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social technology for men SECURING ATTENTION

version 11.08

Copyright Mateo Navarrete Securing Attention version 11.08 2011, Mateo Navarrete social technology for men 2011 Improve Your Communication with Women 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author & publisher.

Dear reader, Almost EVERYONE will eventually settle down one day if they havent already. As trivial as that eventual, to the point of being pretty much INEVITABLE, event may seem, if you are going to have another person in your life, for a very long period of time, why WOULDNT you want to improve your communication skills with them?! Besides the obvious benefit of being able to understand each other better, you would also be able to make the other person happier because youll be able to understand and give them what THEY want and theyll be able to understand and give you what YOU want, IOW youll both be better equipped to fulfill each others needs, wants, and desires. SIDENOTE 3A >>> So whether you are already in a relationship or you are starting fresh, EVERYONEs mind is open to the idea of eventually (if you feel you havent already;-), finding the One. The part of your subconscious that keeps your mind open to finding this One is called your Reticular Activation System, or the RZA for short;-) Your RZA interacts with your world, both your internal and external realities, to determine, based on your reference of reality (or Frame;-), *WHO* it will perceive to be this One, *WHY* it will perceive this person to be the One, *WHAT PROPERTIES* (or High Value Elements;-) it will allow to influence you to inform you that this person indeed *IS* the One, as well as *HOW* these properties will influence, or affect you, and depending on *HOW MUCH* of these elements your RZA perceives that person to posses will influence the amount of time and effort you put into the interaction. Because it operates in your subconscious, there very well may be times that you were, and perhaps still are, UNAWARE of the RZAs INFLUENCE over you. Just like anything else in life that we are AWARE of, what we are *UNAWARE* of, can also either assist us or it can hurt us. So the next step is to go from *unknowingly* taking action to *knowingly* taking action: going from being UNAWARE to AWARE, or IOW, taking something subconscious and making it conscious. For example, we now know that the part of our brain that makes us attracted to a person is our RZA, we also now know the reason *WHY* it makes us attracted to that person: that person may be our One, and we also now know how it came to that conclusion, or decision, of attraction: it perceived that person to posses certain elements that our mind has PREDETERMINED will INFLUENCE us to inform or alert us that this person indeed is the One. So the next step is to take this knowledge and APPLY it through thought and taking action. For our example, we can imagine that our RZA, the part of our subconscious that determines who is attractive to us, is constantly creating percentages that INFLUENCE our mind and the choices we make by comparing if the object (in this case person), is something that we want, need, and/or desire or if it is something that we DO NOT want, need, and/or desire.

SIDENOTE 3A: IOW = In Other Words 3

So how do we become aware of our RZAs decisions of acceptance of these percentages of like and dislike? By understanding how much something or someone IMPRESSES us. Do they impress us to take (sub)conscious action and give them our time and attention or do they not affect us at all or perhaps even repel us? These percentages that our RZA is constantly creating are based upon how much of these predetermined high value elements any particular object in our reality (anything and everything from money to people) possesses and how possessing that particular element has been predetermined to affect us. This is all relative as a person may or may not actually possess the particular element(s) that your RZA perceives them to possess but as you may have already learned, the mind will believe what you imagine it to believe and if you are imagining or projecting to your external reality a certain belief, it will influence your (inter)actions with your external reality, until finally your external world will (eventually) reflect back to you what you were (and are) outwardly projecting (EVEN IF IT IS ALL JUST IN YOUR HEAD). BECAUSE YOUR MIND BELIEVES IT (your internal world and reality), YOUR PERCEPTION OF YOUR EXTERNAL WORLD ((your internal reference of reality of your external reality which is just as REAL to you(r internal reality) as your external world)) REFLECTS IT BACK TO YOU. With that in mind, your RZA is telling your mind that Hey I am 98% attracted to this person because I perceive this person to posses 98% of the high value elements that I want, need, and/or desire or I am 37% attracted to that person or 0% impressed by this object and so on and so forth. If the percentage is close to 100%, your RZA INFLUENCES your mind to TAKE ACTION and either approach (i.e. give effort: give your attention to and become involved with), or at the very least be receptive to (i.e. be receptive to their effort: give your time to and become invested in), the object and in this case, person, that your RZA allowed to influence you. The lower the percentage, the less your RZA allows you to be influenced by that person, and you most likely will not take action to interact with that person in a romantic way. Also, it could have been possible that your RZA found some people to be of NEGATIVE influence to you for possessing particular elements that you DID NOT want, need, or desire, and it may have told your mind that hey I am -50% attracted to this person and that INFLUENCED you to take action and LEAVE or at the very least, led you to not be receptive to the possibility of a future interaction with that person. At the same time, your RZA could have told your mind that I am 250% attracted to this person and because it went OVER 100%, your RZA is allowing you to feel *inferior* or IOW NOT GOOD ENOUGH, UNDESERVING, or BELIEVE that this person is OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE and this INFLUENCED you to not take action and NOT APPROACH or at the very least, did not allow for the BELIEF of the POSSIBILITY that this persons RZA could have found YOU to be attractive as well thereby hindering your own ability to effectively communicate the high value elements that you possess, specifically by replacing your confidence with doubt! So now we are able to take this knowledge of our RZA a step further and understand that since you are now AWARE of your RZA and how it functions, and that the effort and time you put into things is directly related to the amount of influence your RZA allows them to have over you because it perceives them to posses predetermined high value elements, we can believe, understand, and know that other peoples RZA influences them as well.

So IOW, if THEY, or more specifically, THEIR RZA, perceives you as possessing particular high value elements that have been predetermined to be allowed to influence their internal and/or external reality, they will PERCEIVE YOU AS ATTRACTIVE, and depending on the percentage, they may even take action and approach YOU! So not a lot of people approach you? No worries. Do *YOU* approach a lot of people? Obviously this is all relative. What may be a lot to you, may not be a lot to another person, etc. However, this is a great time to think in the grand scheme of things, if you romantically approached 1/6 of the people in this world, you would have approached approximately 1 billion people, so relative to *that* number, you havent really approached that many people;-) Once again, you may think this is trivial, but ask yourself, What would you do to finally have found the One? Whatever your version of the One is, and all the amazingly strong and good elements that person will possess (IOW, that your RZA will allow to influence you to alert you that this person is indeed the One) you would have to agree that out of those 1 billion people, there is AT LEAST 1 person that is the closest match to your version of the One including, that this person would want, need, and desire you just as much, if not more, than you wanted, needed, and desired them. You just may or may not have interacted or communicated with this person yet. Just as if you were to rate how similar the colors of the rainbow are to a set of specific colors, there are going to be some colors of the rainbow that are going to have a higher percentage of matching one or more of the colors specified. Some colors may even be the same and an exact match while others may look so completely different or even be the exact opposite and yet even still, some of those colors could contain properties that make them similar to the original set of specified colors, like a complimentary color for example. So even though the complimentary color didnt exactly match the set of specified colors in terms of BEING one of those colors, it still MATCHED the colors in terms of COMPATIBILITY. So even though we may be searching for a particular color, UNDERSTAND that there WILL BE and ARE other colors that exist that will MATCH just as well, and because taste, like attraction, is relative, these other colors may even be a BETTER MATCH! This means that your RZAs search for the One will *indirectly*, and eventually, lead you to find the ONE(s) who *INEVITABLY* will be a COMPATIBLE, and perhaps even BETTER MATCH for you! This is assuming of course, that you TAKE ACTION. So do a lot of people approach you? No worries. Because we understand the knowledge we have just learned, we now know that it DOESNT MATTER how many people have approached us because they, *LIKE US*, at first glance may not have PERCEIVED us to be the exact match their RZA is looking for EVEN THOUGH we now know that we very well could have been an even BETTER MATCH, they simply just DID NOT KNOW IT YET and EVEN THEN They still may have not approached because we UNDERSTAND that they, *LIKE US*, may have been EVEN MORE AFRAID of not being able to live up to THEIR perception of what YOUR perception of the One would be just like when we did not take action because WE were afraid that we would not live up to (OUR perception of what) THEIR perception of what THEIR One would be. 5

And armed with this new knowledge, we understand that just because they did not take action because their insecurities and doubt hindered their confidence, it does not mean that they do not posses the high value element of confidence, but rather, they just did not display that specific element at that *particular* time. So because we know this, we can now apply this knowledge by taking action and approaching or at the very least, be AWARE or receptive to potential opportunities, that we may have been UNAWARE of prior to gaining this knowledge. IOW, we can take action by understanding and internalizing these high value elements that influence others in order to not just COMMUNICATE that we are who we are, but to actually LIVE THE (KNIGHT) LIFE;-) of a person who possesses those particular elements. You are more than good enough for anyone *BECAUSE* you are a person who wants to, has the desire to, and takes action towards, bettering yourself, IOW, you have the want, need, and desire to learn and grow as a human being. You are not fake and you do not just talk the talk, you are REAL and therefore you walk the walk.. no matter the price, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE YOURSELF. Because it is important to you to be yourself, YOU LEAD BY EXAMPLE, and encourage others to BE REAL too. Being yourself means that you will learn and you will grow. You will learn new things and apply that knowledge through thought and by taking or not taking action. These choices you make will cause you to experience new things that will cause you to think and form new ideas and gain more knowledge and make more choices and so on and so forth causing the entire cycle to repeat itself and causing you to be in a constant state of growth: directly and indirectly influencing or causing events to happen or occur simply through the choices that you make. This is assuming of course that you assume responsibility for the consequences of your actions and inaction. If you do, then you will understand that you *CHOSE* (whether knowingly or unknowingly; you were either AWARE or UNAWARE) and had to make conscious AND subconscious decisions in the past, that led you to this exact moment in time and with your current circumstances. Some BELIEVE that we did and do not have a CHOICE but that is simply an illusion because they are UNAWARE and/or do not want to accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions. We CHOOSE to do anything we do or do not do. Even when we HAVE to do or not do something, we still have a CHOICE. We may NOT *LIKE* our options, but nevertheless, we must still CHOOSE what we are going to do or not do. IOW, we must decide *WHAT* action, if any, we are going to take at any given moment in time. Our subconscious understands this concept and makes choices IOW, decisions all the time. It makes our heart beat and our lungs breathe. Consciously, we may try to hold our breath but unless we have assistance from our external reality, we will continue to breathe even if we pass out first from consciously holding our breath for as long as we can. Even though we do not think about it, our lungs continue to breathe and our heart continues to beat. It is instinct. Sometimes we have to think about breathing, moving the source of the action from the subconscious to the conscious like when we work out and lift weights for example. At times we may have to consciously remember or think to breathe while working out so we do not hurt ourselves. After applying our knowledge or thought that we should

breathe, we can practice and consciously take action so from that time on forward if we are ever in that situation again, we will not have to think about breathing. It will simply be INSTINCT to breathe when working out. All it took was BEING AWARE OF OUR INSTINCT to breathe that allowed us to STRENGTHEN OUR breathing SKILLS when working out to implement it as a natural, beneficial, and automatic subconscious habit. Practice made progress AND formed a (subconscious) HABIT. However, because our SUBCONSCIOUS can and does INFLUENCE our CONSCIOUS even when we are UNAWARE of it doing so, our RZA may not allow certain high value elements to influence us simply because we do not perceive them as high value elements (yet); there are times when we are not yet ready to accept the influence of a (particular) high value element. Being AWARE does not mean that although your conscious decision making may FEEL new to you(r conscious mind), that it is new to your (subconscious) mind. You have already BEEN MAKING those choices! It is just that now these former *subconscious* decisions will become part of your CONSCIOUS decision making process. This means that although you did not approach that person you were extremely attracted to earlier, YOU STILL POSSESS THE POWER TO MAKE THE CONSCIOUS DECISION TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE NEXT PERSON THAT IS ATTRACTIVE TO YOU *AND* to be CONFIDENT about making that choice! You *ARE* capable right now, you just have to APPLY YOUR KNOWLEDGE and replace your old actions with different actions. For example, imagine if you had met a person at the grocery store and they immediately informed you that they were a millionaire. Your RZA would most likely interpret that interaction as that person attempting to influence you and cause you to think that this person is trying too hard to influence, interact, or IOW communicate with you. Now imagine instead if you had learned of their wealth indirectly during the interaction without them having to inform you. Then your RZA may have ALLOWED your mind to be more easily influenced by this person (if being wealthy was a predetermined element that would influence you AND if it was, that your RZA decided or chose to associate that predetermined high value element with them, effectively creating a reference point of THEM in YOUR reference of reality). Notice that after more respect and understanding was built, your RZA gained a *different* perspective on this person and provided a favorable image in your mind, although this person did nothing different except change the moment in time when they made a choice about when and how to communicate this element that your RZA allowed to INFLUENCE you in your creation of a reference point of them in YOUR reference of reality. The knowledge we can apply to our OWN interactions with others is that there are different MOMENTS IN TIME (IOW, *WHEN* to communicate) as well as ways of HOW and WHAT to communicate that are more FAVORABLE in the creation of these reference points. IOW, there are specific times that your RZA is more susceptible to other peoples influence as well as moments in time that people are more susceptible to your influence. These moments in time are caused by FEELINGS and can be created, caused, or influenced by your own self THROUGH COMMUNICATION as well as created, caused, or influenced by your external reality THROUGH PERCEPTION. IOW, if you do not approach someone REGARDLESS OF THE REASON WHY YOU CHOSE NOT TO APPROACH, AND that person does not approach you, THEN that person HAS ACCEPTED your reference of reality, where your external world is reflecting the internal image of a world where you and they do not interact - even if in their mind they *WANT* you to interact with them or are UNAWARE of the amazing experience that would occur if you HAD interacted with them! 7

This is just the same as when you *do* approach someone and they challenge you and you feel uncomfortable and leave, because *YOU* accepted their challenge as a cause or IOW REASON to become uncomfortable, and your acceptance of this feeling of discomfort caused you to take action and leave, they ended up accepting the reference of reality that you are a person, that when challenged (by them), feels uncomfortable and leaves. Instead, had you stayed and communicated MORE EFFECTIVELY, IOW by doing and saying the right things at the right *TIME*, they would have created a completely different and perhaps attractive reference point about you in their own reference of reality. Understand that other people may (still) be UNAWARE. They, LIKE YOU BEFORE *YOU* BECAME AWARE, at first glance may not have PERCEIVED you to be the exact match that their RZA was looking for EVEN THOUGH you now know that you very well could have been an even BETTER MATCH, they simply just DID NOT KNOW IT YET and when you walked away from the interaction, you ACCEPTED the reference of reality, where your external world reflected the internal image of a world where you and they do not interact! Give them a chance to give you a chance to give them a chance. So once again, ask yourself, What would you do to finally have found the One? Would you learn how to communicate more effectively to allow for the possibility of the One entering your external reality instead of letting opportunity slip through your fingers as it very well may have so many times before? Every moment in time is an opportunity to make a choice to apply your knowledge and take action or inaction that will, regardless of the decisions you make, ultimately take you closer towards your goal as long as you do not give up. As time is simply relative and our lives are merely a series of events or moments in time; what may seem like forever to one person may seem like the blink of an eye to the next person. As long as you continue to take advantage of the opportunities that cause the series of events that ultimately lead up to that specified preconceived desired moment in time along with the desired circumstances, it is *INEVITABLE* that the event will eventually occur. Simply stated: Attraction is merely a *REPEATABLE* SEQUENCE OF EVENTS! And a Connection is simply a *REPEATABLE* SEQUENCE OF EVENTS with more variables! EFFECTIVELY escalating and maintaining this connection emotionally, physically, and logistically will allow you the OPPORTUNITY to emotionally and physically bond with another person. You just have to CONTINUE TO TAKE ACTION ON THESE OPPORTUNITIES. Understand that as long as you continue to cause the events that lead to the events that (eventually) lead to the event that causes your desired event to occur, your desired event WILL (EVENTUALLY) OCCUR. This knowledge is applicable to anything and everything you ever attempt or do in life. All you need to get started is the desire and the will to finish: IOW, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE AS LONG AS YOU DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO ACHIEVE IT


You cannot just BELIEVE or PUT IN THE EFFORT or PUT IN THE TIME. You *ALSO* have to gain the knowledge, IOW BECOME AWARE (of the solution) and apply that knowledge (on working towards the solution) through thought, action, effort, and belief. So Keep Kickn Ass, M;-) Mateo Navarrete aka MNX CEO

Dear my future One who will probably give me some really annoying pet name that makes fun of me somehow, Yes I did think about you even before I met you. Yes, I am a hopeless romantic. Yes, that obviously makes me a nerd but Im still cooler than you;-) Now stop making pouty face but keep your lips out because I am about to kiss you, M;-) 9

I want girls to like me. I want girls to become attracted to me. I want to have more beautiful women in my life. I want to know how to attract any girl I want. I want to find the One. Do any of these statements resonate with you? If they do, then no worries, you share the same mentality as all of the great men I previously assisted on their lifes path to love and abundance. Ive assisted everyone from low self esteem introverts to socially savvy dating and life coaches who now (and some already at the time) hold their own programs assisting men in living the life of their dreams. They were able to learn and grow as you will now. I believe that the majority of things we learn, we learn indirectly. I have no doubt whatsoever that you will live the life you have always wanted to live when you internalize the knowledge of this program. Everyone has Free Will. You have the choice. You can choose to live the life your parents gave you, or even live the life society dictates for you, or you can *CHOOSE* to live the life you have always wanted to live. Life is a gift full of potential, and you *HAVE* the potential.. for greatness.. Over the years I have learned that people are capable of INSTANTANEOUS change, but only in 2 scenarios: When one WANTS to change and/or when one HAS to change. Some people I encountered doubted their ability to change, adapt, learn, and grow, IOW, EVOLVE. They each had their own particular reason why they would not be able to change. Although they *tried* convincing themselves that they could not change, they could not convince ME. This is what I asked them in return. Are you the same person you were 10 years ago? Do you *think* the same way you did 10 years ago? How about 5 years ago? Exactly. The good news: This proves.. that CHANGE.. GROWTH.. is not only POSSIBLE.. It is *INEVITABLE* Change *IS* possible. Adopt the mindset, and grow, into the behaviors. Or, adopt the behaviors, and grow, into the mindset. Or, adopt both the mindset and the behaviors, and grow, together. Some of the concepts learned during these various chapters and programs will start out very concrete at a basic level and become more and more abstract at an advanced level. The opposite is also true with some concepts starting off very abstract until finally becoming extremely concrete at an advanced level. You are Neo and I am your Morpheus and just like Morpheus, I am going to show you the Matrix. And just like for Neo, I can only open the door: YOU are the one who has to CHOOSE to walk through it.

No one said it was going to be easy, but at least you have the choice to take the magic pill that leads to amazing adventures and experiences beyond what you may have ever imagined, or you can continue to live your life the way you always have.. If you proceed to the next page, you are agreeing to not only THINK about this knowledge.. but also to *TAKE ACTION* and *DO* as the combination of BEING, THINKING, and DOING leads to EVOLVING into a higher level of consciousness. You will transform your world by simply *APPLYING* this knowledge.

Get your Game face on.

Your training begins now. 11

SIDENOTE 12A: When approaching a woman, you get to CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE and decide whether or not to break rapport or build rapport when beginning the interaction. The only true neutral to rapport tactic would be to not approach someone and since this resource is about strengthening your communication skills with others, being neutral to rapport is technically irrelevant although being emotionally neutral to rapport can be a beneficial mindset to internalize.


Becoming Aware From the Subconscious to the Conscious

Anytime you interact with your external reality, including another person or group of people, you are utilizing your skills of communication. There are 2 ways to communicate with someone. When people communicate with you, in some form or another, they are either bonding with you or challenging you. When someone attempts to bond with you, they are attempting to BUILD RAPPORT with you or metaphorically speaking, PULL you. When someone attempts to challenge you, they are attempting to BREAK RAPPORT with you or metaphorically speaking, PUSH you. This is important to understand because not only could they be pushing or pulling you in a particular direction, they perhaps could even be intentionally attempting to push or pull you towards a specific destination. Breaking Rapport and Building Rapport are the meanings behind the words. theKnightLife Definition: Rapport is the acceptance, mutual trust, and comfort gained from the respect and understanding of another persons reference of reality. <<< SIDENOTE 12A For example: When someone compliments you, they are attempting to build rapport with you. When a friend teases you, they are playfully attempting to break rapport with you. If someone makes you laugh, they are building rapport with you. If a person ignores you, they are breaking rapport with you.

Communication can be direct and/or indirect and some forms of communication are more effective than others in certain situations. This resource is dedicated to assisting you in your interactions with women by improving your communication with them (learning when, why, how, and sometimes where to build rapport and break rapport) and this knowledge can be applied right now in your current relationship(s;-). Although this resource goes so far as to even tell you what to say and what to do, this resource is not about attempting to gain control over others or about inadequacies with women. It is not about trying to be somebody else. It is simply about evolving the person you already *ARE* into the person you strive to be. We tend to attract what (and in this case who) we are and not necessarily what (or who) we want. This means that an overweight introvert who leads an inactive lifestyle may have trouble attracting and/or relating to a fitness model with a large social circle who goes to exclusive social events and he will more than likely have trouble keeping her in his life if he was able to attract her in the first place. This is not to say that to date a model you have to be a model, but it does mean that if you want a woman who takes care of herself, at the very least, to operate on a higher level of consciousness, you will want to take care of *YOURSELF* This is the reality that I want you to understand, accept, and embrace. If you expect a woman to value HERSELF (i.e. a confident woman), first you will want to value YOURSELF (i.e. be confident in yourself). If you will be expecting more from a woman, expect more from yourself. SIDENOTE FOR HER >>> SIDENOTE 13A >>> So if you are not living the life you have always wanted to live by being yourself, THEN LEARN TO BE YOURSELF IN A WAY WHERE YOU CAN RELATE TO THE WOMEN (& PEOPLE) YOU WANT TO HAVE IN YOUR LIFE ITS NOT ABOUT CHANGING WHO YOU ARE AND BEING SOMEONE ELSE ITS ABOUT GROWING AS A PERSON AND LEARNING TO COMMUNICATE Game is a form of communication that progresses an interaction from meet to mate. Part of being a well-rounded individual, or IOW, a man of high value, is to always strive to be the best that you can be. Self-development and personal growth is nothing to be ashamed of and quite the contrary, always be open to learning is a motto to live by as well as an attractive quality to women. One of the many benefits of living in a higher level of consciousness is the ability to attract high(er) value people into your life. By strengthening your Game, you will be able to better communicate, or relate, to women. All women want to be swept off their feet and as you journey through your lifes path to find the One (or Ones;-) you will strengthen your internal reality just as much as you will be influencing your external reality. As you sweep them off their feet, women will look at you as their knight in shining armor for that is what you truly are: their hero.

SIDENOTE FOR HER: The same goes for women. If you are going to expect more from a man, expect more from yourself. IOW, it is perfectly acceptable to appreciate a man for his wealth. However, understand that *NEEDING* a man to be wealthy is different than *WANTING* or *EXPECTING* a man to be wealthy. The former indicates that a woman may be weak, codependent, and unable to take care of herself while the latter suggests independence and high standards. SIDENOTE 13A: One does not *HAVE TO* live a healthy lifestyle to attract a woman who lives a healthy lifestyle but this is the reality that I want you to understand, accept, and embrace. Assuming responsibility for our own lives allows us to understand that because we attract to us who we *ARE*, then by default, we are responsible for who we (will) ALLOW TO STAY in our lives. This is why we want to live, or LEAD, by example. I am a badass so I am going to attract badass women. If you want a confident and sexy woman then *BE* confident and sexy. You do not have to be famous to attract a famous woman but you do want to match up with her on (any other combination of different) aspects of her life like her ambition, her drive, her confidence, etc. Obviously, to date a stripper you do not have to be a stripper;-) but you DO have to *understand* her world, or reference of reality. With this in mind, yes I still want you to work out if you are overweight, just as I still want you to push yourself to become more social if you are an introvert. You are EVOLVING, not just *thinking* about it, but thinking, doing, AND being, IOW *GROWING* into a higher level of consciousness as a man of high value. 13

So how do you emotionally and physically relate to a woman to prepare her to be open, willing, and WANTING to emotionally and physically bond with *YOU* as well as end up in a place where physical bonding could naturally occur? By guiding her to an emotional tone level conducive to emotional and physical bonding, you will (emotionally and physically) prepare a woman to be open, willing, and WANTING to (emotionally and physically) bond with you. This is accomplished through her perception of your value (to be high enough to influence her (to attempt) to bond with you), and/or through your communication with her (IOW, your Game). Your logistical escalation (as well as hers if your value is high enough, and/or if your Game is strong enough;-) will allow for both of you to end up in a place where physical bonding could naturally occur. Attraction is VALUE BASED and when combined with rapport and her prompted and unprompted effort, establishes a connection. Like attraction, establishing a connection is a REPEATABLE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS. Because the events that cause or create a connection are able to be (re)created or caused, we can derive a REPEATABLE, USABLE, and APPLICABLE formula for establishing a connection: Attraction + Rapport + her (un)prompted Effort = Connection Game is COMMUNICATION BASED and attempts to influence a womans emotional tone level (read: her mood) and secure her escalated (emotional, physical, and logistical) compliance which SIMULATES VALUE BASED ATTRACTION, establishes rapport, and creates a connection through her continuous (prompted and unprompted) effort. IOW, Game *SIMULATES* the influence that a man whom a woman perceives to be of high value, has over her actions, thoughts, behavior, emotions, attitude, reference of reality, and perhaps most importantly, her FEELINGS. So what is attraction and what is value? Attraction is the (intense) desire to bond, emotionally and/or physically, with another person. The deeper the level of attraction, the more intense ones desire is to bond. IOW, the more a girl is attracted to you, the more she will want to bond with you, both emotionally, and physically. Attraction is generated 1 of 2 ways: Through your (high) value AND her perception/acceptance of it to be high and/or Through your Game which SIMULATES her perception/acceptance of your value to be high Since attraction is value based, this means that the higher she perceives (or her RZA accepts) your value to be, the more intense her desire will be to bond with you. IOW, if a woman perceives you to be a man of high value, she will be MORE attracted to you than if she perceived your value to be low. You will have more INFLUENCE over her (including her actions, thoughts, behavior, emotions, attitude, and reference of reality) than if she perceived your value to be low(er than her own).

Thus, theKnightLife Definition: Value is the amount of ones influence. The amount of influence a man has over a woman is relative to the value she *perceives* him to possess. Her acceptance of your value to be as high as, or higher than her own is a prerequisite for attraction. So if value is the amount of ones influence, and attraction is only possible when a woman perceives a mans value to be as high as or higher than her own value, then for a woman to even become attracted to you in the first place, you must (be able to) influence her actions, thoughts, behavior, emotions, attitude, and reference of reality just as much, if not more, than she influences your actions, thoughts, behavior, emotions, attitude, and reference of reality. IOW, you must be able to influence (alter or affect) (her perception of) her external reality AND her internal reality. So what kind of man does a woman want? Or IOW, what kind of man is able to influence a womans reference of reality in such a way that she takes the initiative to act upon her desire to bond with him? When it comes to attraction, as rhetorical as it may seem, the question of what women want is actually fairly simple to answer: A woman is attracted to (IOW, what causes a desire within her to bond are) common attributes, characteristics, qualities, and traits in a man that *ALL* women value, as well as specific elements unique to her that *SHE* values. A woman wants a man who possesses several, if not most, of these elements that she values so highly. So, IOW, WHAT SHE *WANTS* in a man, or what she is ATTRACTED TO IN A MAN, are elements that SHE VALUES (IOW, the elements that *INFLUENCE* her) and she will become attracted to a man whom she *perceives* to possess those elements. SIDENOTE 15A >>> So, when it comes to attraction, a man who has internalized these various elements that women value will cause the women who value those particular elements to perceive him to be a man of high value and he will HAVE THE CAPABILITY to influence their references of reality including their actions, thoughts, behavior, emotions, and attitudes as well as their FEELINGS. UNDERSTAND that the CAPABILITY or capacity to be ABLE to do something, merely ALLOWS for the possibility of the experience to occur. It is up to YOU and your COMMUNICATION (IOW, Game;-) to ACT UPON these OPPORTUNITIES, transforming a (day)DREAM into a TANGIBLE, and therefore, ACHIEVABLE, EVENT. You can create the reaction that creates the action that is the cause of the effect and so on and so forth until the event you are ultimately taking action towards creating finally happens, all you have to do is put in the effort (read: application of the knowledge), and the time (read: patience and determination;-) THIS APPLIES TO ANYTHING IN YOUR LIFE! IF YOU WANT SOMETHING, JUST *WANTING* IT IS *NOT GOOD ENOUGH* YOU HAVE TO ACTUALLY *GO AND GET* IT. THE EVENT IS THERE FOR YOU TO ACHIEVE, MEANING IN REGARDS TO A CONNECTION, THE MOMENT IN TIME WHEN YOU BOTH REACH A PHYSICAL & EMOTIONAL PEAK OF BONDING. BUT YOU *HAVE TO* PUT IN THE *TIME* & *EFFORT*. IOW, *WANTING TO* CHANGE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! YOU ACTUALLY *HAVE TO CHANGE*. You have to change your behaviors, your actions, your thoughts, your BELIEFS, IOW, your HABITS. As hard as that may seem, remember

SIDENOTE 15A: Since attraction is all relative, meaning that what attracts one person may or may not attract another person, if a woman perceives a man to be of high value, she will AUTOMATICALLY associate or project elements that influence her onto him (IOW, she will perceive him to posses elements that will cause her to take action on her desire to bond with him) EVEN IF ANOTHER PERSON DOES NOT SHARE THAT SAME REFERENCE OF REALITY (read: perception) *INCLUDING* THE MAN HIMSELF. This means that her RZA will associate feelings and emotions to this person because of the value her RZA has subconsciously assigned to him even if in actuality he may or may not posses those elements she *perceives* him to possess. IOW, she is ALLOWING her external reality to affect or INFLUENCE her internal reality, including her (sub) conscious PERCEPTION of her external reality: her frame. 15

SIDENOTE 16A: The high value elements that your RZA perceives another person to posses may very well exist in that person, but perhaps to a lesser degree than your reference of reality may have you believe. This is why having standards and screening for other elements besides just physical attractiveness and wealth for example, is important when forming a connection.

that hard is simply relative, what may be a hard part of the self development process for one person may be easier for another person. You will WANT to get to the eventual FEELING where you LIKE or LOVE to do it, or do not even think about what you are doing and just do it. However, at first, when one goes from being UNAWARE to AWARE, because they are implementing a new habit, action, belief, attitude, thought, etc they will HAVE TO be more conscious of their habits, actions, beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, etc. Implementing a new belief is how you are going to help yourself learn and grow and once you have internalized your new belief(s), *then* you will be able to help others adopt that belief as well. IOW, once *YOU* evolve, the rest of the process of your external reality matching your internal reality is the natural order to get to where you want to go. The future occurrence of that specific event in time is *ALREADY THERE*, all that is needed is for one to create the path to it through a series of causes and effects that will ultimately cause the eventual desired effect. These influential attributes, characteristics, qualities, and traits that are admired, desired, respected, wanted, and/or needed, INFLUENCE a woman because she has made a PRIOR (SUB)CONSCIOUS CHOICE to allow these elements to INFLUENCE her RZA to inform her that you HAVE THE POTENTIAL to be the One (or at the very least, a potential compatible mate;-) theKnightLife Definition: High Value Elements (or HVEs for short) are attributes, characteristics, qualities, and traits that influence a persons reference of reality per a predetermined, and normally subconscious, decision that the person made based on their accepted ((sub) conscious) beliefs. IOW, when you notice or direct your attention to a particular person and you feel attraction towards them, it is because your RZA is allowing certain elements it DETECTS and/or ASSOCIATES with that person to influence you. <<< SIDENOTE 16A Since the intensity of a womans attraction is based upon her perception of your value, then the higher a woman perceives your value to be (or more specifically, the higher the level of internalization of the HVEs that SHE values that she perceives you to posses) then the MORE INFLUENCE you will have over her (IOW, her attraction will be more INTENSE). <<< SIDENOTE FOR HER The higher women perceive your value to be, or IOW, the more HVEs you have internalized (the ability to influence others to perceive you as possessing a particular HVE), the more women who will (allow themselves to) be influenced by you, thus allowing you to influence (or ATTRACT) a larger selection of women resulting in quality from quantity. Because your RZA is always on the lookout for elements that it can associate and match up with elements that you have already made a PRIOR CHOICE to allow to affect or influence you, your RZA will cause you to take action and give your attention and/or time to what, based off of that comparison, has the most value to you. So when someone gives us their time and their attention, it means that their RZA has associated and matched up OURSELVES, OUR ACTIONS, OUR BEHAVIORS, and OUR HABITS with actions, behaviors, and habits that their RZA has already determined WILL INFLUENCE THEIR internal and external realities. IOW when someone gives us their attention over time, that person is (becoming) IMPRESSED IOW ATTRACTED!

SIDENOTE FOR HER The verbiage of He & She can be switched to view the attraction process from a womans perspective: Since the intensity of a mans attraction is based upon his perception of your value, then the higher a man perceives your value to be (or more specifically, the higher the level of internalization of the HVEs that HE values that he perceives you to posses) then the MORE INFLUENCE you will have over him (IOW, his attraction will be more INTENSE). Just for reference, physical features, wealth, personality, and style are all examples of HVEs that can cause a desire to bond within another person.

SIDENOTE 17A >>> So for attraction to be possible, you must be able to influence a woman through her acceptance of your influence over her external reality, or through her acceptance of your influence over her internal reality which will influence her actions, behaviors, thoughts, etc and by default her perception of her external reality (which to *HER* is just as REAL as if you truly *did* influence her external reality). IOW for a girl to be(come) attracted to you, she must be impressed *by* you or better yet, be attempting to impress you. HVEs are the tools to be impressive without trying to impress. It is important to understand that it is the REPETITION of bonding acts that *SIMULATES* (the effects of) value based attraction and when continuously escalated will (eventually) lead to physically and emotionally bonding. She only needs to ACCEPT the IMAGE IN HER MIND of the two of you being together. Her CONTINUOUS EFFORT TO BOND WITH YOU will cause her to accept the belief that the two of you should, could, and will emotionally and physically bond together. It is important to understand that it DOES NOT MATTER if this belief originated from her internal or external reality. IOW it does not matter if the source of her FEELINGS of attraction were caused by you (her external reality), her (her internal reality), or her perception (of her external reality). IOW, your external reality DOES NOT HAVE TO INFLUENCE YOU into accepting a belief. You can just as easily create and accept a belief of your own origin AND have it influence your (inter)actions with your external reality (which will reinforce your internal realitys acceptance of your perception of your external reality i.e. your belief in your frame). Thus, attraction is when a woman gives us her time and attention. Attention + Time = Attraction These prior choices or predetermined elements that your RZA allows to influence you are created by a series of thought and taking action where the decisions you make and the actions you take are based off of your reference of reality which in turn is based off of your belief(s). Your belief(s) dictate that certain particular elements will influence you because you FEEL you want, need, and/or desire them. So everything that trickles down from that belief, like all the decisions you make and actions you take, will be based off of that belief resulting in your external reality reflecting to you your internal reality and subconscious beliefs. This is why your reference of reality is a reflection of your RZA. IOW, there are only so many attitudes, emotions, and feelings that one can experience and they all influence each other. At the same time there are limitless thoughts and BELIEFS that one can experience and they all can influence and be influenced by your attitudes, emotions, feelings, etc. For example, when you get mad or angry, you will make different decisions than you would make if you were experiencing a different emotion. That is why you may want to calm down and relax first before making a rash decision. Your emotions influence your decision making and in turn, influence the actions you will take and will influence your external reality as well as your (internal) perception of your external reality (read: your frame). IOW you are able to influence both your external world and your frame (your internal reference of your external reality). Your internal reality can influence your external reality AND your external reality can influence your internal reality.

SIDENOTE 17A: So understanding this knowledge, what type of behaviors, habits, beliefs, or HVEs do we *KNOW* her RZA *ALREADY* assigns value to? HER *OWN* actions, behaviors, habits, beliefs, etc IOW, if one actually *did* share a commonality or belief with her, one could potentially establish a connection quickly and effectively. 17

SIDENOTE 18A: IMO, that is why we as humans exist. To dream of ideas, to think of how to achieve them, to gain and apply knowledge through thought and experience to achieve them, and then to apply that knowledge through effort to achieve those set goals thereby realizing ones dreams. By combining every element of your internal reality including your emotions (by being in an intently focused emotional tone level) and being mentally tough as you make decisions and take action, you will (be able to) SHAPE and INFLUENCE your (external AND internal) world!

When you are angry, your internal reality is influenced by your external reality through the perceived source of the emotion (i.e. your perception of what *caused* your emotion of anger) and your external reality in turn is influenced by your way of thinking and decision making which leads to the actions you will take when you interact with your outside world, your external reality. This means that you are able to influence your external reality just as you are able to influence your internal reality. All it takes is applying the knowledge you have gained through research, thought, and experience to your efforts of achieving IOW INFLUENCING or CAUSING the events that will lead to your desired outcome. <<< SIDENOTE 18A However, just as you are able to influence your own internal reality including your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, etc many people ALLOW THEIR EXTERNAL WORLD TO SHAPE THEIR INTERNAL WORLD AND BELIEFS, which in turn affects their emotions, attitude, thoughts, and actions. This EXTERNALLY INFLUENCED INTERNAL REALITY then returns full circle by influencing their external reality through their conscious and subconscious actions and inaction which REINFORCES THEIR BELIEFS AND HABITS THAT WERE ORIGINALLY INFLUENCED BY THEIR EXTERNAL REALITY! You have the ability and the power to influence your internal AND external reality. Because other people are a part of your external reality, and you have the ability to influence your external reality, then by default, you have the ability to influence other people. You have the ability to influence a persons external reality (which includes YOU), their internal reality (including their emotions, attitudes, thoughts etc), and their perception of their external reality (their frame).. IF THEY *ALLOW* IT. Since you know YOU have this ability, you can apply that knowledge to understand that they ALSO have the same ability. They have the ability to influence YOUR external reality (which includes *THEMSELVES*), your internal reality (including your emotions, attitudes, thoughts etc), and your perception of your external reality (your frame).. IF YOU *ALLOW* IT! When people in your life interact with one another, your external reality is interacting and influencing itself! So IOW, you are able to influence your beliefs (your internal reality) and your beliefs influence your actions (as well as your emotions, thoughts, attitudes, actions, inaction, habits, behavior, etc) which in turn can influence your external reality as well as your perception of your external reality. What effective Game does, is COMMUNICATE A BELIEF that a womans mind accepts: the desire to emotionally and physically bond with you. You will be creating REFERENCE POINTS for her (RZA) to accept in order for her to create and accept the reference of reality that you are a person whose influence she would naturally (SUB)CONSCIOUSLY accept. Simply stated, to become more attractive to women in general, internalize more high value elements. This will allow her (RZA) to ASSOCIATE and PROJECT her beliefs onto you which will influence all aspects of her internal reality (including her thoughts, emotions, decision making, attitude, etc) which in turn will cause you to (in)directly influence her external world because the way she interacts with her external reality will be through her actions and inaction that were influenced by different aspects of her internal reality (including her thoughts, her emotions, her perception of her external reality, her beliefs, etc) that YOU had originally INFLUENCED or affected. So, once again, to become more attractive to women in general, internalize more HVEs to allow for the opportunity of the possibility of possessing a particular HVE that

a woman has predetermined will influence her. Obviously you want to internalize the HVEs that add value to YOUR internal and external reality, IOW internalize HVEs that influence your internal and external reality in a way that progresses you towards your goal(s). This means that you should ACTUALLY IMPLEMENT the HVEs in your life and ACTUALLY LIVE THEM, not just COMMUNICATE THEM. If you actually lived them, practiced them, and applied effort, knowledge, and took action to incorporate them into your life, attracting women becomes a natural side effect as you will be attracting to you what you want! IOW, if you really were and ARE a fun adventurous spontaneous guy (all HVEs), you WOULD and *WILL* NATURALLY approach and interact with women. It is not a big deal. Literally you would not and do not think about it. It is just something you (subconsciously) do, a habit, a subconscious action influenced by a (sub)conscious belief. REMEMBER: We learn many things indirectly because the ideas we perceive to have originated from our own mind through thought and reasoning cause us to be more receptive and accepting of them regardless of someone or something elses influence. If we believe an idea to have been created from within our own mind, we are more susceptible to believe it and take action on that belief. IOW Game is simply creating (or influencing or causing) the acceptance of a belief in a womans mind that she wants to take action, needs to take action, desires to take action, should take action, and IS taking action, on her feelings for you and bond with you both emotionally and physically. So do we all have to be the exact same person to attract a woman? Besides a few common, or *fundamental* elements, of course not. To date, over 100 of these High Value Elements that influence women have been identified. Because what people value, or what INFLUENCES them, is all different; what may attract one person may differ from what attracts another person and vice versa. Think of internalizing HVEs as being able to upgrade yourself including your life(style), your habits, and your way of thinking in the live action (video;-) Game of Life. HVEs allow you to EVOLVE into a higher level of consciousness including the ability to communicate to others your possession of whatever high value element(s) you have internalized. The more HVEs (that SHE values that) she perceives you to posses, the higher she will perceive your value to be, thus intensifying her desire to bond with you; creating value based attraction. So does a woman have to accept your value? Of course not. Because you now understand that your value is the amount of influence you possess, you can understand that a woman not accepting your value means that she is rejecting your influence. Can a woman REJECT your influence? Of course. What is a woman indirectly communicating when she doesnt accept your value? Is she blowing you out or turning you down or are you getting shot down personally? Personally, I have never been blown out. You read that correctly. I have never been blown out. My *GAME*, most definitely, has gotten blown out, for sure, but *I*, AS A PERSON, have never been turned down. 19

And neither have you. My *Game* and My *Self* are two separate things just as Your *Self* and Your *Game* are two separate things. The girl is not actually saying No to you as a person but rather indirectly saying NOT YET to your Game (or, to be exact, her *perception* of your internalization of the HVE of Game, or rather, lack thereof ;-) So how is this possible? How can a woman not accept your influence and yet still accept your value which, by definition, is the amount of your influence? Because women, like most people, perceive value as all the same, they do not differentiate between the 2 types of Value: Solid Value and Social Value. theKnightLife Definition: Solid Value is the amount of internal and/or external influence over ones own reference of reality, confidence level, and willpower that one is able to resist. (IOW, how much influence one can resist: ones mental toughness) theKnightLife Definition: Social Value is the amount of influence one has over others references of reality and/ or a situation. (IOW, how much influence one can create: ones socially reinforced influence) For attraction to be possible, a woman must perceive a mans value (remember women see value as the same so this could be referring to ones Solid Value, Social Value, and/or combined Social & Solid Value) to be as high as or higher than her own (self perceived Value). This means that if one has low (Social) Value, one will be able to counterbalance it by having high Solid Value. IOW, if you have the confidence and willpower to back up your reference of reality, women WILL perceive you as having High Value, regardless of your momentary and/ or situational influence. This also means that if one has low (Solid) Value, one will be able to counterbalance it by having high Social Value. IOW, if you have the momentary and/or situational influence to back up your reference of reality, women WILL perceive you as having High Value, regardless of your confidence level and/or comfort zone. The higher your Solid Value is, the stronger your reference of reality, confidence level, and willpower will be and the more influence you will have over your internal reality (including your own decision making, action taking, emotions, inaction, attitude, etc). The higher your Social Value is, the more influence you will have over your external reality (including others references of reality and/or a situation) (thus resulting in higher compliance and/or attention from a woman). Solid Value is measured in the form of ones emotional resilience, perseverance, and confidence level, IOW by ones mental toughness.

Social Value is measured in the form of compliance and (positive) attention received, IOW by the amount of positive Social Signals one receives from others (INCLUDING compliance as the action of interacting through involvement and/or investment is a form of a POSITIVE social signal, even if it is prompted and perhaps even (un) intentionally given). theKnightLife Definition: Social Signals communicate ones effort and desire to give or to get attention. Although a woman may begin an interaction UNAWARE (of her desire for you;-), *EVENTUALLY* you will want her to take UNPROMPTED action to bond with you (i.e. KNOWINGLY TAKE ACTION on her desire to bond with you). theKnightLife Definition: Compliance, a positive social signal that communicates ones desire to bond, is the (un)prompted effort one gives in an interaction. Compliance can be measured directly and/or indirectly through ones (un)prompted effort, IOW through ones POSITIVE Social Signals: ACTIONS / BEHAVIOR / PRESENCE / ATTITUDE / MENTALITY / DEMEANOR / BODY LANGUAGE / TOUCH / PHYSICAL ESCALATION / VOICE / TONE / EMOTIONS theKnightLife Definition: POSITIVE Social Signals encourage (continuing) (escalating) communication (emotionally, logistically, and/or physically). (read: one wants to give or to get attention) NEGATIVE Social Signals discourage (continuing) (escalating) communication (emotionally, logistically, and/or physically). (read: one does not want to give or to get attention) This goes full circle as to how when a person communicates with you, they are either displaying social signals of wanting or not wanting to start, continue, or escalate an interaction with you. IOW, when a person displays POSITIVE social signals towards you, they are BONDING or attempting to build rapport with you. If they are displaying NEGATIVE social signals they could be attempting to CHALLENGE or break rapport with you. This is how they are able to exercise their ability to communicate and interact with their external reality and influence it which in turns means this is how they (attempt to) influence you as you are a part of their external reality! This is also how you communicate or interact or influence them, IOW how YOU are able to alter or affect your external reality! So by now you understand that your external reality can influence your internal reality, that your internal reality can influence your external reality, that your communication with your external reality is displayed through your social signals, and that you can build rapport or break rapport with your external reality, in this case a person, to guide or INFLUENCE her to accept a belief that you share with her by creating reference points in her frame that will cause her to take action upon her desire that you both should emotionally and physically bond with each other. Now that we are aware that it is possible to create your own belief(s), also understand that you can influence your external reality (in this instance a person), and influence or guide them to accept a belief that you have created. This can be as easy as her actually believing or sharing the belief before you even communicated it to her. It can also take effort and time. 21

Regardless, the belief that it was possible was the first step in communicating, influencing, or causing the event in time to occur when she accepts the belief that you created and shared by communicating reference points upon which to create a reference of reality that reflects the belief of the actions that you want her to take, in this case to act upon her feelings of desiring to emotionally and physically bond with you. Next, we will acquire the knowledge needed to achieve the desired event (how to build and break rapport). Then we will apply that knowledge through effort of thought and taking action (what to say and do, and why to say and do it). Then we will apply the knowledge that we learn through experience to influence our future actions at the right time to cause the event that causes the event that eventually allows for the opportunity for our desired event to occur (when to build or break rapport). Finally, we will implement the internalization of the steps of how, what, why, and when to do what needs to be done to achieve those desired events (through repetition of application of knowledge through effort of thought and taking action).


Rapport For a woman to feel comfortable around you, she needs to feel that you understand her (internal, external, and reference of) reality. For a woman to trust you she must first respect you. When you question or disrespect her (internal, external, and reference of) reality, you are breaking rapport or challenging her. When you accept, acknowledge, approve, and appreciate, and/or reward her (internal, external, and reference of) reality, you are building rapport or bonding with her. When you communicate to her an expectation of her compliance, you are requesting rapport. When you infer her acceptance of your (internal, external, and reference of) reality as her (internal, external, and reference of) reality, you are forceframing rapport. When you secure her trust and comfort, you have secured her rapport. theKnightLife Definition: Rapport is the acceptance, mutual trust, and comfort gained from the respect and understanding of another persons reference of reality. Example: You will naturally feel more comfortable with, and be more trusting of, people who you perceive to be as similar to you, IOW people who YOU FEEL share your same (internal, external, and reference of) reality. Breakdown: The more rapport you have with her, the more SAFE she perceives you to be. She will feel that she understands and knows you and you know and understand her. Early on this can quickly establish a connection. This does not meant to always BUILD rapport with her however because to truly build rapport, you would need to at least acknowledge the emotion (HER internal reality) that she is experiencing and if she is in a lower emotional tone level her negative emotions must be acknowledge for you to truly acknowledge or build rapport with her meaning that by breaking rapport at certain times you will actually more effectively communicate to her that you understand and respect her (internal, external, and reference of) reality. & Quote: For most women, the language of conversation is primarily a language of rapport: a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships. ~ Deborah Tannen 23

Value When it comes to attraction, as rhetorical as it may seem, the question of what women want is actually fairly simple to answer: a woman is attracted to (IOW, what she desires, admires, respects, wants, and perhaps even *needs* are) common attributes, characteristics, qualities, and traits in a man that *ALL* women value, as well as specific elements unique to her that *SHE* values. A woman wants a man who possesses several, if not most, of these elements that she values so highly. So, IOW, WHAT SHE *WANTS* in a man, or what she is ATTRACTED TO IN A MAN, are elements that SHE VALUES and she will become attracted to a man she perceives to possess those elements. Some of those attributes, characteristics, qualities, and traits may seem a little abstract to a lot of men but what all of these elements have in common is that they all *INFLUENCE* a woman to perceive a man to be attractive, desirable, and valuable. The amount of influence a man has over a woman is relative to the Value she *perceives* him to possess. Although there are 2 types of Value, Solid Value and Social Value, women perceive Value as all the same. For attraction to be possible, a woman must perceive a mans Value to be equal to or greater than her Value. theKnightLife Definition: Value is the amount of ones influence. Example: Your parents ask you to take out the trash and you comply. When at a local restaurant, a stranger asks you to help empty the rest room trash can and carry it to the dumpster outside and naturally, you decline. Breakdown: Depending on how much you respect your parents, you would take out the trash per their request. Their influence over you propels you to comply with their request. On the other hand, if some stranger on the street asked you to come inside and empty the trash can in the rest room, you would most likely naturally decline, and not just because its gross;-) but because their Value to you, or their *influence* over you, is much lower than the Value you assign to your parents. Think about the last time an attractive woman requested your assistance: How much Value did you assign to her? Did you assign her the same Value as you do those who you love and care about, did you assign her the same Value as a complete stranger, or was it somewhere in between? Your compliance is a gauge of how much Value you assign a woman, how much INFLUENCE she has over you, IOW, the compliance you give to her is relative to how much she is able to INFLUENCE your reference of reality. For attraction to be possible, a mans Value must be as high as, or higher than, a womans Value, IOW, you must influence her reference of reality just as much, if not more, than she influences your reference of reality. How much Value did she assign you; would this woman do the same for you as you did for her? How much INFLUENCE do others have over YOUR reference of reality and how much INFLUENCE DO YOU HAVE over others references of reality? This is not to say to become thoughtless of others, but rather, is meant to encourage you to examine your interactions with others. Having High Value allows one to impress others without having to *TRY* to impress them, IOW high value *INFLUENCES* others. & Quote: Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. ~ Albert Einstein


High Value Elements When it comes to attraction, as rhetorical as it may seem, the question of what women want is actually fairly simple to answer: a woman is attracted to (IOW, what she desires, admires, respects, wants, and perhaps even *needs* are) common attributes, characteristics, qualities, and traits in a man that *ALL* women value, as well as specific elements unique to her that *SHE* values. A woman wants a man who possesses several, if not most, of these elements that she values so highly. So, IOW, WHAT SHE *WANTS* in a man, or what she is ATTRACTED TO IN A MAN, are elements that SHE VALUES and she will become attracted to a man she perceives to possess those elements. Some of those attributes, characteristics, qualities, and traits may seem a little abstract to a lot of men but what all of these elements have in common is that they all *INFLUENCE* a woman to perceive a man to be attractive, desirable, and valuable. The elements that influence a womans RZA are known as High Value Elements. Some of these elements cause attraction, others cause comfort, and/or trust. These elements can also raise or lower her emotional tone level. theKnightLife Definition: High Value Elements (or HVEs for short) are attributes, characteristics, qualities, and traits that influence a persons reference of reality per a predetermined, and normally subconscious, decision that the person made based on their accepted ((sub) conscious) beliefs. Example: A woman notices a man who is with another attractive woman and when she walks by she (subconsciously) runs her fingers through her hair. Breakdown: Because her RZA assigns value to the woman because she is attractive and with a man, a woman will naturally become curious about the guy. The more HVEs that she perceives you to posses, the more attracted she is. A woman may even communicate positive social signals if the HVE influences her enough. So, once again, to become more attractive to women in general, internalize more HVEs to allow for the opportunity of the possibility of possessing a particular HVE that a woman has predetermined will influence her. Value based influence is created by the amount of (actual and perceived) high value elements one has internalized (ones level of internalization is relative to the amount of influence one is able to create or resist with it). HVEs are the tools to be impressive without trying to impress. & Quote: Womans influence is powerful, especially when she wants something. ~ Josh Billings 25

Solid Value Although women will perceive a mans Value to be higher than, lower than, or equal to their own, they do not differentiate between a mans Social Value or his Solid Value. This means that if one has low Social Value, one will be able to counterbalance it by having high Solid Value, or IOW, if you have the confidence and willpower to back up your reference of reality, women WILL perceive you as having High Value, regardless of your momentary and/or situational influence. The higher ones Solid Value, the stronger ones reference of reality, confidence level, and willpower. Solid Value is measured in the form of ones emotional resilience, perseverance, and confidence level, IOW by ones mental toughness. Internally supported high (Solid) value elements, such as a charismatic attitude, can raise ones Solid Value and can influence a woman who values that particular element. Value, regardless of it being Social or Solid, influences others so upon meeting a woman who cannot emotionally influence you, your Solid Value will be equal to (or perhaps even greater than) her (Social) Value. For attraction to be possible, a woman must perceive a mans (Social, Solid, or combined) Value to be equal to or greater than her Value. theKnightLife Definition: Social Value is the amount of influence one has over others references of reality and/ or a situation. (IOW, how much influence one can create: ones socially reinforced influence) Example: A girl turns down a guys advances at a club. The guy persists, and after initially not liking him, by the end of the night the two are spotted leaving together, laughing, smiling, and having a great time. Breakdown: A woman does not have to accept your influence over her reference of reality, IOW there is a chance that she may deny or not accept your Social Value. However, your *Solid Value* can never be denied or unaccepted because it is INTERNALLY based. Internalize this: YOU HAVE VALUE THAT CANNOT BE DENIED BY ANYONE** So the girl is not actually saying No to you as a person but rather indirectly saying NOT YET to your Game (or, to be exact, her *perception* of your internalization of the HVE of Game). In this example, by his persistence, and having the confidence to continue the interaction in spite of her challenges, the girl was able to learn more about him and in turn, became attracted. By not allowing seemingly negative external elements to affect his reference of reality, she discovered how high his (Solid) Value was and because women perceive Solid Value and Social Value as the same, she accepted his Value to be as high as (or even higher than) hers when in fact, *she* may have had the higher *Social* Value! **You have value that cannot be denied by anyone.. But YOU. Ones Solid Value can range from low to high, but the power to allow your solid value to be externally altered is an internal CHOICE. & Quote: Have faith in yourself, and others will too. ~ MNX


Social Value Although women will perceive a mans Value to be higher than, lower than, or equal to their own, they do not differentiate between a mans Social Value or his Solid Value. This means that if one has low Solid Value, one will be able to counterbalance it by having high Social Value, or IOW, if you have the momentary and/or situational influence to back up your reference of reality, women WILL perceive you as having High Value, regardless of your confidence level and/or comfort zone. The higher ones Social Value, the more influence one has over others references of reality and/or a situation (thus resulting in higher compliance and/or attention). Social Value is measured in the form of compliance and (positive) attention received, IOW by the amount of positive Social Signals one receives from others. Externally reinforced high (Social) value elements, such as being wealthy, can raise ones Social Value and can influence a woman who values that particular element. Value, regardless of it being Social or Solid, influences others so upon meeting a woman who you are able to influence emotionally, your Social Value will be equal to (or perhaps even greater than) her (Solid) Value. For attraction to be possible, a woman must perceive a mans (Social, Solid, or combined) Value to be equal to or greater than her Value. theKnightLife Definition: Solid Value is the amount of internal and/or external influence over ones own reference of reality, confidence level, and willpower that one is able to resist. (IOW, how much influence one can resist: ones mental toughness) Example: A high level executive, in a meeting with his subordinates, makes a joke and everyone in the meeting laughs. Later that day, the executive goes out to eat at a restaurant and retells the joke verbatim with the exact same delivery to a group of women he doesnt know sitting in the restaurant. Without acknowledging him, they give him a blank stare, dont even smile, and return to finishing their lunch. Breakdown: Although the same joke was delivered the exact same way in both situations, only when the executive had HIGH SOCIAL VALUE was a positive response received from the crowd. The employees assigned higher value (than the women did) to the executive because he was their boss. They had given him the power to INFLUENCE their references of reality and when he tried to bond with them, they accepted and encouraged it. High Value causes others to want to bond with and/or impress the person of high value (because *they* are impressed) and to be accepted by that person (because THEY HAVE ALREADY ACCEPTED that persons Value). On the other hand, when the exec tried to get the same response by retelling the joke to a group of women he did not know (and who did not know him), his actions were not perceived in the same light (the employees references of reality were not shared by the group). Instead he was perceived as trying too hard (too build rapport and/or impress) and his attempt to bond was denied. The group of women had not accepted his Value as being equal to (or greater than) theirs and in fact, *challenged* his Value by ignoring his perceived attempt to bond. Because the women viewed the executives Social Value as low (or at least perceived it to be lower than theirs), they believed his Value to be low and did not feel obliged to bond with him; IOW they saw him as a low value guy, even when that was not the case. Understand that women do not differentiate between social value and solid value; they view it as the same. & Quote: Appearances are often deceiving. ~ Aesop 27

Social Signals Body Language is interpreted through Social Signals that are deciphered by ones RZA. The 5 basic Social Signals of the body are ones head, eyes, torso, and both feet. Where ones feet is pointing is where one is trying to build rapport or IOW, bond. When one gives you their full body language; their full attention, what do they want from you? *Your* time, *YOUR* attention. Anything that can be observed is a potential social signal: ACTIONS / BEHAVIOR / PRESENCE / ATTITUDE / MENTALITY / DEMEANOR / BODY LANGUAGE / TOUCH / PHYSICAL ESCALATION / VOICE / TONE / EMOTIONS theKnightLife Definition: Social Signals communicate ones effort and desire to give or to get attention. POSITIVE Social Signals encourage (continuing) (escalating) communication (emotionally, logistically, and/or physically). (read: one wants to give or to get attention) NEGATIVE Social Signals discourage (continuing) (escalating) communication (emotionally, logistically, and/or physically). (read: one does not want to give or to get attention) POSITIVE Social Signal Example: A girl begins to play with her hair when she looks at you. Breakdown: A girl will subconsciously play with her hair when interacting or thinking of interacting with a High Value man. During your interaction, if you see a girl play with her hair, be sure to secure her Body Language in order for her to (indirectly) associate you with her image, thoughts, and feelings of a High Value man. IOW, *ASSUME* she likes you (Even/ESPECIALLY if on a Conscious level she does NOT like you at the moment). NEGATIVE Social Signal Example: A couple of girls tell you they have to go to the bathroom after you approach them. Breakdown: The worst thing a woman can do for ones Game is NOT to Challenge him, but rather, to not engage him at all. Obviously we desire a positive response to our Game but at least you can work with negative energy. Its a lot harder to Game a girl with nothing to work with at all (on an advanced note: thats where Forceframing comes in). Understand that a girl challenging you (giving you Negative Social Signals) should not necessarily be taken as a Negative *thing* in that she is at least ENGAGING you (and if she continues to stay in the interaction, that means she is investing in the encounter, which is a form compliance, and a Positive Social Signal!) & Quote: Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning how to dance in the rain. ~ Anonymous


Compliance Throughout an interaction, a woman (in)directly communicates her desire to bond via her social signals. Compliance, a positive social signal, is when she actually takes action upon her desire to bond. Securing compliance is important as a woman may desire a man and yet for whatever reason not take action upon her desire. This untapped desire can be secured through requesting emotional, physical, and/or logistical investment and/or involvement. Throughout the interaction gauge her effort of taking action to bond with you to gauge the intensity of her desire. The more positive social signals she displays the more attracted she is to you and the more SHE WANTS TO BOND WITH YOU! Her compliance level is directly relative to the rapport you share with her and her emotional tone level. theKnightLife Definition: Compliance, a positive social signal that communicates ones desire to bond, is the (un)prompted effort one gives in an interaction. Example: As MNX speaks to a woman, he picks her up and spins her around as she laughs. When he sets her down she is still smiling and looking at him with her eyes opened wide. Breakdown: Physically escalating is a way to request and test or IOW gauge rapport. Gauge and compare her positive and negative social signals as you pick her up and spin her around: What emotion was she in before you picked her up, what emotion was she in during and after? Was she smiling and laughing or frowning? Did she wrap her legs around you etc? The more positive than negative social signals she communicates the more she desires to bond with you. Through her compliance she is influencing her external reality (read: YOU) by communicating the intensity of her desire to bond. It is up to you to *LEAD* or *GUIDE* her to the desired event of you both emotionally and physically bonding with each other. & Quote: Strength and growth come only through continuous effort.. ~ Napoleon Hill 29

thank you for reading the free preview of the first chapter of Mateo Navarretes Securing Attention version 11.08 Distributed free courtesy of social technology for men Improve Your Communication with Women Invest In Yourself.. YOU ARE WORTH IT


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