing that Jesus is the SON of GOD. (1John 5:3-5).

Paul asked the Galatians, Did you receive the Spirit by works of Law or by hearing with Faith? (Galatians 3:2). '... by works of Law no flesh will be made righteous ...', for we receive the Spirit only by faith in GOD's SON: '... a man is not made righteous by works of Law but through faith in Jesus Christ ' (Galatians 2:16); ' not having mine own
righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the Righteousness of GOD which is by faith' (Philippians 3:9). We must come to Know our

Lord Jesus Christ, because Faith in the Truth of the SON of GOD, not works, is GOD's Way for righteousness: But now, apart from Law, a Righteousness of G OD has been
manifested, being attested to by the Law and the prophets; a Righteousness of G OD through Faith in Jesus Christ, to all the ones believing. For there is no distinction. For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of GOD, being freely justified/made righteous by HIS Grace through the redemption in Christ Jesus; whom G OD put forth as a propitiation/atoning sacrifice through Faith in His Blood justifying/making righteous the one who has Faith in Jesus. justified/made righteous by Faith, apart from works ... (Romans 3:21-26,28).

'Let it be known to you therefore men, brothers, that through Him (Jesus)
forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and from all things from which you could not be made righteous by the Law of Moses, by this Man, everyone believing is made righteous.' (Acts 13:38,39)

Before faith came, we were guarded1 under Law, being shut up together until the
revelation of faith. So the Law has been our tutor (to lead us) to Christ, so that we may be made righteous/ justified by Faith. But Faith having come, we are no longer under a tutor. (Galatians 3:24). Now, by the more than superabounding grace of G OD, we

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #5432 to mount guard as a sentinel; fig. to hem in, protect; keep.

walk in Righteousness according to the Spirit of G OD. 'The Law being a shadow of the good things to come, not in itself being the very image/likeness of the things .' (Hebrews 10:1). (The keeping of the Law being but a very dim shadow of the ' the righteousness of God which is by faith.') Paul wrote of Israel ' they have a zeal for G OD, but not
according to precise and correct knowledge1. For, not knowing the righteousness of GOD, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to the righteousness of GOD. For Christ is the end/culmination/ fulfillment of the Law for righteousness to everyone who believes.' (Romans 10:2-4).

It is sometimes taught that Romans 10:4 says that 'Christ is the end/termination/cancellation of the Law' but there is no termination or cancellation of GOD's holy word. The grass withers and the flower falls, but the word of the L ORD endures forever. GOD's word endures forever and does not contradict or cancel itself. The word 'end' can be translated as aim, goal, completion, fulfillment, accomplishment, execution, culmination, or termination. It is the context which decides the meaning of the word, as well as the import of corresponding Scriptures. Jesus said: Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets. I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. In one place Paul says: '(Jesus)
condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirements of the Law may be fulfilled in us, the ones not walking according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.' In another place he says: '... the Law has been our tutor (to lead us) to Christ, so that we may be made righteous by Faith.' Therefore, 'Christ is the end/ culmination/ fulfillment of the Law for righteousness to everyone who believes.' That is, the

fulfillment of the Law is our rebirth, in Spirit, to righteousness and Life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Do we therefore annul the Law through Faith. By no means. Rather, we establish the Law. (Romans 3:31) By faith in GOD's Grace to us in Christ Jesus our Lord we establish the Law, believing in so as to 'submit to the righteousness of GOD' so as to make manifest our Righteousness, in Christ; 'overcoming the world', overcoming sin and death. Righteousness is by faith. Consequently, without faith we break the Law: 'all that is not of faith is sin/(lawlessness)' (Romans 14:23) and is unto death. All of man's fleshly endeavors all his good deeds' are sin, (all his 'righteous acts are like filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6)). They are not of the Spirit of G OD and so do not fulfill the righteous requirements of GOD's Law (which are fulfilled only 'according to the Spirit'). We are ' made Righteous by Faith, apart from works ', those of us having been born again of the Spirit of GOD, in Christ, unto Righteousness and Life. For In the Way of Righteousness there is Life (Proverbs 12:28, 11:19); ... Righteousness delivers from death (Proverbs 10:2, 11:4). the wages of sin/ (lawlessness) is death, (Romans 6:23). The soul that sins will itself die, (Ezekiel 18:4). But ... sin will not be your master, for you are not under Law, but under grace. (Romans 6:14). And this is GOD's amazing grace to us: HE (GOD) made the One not
knowing sin (to be) sin, on our behalf, so that in Him we may become the righteousness of GOD.' (2Corinthians 5:21). That just as sin reigned in death, so also

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 1922 epignosis precise and correct knowledge

grace may reign through Righteousness unto eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 5:21)

And if Christ is in you, on the one hand, the body is dead because of sin, on the other, the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness. (Romans 8:10) ' if Christ is in you the body is dead because of sin' our sinful flesh nailed to the tree/ 'cross' in Christ; the Law of sin and death governing the sinful flesh so also nailed to the tree/'cross' in Christ, (Colossians 2:14). 'And if Christ is in you the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness' we raised up to righteousness and Life with Christ. ... now we are
released from the Law (of sin and death), having died (to that (the flesh)) in which we were held fast, so as to serve in the newness of Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter/(of the written Law). (Romans 7:6) so as to fulfill 'the righteous requirements of the Law ... according to the Spirit'. For If we Live by the Spirit let us also walk by the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25); walking in the Way of Righteousness, the Way of Holiness (Isaiah 35:8), the Way of Life.

(Jesus said to the blind beggar, Bartimaeus, 'Go, your faith has made you whole. And immediately he recovered his sight and followed Him in the way. ' (Mark 10:52). The Greek word akaloutheo1 translated as 'followed' in Mark 10:52 means 'to walk the same path'. This is the word used when Jesus spoke to the rich young man: If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you possess and come, follow me. (Matthew 19:21). This is the word used when Jesus said: My sheep hear my voice and they follow me. (John 10:27); and I am the Light of the world; the one following me will never2 (no, never) walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of Life. (John 8:12). This is the word used in Matthew 10:38, 16:24, 19:21 and in John 12:26, as in many other places in the New Testament. Mark wrote, ' followed Him (Jesus) in the way', to highlight the meaning of this word. For, in Christ, led by the Spirit, with Him, ('Because apart from me you are not able to do anything (John 15:1,5)), we walk in the Way of Righteousness, the Way of Holiness; as Enoch, that mighty man of faith, 'walked with GOD' (Genesis 5:22). 'Enoch walked with GOD and GOD took him.' (Genesis 5:24). 'By faith Enoch was taken up
so as not to see death and he was not found, because G OD took him. For before he was taken, he obtained the testimony of having pleased G OD.' (Hebrews 11:5). And this is the testimony that Enoch pleased GOD: 'Enoch walked with GOD'. In this the entire Body of Christ does what is pleasing to GOD. In this the entire Body of Christ is 'taken up so as not to see death'. 'But without Faith it is impossible to please G OD. For it behoves the one approaching GOD to believe that HE is and that HE becomes a REWARDER of those seeking HIM.' (Hebrews 11:6). And here is the very great reward of those who seek G OD: The one joining himself to the Lord is one Spirit. (1Corinthians 6:17) to walk in the Truth, in Christ walking in the Truth as we have been commanded by the Father. (2John 1:4), walking in the Way of Righteousness, the Way of Holiness, the Way of Life.)

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #190 akaloutheo to walk in the (same) way; to be in the same way with; to be found in the way. From #1, a, a particle of union and keleuthos, a road. 2 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #3364 no never. #3364 is in fact two words, double negatives 'ou' and 'me' (both meaning 'not') and so means 'not at all/by no means/never ever'.

Dead to the (sinful) flesh in Christ and raised up to Life with Him, in Spirit, so as to 'walk by the Spirit' 'to serve (GOD) in the newness of Spirit' to follow Jesus in the Way of Life we are freed from the Law of sin and of death. For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus freed you from the Law of sin and of death. (Romans 8:2). The Law of sin and death states: the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). But 'the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus' in which we are freed out of sin and death says: 'the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness'. This is GOD's more than superabounding grace to us in Christ Jesus our Lord, received by us in our faith in these things. By Grace you have been saved ... By Grace you have been saved through faith; and this not of yourselves. It is GODs gift; not of (your own) works. (Ephesians 2:5,8,9) For, if by the trespass of the one man (Adam) death reigned, through the one man,
much rather will the ones receiving the superabundance of the Grace and of the gift of Righteousness reign, in Life, through the one man Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:17)

'... the Spirit is Life because of Righteousness'. This is 'the Ministry of the Spirit', 'the Ministry of Righteousness' (2Corinthians 3:8,9) 'a new covenant, not of letter, but of Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives Life. We are delivered out of lawlessness in Christ Jesus our Lord and mercifully and graciously given to fulfill 'the righteous requirements of the Law ... according to the Spirit ': I will gather you ... I will
sprinkle clean water on you ... I will cleanse you ... I will give to you a new heart and I will put a new Spirit inside of you ... My Spirit I will put inside of you and I will move you to walk in My decrees and you will be careful to keep My judgments ... and you will be My People, and I, I will be your GOD. (Ezekiel 36:26-28).

For this is the covenant which I will covenant with the House of Israel after those
days, says Yahweh/'the LORD', I will put my laws in their mind and I will write them on their hearts, and I will be their GOD and they will be my People. (Hebrews 8:10

Jeremiah 31:33). Solomon tells us: What was, will be, and what was done, will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9); and I know that all that GOD does will
endure forever, nothing can be added and nothing taken (away) Whatever is, has already been, and what is to be, has been before; and G OD calls to account what is past. (Ecclesiastes 3:14,15). As the children of Israel were delivered out of slavery by the

blood of the passover lamb to receive of the Covenant of the Law on Mount Sinai, so are we delivered in the Blood of the Lamb of GOD, ('Christ our Passover has been sacrificed.' (1Corinthians 5:7)), in faith, to receive of GOD's Holy Spirit, so receiving GOD's Laws in our minds and in our hearts on GOD's Holy Mountain: the 'habitation of righteousness, mountain of holiness.' (Jeremiah 31:23); 'HIS Holy Mountain Mount Zion, (on) its northern flanks/sides the City of the Great King.' (Psalm 48:2). 'It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the House of
Yahweh/'the LORD' shall be established as the highest of the mountains and shall be lifted up above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it, and many peoples shall come, and say: "Come, let us go up to the mountain of Yahweh/'the L ORD', to the house of the GOD of Jacob, that HE may teach us HIS ways and that we may walk in

HIS paths." For out of Zion shall go the Law and the word of Yahweh/'the L ORD' from Jerusalem.' (Isaiah 2:2,3 Micah 4:1,2)

Paul tells us, ... not first is the Spiritual, but the natural. Afterward, the Spiritual (1Corinthians 15:46) and these are mighty, Spiritual things that we need to Know and Understand. 'It shall come to pass in the latter days that the 'mountain' of the House of Yahweh/'the LORD' shall be established as the highest of the 'mountains' ... ' This does not speak of a natural, geographical mountain but of 'HIS (GOD's) Holy Mountain' a Spiritual place which is 'the House of Yahweh/ 'the LORD''. And this is not a natural building but the Spiritual Household of the Sons of GOD, built-up in righteousness by the Hand of GOD our Father HIMSELF, through Christ Jesus our Lord. (It was Noah ('a preacher of righteousness' (2Peter 2:5)), in faith (Hebrews 11:7), in obedience to the word of G OD, through whom GOD first effected salvation for a natural household out from amongst an evil world (Genesis 6:5-8). Now, through 'Jesus Christ the Righteous' (1John 2:1), is the salvation of the Spiritual Household of GOD out from an unrighteous world.) GOD parallels Spiritual things with natural, tangible things graciously giving us a natural representation ('not first is the Spiritual, but the natural') of the workings of HIS Spirit. Therefore, You are being manifested a letter of Christ ... not being written with ink,
but with the Spirit of a Living GOD, not in tablets of stone, but in tablets of hearts of flesh. (2Corinthians 3:3). As the children of Israel received the Covenant of the Law on Mount Sinai so, by GOD's Holy Spirit, do we also receive of GOD's Laws. GOD promised: 'I will put my laws in their mind and I will write them on their hearts, and I will be their GOD and they will be my People.' (Jeremiah 31:33). Now we see that we are manifested a letter of Christ a living testimony of GODs Law; we now are the 'living stones' bearing GOD's Law; GOD's Laws '... written with the Spirit of a Living G OD, not in tablets of stone, but in tablets of hearts of flesh'. (And so '... that the righteous requirements of the Law may be fulfilled in us, the ones not walking according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.') And Yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up, a Spiritual House, a Holy Priesthood ... (1Peter 2:5).

Say to the house of Jacob and tell the sons of Israel: You yourselves saw what I
did to Egypt and how I carried you on wings of eagles and brought you to myself. And now, if you obey My voice and keep My Covenant, then you will be My special possession from all of the nations. Although all of the earth is mine, you yourselves will be for me a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation. These are the words that you are to speak to the sons of Israel. (Exodus 19:3-6)

In faith we recognize GOD's mighty deliverance of us in HIS SON. For GOD so loved the world that HE gave us HIS only-begotten SON, through whom all of mankind are redeemed out of sin and death unto righteousness and Life. By faith redeemed, saved, delivered we are carried as if on the wings of eagles up to Mount Zion, the Abode of Righteousness, Holiness, to receive of GOD's Spirit. To receive the Promise of the Spirit by faith. (Galatians 3:14). Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit , says Yahweh-tsebaoth/the LORD of Hosts/ Armies. (Zechariah 4:6)

By Grace you have been saved, through Faith, and this not of yourselves, it is GODs gift; not of (your own) works, lest anyone should boast. For we are HIS
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which GOD previously prepared, that in them we should walk. (Ephesians 2:8-10). The Greek word translated as 'workmanship' here is poiema1, meaning 'that which is made' and 'poem'. GOD promised: 'I will put my laws in their mind and I will write them on their hearts ' Paul affirms: You are being manifested a letter of Christ ... not being written with ink, but with the Spirit of a Living GOD, not in tablets of stone, but in tablets of hearts of flesh. And so we are GOD's poem in this earth, the tablet of HIS word, in Christ, 'a letter of Christ', (as Jesus our Lord was Himself the word of GOD in the flesh), manifesting the word of GOD. We are 'HIS (GODs) workmanship' ... the ONE always leading us in triumph in Christ, and manifesting through us, in every place, the fragrance of the Knowledge of HIM. Because we are to GOD the sweet odour of Christ among those being saved ...

(2Corinthians 2:14,15). The True knowledge of GOD is a lyrical poem written by GOD HIMSELF, sweet, fragrant words, the breath of HIS mouth, the breath of Life, by which we ourselves receive Life and make manifest the Truth of Life. There is great beauty in the word of GOD. And this is because the word of GOD is the ketubah the marriage document given to us by Jesus Christ, our Bridegroom. In the time of Jesus, a Jewish marriage had two stages a betrothal, kiddushin, followed about a year later by the bride going to reside with her husband. At the time of the kiddushin, a document of marriage, the ketubah, beautifully written, (often a work of art), was offered by the bridegroom to the bride. This was a binding contract of marriage setting out the husband's responsibilities to his wife and which, if accepted, meant that the man and the woman were now legally married. This marriage could now be set aside only by divorce. (Joseph, betrothed to Mary but not yet living with her, thought to divorce her when he founded out that she was pregnant, but was instructed by the angel not to do so (Matthew 1:18-20).) The contract of marriage given to the woman also served to set out the terms governing a divorce, providing for her protection and support. At the time of the kiddushin, a 'bride-price' was sometimes paid to the family of the bride and, in addition to the ketubah, a valuable, personal gift (jewelery, a ring) was also given to the bride. Having entered into the marriage contract with the bride, the groom then went to prepare a place on family land for his bride. (Several generations of one Jewish family often lived together, sometimes even in one house, where a room (or maybe rooms) would be added to accommodate a bride for a son of the household.) In the intervening time, the bride prepared herself to start a new life in the place that her husband was preparing for her. And when all was ready, the bridegroom came with fanfare and a crowd of celebrants to take his bride unto himself, taking her to the place he had prepared for her. The bride, although not knowing when this would take place, was required to be ready. These traditional Jewish things are a representation of the Reality of our union with GOD. The mighty SON of GOD has brought the ketubah of the Truth of the word of GOD to us and if we have accepted this word, in faith, (and we cannot Truly accept it without knowing what it says,) there now exists a binding contract of marriage between us and our 'Bridegroom'. We do not go to heaven to begin a relationship with our Bridegroom. The relationship has already begun and we

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #4161 poiema that which is made. From #4160 to make, or do and from which is also derived #4163 a performer, a poet.

are already joined with GOD, in Christ. Jesus stood with us in the chuppah (marriage tent) of our flesh and made an unfailing commitment to us, a covenant of marriage which does not set out any terms for divorce but which says instead: I will never leave you, or forsake you. For we are irrevocably His, Jesus having paid a very costly 'Bride-price' for us, purchasing us out from the world, out of sin and death, setting us apart unto Himself, in His own Blood. And our Bridegroom has given each of us a very precious wedding gift as we await His return. A ring? No, the Body of Christ is by no means a worldly, nave 'blushing bride'. Jesus gave us a sword the Sword of the Spirit which is the word of GOD saying also: Peace
I leave to you, my Peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled nor fearful. (John 14:27). Our marriage covenant is a Covenant

of Peace (Isaiah 54:10, (Isaiah chapter fifty-four speaks wonderfully of GOD's covenant of marriage, the Covenant of Peace.)) ... a Covenant of Peace an everlasting covenant ' (Ezekiel 37:26). Shalom rest, tranquillity, prosperity, security, health, renewal, restoration, restitution, soundness, wholeness, completeness, fullness, perfection, oneness. This is what our Head has given to us, His Bride, His Body, in the divine power of the ketubah of the word of GOD, as we await His return. In this is our victory in the earth over all evil. In this as we wield the Sword of the Spirit is our readiness. ... the Dawn from on High will visit us, to give Light/to shine upon the ones sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death, to direct our feet in the Way of Peace. (Luke 1:78-80) Jesus said, Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in G OD, believe also in me. In my Fathers House there are many resting places1 ... I go to prepare a place for
you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will receive you to myself, that where I am, you also may be. And where I go you know the Way ... I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:2-4,6). Here is the Way into the House of our Father in H IS only-begotten SON;

each one of us having a special place reserved for us in our Father's House by Jesus our Lord. ... be ready, for the Son of Man comes at an unexpected hour. (Matthew 24:44). ' and His Bride has made herself ready. And it was granted to her that she should
be arrayed with fine linen, radiant2 and pure; (for the fine linen is the righteous deed of the saints.)' (Revelation 19:7,8). It has been granted to her to fulfill '... the righteous requirements of the Law according to the Spirit. ' For we are HIS workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which GOD previously prepared, that in them we should walk. (Ephesians 2:10)

Ask and you will receive. (John 16:24) Yahweh/'the LORD' is my SHEPHERD, I shall lack nothing. HE makes me lie down in
green pastures, HE leads me beside still waters, HE restores my soul. HE leads me in

Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament # 3438 - mone (from # 3306 - meno) a staying a place to stay: My People will dwell in a Peaceful abode and in sure/secure tents and in undisturbed resting places. (Isaiah 32:18) 2 Strongs Greek Dictionary of the New Testament #2986 lampros radiant. From #2989 lampo to beam (radiate) brilliancy, to shine.

the paths of righteousness for HIS names sake. Even though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You (Yahweh-rohi) are with me. Your Rod and Your Staff, they Comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, You anointed my head with oil, my cup runs over/overflows . Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my Life and I will dwell in the House of Yahweh/'the LORD' forever. (Psalm 23:1-6)

Jesus testifies that the way to eternal life is in coming to know G OD and the One whom GOD sent into this earth, HIS only-begotten SON. Eternal life is GOD's gift to us which begins with our Spiritual re-birth right here on this earth, we who are: ... born again not from perishable but from imperishable seed, through the living and remaining word of G OD. (1Peter 1:23). Knowing GOD and HIS SON is the Spiritual reality into which we are born again through the word of GOD. It is in coming to know the awe-inspiring Truth of the Way GOD has made for us in Christ Jesus our Lord when blind eyes are opened to see the Truth, so that we walk in the Truth, when we step out of darkness into the Light that we enter into (eternal) Life. Peter said: all things for Life and Godliness have been given to us by (G OD's)
divine power through the precise and correct knowledge of the O NE having called us to HIS own Glory and Virtue. This is as Jesus taught: eternal life is in knowing GOD. Peter, however, expands on this: 'all things for Life and Godliness' are given in 'the precise and correct knowledge' of GOD. Life and Godliness these are characteristics of the divine nature of the GOD who has called us to 'become sharers of the divine nature'. HE has given to us the precious and great promises, that through these you may become sharers of the divine nature, the (only) Way into this sharing being in the true knowledge

of GOD and of HIS promises to us, all fulfilled in He whom GOD sent into this earth, Christ Jesus our Lord:

What then will we say to these things? If GOD is for us, who is against us? Who
indeed HIS own SON did not spare, but gave Him up on our behalf; how will HE not also freely give to us all things with Him. (Romans 8:32).

And we know that the SON of GOD has come and has given us understanding that we may know the True ONE, and we are in the True ONE, in HIS SON Jesus Christ. (1John 5:20)

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