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EMILIO AGUINALDO COLLEGE School of Nursing and Midwifery

STANDARDS ON BLOOD GLUCOSE MONITORING Definition: Obtaining of capillary blood by skin puncture. Purpose: To measure blood glucose levels for monitoring the control of diabetes. Goal: After a lecture-demonstration, the students will develop the skills needed in performing the blood glucose monitoring and its importance. Time Management: 30 mins. Equipment: Blood glucose meter Disposable gloves Antiseptic swab/cotton balls-wet and dry Sterile lancet Assessment: Assess the skin prior to puncturing. Diagnosis: Planning: Alteration of comfort, acute pain related to skin puncturing. To obtain the result of blood glucose. Sharp box Blood glucose strip

Expected outcome: Client to anticipate with the procedure. Procedural Flow 1. PREPARE TO CARRY OUT THE PROCEDURE. Check the doctors order, its frequency, and skin to be punctured. Check readiness of the client. Explain the procedure. Prepare and Gather the equipment. Wash hands. Instruct the client to wash hands with soap and warm water.

2. PERFORM THE ACTUAL PROCEDURE. Position the client comfortably in chair or in semi fowlers position. Remove the strip from the container and tightly seal caps. Turn On the glucose meter. Insert the strip into the glucose meter and make necessary adjustments. Check the code number of the strip that matches the number on the monitor screen. Apply disposable gloves. Hold the finger to be punctured in independent position while gently massaging finger toward the puncture site. Clean site with wet cotton balls/antiseptic swab and allow to dry completely. Remove cover of lancet. Place the lancet on the blood letting device and cover. Hold the lancet perpendicular to puncture site and pierce finger quickly in one continuous motion. Wipe away the first droplet of blood with dry cotton ball. Lightly squeeze puncture site(but do not touch) until large droplet of blood has formed and lightly transfer droplet to test pad without smearing it. Apply pressure to skin puncture site for 1 min. but if client is taking an anticoagulant or ASA, press for 5 min. Wait for the result until the timer count down. Read the meter, noting readings on display.

3. AFTER CARE PROCEDURE Turn off the meter. Dispose the test strip and cotton balls in yellow plastic bag. Remove the lancet from the blood letting device and dispose it to a sharp box. Remove disposable gloves and dispose properly. Document the result.

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