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Answer Ok, so I'm writing in english, but I'm from Brazil, so forgive-me for any gramatics mistakes.. :).

First question: How could we be able to enjoy an eternity knowing that our loved ones are in hell? Answer: We coundn't. Thats why we're getting a new life so the sorrows of the past can't take away our joy. The Bible says something like that. Can't remember where right now. Google it :). The point is, we wont remember our lifes here. We can't take anything from here to Heaven. The Bible also says that, somewhere.. And the reason of Heaven isn't hapiness. It is us beeing togheter to God. 2nd Question: Why does a all-knowing God have to decend to earth to check things? Answer: He doesn't have to. He wants to. All in Gods plans is the proximity between Him and humans. In Genesys, God was always takin trips round Eden. He talked to Adan (first human), They had friendship (and in fact, thats all God wants to everyone of us). So, he came check if things were truth. Well, thats a motive humans can understand, and apreciate. You know, like: Wow He really is commin! He really cares!. Something like that.. Another thing God do many times is to manifest in a form that humans are capable of understand. He even sent two angels (that in fact represent God Himself) to Sodoma. Of course that wasn't a good visitation. For the angels I mean. After all, the people in the city wanted to rape the angels! I would not be very happy with that.. About the Koran history, I know nothing of it, so let it be. But I'll try to use a example from the Bible. Job. His unbreakable faith is fammous. But, if God did know he woundn't fall, why make His beloved one pass to such a pain? Yes, God knew, but He also knew about so many people that would need a word of consolation in the momments of struggle.. I cant tell how many people were touched by this book. How many people came to know God and His loyality, His never ending fidelity. God doesn't thinks only in the present. His plans goes all over the ages. And nothing He does is meaningless. As John says in the end of his gospel, everything that was writen was for us to believe an have life. That works for the whole Bible. I hope to be makin myself understandable.. Ok, question number 3: How could Adan n Eve be held acontable for something they didn't know was wrong? Answer: They did know. If u read a couple of verses back, you will see that God warned them: If you guys eat from that tree over there, you'll die. No kidding. so, they weren't unaware of their situation. Of course God didn't kill them. Instead, they got expelled from Eden and that would be like death, spiritually, I mean. that was a metaphor for the separation from human and God. In that precise order, cuz human got apart with God, not the oppose. And as we'ls see up ahead, God can and will bring human near to Him again. Just to metion Adan n Eve mistake was to disobey. And God didnt send the snake, He created it, but He didn't send it. God didn't create evil. Evil happens when one reject God. Evil is "the absence of God" if we could put like that. Ok, fourth Question (we are comming to an end XD), so: What about the people that haven't heard about Jesus and God's plan for human salvtion? OMG will they go to hell!? Answer: Yes. Just like any of us who had the chance to hear from the Message and didn't accept it. Sad it is. But they wont go to hell because they don't know the rules. For all of us are condemned to eternal death. ALL of us. And following church's rules do not bring us salvation. The Bible says that the only way to heaven is Jesus. Ok, thats fine, but what if a lost tribe in some remote land didn't have the chance to know about Jesus!? Then they wont be able to go to Heaven, AND WE ARE THE ONES TO BLAME. We who know the gospel, we should be there in that remote land, telling people about Jesus/God/Holy Spirit's love and mercy and grace and salvation! Unfortunately its our duty as christians (I not talkin

about religion, but about salvation) to reach out the people all around the world. Jesus said to spread his message to Judea, Samaria and ALL ACROSS THE WORLD! So, as much as it hurts me to say, their blood is in our hands.. It hurts me because I know that I could be doing so much more bout this and I gess many of us feel like that. But thats not the point now. The fact is, yes people who don't kwnow about Jesus are heading to eternal suffering. And so are those who know about Jesus and don't care about it. Spreading this message actually brings damnation, but only for those who hear and don't accept. Those who don't hear are lost too, and its our fault if we actually don't warn them. But there still hope. For God's glory has manifest in all his creation. So there is a chance for people who haven't been reached by gospel to be saved. How? that I don't know. Honestly, God's ways are so much higher than mine. And another thing: people aren't judged by their actions. Only Jesus can save. Last Question: How do you justfie an infinit punishmment for a finite crime. Answer: You don't. Hell isn't a punishment. It's a destination. As said before, since human have chosen to ser apart with God everyone is fated to go to hell, unless one accepts Jesus. If you sin, its just nature. But God has sent Jesus, who choose by himself to die for us and pay the price so we could be freed from our human nature's dommain. So in that sad history of a father and his son and the cookies, you could have said that, instead of cut the child hands, the father made himself a child, just like his son, and accepted to have His hands cut off in his sons place. Than the history wold be just like what the Bible says. And there is more. The kid could learn with that act of love, and enfort to don't do wrong anymore. Ok, thats too hard. But God sent Jesus to die for all our sins. The ones in the past, and the ones we could commit. Because sin is not a single finite act. Its like something that gets atached to us, preventin us to climb up to God's Reign. Jesus came to take this sin away of our shoulders, and help us to reach God once again. We still human, we still can fall, but that is not what we want after we have been saved. So Jesus is here next to us to pick us up every time. So, actually, God has an infinite plan of salvation. Because in the end, there will be no more sin, no more sorrow, no more sadness and all that anoying things. Thats sin: separation from God. Jesus has come to save us, to have his hands cut in our places. To take away our sin. Jesus and God are one, so, God came all way down Earth, turned into a human just like us, to suffer for our sins, and bring us back near Him. But the kid with the cookies has to accept his father help. Otherwise, his sacrifice would have been in vain. Salvation can't be imposed. We all have to choose to accept Jesus, Gods sacrifice. Otherwise, it would be in vain. God doesn't want to condemn us. But he allow us to have free will and choose what we want. And what do you want? A life of disapointing with a evil God who wants to bring pain to people. A life with no meaning, with no direction, where to go after here? Or a life with hope that someday, no matter what other people say or do, you'll find answers, and much more. A loving God. A saving grace. A relantionship that cannot fail, that will not fail. If so you have to take a stand. To say: "Jesus, I know that I'm lost, and none of my actions can take me back. Please come live in me, take me back to the Holy Father, restore our relationship, free me of sin and change my life forever. I need You." I'm only a 19 years old brazilian boy who had the opportunity to learn that real christianism isn't about going to a church and praticing some ritual. It is a relantionship with Christ, not a bunch of rules to follow, though for the love of this relationship, I effort to obey them. Not beeing slave of them, but beein a servant of God. So I hope I've helped you, or anyone at all with that. Peace and May the Spirit be with you. :)

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