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TV Programs = game shows, news, talk shows, soap operas

Movies = horror films, thrillers, science fiction, westerns

Music = classical, jazz, pop, salsa

Complete these sentence, then practice with a partner

1. A : Do you like science fictions movies?

B : No, i do not. I dont like it very much

2. A : Do Jake and lisa like soap operas?

B : I thnk Jake likes, but i don’t know about lisa. Why don’t you ask her?

3. A : What kind of music do Noriko and ethan like?

B : They love classical music. Noriko really likes yo yoma

A : What does he play?

B : The cello. I have his new cd. Let`s listen to it

1. A: i have tickets to the baseball game. On Saturday, would you like to go.

B: I'm sorry, i can't to go with you.

2. A: Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow night?

B: i'd love to. but, i have to go with my family.

3. A: Would you like to go to a pop concert with me this weekend.?

B: i would like to. but, i have a plan with my parents.

1. A: would you like to accompany me to my family gathering?

B: Yes i’d love to. Thank you.

2. A: would you like to watch football game next sunday?

B: Well, i’d like to. But i have to study.

3. 3. A: would you like to watch a movie with me?

B: Yes, thank you. I’d really like to see it.

Andy dan Marta = Grandfather and Grandmother

Chris dan sarah = Father And Mother

Donna dan manuel = Aunt and Uncle

Sam dan yumiko = Sam (Husband) and this Wife

Jim dan liza = Brother and Sister in law

Teresa = Cousin

Kelly dan Jimmy = Niece and nnephew

Michael Douglas - Catherine Zeta Jones = Her Husband

Enrique Iglesias – julio Iglesias = His Son

Francis Ford Coppola – Nicholas Cage = His Father

Annete Bening – Shirley Maclaine = His Cousin

1. A: Hi, stephanie. What Are you Doing ?

B: Hey, mark. I Am Standing in the elevator and it’s stuck!

A: Oh, No! Are you ok?

B: Yeah! I – wait! It Is Moving now. Thank goodness.

2. A: Marci, how Are You and justin Enjoying your shopping trip?

B: We Are having a lot of fun.

A: Is Your brother Spending a lot of money?

B: No, mom! He Is Buying Only one or two things. That’s all...!

1. Which children are benefing from Judy working? Emily

2. Which Child is not benefing from Judy working? Ben

3. Which family member ia enjoying more freedom? Josh

4. Which family members are doing more housework? Steve

5. Which family member feels too busy? Judy

Bab 6

1. A: Who is a good player at volleyball?

B: I guess, i’m pretty good. I often play on weekends.

2. A: How long you spend online?

B: About an hour after dinner. I like to chat with my friend.

3. A: How many times you Play cards?

B: Once or twice a month. it’s a good way to relax.

4. A: Are you good in type?

B: Not very well, actually. i need to take a typing class
Bab 7

1. A : Did you stay home on Saturday?

B : No, I called my friend. We drove to a cafe for lunch.

2. A: How did you spend your last holiday?

B: i had a party. everyone enjoyed it, but the neigbors complained about the noise.

3. A: what did you do last night?

B: i went to the new tom cruise film. i loved it.

4. A: did you do anything special over the weekend?

B: yes, i did. i went shopping. unfortunately, i spent all my money now.

5. A: Did you go out on Friday night?

B: no i didn't. i invited friends over and i cooked dinner for them

2 A : How Did you spent your last birthday?

B : I Had a party. Everyone enjoyed it, but the neighbors not liked the noise

3 A: What Did you

The bed: tempat tidur

A lot of fun : menyenangkan

A vocation : panggilan

The dishes : piring piring

A good time : waktu yg baik

Dancing : tarian

A trip : perjalanan
the laundry : cucian

shopping : perbelanjaan

some photocopies : beberapa fotocopy

Do my home work the laundry the bad

Go bowling a trip a lot of fun

Have a party a good time dancing

Make a phone call a vocation some photocopies

Take a day off shopping the dishes

2. A: Did you in los angeles last weekend?

B: No,I DID NOT. I WAS in san fransisco.

A: how WAS it?

B: it WAS great! But it IS foggy and cool as usual

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