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Instruksi Kerja – Work Instruction

Nomor revisi : 00
Revision number
Dibuat oleh : Food Safety Team
Prepared by
Disetujui oleh : Presiden Direktur
Approved by President Director
Departemen : Semua Departemen
Departement All Departement

Status terkontrol : Terkontrol

Controlled state Controlled

Diterbitkan pada : 30 Aug 2022 Diimplementasikan pada : 31 Aug 2022

Riwayat Revisi Dokumen

Name of
No Control No. Document Revision # Date of Revision Reason of Revision Main Revised Content Approval
Daftar Isi

List of Content

Nama Dokumen Nomor Dokumen Halaman

Name of Document Document Number Page
Receiving AP-WP-01
Chilling AP-WP-02
Cutting AP-WP-03
Inject CO AP-WP-04
Chiller AP-WP-05
Retouching AP-WP-06
Vacuum AP-WP-07
Packing AP-WP-09
Cold Storage AP-WP-10
Shipping AP-WP-11
Sampling AP-WP-12
Checking temperature of product AP-WP-13
Thermometer Calibration AP-WP-14
Histamin Test AP-WP-15
Weighing Calibration AP-WP-16

Allegen Control AP-WI-01

Thermometer Calibration AP-WI-22
Weighing Scale Calibration AP-WI-23
Release AP-WI-24
Instruksi Kerja Penerimaan (CO, Alkohol 70% and
No. dokumen : AP– WP - 01 Rev. no: 00
Document no.


I. Objective

Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas pada penerimaan bahan bakudi
PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia

This work instruction was made to explain the application of activities in the receiving of
PT.Anping Seafood Indonesian.

II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Instruksi kerja ini ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di tahap penerimaan bahan

This inctruction applies to PT. Anping Seafood Indonesian at the stage of receiving raw

III. Penanggung jawab

Person in charge
 Qualiy Control melakukan pengecekan suhu ikan, sensory dan pengecekan scoring
Qualiy Control checks fosh temperature, sensory and organoleptoc scoring checks.

 Supervisor produksi melakukan monitoring saat kegiatan penerimaan bahan baku

Production Supervisor monitoring when receiving raw material.

 Petugas checker melakukan greading pada setiap ikan yang masuk

The checker office grading every fish that enters.

 Tally mencatat hasil grade dan timbangan

Tally records grade results and scales.

IV. Alat dan bahan

Tool and material
1. Thermometer
2. Pengait / Ganco
3. Brush/sikat
4. water hose/selang air
5. Table/meja
6. Water jet
7. Floor skep/skep lantai


1. Baju kerja/Work shirt

2. Apron
3. Masker /Masks
4. Hair net
5. Gloves
6. Boots
7. Jas hujan/Raincoat
8. Sekop es/Ice shovel
9. Tempat penyimpanan ikan/Fish storage

V. Instruksi Kerja
Work Instruction
1. Petugas temporary storage melakukan pembersihan ruangan dan melakukan persiapan
untuk penyimpanan ikan, dengan rincian kegiatan :
Temporary storage staff clean the room and make preparations for fish storage, with
details of the activities:

a. Memeriksa tempat penyimpanan ikan

Check the fish storage area.

b. Membilas tempat penyimpanan ikan dengan air bersih

Rainse the fish storage area with clean water

c. Menerima pasokan es
Receive an ice suppy

d. Mengisi air dan es di dalam penyimpanan ikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan

(perbandingan air dan es = 50 liter air : 25 kg es)
Fill water and ice in fish storage as needed (ratio of water and ice = 50 liter air : 25
kg of ice)

e. Membersihkan lantai dan alat kerja yang akan digunakan.

Clean the floor and work tools to be used.

2. Saat kegiatan penyimpanan ikan dilakukan, Petugas temporary storage, melaksanakan

tugas :
When the fish storage acticities is carried out, the temporay storage officer, carries out the
following tasks :
a. Menerima ikan dari area penerimaan ikan
Receiving fish from the fish reception area.
b. Kemudian ikan di sikat dan dibilas
Then the fish are brushed and rinsed.
c. Setelah dibilas ikan akan diangkat dan dimasukkan kedalam tempat penyimpanan
After rising the fish will be removed and put into a fish storage.
d. Penataan ikan, ikan diletakan di atas es dan kemudian dilapisi kembali dengan es.
Langkah ini terus dilakukan untuk semua ikan yang diterima di area ini, jika bahan
baku berlebihan.
Structuring the fish. The fish is placed on ice and then recoated with ice. This step
continues for all fish received in this area, if raw materials are excessive.
3. Saat ikan akan diteruskan ke ruang pemotongan, Petugas temporary storage melakukan :
When the fish will be forwarded to the cutting room, the temporary storage officer will :
a. Menyiapkan meja untuk pemotongan kepala
Prepare a table for cutting

b. Membersihkan alat dan bahan yang akan digunakan.

Clean the tools and material to be used.
c. Ikan dikeluarkan dari tempat penyimpanan, kemudian di bilas.
Take the fish from storage then rinsed.
d. Kemudian dilakukan pemotongan kepala dengan cara dipotong dari pangkal kepala
hingga bagian bawah rahang.
Then the head is cut by cutting from the head to the bottom of the jaw.
e. Setelah dipotong, ikan kemudian di bilas dan dipindahkan keruang pemotongan ikan.
After being cut, the fish are then rinsed and moved to the fish cutting room.
f. Sisa pemotongan ikan, disimpan dalam 1 tempat yang telah diberikan tanda khusus.
The remainder of the fish slaughter is stored in 1 place that has been given a special

4. Saat semua ikan telah dipindahkan ke ruang pemotongan, Petugas temporary storage
kemudian melakukan langkah-langkah pembersihan :
When all fish have been moved to the cutting room, the temporary storage officer then
performs the cleaning steps :
a. Mencuci alat kerja dan meja.
Washing work tools and table.
b. Membuang sisa air dan es yang ada didalam tempat penyimpanan, kemudian dicuci.
Dispose of the remaining watwr and ice that is n the storage, then washed.
c. Limbah sisa pemotongan dikeluarkan dari ruang temporary storage.
Then remaining waste is removed from the temporary storage space..
d. Setelah itu membersihkan lantai dari semua sisa aktivitas kerja, dengan
menggunakan water jet dan skep lantai
After that, clean the floor of all the rest of the work activities, using water jets and
floor scooters.

5. Selama aktivitas penyimpanan, QC melakukan tugas :

During the storage activity, quality control performs tasks :
a. Pengecekan suhu ruangan 1 jam sekali
Checking the room temperature once an hour.
b. Pengecekan suhu ikan, setiap ikan akan masuk ke tempat penyimpanan dan saat ikan
dikeluarkan dari tempat penyimpanan. Pengecekan suhu dilakukan sebanyak 3 ekor per
Checking the temperature of the fish, each fish will enter the storage and when the fish is
removed from the storage. Temperature checking is done as much as 3 animals per lot.
VI. Rekaman
 Form pengecekan suhu ruang
Room temperature checking form
 Form pengecekan suhu ikan
Fish temperature checking form
 Form sanitasi
Sanitary form
 Form pengecekan es
Ice checking form

Dibuat oleh : Diperiksa oleh : Disetujui oleh :

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
No. dokumen : AP– WP - 02 Rev. no: 00
Document no.

I. Objective

Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas penyimpanan ikan sementara
di PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia
This work instruction was made to explain the application of temporary fish storage activities in
PT.Anping Sefood Indonesian.

II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Instruksi kerja ini ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di tahap penyimpanan bahan
baku ikan di ruang penyimpanan sementara.
This work instruction applies to PT. Anping Seafood indonesia.

III. Penanggung jawab

Person in charge
 Qualiy Control melakukan pengecekan suhu ikan dan ruangan, serta kecukupan es.
Qualiy Control ceheck the temperature of the fosh and the room, as well as the adequacy of
 Supervisior produksi melakukan monitoring saat kegiatan penyimpanan ikan di ruang
penyimpanan sementara
Production Supervisior monitor when storing fish in a temporary storage room.
 Petugas temporary storage melakukan aktivitas penyimpanan ikan
Temporary storage officers carry out fish storage activities

IV. Alat dan bahan

Tool and material

8. Thermometer
9. Pengait / Ganco
10. Sikat/Brush
11. Selang air/Water hose
12. Meja/Table
13. Water jet
14. Skep lantai/Floor skep


10. Baju kerja/Work shirt

11. Apron
12. Masker/Masks
13. Hair net
14. Sarung tangan/gloves
15. Boots
16. Jas hujan/Raincoat
17. Sekop ice/Ice shovel
18. Tempat penyimpanan ikan/Fish storage
V. Instruksi kerja
Work Instruction
6. Petugas temporary storage melakukan pembersihan ruangan dan melakukan persiapan
untuk penyimpanan ikan, dengan rincian kegiatan :
Temporary storage staff clean the room and make preparations for fish storage, with
details of the activities :
f. Memeriksa tempat penyimpanan ikan
Check the fish storage area
g. Membilas tempat penyimpanan ikan dengan air bersih
Rinse the fish storage area with clean water.
h. Menerima pasokan es
Receive an ice supply
i. Mengisi air dan es di dalam penyimpanan ikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan
(perbandingan air dan es = 50 liter air : 25 kg es)
Fiil water and aice in fish storage as needed (rasio of water and ice = 50 liter air : 25
kg es)
j. Membersihkan lantai dan alat kerja yang akan digunakan
Clean the floor and work tools to be used.

7. Saat kegiatan penyimpanan ikan dilakukan, Petugas temporary storage, melaksanakan

tugas :
When the fish storage avtivity is carried out, the temporary storage officer, carries out the
following tasks:
e. Menerima ikan dari area penerimaan ikan
Receiving fish from the fish reception area.
f. Kemudian ikan di sikat dan dibilas
Then the fish are brushed and rinsed.
g. Setelah dibilas ikan akan diangkat dan dimasukkan kedalam tempat penyimpanan
After rinsing the fish will be removed and pit inti a fish storage
h. Penataan ikan, ikan diletakan di atas es dan kemudian dilapisi kembali dengan es.
Langkah ini terus dilakukan untuk semua ikan yang diterima di area ini, jika bahan
baku berlebihan.
Structuring the fish, the is placed on ice and then recoated with ice. This strep
continues for all fish received in this area, if raw mwterials are excessive.

8. Saat ikan akan diteruskan ke ruang pemotongan, Petugas temporary storage melakukan :
When the fish will be forwarded to the cutting roo, the temporary storage officer wiil :
g. Menyiapkan meja untuk pemotongan kepala
Prepare a table for cutting heads.
h. Membersihkan alat dan bahan yang akan digunakan.
Clean the tools and materials to be used.
i. Ikan dikeluarkan dari tempat penyimpanan, kemudian di bilas.
Fish removed from storage, then rinsed.
j. Kemudian dilakukan pemotongan kepala dengan cara dipotong dari pangkal kepala
hingga bagian bawah rahang.
Then the head is cut by cutting from the base of the head to the bootom of the jaw.

k. Setelah dipotong, ikan kemudian di bilas dan dipindahkan keruang pemotongan ikan.
l. After being then rinsed and moved to the fish cutting room.
m. Sisa pemotongan ikan, disimpan dalam 1 tempat yang telah diberikan tanda khusus.
The remainder of the fish slaughter is stored in 1 place that has been given a special
9. Saat semua ikan telah dipindahkan ke ruang pemotongan, Petugas temporary storage
kemudian melakukan langkah-langkah pembersihan :
When all fish gave been moved to the cutting room, the temporary storage officer then
performs the cleaning steps:
e. Mencuci alat kerja dan meja.
Washing work tools and tables.
f. Membuang sisa air dan es yang ada didalam tempat penyimpanan, kemudian dicuci.
Dispose of the remaining water and ice thet is in the storage, then washed.
g. Limbah sisa pemotongan dikeluarkan dari ruang temporary storage.
The remaining waste os removed from the temporary storage spece.
h. Setelah itu membersihkan lantai dari semua sisa aktivitas kerja, dengan
menggunakan water jet dan skep lantai.
After that, clean the floor of all the rest of the work activities, using water jets and
floor sccoters.
10. Selama aktivitas penyimpanan, QC melakukan tugas :
During the storage activitiy, quality control performs tasks :
c. Pengecekan suhu ruangan 1 jam sekali
Checking the temperature room 1 hour
d. Pengecekan suhu ikan, setiap ikan akan masuk ke tempat penyimpanan dan saat ikan
dikeluarkan dari tempat penyimpanan. Pengecekan suhu dilakukan sebanyak 3 ekor per
Checking the temperature ogf the fish, each fish enter the storage and when the fish will
enter the storage and when the fish is removed from the checking is removed from the
IV. Rekaman
 Form pengecekan suhu ruang
Temparture checking form
 Form pengecekan suhu ikan
Fish temperaeture checking form
 Form sanitasi
Sanitation form
 Form pengecekan es
Ice checking form
Dibuat oleh : Diperiksa oleh : Disetujui oleh :
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

No. dokumen : AP– WP - 03 Rev. no: 00

Document no.


V. Objective

Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas pada tahapan cutting di PT.
Anping Seafood Indonesia
This work instruction was made to explain the application of activities at the cutting stage at PT.
Anping Seafod Indonesian.

VI. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Instruksi kerja ini ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di tahap cutting
This work instruction applies to PT. Anping Seafod Indonesian at the cutting stage.

VII. Penanggung jawab

Person and charge
 Quality Control melakukan pengecekan suhu ikan
Quality Control checks the temperature of the fish.
 Supervisor produksi melakukan monitoring saat kegiatan cutting
The production supervisor monitors the cutting activities.
 Tally mencatat hasil grade dan timbangan
Tally records grade results and scales.

VIII. Alat dan bahan

Tool and material
15. Thermometer
16. Pengait / Ganco
17. Sikat/Brush
18. Selang air/Water hose
19. Meja/Table
20. Water jet
21. Skep lantai/Floor skep


19. Work shirt

20. Apron
21. Masker/Masks
22. Hair net
23. Sarung tangan/gloves
24. Boots
25. Jas hujan/raincoat
26. Sekop es/ice shovel
27. Tempat penyimpanan ikan/fish storage

IX. Intruksi kerja

Work Instruction

11. Petugas pada area cutting melakukan pembersihan ruangan dan melakukan persiapan
untuk pemotongan ikan, dengan rincian kegiatan :
Officers in the cutting area clean the room and make preparations for cutting fish, with
dtailed activities:
k. Siapkan timbangan yang akan digunakan pada area cutting yang telah dikalibrasi
Prepare the scales to be used in the calibrated cutting area.
l. Bersihkan meja, cutting board dan pisau yang akan digunakan
Clean the table, cutting board and knife that will be used.
m. Melakukan pemotongan ikan yang sudah dipisahkan dari kepala
Cutting fish that has been separated form the head.
n. Membela ikan menjadi 4 bagian dengan cara dari pangkal ekor sampai pada
punggung ikan
Defend the fish into 4 parts by means of the of the tail to the back of the fish.
o. Melakukan pemisahan daging ikan dengan tulang
Separating fish meat with bones.

p. Keluarkan daging hitam serta rusuk ikan

Take out black meat and fish ribs.
q. Mengeluarkan kulit ikan dari daging ikan
Remove fish skin form fish flesh.
r. Melakukan trimming pada loin dengan mengeluarkan sisa daging hitam dan kulit
serta darah yang masih menempel pada loin
Trimming the loin by removing the remaining black flesh and skin and blood still
attached the loin.
s. Melakukan pengecekan suhu loin sebelum ditimbang
Check the temperatute of the loin before weighing.
t. Timbang loin yang sudah bersih
Weigh the clean loin.
u. Tally melakukan pencatatan berat dan grade loin
Tally records the weight and grade of the loin.

v. Transfer loin yang telah ditimbang ke ruang co..

Loin weighed to co.

X. Rekaman
 Form pengecekan suhu ruang
Room temperature checkinh form
 Form pengecekan suhu ikan
Fish temperature checking from
 Form sanitasi
Sanitation form
 Form tally
Tally form

Dibuat oleh : Diperiksa oleh : Disetujui oleh :

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

No. dokumen : AP– WP - 04 Rev. no: 00

Document no.

I. Objective

Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas injeski co di PT. Anping
Seafood Indonesia.

This work instruction was made to explain the application of inject co activities in PT. Anping
Seafood Indonesia.

II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Prosedur ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di tahap injeksi co.

This procedure applies to PT. Anping Seafood Indonesian in the injection stage co.

III. Penanggung jawab

Person in charge
 Quality Control melakukan pengecekan tekanan injeksi co,mengecek total jumlah jarum
dan kebersihan setiap peralatan yang digunakan
Quality Control checks co injection pressure, checks the total number of needles and the
cleanliness of each piece of equipment used.
 Supervisor melakukan monitoring
The Supervisor conducts monitoring.
 Petugas pada ruang co melakukan penyuntikan injeksi co pada loin, memasukkan loin
pada plastik, serta melakukan spray co pada loin
Officers in the co room inject co room the loin in plastic and spray co in the loin.

IV. Instruksi kerja

Work Instruction

 Membersihkan alat dan bahan yang akan digunakan

Clean the tools and materials tobe used.
 Pengecekan jarum, regulator tekanan, selang co dan blower
Clean the tools and materials tobe us
 Petugas Kemudian melakukan penyuntikan co pada loin
The officer then does the co injection of the loin.
 Loin yang sudah disuntik diberi spon pada belakang loin kemudian dimasukkan
kedalam plastic
Loin that has been inject is given a sponge at the back of the loin then is put into a
plastic bag.
 Loin yang sudah dimasukkan kedalam plastik di lakukan spary co kemudian plastik
loin diikat
Loin that has been put into plastic is done spray co and then plastic loin is bound.

 Loin di susun pada keranjang yang telah disiapkan

Loin is arranged in a basket that has been prepared.
 Petugas kemudian memasukkan keranjang yang berisi loin kedalam ruang chiller
The clerk then put the basket containing the loin chiller room
 Keranjang disusun didalam ruang chiller berdasarkan kode supplier dan loin
disimpan di ruang chiller selama 48 jam (2 hari).
The basket is arranged in the chiller room basked on the supplier code and the loin is
stored in the chiller room for 48 hours (2 days).
V. Rekaman
 Form pengecekan suhu.
Temperature checking form
 Form pengecekan jarum suntik dan tekanan gas injeksi.
Syringr checking and inject spray co form.
 Form pengecekan alat kebersihan CO.
Cleaning tool check form co

Dibuat oleh : Diperiksa oleh : Disetujui oleh :

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

No. dokumen : AP– WP - 05 Rev. no: 00

Document no.



I. Objective

instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas ruang chiller di PT. Anping
Seafood Indonesia.

This work instruction was made to expalain the application of chiller room activation in PT.
Anping Seafood Indonesian.

II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Prosedur ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di tahap ruang chiller.

This procedure applies to PT. Anping Seafood Indonesian in the chiller room stage.

III. Penanggung jawab

Person in charge

 Qualiy Control melakukan pengecekan suhu ruangan, dan kebersihan ruang chiller
Qualiy Control check room temperature and chiller room cleanliness.
 Supervisor melakukan monitoring pada ruangan dan mesin chiller
The Supervisor monitors the room and the chiller machine
 Petugas chiller melakukan peletakan pallet pada lantai dan penyusunan keranjang
berdasarkan lot
 The chiller officer place the pallet on the floor and arranges the basket based on lots

IV. Instruksi kerja

Work Instruction
 Loin di susun pada keranjang yang telah disiapkan berdasarkan lot ikan
Loin loin arranged in a basket that has been prepared based on a lot of fish.
 Petugas kemudian memasukkan keranjang yang berisi loin kedalam ruang chiller
The clerk then put the bakset containing the loin basket into the chiller room.
 Keranjang disusun didalam ruang chiller berdasarkan kode supplier dan loin
disimpan di ruang chiller selama 48 jam (2 hari).
The basket is arranged in the chiller room basked on the supplier code and the loin is
stored in the chiller room for 48 hours (2 days).
V. Rekaman
 Form pengecekan suhu.
Temperature checking form
 Form pengecekan jarum suntik dan tekanan gas injeksi.
Syringe checking and injection spray ci form.
 Form pengecekan alat kebersihan CO.
Cleaning tool check form co

Dibuat oleh : Diperiksa oleh : Disetujui oleh :

Prepared by: Checked Approved by:

No. dokumen : AP– WP - 06 Rev. no: 00

Document no.




Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas ruang retouching di PT. Anping
Seafood Indonesia.
This work instruction was made to explain the application of retouching space activities at PT.
Anping Seafood Indonesian.

XII. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Prosedur ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di tahap ruang retouching.
This procedure applies to PT. Anping Seafood Indonesian in the retouching room stage .

XIII. Penangung jawab

Person in charge
 Quality Control melakukan pengecekan suhu ruangan, dan kebersihan ruang retouching
Quality Control checks room temperature and clean room retouching.
 Supervisor melakukan monitoring pada area retouching
The supervisor monitors retouching area.
 Petugas retouching melakukan persiapan alat yang akan digunakan
Ret the retouching officer prepares the equipment be used.

XIV. Instrukdi kerja

Work instruction
 Petugas membersihkan meja dan talenan
The clerk cleans the table and cutting board.
a. Petugas tally mempersiapkan form, plastic loin yang akan digunakan
The tally clerk prepares the form, plastic loin to be used.
 Leader memastikan timbangan berada pada posisi yang benar
The leader ensures that the scales are positioned correctly.
 Mengeluarkan loin dari plastic berdasarkan lot pada ikan
Remove loin from plactic besed on lots in fish.
b. Petugas mengeluarkan sisa daging hitam dan darah pada loin
Officers remove the remaining black meat and blood on loin.
 Leader melakukan grade pada loin
The leader grading the loin.
 Tally mencatat hasil grade dan timbangan
Tally records the results of grading and scales
 Loin terlebih dahulu dibersihkan menggunkan spon kemudian dimasukkan kedalam
plastic loin sesuai ukuran loin
Loin is first cleaned using a sponge and then put into plastic loin according to the
size of the loin.
 Transfer loin ke area vacuum.
Transfer loin to the vacuum area.
VI. Rekaman
 Form pengecekan suhu.
Temperature check form.
 Form tally.
Tally form

Dibuat oleh : Diperiksa oleh : Disetujui oleh :

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
No. dokumen : AP– WP - 07 Rev. no: 00
Document no.

I. Objective
Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas vacum di PT. Anping Seafood

This work instruction was made to explain the application of vacuum activitu in PT. Anping
Seafood Indonesian.

II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Prosedur ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di tahap vacuum
This procedure applies to PT. Anping Seafood Indonesian in the vacu, stage.

III. Penanggung jawab

Person in charge
 Quality Control melakukan pengecekan mesin vacuum dan kemasan yang akan
Quality Control checks the vacuum machine and packing that will be used.
 Supervisor melakukan monitoring pada mesin vacum
The Supervisor monitors the vacuum machanie
 Operator mesim vacuum
Operator vacuum

IV. Instruksi kerja

Work Instruction
 Operator membersihkan mesin vacuum sebelum digunakan
The operator cleans the vacuum before the vacuum before using it.
 Operator mengatur standar mesin vacuum sebelum digunakan
The operator sets the vacuum machanie standard before use.
 Operator meletakkan serta menata produk pada vacuum
The operator place and arranged the product in the vacuum.
 Vacuum produk loin fresh diatur selama 1 menit sedangkan untuk produk loin beku
di atur selama 15 detik
Fresh loin product vacuum is set for 1 minte while for frozen loin product it is set for
15 seconds.
 Operator vacuum memastikan produk yang telah di vacuum apakah sudah sesuai
The vacuum operator ensures that the product that has been vacuum is up to

Dibuat oleh : Diperiksa oleh : Disetujui oleh :

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
No. dokumen : AP– WP - 08 Rev. no: 00
Document no.

I. Objective

Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas di ruang Air Blast Freezer (ABF)
di PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia.
This form instruction was made to explain the application of activities in the air blast freezer
(ABF) room at PT.Anping Seafood Indonesian.

II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Prosedur ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di ruang Air Blast Freezer (ABF).
This procedure applies to PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia in the air blast freezer (ABF) room.

III. Penanggung jawab

Person in charge
 Quality Control melakukan pengecekan suhu ABF dan kebersihan
Quality Control checks ABF temperature and cleanliness.
 Supervisor memonitoring mesin ABF
The supervisor monitos the ABF engine.
 Petugas ABF menata produk didalam ABF berdasarkan lot number, jenis dan gread produk
serta memastikan ABF selalu dalam keadaan bersih sebelum digunakan
ABF officers arrange products in ABF based on lot numbers, type and greades of products and
ensure that ABF is always clean before used.

IV. Instruksi kerja

Work Instruction
 Petugas memperhatikan dan mebrsihkan ruang ABF dan pan yang akan digunakan untuk
menyusun produk
Officers pay attention and clean up the ABF and pan room which will bw used to arrange
the product.
 Produk yang telah divacum langsung disusun di atas pan sesuai jenis dan grade produk
kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam ABF ( Air Blast Freezer) oleh petugas ABF
Product that have been vacuum are directly arranged on a pan according to the type and
grade of the product and then put into ABF by officer.
 Petugas menyusun produk sesuai Lot Number produk.
The clerk arranges the product accoding to the product lot number.
 Pengecekan suhu ruang ABF dilakukan oleh QC dengan cara mencatat secara manual data
suhu ruang pada form pengecekan suhu ruang.
ABF room temperature checking is carried out by quality control by manually recording the
room temperature data on the room temperature checking form
 Suhu ruang ABF dijaga pada temperature ≤-35°C, dengan kurun waktu 6-8 jam.
ABF room temperature is maintened at ≤-35°C, with a period 6-8 hours.
 Produk yang telah beku dari ruang ABF, kemudian dikeluarkan dan di arahkan ke area
Product that have been frozen from the ABF room are then removed and directed to the
packaging area.
V. Rekaman

 Form monitoring suhu ruang ABF

ABF room temperature monitoring form

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Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
No. dokumen : AP– WP - 09 Rev. no: 00
Document no.

I. Objective

Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas packing PT. Anping Seafood

This work instruction was made to explain the application of PT. Anping Indonesian Seafood .
II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Prosedur ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di area packing.

This procedure applies to PT. Anping Indonesian Seafood in the packing area.
III. Penanggung jawab
Person in Charge

 Quality Control performs calibration of the scales before use

Quality Control melakukan kalibarsi timbangan sebelum digunakan
 Supervisor memonitoring di area packing dan memastikan carton, lebel, plastik
timbangan dan standard yang akan digunakan
The supervisor monitors the packing area and ensures the cartons, labels, plastic scales
and standards will be used.
IV. Instruksi kerja
Work Instruction
 Petugas membersihkan area packing sebelum digunakan
The clerk cleans the packing area before use
 Mempersiapkan carton, lebel, plastik, dan timbangan sesuai dengan produk yang akan
Prepare cartons, labels, plastics, and scales in accordance with the product to be made
 Menimbang produk sesuai dengan spesifikasi produk
Weigh the product according to product specifications
 Memasukan produk kedalam plastic yang sudah di vacuum kemudian dimasukan kedalam
Put the product in plastic that has been vacuum and then put into a carton
 Mengecek carton dan lebel yang di gunakan berdasarkan produk yang akan di buat
Checking cartons and labels that are used based on the product to be made
V. Rekaman
 Form pengecekan produk akhir
Final product checking form
 Form pengecekan kesesuain jenis produk
Product conformity checking form

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Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
No. dokumen : AP– WP - 10 Rev. no: 00
Document no.

I. Objective

Prosedur ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas di area Cold Storage di PT. Anping
Seafood Indonesia.

This procedure was made to explain the application of activities in the cold storage area at PT.
Anping Indonesian.

II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Prosedur ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di area Cold Storgae .

This procedure applies to PT. Anping Seaffod Indonesian in the cold storage area .

III. Penanggung jawab

Person in charge
 Supervisor Produksi, memonitor penyimpanan Produk dalam Cold Storage
Production Supervisor, monitors product storage in cold storage
 QC, memonitor Suhu Ruang Cold Storage
Quality control monitoring cold storage room temperature
 Operator Cold Storage, memasukkan produk kedalam Cold Storage dan Mengatur tata letak
produk di dalam Cold Storgae.
Cold storage operators, insert products into cold storage and manage product layout cols

IV. Prosedur
a. Produk yang telah selesai di vacuum dan kemas, kemudian dialihkan ke Cold Storage untuk
The finished product is vacuum and packed then brought to cold storage for storage.
b. Petugas Cold Storage mengambil Produk dari area Packing dan dibawa kedalam Ruang Cold
Cold Storage officers take product that have been packing and brought into the cold storage
c. Petugas Cold Storage menyusun Produk sesuai dengan jenis Produk dan Tanggal Produksi.
Cold Storage officers arrange product in accordance with the type of product and production
date .
d. QC melakukan pengecekan ruang suhu melalui rekaman Data Logger setiap hari sekali. Jika
ditemukan Suhu tidak stabil, maka QC wajib melaporkan kepada Supervisor Produksi dan
Operational Direktur, untuk melakukan langkah perbaikan.
Quality control conducts room temperature checking through data logger recods once every
day. If the tempearute is found to be unstable, the quality control must report to the
production supervisor and operational director, to take corrective measure
e. Pengecekan suhu dilakukan pada kedua titik Data Logger di ruang Cold Storage.
Temperature checking is performed at both data loger point in the cold storage room.
f. Jika mesin Cold Storage tidak beroperasi maka Petugas Cold Storage segera melaporkan
pada Supervisor Produksi, untuk segera dilakukan perbaikan mesin.
If the cold storage machnine does not operate, the cold officerimmediately reports to the
production supervisor to repair the machine immediately
V. Rekaman
 Form monitoring suhu Plate Freezer
Plate Freezer temperature monitoring form
 Form Monitoring Suhu Ruangan
Room temperature monitoring form
 Form Monitoring Vacuum
Vacuum monitoring form
 Form Penerimaan Bahan Pengemas
Packaging material receipt form
 Pemetaan titik pengawasan suhu di ruang Cold Storage
Mapping of temperature monitoring point in the cold storage

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Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
No. dokumen : AP– WP - 11 Rev. no: 00
Document no.


Menjelaskan mekanisme kegiatan loading / shipping
Describes the mechanism activity of loading / shipping


Instruksi kerja ini berlaku bagi produk yang akan diexpor, orang yang bertanggung jawab serta
persyaratan pelepasan produk.
This work instruction applies to products to be export, responsible persons and product release


Penanggung jawab kegiatan penanganan pengeluran bahan baku ikan sebelum keluar dari Cold
Storage adalah penanggung jawab Cold Storage dan Kepala Produksi.
The person in charge of handling the handling of fish raw material before leaving Cold Storage is
the person in charge of Cold Storage and the Head of Production.

4.1. Peralatan & bahan
Equipment & materials
a. Pallet
b. Gloves
c. Alat Tulis (untuk mencatat pemisahan jenis, ukuran, dsb)
Stationery (to record separation of types, sizes, etc.)
d. Alat pengukur temperature
Temperature measuring device
e. Alat pemindah barang (manual hand truck, fork lift, dan sejenisnya)
Moving equipment (manual hand trucks, fork lifts, and the like)

4.2. Instruksi Kerja

Work Instruction

1. Inspeksi produk sesuai PO dilakukan oleh Supervisor Produksi.

Product inspection according to PO implemented by Supervisor Production.
2. Jika sudah sesuai petugas Logistics akan memesan Container
If it is appropriate the Logistics officer will order a Container
3. Saat Container tiba, QC melakukan pemeriksaan kebersihan dan keadaan mesin pendingin
berfungsi dengan baik atau tidak (Form pemeriksaan suhu dan sanitasi Kontainer AP-FO-
When the Container arrives, the QC performs a cleanliness check and the condition of the
cooling machine is functioning properly or not (AP-FO-18 Container temperature and
sanitation inspection form)
4. Petugas Logistic akan menghidupkan mesin pendingin container, hingga mencapai -25°C.
The Logistics Officer will start the container cooling machine, until it reaches -25 ° C.
5. Saat suhu telah mencapai standar, kegiatan pemuatan dilakukan, dengan pengawasan,
Supervisor Produk dan QC.
When the temperature has reached the standard, loading activities are carried out, with
supervision, Product Supervisor and QC.
6. Sebelum pemuatan dilakukan QC memastikan Lantai Ante Room dan area pemuatan
dalam keadaan bersih, serta suhu Ante Room di bawah 15°C (Form pemeriksaan suhu dan
sanitasi Kontainer AP-FO-18)
Before loading, QC ensures that the Ante Room Floor and loading area are clean, and the
Ante Room temperature is below 15 ° C (AP-FO-18 Container temperature and sanitation
inspection form)
7. Pemuatan dilakukan sesuai dengan PO. QC menegecek Produk untuk memastikan Produk
sesuai PO, dan kemasan produk dalam kondisi baik (Form Pengecek Produk Loading AP-
Pemuatan dilakukan sesuai denga Lot Code dan terekam dalam laporan pengecekan
Loading is done in accordance with PO. QC checks the product to make sure the product is
in accordance with PO, and the product packaging is in good condition (Product Check
Form Loading AP-FO-19)
Loading is done according to Lot Code and recorded in the loading checking report
8. Supervisor Produksi, memastikan kegiatan ini hanya dilakukan paling lama 3 jam untuk 1
Production Supervisor, ensuring this activity is only carried out for a maximum of 3 hours
for 1 container.
9. Produk di susun di dalam container, tidak melewati garis batas di dalam container (red
Products are arranged in containers, do not cross the boundary line in the container (red
10. Selesai pemuatan, Supervisor Produksi memastikan pintu Container ditutup dan disegel
dengan baik dan mesin pendingin container dihidupkan.
After loading, the Production Supervisor ensures that the Container door is closed
properly and sealed and the container cooling machine is turned on.
11. Container dapat keluar dari area Pabrik jika telah mencapai suhu -18°C.
The container can exit the factory area if it has reached a temperature of -18 ° C.
12. Petugas Logistics dan Pihak Shipping Line, berkoordinasi untuk memastikan produk
sampai ditempat tujuan dengan aman. Tidak ada pencampuran produk, suhu tetap
terkontrol sesuai standar, dan jika terjadi kecelakaan dalam proses perngiriman/shipping,
Pihak Shipping Line, wajib menginformasikan pada pihak perusahaan sesegera mungkin
saat menerima informasi tersebut.
Logistics Officers and Shipping Line Parties, coordinate to ensure products arrive at their
destination safely. There is no product mixing, the temperature remains controlled
according to the standard, and if an accident occurs in the shipping process / shipping,
the Shipping Line, must inform the company as soon as possible when receiving the

1. AP-FO-18 Container temperature and sanitation inspection form
2. Form pemeriksaan suhu dan sanitasi Kontainer AP-FO-18
3. Purchase Order

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Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
No. dokumen : AP– WP - 12 Rev. no: 00
Document no.

I. Objective

Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas pengambilan sample pengujian
histamin di PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia
This work instruction was made to explain the application of histamine test sampling activities at
PT. Anping Indonesian Seafood

II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Instruksi kerja ini ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di aktivitas pengambilan sample
This work instruction applies to PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia is working in fish sampling

III. Peson in charge

 QC Laboratorium melakukan koordinasi dengan petugas checker untuk pengambilan sampel

QC Laboratory coordinates with the checker officer for sampling
 Petugas checker melaksanakan pengambilan sampel sesuai petunjuk QC
Checkers carry out sampling according to QC instructions

IV. Alat dan bahan

Tool and material
1. Checker tool/ Checker tool

2.Thermos sampel/ Thermos samples

3.Plastic sampel/ Plastic samples

4.Spidol/marker/ Markers / markers

5.Es/ iCE


1.Masker / Mask

2.Hair net/ Hair net

3.Sarung tangan/ Gloves

4.Boots/ Boots

I. Work Instruction
Persiapan pengambilan sampel dilakukan oleh QC Laboratorium sebelum memulai kegiatan
Sampling preparation is carried out by the QC Laboratory before starting the activity:
1. Memastikan semua peralatan dan bahan tersedia dan dalam kondisi bersih
Make sure all equipment and materials are available and in clean condition
2. Thermos sampel dibersihkan dengan cara dicuci menggunakan sabun dan dibilas dengan air
bersih. Kemudian di keringkan.
Thermos samples are cleaned by washing using soap and rinsing with clean water. Then dry.
3. Thermos sampel diisi dengan es secukupnya.
Thermos samples are filled with enough ice.
4. Plastik disediakan sesuai jumlah sampel yang akan diambil.
Plastic is provided according to the number of samples to be taken
5. Plastik diberikan kode supplier dengan menggunakan spidol/marker.
Plastics are supplied with supplier codes using markers / markers.

Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut :

Sampling is done by the following steps:

1. QC Laboratorium berkoordinasi dengan petugas checker untuk memutuskan pengambilan

The QC Laboratory coordinates with the checker officer to decide on sampling
2. Petugas checker melakukan pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan alat checker
The checker clerk does the sampling using the checker tool
3. Sampel yang telah diambil kemudian diisi pada plastik sampel yang telah tersdia dan memiliki
kode supplier.
Samples that have been taken are then filled in plastic samples that have been available and
have a supplier code.
4. Masukkan plastic sampel kedalam thermos sampel yang berisi es
Insert the plastic sample into the sample thermos which contains ice
5. QC Laboratorium membawa sampel ke ruang laboratorium untuk dilakukan pengujian
6. QC Laboratory brings samples to the laboratory room for histamine testing

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Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
No. dokumen : AP– WP - 13 Rev. no: 00
Document no.

I. Objective

Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas pengukuran suhu ikan di PT.
Anping Seafood Indonesia

This work instruction was made to explain the application of fish temperature measurement
activities at PT. Anping Indonesian Seafood.

II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Instruksi kerja ini ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di aktivitas pengukuran suhu

This work instruction applies to PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia in fish temperature measurement

III. Penanggung jawab

Person in charge
 Qualiy Control melakukan pengecekan suhu ikan dan melakukan rekaman.
Quality Control checks fish temperature and records.
 Supervisior produksi melakukan monitoring saat kegiatan pengukuran suhu ikan Production
supervisiors monitor when measuring fish temperature

IV. Alat dan bahan

Tool and material
22. Thermometer


28. Work shirt

29. Masks
30. Hair net
31. gloves
32. Boots

V. Instruksi kerja
Work Instruction
Sebelum melkukan pengukuran suhu ikan, QC memastikan alat ukur (thermometer) telah
terkalibrasi dan dan dalam kondisi bersih

Before carrying out fish temperature measurements, QC ensures the gauge (thermometer) has
been calibrated and is in clean condition
a. Pembersihan Thermometer dilkuakan dengan cara penyemprotan dengan alcohol dan di
keringkan menggunakan tissue/ sponge
Thermometer cleaning is done by spraying with alcohol and dried using a tissue / sponge
b. Kalibrasi Thermometer dilakukan dengan cara dicelupkan pada air es dan air panas
Thermometer calibration is done by dipping it in ice water and hot water

a. Di bagian receiving
In the receiving
1. Pengukuran suhu dilakukan dengan cara menusuk di bagian bawah sirip ikan.
Temperature measurement is done by piercing at the bottom of the fish's fins.
2. Hasil pengukuran suhu ikan di rekam pada form pengecekan suhu ikan.
Fish temperature measurement results are recorded on the fish temperature checking form.
3. Pengecekan suhu ikan di area receiving dilakukan setiap ikan yang masuk, kemudian
dilakukan pencatatan suhu ikan 5 ekor dari setiap ikan yang masuk.
Checking the temperature of fish in the receiving area is carried out for each incoming fish,
then recording the temperature of 5 fish from each incoming fish.
4. Standar suhu harus dibawah 4.4°C
The standard temperature must be below 4.4 ° C
b. Di bagian temporary storage
In Temporary Storage section
1. Pengukuran suhu ikan dilakukan oleh QC sebelum ikan keluar dari tamporary storage
untuk dilakukan pemotongan.
Fish temperature measurement is carried out by QC before the fish comes out of
temporary storage for slaughter.
2. Pengukuran suhu dilakukan pada ikan dengan cara menusuk di bagian bawah sirip ikan.
Temperature measurements are made on the fish by piercing at the bottom of the fish's
3. Hasil pengukuran suhu ikan di rekam pada form pengecekan suhu ikan.
Fish temperature measurement results are recorded on the fish temperature checking
4. Pengecekan suhu di area ini dilakukan sebanhyak 1 ekor untuk 1 lot.
Temperature checking in this area is carried out for 1 lot for 1 lot.
5. Standar suhu harus dibawah 4.4°C
The standard temperature must be below 4.4 ° C
c. Dibagian cutting
In Cutting
1. Pengukuran suhu ikan di area cutting, di lakukan dengan mengambil sampel 5 ekor
dalam 1 lot (12 potong loing).
Measurement of fish temperature in the cutting area, done by taking samples of 3 fish
in 1 lot (12 pieces loing).
2. Pengukuran suhu ini dilkukan pada saat ikan telah terbagi menjadi 4 potong loin per
ikan, dilakukan sebelum penimbangan.
This temperature measurement is done when the fish have been divided into 4 pieces of
loin per fish, carried out before weighing.
3. Pengukuran di area ini dilakukan dengan cara menusukkan thermometer pada bagian
tengah loin.
Measurement in this area is done by jabbing the thermometer in the middle of the loin.
4. Hasil pengukuran suhu ikan di rekam pada form pengecekan suhu ikan.
Fish temperature measurement results are recorded on the fish temperature checking
5. Standar suhu harus dibawah 4.4°C
The standard temperature must be below 4.4 ° C

d. Dibagian retouching
In Retouching
1. Pengukuran suhu ikan di area retouching dilakukan pada saat ikan dikeluarkan dari
ruang chiller dan gas CO telah dikeluarkan.
Fish temperature measurement in the retouching area is done when the fish is removed
from the chiller chamber and CO gas has been removed.
2. Pengukuran suhu ikan di area Retouching, di lakukan dengan mengambil sampel 4
potong loing per lot.

Measurement of fish temperature in the Retouching area, done by taking a sample of 4

pieces loing per lot.
3. Pengukuran suhu ikan diarea ini dilakukan dengan cara menusukkan thermonmeter di
bagian tengah loin.
The measurement of the diarea fish temperature is done by jabbing a thermonmeter in
the middle of the loin.
4. Hasil pengukuran suhu ikan di rekam pada form pengecekan suhu ikan.
Fish temperature measurement results are recorded on the fish temperature checking
5. Standar suhu harus dibawah 4.4°C
The standard temperature must be below 4.4 ° C

VI. Rekaman
 Form pengecekan suhu
Fish temperature checking form

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Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
No. dokumen : AP– WP - 14 Rev. no: 00
Document no.


I. Objective
Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas termometer ikan di PT. Anping
Seafood Indonesia
This work instruction was made to explain the application of fish thermometer activity at PT.
Anping Seafood Indonesian

II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Instruksi kerja ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di aktivitas termometer ikan
This work instruction applies to PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia in fish thermometer activities
III. Penanggung Jawab
Person and charge
 Quality Control melakukan kalibrasi thermometer
Quality Control performs thermometer calibration
IV. Alat dan Bahan
Tool and material
 Thermometer


33. Baju Kerja/work shirt

34. Masker /masks
35. Hair net
36. Sarung tangan/golves
37. Apron
38. Boots

V. Instruksi Kerja
Work Instruction
VI. Untuk Kalibrasi thermometer dilakukan pada pihak ke -3 untuk dikalibrasi satu tahun satu
Thermometer calibration is carried out on the 3rd party to be calibrated once a year
VII. Termometer yang digunakan di kalibrasi internal setiap minggu sekali
The thermometer used is internally calibrated once a week
VIII. Metode kalibrasi yang digunakan yaitu kalibrasi suhu rendah dan kalibrasi suhu tinggi.
Calibration methods used are low temperature calibration and high temperature calibration.
IX. Kalibrasi suhu rendah :
Low temperature calibration:

 thermometer standar dicelupkan bersamaan dengan thermometer yang akan dikalibrasi

kedalam air es. Setelah 1 menit, mulailah membaca dan mencatat suhu thermometer secara
bersamaan, dan catat nilai deviasinya
bergantian dengan air panas kemudian quality control melakukan pencatatan terhadap hasil
kalibrasi pada form thermometer
The standard thermometer is dipped together with the thermometer to be calibrated into ice
water. After 1 minute, start reading and recording the thermometer temperature
simultaneously, and note the deviation value alternating with hot water then quality control
records the calibration results on the thermometer form
 kalibarsi suhu tinggi :
higt temperature calibtarion :
 thermometer standar dicelupkan bersamaan dengan thermometer yang akan dikalibrasi
kedalam air es. Setelah 1 menit, mulailah membaca dan mencatat suhu thermometer secara
bersamaan, dan catat nilai deviasinya
bergantian dengan air panas kemudian quality control melakukan pencatatan terhadap hasil
kalibrasi pada form thermometer
The standard thermometer is dipped together with the thermometer to be calibrated into ice
water. After 1 minute, start reading and recording the thermometer temperature
simultaneously, and note the deviation value alternating with hot water then quality control
records the calibration results on the thermometer form
 nilai penyimpangan kalibrasi harus <0,5 °C
nilai penyimpangan kalibrasi harus <0,5 °C
 Termometer standar yang digunakan dalam kalibrasi, harus dikalibrasi oleh pihak ketiga dan
disimpan dalam kondisi yang baik.
Standard thermometers used in calibration must be calibrated by a third party and stored in
good condition.

6. Rekaman
 Form thermometer
Thermometer form

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Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
No. dokumen : AP– WP - 15 Rev. no: 00
Document no.
XV. Objective

Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan pengujian histamin di PT. Anping
Seafood Indonesia

This work instruction was made to explain the application of histamine testing at PT. Anping
Indonesian Seafood

2. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Instruksi kerja ini ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di aktivitas pengujian
histamine di ruang laboratorium.

This work instruction applies to PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia in histamine testing in the

 Penanggung jawab
Person in charge
 QC laboratoruim maakukan pengujian histamine
QC Laboratorry for hismyanine testing

 Alat dan bahan

Tools ans material
23. Pipet
24. Mesin uji histamine (BIOLAN)
25. Timbangan
26. Measurement
27. Aquades
28. Alcohol
29. Reagen Kalibrasi
30. Kulkas pendingan

1. Pipette
2. Histamine teting machanie (BIOLAN)
3. scales
4. Measurement
5. Aquades
6. Alcohol
7. Calibration Reagen
8. refrigeror


39. Masks
40. Hair net
41. Gloves
42. Laboratory clothes

43.Instruksi kerja
Work Instruction
5.1. Persiapan pengujian

Persiapan pengujian dilakukan setiap pagi hari sebelum kegiatan penerimaan ikan dilakukan,
dan akan di ulangi jika terjadi pemadaman listrik

Test preparation is done every morning before the fish reception activity is carried out, and
will be repeated if there is a power outage.


(1) Sambungkan kabel Power pada stabilisator

Connect the Power cable to the stabilizer
(2) Sambungkan kabel USB pada PC atau Laptop
Connect the USB cable on a PC or Laptop
(3) Pasangkan Reference Electrode ke Biotes
Attach the Reference Electrode to Biotes





(1) Sediakan 1 L Aquades di dalam botol laboratorium

Provide 1 L of Aquades in a laboratory bottle
(2) Tambahkan 1 botol Reagen Pengukur Histamin (Histamine Measurement Reagent)
(2) Add 1 bottle of Histamine Measurement Reagent
(3) Kocok hingga larut
Beat until dissolved

(4) Isi kuvet dengan 10 mL Larutan Pengukur Histamin (Histamine Measurement Solution) dan
pasangkan pada tempatnya
Fill the cuvette with a 10 mL Histamine Measurement Solution and place it in place

(5) Tekan tombol ON

Press the ON button
(6) Pasang biotes pada mesim Biofish denag cara di putar dan di eratkan menggunakan skrub
Install the biotes on the Biofish machine by twisting and tightening it using a screwdrive


Tambahkan 2 X 5 ml = 10 mL Larutan Pengukur Histamin ke reagen kalibrasi

Add 2 X 5 ml = 10 ml of histamine measuring solution to calibration reagen



 Aktivate



Step 4 : Histamnie calibration standard preparation (HISTAMINE CALIBRATION


 Tambahkan 2 X 10 ml = 20 mL Larutan Pengukur Histamin

Add 2 X 10 ml = 20 mL of Histamine Measuring Solution
 Keluarkan 0.1 ml / 100 µl
Take out 0.1 ml / 100 µl
 Pipet 0.1 ml / 100 µl Reagen Kalibrasi Histamin
Pipette 0.1 ml / 100 µl Histamine Calibration Reagent
 Masukkan ke botol standa
Put it in the standard bottle
 Kocok botol standar
Shake the standard bottle



Tekan Tombol power pada biotes kemudian tambah pilih pada layar “HISTAMINE” >> Ganti
Biotes (CHANGE BIOTEST) >> Masukkan kode BIOTES >> OK >> Ikan (FISH)>> OK

code >> OK >> Fish (FISH) >> OK

Tekan Analisis (ANALYSIS) -> Aktivasi (ACTIVATE) -> Lanjut (CONTINUE) -> Bunyi ¨beep¨->
lanjut (CONTINUE) -> Tambahkan 2 ml Standar Kalibrasi Histamin -> Tunggu hingga proses
selesai -> Ganti Larutan Pengukur Histamin dalam kuvet dengan yang baru sebanyak 10 mL

Press Analysis (ANALYSIS) -> Activation (ACTIVATE) -> Continue (CONTINUE) -> Sound
¨beep¨-> continue (CONTINUE) -> Add 2 ml of Histamine Calibration Standard -> Wait until
the process is complete -> Change the Histamine Measuring Solution in cuvette with new
ones as much as 10 Ml



Tekan Analisis (ANALYSIS) -> Kalibrasi (CALIBRATE) -> lanjut (CONTINUE) -> bunyi ¨beep¨-
> lanjut (CONTINUE) -> Tambahkan 2 ml Standar Kalibrasi Histamin (fase pertama) -> bunyi
¨beep¨-> lanjut (CONTINUE) -> Tambahkan 2 ml Standar Kalibrasi Histamin (fase kedua) -
> Tunggu hingga proses selesai -> Ganti Larutan Pengukur Histamin dalam kuvet dengan
yang baru sebanyak 10 mL

Press Analysis (ANALYSIS) -> Calibration (CALIBRATE) -> continue (CONTINUE) -> ¨beep¨->
continue (CONTINUE) -> Add 2 ml of Histamine Calibration Standard (first phase) -> ¨beep¨-
sound further (CONTINUE) -> Add 2 ml of the Histamine Calibration Standard (second phase)
-> Wait until the process is complete -> Replace the Histamine Measuring Solution in a
cuvette with a new 10 mL



Tekan Analisis (ANALYSIS) -> Standar (STANDART) -> lanjut (CONTINUE) -> bunyi ¨beep¨-
> lanjut (CONTINUE) -> Tambahkan 2 ml Standar Kalibrasi Histamin -> Tunggu hingga
proses selesai -> Ganti Larutan Pengukur Histamin dalam kuvet dengan yang baru sebanyak
10 mL with new (10 ml)

Press Analysis (ANALYSIS) -> Standard (STANDART) -> continue (CONTINUE) -> ¨beep¨->
continue (CONTINUE) -> Add 2 ml of Histamine Calibration Standard -> Wait until the
process is complete -> Change the Histamine Measuring Solution in cuvette with new ones
as much as 10 mL with new (10 ml)



1. Siapkan plastic diatas timbangan, lalu tera

Prepare the plastic on the scale, then pitch
2. Masukan sampel 10 g kedalam plastic
Enter the 10 g sample into plastic
3. Tambahkan aquades 40 g
Add 40 g of distilled water
4. Homogenkan sampel dan aquades
Homogenize the sample and distilled water
5. Siapkan mesin dengan menekan tombol “ANALYSIS” uji sampel (SAMPLE RANGE) -> lanjut
(CONTINUE) -> bunyi ¨bep¨-> lanjut (CONTINUE)
Prepare the machine by pressing the "ANALYSIS" test sample (SAMPLE RANGE) -> continue
(CONTINUE) -> sound ¨bep¨-> continue (CONTINUE)
6. Masukkan 2 ml sampel ( hasil dari homogen sampel dan aquades ) , tunggu hingga proses
selesai dan hasil keluar.
Enter 2 ml of sample (results from homogeneous samples and distilled water), wait until the
process is complete and the results come out.
7. Ganti Larutan Pengukur Histamin dalam kuvet dengan yang baru sebanyak 10 mL untuk
menormal mesin penguji histamine.
Enter 2 ml of sample (results from homogeneous samples and distilled water), wait until the
process is complete and the results come out.
8. Hasil histamine kemudian di simpan sebagai rekaman, dan juga di catat dalam logbook
The results of histamine are then stored as records, and also recorded in a laboratory
9. Hasil pengujian kemudian diinformasikan kepada Supervisor Produksi.
The test results are then informed of the Production Supervisor.

44. Rekaman
 Hasil uji histamine.
 Log book laboratorium.
 Histamine tets result
 Laboratory log book

Dibuat oleh : Diperiksa oleh : Disetujui oleh :

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

No. dokumen : AP– WP - 16 Rev. no: 00

Document no.


I. Objective

Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas penimbangan ikan di PT.
Anping Seafood Indonesia

This work instruction was made to explain the application of fish weighing activities in PT. Anping
Indonesian Seafood

II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Instruksi kerja ini ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di aktivitas penimbangan ikan

This work instruction applies to PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia in fish weighing activities

III. Penanggung Jawab

 Supervisor memonitoring saat kegiatan penimbangan ikan
Supervisors monitor when weighing fish
 QC melakukan kalibrasi timbangan.
QC calibrates the scales.
 Petugas penimbang melakukan aktivitas penimbangan
Weighing officers carry out weighing activities
 Tally melakukan perekaman hasil penimbangan
Tally records the weighing results

IV. Alat dan Bahan

Tool and material
31. Timbangan/scales
32. Anak timbangan/ child scales

APD/ PPEBaju Kerja/work shirt

II. Masker /masks

III. Hair net
IV. Sarung tangan/golves
V. Apron
VI. Boots

V. Instruksi Kerja

Sebelum melakukan penimbanga, QC melakukan kalibrasi timbangan dan pengecekan

kebersihan timbangan

Before carrying out the weighing, QC performs calibration of the scales and checks the scales for
a. Pembersihan timbangan dilakukan dengan cara menyiram dudukan timbangan dengan air
bersih, kemudian di keringkan dan setelah di semprotkan alcohol.
Cleaning the scales is done by watering the scales with clean water, then dry and after
spraying with alcohol.
b. Kalibrasi timbangan dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan batu/anak timbangan.
Weigh calibration is done by using a stone / scales.
c. Petugas penimbang, memastikan daya timbangan telah terisi penuh.
Weighing officers, ensure that the balance has been fully charged.
d. Petugas tally melakukan pencatatan hasil penimbangan pada form tally.
The tally officer records the results of the weighing on the tally form.
e. Petugas tally bertanggung jawab memastikan semua hasil timbangan tercatat pada fom
ini, jika ada produk yang terlewat untuk di catat hasil timbangannya, maka petugas tally
berhak meminta untuk dilakukan penimbangan kembali.
The tally officer is responsible for ensuring that all the results of the scales are recorded in
this form, if there is a product that has been missed to record the results of the scales,
then the tally officer has the right to ask to be reconsidered.
f. Jika terjadi perbedaan jumlah rekaman dengan jumlah produk, tally wajib melaporkan
kepada Supervisor Produksi untuk dilakukan tindakan penelusuran/koreksi.
If there is a difference in the number of records with the number of products, the tally is
required to report to the Production Supervisor to do a search / correction.
VI. Rekaman
 Form housekeeping
 Form Tally

Dibuat oleh : Diperiksa oleh : Disetujui oleh :

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

No. dokumen : AP– WI - 01 Rev. no: 00

Document no.
Allergen Control
Work Instruction

I. Periksa bahan pengemas yang akan digunakan dan pastikan

terdapat label produk.
Check the packaging materials will be used and make sure the
product labels.

II. Sebelum melakukan pengemasan periksa kembali apakah label

pada bahan pengemas sesuai dengan produk yang akan
Before doing package revise whether label on including materials in
accordance with the product that will be packed.

III. Apabila jenis produk pada label tidak sesuai dengan produk
yang akan dikemas maka lakukan penggantian dengan bahan
pengemas yang sesuai.
Whether the product type on the label is not compatible with the
product that will be packed do this replacement with an accurate
packaging material.

Dibuat oleh Diperiksa Oleh Disetujui oleh

Food Safety Team Operattional Director President Director

No. dokumen : AP– WI - 22 Rev. no: 00

Document no.


I. Objective
Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas termometer ikan di PT. Anping
Seafood Indonesia
This work instruction was made to explain the application of fish thermometer activity at PT.
Anping Seafood Indonesian

II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Instruksi kerja ini ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di aktivitas termometer ikan
This work instruction applies to PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia in fish thermometer activities

III. Penanggung Jawab

Person and charge
 Quality Control melakukan kalibrasi thermometer
Quality Control performs thermometer calibration
IV. Alat dan Bahan
Tool and material
 Thermometer


45. Baju Kerja/work shirt

46. Masker /masks
47. Hair net
48. Sarung tangan/golves
49. Apron
50. Boots

V. Instruksi Kerja
Work Instruction

1. Untuk Kalibrasi thermometer dilakukan pada pihak ke -3 untuk dikalibrasi satu tahun satu kali
Thermometer calibration is carried out on the 3rd party to be calibrated once a year
2. Termometer yang digunakan harus dikalibrasi minimal satu bulan satu kali
Thermometers used must be calibrated at least once a month
3. Metode kalibrasi yang digunakan yaitu kalibrasi suhu rendah dan kalibrasi suhu tinggi.
Calibration methods used are low temperature calibration and high temperature calibration.
4. Kalibrasi suhu rendah :
Low temperature calibration:

 thermometer standar dicelupkan bersamaan dengan thermometer yang akan dikalibrasi

kedalam air es. Setelah 1 menit, mulailah membaca dan mencatat suhu thermometer secara
bersamaan, dan catat nilai deviasinya
bergantian dengan air panas kemudian quality control melakukan pencatatan terhadap hasil
kalibrasi pada form thermometer
The standard thermometer is dipped together with the thermometer to be calibrated into ice
water. After 1 minute, start reading and recording the thermometer temperature
simultaneously, and note the deviation value alternating with hot water then quality control
records the calibration results on the thermometer form
 kalibarsi suhu tinggi :
higt temperature calibtarion :
 thermometer standar dicelupkan bersamaan dengan thermometer yang akan dikalibrasi
kedalam air es. Setelah 1 menit, mulailah membaca dan mencatat suhu thermometer secara
bersamaan, dan catat nilai deviasinya
bergantian dengan air panas kemudian quality control melakukan pencatatan terhadap hasil
kalibrasi pada form thermometer
The standard thermometer is dipped together with the thermometer to be calibrated into ice
water. After 1 minute, start reading and recording the thermometer temperature
simultaneously, and note the deviation value alternating with hot water then quality control
records the calibration results on the thermometer form
 nilai penyimpangan kalibrasi harus <0,5 °C
nilai penyimpangan kalibrasi harus <0,5 °C
 Termometer standar yang digunakan dalam kalibrasi, harus dikalibrasi oleh pihak ketiga dan
disimpan dalam kondisi yang baik.
Standard thermometers used in calibration must be calibrated by a third party and stored in
good condition.

7. Rekaman
 Form thermometer
Thermometer form

Dibuat oleh Diperiksa Oleh Disetujui oleh

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Document Control Operational Director President Director

No. dokumen : AP– WI - 23 Rev. no: 00

Document no.


I. Objective

Instruksi kerja ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan penerapan aktivitas penimbangan ikan di PT.
Anping Seafood Indonesia

This work instruction was made to explain the application of fish weighing activities in PT. Anping
Indonesian Seafood

II. Scope/ Ruang Lingkup

Instruksi kerja ini ini berlaku pada PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia di aktivitas penimbangan ikan

This work instruction applies to PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia in fish weighing activities

III. Penanggung Jawab

 Supervisor memonitoring saat kegiatan penimbangan ikan

Supervisors monitor when weighing fish
 QC melakukan kalibrasi timbangan.
QC calibrates the scales.
 Petugas penimbang melakukan aktivitas penimbangan
Weighing officers carry out weighing activities
 Tally melakukan perekaman hasil penimbangan
Tally records the weighing results

IV. Alat dan Bahan

Tool and material

33. Timbangan/scales
34. Anak timbangan/ child scales

51. Baju Kerja/work shirt
52. Masker /masks
53. Hair net
54. Sarung tangan/golves
55. Apron
56. Boots

V. Instruksi Kerja
Sebelum melakukan penimbanga, QC melakukan kalibrasi timbangan dan pengecekan
kebersihan timbangan
Before carrying out the weighing, QC performs calibration of the scales and checks the scales for
g. Pembersihan timbangan dilakukan dengan cara menyiram dudukan timbangan dengan air
bersih, kemudian di keringkan dan setelah di semprotkan alcohol.
Cleaning the scales is done by watering the scales with clean water, then dry and after
spraying with alcohol.
h. Kalibrasi timbangan dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan batu/anak timbangan.
Weigh calibration is done by using a stone / scales.
i. Petugas penimbang, memastikan daya timbangan telah terisi penuh.
Weighing officers, ensure that the balance has been fully charged.
j. Petugas tally melakukan pencatatan hasil penimbangan pada form tally.
The tally officer records the results of the weighing on the tally form.
k. Petugas tally bertanggung jawab memastikan semua hasil timbangan tercatat pada fom
ini, jika ada produk yang terlewat untuk di catat hasil timbangannya, maka petugas tally
berhak meminta untuk dilakukan penimbangan kembali.
The tally officer is responsible for ensuring that all the results of the scales are recorded in
this form, if there is a product that has been missed to record the results of the scales,
then the tally officer has the right to ask to be reconsidered.
l. Jika terjadi perbedaan jumlah rekaman dengan jumlah produk, tally wajib melaporkan
kepada Supervisor Produksi untuk dilakukan tindakan penelusuran/koreksi.
If there is a difference in the number of records with the number of products, the tally is
required to report to the Production Supervisor to do a search / correction.
3. Rekaman
 Form housekeeping
 Form Tally

Dibuat oleh Diperiksa Oleh Disetujui oleh

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Document Control Operational Director President Director

No. dokumen : AP– WI - 24 Rev. no: 00

Document no.
Menjelaskan mekanisme pelepasan produk (produk release)
Describes the mechanism of product release (product release)


Instruu=ksi kerja ini berlaku bagi produk yang akan dilepaskan untuk diexpor, orang yang
bertanggung jawab serta persyaratan pelepasan produk.
This work instruction applies to products to be released for export, responsible persons and
product release requirements.


Penanggung jawab kegiatan penanganan pengeluran bahan baku ikan sebelum keluar dari Cold
Storage adalah penanggung jawab Cold Storage dan Kepala Produksi.
The person in charge of handling the handling of fish raw material before leaving Cold Storage is
the person in charge of Cold Storage and the Head of Production.

4.1. Peralatan & bahan
Equipment & materials
b. Pallet
b. Gloves
c. Alat Tulis (untuk mencatat pemisahan jenis, ukuran, dsb)
Stationery (to record separation of types, sizes, etc.)
d. Alat pengukur temperature
Temperature measuring device
e. Alat pemindah barang (manual hand truck, fork lift, dan sejenisnya)
Moving equipment (manual hand trucks, fork lifts, and the like)

4.2. Instruksi Kerja

Work Instruction

13. Inspeksi produk sesuai PO dilakukan oleh Supervisor Produksi.

Product inspection according to PO implemented by Supervisor Production.
14. Jika sudah sesuai petugas Logistics akan memesan Container
If it is appropriate the Logistics officer will order a Container
15. Saat Container tiba, QC melakukan pemeriksaan kebersihan dan keadaan mesin pendingin
berfungsi dengan baik atau tidak (Form pemeriksaan suhu dan sanitasi Kontainer AP-FO-
When the Container arrives, the QC performs a cleanliness check and the condition of the
cooling machine is functioning properly or not (AP-FO-18 Container temperature and
sanitation inspection form)
16. Petugas Logistic akan menghidupkan mesin pendingin container, hingga mencapai -25°C.
The Logistics Officer will start the container cooling machine, until it reaches -25 ° C.
17. Saat suhu telah mencapai standar, kegiatan pemuatan dilakukan, dengan pengawasan,
Supervisor Produk dan QC.
When the temperature has reached the standard, loading activities are carried out, with
supervision, Product Supervisor and QC.
18. Sebelum pemuatan dilakukan QC memastikan Lantai Ante Room dan area pemuatan
dalam keadaan bersih, serta suhu Ante Room di bawah 15°C (Form pemeriksaan suhu dan
sanitasi Kontainer AP-FO-18)
Before loading, QC ensures that the Ante Room Floor and loading area are clean, and the
Ante Room temperature is below 15 ° C (AP-FO-18 Container temperature and sanitation
inspection form)
19. Pemuatan dilakukan sesuai dengan PO. QC menegecek Produk untuk memastikan Produk
sesuai PO, dan kemasan produk dalam kondisi baik (Form Pengecek Produk Loading AP-
Pemuatan dilakukan sesuai denga Lot Code dan terekam dalam laporan pengecekan
Loading is done in accordance with PO. QC checks the product to make sure the product is
in accordance with PO, and the product packaging is in good condition (Product Check
Form Loading AP-FO-19)
Loading is done according to Lot Code and recorded in the loading checking report
20. Supervisor Produksi, memastikan kegiatan ini hanya dilakukan paling lama 3 jam untuk 1
Production Supervisor, ensuring this activity is only carried out for a maximum of 3 hours
for 1 container.
21. Produk di susun di dalam container, tidak melewati garis batas di dalam container (red
Products are arranged in containers, do not cross the boundary line in the container (red
22. Selesai pemuatan, Supervisor Produksi memastikan pintu Container ditutup dan disegel
dengan baik dan mesin pendingin container dihidupkan.
After loading, the Production Supervisor ensures that the Container door is closed
properly and sealed and the container cooling machine is turned on.
23. Container dapat keluar dari area Pabrik jika telah mencapai suhu -18°C.
The container can exit the factory area if it has reached a temperature of -18 ° C.
24. Petugas Logistics dan Pihak Shipping Line, berkoordinasi untuk memastikan produk
sampai ditempat tujuan dengan aman. Tidak ada pencampuran produk, suhu tetap
terkontrol sesuai standar, dan jika terjadi kecelakaan dalam proses perngiriman/shipping,
Pihak Shipping Line, wajib menginformasikan pada pihak perusahaan sesegera mungkin
saat menerima informasi tersebut.
Logistics Officers and Shipping Line Parties, coordinate to ensure products arrive at their
destination safely. There is no product mixing, the temperature remains controlled
according to the standard, and if an accident occurs in the shipping process / shipping,
the Shipping Line, must inform the company as soon as possible when receiving the

4. AP-FO-18 Container temperature and sanitation inspection form
5. Form pemeriksaan suhu dan sanitasi Kontainer AP-FO-18
6. Purchase Order

Dibuat oleh : Diperiksa oleh : Disetujui oleh :

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

No. dokumen : AP– WI - 26 Rev. no: 00

Document no.
(CO, Alcohol 70% and Chlorine)
I. Tujuan/ Goals
Menerangkan tata cara penerimaan bahan kimia (CO, Alcohol 70% dan Chlorine)

Describe how to handling the receiving of chemical material (CO, Alcohol 70% and Chlorine)

II. Ruang Lingkup/ Scope

Intruksi kerja ini mencakup kegiatan penerimaan bahan kimia (CO, Alcohol 70% dan Chlorine) di
dalam perusahaan PT. Anping Seafood Indonesia

Work instructions include acceptance chemicals activities (CO, Alcohol 70% and Chlorine) in PT.
Anping Seafood Indoensia

III. Instruksi Kerja/ Work Instruction

3.1. Receiving of CO
1. Supplier CO menginformasikan pada bagian purchaser mengenai jadwal kedatangan
CO serta jumlahnya, sesuai dengan yang di order.
The CO supplier informs the purchaser section of the CO arrival schedule and the
amount, according to what was ordered.
2. Purchaser menginformasikan pada Penanggung Jawab Warehouse, QC inspector dan
Security mengenai jadwal kedatangan serta detail CO yang akan di terima baik
spesifikasi dan juga jumlah.
Purchaser informs the person in charge of the Warehouse, QC inspector and security
about the arrival schedule and details of the CO that will be received, both
specifications and quantities.
3. Saat CO tiba di perusahaan, QC Inspector akan memeriksa terlebih dahulu kelengkapan
dokumennya dan melakukan pengecekan kondisi CO, dan direkam pada Form
Penerimaan Bahan Kimia (AP-MF-33)
Setelah Pengecekan selesai dan dinyatakan lengkap dan sesuai, maka Petugas
Warehouse akan mendampingi untuk proses penyimpanan.
When the CO arrives at the company, the QC Inspector will first check the
completeness of the documents and check the condition of the CO, and record it on the
Chemical Acceptance Form (AP-MF-33)
After checking is complete and declared complete and appropriate, the Warehouse
Officer will accompany the storage process.
IV. Petugas Warehouse melakukan pendampingan dan penghitungan jumlah CO utuk
memastikan jumlah yang masuk sesuai dengan yang disampaikan oleh bagian
Warehouse clerk performs assistance and calculates the number of COs to ensure that
the incoming amount is in accordance with that delivered by the purchaser.
V. Petugas CO dari supplier akan melakukan penyimpanan CO di ruangan penyimpanan
khusus CO yang ada di perusahaan dengan diawasi oleh Petugas Warehouse dan QC
The CO officer from the supplier will store the CO in a special CO storage room in the
company, supervised by the Warehouse Officer and QC Inspector.
3.2. Receiving of Chlorine and Alcohol
1. Supplier Alkohol 70% dan Chlorine, menginformasikan pada bagian purchaser mengenai
jadwal kedatangan serta jumlah pada Purchaser sesuai denga yang telah di order.
Supplier of 70% Alcohol and Chlorine, inform the purchaser section about the arrival
schedule and the quantity on the Purchaser according to what has been ordered.
2. Purchaser menginformasikan pada Penanggung Jawab Warehouse, QC inspector dan
Security mengenai jadwal kedatangan serta detail Chlorine/ Alcohol 70% yang akan di
terima baik spesifikasi dan juga jumlah
The Purchaser informs the Warehouse Person, QC inspector and Security about the
arrival schedule as well as the 70% Chlorine / Alcohol details that will be received in
both specifications and quantity
3.Saat Chlorine/ Alcohol 70% tiba di perusahaan, QC Inspector akan memeriksa terlebih
dahulu kelengkapan dokumennya dan melakukan pengecekan kondisi Chlorine/ Alcohol
70%, dan direkam padaaa Form Penerimaan Bahan Kimia (AP-MF-33)
Setelah Pengecekan selesai dan dinyatakan lengkap dan sesuai, maka Petugas
Warehouse dan QC Inspector akan mendampingi untuk proses penyimpanan.
When Chlorine / Alcohol 70% arrives at the company, QC Inspector will first check the
completeness of the documents and check the condition of Chlorine / Alcohol 70%, and
record it on the Chemical Acceptance Form (AP-MF-33)
After checking is complete and declared complete and appropriate, the Warehouse
Officer and QC Inspector will accompany the storage process.
4. Petugas Warehouse melakukan pendampingan dan penghitungan jumlah Chlorine/
Alcohol 70% utuk memastikan jumlah yang masuk sesuai dengan yang disampaikan
oleh bagian purchaser.
Warehouse clerk performs assistance and calculates the amount of Chlorine / Alcohol
70% to ensure the incoming amount is in accordance with what was conveyed by the
5. Petugas CO dan QC Inspector, melakukan penyimpanan Chlorine/ Alcohol 70% di ruang
khusus yang telah disediakan (chemical room).
CO and QC Inspector Officers, to store 70% Chlorine / Alcohol in a special room that
has been provided (chemical room).
VI. Lampiran/ Attachment

VI.1 Form Penerimaan Bahan Kimia

Receiving of Chemicals Form

Dibuat oleh Diperiksa Oleh Disetujui oleh

Prepared by Checked by Approved by

Food Safety Team Operational Director President Director

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