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Contemplating Reiki as Eternal Love

by Laurelle Shanti Gaia

Eternal Love is divine, universal and all inclusive. Reiki resides within, and
carries you to, the origin of pure consciousness, which is the source of Eternal

Reiki can help you learn to release attachment to outcomes, to others and to
things. It can help you trust that all things happen for the highest good. Eternal
Love exists when there are no attachments, or expectations.
So, when you release your attachments to and expectations of yourself and
others you are able to experience true unconditional love, which is eternal.

You can learn to practice unconditional Reiki. It is simple, when channeling Reiki
move your personality and ego aside and KNOW Reiki will “work” on many

It is very important to remember that Reiki can never cause harm when you, as a
practitioner, strengthen your light, and command your ego and personality to step
aside. It is the personality and the ego that can cause you to try to manipulate or
control, or they can create a desire to intellectualize what is happening in the
session. All of these characteristics create attachments to outcome.

Your personality can also create fear or doubt, when you are wondering if you
are “doing Reiki right”, or if you are imagining what you are sensing or hearing,
rather than fully trusting and releasing to Reiki and the Divine. Any of these
functions of the ego and personality are inappropriate when channeling Reiki.
This is because they create an energetic filter or veil, which prevents Reiki from
flowing through you in its clearest, truest and most powerful way.

There is some of confusion in the Reiki community about when, and when not to
use Reiki. I have heard people say, never use Reiki to heal a broken bone until it
has been set…never use Reiki on a burn … never use Reiki when a person is
about to receive an anesthetic, and so on and so on. I am very fortunate that I
didn’t hear any of this until I personally saw a broken bone set, and a burn heal
before my eyes, using Reiki.
I am often asked by Reiki practitioners, "Why don't I get results with Reiki? What
am I doing wrong?"

Very often these answers can be found by reviewing three core issues of healing,
fear, trust and release. When we learn to practice Reiki fearlessly, trust it
completely, and step out of the way by releasing all attachment to outcome, we
open the door for miracles; we can do nothing wrong. This is unconditional Reiki,
this is Eternal Love.

Wishing you much peace, joy and complete alignment with Eternal Love

Laurelle Gaia is the author of "The Book On Karuna Reiki...Advanced Healing Energy for Our Evolving
World". She is the founder of the Infinite Light Healing Studies Center in Sedona, AZ and Dir. of Teacher
Licensing for the International Center for Reiki Training.

This article will be posted on for future reference

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Our Blog from "Peace Place" in Sedona, Arizona

A NEW Space for Infinite Light Classes, Spiritual Stuff 4 U Gift Shop, and
Sedona's Reiki Community Room.

Someone suggested that we start a "blog" to keep people up to date with what is
happening at Peace Place. So, this part or our newsletter is our new Blog. (Does
anyone know why they call a blog a blog anyway?)

Okay, as we mentioned in our last newsletter, we have moved into a lovely new
space in "Uptown Sedona". Our new physical address will be 305 Jordan Road.
(Google maps shows it as 355 Jordan. Our mailing address is still P.O. Box 1930, Sedona, AZ

In January we held our first three classes, a Reiki share, and a drumming for
peace circle in our new "Peace Place" classroom.

I personally have a very powerful connection to Kurama Mountain, the sacred

mountain in Japan, where Reiki, as we know it, was discovered by Usui Sensei.
It will be 10 years ago this September since William Rand and I journeyed to the
mountain with Arjava Petter to begin research into the true history of Reiki. I was
transformed by my experiences on the mountain and have wished to share at
least an idea of the profound energy that emanates from Kurama Mountain.

Michael and I have been working for over two years to edit, produce and publish
the book, "Reiki's Birthplace, A Site Guide to Mt. Kurama" by Jessica Miller.
During this process we have been able to connect quite intimately with the
mountain through the text and photos in the book. In conversation one day, we
pondered on how wonderful it would be to adorn the walls of Peace Place with
large photos of Kurama Mountain. Stated intention...a sprinkle of Reiki...equal
dashes of release and trust...and VOILA...our new next door neighbor's business
is that of producing magnificent photo wall treatments. Coincidence?
I think NOT!

We now have nearly life-size photographic murals on our walls of two very
sacred places on the mountain. Students are commenting that as each class
progresses we seem to be transported to another time and place as we merge
with the energy of the mountain and the essence of Reiki through these
murals.Check out this link to see some photos.

As for Jessica's book, "Reiki's Birthplace", it is our intention to have 100 advance
copies available at the Reiki and Sound Healing Conference, and full release by
the Spring Equinox! Yeah Jessica! And everyone who has been a part of bringing
this work of art to fruition.

We continue to give thanks that all the helpers needed to complete and energize
the Peace Place and assist with our growing administrative needs are called by
the Reiki energy. We give thanks that this space is being created to be of service
for the highest good of all, and in the highest possible way.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Max, Noel, Pat, Brian, Christi,
Lisa, Christine, Septimus and his VVS crew. PLUS thank you to all of you who
have been sending Reiki for the project.

Spiritual Stuff 4U & All Things Reiki Gift Shop are progressing nicely and will be
complete soon. We appreciate all Reiki that you continue to send to support
this project and we send our love in return.

We are humbled and honored to have been called to be guardians of this sacred
place at this time.

We have just placed our order for an official Peace Pole and will be offering a
Peace Pole 'planting" Ceremony in the near future.

We would love for your to visit us and share our joy and awe at the miracle of
Peace Place.

Peace Place is dedicated in service to Divine Love, Planetary Peace,

Kurama mountain, Usui Sensei, and all the Reiki practitioners and
peaceweavers on the planet.

Love and infinite blessings.


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