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Opo Kui Microsoft Surface

Pertama liat ada teknologi meja touch screen waktu ada seorang pembicara seminar dari microsoft indonesia mendemokan teknologi terbaru dari microsoft yaitu Microsoft Surface. Didalam video yang mereka tontonkan terlihat kehebatan meja touch screen ini. Karena saya merasa katrok, maka langsung saya cari-cari diinternet tentang microsoft surface ini. Yang diandalkan dari Microsoft Surface (MS) ini adalah fitur multi-sentuh nya. Meja yang sebesar 30 inchi ini berjalan diatas operating system Windows Vista yang dimodifikasi agar dapat berjalan didalam meja. Didalam meja MS terdapat sebuah proyektor untuk menampilkan gambar diatas permukaan meja. Proyeksi ini menggunakan gelombang cahaya infra red yang mempunyai ukuran 850 nanometer. Hebatnya lagi dalam meja MS terdapat 5 kamera untuk menangkap pantulan sinar infra red dari tangan/jari manusia. Kamera itu juga akan mengenali obyek yang ada diatas meja, jika obyek tersebut mempunyai spesifikasi khusus. Contoh dari spesifikasi khusus yang dikenali oleh MS adalah seperti Handphone, PDA, Gelas, Kuas Cat, dll. Untuk saat ini hanya kalangan tertentu saja yang memiliki meja gila ini karena harganya yang membengkak. Harganya berkisar 5.000-10.000$ atau dirupiahkan sekitar 50 juta hingga 100 juta. Pastinya yang kita tunggu-tunggu, kapan harga MS ini turun? Jawabannya adalah pada tahun 2010 microsoft merencanakan agar MS bisa dipasarkan secara meluas dengan harga yang tentunya lebih terjangkau. 1 tahun lagi. ehehehe. Mari kita bahas sejarahnya. Sebenernya ni teknologi multi sentuh yang diterapkan MS sudah ada 25 tahun yang lalu. Di suatu Universitas bernama Toronto menemukan teknologi yang disebut tablet multi-sentuh atau bahasa gaulnya multi-touch tablet dan disuatu laboraturium menemukan teknologi layar multi sentuh atau bahasa gaulnya lagi multi-touch screen. Microsoft sendiri mempunyai ide untuk membuat produk yang memiliki fitur multi-sentuh di tahun 2001. Seorang staf hardware microsoft, Stevem Bathiche dan seorang staf riset microsoft, Andy Wilson, memiliki konsep awal dari pembuatan produk multi-sentuh itu. Lalu di bulan oktober 2001, kedua orang yang memiliki konsep tersebut membuat sebuah tim. Dan tim ini bertugas membawa konsep ke tahap pengembangan. Tahun 2003, tim tersebut mengenalkan idenya kepada dedengkot Microsoft, yaitu Bill Gates. Bill Gates tertarik, dan tak tak lama dalam waktu sebulan sebuah prototype yang diberi nama T1 berhasil diproduksi. Tim tersebut juga membuat beberapa software yang akan diterapkan didalam MS tersebut. Tahun tahun berikutnya Microsoft berhasil membuat 85 prototype awal MS. Dan di tahun 2005 rancangan akhir perangkat keras dari MS berhasil diselesaikan. Tibalah pada tanggal 30 Mei 2007, ini hari penting bagi microsoft karena hari itulah pertama kali MS diumumkan kepada publik oleh seorang CEO Microsoft, Steve Ballmer. Mari kita pelajari cara kerja Microsoft Surface Gerakan tangan dan sentuhan akan ditangkap menggunakan kamera yang terdapat dibawah layar MS kemudian setelah user melakukan inputan terhadap layar, maka kemudian akan diproses dan ditampilkan kembali kelayar menggunakan proyektor. Spesifikasinya sebagai berikut :

1. MS menggunakan sistem proyeksi yang tampilan gambarnya berada diatas permukaan bawah alat penyebaran gambar. 2. Kamera infra red berada dibawah layar. Kamera ini memungkinkan obyek seperti jari-jari ini ditangkap. 3. Kemudian gambar yang kita inputkan akan diproses oleh sistem. dan kamera akan mendeteksi jarijari, obyek-obyek ketika kita menyentuh layar. 4. Obyek-obyek yang dikenali oleh sistem dari MS akan ditampilkan dalam bentuk 2D, gerakan maupun sentuhan pada layar. Apa sih kegunaan Microsoft Surface? Untuk perhotelan misalkan, MS bisa diterapkan untuk para pengunjung hotel untuk memilih menu-menu yang ada direstoran atau bisa juga bisa digunakan sebagai alat kartu kredit, jadi para pengunjung membayar tagihan dari hotel hanya dengan meletakkan kartu kreditnya dilayar MS, dan sistem akan membacanya. Atau kita ambil contoh untuk toko Handphone, MS bisa digunakan untuk para pengunjung toko untuk membandingkan antar handphone yang dipilih dengan meletakkannya dimeja MS dan MS akan menampilkan spesifikasi dari tiap tiap handphone tersebut. Canggih ya, masih banyak yang lainnya. Mungkin hanya 2 saja yang mungkin bisa saya kasih tau. hehe Tentunya dengan adanya teknologi digital secanggih ini memudahkan manusia dalam pekerjaan, tapi ada kerugian yang pastinya akan berdampak kepada sosial seseorang. Jika digital diterapkan sepenuhnya, maka yang terjadi adalah orang tidak ada saling berinteraksi, yang ada adalah manusia berinteraksi dengan komputer. Ini akan membuat seseorang mempunyai jiwa sosialis yang rendah. Spesifikasinya OS : Windows Vista Koneksi : Ethernet 10/100, IEEE 802.11, nirkabel 802.11 b/g dan Bluetooth 2.0 Dilihat dari bentuknya : Layar : 30 inchi (76 cm) Tinggi : 22 inchi (56 cm) Kedalaman : 21 Inchi (53 cm) Lebar : 42 inchi (107 cm) Dan permukaan MS berbahan akrilik.

Kalau gak percaya ada teknologi kayak gini, liat aja nih videonya. Hehehehe Ke 2

Microsoft's "Surface"
This product is simply amazing! I mean look at all the things they say they can do with this (in the videos [link below])! This is just truly awesome!

Microsoft Corp. has taken the wraps off "Surface," a coffee-table-shaped computer that responds to touch and to special bar codes attached to everyday objects.

The machines, which Microsoft planned to debut Wednesday at a technology conference in Carlsbad, Calif., are set to debut in November in U.S. commercial locations, such as T-Mobile USA stores and properties owned by Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. and Harrah's Entertainment Inc. Surface is essentially a Windows Vista PC tucked inside a shiny black table base, topped with a 30-inch touchscreen in a clear acrylic frame. Five cameras that can sense nearby objects are mounted beneath the screen. Users can interact with the machine by touching or dragging their fingertips and objects such as paintbrushes across the screen, or by setting real-world items tagged with special bar-code labels on top of it.

Unlike most touchscreens, Surface can respond to more than one touch at a time. During a demonstration with a reporter, Mark Bolger, the Surface Computing group's marketing director, "dipped"

his finger in an on-screen paint palette, then dragged it across the screen to draw a smiley face. Then he used Cool all 10 fingers at once to give retail the face a full head of hair. tool

With a price tag between $5,000 US and $10,000 per unit, Microsoft isn't immediately aiming for the finger-painting set. The company said it expects prices to drop enough to make consumer versions feasible in three to five years, but in the meantime, some of the first Surface models are planned to help customers pick out new cellphones at T-Mobile stores. When customers select a phone on the screen, Surface will read its bar code and display information about the handset. Customers can also select calling plans and ringtones by dragging icons toward the phone.

Guests sitting in some Starwood Hotel lobbies will be able to cluster around the Surface to play music, then buy songs using a credit card or a rewards card tagged with a bar code. In some hotel restaurants, customers will be able to order food and drinks, then split the bill by setting down a card or a room key and dragging their menu items "onto" the card.

At Harrah's locations, visitors will be able to learn about nearby Harrah's venues on an interactive map, then book show tickets or make dinner reservations.

Microsoft is working on a limited number of programs to ship with Surface, including one for sharing digital photographs.

Bolger placed a card with a bar code onto Surface's surface; digital photographs appeared to spill out of the card into piles on the screen. Several people gathered around the table pulled photos across the screen using their fingertips, rotated them in circles and even dragged out the corners to enlarge the images behaviour made possible by the advanced graphics support in Windows Vista. "It's New not a touch screen, it's a grab for screen," Bolger said.



Historically, Microsoft has tended to focus on creating new software, giving computer programmers tools to build applications on its platforms, and left hardware manufacturing to others. For now, Microsoft is making the Surface hardware itself, and has only given six outside software development firms the tools they need to make Surface applications.

Matt Rosoff, an analyst at the independent research group Directions on Microsoft, said in an interview that keeping the technology's inner workings under wraps will limit what early customers the businesses Microsoft is targeting first with the machine will be able to do with it. But overall, analysts who cover the PC industry were wowed by demonstrations of Surface. The system is "important for Microsoft as a promising new business, as well as demonstrating very concretely to the market that Microsoft still knows how to innovate, and innovate in a big way," said Michael Gartenberg, an analyst at Jupiter Research.

Ke 3

Microsoft Surface Confirmed: Touch-Sensitive, $10k,

Minority Report Table

Project Milan is in fact a touch-sensitive table asyou guys speculated and we reported earlier. Dubbed "Surface" and five years in the making, it's set to establish a paradigm of what Microsoft calls "surface computers" which use touch as the sole method of input. Painting with surface sounds particularly intuitive (and fun): you can use a paint brush or simply dip your fingers into virtual paint cups. Photo resizing and stacking works much like the iPhone's zoom gestures. Also cool is the capacity for multiple users. Such sweet tech comes at a price, naturally, with the units running $10,000 a pop. But, Microsoft expects prices to plummet over the next three to five years to the point they'll be in your homes. In the meantime you'll be able to play with them at T-Mobile stores, Harrah's and Sheraton hotels. Got more questions? Hit the jump for a FAQ and (naturally) a boatload of pictures. Update: And a video! What is Microsoft Surface? Microsoft Surface, the first commercially available surface computer

from Microsoft Corp., turns an ordinary tabletop into a vibrant, interactive surface. The product

provides effortless interaction with digital content through natural gestures, touch and physical

objects. Surface is a 30-inch display in a table-like form factor that's easy for individuals or small

groups to interact with in a way that feels familiar, just like in the real world. In essence, it's a surface

that comes to life for exploring, learning, sharing, creating, buying and much more. Soon to be

available in restaurants, hotels, retail establishments and public entertainment venues, this experience

will transform the way people shop, dine, entertain and live.

How does Surface work? At a high level, Surface uses cameras to sense objects, hand gestures and touch. This user input is then processed and the result is displayed on the surface using rear projection. What is surface computing? Surface computing is a new way of working with computers that moves beyond the traditional mouse-and-keyboard experience. It is a natural user interface that allows people to interact with digital content the same way they have interacted with everyday items such as photos, paintbrushes and music their entire life: with their hands, with gestures and by putting real-world objects on the surface. Surface computing opens up a whole new category of products for users to interact with. What are the key attributes of surface computing? Surface computing has four key attributes: Direct interaction. Users can actually "grab" digital information with their hands and interact with content by touch and gesture, without the use of a mouse or keyboard. Multi-touch contact. Surface computing recognizes many points of contact simultaneously, not just from one finger, as with a typical touch screen, but up to dozens and dozens of items at once. Multi-user experience. The horizontal form factor makes it easy for several people to gather around surface computers together, providing a collaborative, face-to-face computing experience. Object recognition. Users can place physical objects on the surface to trigger different types of digital responses, including the transfer of digital content. How does Surface benefit consumers? Surface breaks down the traditional barriers between people and technology, providing effortless interaction with digital content. Similar to the way ATMs changed how people got money from the bank, Microsoft is changing the way people will interact with all kinds of everyday content, including photos, music, a virtual concierge and games. Common, everyday tasks become entertaining, enjoyable and engaging, alone or face-to-face with family, friends or co-workers.
Ke 4

Microsoft Corp. has taken the wraps off "Surface," a coffee-table shaped computer that responds to touch and to special bar codes attached to everyday objects. The machines, which Microsoft planned to debut Wednesday at a technology conference in Carlsbad, Calif., are set to arrive in November in T-Mobile USA stores and properties owned by Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. and Harrah's Entertainment Inc. ( is a Microsoft-NBC Universal joint venture.)

Surface is essentially a Windows Vista PC tucked inside a shiny black table base, topped with a 30-inch touchscreen in a clear acrylic frame. Five cameras that can sense nearby objects are mounted beneath the screen. Users can interact with the machine by touching or dragging their fingertips and objects such as paintbrushes across the screen, or by setting real-world items tagged with special bar-code labels on top of it. Unlike most touchscreens, Surface can respond to more than one touch at a time. During a demonstration with a reporter last week, Mark Bolger, the Surface Computing group's marketing director, "dipped" his finger in an on-screen paint palette, then dragged it across the screen to draw a smiley face. Then he used all 10 fingers at once to give the face a full head of hair. With a price tag between $5,000 and $10,000 per unit, Microsoft isn't immediately aiming for the finger painting set. (The company said it expects prices to drop enough to make consumer versions feasible in three to five years.) Some of the first Surface models are planned to help customers pick out new cell phones at T-Mobile stores. When customers plop a phone down on the screen, Surface will read its bar code and display information about the handset. Customers can also select calling plans and ringtones by dragging icons toward the phone.
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Guests sitting in some Starwood Hotel lobbies will be able to cluster around the Surface to play music, then buy songs using a credit card or rewards card tagged with a bar code. In some hotel restaurants, customers will be able to order food and drinks, then split the bill by setting down a card or a room key and dragging their menu items "onto" the card. At Harrah's locations, visitors will be able to learn about nearby Harrah's venues on an interactive map, then book show tickets or make dinner reservations. Microsoft is working on a limited number of programs to ship with Surface, including one for sharing digital photographs. Bolger placed a card with a bar code onto Surface's surface; digital photographs appeared to spill out of the card into piles on the screen. Several people gathered around the table pulled photos across the screen using their fingertips, rotated them in circles and even dragged out the corners to enlarge the images behavior made possible by the advanced graphics support deep inside Windows Vista. "It's not a touch screen, it's a grab screen," Bolger said.

Historically, Microsoft has focused on creating new software, giving computer programmers tools to build applications on its platforms, and left hardware manufacturing to others. (Some recent exceptions include the Xbox 360 and the Zune music player, made by the same Microsoft division that developed Surface.) For now, Microsoft is making the Surface hardware itself, and has only given six outside software development firms the tools they need to make Surface applications. Matt Rosoff, an analyst at the independent research group Directions on Microsoft, said in an interview that keeping the technology's inner workings under wraps will limit what early customers the businesses Microsoft is targeting first with the machine will be able to do with it. But overall, analysts who cover the PC industry were wowed by Surface. Surface is "important for Microsoft as a promising new business, as well as demonstrating very concretely to the market that Microsoft still knows how to innovate, and innovate in a big way," said Michael Gartenberg, an analyst at Jupiter Research.

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