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GROUP 4 Member : 1. Nicolas Sinaga 2. Rian Reksi tandra

Lecture Guide Lecturer

: English : Rhida Ilma


Kata pengantar

Segala puji hanya bagi Tuhan yang Maha Esa, karena berkat karuniaNya kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini dengan baik dan tepat pada waktunya. Tak lupa kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada Miss Ridha Ilma yang telah membimbing kami sehingga kami dapat dan mampu untuk menyelesaikan makalah hasil diskusi kami ini. Kami menyadari bahwa dalam pembuatan makalah ini masih terdapat banyak kekurangan karena ketidak sempurnaan kami sebagai makhluk - Nya. Untuk itu, kami mengharapkan kepada semua pihak agar ikut memberi kritik dan saran yang akan sangat membantu kami dalam pembuatan makalah pada kesempatan yang lainnya. Sebagai makhluk yang tak lepas dari salah, kami memohon maaf apabila dalam pembuatan makalah ini ada pihak yang merasa dirugikan atau adanya kesalahan dalam pembuatan dan perangkaian kata, Sempurna hanya milik Nya, dan kesalahan adalah mutlak milik kami. Semoga apa yang telah kami buat ini menjadi sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi kita semua.

Indralaya, 22 maret 2011


A. Sea and the History

Sea is a collection from the some river that make a unite. Sea have 70% space of the earth. Sea, according to history, was formed 4.4 billion years ago, which initially are very acidic with boiling water (with temperatures around 100 C) due to warming of the Earth at the time. Acid sea water occurs because the Earth's atmosphere was filled with carbon dioxide.

B. Why is the Sea Salty

There is a lot of salt on the earth, and it mixes very well with water. Actually all the water (river, lakes, etc.) containing mineral salts. And then all the minerals in sea salt is gathered so that the sea water 220 times saltier than the waters elsewhere. In all corners of the world, rivers send about 40 billion tons of salt into the sea each year. The sea become saltier than a river because the rain water washes the mainland and then went into trenches, river and lake, carrying dissolved salts to the ocean. The difference is that sea water was much older than the water in other parts. Because the Age of sea water about 4 or 5 billion years old than the other water in the other corners of of the world that only several million years. Over the past few billion years of sea water has been continuously recycle, evaporate water which then fall into the rain water flowing into the mainland and return to the sea, carrying loads of new salt. The salt in the ocean cannot evaporate. Continuous cycle that occurs will automatically increase the Levels of salt in the sea. The water in the oceans has more salt then river water. Ocean water is about 3, 5% (three and a half percent) salt. Some seas have more salt than other.

C. The Most Salty Places In The World

Although most of the world's sea water has a salinity of about 3.5%, Sea water is also different salt content. The most salt is in the Red Sea, where high temperatures and high evaporation make limited circulation and little input of water from the rivers. Salt levels in some lakes may be higher Dead Sea is a salty lake (not the sea, because it is on the mainland), the term sea in his life due to the extent that reached 76 km in length and has a width of 16 km, so can imagine if the lake is so vast (but this lake has undergone refinements and reduction of water discharge due to excessive evaporation and lack of water supply from the River Jordan) Salinity in the sea is so great it makes us able to float above it difficult to swim without difficulty, even while reading the book though. It is said that Dead Sea salt in it reached 31.5% (that means 9 times the normal sea salinity is about 3.5%). Due to its salinity levels are then all objects can float on top. The Great Salt Lake in the state of Utah in the United States is the other salty lakes in the earth. They are much saltier than the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

D. Conclusion
From the article we can take a conclude that: Water have 70 % space of the earth Water in the sea or ocean is come from river Sea salty because the salt in the ocean cant evaporate The Dead Sea and the Great salt Lake is the most salty place

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