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Common Errors in English Paul Hancock Penguin Ouick Guides Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

@pxculll ELollsH Contents Getting stad I Moving around ^wy from hom. s rang/foEigner . uMl/comDon TEv.l l.arel/t.aElling . juney/voFgnight . tour/tnp H* d thft bris/bk ' con ba.k/e bcl d natuft/e unty . hntsep^fiy @mpinanpgit' shadodsbad snll erd. by/witb ny r . by/on foot . ivlo spain aInE tj/ar. pPosit lront of 2 schooland York IdEtin sludent/chilPuPil . tg.h.r/pofesor lam^gch. dclasrcon ti'rl d jobs wolk aIike . m.L/job/Kupation c.rpi6 chiemnag .. labou.e./volke! w.k 'aor. Pe$onaypsnnel Morq P.'/buy . wag ^a] y . rik/IaiE l{biL th.t 8o togh naL . do . tL . bav 7 11 n Home li Fmily aVMs bom . 8rcw lp/grcw . parstrel'tives Hom. md M.y r'stay . nou*/hoe ri}e/Elurdg.con hone Gu6ts fordiMq ldt l'o/fod. col cmk . cle.n/tidy M..b Plite/disb . aooal. d6ede*rt snbll wis ere aboll/ble ce of . rli d with/to good in/at . lmt aor/aatr People cbmdE lationEl'tiolship . how is she?/ whas s}'e lik?. . knodg to know Deibin8 p.oPl bitil . snalvsho . hin/hair sh hs 16 ys/she is 16 clt in ./tons.. m2t h/suit/fit. .lrb/doth s Comuiorior mtch/F . sy/tell . explain sn word. Eind oabour ' bylon my Mn tBink abouof . shr ao Lsing things gl/rcb/bur8]e ' forgeleav rcm nbe'r mind . loF/6te tin Difi .dt falings fiightenefigntnin8 nmu&/bad t mpd . bunees 37 61 49 Life's diffi.ulti4 support/put !p wiln ca.t sufidb"nd' dimcuhy/pblen woundejred ' sicvill ' cure^at snr.ll {ods * for' tbrcw at 6 me 73 wtm'l idon . ne*/this ' the di' aft . ronomw PlaMingtifu agc.da/diary' tinet$lschedule/itineiy P..ioaL f rim. foduli nB ' sincfor ' b oft/a8

Ni8hl lle night/oing ' ) erday ereninlt nighl goodnigbv8ood enjng N d old laslatesr ' ld-fashion d/our f dte .ctucrrc.t . rctually/t the mommt 7 Linksrs 85 B.sin md d at fu/frnt ' .'in e md ' at la5t/6mlly @th aft.r ''' jns' ali/ifictralds .ft ./in . afur all/in lhc .nd s.yirg mre also . fultbemo/'ht\ moE otPsir id on the othg side/bed ' .Ithou8h b* ' despite/in spite of l^'la thVso ' for Gaminlo laln I I I s orammar t i r"tt'e-iaau sihPl and co.tinN Pa sinPle and continuoB . statire vcrbs Past ed premt pst sinPl/PEsenl Pcrfecl present perft simPle nd rtinlous clmginghrbirs usd lo d^o be used to don'B 99 FutlG i]Vgoins to/Plemt continuoupr6t simPle 9 Grammall 11] Yo! mo.tlrt get tbii Wn8! dort naE to/nunl nusvhve to . munl be/ai be Do you or muld y? l like!'d lik . Prfe/rather Toor_ing! r op/rfremb.r/lry b d/doing. su8g To or _ijr 2 adjativ4 d vbs flowed by to word rd.. Posiiion of adverbs 10 Gamma lll 123 Good ed E too,\ey . nouEh . su.Vs adj&1iy6 and cmd snd bm .omPJml'.. Jnd uPerldi\? d]<i4' Mu or m.ry? lid.fel' aew . nu.h/. lol of How can this book help you? Everyone who learns English makes the same mistak s at first, and this book shows you examples ofthese mistakes and how to corect them. Many ofthe mistakes are illustrated, so you can see exactly what people are really sng when they make them! This helps you ro und ntand why they're wrong' and to stop making them. What's in this book? Thee are ten chapters covering different areas, such as travel, work, education and family. Each chaptel has five sections and altosether there ae moe than 300 examp]es of t}?ical mistakes' includinS confused words, prepositions and 8rammar There are also Reew exercises to give *. \'ou more practice in noticing mistakes and saying what you want to say correctly. why is it called a Quick Guide? The explanations ofthe mistakes are short and simple. Each page can be studied on its own, and b cause there are not too many examples on one page, you can choose any page and sPeDd a few miautes learning about those mistakes. You'll

learn more by doing some quick study like this regularly. Try looking at a few mistakes every day and see how you begin to remember them. How to use the book . Choose a section which interests you. Enioy r-be illlrstratioD aDd then read the explanation and the other examples on that page. I The following symbols are used: t a sentence containing an eror I a sentence that is not incorrect but is often used incorrectly y' a correct sentence. . Look at the mistakes again and cover the explanations so that )'ou cat see them' Can you remember why it's a mistake and how to correct t? Keep testing yourself like this until you remember and ae ready to mov on to another section. . Do the R vi w exercises and check the Answeis s ction at the back of the book. . Go to the Index and w te down the examples in your own language. I hope you find the book both useful and amusing! o stlan9e foreign u$lal mmn0n slrange oei9n Away from home l lt was interestin8 to have c]ss discussions with othe stlan8es. stsangers ae people you've neve mel beore' People obe nationalities are olrignes' bul bis is often used neqalively, so avoid it. We don't want oreigrels here! y'It was interesting to have class discussions with people fiom othel countries. ohn is a very usual name in Britain. For maryexamples o sometiing' sy common, not usllal. y' fohn is a very common name in Britain 12 l Thele were a lot of stan8e students in my class. some ng stran9 is not nomal ad makes you Uncoorlable' sudents rom otie counbies ae forsign sludents' There were a lot of fofeign students in my class. tlavel ioUm y trip lour slrcet oad ffigfit

n Travel f I love travet When you ae speakino geoeally, it is more y'l love trav l ing' I'm going on a business trsv l next Tvel is uncontable (whout d]'\ou can go on or /'ale journey' lf you go and come back afte a shot l'me' it called a tip. y'I'm going on a business ttip next w went on a iouney round tlre citt' bY bus. l' you vis l of diffeent places bv bus. it is clled a bu y'we went on a bus tour ound the city. X The streets betweeo Oxford and Barh are b autifr. stsEots ae in lowns nd villaqes, Wih houses oo lhem Belween towns' thee are aoads. y'The oads b tw en oxford and Bath are beautifrrl. ! Did you have a good voyage? Voyage is an oldJashioned wod for lonq joumeys by ship. y'Did you have a good ioujnflight? Here and there X I'll have to bring a lot of books with me when l ome hack to Fnce. This is wmg if youte in Brilain and ialkjq to someone in Btltain' You usually cole to and{ lhirus to $ pla e whee you e speaking' { t/t brought a lot of clothes lvith me when I cam to En8lad. y'I'll have to take a lot of books with me when I go back to France. g0 (back) YoU usually !o to and t'le bings to a difl r t place om tne pbc. wjree you e speaking' c0m0 (back) I you'e talking lo someone 3l',o(lt a tme wien yo! will be il anobe place' you can Us? come and bln!' coooy'You must come and visit me in Rome. y' I'll have to bring a lot of books with me when I come back to ltaly. * nafure fie countsy

landscap scenery camping campsitE stadow shed Outside worl x I love going fo walks in nature. llafure is lhe Wold of planls and animals lhal bioloqists sfudy,ll you lovefelds and trees, you qo or wall6 in le coUnlry' y'I love going for walks in the country f The landscape in the Lake District is very beautiful. Landsc{pe is normally used by arlists o geooraphers' When you go to lhe couny you enjoy lhe beautitul scenery. y'The scenery in the Lake District is very beautiftrl. We found a camping near the tor'n' A place to put a tenl is a cen!6ib. y'We found a campsite near the town. I I sat outside in the shadow. sadow is made by you body or your hand and is too gnall10 sit in' lf it loo hot, you sit in he sade (made by smelhing bigger- a buildig or a tee, br example)' I sat outside in the shad . by car or fuot come b arive at i rcnt o opposi!E Small words X She goes to work with her car. mis mens that the car aclrompanies you You go to Work by ca (without mx 'e{ etc')' y'She goes to work by car. I You can get to the hotel by foot. You go by car' by plane' etc', bul on mt' y'You cn get to the hote] on oot' I hope yoll come in spain soon. YoU can come and go in a oom or house' YoU velio a couny or toltn. y'I hope you'll come to Spain soon. x she arived to th office late. YoU can nev arrive lo a place' You can anive in a town o counlry o at other places' y'she arived late at the office i pig !* ! There's a cinema in front of my house. l' tiee a cinema on the olhe side the oad, say: Thee\ a cinema oPPosite my house. I really love (trat ell travellng) ' I enjoy long tain (yoyagesl journeys). I'm coming to Rome on abnsiness (tipltrave ]. Could you give me a (tourljo tnef) of the city?. I'm in Ly.on. I hope you can (gol.ome) here soon.

( IatelBnrg) your family with you. We often have (sttangerslforeignersl peopte from other co ul tri es) stay].nl.vrth \rs' Those cloties are very ( usuall commofi) in lapat. Review 1 A choose the coecl answer. B Complete lhese sentences, Only the English sir in the sun in summer. The locals sit in the .... . re you comin8 .'.. car or '... foot? I went .... America last year. They arrived .... the station just in time. 2 3 4 #$ student chitd prcesso teaGh learn teach class Glassoom a at univesily' ln s.hool hee ae sahoo childc or iust childon (pupil6 is moe omal)' y' . . . there were 20 children in my class. Education , When I started school aged seven' there w re 20 students in my class. sludents ae older leames, over 1 6 and My school professors were ftiendly. 0nly universilies have pmesso or leclurs' schools have tcfi6. y'My schoo] teaches weie iiendly_ My English teacher learnt me a lot. T achers iaach you things and }ou lea.n liem' y'My English teacher laught me a lot. There are some nice pictufes in my class' The class is the group people leaming' The place where you leam is lie dssoom. y'Thele are some nice pjctures in my classoom. & Work and jobs a

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