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Final Certifying Exam of OB & GYN

2nd Rotation (Male Group)

a. only occurs if the father is homozygous for Rh. factor
b. only occurs with Rh-ve mothers
c. only occurs with Rh+ve fetuses
d. requires fetomaternal transfusion of at least 5 ml of blood
e. less likely to occur the mother and the fetus were ABO incompatible

2)Sickle cell disease in pregnancy may be associated with:

a. acute abdominal pain
b. recurrent UTI
c. increased perinatal mortality
d. increased rate of placenta previa

3)Which fetal skull diameter is the most reliable to estimate GA:

a. Occiptomental.
b. Suboccipitobregmatic.
c. Bitemporal.
d. Biparietal.

4)Intramural fibroid:
a. Menorrhagia.
b. Postcoital bleeding.
c. Dysparunuia.
d. Intermestral

5)Bishops score used to:

a. Measure the success of induction of labor.

6)Regarding Macrosomia, all are true, EXCEPT:

a. Lungs mature early
b. Increase risk of operative labor
c. May due to GDM
d. Risk of shoulder dystocia
e. More than 90th percentile for specific group

Done by: Khalid S. AL-Efraij 1


7)Ideal pelvis has:

a. Inclination of 80 degrees
b. Palpable sacral promontory
c. Prominent ischial spines
d. Obtuse angle
e. Parallel walls

8)Best analgesic for labor pain in pre-eclampsia patient is:

a. Epidural
b. Pudendal block
c. Diazepam (anxiolytic)
d. IV narcotics
e. Inhaling NO

9)Most common cause of primary PPH:

a. Retained placenta.
b. atony of the uterus.
c. Cervical laceration.
d. Trauma.

10)One of the following is an indication for termination of pregnancy:

a. Pulmonary hypertension.
b. Ventricular septal defect.
c. mitral valve prolapse.
d. Mitral stenosis

11)Hysterosalpingogram can be used to diagnose:

a. Endometriosis.
b. Hydrosalpinx.
c. Subserous fibroid.
d. Minimal pelvic adhesion.
e. Ovarian cyst.

12)All are complications of uncontrolled DM except:

c. oligohydramnios
d. Congenital anomalies

13)which is correct regarding placenta previa:

a. first bleeding is painless and usually non-fatal

14)biophysical profile includes all except:

a. fetal movement
b. fetal tone
c. amniotic fluid volume
d. fetal breathing
e. umbilical artery Doppler

Done by: Khalid S. AL-Efraij 2


15)pregnant woman present in ANC; routine tests to be done include all except:
a. pregnancy test
b. CBC
c. RPR
d. Rubella Ab
e. Blood grouping & Rh

16)33 years old worries about lactation; which of the following can interfere with
a. Insulin
b. HPL
c. Thyroid hormones
d. Falling estrogen
e. Rising progesterone

17)Woman with ectopic pregnancy; which of the following is always important:

a. Amenorrhea for 8 wks
b. Abdominal pain preceding bleeding
c. Pregnancy test
d. Shoulder tip pain
e. Endometrial cast.

18)Common treatment for ruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy:

a. Salpingectomy
b. Salpingostomy
c. Electrical cauterization of the tube

19)Pregnant woman should be discouraged from:

a. Smoking
b. Sexual intercourse from the 28th wk
c. Air travel
d. Moderate coffee consumption
e. Swimming from the 20th wk

20)1st stage of labor end by:

a. Full dilatation of the Cervix

21)Late deceleration is not surprising in all except:

a. Placenta previa
b. Abruption placenta
d. PE
e. HTN

22)65 yrs old woman presented with leaking of urine; the most common cause in this
case is:
a. Anatomic stress incontinence
b. Urge incontinence
c. Overflow incontinence

Done by: Khalid S. AL-Efraij 3


23)The aim of surgery in overflow incontinence is:

a. Restoration of the vesicouretheral angle
b. Narrowing the urethra
c. Reduce the tone of bladder
d. Transmit the abdominal pressure into the urethra

24)1ry dysmenorrheal is due to :

a. PG F2α
b. Progesterone
c. estrogen

25)vasa previa discovered early in labor managed by:

a. do C\S
b. spontaneous delivery
c. vacuum delivery
d. forceps delivery

26)Management of chronic HTN in pregnancy:

a. Hypotensive drugs to lower the BP to NL
b. Bed rest
c. Diuretics
d. Restriction of fluid intake
e. Monthly BPP during the 2nd trimester

27)Which of the following presentations can be delivered vaginally:

a. Face presentation with mentoanterior
b. Face presentation with mentoposterior
c. Brow presentation
d. Shoulder presentation
e. Transverse lie

28)Commonest cause of abortion:

a. Abnormality of the conceptus
b. Maternal infection

29)Woman presented with recurrent early 2nd trimester abortion; the test of least
value is:
a. Chromosomal analysis of both couples
b. Postcoital test

30)The main cause for surgical correction of uterus didelphus & subseptate uterus is:
a. Recurrent abortion
b. Premature labor
c. Metromenorrhagia
d. Dyspaunia

31)Advantage of mediolateral episiotomy over midline is:

Done by: Khalid S. AL-Efraij 4


a. Easier repair
b. Less extension of incision
c. Less bleeding
d. Less break down

32)In twin pregnancy; one fetus get hydamnios & polycythemia & the other get
oligohydramnios & anemia; this is caused by:
a. Vascular anastomosis between fetuses

33)Precursor for vulval carcinoma is:

a. Leukoplakia
b. Leukoderma

34)DUB is caused by:

a. Hormonal disturbance

35)Bacteriuria in pregnancy:
a. 2-10% of pregnancy
b. Predisposes to acute pyelonephritis
c. More in primi.
d. Should be treated with Abs.

36)Imperforate hymen:
a. May lead to hematosalpinx
b. Is usually identified earlier in life than at puberty
c. Is frequently associated with renal abnormalities
d. Treated by cruciate incision
e. Generally requires reconstructive surgery

37)Regarding Heart disease in pregnancy:

a. Give prophylactic antibiotic during pregnancy monthly
b. Induction at term
c. heart failure may develop in midtrimester
d. Should be assisted delivery
e. Epidural analgesia should be used

38)Hyper stimulation syndrome:

a. Abdominal pain.
b. Ascities.
c. Hypovolemic shock.
d. Follicular cyst.
e. Thromboembolism.

39)premature rupture of membranes at 34 weeks:

Done by: Khalid S. AL-Efraij 5


a. should be treated by betomethasone

b. should be given tocolytics if labor start
c. should be diagnosed by digital vaginal examination
d. should be given Abs

a. More common in obese
b. Often asymptomatic
c. Should be treated with warforin at all stages of pregnancy
d. should be treated by IV heparin
e. need to be investigated by Doppler US

41)the following ovarian tumor are of epithelial cell origin:

a. clear cell tumor
b. gonadoblastoma
c. dysgerminoma
d. endometroid tumor

42)Concerning fetal monitoring in labor:

a. Early decelerations are usually due to head compression
b. Late decelerations always indicate fetal hypoxia
c. Variable decelerations may be due to cord compression
d. pH of fetal scalp blood sample of < 7.2 is normal
e. Sinusoidal pattern in CTG indicates fetal anemia

43)Risk factors for Cervix carcinoma:

a. Smoking
b. Multiple partner
c. Cervix erosion (ectropion)

a. Always symptomatic
b. Incidence is 4% generally
c. Cause hydrocephalus
d. Abortion should be done

a. Severe dysplasia
b. May involve vaginal vault
c. 5% spread to LN
d. Can be cured by CO2 laser

46)Dioval twins:
a. due to fertilization of an 1 ovum by a sperm
b. more chance of twin twin transfusion
c. always dichorionic diamniotic
d. more in woman less than 35 yrs
e. more after ovulation induction drugs

47)the following can cause amenorrhea after established menstruation:

Done by: Khalid S. AL-Efraij 6


a. severe malnutrition
b. emotional upset
c. premature ovarian failure

48)CI for estrogen therapy in postmenopausal woman:

a. Previous thrombotic event
b. Present or suspected breast carcinoma
c. CVA
d. depression

49)APGAR score include:

a. HR
b. Respiration
c. Skin color
d. motor reflex
e. tone

50)Red degeneration:
a. occur in pregnancy
b. aseptic necrosis
c. due to reduced blood Supply to fibroid
d. associated With leucopenia & lymphocytosis
e. associated With increased ESR

51)Bacterial vaginosis:
a. Favor acidic pH
b. Can cause PROM
c. Can cause acute PID
d. Cause whitish discharge
e. Easily diagnosed by presence of clue cells

52)Management of Cord prolapse:

a. Push it back into the vagina
b. Push it back into the uterus
c. Forceps delivery if Cervix fully dilated
d. C\S if Cervix is 8 cm dilated
e. Clamp the cord

53)Malignant ovarian tumors:

a. Radiosensitive
b. Secrete hormones
c. Good prognosis after treatment
d. Spread primarily by lymphatics

a. Produce estrogen
b. Produce androgens
c. Need laparoscopy for diagnosis
d. Clomid is the best treatment
55)Spontaneous premature labor:

Done by: Khalid S. AL-Efraij 7


a. Before 37 wks
b. Always associated with PET
c. Tendency to occur in following pregnancy
d. Often associated With abruption placentae
e. Multiple pregnancy is the only cause

56)Increased UTI in pregnancy is due to :

a. Gravid uterus lead to mechanical obstruction of ureter & bladder
b. Progesterone lead to slow contraction of ureters
c. Glycosuria favor growth of micro-organisms
d. Increased capacity of bladder leads to stasis

57)Polyhydamnios found in:

a. Placental chorioangioma
b. Hydrocephalus
c. Obstruction at the level of ascending colon

58)Carcinoma of endometrium:
a. associated with nulliparity
b. in 30-40 yrs age group
c. progesterone dependent
d. with pelvis pain
e. diagnosed by cervical cytology

At the end plz forgive me for all missing data

and any mistake in the questions since I tried
to retrieve them as hard as I can from my
congested memory; I wish u all the best in ur
exam & don't forget to pray for me 


Done by: Khalid S. AL-Efraij 8

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