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Special Report

Natural Ways To Prevent Alzheimers Disease

By Staff Writers Maggie Spilner and Gale Maleskey, MS, RD

We may make uneasy jokes about it, but Alzheimers disease is something we all dread. Its common. Some 4.5 million Americans have it, and many more have cognitive impairment that may be an early sign of it. And it sometimes seems like its almost unavoidable. The biggest risk factor for developing Alzheimers is simply getting older. Most people diagnosed with it are age 65 or older, and by the time youre 85, you have a one-in-two chance of having it. But Alzheimers is less inevitable than you might fear, with evidence mounting that diet, exercise and nutritional supplements all play a role in its prevention. New research also suggests that Alzheimers takes a longer time to develop than previously thought, with early brain changes seen in middle age. So the best advice for prevention is to start earlyby age 50-- and stay at it, especially if you have a family history of the disease. But even people in their 60s, 70s and 80s can benefit tremendously from our expert recommendations, which follow below.

What Is Alzheimers, Anyway?

We know that Alzheimers is a build-up of two types of proteins in the brainplaques, which are deposits of the protein beta-amyloid that accumulate in the space between nerve cells, and tangles, deposits of the protein tau that accumulate inside of nerve cells. This protein pile-up leads to reduced levels of neurotransmitters, interferes with cells ability to communicate with each other, and makes it difficult for them to survive. Autopsies of brains of people with Alzheimers show shrinkage in crucial areas of the brain. Whats not known is exactly why the protein deposits start in the first place. Age and genetic predisposition are the strongest risk factors. If you have a parent or brother or sister who developed the disease, you are two to three times more likely to develop it yourself than someone with no family history. Less is known about avoidable risk factorsthe things you can controlbut this is an area of intense research, and has produced some findings that you can use right now to lower your own risk. Heres what you need to know.

The next few pages will provide you with specific details on preventing Alzheimers.

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Protecting Your Brain With Supplements

The Protective Effects of Fish Oil
Eating fish regularly decreases your chances of developing Alzheimers, and research shows that its the DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) in fish thats offering the protection. Older people with the highest blood levels of DHA were about half as apt to develop dementia and 39% as apt to develop Alzheimer's as those with lower blood levels of DHA over a nine-year period, according to Tufts University researchers. Those with the highest blood levels consumed about 180 mg of DHA a daythe amount found in three servings of fish a week. DHA decreases the formation of amyloid plaque, researchers say. ( Schaefer, EJ, Arch Neurol, Nov. 2006: 63:1545-50.)
Therapeutic Dosage for Fish Oil: We currently recommend taking
at least the amount found effective in this study, 180 mg of DHA or more if possible. Make sure to take fish oil that is certified contaminant-free.

Folic Acid Adds Years to Your Brain

Dark leafy greens contain folic acid, which protects your brain two ways: it helps to reduce inflammation, by lowering neurotoxic homocysteine levels, and it seems to interfere with expression of the genes involved in dementia. Dutch researchers studied 818 subjects aged 50 to 70 with high homocysteine levels. They found that those who took 800 mcg of folic acid daily for three years had better memory and information-processing speed than those taking a placebo. The difference was dramatic. On memory tests, those taking 800 mcg of folic acid daily scored as well as people 5.5 years younger. (Durga J. et al, Lancet 2007; 369:208-216.)
Therapeutic Dosage for Folic Acid: We recommend 800 mcg, the
amount found effective in this study. (If you have a history of cancer, check with your doctor before taking this amount. )

for people with this combination than among people with normal B12 and folate levels. This finding led researchers to conclude that, although its important to get enough folic acid, in seniors, too much folic acid and too little B12 is just as bad. You need both. (Morris, MS, et al. Amer J Clin Nutr 2007(Jan); 85:193-200.)
Therapeutic Dosage for Vitamin B12: We recommend 500 mcg of
vitamin B12 daily. Deficiency is more common in seniors, most often because of absorption problems, not a lack of B12 in the diet. Symptoms may include: numbness and tingling in hands and feet, difficulty maintaining balance, depression, poor memory, fatigue and confusion.

Curcumin: Better Than Alzheimers Drugs!

In India, Alzheimers disease rates are reportedly among the worlds lowest. That may be because of those tasty Indian curries. New research suggests that curcumin, found in turmeric, the main spice in curry, can stop the build-up of destructive betaamyloid protein in the brain the plaques that gunk up the works. Curcumin can also break up existing plaques by stimulating immune cells called macrophages to clear out the plaque. Plus, it has unique anti-inflammatory effects. As with many chronic diseases, inflammation appears to play a role in the development of Alzheimers disease. These findings suggest that curcumin is more effective in inhibiting plaque formation than many other drugs being tested as Alzheimers treatments, the researchers concluded. (July 16, 2007, online early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.)
Therapeutic Dosage for Curcumin:
Optimal dosages have yet to be determined. We currently recommend 200 mg of standardized curcumin per day for Alzheimer's prevention.

Vitamin D Boosts Mood and Memory

We now know that vitamin D affects virtually all body tissues, including the brain, and a new study suggests that getting enough D can improve some mood and memory problems. In a group of older people, those with low blood levels of vitamin D were more likely to have mild depressive symptoms such as lack of interest or indecisiveness than people with adequate blood levels. Deficiency was also linked to poor thinking skills like memory, judgment and problem-solving. (Wilkins, CH et al: Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2006; 14:1032-1040)
Therapeutic Dosage for Vitamin D:
Leading experts now recommend 1,000-2,000 IU of vitamin D a day, with 1,000 IU coming from supplementation. Some 25% to 54% of all adults over age 60 are low in vitamin D.

Dont Forget B12

With so much new research on nutrition and the brain, its easy to forget about vitamin B12, a nutrient long known for its critical role in nerve and brain function. B12 is needed to keep nerves working properly throughout the body. Plus, it works with folic acid and vitamin B6 to neutralize neurotoxic homocysteine. New research from Tufts University shows just how important vitamin B12 really is to brain function. They looked at B12 and folic acid status in people age 60 or older. Not unexpectedly, they found that peoples thinking abilities were best when they had adequate blood levels of both vitamins. Surprisingly though, cognitive abilities were worst in seniors with low vitamin B12 and high serum folate levels. Anemia and impaired thinking were observed nearly five times as often

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Special Report

Green Teas EGCG Slows Brain Aging

Green tea can slow brain aging, helping to prevent declining memory, cognitive impairment, dementia and Alzheimer's. In fact, in elderly Japanese men and women, drinking more than 2 cups a day of green tea slashed odds of cognitive impairment by 54%--more than half! Those who drank less 4 to 6 cups a week, or about one cup a day, still had 38% lower risk of cognitive impairment compared to those drinking less than 3 cups a week. (A Japanese cup of green tea is small-about 3.2 fluid ounces.) Green tea's main protection comes from EGCG, a powerful antioxidant that researchers say helps detoxify beta-amyloid. EGCG also removes toxic iron from brain cells (Kuriyama, Shinichi, Am J Clin Nutr 2006;83: 355-61) and brand new Israeli research finds that EGCG even reverses brain cell degeneration by spurring new growth, making it a potential treatment for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. (Presented at the Fourth International Scientific Symposium of Tea and Human Health, Sept. 18, in Washington, D.C.)
Therapeutic Dosage for Green Tea: We recommend 450 mg of green
tea extract standardized to at least 50% EGCG daily. Thats the amount found in three cups of green tea.

improve memory, experts say this study may have been too short, or used too small an amount, to see results. Right now, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine is conducting a large study of ginkgo to see if it prevents the onset of dementia and, specifically, Alzheimer's disease. The study will be completed in July, 2009.
Therapeutic Dosage for Ginkgo:
We recommend 120 240 mg a day to people age 50 or older. (Its wise to review your health history and any other medications you are taking with your doctor or pharmacist first.)

Acetyl-L-Carnitine Appears to Help, Too

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) helps to prevent age-related cognitive decline, and, possibly, Alzheimers disease. It plays an important role in energy production in the body, and is used to make the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which has many roles in the body, including muscle and brain function. Studies show that ALC can protect brain cells from neurotoxicity and oxygen deprivation, preserve a cells energy-producing mitochondria, and dramatically rejuvenate mental and physical functioning. A review of the evidence by British investigators showed that taking ALC improved memory and overall mental functioning in people with mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimer's. (Cochrane Database System Review 2003(2): CD003158 )
Therapeutic Dosage for AcetylL-Carnitine: Effective dosages for
Alzheimers range from 1,000 4,000 mg a day, usually divided into two or three doses during the day. For simple age-related memory impairment, 250 - 2,000 mg daily has been used. We recommend medical supervision for more than 1,000 mg a day.

Alzheimer's in recent studies, but vitamin E in supplements not do as well? It's because most supplements use the wrong type of vitamin E. Most supplements have only one form of E, alpha-tocopherol. However, vitamin E in food consists of a mixture of tocopherols of 4 types--alpha, beta, delta and gamma--as well as tocotrienols, another form of vitamin E. A mix of tocopherols, as in food, has the most potent anti-Alzheimer's activity, rather than alpha tocopherol alone, as found in most supplements. Research has found that eating just five extra milligrams a day of vitamin E in foods such as walnuts and unrefined oils cut Alzheimer's risk 26%, by protecting brain cells from oxidative damage and inflammation. (Morris, M., Amer J Clin Nutrition, Feb. 2006.)
Therapeutic Dosage for Vitamin E:
For Alzheimers disease, doses of up to 2,000 IUs a day of vitamin E have been used. However, we recommend no more than 400 - 800 IU a day of mixed tocopherols and, ideally, tocotrienols, unless you have medical supervision.

How Ginkgo Helps Brain Cells

The herb Ginkgo biloba is one of the most widely-used herbs in the world. It can improve blood circulation and protect nerve tissue, including the brain, from aging-related damage. Research suggests that 120 to 240 mg daily of ginkgo may be as helpful as drugs such as donepezil (Aricept) to people with early stage Alzheimer's. Though a long-awaited trial, sponsored by the National Institute on Aging, and completed in 2002, found that 120 mg of ginkgo taken for 6 weeks by more than 200 healthy adults over 60 did not

The Right Kind of Vitamin E Slashes Risk 26%

Why did high-vitamin E foods fend off

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Special Report

Fighting Forgetfulness With Food

Even if you have a strong family history of Alzheimers disease, you can reduce your chances of developing it with the same healthy lifestyle changes that prevent heart disease and cancer, such as: I Eat three or more servings of vegetables a day, including one dark leafy green vegetable. In a study, older people who did so had brains that functioned like they were five years younger. (Morris, MC et al: Neurology 2006; 67:1370-6.) I Eat fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel or sardines three times a week or more. The fats in fish protect your brain. I Satisfy sweet cravings with dark, minimally-processed chocolate. It improves blood flow to the brain and can help maintain healthy brain function. Look for products that list the amount of flavanols they contain or that have a Cocoapro logo. I Go ethnic. Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Mediterranean cuisines all use foods and spices that can help you stay sharp, such as curry, garlic, green tea, and ginger. I Go easy on sugar. Drinking sugar water more than doubled the amount of amyloid plaque in animals. Researchers say the equivalent in humans is roughly five cans of soda a day. (J. Biol. Chem., Dec 2007; 282: 36275 36282;doi:10.1074/jbc.M7035 61200)

Challenge Your Brain To Stay Sharp

Maintaining an active mind may slow the build-up of plaques and tangles in the brain, research suggests. Anything thats challenging but fun will do. Try cooking or language classes, crossword or jigsaw puzzles, socializing with people you find stimulating, scrap booking or genealogical research. For online brain stimulation, check out a company called Happy Neuron ( This website gives temporary free access to video games that strengthen language, memory, judgment and coordination.

Think Aerobic Exercise

As little as three hours of walking a week over a period of six months can increase neurons and neuronal connections in the brains of older adults, research has found. However, only aerobic exercise produces significant increases in brain volume in areas of the brain related to age-related cognitive decline. Brisk walking, hill climbing, swimming, or bikinganything that quickens your heart rate and breathingwill work.

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Brain Energizer

Stop Aging Now's Brain Energizer is a proprietary blend of six all natural ingredients that have strong scientific evidence backing their ability to provide a broad-spectrum attack on multiple mechanisms that underlie age-related neuro-degeneration and cognitive dysfunction. It contains clinical doses of alpha lipoic acid, DHA, CoQ10, Vitaberry, curcumin and vincopetine. Each work in a different way to energize your brain, your thinking processes, your memory retention and to provide clarity to your overall thought processes.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC)
Stop Aging Now's Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) is made with 100% L-Carnipure, one of the highest quality, most researched and purest forms. Recent research has catapulted ALC into the scientific spotlight as a potential enhancer of mental and physical energy, both alone and especially with alpha lipoic acid (which is found in all of our Multi Nutrient Formulas as well as our Brain Energizer Formula). The aging process robs the body of acetyl-L-carnitine and such deficits appear to be tied to energy slumps as we age. So we highly recommend acetyl-L-carnitine for anyone who feels as if they have lost mental and physical energy, especially since the downsides are extremely minimal and side effects are virtually non-existent.

Omega-T Fish Oil

Not all fish oil is created equal. Some contain synthetic oils, others get their oil from fish that have lower amounts of DHA and EPA, and others don't bother to check for contaminants at all. Our Omega-T Fish Oil stands out as one of the best fish oils available, period. It is formulated with pure, potent and fresh, all natural fish oil that is extremely high in DHA and EPA. It contains molecularly distilled fish body oils from imported Norwegian salmon and is certified to be contaminant-free by independent testing. It is also fortified with vitamin E and CoQ10 for maximum freshness, absorbability and potency. The result is simply the best fish oil that money can buy.

Multi Nutrient Formula PLUS

Stop Aging Nows Multi Nutrient Formula PLUS contains therapeutic doses of all of the ingredients mentioned in this special report including folic acid, vitamin D, vitamin B12, curcumin, green tea, vitamin E and ginkgo biloba as well as 22 other essential nutrients. It is a complete, high-potency multi-vitamin that protects cells against aging, provides a broad spectrum of nutrients to balance out deficiencies in your diet and supports optimal wellness and health. Includes science-based doses of 29 select, anti-aging vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for men and women of all ages. Features the antioxidant capacity of 10 servings of fruits and vegetables.

High Antioxidant Green Tea Extract

Stop Aging Now's High Antioxidant Green Tea Extract is made from the purest, most potent green tea extract available. Each serving features 450 mg of green tea extract, of which 70% contains the active ingredient EGCG. This is one of the highest amounts of EGCG achievable and is the same amount used in many anti-cancer studies. The result is a Green Tea Extract that takes full advantage of all of green tea's miraculous benefits with a potent dose of antioxidants, with each serving equaling the antioxidant capacity of 12 servings of fruits and vegetables. Decaffeinated.


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