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SCIENCE TEST NO. ___ NAME: ________________________________ I.MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer.

1. Which of the following is a conversion from chemical energy to thermal energy? A.Coal is burned to boil water. B.Food is digested and used to regulate body temperature. C.Charcoal is burned in a barbeque pit. D.All of the above. 2. Which of the following is the best example of increasing an object's potential energy? A.rolling a bowling ball B.turning on a light bulb C.stretching a rubber band D.dropping a pencil 3. An object that has kinetic energy must be... A.lifted above earth's surface. motion. rest. D.None of the above. 4. Thermal energy is... A.kinetic. B.potential. C.both kinetic and potential. D.neither kinetic nor potential. 5. Sound energy is... the energy of a compound that changes as its atoms are rearranged to form new compounds. B.the total energy of the particles that make up an object. C.The energy caused by an object's vibrations. D.the energy of motion. What device converts chemical energy to mechanical 6. energy? A. A.human C.jet ski D.All of the above. 7. As height increases, so does... A.thermal energy. B.mechanical energy. C.kinetic energy. D.potential energy. The law of _________________ of energy states that energy 8. cannot be created or destroyed. A.transformation B.absorption C.conservation D.stability According to the law of conservation of energy, in theory, a 9. bouncy ball should never stop bouncing. However, we know that it eventually stops. Where does the energy go some gets converted into sound energy and escapes into the surroundings. some gets converted into thermal energy and escapes into B. the surroundings. C.Both A and B 10. Energy is... A.
A.when the surfaces of two objects rub against each other. the ability to do B. work. C. Both A and B

SCIENCE TEST NO. ___ NAME:________________________________ I.MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer. ______1. Which one is an example of heat energy? A 1950s wooden roller coaster Splitting an atom A rainbow Applying the brakes on a car ______2. Which one is an example of chemical energy? Rocket fuel A roller coaster A rainbow Applying brakes on a car ______3. Which one is an example of nuclear energy? Applying brakes on a car Making slime Splitting an atom A rainbow ______4. Which one is an example of mechanical energy? A roller coaster A rainbow Applying brakes on a car Corrosion on a bike. ______5. Which one is an example of electromagnetic energy? A roller coaster Applying brakes on a car Splitting of an atom A rainbow ______ 6. Heat energy that is transferred through liquids and gases through up and down movements is called ___. radiation convection conduction ______7. Heat energy that does not need a medium to travel through and is transferred between space is called ____________. radiation convection conduction ______8. In the process of __________ heat is transferred through one substance to another by direct contact of molecules. radiation convection conduction ______9. An example of convection is ______________________. Drying your hair with a blow dryer Frying an egg in a skillet Getting a sun tan on a beach ______10.An example of radiation is________________________. Drying your hair with a blow dryer Heat from a high wattage light bulb Heat from the ocean currents 11.A material, which is affected by changes in some feature of the environment, such as temperature is called a ... A. circuit B. sensor C. signal D. responder

II. Answer the questions below after reading the following passage. A 1999 red Mustang that has a mass of 1500 kg is traveling north to Jerome, across the Perrine Bridge with an acceleration rate of 6m/sec/sec. The driver has a mass of 55 kg. The Mustang hits an ice patch and slides into a guardrail, forcing the Mustang back into the center of the bridge, coming to a full stop. ______11.What is the initial force of the Mustang? 9,000 Newtons. 1506 lbs. 2100 Newtons. 1494 lbs. ______12.How much total force is needed for the car to come to a complete stop? 1494 Newtons. 2100 Newtons. 9,000 Newtons. 1506 Newtons. ______13.What was the outside force that acted upon the car to change the cars speed? bridge. Ice patch. Guard rail. Both b and c. ______14. How much force is being applied by the seat belt to keep the driver in the car? 330 Newtons. 61 Newtons. 49 Newtons. 9000 Newtons. ______15.Which Newton law would allow the driver to fly right through the windshield of the Mustang if it were not for the seatbelt? first law- once in motion . second law- mass x acceleration = third law- For every action there is an . ______16. This type of Thermal Energy source can be used to cook food, but they are hard to control, dangerous and messy. A. open fires B. fireplaces C. pioneer stove D. modern gas stove 17.New technologies have been developed to provide thermal energy, without scorching your body. One of these has micro sensors that work like invisible thermostats, that measure the temperature of different parts of your body and generates thermal energy accordingly. This technology is ... A. still in the development stage B. found only in research labs C. an electric blanket D. thermal underwear 18. A technology that has replaced boiling water over an open campfire gives us a warning when the water has boiled. This technology is ... A. a micro-sensing digital boiler B. a solar powered water heater C. an electric kettle D. a hot water heater 19. Pressure affects the boiling point and freezing point of water. Extreme pressure under a glacier can cause the ice to flow or even melt at temperatures A. above 0 B. below 0 C. around 0 D. consistent with 0 20. Absolute zero is a temperature on the Kelvin scale. Although no one has ever been able to cool anything down to absolute zero, scientist know that it is ... A. - 137.15 K B. - 237.15 K C. - 173.15 K D. - 273.15 K

12..A material, which is affected by changes in some feature of the environment, such as temperature is called a ... A. circuit B. sensor C. signal D. responder 13.The 'temperature writer' uses a rotating drum to record changes in temperature. Tiny movements of this device can make large movements on the recording instrument. The device which makes these tiny movements is the ... A. lever B. pen C. bimetallic strip D. rotating drum 14. Another important idea about temperature and the particle theory is that the motion of particles increases when the temperature increases. Which statement below is also correct? A. as the motion of particles decreases the temperature remains the same B. as the temperature decreases the motion of the particles also increases C. as the motion of the particles decreases the temperature decreases D. as the temperature increases the motion of the particles decreases 15. Energy is the measure of something's ability to do work. Which of the following has the most thermal energy? A. a dead battery B. a melted slurpee C. a swimming pool D. a cup of hot chocolate 16. Which of the following energy transfers would be correct? A. thermal energy in a hot drink is transferred to cold hands B. thermal energy is transferred from a room to a heater, to be heated C. an ice cube loses thermal energy when it melts in hot lemonade D. thermal energy is lost by a match when it is lit 17. When a substance is heated the particles gain energy and spread out, creating more volume (spaces between the particles. So what about the mass of the substance? What happens to the mass of a substance when it is heated? A. mass increases B. mass decreases C. mass remains the same D. mass is lost 18. Solids made of different metals were all heated to 100oC to determine how their volume and length would be affected. Which statement describes the most likely outcome of this experiment? A. all the volumes changed the same amount and the lengths remained constant B. all the volumes changed, but each substance was the same length C. only some of the volumes changed with their length being increased D. all of the volumes changed and so did their lengths 19. An experiment testing the effect of heat on different liquids was performed by some students. Which of the following variables would have been the manipulated variable? A. the amount of heat used B. the different types of liquids C. the size and type of glass tubing each liquid would rise D. the different levels each of the liquids reached in the glass tubing 20. When a substance undergoes a change of state, energy is involved. Which change of state involves a release of energy? A. melting B. sublimation C. evaporation D. fusion

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