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Aku guru sekolah minggu (kamu juga)

Kamu guru sekolah Minggu (aku juga)
Kita bersama,bersama,bersama melayani Tuhan

Pakai aku Tuhan Sebagai alatmu di dunia ini
Melayani anak untuk dekat padamu,mencintaimu dan
mengasihi Engkau

Pakai aku Tuhan Sebagai guru sekolah Minggu

Kerinduanku slalu melayaniMu,melayaniMu
Seumur hidupku

I'am a Sunday school teacher (you too)

You are Sunday school teachers (me too)
We are together,together,together serving You lord

Use me oh' Lord
As your servant in this world
Serving them to be closed to you
To serve you,and to love you

Use me oh' Lord

As your Sunday school teacher
It's my desire to serve you,forever
All the day's of my life

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