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Lecture Plan 1

Faculty:-Mr.Akshat Agrawal Semester:-I Class:-IT-B Course


Subject:-Fundamental of Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-I

Topic :- Anatomy of digital computer ,History, Classifications of computer Time

S. No.
1. Introduction 10
Digital computer carry out operations on discrete data values and operates in a word
of binary ones and zeros.
History- The IT-Banical Era (1623-1945) , First Generation Electronic Computers
(1937-1953), Second Generation (1954-1962), Third Generation (1963-1972),
Fourth Generation (1972-1984), Fifth Generation (1984-1990), Sixth Generation
(1990 - )
Classification of computer-Digital, analog, hybrid computer, super , pc computer,
main computer.

2 Division of the Topic

Digital computer 30
History of computer –first to sixth generation
Classification of computer-Making principle, application capabilities, cost and
processing manner.

3. Conclusion 5
Students understands the concept of digital computer.
History of computer contained first computing device., various computer
In classification of computer there are some basis on which computers are classified.

4 Question / Answer 5
How you will define a computer..
Classify different type of computer.

Assignment to be given:-Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar
Lecture Plan 2
Faclty:-Mr Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B
Course Code:- CSE-101-E
Subject:- Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-I

Topic :-Memory units, Main memory and auxiliary storage device Time
S. No.
1. Introduction 10
The terms "storage" or "memory" refer to the parts of a digital computer that retain
physical state (data) for some interval of time, possibly even after electrical power to
the computer is turned off.
Main memory- Programs to be executed by the computer are placed in main memory
and the CPU fetches each instruction in turn from memory and executes it. Main
memory is fast and limited in capacity. Main memory cannot retain information
when the computer is switched off. Main memory consists of a series of locations
called bytes, each byte being eight bits.
Memory other than main memory; generally a mass-storage subsystem containing
disk drives and backup tape drives, controller(s) and buffer memory (also called
peripheral memory).

2 Division of the Topic 30

Memory unit
Main memory( also called as primary memory) RAM.ROM,PROM,EPROM.
Auxiliary memory(also called as secondary memory) HDD,FLOPPY DISC,
3. Conclusion
Concept of memory successfully covered with diagram. Memory refer to the parts
of a digital computer that retain physical state (data) for some interval of time.
Student understand the topic of main memory and auxiliary memory.

4 Question / Answer 5

What is difference between primary and secondary memory?

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar
Lecture Plan 3
Faculty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:- Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-I

S. No. Topic :-Input and output device, radix number system, decimal number system.
1. Introduction 10
Input Device-Input devices allow the user to input information (data) into the
computer for analysis or storage, as well as give commands to the computer.
Examples of input devices are keyboards, scanners, mice, bar-wands, and touch
Output device-A range of devices can be connected to the output ports. e.g. –printer,
monitor, plotter
Decimal number system- which have base 10.

2 Division of the Topic 30

Input Device-Keyboards, scanners, mice, bar-wands, touch screen.
Output Device-printer, monitor, plotter.
Radix number system.
Decimal number system.

3. Conclusion
Students understood the input output device and various number systems. 5
Input devices are keyboards, scanners, mice, bar-wands, and touch screens.
Covered output devices which were mainly printer, monitor, and plotter.
Covered successfully radix number system, decimal number system.

4 Question / Answer 5
List the various input device.
List the various output devices.

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar
Lecture Plan 4
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course

Subject:- Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-I

Topic :-Octal, hexadecimal number system and their interconversion. Time

S. No.
1. Introduction 10
Octal number system-The number system having base 8 is called as octal number
Hexadecimal number system-the number system which have base 16.
Octal number are converted to hexa first converting into binary from octal then in
hexa and vice versa.

2 Division of the Topic 30

Octal number system
Hexadecimal number system.
Base conversion from octal to hexadecimal and vice versa.

3. Conclusion
Covered successfully the topic on octal, hexadecimal number system and also
Covered how they are converted from one base to another. 5

4 Question / Answer 5
Convert (146) base 8 to base 16.
Convert (AD96) base 16 to base 8.

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar

Lecture Plan 5
Faculty:- Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:- Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-I

S. No. Topic :- Representation of information
1. Introduction 10
Representation of information- Every information is stored in memory. The memory
is divided into individually accessible cells or units. Information is stored in memory
units in groups of bits. Group of bit is called as word. Characters are represented
using one byte (8 bits).
Integers are represented using tow bytes. While float are represented using 4 bytes.

2 Division of the Topic

Representation of information.
Representation of character. 30
Representation of integer.
Representation of float.

3. Conclusion 5
Students understand how information is represented inside a computer which is in
the form of 0’s and 1’s.
Representation of integer character and float no system also covered.

4 Question / Answer 5
What is information?

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar
Lecture Plan 6
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B
Course Code:-CSE-101-E

Subject:- Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-I

Topic:-Base conversion from one system to another system. Time

S. No.
1. Introduction 10
Base conversion-we can convert base ten numbers to other bases, from base two
through base sixteen and vice versa. This line should contain the decimal or
hexadecimal representation of the corresponding hexadecimal or decimal number.
Binary to other number system system others to binry number sytem.

2 Division of the Topic

Base conversion 30
Binary to other and vice versa.
Octal to other number system and vice versa.
Decimal to others and vice versa
Hexadecimal to others and vice versa.
3. Conclusion
Covered successfully the topic on base conversion from one system to others
system and vice versa.

4 Question / Answer
Convert (1462) base 8 to base 16. 5
Convert (ADC96) base 16 to base 8.
Convert (4589) base 10 to base

Assignment to be given: - Nil

Reference Readings: - Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritchie, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar

Lecture Plan 7
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester: - I Class: - IT-B
Course Code: - CSE-101-E

Subject: - Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-IV

Topic :-Machine, assembly, high level language, assembler, compiler, interpreter Time
S. No.
1. Introduction 10
Machine languages are the only languages understood by computers. While easily
understood by computers, machine languages are almost impossible for humans to
use because they consist entirely of numbers. Programmers, therefore, use either a
high-level programming language or an assembly language. An assembly language
contains the same instructions as a machine language, but the instructions and
variables have names instead of being just numbers. Programs written in high-level
languages are translated into assembly language or machine language by a compiler.
Assembly language programs are translated into machine language by a program
called an assembler.

2 Division of the Topic 30

Machine Language
Assembly language
High level language

3. Conclusion
Student understood the machine language which is in form of 0’s and 1’s.
An assembly language contains the same instructions as a machine language, but the
Instructions and variables have names instead of being just number. High level
Language is easily understandable. Assembler compiler, interpreter covered.

4 Question / Answer 5
What is difference between assembly, machine, and high level language?

Assignment to be given: - Nil

Reference Readings: - Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritchie, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar
Lecture Plan 8
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester: - I Class: - IT-B Course
Code: - CSE-101-E

Subject: - Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-IV

Topic :-Debuggers, programming fundamental, problem definition, linker and Time

S. No.
loader Allotted:-
1. Introduction 10
Debuggers- A debugger is a computer program that is used to debug (and sometimes
test or optimize) other programs
Programming fundamental- A computer program is a list of commands. These
commands control the interface which in turn is connected to a robotic device.
Normally, when writing a program, a flow chart is drawn first and this sets out clearly
the sequence of instructions
Linker- A program that resolves cross-references between separately compiled or
assembled object modules and then assigns final addresses to create a single
relocatable load module.
Loader-That loads translated program into memory.
2 Division of the Topic
Debuggers 30
Programming fundamental
Problem definition

3. Conclusion 5
Debugger is a program which is used to find the error in other program.
A computer program is a list of commands. These commands control the interface
which in turn is connected to a robotic device
Student understand the concept of linker and loader which loads the translated
program into memory
4 Question / Answer 5
What is difference between linker and loader?

Assignment to be given: - Q1-Draw the block diagram of computer system and explain its working.
Q2.-What do you mean by complement of a number. How complements are useful for computer
Q3-Explain Machine, assembly and high level language/
Q4- Describe following-compiler, loader, linker, interpreter

Reference Readings: - Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar
Lecture Plan 9
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:- Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-IV

Topic :-Flowcharts and their symbols Time

S. No.
1. Introduction 10
Flow chart- A graphical representation for the definition, analysis, or solution of a
problem, in which symbols are used to represent operations, data, flow, equipment,
Symbols of flow chart- Termination, Data, decision, process box, connectors, arrows.

2 Division of the Topic

Flow chart
Various symbol of flow chart.
Termination, dicision,process, input/output box. 30

3. Conclusion
Flow chart is a graphical representation of a problem.
Various flow chart symbols discussed using flow chart.

4 Question / Answer
Draw a flow chart of find greatest number among three numbers. 5

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar
Lecture Plan 10
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:- Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-III

S. No. Topic :-Introduction to the basic concepts of network and data communication.
1. Introduction 10
Basic Network Concepts- Distinguish between a peer-to-peer and server-based
network. A computer network is a system for communication among two or more
Data communication-Transfer of digital data. digital communication: electronic
transmission of information that has been encoded digitally

2 Division of the Topic

Concept of network 30
Peer to peer network
Server based network
Data communication

3. Conclusion
Network is a system through which two or more computer communicated.
In data communication there is transfer of data from one computer to another
Computer. Covered both topic network and data communication. 5

4 Question / Answer
How data communication takes place?

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kantkar

Lecture Plan 11
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-III

Topic :-How internet works. Major features of internet. Time

S. No.
1. Introduction 10
Internet-networks connect together in many different ways to form the single entity
that we know as the Internet. In fact, the very name comes from this idea of
interconnected networks.
Features of internet-using internet people can be contacted and information can be
shared. Windows XP Professional includes Internet Explorer 6, the browser that gives
youth freedom to experience the best of the Internet.

2 Division of the Topic

What is internet 30
How it works
Major features of internet

3. Conclusion
Students understood the concept of internet. Internet-networks connect together in
many different ways to form the single entity that we know as the Internet. Covered
how internet works, major features of internet, and file transfer protocol . Windows 5
includes Internet Explorer , the browser that gives you the freedom to experience the
best of the Internet.

4 Question / Answer
What is internet and how its works? 5

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kantkar
Lecture Plan 12
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-III

Topic :-Email, FTP, and using internet. Time

S. No.
1. Introduction 10
Internet-internet is a group of networks..
Email-Messages that are sent electronically via computer networks
File Transfer Protocol - a IT-Banism for transferring files from one computer to
another, often across a network or via a modem.
How to use internet-we can use the new Media Bar to find and play media files in the

2 Division of the Topic

Email system 30
File transfer protocol
How we can use the internet.

3. Conclusion
Students understood the concept of email, how to send email and how to receive an
email. Connect together in many different ways to form the single entity that we 5
know as the Internet. Covered successfully file transfer protocol File Transfer
Protocol - a IT-Banism for transferring files from one computer to another, often
across a network or via a modem.

4 Question / Answer
What is FTP.

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kantkar

Lecture Plan 13
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B
Course Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-V

Topic :-C fundamentals, formatted input and output. Time

S. No.
1. Introduction 10
C fundamental-history of c, keywords, variables, constant, c instruction.
Formatted outputs-The printf(...) functions in provide formatted output and allow
transformations of the arguments.
Formatted input- the scanf(…) function provide formatted input and allow
transformation. ]
Format information must begin with % followed by values for the format followed by
a character for the translation (to print % by itself use %%).

2 Division of the Topic 30

C fundamental
C history
C keywords
C instruction
Formatted input
Formatted output

3. Conclusion
The C programming language is a low-level standardized programming language 5
developed in the early 1970s by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie for use on the
UNIX operating system. It has since spread to many other operating systems, and is
one of the most widely used programming languages
Constant- changeless: persistent in occurrence and unvarying in nature
Variable- something that is likely to vary. Covered the topic of formatted input and

4 Question / Answer
What is formatted input and output? 5
Who develop the c language?

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kantkar

Lecture Plan 14
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-V

S. No. Topic :-Expression, selection statements, control statements
1. Introduction 10

Operators and values are combined to form expressions. The values produced by
these expressions can be stored in variables, or used as a part of even larger
expressions. There are various selection statements such as- if statement, if-else
statement, conditional operator. There are different type of control statements

e.g. switch case ,go to statement

2 Division of the Topic 30

What is expression
Selection statements
else if
Control statements
Switch case
go to statement

3. Conclusion
In c operator and values are combined to form expression. There are different types 5
Of statements through which it is decided where the control will go. There are
controls statements like switch case and go to. This topic covered successfully.

4 Question / Answer
Write a program using switch case statement. 5

Assignment to be given:- Q1-Explain the difference between structure and union in C.

Q2.What is an array variable ?How does differ from ordinary variable?
Q3.Explain purpose of data type and variable.
Q4. What is the need of function ? Write all the necessary steps required to use function.

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kantkar

Lecture Plan 15
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:-IT-B
Course Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-V

Topic :-Loops and their application, basic types, arrays. Time

S. No.
1. Introduction 10
Loops-Most real programs contain some construct that loops within the program,
performing repetitive actions on a stream of data or a region of memory. There are
several ways to loop in C. Two of the most common are the while loop and for
Basic data type-there are four basic data types in C: Booleans, integers, floats and
Array-Arrays of any type can be formed in C. The syntax is simple:
type name[dim];
2 Division of the Topic
While 30
Do while
For loop
Application of loops
Basic data type

3. Conclusion
Loop is an important characteristic of a programming language. Different loops are 5
Covered such as while, do while, for loop, and their application.
Array is a collection of data which are similar.

4 Question / Answer
Write a program using do while loop. 5

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kantkar

Lecture Plan 16
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-V

S. No. Topic :-Function, recursive function, program organization.
1. Introduction 10
Function-C provides functions which are again similar most languages. One
difference is that C regards main() as function. Also unlike some languages, such as
Pascal, C does not have procedures.
Recursive function-function for which the value of the function for any argument
Xn+1 is a function of the value of the function for the argument An.
Program organization- how to assemble a program.

2 Division of the Topic

Calling a function 30
Call by value
Call by reference
Recursive function
Program organization
3. Conclusion
Function is self contained block that perform particular task.
Student understood how to call a function by value and by reference.
Recursion function is a function which calls itself. 5

4 Question / Answer
Write a program to swap two numbers. (call by reference)

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kantkar

Lecture Plan 17
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:-IT-B
Course Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:- Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-V

Topic :-Local and external variable and their scope , pointer , arrays.
S. No.
1. Introduction 10
Local variable-data item known within a block, but inaccessible to code outside the
Global variable-A symbol defined in one program module that is used in other
independently compiled program modules
Scope of a variable-The scope of a variable is the context within which it is defined.
we declare but not initialize a variable outside a function it should be global in scope,
we declare (and optionally initialize) a variable with the var keyword inside a
function, even though a global variable of the same name exists outside of the
function, then it should be local in scope.
Pointer-The C language allows the programmer to ``peek and poke'' directly into
memory locations. This gives great flexibility and power to the language.
Arrays-Arrays of any type can be formed in C. The syntax is simple:
type name[dim];
2 Division of the Topic
Local variable 30
Global variable
Scope of a variable
3. Conclusion
A variable within a function is local and outside a function is global.
Scope of a variable-The scope of a variable is the context within which it is defined. 5
we declare but not initialize a variable outside a function it should be global in
scope Pointers are not exclusive to functions, but this seems a good place to
Introduce the pointer type.

4 Question / Answer

What is difference between local and global variable? 5

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar

Lecture Plan 18
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:-IT-B
Course Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:- Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-VI

Topic :-String literals, string variables, I/O of strings. Time

S. No.
1. Introduction 10
String-C has a character type, but no string type as such. Text is defined as a character
array that is as a table of single characters. Char volume[6]; String literals can be
enclosed in matching single quotes (') or double quotes ("). They can also be
enclosed in matching groups of three single or double quotes.
String variable-String variables are able to store any type of text information.
Allowable values for a string variable include all numbers and all text characters
I/O of string-sprintf puts formatted data into a string which must have sufficient
space allocated to hold it. This can be done by declaring it as an array of char. The
data is formatted according to a control string of the same form as that for printf.
sscanf takes data from a string and stores it in other variables as specified by the
control string. This is done in the same way that scanf reads input data into variables.
sscanf is very useful for converting strings into numeric v values.

2 Division of the Topic

What is string
String literal 30
String variable
I/O of strings.
3. Conclusion
Student understood concept of string, string literal, string variable, and I/O of string 5
I/O of string-sprintf puts formatted data into a string which must have sufficient
space allocated to hold it. This can be done by declaring it as an array of char.

4 Question / Answer
Write a program using putchar and getchar.

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar

Lecture Plan 19
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-VI

Topic :-Arrays of string, applications, preprocessor directive, macro definition,

S. No. conditional compilation.
1. Introduction 10
Arrays of string-Our next task is to store and print non-numeric text data, i.e. a
sequence of characters which are called strings. A string is a list (or string) of
characters stored contiguously with a marker to indicate the end of the string.
The Preprocessor accepts source code as input and is responsible for removing
comments interpreting special preprocessor directives denoted by #.
Macro-An object that contains a symbol, name, or key that represents a list of
commands, actions, or keystrokes
Conditional compilation-Conditional compilation is useful for things like machine-
dependencies, debugging, and for setting certain options at compile-time. Beware of
conditional compilation. Various controls can easily combine in unforeseen ways
2 Division of the Topic
Arrays of string 30
Application of strings
Strcat(), Strcmp(), Strlen(), Strcpy()
Preprocessor directive
Macro definition
Conditional compilation
3. Conclusion
String is an array of character. Arrays of string-Our next task is to store and print non-
numeric text data, i.e. a sequence of characters which are called strings. 5
Covered strcat, strcmp, strcpy, strlen function.

4 Question / Answer
Write a program to reverse a given string. 5

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar

Lecture Plan 20
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:-IT-B
Course Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-VI

Topic :-Structure, union, enumeration structure variable and operation. Time

S. No.
1. Introduction 10
Structure-Structures in C are similar to records in Pascal. For example:

struct gun {

char name[50];
int magazine size;
float caliber;

struct gun arnies;

A union is a variable which may hold (at different times) objects of different sizes and
types. C uses the union statement to create unions, for example: Enumerated types
contain a list of constants that can be addressed in integer values We can declare types
and variables as follow.
enum days {mon, tues, ..., sun} week;
enum days week1, week2;
2 Division of the Topic
Structure 30
Enumeration structure variable
Operation on structure

3. Conclusion
Structure is a collection of dissimilar data type. Structures in C are similar to
records in Pascal. 5
A union is a variable which may hold (at different times) objects of different sizes
and types. Covered the topic enumeration and operation.

4 Question / Answer
What is difference between structure and union?
What are main operation on structure?

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar

Lecture Plan 21
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-VI

Topic :-Structure type, nested arrays structure, union-enumeration as integer

S. No. tags type.
1. Introduction 10
Structure type- Once the structure is defined, you can declare a structure variable by
preceding the variable name by the structure type name. If you've defined the
structure with tags both before and after the braces, it's a matter of style whether you
declare the variable using the word struct or not.
Nested array structure-nested array can be used within structures.
union-enumeration as integer tags type- Besides the structure tags and type names
that are required to be isomorphic, the merger also tries to coalesce definitions of
structures and types with the same name from different file.

2 Division of the Topic

Structure type 30
Nested arrays structure
Union enumeration as integer tag type

3. Conclusion
Student understood the structure type- once the structure is defined, you can declare
a structure variable by preceding the variable name by the structure type name.
Covered the nested array within structure. and union enumeration type.

4 Question / Answer
Give a example of nested array structure in .C

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar

Lecture Plan 22
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B
Course Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-VI

S. No. Topic :-Declaration syntax, storage class, type qualifiers, decelerator.
1. Introduction 10
The declare construct is used for embedding declarations within executable code.
Global declarations and declarations that are computed by a program are established
by the proclaim construct
Storage class- You begin a declaration with an optional storage class keyword,
intermixed with zero or more type parts: The storage class keyword is from the set:
auto extern register static typedef
Type qualifier and decelator- storage class and type part of a declaration with a list of
declarators separated by commas. Each declarator can specify a name for the entity
that you are declaring as well as additional type information write a declarator as, in
order:1. zero or more pointer decorations2. an optional name or a declarator in
parentheses3. zero or more array decorations or at most one function decorations
2 Division of the Topic
Declaration syntax 30
Storage class
Type qualifier
3. Conclusion
Syntax is actual representation of variable, constant and identifiers. storage class are
where the data or information are stored. Type qualifier and decelator- storage class
and type part of a declaration with a list of declarators separated by
commas.declarator is used for declare a variable or constant. 5

4 Question / Answer

Explain the various types of storage class. 5

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar
Lecture Plan 23
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-VI

Topic :-Initializer, program design, modules, information. Time

S. No.
1. Introduction 10
Initializer- You can specify an initial value for an object by writing an initializer. You
initialize an object with static duration by writing a static initializer You initialize an
object with dynamic duration by writing a dynamic initializer
Program design- The Program Design specifies how the HTF LPA will meet all
Program requirements set forth in the LPA Program Agreement.
Modules- Modules extend the capabilities of Mambo giving the software new
functionality. Modules are small content items that can be displayed anywhere that
your template allows it to be displayed
Information- message received and understood
2 Division of the Topic
Initializer 30
Program design
3. Conclusion
Initializer-You can specify an initial value for an object by writing an initialize
program design is the concept how the program will develop, students understood the
modules of a program and information.

4 Question / Answer
What is initialier?
What is information? 5

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar

Lecture Plan 24
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-VI

Topic :-Abstract data type, different data type, difference between C and C++, Time
S. No.
low level programming Allotted:-
1. Introduction 10
Abstract data type-A type whose implementation details are hidden and can only be
handled using the publicly accessible operations provided for it. Not to be confused
with abstract type.
Data type-The properties and internal representation that characterize data
difference between C and C++: C is a general programming language. C++ is an
Object Oriented variant of C.
Low level programming- a low-level language corresponds closely to machine code,
so that a single low-level language instruction translates to a single machine-language
2 Division of the Topic
Abstract data type 30
Data types
Difference between c and c++
Low level programming

3. Conclusion
Abstract data type covered successfully. Data type-The properties and internal 5
representation that characterize data. Students understood the difference between C
and C++. Low level programming- a low-level language corresponds closely to
machine code.

4 Question / Answer 5

Give main differences between the C and C++.

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar
Lecture Plan 25
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-VI

Topic :Bitwise operation, bit fields, instructions, other low level language Time
S. No.
1. Introduction 10
Bitwise operation- In Fundamental of Computer Programming, a bitwise operation
operates on one or two bit patterns or binary numerals at the level of their individual
bits. On many computers, bitwise operations are faster than normal arithmetic
Bit fields- Bit Fields allow the packing of data in a structure. This is especially useful
when memory or data storage is at a premium
.instruction-direction: a message describing how something is to be done; he gave
directions faster than she could follow them.
Low level programming-Absolute Machine Code, Assembly Language, Compiler
Language, Interpreter Language

2 Division of the Topic

Bitwise operation, 30
Bit fields,
Low level programming.

3. Conclusion

Student understood the bitwise operation, bit fields, and various instructions in c
language, some other level language. 5

4 Question / Answer

What are different types of bitwise operation.?

What are different types instruction? 5

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar
Lecture Plan 26
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:-IT-B
Course Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-II

Topic :-User interface, running programs, managing files. Time

S. No.
1. Introduction 10
User interface-The hardware and operating software by which a receiver operator
executes procedures on equipment and the means by which the equipment conveys
information to the person using it: the controls and displays.
Running programs-You will usually want to run long programs in the background,
rather than have them occupying a window, and keeping you logged in.
Managing file-file can be managed using indexed file system, sequential, hash file

2 Division of the Topic

User interface
How to run a program in best efficient manner. 30
How to manage file.

3. Conclusion
User interface is intermediation between hardware and software.
Covered the topic how the programs are run on operating system, and manage the

4 Question / Answer

What is user interface?


Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar
Lecture Plan 27
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-II

Topic :-Introduction to PC operating system, Unix/Linux, DOS,Window 2000 Time

S. No.
1. Introduction 10
Operating system-the most important program that runs on a computer. Every
general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs.
Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard,
sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk,
and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.
Unix-UNIX was originally developed at Bell Laboratories as a private research
project by a small group of people.
Linux-is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with
the assistance of developers around the world
Dos-Program used to transfer information to and from a disk. Often referred to as
Window2000- A. Windows 2000 is the next major release of NT. New X.500-style
directory services called Active Directory. In the active Directory, domain controllers
store the entire directory database for their domain

2 Division of the Topic 30

Operating system
Pc operating system
Unix operating system
Linux operating system
3. Conclusion
Operating system is the interface between the computer hardware and user of 5
computer. Student understood the concept of pc operating system and Unix /Linux.
Dos is disk operating system while window is graphical user interface.

4 Question / Answer

What is operating system? 5

What is difference between Unix and Linux?
What is difference between Dos and Windows?

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha

The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar
Lecture Plan 28
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-VII

Topic:-Input/output streams, file operating , formatted I/O, character I/O, line

S. No. I/O
1. Introduction 10
Input/output streams- An iostream object is a source and/or a destination for bytes.
The two most important I/O stream classes, both derived from iostream, are fstream
and strstream.
File operation- files are the most common form of a stream. the first thing we must do
is open a file. The function fopen() does this: FILE *fopen(char *name, char *mode)
Formatted I/O- Formatted output-The printf(...) functions in provide formatted output
and allow transformations of the arguments.
Formatted input- the scanf(…) function provide formatted input and allow
Character I/O- The getchar function reads the next character from the standard
input; getc(fp) reads the next character from the stream fp and putchar
is used for output.Line I/O- Where we are not too interested in the
format of our data, or perhaps we cannot predict its format in advance, we can read
and write whole lines as character strings by gets and puts.

2 Division of the Topic

Input output streams 30
File operating
Formatted input output
Character input output
Line input output

3. Conclusion
Students understood input output streams- An iostream object is a source and/or a
destination for bytes. For formatted output printf is used and for formatted input scanf 5
is used. For character input getchar and output putchar are used. for line I/O gets and
puts are used.

4 Question / Answer
How input and output are formatted? 5
What is line input and output?

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha The c programming language by Dennis M.

Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar
Lecture Plan 29
Faclty:-Mr. Akshat Agrawal Semester:- I Class:- IT-B Course
Code:- CSE-101-E

Subject:-Fundamental of Computer Programming Unit:-VII

Topic:-Block, string I/O, library support for number and character data, error Time
S. No.
handling. Allotted:-
1. Introduction 10
Block-block is a smallest part of a program.
String I/O- When the input stream scanf(), gets(), is used space characters, new line
etc. are used as separators and terminators. A string is output by sending it to an
output stream using printf(), and puts().
Support library- A C program can call on a large number of functions from the
Standard C library. It his document is intended as a comprehensive reference for the
Standard C programming language, including its support library.
Error handling- Error handling is an important issue in embedded systems, and it can
account for a substantial portion of a project's code

2 Division of the Topic

Definition of block
String input output 30
Library support for number and character data
Error handling.

3. Conclusion
Successfully covered the topic on block, string I/O. Support library- A C program
can call on a large number of functions from the Standard C library. Error handling is
a process of handling programs when unavoidable error occurred. 5

4 Question / Answer
Give an example of error handling in C.
What is a block?

Assignment to be given:- Nil

Reference Readings:- Commuter Fundamental by P.K.Sinha
The c programming language by Dennis M. Ritche, The c programming language by Y.M.Kanitkar

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