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Many situations in the life take the human being to feel themselves
defeated. Suddenly, all the things leave to make sensible e, uprising of the bed
to each day, become something laborious and almost impossible to be carried
In this moment-limit we judge that the forces in had abandoned them for
complete and that we will never obtain to recoup them. But, something exists
mysterious, beautiful and invariant inside of us: the capacity of "reborn".
The myth of the phoenix, the bird that reborns of proper leached ashes,
is the perfect metaphor of the history of the human being that, many times,
creates for itself the annihilating fire exactly, to the similarity of the bird that
makes bristle the proper wings provoking the flames that will go consume it.
As well as the mythological bird, also we possess the secret to make to
appear of inside of us a new to be, when the old ego already in does not
guarantee the force to them necessary to face the life.
This power, that inhabits in our mind, needs to be set in motion by the
will, the magical handspike with which we were all endowed by the Creator.
However, they will say some, when the sadness dominates us and we lose the
enchantment for the life, our will seems to disappear, how we can recoups it? If
we obtain to glimpse, in the events of our life, a superior reason, for more
incompressible than it seems to be at the moment, then, all the facts will
become part of the one all biggest one, a project of the Creator so that let us
recoup our divine essence.
Many times pain becomes the only road through which will arrive at the
Way. However, if to know to understand it in this way accurately, as a shortcut
for the arrival to a new state of being, will be able to exceed it, instead of in
them becoming its hostages.
"Ask for and it will be given to you". These words of the Master Jesus
summarize of simple form as we can change from the darkness in Light. When
everything to seem lost, just ask for the aid of the Creator and He, certainly, will
grant it. The Creator always places in our way the aid that we need. It is
enough to let us request with all the truth to Him from our heart. The aid never
fails when our intention is settled in the value of the life, the love, the
compassion. These are, by the way, the safest way to reach the peace.
According to Dalai-Lama, supreme authority of the Tibetan Buddhism, to
be happy is the objective of this life and a loving attitude is the biggest source of
tranquility. He still affirms:

"To cultivate the feeling of proximity and human heat for the others, it
places our mind in a state of peace that helps to remove the fear and the
unreliability and gives us force to fight against the obstacles. It is the success
cause most powerful "...



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