Modul Fase E 1

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- Introducing One Self
- Expressing Congratulations
- Asking and Giving Help
- Announcement

1. Identitas

Nama Penyusun :
Sekolah :
Tahun 2022
Jenjang : SMA-SMK
Kelas X
Alokasi Waktu : 20 JP (10 kali pertemuan)
Materi Pokok : Introducing Self, Expressing Congratulations, Offering Help,
Announcement, Descriptive Text
Jumlah Peserta Didik :
Model pembelajaran : PJJ Daring dan Luring
Fase :E
Elemen : menyimak – berbicara, membaca – mengkomunikasikan, memirsa

2. Target Profil Pelajar Pancasila yang Berkaitan

Peserta didik yang beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME, mandiri dan berpikir kritis dan

3. Capaian Pembelajaran

Peserta didik mampu memahami dan membuat perkenalan pribadi, ucapan selamat,
penawaran bantuan, pengumuman, dan teks deskriptif dengan baik dan benar.

4. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Peserta didik mampu memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain dengan baik dan benar
2. Peserta didik mampu memberikan ucapan selamat dan meresponnya dengan baiik
dan benar
3. Peserta didik mampu menawarkan bantuan serta memberikan respon yang sesuai
4. Peserta didik mampu membuat pengumuman lisan dan tulisan
5. Peserta didik memahami dan menyusun teks deskriptif tentang orang, benda, dan
tempat wisata

5. Pertanyaan Pemantik

1. Can you introduce your selves in English?

2. What do you say if your friend has a birthday?
3. What do you say if you want to ask a help?
4. Can you make an announcement of……?
5. Can you describe yourselves?

6. Sarana Prasarana

Bahan : Modul Ajar, Video dari YouTube,

Alat :
Media Aplikasi: Canva
Prasarana : Ruang Kelas

7. Karakter Peserta Didik/ Target Peserta Didik

Peserta didik regular dengan tipikal umum

8. Materi Ajar

8.1 Introducing Self

Fungsi Sosial: Untuk memperkenalkan dan menyebutkan identitas diri kepada orang lain

Struktur Teks:

- Ungkapan Pembuka
- Ungkapan pertukaran informasi tentang jati diri:
* May I know your name, please?
* What is your address?
* My name is Ali.
* I’m a worker.
* I have two sisters and no brother.
* I like cooking and watching movies.
- Ungkapan

Penutup Unsur


- Kosakata terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga: name, address, age, education, job,
family, dll
- Grammar:
* Pronouns (subjective, objective, possessive, adjectives)
* Ejaan dan tanda baca yang jelas, rapi dan tepat
* Ucapan, tekanan kata & intonasi yang jelas dan tepat ketika mempresentasikan
secara lisan.

8.2 Expressing Congratulations

Fungsi sosial: Untuk memberi ucapan selamat dan untuk menjaga hubungan interpersonal
dengan yang lain

Struktur Teks:
- Ungkapan pembuka
- Ungkapan pertukaran informasi tentang ucapan selamat :
 Excellent!
 You really did it well, Ali!
 I’m so proud of you.

- Ungkapan merespon:
 Thank you.
 That’s very kind of you.

- Unsur Bahasa:
* Kosakata: yang terkait dengan topik
* Grammar:
Adjective: great, fantastic, awesome.
Simple Present Tense
Simple Pa Past Tense
* Ejaan dan tanda baca yang jelas, rapi dan tepat
* Ucapan, tekanan kata & intonasi ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan

8.3 Offering Help

Struktur teks:

- May I help you?
- Offer
- Could I ...
- I Offer ...
- Shall I…
- Would you…

Unsur kebahasaan:
- Kosa kata terkait dari dialog menawarkan jasa dan meminta perhatian
- Tata bahasa:
* Simple present tense.
* Ejaan dan tanda baca yang jelas, rapi dan tepat
* Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan

8.4 Announcement

Struktur Teks:
- Ungkapan Pembuka
- Isi pengumuman
- Ungkapan Penutup

Unsur Bahasa:
• Kosakata: yang terkait dengan topik
• Grammar: Gerund
• Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi.
• Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan

8.5 Descriptive Text

Tujuan teks: Untuk mendeskripsikan objek secara jelas dan detil

Struktur teks (generic structure):
- Introduction: the introduction of the object to be described in the text
- Description : the details of the object’s description
Unsur kebahasaan:
- Present tense (infinitive)
- Tobe
- Pronouns

9. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

9.1 Pertemuan Pertama

Materi pokok: Introducing Self

Kegiatan pembuka:

1. Guru mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk siap dalam melaksakan pembelajaran

(berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran, dan mempersiapkan sumber belajar.
2. Guru memberikan pertanyaan pemantik terkait materi introducing self, seperti:
- What’s your name?
- Can you tell me about yourself?

Kegiatan Inti:

1. Peserta didik mengamati video tentang introducing self,

2. Peserta didik menganalisis (mengidentifikasi dan membedakan) ungkapan dan informasi
tentang jati diri dan keluarga yang terdapat dalam video
3. Peserta didik menyusun jumble sentences untuk dijadikan kalimat lengkap sesuai
dengan video
4. Peserta didik mendiskusikan hasil pekerjaan
5. Peserta didik menyusun monolog tentang perkenalan diri sesuai dengan jurusan
6. Peserta didik mempresentasikan monolog di depan kelas, sedangkan siswa yang yang
lain menyimak dan memberikan penilaian teman sebaya

Kegiatan Penutup:

1. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari hari ini
dan menanyakan kembali kepada siswa tentang hal penting yang berkaitan dengan
2. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan di pertemuan mendatang

9.2 Pertemuan 2

Materi pokok: Introducing Self

Kegiatan pembuka:

1. Guru mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk siap dalam melaksakan pembelajaran

(berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran, dan mempersiapkan sumber belajar.
2. Guru mereviu materi

sebelumnya Kegiatan inti:

1. Mengamati teks tentang deskripsi diri

2. Menganalisis teks tentang deskripsi diri berdasarkan: tujuan teks, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan.
3. Memahami isi teks dengan menjawab pertanyaan
4. Mendiskusikan hasil

pekerjaan Kegiatan penutup:

1. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari hari ini
dan menanyakan kembali kepada siswa tentang hal penting yang berkaitan dengan
2. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan di pertemuan mendatang

9.3 Pertemuan 3

Materi pokok: Introducing Self

Kegiatan pembuka:

1. Guru mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk siap dalam melaksakan pembelajaran

(berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran, dan mempersiapkan sumber belajar.
2. Guru mereviu materi

sebelumnya Kegiatan inti:

1. Menyusun monolog tentang perkenalan diri sesuai dengan jurusan

2. Mempresentasikan monolog di depan kelas, sedangkan siswa yang yang lain
menyimak dan memberikan penilaian teman sebaya

Kegiatan penutup:

1. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari hari ini
dan menanyakan kembali kepada siswa tentang hal penting yang berkaitan dengan
2. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan di pertemuan mendatang

9.4 Pertemuan 4

Materi pokok: Expressing Congratulations

Kegiatan pembuka:

1. Guru mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk siap dalam melaksakan pembelajaran (berdoa,
memeriksa kehadiran, dan mempersiapkan sumber belajar.
2. Guru memberikan pertanyaan pemantik terkait materi expressing congratulations seperti:
- What do you say if your friend is has graduated from school?
- What do you do if your mom is having her birthday?

Kegiatan inti:

1. Mengamati video tentang ucapan selamat

2. Menganalisis (mengidentifikasi dan membedakan) ungkapan dan informasi ucapan
selamat dan responnya di dalam video
3. Menjodohkan ungkapan selamat dan

responnya Kegiatan penutup:

3. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari hari ini
dan menanyakan kembali kepada siswa tentang hal penting yang berkaitan dengan
4. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan di pertemuan mendatang

9.5 Pertemuan 5

Materi pokok: Expressing Congratulations

Kegiatan pembuka:

1. Guru mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk siap dalam melaksakan pembelajaran (berdoa,
memeriksa kehadiran, dan mempersiapkan sumber belajar.
2. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk mereviu materi sebelumnya.

Kegiatan inti:

1. Diberikan gambar-gambar yang telah diunggah di Instagram guru. Siswa

berlatih membuat ucapan selamat berdasarkan gambar-gambar tersebut
2. Mendiskusikan hasil pekerjaan
3. Siswa membuat kartu ucapan selamat berdasarkan gambar-gambar tersebut, dan diunggah
di akun Instagram masing-masing.

Kegiatan penutup:

4.Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari hari ini
dan menanyakan kembali kepada siswa tentang hal penting yang berkaitan dengan materi
5. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan di pertemuan mendatang

9.6 Pertemuan 6

Materi pokok: Offering Help

Kegiatan pembuka:

1. Guru mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk siap dalam melaksakan pembelajaran

(berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran, dan mempersiapkan sumber belajar.
2. Guru memberikan pertanyaan pemantik terkait materi offering and giving help seperti:
- What do you say if ypu want to ask your friend’s help?
- What do you do if your mom is asking you to open the door?

Kegiatan inti:

1. Menyimak dialog tentang ungkapan menawarkan dan minta bantuan

2. Memahami dialog dengan menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan

dialog Kegiatan penutup:

1. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari hari
ini dan menanyakan kembali kepada siswa tentang hal penting yang berkaitan
dengan materi
2. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan di pertemuan mendatang

9.7 Pertemuan 7

Materi pokok: Offering Help

Kegiatan pembuka:

1. Guru mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk siap dalam melaksakan pembelajaran (berdoa,
memeriksa kehadiran, dan mempersiapkan sumber belajar.
2. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk mereviu pelajaran sebelumnya.

Kegiatan inti:

1. Guru memberikan gambar-gambar yang telah diunggah di Instagram guru.

2. Peserta didik berlatih membuat ungkapan menawarkan dan minta bantuan berdasarkan
gambar-gambar tersebut.

Kegiatan penutup:

1. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari hari
ini dan menanyakan kembali kepada siswa tentang hal penting yang berkaitan dengan
2. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan di pertemuan mendatang

9.9 Pertemuan 9

Materi pokok: Announcement

Kegiatan pembuka:

1. Guru mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk siap dalam melaksakan pembelajaran

(berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran, dan mempersiapkan sumber belajar.
2. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk mereviu pelajaran sebelumnya.

Kegiatan inti:

1. Menyimak teks announcement yang biasanya ada di sekolah

2. Menjawab soal berdasarkan teks announcement tersebut.
3. Menganalisi struktur sederhana dari pengumuman tersebut.

Kegiatan penutup:

1. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari hari
ini dan menanyakan kembali kepada siswa tentang hal penting yang berkaitan
dengan materi
2. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan di pertemuan mendatang

9.9 Pertemuan 9

Materi pokok: Announcement

Kegiatan pembuka:

1. Guru mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk siap dalam melaksakan pembelajaran

(berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran, dan mempersiapkan sumber belajar.
2. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk mereviu pelajaran sebelumnya.

Kegiatan inti:

1. Peserta didik mengerjakan soal pilihan ganda dan esai terkait dengan materi
2. Guru mengajak peserrta didik untuk membahas bersama tugas

tersebut Kegiatan penutup:

1. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari hari
ini dan menanyakan kembali kepada siswa tentang hal penting yang berkaitan
dengan materi
2. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan di pertemuan mendatang

9.10 Pertemuan 10

Materi pokok: Evaluasi Introducing Self, Expressing Congratulations, Offering Help,

Announcement, Descriptive Text

Kegiatan pembuka:

1. Guru mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk siap dalam melaksakan pembelajaran

(berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran, dan mempersiapkan sumber belajar.
2. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk mereviu materi Introducing Self, Expressing
Congratulations, Offering Help, Announcement, Descriptive Text

Kegiatan inti:

1. Peserta didik mengerjakan soal pilihan ganda dan esai terkait dengan materi
2. Guru mengajak peserrta didik untuk membahas bersama tugas tersebut

Kegiatan penutup:

3. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari hari
ini dan menanyakan kembali kepada siswa tentang hal penting yang berkaitan
dengan materi
4. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan di pertemuan mendatang

10. Asesemen

10.1 Rubrik penilaian jumble sentences

Nilai = jumlah benar X 10

10.2 Rubrik penilaian monolog perkenalan jati diri:


(45-60) (61-75) (76-88) (89 – 100)
Kalimat kurang bisa Kalimat jelas namun Kalimat jelas dengan Kalimat dengan struktur
dipahami ada beberapa unsur struktur dan unsur bahasa sesuai dan unsur bahasa
bahasa yang belum tepat yang yang sederhana yang tepat serta
pengucapan lancar
Tujuan kurang bisa Tujuan kurang tercapai Tujuan tercapai dengan Tujuan tercapai dengan
dipahami dan namun ada beberapa struktur dan unsur bahasa struktur sesuai dan unsur
menggunakan media unsur bahasa yang tepat yang yang sederhana dan bahasa yang tepat serta
presentasi dan menggunakan media menggunakan media pengucapan lancar dan
presentasi presentasi menggunakan media
Penggunaan kata, Fungsi sosial tercapai, Fungsi sosial tercapai, Fungsi sosial tercapai,
kalimat, dan struktur struktur tepat dan unsur struktur dan unsur struktur dan unsur
tidak sesuai kebahasaan kurang tepat kebahasaan tepat kebahasaan tepat serta
ada modifikasi

10.3 Rubrik penilaian menjawab soal berdasarkan teks descripsi diri:

Nilai = jumlah benar X 20

10.4 Rubrik penilaian kartu ucapan selamat

No Aspek yang dinilai Kriteria Skor

1 Kosa kata (vocabulary) 100% penulisan kosa kata tepat 5
80% penulisan kosa kata tepat 4
60%penulisan kosa kata tepat 3
40%penulisan kosa kata tepat 2
20%penulisan kosa kata tepat 1
2 Tata bahasa (grammar) 100% penulisan grammar tepat 5
80% penulisan grammar tepat 4
60% penulisan grammar tepat 3
40% penulisan grammar tepat 2
20% penulisan grammar tepat 1
3 Isi (content) 100% sesuai topik 5
80% sesuai topik 4
60% sesuai topik 3
40% sesuai topik 2
20% sesuai topik 1
4 Tanda baca (punctuation) 100% punctuation benar 5
80% punctuation benar 4

60% punctuation benar 3
40% punctuation benar 2
20% punctuation benar 1

10.5 Rubrik penilaian menjawab soal berdasarkan dialog:

Nilai = jumlah benar X 20

10.6 Rubrik penilaian membuat dialog asking and giving help

No Aspek yang dinilai Kriteria Skor

1 Kosa kata (vocabulary) 100% penulisan kosa kata tepat 5
80% penulisan kosa kata tepat 4
60%penulisan kosa kata tepat 3
40%penulisan kosa kata tepat 2
20%penulisan kosa kata tepat 1
2 Tata bahasa (grammar) 100% penulisan grammar tepat 5
80% penulisan grammar tepat 4
60% penulisan grammar tepat 3
40% penulisan grammar tepat 2
20% penulisan grammar tepat 1
3 Isi (content) 100% sesuai topik 5
80% sesuai topik 4
60% sesuai topik 3
40% sesuai topik 2
20% sesuai topik 1
4 Tanda baca (punctuation) 100% punctuation benar 5
80% punctuation benar 4
60% punctuation benar 3
40% punctuation benar 2
20% punctuation benar 1

10.7 Rubrik penilaian menjawab soal berdasarkan teks pengumuman:

Nilai = jumlah benar X 10

10.8 Rubrik penilaian evaluasi:

Nilai = (jumlah benar X 2) + (jumlah benar X 6)

11. Refleksi Guru

1. Menurut guru, apakah metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan aktivitas telah
2. Menurut guru, apakah aktivitas pembelajaran telah berjalan sesuai dengan alur?
3. Menurut guru, apa kendala dan hambatan yang terjadi selama aktivitas pembelajaran?
4. Menurut guru, apakah pesan dimensi profil pelajar Pancasila sudah tercapai?

12. Refleksi Peserta Didik

1. Menurut anda, apakah anda sudah menguasai materi tersebut?

2. Menurut anda, apakah ada sudah bisa menyampaikan kembali materi yang sudah

3. Menurut anda, apakah anda sudah mampu membuat teks pengumuman, teks deskriptif,
dan dialog ucapan selamat dengan baik dan benar?

13. Lembar Kerja

13.1 Topik: Introducing Self

Jumble words tentang video Introducing Self

Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph

1. Three people
2. Sports magazine
3. Where are you from?
4. Hi, my name is Tom. What’s your name?
5. What do you like to read?
6. How many people are there in your family?
7. My name is Susan.
8. Yes, I’m a salesperson
9. Germany
10. Do you have a job?

13.2 Topik: Descriptive Text (about person)

Read the text carefully and answer the questions based on it.

My name is Aleesha, usually my friends call me Isha or Icha. I am 17 years old, I was born
on April 24, 2008. Now I attend Senior High School grade X in Malang, SMK Nasional
Malang. I take Multimedia as my major. My favorite subjects are Photography and English.
I have 2 elder brothers and one younger sister. One of my elder brothers is a Science student
in Brawijaya University, while the other studies Psychology in Jogjakarta. My younger sister
is still in grade 3 of Elementary School.
My father is a sailor and my mother is a kindergarten teacher. My father is 55 years old, and
my mother is three years younger than him They always support me, so I love them.

Questions + Answers

1. Who is being described in the text?

2. How old is Aleesha’s mom?
3. Where does Aleesha study?
4. What does Aleesha’s second brother study?
5. Why does Aleesha love her family?

13.3 Topik: Expressing Congratulations

Match the expressions on the left column with the suitable responses on the right column

Expressions Responses
I heard that you joined the English speech I got the first champion.
How was the contest? Thank you so much.
Wow, great! Congratulations! Thank you.
I’m really happy to hear that. Yeah. It was held a week ago.

13.4 Topik: Asking for A Help

Read the dialogs and answer the questions based on them

Mother: Oh, it is really hot. Ola, can you turn on the fan?
Ola: Sure, Mom.
Mother: Thank you, Sweetie.
Ola: The weather today is very hot. What if I make an ice tea for you, Mom?
Mother: That would be great.
Ola: Okay, Mom. Wait for five minutes.
Mother: Okay, Sweetie.

Mr. Brata: Excuse me. I need to go to the post office. Where is it?
Tian: It’s on Jalan Flamboyan, Sir.
Mr. Brata: I am new here. Could you show me the way?
Tian: Actually it’s quite far from here, Sir. Would you like me to give you a ride? I’m going
to go to the café and the post office is not far from there.
Mr. Brata: Oh, what a coincidence! Of course. Thank you.
Tian: You’re welcome, Sir.

Questions + Answers

1. What does mother ask Ola to do?

2. What does Ola offer to mother?
3. Where does the post office?
4. What does Mr. Brata want to know?
5. What does Tian offer to Mr. Brata?

13.5 Topik: Announcement

Attention! For students who are interested in playing badminton, please meet Mr. Gatot
Prasojo in the sports room after school to be included in the Malang anniversary

Sport teacher,
Mr. Sule Sulistyawan


1. What is the announcement about?

a. The reschedule of the airplane
b. The procedure of taking off the airplane
c. The welcoming speech and procedure in the airplane
d. The procedure to put the luggage in the airplane
e. The welcoming speech in the public place
2. Where does usually the announcement take place?
a. Airplane
b. Bus
c. School
d. Shopping place
e. Campus
3. Who does usually announce it?
a. Pilot
b. Stewardess
c. Airport worker

d. Passenger
e. Co-pilot
4. Where is the location of the airplane now?
a. Miami
b. Canada
c. Indonesia
d. Position
e. Country
5. “We are currently second in line for take-off….”. What does the sentence mean?
a. The airplane is delayed in the second line
b. The airplane is going to take off in second time
c. The airplane will take off after the previous number one goes
d. The airplane takes off twice in a period of time
e. The airplane will continue flying after five minutes delayed
6. When will the airplane take off?
a. After five seconds
b. After five hours
c. After five periods
d. After five minutes
e. After five schedules
7. “are expected to take off in approximately five minutes time.” What is the synonym of
a. Absolutely
b. Randomly
c. Nearly
d. Intimately
e. Finally
8. What does paragraph two tell the passengers to?
a. The schedule of the airplane
b. The procedure to be done before the airplane take off
c. The procedure to fasten the seatbelt
d. The time when the airplane takes off
e. The correct position of the seat in the airplane
9. When should the passengers put their luggage?
a. Beneath the cockpit
b. Under the seatbelt
c. Overhead bins
d. Beside the seat
e. Anywhere available
10. The followings are the things to do before the airplane take off, except….
a. Put the luggage in the correct place
b. Fasten the seatbelt
c. Sit in the correct position
d. Ensure folding trays in the right position
e. Pray before take off

13.6 Evaluation

This test measures your understanding about the materials “Introducing Self, Expressing
Congratulations, Offering Help, Announcement, Descriptive Text”.

I. Choose the most suitable answer.

1. Dina is a new member of SMK Nasional English Club. She introduces herself to the
other students.
Dina : Hello, Friends. ………….

a. Allow me to introduce myself.
b. I am happy to meet you.
c. Let me introduce you to the audience.
d. May I introduce you to the audience.
e. Nice to meet you.
2. Hayyan was at a party. There were a lot of guests whom he didn’t know. Then he
introduced himself to the others.
Hayyan: Excuse me, My name is Hayyan.
Guest : Hello, Hayyan. I’m Denny. How do you do? Hayyan:
a. Nice to see you.
b. How do you do?
c. Fine, thanks.
d. I’m glad to know you.
e. Good bye.

3. Asri : Fenny, this is my new friend, his name is Dika. He is a company director.
Fenny: Hi Dika.
Dika : Hello, Fenny....................Nice to meet you.
Fenny : Everything is alright. Nice to meet you, too.
a. How are things?
b. What are you?
c. May I help you?
d. How are you?
e. How do you do?

4. Jenny : Mr. Dodi, father. His name is Mr. Hendy.

Mr. Dodi : How do you do, Mr. Hendy.
Mr. Hendi: How do you do, Mr. Dodi.
a. I’d like to introduce
b. I want to invite
c. I like you to visit
d. I’m glad to help
e. I want to go

5. Andri: Deti, …………………….

Deti : Pleased to meet you.
Iman : Pleased to meet you too.
a. Iman wants to meet you.
b. Don’t you Iman is my friend
c. I’d like you to meet my friend
d. Please introduce yourself to Iman
e. Iman wants to leave you now

6. Lita got new shoes as a surprise gift at an Indonesian Independence event at school.
What can you say to Lita?
a. Congratulations for the prize.
b. Thanks for buying me shoes.
c. I like your shoes.
d. Your shoes are so beautiful.
e. Congratulations for the new baby.

7. What is the correct response of an expression of “congratulations”?

a. Thank you
b. I’m the best
c. You’re my friend
d. You too

e. I’m okay

Risma : Hi Rifki, how are you?

Rifki : Very well, thanks. How about you Risma?
Risma : I’m busy as always. By the way, congratulations on your success as the
winner of badminton competition.
Rifki : Thank you so much.
Risma : To be the top in that competition is not easy. I’m proud of you Rifki.
Ridho : Thanks alot. How do you know that?
Risma : My sister told me yesterday. She also joined the competition.
Rifki : Oh, I see.

8. Who won the competition?

a. Risma
b. Rifki
c. Rifki’s sister
d. Risma’s sister
e. Risma and Rifki

9. Risma: By the way, congratulations on your success as the winner of badminton

What is Risma’s purpose to say that sentence?
a. To engage Rifki to the competition.
b. To congratulate Rifki after winning the competition
c. To proud of herself because Rifki won the competition
d. To invite Rifki in the competition
e. To congratulate her sister after joining the competition

10. Risma: I’m proud of you Rifki.

What does Risma mean by saying the statement?
a. Risma is pleased with Rifki because he has won the competition.
b. Risma loves Rifki because he has won the competition.
c. Risma is disturbed because Rifki has won the competition.
d. Risma cares about Rifki because he has won the competition.
e. Risma is annoyed because Rifki has won the competition.

11. Ms. Athika looks tired to carry the heavy piled books. What can you say to help her?
a. May I help you to carry this, Ms?
b. May you help me to carry this, Ms?
c. May I ask for a help, Ms?
d. May you ask for a help, Ms?
e. May we carry this together?

12. You are a foreigner in USA. You want to visit Niagara Waterfall but you don’t know
where it is. How do you say to the people when you want them to show you the way
a. Excuse me, could you get me to Niagara Waterfall?
b. Can you show me where Niagara Waterfall is?
c. Excuse me, could you show me the way to Niagara Waterfall?
d. Could I go with you to Niagara Waterfall?
e. Excuse me, can we go to Niagara Waterfall together?

Anita : Hello, Ms. Diena. You looks so busy, may I help you?
Ms. Diena: Yes. Could you please bring the students' homework books on my
desk? Anita : Sure, and where should I bring them to?
Ms. Diena: Please bring the books to your class, and say sorry to your friends that I
may be coming late to the class.

Anita : Okay Ms. Diena. Is there anything else?
Ms Diena : No. Thank you very much for your help, Anita.
Anita : It’s my pleasure, Ms. Diena.

13. What is Anita doing to Ms. Diena?

a. Anita is asking for a help.
b. Anita is giving a permission.
c. Anita is offering a help.
d. Anita is rejecting a help.
e. Anita is accepting a help.

14. Where should Anita put the books?

a. In the office
b. In the class
c. In Ms. Diena’s desk
d. In Anita’s class
e. In the students’ desks

15. What will Ms. Diena do?

a. She will come to the class appropriately
b. She will come to the class late
c. She will accept Anita’s help
d. She will reject Anita’s help
e. She will go home early

16. Is Ms. Diena accepting Anita’s help?

a. Yes, she is
b. No, she isn’t
c. Yes, she does
d. No, she doesn’t
e. Yes, she will

Attention! Students of grade XII are welcome to attend a morning seminar on a way to brace
oneself for the ultimate examination. You’ll learn heaps from Budi Umar, a widely known
education advisor.

Date : July, 27th, 2022

Time : 07.30
Venue : college main hall

Seats are restricted. To reserve, please contact Aldara ( 08567890123)

17. Whom is the announcement addressed to?

a. The principle
b. All students
c. The students of grade XII
d. Aldara
e. Budi Umar

18. What is the main information in announcement?

a. Aldara is the person who responsible to recap the reservation
b. The college is having the seminar
c. All students of grade XII should attend the seminar
d. The seminar will be held by Budi Umar
e. The seminar is for the students’ examination

19. “To reserve your seat, please ….”
What is the synonym of the word “reserve”?
a. Book
b. Buy
c. Get
d. Sit
e. Ensure

20. What should the students’ do to book the seat?

a. Buy the ticket
b. Contact Aldara
c. Pay early
d. Contact the principle
e. Study more

II. Read the text carefully and answer the questions based on it

Yogyakarta is one of the foremost cultural centers of Java, the seat of the mighty
Javanese empire of Mataram from which present day Yogyakarta has the best inherited of
traditions. The city itself has a special charm, which seldom fails to captivate the visitor.
Gamelan, classical and contemporary Javanese dances, leather puppet, theater and other
expressions of traditional art will keep the visitor spellbound. Local craftsmen excel in arts
such batiks, silver and leather works. Next to the traditional, contemporary art has found
fertile soil in Yogya's culture oriented society.

Yogyakarta is often called the main gateway to the Central Java as where it is
geographically located. It stretches from Mount Merapi to the Indian Ocean. There is daily
air service to Yogya from Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali as well as regular train service and
easy accessibility by road. Yogyakarta is commonly considered as the modern cultural of
Central Java. It is a very lively city and a shopper's delight. The main road, Malioboro
Street, is always crowded and famous for its night street food-culture and street vendors.
Many tourist shops and cheap hotels are concentrated along this street or in the adjoining
tourist area such Sosrowijayan Street.

The key attraction of Yogyakarta is 'Kraton' (the Sultan's Palace), the centre of
Yogya's traditional life and despite the advance of modernity; it still emanates the spirit of
refinement, which has been the hallmark of Yogya's art for centuries. This vast complex of
decaying buildings was built in the 18th century, and is actually a walled city within the city
with luxurious pavilions and in which the current Sultan still resides. Yogyakarta is also the
only major city, which still has traditional 'Becak' (rickshaw-style) transport.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

2. What does the text mainly discuss?
3. Where is Yogyakarta located?
4. What is the main tourist object proposed by Yogyakarta?
5. When was Sultan Palace first built?
6. Why is Yogyakarta called as modern cultural city of Central Java?
7. How is the condition of Malioboro street?
8. Does Sultan still exist in this modern era? Justify your answer.
9. Can you describe how the society of Yogyakarta is?
10. In your opinion, why does Yogyakarta still exist with its indigenous culture until now?


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