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Phone Masts and Breast Cancer: "Request for health report as cancer cases increase".
The mayor is concerned because many diseases are produced by two antennas.
E. De Gea 12 10 2011 Rojales Town Council request the Department of Health epidemiological report that it contains a listing of the number of neighbors who have some type of disease, especially cancer, by detecting an increase in the urban center of this type of ailment. In particular, the high number of women suffering from this disease in the chest and reside in the vicinity of two mobile phone masts. As explained by the PSOE mayor, Antonio Perez, seeks to know if the municipality is within normal parameters by number of inhabitants in the incidence of cancer and other diseases because 'it is rare that so many cases are taking place and neighbors are alarmed.' Has been told this means directly from one of the women suffering from breast cancer, the oncologist at the Regional Hospital of Torrevieja which has been shown is surprised by the large number of Phone masts - Rojales. women in this town that caters for the same ailment. 'I was wondering where he lived, what was Rojales, and I said what s on everyone's mind: What's in urban and mobile antennas Segura river splits into two people,' he explains. Has been told this means, since 2003 there have been around two mobile phone masts at least 24 people affected by various diseases from cancer to abortions, to premature births, malformations and chronic renal failure, among others. Three residents in the vicinity of the antenna next to the local office of the County Council have already died. In addition, this antenna, along which lies a few meters from the offices of the local police in Rojales, does not comply with the rules of distance from these facilities to public schools and parks, since it is located a few meters from the Institute of Education Secondary municipal day care child health center and public parks Rojales. Also outline that in a building attached to the antenna next to the office of the County, home to 17 families, there have been eight cases of cancer and other diseases. Write a new local ordinance. The Mayor of Rojales, Antonio Perez, said yesterday that he is drafting a new ordinance that will regulate the installation of mobile antennas in the municipality, and where to place 'away from the town' to "give the public a service and at the same time does not harm allegedly health.' On the possibility of forcing mobile companies to remove the two antennas located in the center said that 'it is our intention.' Hence, the wording of the Ordinance. In mid-March 2004 when he began to detect the disease in nearby Rojales the two antennas, the mobile operators then 'dismissed' by a spokesman for the existence of cause and effect between the electromagnetic waves produced by the mobile phone (!) masts and disease detection.

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