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First section of the didactic sequence:

Enter topic
To begin the sequence, it is proposed to organize an observation and exploration situation
with a collection of fruits in order to begin to talk about the diversity of seeds and the fruits that
contain them.
Some of the questions that will be asked to guide observation: Do you know what they are
like? Do you know their names? What are they like on the inside? Are they hard or soft? Are
they dry or wet? Where do you think the lady brought them from? How do you think he got
them ?

Fruits or fruits?

Commonly when we talk about fruits we do so with reference to the fleshy or dry fruits of
certain plants that are sweet and that is why we do not like to eat them, but not all the fruits of
plants are edible.
The fruits are the part of the plant that generally contains the seeds inside, therefore all fruits
are fruits but not all fruits are fruits.

About this section of the sequence

It is about focusing on an aspect of plants that is new for children.
In this first section of the didactic sequence, the teacher will be the one who will provide the
material: images, encyclopedias, videos, fruits and seeds, so that the children have a variety
of material in terms of the present structures that make dispersion possible.

In relation to the formulation of the first ideas about the mode of seed dispersal, it is possi -
ble that children have representations of distances from which we hope to construct.

This will not be the moment in which they are corrected, but rather the raising of questions
will be promoted with the intention of modifying these constructions through the proposed ac-

Previous knowledge:
This first activity will allow the children's knowledge to be revealed.

The idea will be recovered that the seeds of the plants are contained in the fruits and that inside
them are the “daughter plants”, embryos of future plants.
Activity 2:
After observing the photographs of different fruits, an exploration and recording activity will be
presented. A collection of seeds (edible and inedible) will be distributed to small groups, trying to
represent trees, shrubs and herbs (studied the previous year).

Once the activity is finished, each group shows the fruits, how they drew them, and tells what they

The data will be recorded on a bulletin board.

Activity 3 invites you to record and organize the information in a simple table.

This activity aims to remember content studied the previous year (parts of the plant).

Activity 5 proposes activities to recognize diversity in terms of the number of seeds that can be found in
the fruits of different plants (fruits with many seeds, fruits with some seeds and with a single seed.

Second section of the didactic sequence:

Types of dispersal in some plants when the fruits ripen the seeds fall to
the foot of the mother plant and germinate there
These seedlings have to compete for space, light, water and nutrients
with the plant that originated them in other plants. The ripe fruits or seeds
can be transported by the wind, water or by animals to places distant
from the mother plant throughout this proposal. It is expected that stu-
dents can identify the structures present in fruits and seeds that make
dispersal possible and that they can establish relationships between
these structures and the type of movement they carry out.
There are plants that disperse their seeds through a combination of
more than one type of transport or polychory, for example the fruit opens
explosively and catches on the skin of an animal and when the seeds are
released they float, dispersing through the water or moving through wind
We will watch videos:

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Activity 6:
Watching a video of encyclopedia images on the Internet provides the opportunity to pay attention
to the characteristics of fruits and seeds and link the observed consumption to dispersion.

The jointly proposed instance is more a moment for formulating questions than for conclusions.
The doubts and questions that are raised in this activity will give meaning to the sequence of ac-
tivities that follows.
Activity 7:
It is proposed to continue investigating the dispersal of seeds.


Activity number 8:

Analysis of the images paying attention to the structure of the seeds.

during the sharing important activity that justify the reason for their answers
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Activity 9:
In the following activities, the analysis of seeds that are dispersed by the exclusive action of the wind or
combined with other types of dispersion is deepened.

It is difficult for them to answer the last question alone; the teacher will provide information (images) in the
sharing. Observation and analysis will be oriented toward the structure of parachute-type seeds. Compari-
son with other seeds that are also dispersed by the wind but have other types of structures will be pro-
moted .
Activity 10:
More examples are presented of seeds that are dispersed by the wind to consolidate the previous activ-

Activity 11:
We continue investigating the various forms of dispersal, we now look at plants whose fruit float and how
this characteristic affects the dispersal of their seeds.

Sharing of activity 11:

In the sharing it is clarified that they are fruits of aquatic plants or of plants and trees located near water, it
is necessary to repair the idea that fruits are those that can float and that the seeds fall either to the water
or to the land that It is where each one can germinate.
Activity 12
In this activity, the dispersal of seeds is presented by the action of animals that ingest the fruits and then
spread the seeds by excreting them.

Sharing of activity 12: We will talk with the children about how animals eat the juicy part of the fruit but the
seeds remain intact and can thus give rise to new plants.
Activity 13: Other seeds that are dispersed through animals by being ingested or because they
adhere to their bodies.

Activity 14 presents fruits and seeds so that children can decide which ones are dispersed by animals and
justify their answers.


Activity 15: In the characteristics of the fruits that explode to expel their seeds and so that they
can make daughter plants.

In this instance we continue to relate the structures of the seeds, in this case the pods and modes of dis-
persion, the students can be asked to provide seeds, the teacher can complete the collection so that it is
varied, the observation, exploration and manipulation of the seeds enriches the job
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Activity number 16: After talking with the entire group and drawing conclusions, an individual activity is

Sharing in this instance generalizations are made to begin establishing relationships between the type of
dispersal of fruits or seeds and their morphological characteristics. For example, seeds that are dispersed
by the wind have a salty or parachute-shaped structure. Group exchange is important. Have students jus-
tify their answers
Activity 17:
Presents cases of seeds growing from combined type of dispersal

Activity number 18: Proposes analyzing the characteristics of fruits and seeds and establishing
relationships between these characteristics and the type of dispersal.

Third section of the didactic sequence:

Fruit and seed structure

Situations for observing videos and images as well as situations for searching for bibliographic
information will be developed and the possibility will also be provided for students to make direct
observations of fruits and seeds in which they can learn to make systematic descriptions, use
magnifying glasses and record records. graphics, through simple tables or charts.

The objective is to promote learning not only of conceptual content but also of ways of knowing.
During direct observations, the reading of images and the consultation of diverse material, the
identification of the structures present in the fruits and seeds such as spines, air chambers or
winged structures will be guided.

Organization of groups and selection of material

With the intention of enriching the exchange of ideas during the exploratory activity and informa-
tion search, as well as during the moments of sharing, it will be organized to the degree in groups
and collections with different fruits and seeds or images of them will be offered.

Do plants move?

It is expected that during the activities debates will arise about whether the plants move or not, it
will be proposed that the children confront their ideas with the information obtained by various
means (exceptions will be raised for plants that are capable of moving by their own means such
as carnivorous plants and the so-called mimosa plant), but
It will be highlighted that one of the characteristics that distinguishes plants from animals that do
not present autonomous movement is that they do not move on their own.

Field trips

They favor the direct observation of living beings in their environment and in this case the direct
observation and recording of fruits and seeds, constitute a teaching device that offers the oppor-
tunity to investigate and search for particular information.
The field trip will begin with the preparation of the trip and continues with the return from it with
the organization and analysis of the information obtained.
The meaning of the output will be defined and shared with the students. The doubts or questions
raised in previous activities will guide the meaning of the output.
Once the purpose of the outing has been established, we will begin organizing it. We will discuss
in class the tasks to be carried out: observation, registration and collection. We will also talk about
the materials that will be necessary, including the recording instruments.
At this planning moment, a list of materials and tasks will be prepared together with the students.
Activities 23 and 24 contain proposals for the prior organization and for the recording of data dur-
ing the observation.
Activity 19
Types of dispersal in plants
Complete the table with what you learned in the dispersion

It is expected that the children will be able to autonomously describe the characteristics of the seeds, ac-
cording to their type of dispersal.
Activity 20
It is proposed to analyze a sequence of images about palo drunk seeds.

Drunk stick seed dispersal

Activity 21
It is proposed to complete a painting from the image of a plant
We complete the picture with what we learned, from the plant we were given.
We draw the fruit and the seed.

Activity 22
The objective of this activity is to open a debate with the children about the possibility of plant
movement. The activity will be complemented with the viewing of some videos about the dispersal
of fruits and seeds and the growth and support of a climbing plant.

You will be guided with questions so that the difference between growth and movement arises and also to
establish the difference between seed dispersal and the possibility of autonomous movement that animals
Activities 23 and 24
These activities aim to present instruments to organize the output and record the collected data.

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Activity 25
The objective is to communicate the information obtained during the course of the preceding activi-
ties as an alternative to systematize what has been learned.
We put together a story to explain to your family how seeds germinate away from their
mother plant.

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Activity 26
The design and construction of fruit and seed models will be used as a way to integrate new
learning, it will also allow the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Activity 27
The objective is to organize an exhibition to share the designs created and systematize what has been learned about
seed dispersal.

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Fourth section of the didactic sequence:

Evaluation proposals
During the development of the project, group and individual activities will
be carried out, some of which tell about what has been learned, if the ar-
guments when making decisions are observed, the contributions of each
child, the collective task, the questions they ask in the individual or group
instances, etc.
The production of the seed designs and the comic are elements that will
provide information to the teacher about the appropriation of the contents
by the students.
The ways of learning are also content to be taught and therefore to be
evaluated, for this reason it will be evaluated how the students have been
appropriating the ways in which the task was carried out: their ways of
recording observations were adjusted, explanations were included in-
creasingly pertinent in the sharing, if they were able to handle the biblio-
graphic material with increasing autonomy, if they were able to organize
themselves for the task, both individually and in teams.

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Activity 28

We complete the sentences

Activity 29


Activity 30

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Activity 31

Activity 32
Do they move?

Activity 33
What did we learn about seed dispersal?


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