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2022 Ceatalogue PT.RAYHAN ALKESINDO — MAKASSAR— | UINGNESIIG SAUL MENES asso ag Ren Ren "Nama Produk Merek No, Produk Penyedia Unit Pongukuran nis Produk Kode KBKI TKON(%) Sertfkat TAON(%) Berlaku Sampai URL Produk Model! Type Nomor lan Edar (AKDIAKLILainnya) Jenis Produk Sesuai iin Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan Spesitkasi Produk Secara Singkat Informa! Lainnya Nama Produk Merek No. Produk Penyedia Unit Pengukuran Jonis Produk Kode KBKI TKONC%) Serttkat TAON() Berlaku Sampai URL Produk Model Type Nomor lain Eda (AKD/AKLiLainnya) Joni Produk Sesuai lin Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan Spesfxasi Produk Secara Singkat Informas! Lainnya HUMASTAR 100 and Accessories Human Ref. No. 16890 import 4815000018 HUMAN HUMASTAR 100 AND ACCESSORIES’ Tidak Ada 4818000018-AK1-002469543 2023-04-02 Rp 384.000.000,- ntipsife-kataloa app 90 lakatalog/oroduk/detal142477521ang=id&typo=qenoral Rel. No, 16890 KEMENKES RIAKL 20102312479 Instrumentation for clinical muhiplex test systems Instrumen uj kia klnis untuk perggunaan diagnostic in vitro (IVD) Germany Germany 00 tests maximum; 100 tests typical Sample type: Sexum, plasma, urine, CSF, whole blood; Measuring modes: Photometry (calorimetry, UV-esi, turidimoty), idak termasuk UPS, Komputer, dan printer ree starter kt 2 reagent dan vial contra HUMASTAR 200 and Accessories Human Ref No. 16895, oe wit : import — B 4015000018 = HUMAN HUMASTAR 200 AND ACCESSORIES 14815000018-AK 1-002456552 Tidak Ada Rp 426.700.000, 2023-08-02 /e-katalog kop 90 dlkatalog/orodukldeta 14245867 Ref. No. 16895 KEMENKES RIAKL 20102912480 a Instrumentation for elnial multiplex test eysteme Oo Instrumen uj kimia Klinis untuk penggunaan diagnostic in vitro (IVD) » 7 pengat a (vo) Germany — o€ 200 to 600 testy, 127 tests por hour ype! mix roushouk © 4 bolum tormasuk instalas, training, Komputer, printer, dan starter kit reagent. oC rH EY BY a 8 4 Cy ra Es = ry a Cy Nama Produk Merek No, Produk Penyedia Unit Pengukuran Jens Produk Kode KBKI TKONG) ‘Serfikat TKDN(%) Berlaku Sampai URL Produk Model Type Nomorizin Ear (AKDIAKL/Lainnya) lenis Produk Sesusi ein Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan ‘Spesitkasi Produk Secara Singkat Informas! Lainaya Nama Produk Merek No. Produk Penyedia Unit Bengukuran senis Produk Kode KBKI TKON() SSortifixat TKON(%) Borlaku Sampal URL Produc Model Type: 'Nomor lin Edar(AKDIAKLILainnya) lenis Produk Sesuai ein Edar Fungs! Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrkan ‘Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat Informasi Lainaya HUMAREADER HS and Accossorios Human Ret No. 18670 i unit import 4815000018 HUMAREADER HS AND ACCESSORIES. '4818000018-AK'-002414230 Tidak Ada Rp 65,500,000, 2023-04-02 tis katalog app 0 dkatalog/produkidetall1420051 lang=id&iype=qeneral Cat No. 16670 KEMENKES RIAKL 10102710362 CColorimeter photometer, or spectrophotometer for cinical use Pemeriksaan Tos ELISA Geary China ‘8-channel ber optics, reads @ complete plate in just § seconds, 4 PL calculation mode tidak tormasuk starter kt reagent HUMAN Humalyzer 4000 and Accessories Human Ret, No, 18250 f unit import 4815000018 HUMALYZER 4000 AND ACCESSORIES Tidak Ada 4815000018-AK1-000013647 2023-04-02 Rp 83.600.000,- Ret. No. 18250 KEMENKES RI AKL 10702912508 Untuk meakukan pengukuranfotomett pada panjang gelombang yang telah 9 eee i Geary Germany o« (Open reagent system; Flow ool 2 por vette; Measuring modes: Photometry (QD (colormetry, UVests,trbiimetry); Sample type: Serum. plasma, ure, CSF. whole (= Blood, eters; Up to 8 of standards per test; 144 of programmable less. 3 Uidak termasuk starter kit reagent, rt EY £ rd o a Cy Nama Prosuk Merek No, Produk Penyesia Unit Pengukuran Jenis Produk Kode KBKI THON) Sertikat TKON(4) Berlahu Sampai URL Produk Model Type 'Nomor ain Ear (AKDIAKLiLinnya) Jenis Produk Sesual ain Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrkan ‘Spesifikas| Produk Secara Singkat Informasi Lainaya Nama Produk Merek No. Produk Penyedia Unit Pengukuran Jenis Produk Kode KBKI TKON() ‘Sortfkat TKON(%) Borlaku Sampai URL Produk Model Type Nomorlzin Ear (AKDIAKL/Lainnya) lenis Produk Sesuai tin Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan ‘Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat Informasi Lainaya HUMASTAR 100 and Accessories Human Ref. No. 16800 ay 4915000018, ip eS HUWASTAR 300 SR AND ACCESSORIES 14815000018-AK'-002470998, - Tidak Ada Rp 407.500.000,00 2000-04-02 steataoo r 1474888 7lanavidStype-aeneral Ref. No, 16860 KEMENKES RI AKL 20102312479 Instrumentation for clinical multiplex test systems Instrumen uj kimia Knis untuk penggunaan diagnostik in vitro (IVD) Germany Germany 4100 tests/hr maximum: 100 tests typical: Sample type: Serum, plasma, urine, CSF, whole blood; Measuring modes: Photometry (colorimetry, UV-esis, ‘urbisimety). tidak termasuk UPS, komputer dan printer, fee starter kt 2 reagent dan 1 vial contol. HUMAN HumaCount 50 Automatic Hematology System and Accessories Import ‘SS 2023-04-02 Rp 224.000.000,- KEMEN&ES Ri AKL 20205816526 ‘Automated lferentia cell counter Untuk skrning dalam pomorksaan Klis . Bey Germany i Parameters: 29, 5-partitfrential of WAC; Up to 60 samples / hour, Sample type Human verous or capilary whole blood (2 and K3-EDTA anticoagulant) Capillary Blood callecied by HUMAN capillary lube. China Uidak tormasuk UPS, komputer, dan stator kit roagent R PT, RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR Human Ren Renee Nama Produk Merek No. Produk Penyecia Unit Pengukuran senis Produk Kode KBKI TKON(%) ‘Sortifixat TKDN(%) Beriaku Sampai URL Produk Model Type Nomorlzin Ear (AKDIAKLiLainnya) enis Produk Sesuai in Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan ‘Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat Nama Produk Merok No. Produk Pena Unit Pengukuran Jenis Produk Kode KBKI TKON(%) Sertifikat TKON(%) Borlaku Sampai URL Produk Model Type: Nomor lain Ear (AKDIAKLiLainnya) enis Produk Sesual ain Edar Fungs! Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan ‘Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat Informasi Lainaya HUMAN Hexagon HIV Human Ret, No, 57002 kt import HUMAN HEXAGON HIV 3544008000 '3544008000-AK1-002470145 Rp 1.100.000,- @ Tidak Ada % 2024-04-02 ekataloa oalorodulldetal angi Ret No. 57002 KEMENKES RIAKL 30305211854 Mutiple autoantibodies immunological test system Muliple autoantibody immunological test systom Gemany Germany ‘Screening test for whole blood, serum or plasma application. Sensitvly: 100%, Specify: 88.9% HUMAN Hexagon Syphilis Human Ret, No, 8042 kt import ‘3544006000 HEXAGON SYPHILIS “ae Tioak Ada Rp + ™ 2024-04-02 hnps:i/e-katalog kop ao idkatalog/oroduk/detal14191692Ianqmidslyoe=general Ret No. 68042 KEMENKES Ri AKL 20303802020 a Treponema pallidum teponemal test reagents > emeriksaan syphilis a) + Germany D Germany a 20 tests; Contents: 20 Test devices, 4 ml Dit, 20 disposable pipttas; Specimen: ‘serum, plasma or whole blood {with addon of heparin, EDTA or sodium etrate) or capilay boo. j anbo| Spesifikasi Ree Nama Produk Merek No, Prosiuk Penyedtia Unit Pengukuran Jenis Produk Kode KBKI KON(%) Sertfikat TKON(%) Berlaku Sampai URL Produk Model / Type Nomor ln Edar (AKD/AKLILainnya) Jenis Produk Sesuatl2in Ear Fungsi Nogara Asal Produk Negara Pabrkan ‘Spesitkasi Produk Secara Singkat Informasi Lainnya Nama Produk Merek No. Produk Penylia Unit Pengukuran senis Produk Kode KBKI TKON(%) ‘Sorfikat TKDN(%) Borlaku Sampai URL Produk Model Type Nomor Iz Ear (AKO/AKLLainnya) lenis Produk Sesuai tin Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrkan ‘Spesitikasi Produk Secara Singkat HUMAN Humalyzer 2000 and Accesorios Ln pomerksaan sys @ Pa Gemany o Gemany SYPHILIS RER ala = fotlasiron vapor unt hat dn ctesi 5 c kuanttatif antbodi reagin yang terkat dengan sis di serum atau plasma manusia, 3 DAFTAR HARGA 2022 Bolum temas PPN 10 % Berlaku : 01 Januari 2022-31 Desember 2022 No PRODUK Wo, Gat_| volt] KEMASAN | _REAGEN KERIA TARGA Tet Tanke sees [aT CLINICAL CHEMISTRY “pre Wt oo | ee Zone aR 3a SCOT noms “osa5— | ooo | 000 t—T 3 o0o| wT a [abanelunisesL mers 00 | 00 fea toor ft 57000] 118 [Rane Pests FOC EPL sar 100 | avon] —2 | aaa | — arson a0] [Akane Postataas ox BOX DEA “ant? —| “too | foxse at | 2 —[-¢ mings | a7 + [aksine Postitar on BOX [DEAL “ana? —| too [-exene | —2—[ ering | a7 00 [Wenn Prarie op DOC DFA) “ana? —| ~1000-|- casa | —2—[-amingas | —# 09 [Wenn Proephstae opt GAC OER) “zai —| 60 | exe | 2 —[ amnggu | 24800 7a [Ata Ase Uno NES DAS) “aie | 00 | oxo | 1 | emngpul —a708000| — ear lis Anse Leo MES be ote | tao aor] 1 — [oes] — 2.909] 2a [Ae Aryl Le sto WES bute) s0a8 | 900] exam | 4 arngg | 7. tooo] —a7002 awe som [aero] | rel — a ease “oraz —| ave are mt [1 | tn] eel ea 75 [pina aLOoAL a TOT 6 [ann Tae Torso | 900 exttome| 2 [eo re 77 econ CT Tort | 700 | aa er e000 elon UAL TPTZ “r1s—|-s00-| oom —| 1} eo} a 7 eet a HOS Ama oan acme || |r 7 [erotsra ig CHOD PAP ae oat —| 00 | axiom | —t [ep] a Ieciac ta uvireca recs] “aos [too oxtonr| —2 1 sorat | ast ISRMBRAC acl arse uv “e005 [69 | oxm_| 2s Tato Geb Lia “aris —| 1o0[-toxtoar | —2 [soa | 8 eno Te Crain Dek “ose |250| zor 1 —}—e0 | 17m ann “ost —|-400—|~ too, | 2 —| arama | — "ger 09 [resin ess Ue “ost [80 | aes Eo | —ao66.00 [Gene GT s TRS BaerTRe aa] oo exo} ep |r [Senne os THIS bute a [Seng GT Lg Tes bute “auzs [400 | exc | 2 —[ snags [3 re [sens GT Ug Tes ber 085 | 000 axed | 2 —[ Snags | ato 32_{ousess (GOD 2AP mone 750 —200—f ase | —1—| es —| rare 00 33 [osse Ua L600 2API mons ret | Toon tooo | 1} eb} Fe 377 Hoa Cons (Neral ne Aaa seas [| eet |e | (SOT RAT ESCM sant —| 100 Hosea} 9 — | eer 005] — ra S37 [eST ASATLIFCS Wadi a [soins ostunaee HOV DS Sn ate gins eet Wad UY “az —|60-|_texem [2 | emnags [—tare00o| 208 ar {GPTALATECC diguV “aa —10o | Toxtom | 2 |e mnags | 758,000] 760 fer ALA as unaren OCR “zbae—| 1000" axzeom | —2—[managu | a5. 000] ee o_o ALATECC mala “ante —|60--|-texem| 2 —[ #minagy | —ta7000| 2088 OL Greet rec “oer [601 — at | | tts |e roo] — aa yobs aise! bess aL Joast—[-200-| wont] 2 77 000| #888 ADL sino sas sore 920| axa [1 |e} apo] [onal wince 1S “oad [60 | 2as0m [1 |e | 1 sagmno | 2009] Sigler an TAS aa0_—[-700_| Faoone| 1 | eb | tb | ta 52 [cpr ic uv “aaa [00 | tex5m_[—2 | Tm | —tanogme| 2095] 5 [tora “ate | 1oo_| sox tone] —2 —|-rminga | — tase — 13500] [tbe W “aoet—[-a00 | sasom_| 2 —| smu | Fogo | 50 57 [pase gx congat sone [ 50 | stom 1 |e | —s90ram0| ra] 55 [Upese i.e congat sap [too x20 1 |e [ston | a0 S55 [Mayr git CF] naw =o010— | 200 | 00m [1 |e | 1258000) — 6200] [Prost Tgp nore “oozT | 700 [aot [1 |e | fone | sro [Poses resis “ore | 100 | axa | 3 [ore | 2.0000) — 25.050] ot [Poesuum ig UV 7120 [40 | a 342000| 708,550) a AX PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR Human DAFTAR HARGA 2022 Berlaku : 01 Januari 2022 - 31 Desember 2022 eum termasuk PPN 10 % A PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR a No PRODUK Wo: Gat [voli | REMASAN | _REAGEN KERUA WARGA Tel agora sboea | aa “66 [Sodium -Rapis ‘S73351 “60 [60 mi 1 ED 7,672,000] — 37,200. a7 [Segui “ore—[ eo] a Sarepool e775 [Soo an wore [6 | ese remo| Tae? [Toca onan | oe | ore || 7 foal Pte incor Gur “osname tt et hao frat Pi ear en Tartar [ano fae oom ttt ienna| ae 7 DES tasor tone no 7 bes taser Wane iors—| “160 s00m 1 |e 7 mbes CPO Igr a 75 [en a. eto cones [ost —[— a0 3 —[emimaas | —regone| 2570 76 [enlace fir em Sd {tres — 007} ‘rina | 208 77 [e laser ter [on ; wom [esa LOR set [008 2 eee | a 0 307 [Une cla ober. Conpien asa | este awit ft arson St [de aot Compl ne oe ii 5b tate ca fore te ae iron —Za7E 000 iba ae can fore —| 2 expen ast o27 000 |__| __IMMUNO TURBIDIMETRY Rheumatold disease: 35_[ASD=Intecen At [seo eae es) ae $6 [aso an Sas usr || sett —+—}-rsan_ | —"Sasto| —trr so a7 TR = Lao esa [arate | 00 | asm] €0 noone zon 6 [RE ate rene een | 10s samt} —t ep] ear nat — 9 teat unr oor [| pase || ease 78 0 [oR nso Seger ||P | 1s} ga oo seo St fene-tea Sanaa [oe [—so [get [ ttt 20 8 ia 37a bt eags Tae ee [ue bie Renee so —[ a0 [peta | —t | prin | eS a 95a ce i [As nr ex Tao arm] torr | ear alas Be roe [—s0| eam 1+ 16a — era — Ser solos [Fes [sagem =o | | — ast soot Sante {roo dsc Sino] — 63900 “T-[consiment cs Tao pear | Sores — 78 164 ea atin {|| eat —4 | sors 090| — zen 165 [Ferin Resaet ots [tssrsmr] + [sofas] testo mo] — sae 00 7 coat Tao | ett tt een [Se 709 [onare sie —[ an [aor] —7 sr] — T0027 oo CONTROL SERA 110 ee eae eile 13511 30 8x5 mi 1 10 he /3bin| 1,618,000 53.993 Ti PROMATROL Abra Ronse ORI |g] ao] ens [74 [roman] nenz00] ence cont con | | 112, [SERODOS (Normal range) Universal 13951 30 6x5m 1 10 he abin| 2,678,000] 89.267 a Se wei | 30 | exem | 1 |romiaen| aeeom) _vosa00 foes a Tams Ta “8 focus oe a oo .ostaae| — S766 [eet care ssf eet iste000| — 75850 ELISA LINE L INFECTIOUS DISEASES 77" [Gmen CHU A seas —| ae] ars 1 roar] rol ar [eect A A es 7a 1a eee Se Human DAFTAR HARGA 2022 Balu masuk PPN 10% Borlaku : 01 Januari 2022 - 31 Desember 2022 No PRODUK ‘No. Cat | Vol(mi) | KEMASAN | REAGEN KERJA HARGA, Tat Sayan aaine [ee Ta (ate Samleriee Deavanee ae oe Stoel ane 0 Sige ait — = Ea 727" pina Sonar AE a fate eae Se—{—a t Seas — sa ai iataie Ze Vea See ae aa 141_|Denave 19 Etsa ‘Bi2a0. 96 [9s 70] e> —[ 7.580.000, 76,958} i seer Sfat—[- |e} ot — ar fe a} eet 7a5-[Ta Fan a a HORMONE: ahaa aa so [a5 Ee] ae apo Sion [a Sgt ace a pee eo —|— ae seo ater ee Sista saree eee tee Sige |e Siete Sara 7a teams 7 aaa] — are es Sia —[—a tart — ahs ‘(eee Sear—[— oe $e — arose | ies Seat |e aust aoa ees oe i Vet eon Sao} isso] —soeser "TUMOR MARKERS. SE ee eee a a—-e-{}e + Foot — ta ‘ee [psa Rese Sune Ane Siar_[ | bee |e 70031 — Tes | 467s tae te Soe fan See —| |e [6 ite poot wean] ‘orgs Seen See {a eee root — ee ae RAPID TEST RHEUMATOLOGY te a ee TST ‘gear [iat aot nt PREGNANCY TEST A PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR a Human DAFTAR HARGA 2022 Bet tarnasik PPM 10% Borlaku : 01 Januari 2022 - 31 Dosembor 2022 cs PRODUK To Gat [vere | KEMASAN | REAGEN KERIA TARGA Tr Saab wie |i a i ee ETT ET TUMOUR SCREENING | 1 BAGO St Soe Bae ote i upacov een Seat at ee ALLERGY 7 frsaCORHE ee ee ee INFEGTIOUS DISEASES Tap isis waa eas] ae Heats Sis —| | oot [Ft — St — a fai peoeN er oo Soo re “aT RENAGONTICT a A Tr RSACON Cooma Sag [a0 | a0 Fpl aaa TH fibAeoy oes coma Vo Eom = ee 20s APR 001 [00 “a07000| 15070] See (elena S| 35 set Sar en Ha Sate} Soe foe aes Soa_|— at —ars—| | eto] | 210 sats Foie Sn Somala OT Fe ee Sears sonst ese Fi an hee sea east} amr atone | —4—t 2] — oot — Fi ree Stee aa) a Fie jane hae spe S Soest —}-amp_|-utoos | st 2] — Pot — Fie eS a ae Stason astove_|—s—| eo | #58000] — 00 | 5 (eat Ne ee ee 27 ater Sono ca Ca I TO URINALYSIS. [CompeatoM (NertpH-Pretsloog Gu zalee escuet | zoe | so | sos | ot | ep 518000) 10360 Ga [eons is hetpTPAaDOESETRT | 553, | geo | vane Ta] eo rerio ioe [Conta urot eroamin Xone Crea T 7 1 HEMOSTAT COAGULATION Zi ieamesstn Pa ee Tea Taam] — aT 22 [eerbestn PTT ioe [sooo a.sse.o00] 258 Zier consi naa a 236 iets ann st os sus [ eosin i ec 231 [eer tual 1200 et poz [-o_[-exgoni_[—7—| eo | —serepoo| — 28) ZiT TaD sao es} ttf — 70 cone Pama Namal 0 seo] go [ext || oe] tana — 0.7] 221 [Geta Pass Atvormal/ 30 35002] 30s rm [+ [gars] 58 222 renosal Cale 500 [4 [ext to 122700 PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR Human AK a a Bolum tormasuk PPN 10 9% DAFTAR HARGA 2022 Berlaku : 01 Januari 2022 - 31 Desember 2022 Ne PRODUK No, Cat_[ vol] KEMASAN | _REAGEN KERJA HARGA Tes] Banyak | ni [a aaa THMUNOHEMATOLOGY Za An A Tog |e ser ED soo] soe Zab ramatps An Tbe —| so [stoi | 1 ED. S26 0001 sober 2a _[ramatyps AAS. Tose —| 01 sxt0mi_[ 1 D. Tete 055 — ‘0.500 28 [at A.D a Tio —| 301 sxt0mi_[—1 ED. ‘sar op8| —Tpezey 20 [samatyp AnD ang) Tose —|—s0—1-sxt0m_[ 1 D. ‘tsstopa| —er-7o0 250_[samatype Anuman Gouin ibe —| 30 [sx mi [ 7 ED. ‘gee 005] a. 251_[ssmatype burn 2%, Tore —| a9 sxtomi_[ 1 D. “g05 000 —“so.te7 Reagents for Automation HumaStar300 SI 752 WAGNESUN igiorHuraStar 5 a ET Teuaoma| — 267 253 [ALUM iguenor Huma s00rrs00—| 200 | 2100 airs on0| —r0'ss5 251 [PHOSPHORUS loumpe Humaiae oa2r3a0 | 120 [ 4x30.) —[—* ate ooo — 733 255 [CHO.ESTEROL -teslor mast otze300| 200 [100 mb igetoo0| e305 258 [nuo-CREATINNE igucoor Huns so0s2300_| 300 [280m E ‘Tespoo| 2580 2st [CREATINE (ena isenlorrraSiar | 10059300 "00 | 100m | Tepe] 76.170 258 [HD. CHOLESTEROL IqucoirHumastar | 10064900 [200-2 100m = 2261 p00] — 1305 258 | SODIUM Iqusoss eumastr —onisse0 [so azo ten — 525 280 [POTASSIUM lau HumaSiat —otzese0—| 20 [azo ‘42ra.poo| 3808 2a [GLUCOSE louosiorHumastar sza0s00—| 30020 “tsa oo0| 3.980 282] JREA seu HraSia 571900 | —s00—[- 2180 ‘tonaoot| 5.653 253[ALBUMINinucsorHunaSiar 560900 | 2a [#0 ‘tors po0| aa 25s [TOTAL PROTEIN lgucso HaSaSE 570900 | ~300—[ 29 180 rr-p0o| 1820 7255 [URIG ACD relsior Hamas ssi900 | 200 [2 10D Tssos00| 7753 ob [TRIGLYCERIDES laueslorSunaSar 0724900 | —"a0—[ 360 “staoo0| 672 2st” [au-BLRUBIND looslor anastar soret900 | 200 [2 TOD “ses oo0| 85 268[aue SILRUBIN LigsetorHurasi o7e7900 | 300 |- 2 TSO ‘teoxo00| sor 268 [eRP (ceacive Poti unastar s2e1900 | —100—[- Ta TOD 217.000] 76.170 270{ANTE-STREPTOLYSN-O (ASO MonaSiar 61900 | “veo [TOD S83.000| 95500 271 RHEUMADID FACTORS (RF Humes ‘961900 | Too [TWD 2588.000| 26880 27 [MUNGLOBULNS Sted A (2A) rnaSiac ‘01900 | veo [TWD Sa 000] 51800 TST MMUNOGLOBULINS drec'G 146) Humes a [-e too Size 00] 34700 77a uMUNOGLOSULINS sect Men) Hun at [-e 100m 345.000] 9600 77S —[Lo as Hurst Zu [-F tor 35000] 375 2761601 (ASAT) Nasu Hana 00200 Tse 000] 3.590 277 [GPT LAT taauV Horas 005700 ‘zee po] 3.70 274 Inari GT lauenar Haast 002x200 3.000] 2108 27STALSAL INE PHOSPHATASE ol Igual HunaSiar| 12007300 [3001-2 160m Taseono| 4.853 280 lpi AMYLASE gues erase “ateeso0[ 200 | 23100 ‘7snooo| 6700 ‘Reagents for Automation HumaStar 600 75nd Phosphate Tose | “era Sze] SET 284_[Atvartigcolor oss06o0 | woo [ax te ‘gezopo| 148 286 [Ate Posh 2037600 | re [3260 2 7er 00] 376 286 [Alans Posshalgs FSC “evi7eo0 | ren [3260 Zits 000] 387 2a [Apha Arae baie aoze6o | ran —| 3260 ears 90) 72 200_[ePrias WY zoz2e00 | “ts80 | sxst0s a p00] 255 300 [eats quae ‘orzoeb0 | "35 | tx 136s. 7.186 00| —o.ere S01 [HDL Chalester! ooseeb0 | 380 | 280 uz3.p00| 26175 302_ frente cle" ‘zzs0eb0 | 360 | 2180 ‘int p00| 8896 303_ [LDH SCE mos ing UW Teotee00 | —3e0—| acta ‘tszp00| 3.200 300 [LDL Crlertero ‘eoseebo | "a0 | 2 a0 tirb9o| — 38983 305 [Lage ‘zoseeb0 | —200—| 1 200% ‘be poo] 30320, 306_|Waanesian lao ‘ooroeoo | 240 [axed ‘sea o00| — 8.287 Sarpy ‘zeoseb0 | —200—| 2x00 se poo] — 26270 305 [phessnons aap ‘oozreo0 | 240 | axa ‘osapoo| — ats 308 Tot Paton aaa osroebo | “280 | ax 710 ‘Tssapo0| 1317 S10” Traveenfa Ptr Torzeebo—|~e30 —| “a 510.000] Bas S14 [pOTASSIOW. orz06o0 | ~280—| 1280 gar 000] S828 Turbidimetry for HumaStar 600 AX PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR a Human DAFTAR HARGA 2022 alum tarmasuk PPN 10 % Berlaku : 01 Januari 2022 - 31 Desember 2022 Ne PRODUK No KEMASAN | _REAGEN KERIA TARGA TSS Tae eo Tease 318 {censlene Gs srir0e00"[ 70 [1270 000000] «2.857 Sale sr2ereo0 [280 [2a 304000] 5.596 S21_eenn ‘ier0e00~[— 60 [190s 7045000] 19.368 522_|Femin Calbmio auzoeo0 | —20—[ axon Bars an0| — 170750 S25_lie ret Hsnneb0—[ 280 [ haa Taz 900] 2828 S77 Mea Oo 445 900] 28 8 Saar siapre00 [210 | x7 e582 000| 31,200 Sa [Tater sri¥ee00"[ 70 [1370 4.102.000 38, 600. Se Samoa eae mea ma “ige00r¢ 01 — + Ts 35.445,000| 35,245,000. RHEUMATIC DISEASES L Enzyme immunoassay _[WESANA seen Tossa] as 1 as =| “aaa oo| sano S35 [MTEC ANA Seer aa rrgranbt| a5 —1 a ED 44-29. 900] tak 20 Sat [MTES SsbA Abe Tressoo | —@5 —[—a ED | 990 — 10, 780 335 [MTEC NSeoaome Arbon Tresaonz—[ a5 [a ED sest¢ 900 120879 Sao [MMTECERA Poe Tress | eB ED |-—7o.s5.990| — 1a 505 Sue [MTEC SS-to-enboss (a rere | —e6—[ ae ED | —so.97 900] — 108 ea Su0_[MTECSS Bs artbodes (5-1 Trevadze | —e6— | — a6 ED—[-—ao.sra.900| — 11068 So [MTEC Se o-aibedas (24-01 rre7o028 | —es—| —aee ED [a9 000| — Hees Se [MTEC mp ribo Tresaozs | —es—| aes rac on0| 132.500 322M Jo Anois ca. reratzs 235 = Seis 000 | 10267 Se MTEC IGE Teese | 9 | aos = FATTO EAT HS MTESIo Freeanto—| 951 — aes ED — |p 900] 268 260 348 [MTEC.CCP Anibosios iresa0e*—| —96. 288 ED 25,633 000] — 267,010 HIMES Ua Reba Trea | 5] — a Sez goo] — T0257 Line nmunesssays (LIA) 351 MTEC. ANA LIA Me Tres2005— [24 2s ED 954,000] 497958 REACTIVE ARTHRITIS. TEZ_ [MTEC Satnonsla-artoodes Seven (oa) —— | Towoo_| 9s] aa =| 09| oer S55 [MTEC Salmonsla aro 9 (SRF Trettos0—| es —| 965 ED | 10.594 000] 168 Te [OTESTIC suse estat) Tiss | a5 1a | essape| eT 355-[MTES CICS Treseost | —e6 [a ED—[—4e 70a 900| — 132 3 356 [MTES EROS Tessas | ea ED—| te. 990| — 1a 70 357 MTEC Avot nba Tessas | es [a ED. p00 goo] 103,125 358 [MTEC Complement Acti ress035 | 88 | ees ED |—7saov.o00| 138856 ‘ANTI-PHOSPHOLIPID-ANTIBODIE: T5E_ [MTEC Cedolpl-Arabades Seen TSS | as a D, aoa] — Tos 353_[MTEC Prosotataisemesnbodas 5 Tresstzr | —@5—| aes ED |b. 000 — 105 70 35 MTEC Posprataseane bods ae Tressot | es —| aes ED. Eoe7 ano] — 105825 335 [MTEC Posptatisetne ibis I Tresstz*—| es —| aes ED—|-—aa.isn.900| —126 583 366_ [MTEC PhospratgystarslaminAnboses Seen | 11033400] 95 | 96s. ED | 2.864000] 208.617, 3E7_[MTEC2 Gycopclan boss Sean ross0s0—| 86 | ag ED | —io,733, 000] — 114781 Sed [MITEC RP Gyeoptan Liboses Tresateo | — a6 [a6 ED |—7o,79a900] — Hse 3a [MTEC RP ogee Noses Tress260 | 6 [a6 ED—[-—to,ren.a90| — 112 3707 [TES Protein Aatbodes Stes Tresses0—[ as [a ED—|—pe-son.o00| —zab2rt S71 [ME Areas V Aritodes Seren Tes8660 | 6 [ar ED | si-8.900| aR | ‘CARDIOLOGY 1 t TE |MTES LDA todos iG TSE —| ee] aes |“ sa0| — areas [mee aA TIS | a5] ae =|“ roraro8| re S74 [TES Lent Aa Treee060 | es [ae ED | aa.es7 ono] Taba S75" [MTESLerLIAS. Treeszte | 28120 ED | yes.900| Bae 78 | NEPHROLOGY, i 37a MTEC aNanteoc Tigeaaro—| a5 | aes | RTE 378 [MTEC.PRSLANCA, ircea020—|— 96. 35. ED. 14436,000| 150,364 Sa [MTESUPO.ANGA Teeat30—| es —[ a8 ED [ise 900] 123 269 Human A PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR a DAFTAR HARGA 2022 Berlaku : 01 Januari 2022 - 31 Desember 2022 Belum termasuk PPN 10 % PRODUK ‘ANTI-THYROID ANTIBODIES: IMEC: 15H Recep Artodies ‘GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASES IMTEC-TransularinassAreboses REAGEN HEMATOLOGY soTSa0TS (Now THe-clener eg GUY Saag], ORRSSIT sorsors (New HOST aC [ResD Crean IHCSODILUENT NCSD DIFF LYSE. Hose contr THCS.Da Humacaunt Hes Cont No. cat TSEsa Tes0/0t TET TESNT 646090 essa ees TES Vat KEMASAN | _REAGEN aya ae ae zea au Tea on 200 500 Zese IAT cr PreFeni KERIA HARGA ani [a et i 900] 31075 “i caoo00| 5555 TOSS 2.070.000] 1035,000, 700000) 700,000 Tae BOS 665,57 A PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR a Human PT. ABHIMATA MANUNGGAL Product Name Product Validity Brand Vendor Product Number Unit of Measurement Product Type KBKI Code Score TKDN(%) No. Letter Information Model / Type Nomor Izin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya) Url Produk Jenis Produk Sesuai lzin Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat Iiformasi Lainnya Product Name Product Validity Brand Vendor Product Number Uni of Measurement Product Type KBKI Code Score THONG) Model /Type Nomor lin Ear (AKO/AKL/Lainnya) Url Product Jens Produk Sesual xin dar Funes Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrtan SpesiicasiProdk SecaraSingkat InformasiLainnya * CLEANISEPT Surface DR. SCHUMACHER CLEANISEPT SURFACE” __ 2023-12-31 Dr. Schumacher ‘SCH-7700402 bottle import 3532302041 Unknown '3552302041-AK1-000142484 ‘Abhimata Manunggal Rp 158.400,00 a Botol, 1L Liquid chemical sterilants/high level disinfectants Cleanisept adalah konsentrat bebas aldehid untuk desinfekst dan pembersihan perangkat medis serta semua jenis permukean. Cleanisept bebas parfum, bebas aldehid, bebas phenol, kemampuan pembersihan baik. Penggunaannya disarankan oleh EU Medical Devices Regulation untuk desinfeks dan pembersihan perangkat ‘medis yang sensitifterhadap alkohol. Jerman Jerman Cleanisept adalah konsentrat bebas aldehid untuk desinfeksi dan pembersihan perangkat medis serta semua jenis permukan. Bactericidal (termasuk MRSA), yeasticidal (C. albicans), Efektif terhadap Covid-19, virus HIV, Hepatitis 8 (HBV), Hepatitis C, polio, papova/ SV40 viruses,rota virus. Aktif terhadap SARS, H7N7 (Avian Flu) dan bebas dari bahan yang terbuat dari babi. - Harga Franco Jabodetabek 202332-31, of Schumacher scH-7700502 bottle Import 3532302081 Unknown wait enon ——-«sstan020fAKaootesore Ses KEMENKES RI AKL 20903012350 Rp 96.360,00 _— teeing t0sPyperl Ua hee eens fens Coney pesca up coco pp bh cel nk Se ae Een pie pogpracttea a page a eae Sinbats fea Pogbsnnys dso sven eel eae Pee Coes a a ee oie ae een Chap ccd tp pul bch cel nk ecccampenbanhan puget meds oper penngia sod an ee Snow ema MESA) yeas (aban) le hndap C9, rari ep b reat papor, Se Atay iON? on Fd nest aor an wa cbt Pegpton oe a al Seer nae Cinna Stee man oaoTe ee ane SaaS oe Ea nga eds eh omens at pen nek AROMA RAL Eran resale ner ene oa a ee & o % fe 2 o€ 24 DO Human Product Name Produ Validity Brand Vendor Praduet Number Unit of Measurement Produc Type BK! Code Score TKON(X) Model / Type 'Nomor lin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya) Url Product Jenis Produk Sesuat Iti Edar Fungs "Negara Asal Produk "Negara Pabrikan Spesificasi Produk Secara Singkat Informasi Lainnya Product Name Product Validity Brand Vendor Product Number Unit of Measurement Product Type KBKI Code Score TKDN(%4) Model / Type Nomor Izin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya) Url Product Jenis Produk Sesuai lzin Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan Spesifkasi Produk Secara Singkat Informasi Lainnya PERFEKTAN Endo Instrument And Endoscope Desinfectant 2023-12-31 Ot Schumacher DR. SCHUMACHER jerosis sch-7701202 PERFEKTAN ENDO INSTRUMENT c an AND ENDOSCOPE DESMFECTANT import Rp 1.298.000,00 3532302041 Unknown No, Letter Information '3532302041-AK1-000146034 oto, SL ‘Abhimata Manunggat———~ XEMENKES RI AKL 20903012352 httpsi//e-katalog.kpp.g0,d/katalog/produk/detall/1437762?type-general Liquid chemical sterilants/high level disinfectants Perfektan Endo adalah konsentrat desinfektan yang ramah terhadap semua bahan material dan aktf membersikan, bebas aldehid, bebas phenol dengan kkemampuan pembersinan yang baik. Sesual untuk desinfeksi perangkat medis. dan endoskopi, Jerman Jerman Perfektan Endo adalah konsentrat desinfektan yang ramah tethadap semua bahan material dan aktf membersihkan, bebas aldehid, bebas phenol dengan kemampuan pembersihan yang baik. Bactericidal termasuk MRSA, tuberculocidal (M. terrae, yeasticidal(C albicans), efektfterhadap Covid-19, virus HIV, Hepatitis 8 (HBV), Hepatitis C, BYDV, \accinia, apova/ Polyoma, Adeno, Polio, sporcidal. Aksifterhadap Ebola, SARS, H7N7 (Avian Flu) dan bebas dari bahan yang terbuat dar babi Penggunaan untuk alat endoskopi telah direkomendas oleh produsen merk OLYMPUS: WINTER & IBE, PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEM, RICHARD WOLF GMBH, sToRZ Harga Franco Jabodetabok AsePTODERM 2023-1231 Or. Schumacher scu-7701113, boste impor Rp 135.850,00 3532302041 Unknown No. eter Information Bool 1L KEMENKES fl PRL 20501310195 Antiseptika =. ml Asepoder adalah desivfektanberatohol untuk alt sebelum pembsdahan, Inks, ung! dan pengambian darah yanglembut a kul, meri wok, paparan yang cepat dan bebes dar bahsn yang dapat menyebablan ita Jong paniane Jean Jean Aseptoderm adalah desnektan beratoho untuk kultsebelum pembedahan, Ines), puns! dan pengamblan drah yang lembut dul, mem wat pararan Yang cepat don bebes dar bahtn yang dapat menfebablan Ia DR. SCHUMACHER ASEPTODERM 3532302041-AK1-000164193 Abhimata Manunggal jangka panjane. Bactericidal termasuk MRSA, tuberculocidal, yeasticidal dan efektifterhadap Covid-19, HBV/HIV/BVDV/HCV/"Vaccinia/Influenza virus sesuai rekomendasi dari RKI, Bebas dari bahan yang terbuat dari babi Harga Franco Jabodetabek & o % % a WE 3 an6bo Human Product Name Product Valcity Brand Vendor Praduct Number Unit of Measurement Product Type KBKI Code Seore TKDN(%) Model /Type "Nomar lin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya) Ur Product Jenis Produk Sesual lain Edar Fangs Negara Asal Produk "Negara Pabrikan Spesifitasi Produk SecaraSingkat Informasi Lainnya Product Name Produet Valicity Brand Vendor Product Number Unit of Measurement Product Type KBKI Code Score TKON(%) Model /Type [Nomar lin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya) Us Product Jenis Produk Sesual Iti Edar Fungs "Negara Asal Produk "Negara Pabrikan Spesifikasi Produk SecaraSingkat Informasi Lainnya DESCOTON Extra Disinfectant for Instrument and End 2023-12-31 Dr. Schumacher ScH 7700313 bottie Import DISINFECTANT FOR INSTRUMENT AND EM 3532302081 ss2nz04AK00572065 Unknown ‘sna Wantage No. Letter Information Rp 321.981,00 Botol, tL KEMENKES RI AKL 20903411829 https://e-katalog.kpp.g0.d/katalog/produbydetail/14562357type=general Liquid chemical sterilans/high level disinfectants Descoton Extra adalah konsentrataksi cepat yang virucidal untuk desinfeks! lendoskopi serta semua jenis perangkat medis.Formularya bebas formaldehyde, ‘ekonomis karena konsentrat,efektivtas las dengan kecacokan material yang balk Jerman, Jerman Descoton Extra adalah konsentrat aksi cepat yang virucidal untuk desinfeks! tendoskopi serta semua jenis perangkat medi. Bactericidal (termasuk MRSA), tuberculocidal (TBC), yeasticidal,efektifterhadap Covid-18, virus HV, Hepatitis 8 (HBV), Hepatitis, Vaccinia, influenza and cold, aéeno, polio/ papova/ polyoma. Aktfterhadap Ebola, SARS, H7N7 (Avian Flv) dan bebas dari bbahan yang terbuat dari babi - Penggunaan untuk alat endoskop/ telah direkomendasi oleh procusen merk STORZ, PHILIPS TEE PROBES - Harga Franca Jabodetabek ASEPTOMAN Gel 2023-12-31 DR. SCHUMACHER ASEPTOMAN GEL Os Schumacher ‘SCH-7701902 3532302041-AK1-000146266 £ 3 bottle Abhimata Manunggal oo uoes import ee Rp 115.500,00 Cera Wo Letter nfrmation Bot it KEMENKES Ri AKL 20903810221 httpsi/ E Liquid chemical sterilants/high level disinfectants rome ‘Aseptoman Gel adalah ge! desinfektan beralkohol untuk desinfeksitanganhigienis.— ddan desinfeksitangan pembedah. Aseptoman Gel bebas parfum, bebas aldehid, bbebas phenol dan bebas dari quarternary ammounium compounds, Aseptoman Gel mengandung emmolient untuk perawatan ku, a Jerman oO Bactericidal (termasuk MRSA\, yeasticdal (C. albicans), Efektf terhadap Covid-19, \) polio virus, adeno virus, noro virus (MNV}, Tuberculocidal (M. terrae). Aktif terhadap =" Ee ar an nance hae OE Cc 3 oO Franco Jabodetabek FR rrsmsvasovomssn_ wuman Product Name Product Validity arand Vendor Product Number Unit of Measureme Product Type Kak! Code Score TONS) Model / Type Nomor lin Edar (AKO/AKL/ainnya) Url Product Jenis Produk Sesuai lin Edar Fungsi Negara Pabrkan Informas|Lainnya Product Name Product Validity BrandWillmann & Pein Vendor Product Number Unit of Measurement Product Type KBKI Code Score TKDN(9%) Distribution Permit Number Company Name Factory Model / Type Nomor Izin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya) Jenis Produk Sesua Izin Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat Informasi Lainnya WP Competence Universal Set 20081211 Willman & Pein wrP-4700800 fi. 2.2 dus Me import Sl 14813002999 FE Unknown WILUMANN & PEIN W P COMPETENCE UNIVERSALSEP No ete Information ‘susan acroses2 Be histone KEMENKES Rl AKL. 20604213110 Rp 509.300,00 tp/e-atalon lop g0i/katalog/produk/ detail 439842 type=general Resin tooth uonding agent 1. Restorasl semua kelaskeruskan gil anterior dan posterior)? Radiopaque. 3. Dapat di oles dengan warna yang tabi Perbaian beitOKeah arf pha restores este, 5. Apts teknik veneer 6 Daya sus yang rendah Negara Asal ProdukGermany Germany Spesfias Produk Secara SngtatTaribaanSinar Permanen Sewarra Gig (Kampost) hid dengan “Nf Techalol unt reatas stro ad kar AA) artvior 8 posterior) ‘Syringe Composite Competence Universal @ 45 gr (A2,A3,A3,A3 5), 1 Sy Extra gel 2m, 1 Sy Glaslner 2,1 Bt C-Bond 10m, Accessories (3 brush holder, 0 brushes) Harz Franco Jabodetabek WP Dental Competence Universal | Competence universal wp-4700801-808 er nee s 14813002999 Oo PT. ABHIMATA MANUNGGAL perio Bamnoce! WILLMANN & PEIN GMBH Rp 112.721,00 Tooth shade resin material 1, Restorasi semua kelas kerusakan gil (anterior dan posterior) 2. Radiopaque. >) ee 3. Dapat di poles dengan warna yang stabil 4. Perbaikan bentuk dan warna —_(\) pada restorasi estetika, 5. Aplikasi teknik veneer. 6. Daya susut yang rendah. == Germany Germany o« ‘Tambalan Sinar Permanen Sewarna Gigi (Komposit) hibrid dengan “Nano oa 4 Technologi untuk restorasi semua kelas kerusakan gigi (anterior dan posterior) = - Harga Franco Jabodetabek oO itp katalog kop go.latalg.produkcgtdetalproductcenter7d=1440220 FR rrsmsvasovomssn_ wuman Product Name Product Validity Brand Vendor Product Number Unit of Measurement Product Type KBKI Code Score TKON(%) Model / Type Nomor zin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya) Ur Product Jenis Produk Sesuailzin Edar Fungs Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan Spesifkasi Produk Secara Singkat Informasi Lainnya Product Name Product Validity Brand Vendor Product Number Unit of Measurement Product Type KBKI Code Score TKON(%) Model /Type Nomor zin Edar (AKO/AKL/Lainnya) Url Product Jenis Produk SesualI2in Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan Spesifkasi Produk Secara Singkat 'SECURAFILL Glass lonomer Filling Cement 2024-09-06 willmann & Pein 'WNP-4700101 / WNP-4700102 Union caer aaa petit eee KEMENKES Ri AKL 20602411850;/ detal/1239952?type-general Dental cement 1, Semen pengisi area anterior. 2, Radiopaque. 3. Méngandung Fluoride. 4. Dapat dipoles setelah 15 menit. 5. Pengisiarea approximal. 6. Aplikasi pasak dan area yang terkiks. Germany Germany Semen pengisiglassionomer berbentuk bubuk dan cair Tersedia Warna : A2 & A3 -Harga Franco Jabodetabek 2024-09-06 | Willman & Pein WNp-4700200 Q dus set WILIMANN & PEIN eoee 'SECURAFILL LC GLASS IONOMER FILUNG CEMENT Unknown 3529002001 AK: 000165055 No. Letter Information ‘nimata Manuel Powder Liquid Rp 402.710,00 KEMENKES Rl AKL 20602805048 httpsi//e-katalog, Dental cement 1, Semen pengisi area anterior dan posterior, 2, Radiopaque. 3. Mengandung Fluoride. 4. Dapat dipoles setelah 15 merit. 5. Pengisi area approximal. 6, Aplikasi ppasak dan area yang terkikis. 7. Menggunakan Light curing sebagai pengeringnya. Germany Germany ‘Semen pengisiglassionomer berbentuk bubuk dan cair dengan Light Curing Informasi LainnyaHarga Franco Jabodetabek jeye99 an6o Product Name Product Validity Brand Vendor Product Number Unit of Measurement Product Type Kaki Code Score TKDN(%) Model / Type Nomor lin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya) Url Product Jenis Produk Sesual lain Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat Inforrasi Lainnya Model / Type Nomor lin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya) Jenis Produk Sesual lzin Edar Fungst Negara Asal Produk "Negara Pabrikan Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat Inforrasi Lainnya Product Name Product Validity Brand Vendor Product Number Unit of Measurement Product Type KBKI Code ‘Score TKDN(%4) Model / Type Nomor lin Edar (AKO/AKL/Lalnnya) Url Product Jenis Produk Sesuailzin Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat Inforrasi Lainnya SILVERCEM 2024-09-06 willmann & Pein WNp-4700080 bottle inet =" WILLMANN & PEIN’SILVE BIN SIEVE 3529002001 NN & Pi in = -3529002001-Ni No, Letter Information ~Abhimata Maguséeal Powder ui Rp 377.740,00 KEMENKES Rl AKL 20605412055 bitpsy((¢ 4, Semen pengisi area posterior. 2. Radiopaque, 3. Mengandung Fluoride. 4. Dapat, dipoles setelah 15 menit. 5. Pengisi area approximal. 6, Aplikasi pasak dan area yang terkikis. 7. Core build up 8. Kekuatan setara amalgam’ Germany Germany ‘Semen pengisi glassionomer berbentuk bubuk dan cair dengan kandungan silver/erak. Dapat digunakan pada area posterio Dapat diaplikasikan untuk core build up- Harga Franco Jebodetabek Powder 12 Gram dan Liquid 7 Gram KEMENKES RI AKL 20605412055 Dental cement 1, Semen pengisi area posterior. 2. Radiopaque. 3. Mengandung Fluoride. 4. Dapat dipoles setelah 15 menit. 5. Pengisi area approximal. 6. Aplikasi pasak dan area yang, tetkikis. 7. Core build up 8. Kekuatan setara amalgam Germany \willmann and Pein GmbH ‘Semen pengisi glassionomer berbentuk bubuk dan cair dengan kandungan sliver/perak. Dapat digunakan pada area posterior - Harga Franco Jabodetabek WILLMANN & PEIN WP DENTAL C BOND 14813002999-AK1-000165691 Abhimata Manunggal Rp 89.430,00 WP Dental C Bond 2024-09-06 Willman & Pein \WNP-4700030 bottle import 4813002999 A, © Unknown No. Letter Information Botol, 10m! KEMENKES RI AKL 20604800257 https://e-katalog, kp Resin tooth bonding agent 1. Memilik eastsitas pelekatan antara dentin dan komposit 2 Bersifattoleran terhadap air dengan karakteristk hydrophylic Germany Germany Untuk melekatkan komposit pada dentin atau enamel Universal Bonding untuk enamel dan dentin yang mempunyai kekuatan 12 MPa (Giametrial tensile strength) Harga Franco labodetabek B1e09 anbo| aon FR rrsmsvasovomssn_ wuman Product Name Product Validity Brand Vendor Product Number Unit of Measurement Product Type KBKI Code Score TKDN(%) Model / Type Nomor Izin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya) Url Product Jenis Produk Sesuat Izin Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat Product Name Product Validity Brand Vendor Product Number Unit of Measurement Product Type KBKI Code Score TKDN(%) Model / Type Nomor Izin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya) Url Product Jenis Produk Sesuai Izin Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Negara Pabrikan Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat Informasi Lainnya WP Dental Extra 2024-09-06 Willmann & Pein \Wnp-4700051, dus Import 4813002999 Unknown Abhimata Manunesal x ily Benes Rp 44.770,00 sont Syringe, 2x2m! yporipor KEMENKES Ri AKL 20604800250 https//e-katalog.lkop.go.d/katalog/produk/detal/1440143 type-general Resin tooth bonding agent 1. Untuk meng-etsa permukaan enamel (email) gigi sebelum restorasi 2. Gel dengan warna biru untuk memudahkan control area. Germany Germany Untuk meng”etsa” (etching) permukaan enamél agi fernail) sebelum restorasi Komposit Informasi LainnyaMaterial berbentuk gel berwarna biru, Mengandung 37 % phosphoric acid Harga Franco Jabodetabek No, Letter Information P Cem Temporary Eugenol Free Luting Cement 2024-09-06 “a WILLMAN & PEIN wiknahn'd te ' CEM TEMPORARY EUGENOL FREE LUTING CEMENT are 352900200442 00055615 wnP-4700020 i ‘Abhimata Manungsal dus Rp 106.700,00 import 3529002001 ~ Unknown te. ete information bes ‘eves at 2602605082 Isfeatao kp go atlo/rodk dla 440 146 1ype=poner Dental coment 1 Semen sera own dn bt on 2 Trapt ast Hotta dan hdonfaate 3, ss an muda eas, sk merendang ogee © ey Germany QO Semen sementara dalam bentuk pasta untuk crown dan bridge, inlay, onlay. » Mereandung Kasim rola hypo a Perit semertar untuk mahota “ora Frc bode, an6bo FR rrsmmsnasovomssn yuman Product Name Product Validity Brand Vendor Product Number Unit of Measurement Product Type KBKI Code Score TKON(%) Distribution Permit Number Company Name Factory Model / Type Nomor izin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya): Usl Product Jenis Produk Sesuai ain Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara PabrikanGermany Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat Informasi Lainnya Product Name Product Validity Brand Vendor Product Number Unit of Measurement Product Type KBKI Code Score TKON(%) Distribution Permit Number Company Name Factory Model / Type Nomor Izin Edar (AKD/AKL/Lainnya) Jenis Produk Sesuai l2in Edar Fungsi Negara Asal Produk Negara Pabrikan Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat Informasi Lainnya WP Dental Competence Flow 2024-09-06 Willman & Pein WnP.4700401-404 Syringe import 4813002999 c Senedd 'WILLMANN & PEIN ‘AKL 20602210971 ‘WP DENTAL COMPETENCE FLOW: Pr ABHNATA MANUNGGAL eee nun en BH erie Rp 86.900,00 KEMEMRES RA 20607210871 hitps://e-katalog Ikpp go id/katalog/produkidetail/1440189 type Tooth he anata estore pda ast, dan 2. adhopege, 3,09 ples. 4 Peraan wea pata rest eset 5 Rent MBO ah ane rn coma yeneral Untuk restorasi gig! Kelas Ill, VI dan V atau area yang tidak mendapatkan tekanan tinggi Tambalan Sinar Cair Sewarna Gigi (Komposit Flowable) dengan Teknofogi Nano - Harga Franco Jabodetabek Dent A Cav 2024-09-06 Willman & Pein ‘WNP-4700900/ WNP.4700301 dus import 4813002999 Unknown, ‘AKL 20602210970 PT. ABHIMATA MANUNGGAL WILLMANN & PEIN DENT A CAV 4813002999-AK1-000166205 WILLMAN & PEIN GMBH eee Abhimata Manunggal oto (280 Gram) KEMENKES Ri AKL 20602210970 Rp 105.930,00 Root canal filing resin 1. Bahan pengisi sementara 2. Tidak menyebabkan iritasi pada pulpa atau gusi 3. Muda diaplikasikan dan dibersinkan an Germany Germany S Bahan Tambalan Gigi Sementara (Tersedia Warna : Putih & Merah Muda) pe Tumpatan / Tambalan Sementara - Harga Franco Jebodetabek - Mohon o Canturkan nan Warna Fada Saat Permesanan Haren alah hara per bot) eg Cc! oO FR rrrsmmsvasovonssn_ yuman EDAN !15. ‘Aworld of potential Chemistry Analyzer Pr-Tite Medial Indonesia 4815000018-AK1-000250682 Rp 90.500.000,00 Standard Configuration including: Standard Accessories: ain Uni No. Description Quantity 800*480, 7" color LCD touch screen AAU NpAver Adator 80106011) 5 Built-in thermal printer 2_| Printer Paper T Built-in Barcode scanner 3_| Rechargeable Lithiumvlon battery 1 LAN, 10Mbps 4 | Power Cable 1 WLAN, IEEE 802.11b/g/n 5_| User Manual 1 UsB*4, Full speed 2.0 6 wonanty Cord 1 Serial port, RS232 ee u Url Product :_https://e-katalog.| NB: Hara dah teas PPN 10% orgs bet tema Bay pengenan % lover A1eSef Analyzer CLOVER’ A1c" Self KEMENKES RI AKT 20207126080 4815000187-FKS-004624416 = Alat pengukuran HbA1c Metode Afnitas Boronat & Spektrofotometr Sampel darah hanya 4yl -Hasil dalarn 5 menit Memori 200 tes SO. Sertitkes Oleh: C8) (y retcrtige 6S) weit RP 9-500.000,- SPESIFIKAS! PT-Medisindo Bahana sample darsh ara uth kale, darah vena dengan anti koagulan Volume semple 4a Waktu pengukuran 5 menit IS Suhu penympanan ‘Nat :20-35'C (60-951), Cardge:2-32°C 36-90°F) » Panjang gelombang 415 0m (normal D Kelembaban lat 10%- 90% = eaters mn of Suhu operasional 17-32°C (63-80°F) D Link Ue hts://e-katalog kpp go id/katalog/oroduk/detal/2059206Vlang=idBtvpecgeneral €nfek FREND™ System 4815000309-AK1-001945042 Nama Produk Frend System Masa Berlaku Produk 2023-02-24 Merek NanoEntek inc. No. Produk Penyedia F10 Unit Pengukuran unit a Jenis Produk import ‘ Kode KBKI 4815000309 = —* Nilai TKON(%) Tidak Ada a No. Surat Keterangan ——) Model / Type F10 Tse Be ci AA ore Macnee Rp 59.600.574,27 Jenis Produk Sesual lin Edar Fluorometer For Clinical Use Fungsi Alat untuk pemeriksaan POCT PT Setia Guna Medika Negara Asal Produk Korea Negara Pabrikan Korea Spesifikasi Produk Secara Singkat_ _: Alat Untuk Pemeriksaan POCT Link Ut httos://e-katalog B1e99 anbo| dari AN FR rrrsmmsvasovonssn_ yuman Batinesias 50Tests AGM-2200 Strip famlyDe MHD-1 fomllyDr Ho Es 4iN MHS-2 xn HMzoisinvo BAHANA GLUCODR Super Sensor Blood Glucose Monitoring System AGM-2200 ®p.227.577,- htts://e-atalog kop GlucoDr. SuperSensor™ Test Strips ‘AGM-2200 Strip, 8p. 86.808,- htps://-kataog kop go ig/katalog/produk/detail/1396990%type-general familyDr. Hb Hemoglobin Test Meter MHD-1 *.414.229,- htps:/e-kataloglkpp.g0id/katalog/produk/detal/3970362ype-general familyDr.™ HB Hemoglobin Test Strip MHS-2 *.134.494,- htps//-katlog pp goikatalog/produk/dtai/13870607type-general an6boyjeleo ngieierg PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR_ Human OTT As ‘WE300 PF120A. ROSSMAX Peak Flow Meter PF120A 8p. 70.197,- tps ketal hp go /katalon/produk detail 13972¢5ype-geeral rossmax Fossa AS175S dengan ~~ masker ukuran S 6 ROSSMAX Spacer for Aerosol AS175 S p. 84.401,- ts /featalog lop goatalo/ produ detal/:29735SPypengeeral AS175S dengan ain. 'oSmox_masker ukuran L "_ ROSSMAX Spacer for Aerosol AS175 L Rp. 83.359,- a eer z PT, RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR HMzoisinvo BAHANA ROSSMAX Quttie Electronic Baby Scale 8p. 433.111,- https://e-katalog ressmax B rosmax PF120C ROSSMAX Peak Flow Meter PF120C 8p. 72.172,- ntosfeatalo hp go/atalogoroduketl/13872667pengeneral ressmax AS175S dengan masker ukuran M ROSSMAX Spacer for Aerosol ASI75 M Rp. 83.359,- eps taalg kp g.idatlog/oroduk/detal/14008197ype=general an6boyjeleo nogeresg Human — GoLite GPP-100 Automatic Specific Protein Analyzer OG nao AG Ne eV Pee se ui aos AM PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR_ Human z __ETETE_ETE_ETE__——— [FEATURES GoLite Reliable Result Allin one Cartridge GOED Compact Sere esas CN secu Oe a ae Gnas © Auto ID of assay QR code on reagent cartridge Seek Me Ricca © Quantitative measurement and maintenance free @ Independent calibration TOPERATION ONE STEP ONLY! ee ea’ v PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR_ Human ITEST MENU GoLite ey Pc Ser HbAte 2.8%- 15.5% Blood. lea 023-5.108/t Blood/Plasma/Serum es 1.8-26.0¢/L Blood/Plasma/Serum lem 0.18-4.60¢/L Plasma/Serum Immune Disease 3 019-470 /L Plasma/Serum Cc 0.06-2.208/. Plasma/Serum ASO 41~ 607 U/mL Serum Re 20-306 IU/mL Serum Rheumatoid Disease Anti-ccP 15200 IU/mL Serum D-dimer 0.28- 15.70 mg/L Plasma USCRP 0.22-19.00 mg/L Plasma/Serum Cardiovascular Disease (a) {60-1200 mg/L Serum FR-CRP 0.5-380.0 mg/L Blood/Plasma/Serum cae 1.6- 152.0 mg/L Plasma/Serum Inflammation SAA 3=200meg/t Blood/Plasma/Serum Urine igs 4= 100 mg/L Urine Urine TRE 1-80 mg/t Urine xIM 5~ 200 mg/L Urine Kidney Disease ALB 9.5-230.0 mg/L Urine ose 04-76 me/t Plasma/Serum ‘BMG 0.4-13.0 mg/L Plasma/Serum/Urine I CLINICAL PERFORMANCE GPP-100 VS Biorad D10 Sue a a“ 3 " ead DioroANe More assays are to be expected GPP-100 VS Beckman IMMAGE Excellent correlation result compared with well-established brand PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR GoLite Clinic & SO Paci Caen are a APPLICATION Ketan) (tes frees) EIT ro rics Centers SPECIFICATIONS 3 to 8 minutes Color touch screen 3 pL to 300 pL. Built-in thermal printer Up to 100,000 test results [NSPS 404 mms161 mm397 mm CONTACT US Address: | No. 103C, 503C & 504D, Technology Building Follow us on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook &No. 3A & 4A, Technology Building See our latest trend! Annex, Zhaoshang Sub-District, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China, 518067 @ (a) Fi Tel: 0086 755 2689 0807 @ Goldsite Diagnostics Website: PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR_ Human DAFTAR HARGA ‘SPECIFIC PROTEIN TEST NEPHELOMETRY, GPP 100 GOLDSITE INC. PT SETIA GUNA MEDIKA Cato, Description HargaSatuan | OTE* | orga /Test ori00 ‘EPPADD Protein aa 7 S.000000] 68,000 em 05:30 Pete H 2.909900] 321,000 eorra10 “for Ppt (000pesfouc for Mechanic Pete Fr] "rsa 04750 ms woes 3 Blood Colecton Samper 2 36250 aoa 2 cat No. Description Remarks EMASAN | HargaSatuan | MATE* | varga /Test crseora forpaorncapne [fame sen Beolaniieesnoes| Tp coass|_s7one7| —_—s0aae rz2m20 [amano cake [eetynmanae 2 cass) room| _-s0ae2 ‘72105 [eae conta lercra recor asm sis) sea razice_ [eae calbrtorte oo amt 2ossasa] _22anaes| rasen0 [ore av0 usenet er % ear] ruse] sans era05 [AP conait levee a5 sons] sane Grazie fae Calbratort ue oamt 2056283| 2282085 ers2m1d_[ermaoo sane [mayen 2 wes) ose] aac saawos2 [sn Cone [aman asm. wo2s| sae raz? fan clover fe asm nossa] amass crises [armao Amn cceR_rdccraimnsrenee 20 asvoase| avez] 78528 Dwczet_[anccr Conte evet frase rons ree awe amt aaas| ooze] ‘wozaH [at-ccPConrl Level? privet enw! asm was ooze] ee es asm. ssa] __1oiesn| erssmn0 [ere a000 ime % wana) iene | _ais noes [po contr = am israms] _a7aioes erases [po cteratr = 10m saa9io[ 4588308 croic20 [ovmo0igk ke =, 0 was 23986 crotcnn_|or-io0 ox [nronogobn 2 wos 33586 r0eo20 _[or-100 Ne ke mms Fa wns 23986 r390%0 _fore00 ct ery 7% eas 988 crstone_[oreaoocant [onsonesa % on ase eeascng_[arm a Ke ace % vessare| asso ea70e eso [areaoL Me cae 0 aesaora| asm] e204 risen [orra00 Tare fanserntr ema 20 wass| sare] e296 r2ioz0 [ar-a00350 Ke [essen x0 vasa] seas] aaa A PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR__,_-Human co eros! catno. stuan Tea] \o10 Description Harga' PPN 13% ‘Harga /" cl crzan fea foeneot 2 czas] 8206] oo cpais_[ortnoner ees 7» arate] ara] 0a Sons [uainecowt forwsamccmncncrenisawae| aim [tase] tame cant kine iberipretansscancac manna] 08m seasee| 205958 wean [eae eerie 7» wasiss[ wuss] soe voor aca = ism maze] ones raz pacar be ea Oem So com erewis_ [orto nce one 2 tiniste|ieean| as ates _[orcomre! mame Cant eae] ors eam locate ane on 7aioes| a8 ware erro uie ge femmes oer Fy sena| saree] ma Ove [ine Stone ww Ton sexes] ome sz? [oe us cabot jes osm | masses] name Se 2 aess| isos] oa mss [ne TREC! ees “ont seuss] some Sa Ose seimrs| amos wraon eeamnne pe zy ta0| ova] om es Lita et sexes] ome eam fan cater iter cam | tasuess[ —aamae wtan fremiincm mewn z iasaa| aes] are "OMT nec! Ieee Game | amas] sen "WOVEN ke cnlnGh nel fears int | _vaeana| asa ‘azar ibAicibator hewradein ate o5mt atin] area Berl mul e 2022 é = —~> arg wltutanpe pemberitah iu — MINDRAY BC-30s Auto Hematology Analyzer and https://e-katalog.tky a a = —_ MINDRAY BC-5150 Auto Hematology Analyzer and https://e-katalog.| I mindray healthcare within reach MINDRAY BC-20s Auto Hematology Analyzer and Accessories + UPS Rp. 94.071.197 E-Cat Price https://e-katalog.| Accessories + UPS Rp. 104.201.597 E-Cat Price MINDRAY BC-11 Auto Hematology Analyzer + UPS Rp.63.680.198 E-Cat Price Accessories + UPS ecatPrie Rp. 199.569.485 MINDRAY BC-5380 Auto Hematology Analyzer and Accessories + Komputer + UPS. Rp. 298.989.734 — EcatPrice B1e09 anbo| aera PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR_ Human TTETE_———— A mindray healthcare within reach MINDRAY BC-5000 Auto Hematology Analyzer and Accessories + UPS Rp. 178.437.370 https://e-katalog.| MINDRAY BC-6000 Auto Hematology Analyzer and Accessories + Computer (Lokal) + UPS (Lokal) + Printer (Lokal) : Rp. ae P. 463,101.005 MINDRAY BC-5390CRP Auto Hematology Analyzer and Accessories + Komputer (Lokal) + UPS (Lokal) * Rp. 376.264.426 https://e-katalog. | 5 | MINDRAY BC-6800 Auto Hematology Analyzer and Accessories + Komputer + UPS + Printer Rp. 798.417.850 https://e-katalog.| MINDRAY Auto Hematology Analyzer and Accessories BC-6800Plus + Computer (Lokal) +UPS = we (Lokal) + Printer (Lokal) Rp. 898.708.205 , https://e-katalog.| B1e09 anbo| aera Se PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR_ Human TTETE_———— A mindray healthcare within reach i MINDRAY CAL - 8000 Cellular Analysis Line and ‘Auto Sample Processing (BC 6800 plus + SC 120 + =. Tracking System) + Computer (Lokal) + UPS (Lokal) + Printer (Lokal) Rp. 2.272.363.164 MINDRAY BS-120 Chemistry Analyzer and Accessories + komputer (lokal) + UPS (lokal) Rp. 192.336.077 httos://e-katalog MINDRAY BS-220E Chemistry Analyzer and Accessories + komputer (lokal) + UPS (lokal) + RO Water Treatment 20L/jam (lokal) Rp. 419.320.000 https://e-katalog.| MINDRAY BS-380 Chemistry Analyzer and N \ a4 Accessories +komputer (lokal) + UPS (lokal) + RO it Water Treatment 40L/jam (lokal) - Rp. 600.875.000 https://e-katalog.| _— |. MINDRAY BS-360e Chemistry Analyzer and * Accessories +komputer (lokal) + UPS (lokal) + RO a eae Water Treatment 40L/jam (lokal) Rp. 554,665.075 https://e-katalog.| Bye09 a anbo| dit PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR_ Human TTEE————— mindray healthcare within reach MINDRAY BS-480 Chemistry Analyzer and Accessories +komputer (lokal) + UPS (lokal) + RO Water Treatment 40L/jam (lokal) Rp. 698.572.829 httos://e-katalog.| MINDRAY BS-800M Chemistry Analyzer and Accessories +komputer (lokal) + UPS (lokal) + RO =) Water Treatment 40L/jam (lokal) Rp. 1.707.918.132 MINDRAY BA-88A Semi Auto Chemistry Analyzer and Accessories Rp. 28.959.638 Mindray CL-1000i Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer and Accessories + Komputer (Lokal) + UPS (Lokal). ~ = 1 Ro 501.119.378 https://e-katalog. | ?type=general Mindray CL-1000i Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Analyzer and Accessories with Swing Arms + Komputer (Lokal) + UPS (Lokal). Rp. 612.801.878 i PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR_ Human TTEE————— 21699 6 anbo| dari AN mindray healthcare within reach Mindray HBsAg Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (CLIA) Rp. 3.506.271 httos://e-katalog, Mindray Anti-HCV Antibody to Hepatitis C Virus. ‘ante ee (CLIA) | me Re. 3.506.271,” httos:// type=general 5) Mindray Anti-TP Antibody to Treponema pallidium Aetbetywiemmraiess (CLA) \ Rp. 5.401.510 net https /e-katalog Ikop.goid/katalogy/produk/detail/1383614?type=general Mindray HIV Antigen and Antibodies to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (CLIA) Rp. 5.472.562 | https://e-katalog.Ikop.20 id/katalop/produk/detal/1383635?type=zeneral MINDRAY C2000-2 Semi-Autometic Blood Coagulation Analyzer Bye09 * Rp. 18.320.000 4 o€ ‘httosy e'katalo @Q 4 ulebnconstelesuseunesnoeanel “2 PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR_ Human TTEE————— mindray healthcare within reach MINDRAY C3510 Auto Coagulation Analyzer and Accessories +komputer (lokal) + UPS (lokal) Rp. 304.401.000 produk/detail/1383685?tye=general a] ee Pry MINDRAY UA-600T Urine Analyzer and Accessories Rp. 27. , 000 MINDRAY TDR-300B Plus Microorganism Analysis System and Accessories + komputer (lokal) + UPS (lokal) — Rp. 395.844.000 | . MINDRAY TDR-X060 Automated Blood Culture LT) System And Accessories + UPS ule} Re. 407.790.000 —S httpsi//e-katalog Ikpp.go id/katalog/produk/detail/1383757?type=general & SARS-CoV-2 IgG CLIA) MINDRAY SARS-COV-2 IgG (CLIA) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 IgG (CLIA) Rp. 5.313.753 https://e-katalog.| SARS-CoV. gh(CLIA) Bye09 MINDRAY SARS-COV-2 IgM (CLIA) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 IgM (CLIA) Rp. 5.313.753 anbo| aan at PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR_ Human TTEE————— DAFTAR HARGA RAPID TEST HEALGEN 2022 nce NAMA BARANG Kemasan UNIT TYPE MARGAp:c HARGA eM SATUAN PER BOX Rapid Test For Urinalysis Strip 177961402 Urine Strip 106 400 Test Dipstick 200,000 2 7961 302 Urine Strip 3.6 100 ‘Tost Dipstick 2,400, Rapid Test For Pregnancy Test ‘ 37972001 HCG Pregnancy Test Cassette 25 Test Cassette 10600 264,00 Rapid Test For Infectious Diseases : 47982001 Typhold Test Cassette 5 Test Cassette 40,000 1,000,000 57982101 HIV 12 One St Tost 25, Test Cassette 23300 582,400 6 7982201 Test cassette 5 Test Cassette 23300 582,400 7° 7982202 Test stip 50 Test Strip 14,900 744,200 8) 7982301 Syphirs Test Cassette 5 Test Cassette 15,600 388,300 97982302" Syphilis Test Strip 50 Strip 11000 547,100 AO 7982404.\ “HBsAb Test Cassette 2B Tost Cassette 17,200 429,500 447982402 HBsAb Test Sti 50 Test Strip 10,200 505,900 12 7982501 HBsAg Test Cassette 25 Test Cassette 14900 370,600 13 7942802 HBsAg Test Stip 50 Test Strip 5300 344,800 14 7982601 Malaria PFIPV Test Cassette ey Test Cassette 38,900 970,600 45 7942701. TB Rapid Test Cassette 25 Test Cassette 38,900 970,600 16 7962801 Dengue IgGigM Test Cassotto 5 Test Cassette 75,300 4,882,400 17 7982811 Dengue NS1 Tost Cassette 5 Test Cassette 7,800 4,794,200 18 7981901 HAV IgM Rapid Test Cassette 5 Test Cassette 4,800 4,647,700 19 79628001 COVID-19 IgGiigM Rapic) Tost Cassette 5 Test Cassette 47400 4176,500 20 79828011 Coronavirus Ag Rapid Test Cassette 20 Test Cassette 58,900 4,176,500 Rapid Tost For Drug of Abuse : 247994301 Muitl 3 Pane! (AMPIMOPITHC) 6 Test Multi Stip 56,500 4,441,600 22 7964501 Mult § Panel (AMPIMOPITHC:METICOC) 25 Test Multi Strip 91,800 2,204,200 237984601 Multi 6 Pane! (AMPIMOP/THCIMETICOCIBZO) 25 Test Multi Strip 102400 2,588,900 24 7981701 Multi 7 Panel (MET/COCIMOPIAMPIBZO/THCIKZ) 3B Test Multi Strip 123,600 3,088,300 25 7994711 Multi 7 Panel(METICOCIMOP/AMPIBZO/THCISOMA) 5 Test Multi Stip 123,600 3,088,300 26 7992101 AMP (Amphetamine) Test CasscHe Pa Test Cassette 20,300 505,900 27 7992201 THC (Marijuana/Ganja) Rapid Tost Cassette 5 Test Cassette 20,300 505,900 28 7992301 MOP (MorphinelHeroin) Tost Cassette 5 Test Cassette 20,300 505,900 29 7992401 BZO (Benzodiazepines) Test Cassette 5 Test Cassette 21,200 529,500 30 7992501 COC (Cocaine) Test Cassette Py Test Cassette 20,300 505,900 31 7992601 MET (Methamphetamine) Tost Cassette Pa Test Cassette 20,300 505,900 32 7952801 BAR (Barbitrate) Cassette 25 Test Cassette 22400 558,900 337992701 MDMA Test Cassette 28 Test Cassette 23400 735,000 XM PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR Human a —— ne wage Diagnosa INFEKS! RAPID ICT - IMMUNOASSAY REAGENT Produsen: Reszon Diagnostics International Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia ( th Tes / Kit 1 | RTF-RDO101 | Typhidot Rapid igM 2_ | RTF-RDO202| Typhidot Rapid IgG & IgM (Combo) | 25 Cassette | 1.995.000 79.800 3 | RCV-RDO101| COVID-19 Rapid IgG/IgM Test 25 Cassette | On request - Diagnosa INFEKS! RAPID ICT - IMMUNOASSAY REAGENT Produsen: JD Biotech Corp, China ( Harga Per | Harga per No| Katalog ‘Nama Produk ih Tes / kit Kit (Rp) tes (Rp) 1 | sTeag2 | TBAg Rapid test 25 Cassette | —1.850.000| 74.000 2 | JTBAG-04 | Quantitative TBAg Rapid test 25 Cassette 2.500.000 100.000 J0-Immuno Gold Reader aunit | Onvequest - Main Accessories: 1. UPS: unit 2. Monitor LCD, keyboard & mouse Lunit Produsen: Biosynex S.A. — France ( Harga Per kit | Harga per No | Katalog Nama Produk sth Tes / Kit | “apy tes (Rp) 1 | 1150019 | BIOSYNEX® Dengue NS1 25 Cassette | 2.100.000| 84.000 1150018 | BIOSYNEX* Dengue IgG & IgM 25 Cassette | 1.650.000| 66.000 3 | 5499 _ | Palutop+4 Optima 10 Cassette | 1.100.000} 110.000 Diagnosa INFEKS! RAPID ICT- IMMUNOASSAY REAGENT Produsen: ICT International, South Africa. ( Harga Per kit | Harga per No | Katalog Nama Produk sth Tes /xit | "ec poy 1 | scHas _| schisto POC-CcA 25 Cassette | 2.110.000] 84.400 PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR Human és —$—$= Diagnosa INFEKS! RAPID ICT ~ IMMUNOASSAY REAGENT Produsen: Boson Biotech Co.,Ltd. China ( No | Katalog Nama Produk a oe ee 1 | anaeca | 2019-nCoV igG/teM Combo Test Card | 25tes | 2.600.000| 104.000 2_| _anosca | Adenovirus Antigen Test Card 2tes | 1.100.000| 44.000 3 | aHoaca | AntiHBene Test Card 2S tes* 590.000| 23.600 4 | aNz7ca_| Chikungunya igG/igMComboTestCard | 25tes | 2500.000| 100.000 5 | 1002c2 | H.Pylori antibody Test Card 25 tes* 760.000| 30.400 6 | 1003c4 | H. Pylori Antigen Test Card ztes | 1265000| 50.600 7 | ANoaco | HantavirusigG/teM Combo Test Card | 25tes® | — 1.600.000| 64.000 | 1M16C2_| HAV lgG/lgM Combo Test Card Wess | 1.475.000] 58.000 9 | aMisca_| HAV eM Test Cara 2stes | 1.700.000| 68.000 30 | aHoscz | HBcab Test card 25 tes 390.000| 23.600 3a | _anoaca _| HBeAg Test cord 25 tes" 390.000| 23.600 32 | 1H02c2 | HBsAb Test Card 25 tes* 390.000| 23.600 33 | aHoIc2 | HBsAg Test card 25 tes 350.000] 22,000 14 | Hoace | HBsAg Test card rootes | 1.450.000] 14.500 35 | 1H06s2 | HBV-S Panel test card 25 tes 795.000| 21.800 36 | aH08C2 | Hew Antibody Test Card ies 670.000| 26.800 a7 | amisca_ | HEV ign Test cara 2tes+ | 1.700.000] 68.000 a8 | aniecs _| influenza A+ B Antigen Test Card 25tes* | 1.600.000| 64.000 [as | anaves | infuenza A Antigen Test Card 2tes* | 1575.000| 63.000 20 | 10i0c2 | Rapid Malaria pf/pan Antigen Test Card | 25 tes 970.250| 38.810 2i | _anaocs _| Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card 20 tes 305.000, | 45.250, 22 | 1006¢2 _| Rapid Toxoplasma lgG/igM 2tes* | 1.100.000] 44.000 23 | 1006c2 _| Ricketisa lg6/lgM Combo Test Card 2stes* | 1.600.000| 64.000 24 | an07c4 | Rotavirus Antigen Test Card 2 tes® 950.000 | 38.000 25 | 10085 _| strep A Test Card Bess | _1178.000| 47.120 26 | _4n02c2_| Syphilis Antibody Test Card 25 tes 600.000] 24.000 27 | 1n28c2 | Zika lgG/igM Combo Test Card atest | _2535.000| 101.400 PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR Human —<— Diagnosa INFEKSI ‘Transport Medium Produsen: Vice .L, Spanyol ( r Nama Produk anes Se No| Katalog lama - a 1 | TMo03 | TRANSPORT MEDIUM -2ML-1 DACRON SWAB S0unit | 2.200.000, 2 | Tmo06 | TRANSPORT MEDIUM -2ML-2 DACRON SWABS sounit | — 2.695.000, Diagnosa INFEKS! IFA immunofluorescence Assay Produsen: Diasorin S.p.A, Italy ( dinTes/ | Harga Per kit. Harga per tes| No Katalog Nama Produk Kit (Rp) (Rp) 1FO1L00G _| Rickettsia IFA IgG 80 12,265.00 | _ 153.313 1FOL00M | Rickettsia IFA IgM 80 1.275.000 | 140.938 Diagnosa INFEKS! ELISA - IMMUNOASSAY REAGENT Produsen: Diasorin S.p.A,, Italy ( No | Katalog Nama Produk Set ee ie arabes 1 | £11506 | Dengue Virus IgG Dxselect %6 well | 7.150.000] 74.479 EL1500M_| Dengue Virus igM Capture DxSelect | 96well | _8.085.000| 84.219 £11510 _ | Dengue NSJ Antigen DxSetect 96 well | _ 12.200.000| 126.042 a z PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR Human Diagnosa INFEKS| ELISA - IMMUNOASSAY REAGENT Produsen: Vircell S.L., Spanyol ( No| Katalog Nama Produk — Tateay | ete 1 G1032 | COVID-19 Elisa IgG 96 well 9,185,000 95.677 2 | MAi032 | COVIO-19 Elisa leMlgA 6welt | _9.625000| 100.260 3 M1027 | Toxoplasma Elisa IgM Capture 96 welll 3.685.000 38.385 4 G1027 | Toxoplasma Elisa IgG 96 well 3.685.000 38.385 5 G1004 | Cytomegalovirus Elisa IgG 96 well 3.685.000 38.385 6 |_mi004_ | Cytomegalovirus Elisa lg S6weli | 3685000] 38.385 7 | 61026 | Rubella Esa eG g6well | 3.685000] 38.385 & | i026 | beta Esa et copure Sewell | 3685000] 38385 9 | G/mao12 Guicebed isa |gG/igM7 96 well 4.125.000 42,969 scien Hoe ale 2a aye sewer | 2425000)” 42.569 11} A1022 | Helicobacter Pylori Elisa ig& 96 well 6.380.000 66.458 42 | 61022 _| Helicobacter Pylori Elsa IgG 96 well | 3.685.000] 36.385 13 | 6/1001 | Measles Elisa igG/lgM g96well | 4.125.000] 42.969 14 | 6/1003 | CHLAMYDIA ELISA IgG/igM” ‘96well | 4235.000| 44.115 25 | A017 | CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS ELISA IgA s6weil | _4675000| 48.698 16 | G/M1017| CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS ELISA gG/leM? | 96well | 4.565.000] 47.552 17 | 1007 | CHLAMYDOPHILA PNEUMONIAE ELISA IgA | 96well | 5.115.000] 53.281 18 | G1007 | CHLAMYDOPHILA PNEUMONIAE ELISA IgG 96 well 4.125.000 42.969 19 | M1007 | CHLAMYDOPHILA PNEUMONIAE ELISA IgM. 96 well 4.510.000 46.979 20 | 61023 | ZIKAELISA les s6well | 8.250000) 85938 21 | M1023 | ZIKAELISAlgM ‘96 well 10,395,000 108.281 22 $001 Elisa Sorbent (2x1,2 ml) 96 well 440.000 4.583 “Td termasuk ELISA Sorbent nN PT, RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR _ Human Diagnosa INFEKS! ELISA - IMMUNOASSAY REAGENT Produsen: Institut Virion\Serion GmbH, Germany ( No] Katalog Nema Produk antes | Hareater | Hare per 1 2200 RF-Absorbent * 100tes 732.000 7.320 2 | ESR128A | Adenovirus IgA Kit 96 well 4.884.000 50.875 3 | ESR128G | Adenovirus IgG Kit 96 well 4.884.000 50.875, 4@ | ESR128M | Adenovirus IgM Kit 96 well 5.318.500 55.401 5S | ESRI32A | Aspergillus Fum. IgA Kit 96 well 6,105,000 63.594 6 | ESR132G | Aspergillus Fum. IgG Kit 96 welll 6.105.000 63.594 7 | ESR132M | Aspergillus Fum. lgM Kit 96 well 5.852.000 60.958 a | esri2ic | B. Burgdorf. IgG Kit 96 well 6.105.000] 63.594 9 | ESR121M | 8B. Burgdorf. IgM Kit 96 well 7.315.000 76.198 10 | ESRIZ0A |B. pertussis IgA Kit 96 well 6.105.000 63.594 11 | ESR120G |B. pertussis igG Kit 96 well 6.105.000 63.594 12 | ESR120M |B. pertussis IgM Kit 96 well 5.852.000 60.958 13 | ESR1201A | _B. pertussis Toxin IgA Kit 96 well 6.105.000 63.594 14 | esraz0ic | 8 perusis TOXIN ig Kt séwell | 6105000] 63598 15| €SR116A | Brucella IgA Kit 96 well 4,884.000| 50.875 16 | ESR116M | Brucella IgM Kit 96 well 5.852.000 60.958 17 | ESR1311A | C. Burnetii PH. | IgA Kit 96 well 6.105.000 63.594 18 | €SR1311G | C. Burnetii PH. 1 IgG Kit 96 well 6.105.000| 63.594 19 | 5909126 | C Bumeti PH 6G séwel | 6105000] 63594 20/|ESRID12M | C Bumeti PH HleMK a6well_| _7315.000| 76198 21 | ESR139A | Campylobacter Jejuni IgA Kit 96 well 6.105.000 63,594 22 | ESR139G | Campylobacter Jejuni IgG Kit 96 well 6.105.000 63.594 23.| ESRi39M | Campylobacter Jejuni IgM Kit 96 welll 7.315.000 76.198 2a | _esm200 | Candide Antigen ki s6wei_| 12012000] 125325 25| ESR117A | Candida IgA kit 96 welll 5.500.000 57.292 xR PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR Human —<— Diagnosa INFEKS! ELISA - IMMUNOASSAY REAGENT Produsen: Institut Virion\Serion GmbH, Germany ( [ne | Katalog Nama Produk Ji Tes / Kit eon sae ee 26 | ESR117G | Candida IgG kit 96 well 5.500.000| 57.292 | 27 | esR117M | Candida igM Kit g6well | 5318500] 55.401 28 | 6SR137A | Chlamydia iga Kit 96well | 6.105.000] 63.594 29 | ESR137G | Chlamydia igG Kit 6well | 6.105.000] 63.594 30 | ESRI371A | Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA Kit 96 well 6.105.000] 63.594 31 | ESR13716 | Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG kit 96 wel 6.105,000| 63.594 32 | €5R1371M | Chlamydia pneumoniae gM Kit | S6well | —7.315.00| 76.198 33 | E5R1372A | Chlamydia trachomatis IgA Kit 96wel | 6105000] 63598 34 | £9R13726 | Chlamydia trachomatis IgG Kit Sewell | 4438500 46.234 35 | €5R1372M | Chlamydia trachomatis IgM Kit 6well | 4.499.000] 46.865 36 | EsRI09G | CMV igGKit s6well | 3756500] 39.30] 37 | ESRI09M | CMV eM Kit 96well | 4499000] 46.865 38 | ESRI34A | Coxsackievirus lea Kit ‘o6well | 4438500] 46.236 39 | ESR134G | Coxsackievirus igG Kit S6well | 4438500] 46.234 40 | ESRI34M | Coxsackievirus IgM Kit 36well | 4875200| 30.783 a1] ESRI14G | Dengue Virus IgG Kit 96 well 6.105,000| 63.594 42| esri1am | Dengue Virus igM Kit géwell | 5.852.000] 60.958 43 | €SR1306 | Diphtheria 1g6 Kit gswel | 5500000| 57.292 44 | €9R13636 | EBV-EA IgG Kit ‘26wel | 4884000] 50.875 45 | €5R13626 | EBV-EBNA 1 IgG Kit ‘96well | 4884000] 50.875 ‘a6 | £9R13616 | EBV-VCAlgG Kit 36well | 4438500] 46.234 47 | esnia6i | EBV-VCA gM Kit ‘96 well | —4.499.000| 46.865 48 | ESRI076 | Echinococcus IgG Kit S6wel | 4438500 46.234 [aa | esr1asa | Echovirus lgAKit 96 well 4.438.500 | 46.234 50 | ESR135G | Echovirus IgG kit 96 well 4438.500| 46.234 nN PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR Human Diagnosa INFEKSI ELISA - IMMUNOASSAY REAGENT Produsen: Institut Virion\Serion GmbH, Germany ( No | Katalog Nama Produk sts fae | Hare Po | er 51 | £SR135M | Echovirus IgM Kit 96 well 5.318.500 55.401 | 52 | €5R133A | Enterovirus tga Kit 96 well 4.884.000 50.875 53 | ESR133G | Enterovirus IgG Kit 96 well 4.884.000 50.875 54 | ESR133M | Enterovirus igM Kit 96 well 5.852.000 60.958 55 | ESR142G | Francisella tularensis IgG kit 96 well 12.012.000 | 125.125 56 | ESR142M | Francisella tularensis IgM kit 96 well 13.222.000 | 137.729 | 57 | ESR118A | H. pylori igA Kit 96 well 4.510.000 ‘46.979 | sa | esntze6 | ¥ prion les Kit S6wel_| 4510000] 46979 59| ESR118M | H. pylori IgM Kit 96 well 5,390,000 | 56.146 60 | ESR1051G | HSV 1igG Kit 96 well 4.070.000 42.396 61| sriosim | HSV IgM Kit 96 well 4.499.000 46.865 62 | ESR1052G | HSV 2IgG Kit 96 well 3.756.500 39.130 63 | ESR1052M | HSV 2 IgM Kit 96 welll 4.499.000 46.865 64 | ESRi2324 | tnfvencaAvius WA Ki séwell_ | 4a88000/ 50875 65 | ESR1231G | Influenza A virus IgG kit 96 well 4,884,000| 50.875 66 | ESR1231M | Influenza A virus igM Kit 96 well 5.318.500 55.401 67 | ESR1232A | Influenza B virus IgA Kit 96 well 4,884,000 50.875 [68 | £5n12326 | tnfvenca vis IgG Kk a6we | 4880000] 50875 63 | esRa2320 | inluenca 8 vrs igh Kit sswell_ | 5318500| 55401 70 | ESR106G | Legionella pneumophila 1-7 IgG Kit 96 well 6.105.000 | 63.594 71| ESR106M | Legionella pneumophila 1-7 IgM Kit 96 well 5,852,000 60.958 72 | ESR147G | Leishmania igG 96 well 6.105.000 63.594 73 | ESR125G | Leptospira igG Kit 96 well 5.500.000 87.292 74 [_esnizsm | Leptospira lem Kit a6wei | 5318500] 55.401 75 | ESR127A | Mycoplasma pneumoniae igA Kit 96 well 4.438.500 46.234 xR PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR Human és —<— Diagnosa INFEKSI ELISA - IMMUNOASSAY REAGENT Produsen: Institut Virion\Serion GmbH, Germany ( No | Katalog Nama Produk artes an | MaraPer Rares ve] 76 | _ESR1276_| Mycoplasma pneumoniae laG Kit 96well | 4438500 | 46.234 77 | _&sR427M_| Mycoplasma pneumoniae igM Kit 96 welll 5.318.500 | 55.401 78 | €SR102G | Masern/Measles Virus IgG Kit 96 well 4.438.500 | 46.234 79 | ESRI02M_| Masern/Measles Virus IgM Kit 96 well | 4.875.200] 50.783 20 | _ESR103G | Mumps Virus IgG Kit 96 well | 4884.000| 50.875 | ai | _ESRI03M | Mumps Virus igh Kit 96well | 5.318500 | 55.401 | a2 | _ESRI266 | Parainfluenca Virus igo Kit 96 well | 4884000] 50.875 | a3 | EsRI26A | Parainfluenza Virus lgA Kit 96 well | 4.884000 | 50.875 84 | EsR1226 | Parvovirus 819 IgG Kit s6well | 4884000 | 50.875 | 85 | ESR122M | Parvovirus B19 IgM Kit 96 well | 5.328.500 | 55.401 | 86 | _ESR113A_| Respiratory Syncytial Virus IgA Kit 96 well 4,884.00 | 50.875 | 87 | _€5R113G_| Respiratory Syncytial Virus 1gG Kit 96 well | 4438500] 46.234 ag | ESA113M | Respiratory Syncytial Virus IgM Kit 96 well | 5.852.000] 60.958 9 | esR1296 | Rubella Virus igG Kit * 96 well | 3415000] 35.573 90 | EsRi29M | Rubella Virus igM Kit = 96 well | 3.500.000 | 36.458 91 | ESRa00G | SARS-CoV.2 IgG SERIONELISA agile | 96well | 11,200,000 | 136.667 92 | EsRacoM | SARS-CoV-2 IgM SERION ELISA agile | 96 well | 11,200,000 | 126.667 93 | BC400G | SARS-CoV.2IgG SERIONELISA control | 1x3mi | 1.500.000 5 [5a | ecaoom | SARS-CoV-2 IgM SERION ELISA control | 1x3mi | 100.000 Z 95 | esriiz6 ene aephetis) 96 well | 4884.00] 50.875 96 | esra12M Tire alin, " 96well | 5.318500] 55.401 97 | esri0ac | Tetanus IgG Kit 96well | 6.105.000 | 63.594 98 | 981106 | Toxoplasma IgG Kit * 96wel | 3.415.000] 35.573 99 | ESRI10M | Toxoplasma IgM Kit * 96 well | 3.500.000] 36.458 too | ESRI044 | VZV (varicella-zoster virus) IgA Kit 96 well | 4884,000| 50.875 nN PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR Human Diagnosa INFEKSI [ELISA - IMMUNOASSAY REAGENT Produsen: Institut Virion\Serion GmbH, Germany ( Warga Per larga per] No | Katalog Nama Produk antes fie | Mittmey [tect oi] ESR10aG | VZV (varicella-zoster virus) IgG Kit ‘96 welll 4,884,000 | 50.875 102| ESRI | V2V(varicella-zoster virus) ig Kit | 96well | 5.318500 | 55.401 103 ESR141G West Nile Virus igG Kit 96 well 6.105.000 | 63.594 104 ESR141M_ ‘West Nile Virus IgM Kit 96 well 7.315.000 | 76.198 105 ESR138A, Yersinia IgA Kit 96 well 6.105.000 | 63.594 106 ESR138G Yersinia IgG Kit 96 well 6.105.000 | 63.594 107| ESRi38M_| Yersinia gM Kit o6well_ | _5.852,000| 60958 Diagnosa INFEKSI ELISA AVIDITY KONTROL- IMMUNOASSAY REAGENT Produsen: Institut Virion\Serion GmbH, Germany ( No | Katalog Nama Produk Nemasan/ | varga Per Kit(Rp) 7 | BRIZOAVID | Toxoplasma gondii Avidity Reagent 1x20 mi 11.120.000, 2 | BRIZSAVID | Rubella Virus Avidity Reagent 1x20 mi On request 3. | BRIOSAVID | Cytomegalovirus Avidity Reagent 1x15 mi On request z PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR ie Human Diagnosa INFEKSI CUIA- Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Produsen: Vircell S.L, Spanyol ( No| Katalog Nama Produk ce Harga (Rp) Virclia# instruments: 1 [veursc | virctia® Lotus 1 997.500.000 2 | 7800300-c1 | THUNDERBOLT E1A-CL 1 34058,000.000 | VirClia® Monotest: 3 | VCMO73_ | Aspergillus Galactomannan Ag VirCia® Monotest | 24 5.915.000 4 | veMmoo2 | Adenovirus VirClia® IgG Monotest m4 3.335.000 5 | veMoas | Bartonella Henselae VirCla® IgG Monotest 24 4,010,000 6 | vomoaa | Bartonella Henselae VirClia* IgM Monotest 24 4,550,000 7 | VEM092 | Bordetella Pertussis Toxin VirClia® IgG Monotest | 24 4.550.000 8 | VCMO09 | Borrelia VirClia® IgG Monotest 24 3.335.000 3 | VCMO10 | Borrelia VirClia® IgM Monotest 24 3.965.000 10 | vemos | Brucella Virclia® ig6 Monotest 24 4,010,000 a1 | _veMo07 | Brucella Virclia® IgM Monotest 24 4,665,000 12 | VeMo0s | Chagas Vircita® igG+lgM Monotest 24 4.665.000 13 | _VCMO59 | Chikungunya Virclia® igG Monotest Ey 3.335.000 14 | VeMo63_| Chikungunya VirClia® IgM Monotest m 3.900.000 15 | vcmoiz | Chiamydia Trachomatis VirClia® Iga Monotest 24 3.335.000 16 | vcMoi3 | Chlamydia Trachomatis VirClia® IgG Monotest 24 3.335.000 37 | _VeMo15 | Chlamydia Teachomatis Viclia® IgM Manotest 24 3,900,000 ae) vewore | Chlertydophila Preamoniae Vircia® gk os Phe Monotest yo | vewor7 | ChlamydophilaPreumoniae Vira igG a Ton Monotest | vows | Chl Preuronie Wea” lM mi Sone PT. RAYHAN ALKESINDO MAKASSAR Human 7 és —<—

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