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Proposal for Masters Thesis

The Statement of the Problem: This study will propose to identify how environmental instability affects our use of collaborative technology and how it relates to what we observe as corporate organizational behavior artifacts.

The Sub problems: The first sub problem is to analyze those environmental suppressors that effect people in biologically negative ways.

The second sub problem is to determine what response systems are used by people toward environmental stressors. The third sub problem is to interpret what observable responses are destructive to social systems. The fourth sub problem is to determine how destructive observable responses engage technology. The fifth sub problem is to determine if environmental stressors cause persons to express destructive responses through technological engagement how is this observed in a group environment.

Hypothesis: The variability of social network stability is causing the activation of our limbic systems subconscious anti-predatory behavior, resulting in a type of cognizant dissonance that can only be altered through environmental modification. This game theory response is resulting in observable artifacts within our organizational units.

Delimitations: This study will only analyze environmental stressors that can be scientifically measured This study will only analyze biological response systems that are expressed biochemically or in socially observable ways. This study will comprise the cataloging of only mammalian biological systems This study will limit human analysis to adults over 18 years of age This study will limit research documentation to from 1950 to 2008 with analysis before 1980 for historical perspective only.

The Definition of Terms: Environment- the sum total of all surrounding external factors that affect biological organisms Environmental Instability- political, social, economic, and environmental fluctuation or alterations in what is considered the rote norm procedure or process over a specific period Organizational Behavior- the interaction of a biological organism within a group environment Artifacts- characteristics that are expressed and observable Biological- that which is pertaining to the processes occurring within organisms or life Response Systems- mechanisms that are observable, activated expression as a result of a stimulus Observable- that which can be measured Technological Engagement- human use of mechanisms Subconscious- biological processes that are below consciousness Limbic system- related nervous system brain structures, which control emotion and feeling, hunger and the embedding of memories in mammals Anti-Predatory Behavior- means and methods for protection against aggression Cognitive Dissonance- stress responses from the conflict of ideas, beliefs and attitudes with one's current actions or learnings Environmental Modification- changes to surrounding external factors that affect biological organisms Game Theory- decision making in which interpersonal relationships and those decisions of other parties in response to are taken into account Assumptions:

The first assumption is that environmental instability is causing human stress to be heightened. The second assumption is that this stress is affecting subconscious biological processes in negative ways. The third assumption is that we are unaware of these internal reactions to stress. The fourth assumption is that we externalize this stress in observable artifacts. The fifth assumption is that our conflicts with environmental instability cause us to interact destructively with technology. The sixth assumption is that our use of technology has a profound negative impact on organizational interactions that involve more than one person. The seventh assumption is that only a change in environment will cause subconscious biological reactions to stress to decline causing human-to-human interaction to increase. The eighth assumption is that organizational productivity will increase with greater group interaction.

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